EMS :: Volume #2

#160: The determination of princess

Determination of Chapter 160 princess 第160章公主的决心 Although in the middle of this mood is bringing the obstinance and obstinance of several points of youth, but Xiao Yun also has several points of sentiment to Ling Xi.[ hundred degree celsius searches, first round entire writing reading] 虽然这情绪当中带着几分少年的执拗与不屈,可萧云凌兮也是有着几分感情。[百度搜哈,首发全文字阅读] This is his first woman, is the female who makes him palpitate with excitement to protect. 这可是他第一个女人,也是一个让他怦然心动想要去呵护的女子。 The Ling Xi form is doomed staying behind the mark that in the Xiao Yun mind is hard to erase. 凌兮的身影注定将在萧云的脑海里留下难以抹去的印记。 Saw that the Xiao Yun expression has different, Princess Yuyao beautiful eye blinks, as if had realized that at once narrows the pupil to say with a smile, „did you have the woman?” She had discovered from the Xiao Yun expression impressively a clue, the intuition of woman is keenest. 见到萧云表情有异,羽瑶公主美眸眨动,似乎有所察觉,旋即微眯着眸子笑道,“难道你已经有了女人了?”从萧云的表情当中她赫然发现了一丝端倪,女人的直觉可是最灵敏的。 Is.” Xiao Yun slightly narrows the pupil, but also is having the color of several points of recalling, cannot withdraw from that train of thought totally. “算是吧。”萧云眸子微眯,还带着几分追忆之色,未能从那思绪当中完全退出。 „.” Heard that said the Princess Yuyao pupil dew to lose, the beautiful pupil winked winking, at once lip sip gets up as if also appears very puzzled. “呃。”闻言羽瑶公主眸露失落,美眸眨了眨,旋即嘴唇抿起似乎也显得很纠结。 Xiao Yun had not actually discovered that the Princess Yuyao mood fluctuates. 萧云却并没有发现羽瑶公主的情绪波动。 In his heart, Ling Xi is not only obsession, worries, is his goal. 在他心中,凌兮不仅仅是一份的执念,一份牵挂,也是他的一个目标。 In any event he must go to Heavenly Capital Domain to show to this young girl that his Xiao Yun also one day can soaring through the Nine Heavens post with it. 无论如何他都要前往天都域向这少女证明,他萧云也有一天能翱翔九天与之并列。 But now in the Xiao Yun heart also understands that wants to stand just like Nine Heavens fairy general simple and beautiful refined Ling Xi with that side by side, that should be the what kind difficulty, this Ling Xi is not old, but the cultivation level actually high oddness, once a Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow war compelled it to destroy flesh body. 可是现在萧云心中也明白,想要与那宛若九天仙子一般清丽脱俗的凌兮比肩而立,那该是何等的困难,这凌兮年纪也不大,可修为却高的离谱,曾经吞天雀一战逼得它毁去了肉身 Now wants to come, that time she had already stepped into Yuan Core Realm. 如今想来,那时候的她早就踏入了元丹境吧。 Actually doesn't know her in Yuan Core several seriously?” The Xiao Yun corners of the mouth appear a bitter and astringent smiling face, afterward shook the head to draw back from that train of thought completely, now wants too many also to add the worry to the own disciple, diligently practice is King Dao. “只是却不知她在元丹几重?”萧云嘴角不由浮现出一丝苦涩的笑容,随后摇了摇头从那思绪中完全退了出来,现在想太多也只是给自己徒添烦恼罢了,努力修炼才是王道 „Is she attractive?” Princess Yuyao is staring at Xiao Yun, saw the latter gradually to restore the look, at once asks. “她漂亮吗?”羽瑶公主怔怔的盯着萧云,见得后者逐渐恢复了神色,旋即问道。 Em.” Xiao Yun nodded. “恩。”萧云点了点头。 We who is attractive?” Princess Yuyao smiles cunningly, brow curved to become Yueya stares at Xiao Yun to ask. “那我们谁漂亮呢?”