EMS :: Volume #2

#162: Tianyuan sect

Chapter 162 Heavenly Yuan Sect 第162章天元宗 This world is very big, antiquity first ten Martial Spirit no doubt shocked everybody, was actually not invincible existence.” Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow said that such as Monster Race on many big Magical Powers, these antiquity Monster Race had the generation of Bloodlines Magical Powers non- commonplace to compare.” “这世界很大,上古前十的武魂固然惊世骇俗,却也不是无敌的存在。”吞天雀说道,“如妖族就不乏大神通者,那些上古妖族一个个都拥有着血脉神通非等闲之辈可比。” It was afraid Xiao Yun to know too, suddenly proud and arrogant lost the martial artist basis, therefore could not bear reminded one. 它害怕萧云知道太多,一时心高气傲失去了武者的根本,所以忍不住多提醒了一句。 You could rest assured that I same will try hard.” The Xiao Yun pupil dew is firm and resolute, nodded to say. “你放心,我一样会努力的。”萧云眸露坚毅,点了点头道。 Also slightly asked for advice regarding these Bloodlines Magical Powers Xiao Yun, initially when Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow crossed the tribulation swallowed thunder that is the what kind aggression? 对于那些血脉神通萧云也是略有领教,当初吞天雀渡劫时吞噬雷霆那是何等的霸气? The Emperor Feng palm moves, if there is a Divine Phoenix being near dust, that is power and prestige how. 风皇手掌一动,如有神凤临尘,那又是多么的威风。 Even though Xiao Yun has Life Martial Spirit, is far from enough, just like the ancient said that the Life Martial Spirit earlier period lacked battle strength, very hard to bring about long arrived at big accomplishment, was so, as long as awakened this Martial Spirit person to start is very low-key, until having small accomplishment will be born. 纵使萧云拥有生命武魂,也远远不够,正如古人所言,生命武魂前期缺少战力,很难成长到大成,也是如此,但凡觉醒了这武魂的人开始都很低调,直到有所小成才会出世。 However after making clear this condition Xiao Yun at least had an accurate goal. 不过在搞清楚这状况后萧云至少有了一个确切的目标。 Was right, you had not said that which clan had life Martial Spirit is?” Xiao Yun asked suddenly. “对了,你还没有说拥有生命的武魂是哪个氏族了?”萧云突然问道。 This is the key point that he wants to know. 这才是他想知道的重点。 Six months ago Xiao Yun listened to Old Master to mention the father is the severe wound returns several years ago. 在半年前萧云就听老爷子提及了父亲在十几年前是重伤归来。 Judges according to this, Xiao father definitely offended any personal enemy, but his mother has not appeared, lets in the Xiao Yun heart the doubt. 依此判断,萧父肯定是得罪了什么仇家,可他母亲又没有出现,让萧云心中狐疑不已。 „Was the father asks mother to go?” “难道父亲是去找母亲去了吗?” Except in addition, Xiao Yun could not find other reasons again. 除此外,萧云再也找不到其它的理由了。 Since own Martial Spirit may be inherits mother, the influence that mother is at should not be weak is, will the father have the matter? 既然自己武魂有可能是继承母亲,母亲所在的势力应该不弱才是,父亲怎么会有事? Initially but his father the severe wound returned, pinned him on Purple Clouds County City! 当初他父亲可是重伤归来,将他寄托在紫云郡城啊! All sorts of doubts wind around in the heart, now Xiao Yun can seek clues finally. 种种疑惑缭绕在心头,如今萧云终于是可以寻到一点蛛丝马迹了。 Indeed the clan had presented Life Martial Spirit in Heavenly Capital Domain.” Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow hesitates slightly said afterward that it does not want to inform Xiao Yun, feared that brings too many pressures to him, if own did not say that only feared will leave behind a heart knot to him. “在天都域的确曾经有一个氏族出现过生命武魂。”吞天雀略微沉吟随后说道,本来它不想告知萧云,怕给他带来太多的压力,可是若自己不说只怕会给他留下一个心结。 Gets down this heart knot to become the shackles on Xiao Yun practice path for a long time. 长久下去这个心结或许会成为萧云修炼一道上的桎梏。 Therefore Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow opens the mouth finally. 所以吞天雀最终还是开口。 „, What clan is?” Xiao Yun eye one bright, asking that somewhat hopes. “哦,是什么氏族?”萧云眼睛一亮,有些期许的问道。 Yao Clan.” Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow said that as for other, you do not think, this world is very big, later waited for you enough formidable naturally to contact that all, but you, if were weak, knows that too did not have what advantage to you.” 姚氏。”吞天雀道,“至于其它,你还是别多想,这个世界很大,以后等你足够强大了自然会接触到那一切,可你要是不够强,知道太多对你而言并没有什么好处。” Em.” Xiao Yun nods, silently has placed in that Yao Clan two characters the heart, perhaps this is the clan that his mother is , after waiting, he enough formidable has then been able this to find his father for the clue, as the matter stands can also complete his Grandfather wish. “恩。”萧云点头,默默的将那姚氏二字放在了心中,或许这就是他母亲所在的氏族,等以后他足够强大了便可以此为线索找到他父亲,这样一来也就可以完成他爷爷的心愿了。 Xiao Yun knows, not only he worries father, Grandfather is also so, otherwise initially will not say this matter. 萧云知道,不仅他牵挂父亲,爷爷也是如此,不然当初也不会将此事说出来了。 Finally two days later, arrived at the Heavenly Yuan Sect disciple set the time, Xiao Yun took one's leave Emperor Feng to leave Imperial Palace in light of this. 在两天后,终于到了天元宗弟子集合的时候,萧云拜别了风皇就此离开了皇宫 Princess Yuyao has not come to see off, because her within the body Bloodlines regained consciousness at this time gradually, whole person makings big change, once goes out to be discovered her situation very much easily, since previous and Xiao Yun one starts to close up since parting. 羽瑶公主并没有来送行,因为此时她体内血脉已经逐渐苏醒,整个人气质大变,一旦外出很容易被人发现她的情况,所以自从上次与萧云一别后就开始闭关。 In a school ground in imperial city, Deacon Qin falls with several Heavenly Yuan Sect Manager on high stage is overlooking under. 皇城内的一处校场中,秦执事与几位天元宗管事落在高台上俯视着下方。 Arranges neatly there several hundred disciple, is waiting. 在那里数百名弟子排列整齐,正在等候出发。 Xiao Yun with Deacon Qin stays together, because he does not have various to join peaks, but wants direct to join that Core Palace. 萧云则是与秦执事呆在一起,因为他并没有拜入各峰,而是要直接拜入核心殿 Population has arrived in full, preparation.” Deacon Qin took a fast look around a below youth, offers a sacrifice to an animal skin unexpectedly, above runes twinkle, blooms dazzling rays of light, at once has a fluctuation of energy to pick up on load bearing in Faqiang the people. “人数已到齐,准备出发。”秦执事扫视了一眼下方的少年,蓦地祭出一块兽皮,上面符文闪烁,绽放出耀眼的光芒,旋即就有着一股能量波动将众人托起承载于法强上。 „!” “出发!” As drinks severely, Deacon Qin stimulates to movement Magic Item then to turn toward void running away of distant place. 随着一声厉喝,秦执事催动着法器便向着远处的虚空遁去。 This animal skin launches, broad incomparable, can the load bearing thousand people, front rays of light bloom covers the people completely. 这兽皮展开,宽阔无比,能承载千人,前方光芒绽放完全将众人笼罩。 This is for the air current that to prevent the flying speed brings quickly above cultivator wounding. 这是为了防止飞行速度过快所带来的气流将上面的修者给击伤。 General flight Magic Item will have to should runes Formation protection. 一般的飞行法器都会有着向应的符文阵法保护。 Naturally, some low-level flight Magic Item actually not this Formation blessing, therefore relatively speaking the speed also wants to be slower. 当然,一些低级的飞行法器却并没有这种阵法加持,所以相对而言速度也要慢许多。 Xiao Yun stands side Deacon Qin, in the both sides was several Manager. 萧云站立在秦执事身边,在两侧便是几位管事了。 Heavenly Yuan Sect is away from Wind Moon Kingdom to be near, only then 28,000 thousand li(500 km), did not need for two days to arrive by the Deacon Qin this Cloud Python Carpet flying speed, Hehe, and other later to join Core Palace will have the opportunity to obtain like flight Magic Item.” Nearby Yuan Rong shows a smiling face, said toward the Xiao Yun explanation, although latter to join Medicine Peak cannot he not reduce warmly as before. 天元宗距离风月国较近,只有28000千里,凭借秦执事云蟒毯的飞行速度不用两天就可以到达了,呵呵,像这样的飞行法器等你以后拜入核心殿也将有机会获得。”旁边的袁熔脸露笑容,向着萧云讲解道,虽然后者不会拜入药峰可他热情依旧未减。 Favors regarding Xiao Yun potential Yuan Rong extremely, therefore absolutely does not have therefore lives to hate. 对于萧云的潜力袁熔极为看好,所以根本就没有因此生恨。 28,000 thousand li(500 km)?” Xiao Yun sucks the shed secretly, Magic Item is different, can save the too much time. “28000千里?”萧云暗暗咂舍,法器就是不一样,可以让人省去太多的时间了。 How long otherwise does 20,000 li (0.5km) distance make a long and wearisome journey to want? 不然20000里的距离长途跋涉该要多久? Even if Yuan Core Realm cultivates walk flying in the sky also to exhaust massive Yuan Qi. 就算是元丹境修着遁空而行也会耗竭大量的元气 Your matter we reported in the gate Elder, discussed after elder that the consistent decision remits your crime, and makes you obtain the qualifications of to join Core Palace, same has the steep competition in Core Palace, there collects is the spoiled child, you want to obtain compared with others many resources, must emerge from middle is good.” “你的事情我们已经禀告了门中长老,经过诸位长者商议,一致决定赦免你的罪,并且让你得到拜入核心殿的资格,不过在核心殿一样有着激烈竞争,那里所汇集的都是之骄子,你想要得到比别人多的资源,就必须从当中脱颖而出才行。” Deacon Qin also caresses must smile, said that naturally, I believe not good to be buried to where by your natural talent, was only to Heavenly Yuan Sect all by the own strength, your Monster Spirit only feared that cannot extremely rely on.” 秦执事也是不由抚须一笑,道,“当然,我相信凭借你的天赋到哪里也不好被埋没,只是到了天元宗一切得靠自己的实力,你那妖灵只怕也就不能太过依赖了。” Ratio in Sect is not background, but is the own strength. 宗门内比的不是底蕴,而是自己的实力。 Although Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow is also Xiao Yun trump card, may not belong to his strength after all, is not enough to weigh his potential by this. 虽然吞天雀也算是萧云底牌,可毕竟不属于他的力量,不足以以此衡量他的潜力。 In Core Palace, what these Elder regard as important is the disciple development potential, will not care as for the temporary success and failure. 核心殿,那些长老更看重的是弟子的发展潜力,至于一时的得失并不会在意。 I understand.” Xiao Yun nodded, during he is also understands the truth. “我明白。”萧云点了点头,他也是明白当中的道理。 disciple of dependence external force, beginning sect hard to bring about great talent. 一个依靠外力的弟子,始宗难成大器。 However does not have Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow Xiao Yun to believe that own will not compare others to be weak. 不过就算没有吞天雀萧云相信自己不会比别人弱。 Afterward several elder gave Xiao Yun to explain the Heavenly Yuan Sect sect rule wait / etc.. 随后几位长者又给萧云讲解了一下天元宗的门规等等。 This lets nearby Qiu Xuanrong air/Qi, but complexion azure-white. 这让得旁边的邱玄嵘气得可是脸色一阵青一阵白 Some Qiu Family youth are also brows tightly frowns. 一些邱家的青年也是眉头紧锁 This fellow.” Side, Qiu Yufeng pupil light sinks, has the rays of light twinkle of several points of freezing cold. “这家伙。”旁边,邱雨枫眸光一沉,有着几分森寒光芒闪烁。 Qiu Yuchen is his elder brother, cherishes hatred in the hand of Xiao Yun, he thinks can take latter's life by this examination, will expect will have this result, the present Xiao Yun crest of wave is almost really unmatched in this batch of new disciple. 邱雨辰便是他兄长,饮恨在萧云之手,本来他以为可以凭借这场考核取了后者的性命,怎么料到会有这结果,如今的萧云风头之甚几乎在这批新弟子中无人可比。 Although in the heart hates, Qiu Yufeng also has no alternative. 虽然心中怨恨,邱雨枫也无可奈何。 Previous time is both fruitless including Qiu Xuanrong two Clan Elder take action, he must swallow this tone first. 上次连邱玄嵘两位族老出手都无果,他也只得先咽下这口气了。 Regarding Qiu Family person Xiao Yun and not caring. 对于邱家的人萧云并不在意。 So long as in Heavenly Yuan Sect he believes that these people do not dare to start to own. 只要在天元宗内他相信这些人还是不敢对自己下手。 While carrying on flying blanket, vaguely can arrive at the mountains by that light runes in unceasingly retreat, the fog in flying, the talents of various clans look behind, has several to worry separately that what in the heart are more is excited, because they can step into Heavenly Yuan Sect not long officially. 乘载在飞毯上,透过那光纹依稀可以到山川在不断后退,云雾在飞动,各族的天才回望身后,有着几分别愁,不过心中更多的是兴奋,因为不用多久他们就可以正式踏入天元宗了。 So long as to join Heavenly Yuan Sect, they had the opportunity become powerhouse , the ratio keeps Wind Moon Kingdom these people to strive to excel badly. 只要拜入天元宗,他们就有机会成为强者,最差也比留在风月国的那些人要强。 With this excitement, two days of blinked on the past. 在这种激动的心情下,两天的时间眨眼就过去了。 Suddenly the speed of flying blanket is weaken, that light screen dissipates gradually, cool breeze strokes has blown the clothes robe of people flap flap makes noise, has not waited for the people surprised, they are felt that the front has a rich Yuan Qi front surface to throw to submerge in the nose. 突然飞毯的速度减弱,那光幕逐渐消散,一阵清风拂过将众人的衣袍吹得猎猎作响,还不等众人惊讶,他们便是感觉到了前方有着一股浓郁的元气迎面扑来没入了鼻子中。 Good rich Yuan Qi, compared with County City in rich more than ten times.” “好浓郁的元气,比郡城中浓郁了不止十倍。” You looked that there has a piece of mountain range to tower in the clouds.” Screams resound in the crowd flutter in the horizon. “你们看,那里有着一片山峦耸立在云端。”一道道惊呼声在人群中响起飘荡于天际。 The next quarter, all youth stared in a big way the eye, looked into the distance to go forward, wound around to have one to tower there fog in the clouds peaks and ridges, vaguely can feel that the front that fog has vast fluctuation to fill the air. 下一刻,所有的少年都瞪大了眼睛,向前眺望而去,在那里云雾缭绕有着一座耸立在云端的峰峦,依稀可以感觉到前方那云雾当中有着一股浩瀚的波动弥漫开来。 „Is that Heavenly Yuan Sect?” The people shaking have shaken by that fluctuation, the heart lives to be charmed, twittering said in a low voice. “那是天元宗吗?”众人被那股波动给震了一震,不由心生神往,低声呢喃道。 Heavenly Yuan Sect?” Xiao Yun slightly narrows the pupil, tight stared at the front, the fist has been gripping tightly. 天元宗?”萧云眸子微眯,紧紧的盯着前方,拳头不由紧紧握了起来。 Here is the beginning of road of his powerhouse. 这里将是他强者之路的开端。 So long as there is resources, Xiao Yun believes that the own strength can certainly progress by leaps and bounds. 只要有了资源,萧云相信自己的实力一定可以突飞猛进。 You will soon want to join Heavenly Yuan Sect, later is here person, therefore does not have what to be good to make much ado about nothing, so long as suffices, you can dominate Nine Heavens to overlook the world, otherwise, even if you place the clouds are also ants.” A Deacon Qin face with deep veneration, makes noise disciple that calls out in alarm to say toward behind these that powerhouse should have the powerhouse style.” “你们即将就要拜入天元宗了,以后便是这里的人,所以也没有什么好大惊小怪,只要够强,你就可以凌驾九天俯视天地,反之,就算你身处云端也是一介蝼蚁。”秦执事一脸肃然,向着身后那些出声惊呼的弟子说道,“强者就该有强者的风范。” Yes, disciple records the Deacon Qin instruction sincerely.” After speaking disciple that called out in alarm to hear word, immediately should say. “是,弟子谨记秦执事教诲。”一些出言惊呼的弟子闻言后,立即应道。 Deacon Qin had not said that he knows these disciple many person ages are too young, the disposition not will be very mature will have this action is also normal, insufficiently will be the elder also suitable will urge on side is good, so these talented people will grow. 秦执事也没有多说,他知道这些弟子很多人年纪太轻,心性还不够成熟会有这举动也是正常,不够身为长辈也得适合的在旁边鞭策才行,如此这些人才会成长。 As the Magic Item flight later wrapped the people to submerge in the middle of the fog. 随着法器飞行不大一会就包裹着众人没入了云雾当中。 Places in the fog, the people felt that at present a haziness, almost cannot distinguish clearly the east , south , west and north. 身处云雾中,众人感觉眼前一片迷蒙,几乎分不清东西南北了。 Buzz! 嗡! Also in the next quarter, the front flood ripples, reappeared light screens. 也就在下一刻,前方泛起了一阵涟漪,浮现了一片光幕。 This is protects the sect Formation, all disciple come and go out Sect to have Token to enter inside.” A elder explanation said. “这是护派阵法,所有的弟子出入宗门都得持有腰牌才可以进入里面。”一个长者讲解道。 Later you come and go out Sect also to register, cannot carry the bystander to enter Sect rashly, if there is an offender, light then subjects to a penalty, heavy was expelled Sect, this inside custom are many, you 11 remember and that's the end.” “以后你们出入门派也得进行登记,不可贸然携带外人进入宗门,若是有违规者,轻则受罚,重则被逐出宗门,这里面的规矩多着,你们11记住就是了。” The people secretly nodded, are very afraid own to leak anything. 众人都暗暗点头,深怕自己漏了什么。 The front light screen was very big, has covered the hills, sent out one to absorb the fluctuation of person. 前方的光幕很大,笼罩了群山,散发出一股摄人的波动。 So long as has protects the sect formation, bystander wants to attack will be quite also difficult. 只要有着护派大阵在,外人想攻击也将颇为困难。 The Deacon Qin palm turned, took out magic token, then the stimulation of movement, above light runes twinkle, will immediately have produced palpitation with that protects the sect formation, huge light gate appeared in immediately spatially, afterward he imperial made the flying blanket whiz enter in Formation. 秦执事手掌一翻,取出了一个法牌,便将之催动,上面光纹闪烁,当即就与那护派大阵产生了悸动,一个巨大的光门随即出现在空,随后他御使着飞毯嗖的一声就进入了阵法内。 After the person enters in Heavenly Yuan Sect in the presence of everyone, that light gate automatic cicatrization, wanted to have Heavenly Yuan Sect magic token in opening. 在当众人进入天元宗内后,那光门自动愈合,想要在开启就必须有着天元宗法牌了。 ==== ==== ( ( …… ……
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