羽瑶公主狡黠一笑,眉头弯成月牙盯着萧云问道。 You have the characteristics respectively, is about the same.” Xiao Yun took a look at Princess Yuyao, said. “你们各有特色,算是在伯仲之间吧。”萧云瞅了一眼羽瑶公主,说道。 You will not say that the sentence lie does flatter others?” The Princess Yuyao pursing the lips lip, makes a depressed appearance to say. “你就不会说句假话讨好人家吗?”羽瑶公主抿着嘴唇,做出一副闷闷不乐的模样道。 This......” Xiao Yun is at a loss for words for a while. “这个……”萧云一时语塞。 She in this Southern Border?” Princess Yuyao sees Xiao Yun that simple-hearted appearance, covers the lip to smile narrows the eye to ask at once, she likes the appearance of youth feeling helpless, in her eyes Xiao Yun compared with the person who these curried favor with powerful people. “她在这南疆吗?”羽瑶公主萧云那木讷的模样,掩唇一笑旋即眯着眼睛问道,她就喜欢少年这种不知所措的模样,在她眼里萧云比起那些趋炎附势的人强多了。 Not in this Southern Border.” Xiao Yun shook the head, why does not know, mentions Ling Xi his mood slightly to be dignified, that character and style of past has also restrained, otherwise usual he is not this simple-hearted appearance, the present is only situation different that's all. “不在这南疆。”萧云摇了摇头,不知为何,一提起凌兮他的心情就略显凝重,昔日的那种风情也有所收敛,不然平时的他可不是这木讷的模样,如今只是情况不一样罢了。 Perhaps is also performance that he grows. 或许也是他成长的表现。 Not in Southern Border?” Princess Yuyao stares slightly, afterward after her beautiful eye blinks hesitates turns , the pupil dew to provoke the brow suddenly, asked that she in Heavenly Capital Domain?” “不在南疆?”羽瑶公主微微一愣,随后她美眸眨动沉吟一翻后眸露恍然挑动着眉头,问道,“难道她在天都域?” Em.” Xiao Yun should say, in the heart somewhat is also surprised, admires this Princess Yuyao secretly, actually had been guessed by her. “恩。”萧云应道,心中也有些惊讶,暗暗佩服这羽瑶公主,竟然被她猜了出来。 Comes from Heavenly Capital Domain unexpectedly.” Princess Yuyao muttered, at once the brow raises, said that wasn't the Heavenly Capital Domain person? I later will go also to Heavenly Capital Domain, what person happen to have a look at her is, will make you be very anxious unexpectedly?” “竟是来自天都域。”羽瑶公主喃喃自语,旋即眉头一扬,道,“不就是天都域的人吗?我以后也会去天都域,正好去看看她到底是什么样的人,竟然会让你为之牵肠挂肚?” Sees the Princess Yuyao so appearance, Xiao Yun bitterly and astringently smiles. 羽瑶公主如此模样,萧云苦涩一笑。 The thoughts of this woman were really as deep as a well, formerly also to resist own unexpectedly become for her drawing out poison Princess Yuyao so. 这女人的心思还真是让人难以捉摸,先前还抗拒自己替她拔毒羽瑶公主竟然会变得这般。 Xiao Yun actually does not know, when Princess Yuyao preparation confession, has thrown all acting with constraint, naturally cannot easily give up, therefore showed such aggressive side, if ordinary person Princess Yuyao such will treat how? 萧云却不知道在羽瑶公主准备告白的时候,已经抛去了所有的矜持,自然不会轻易放弃,所以才展现出了这么霸气的一面,要是一般的人羽瑶公主岂会这么对待? That is naturally cannot, among people also is facing most kisses, the person who most trusts will remove the complete camouflage and protection, Princess Yuyao is also only an under 18-year-old young girl, has to belong to the own unique disposition. 那是自然不会,人与人之间也只有在面对最亲,最信任的人才会褪去全部的伪装与防备,羽瑶公主也只是一个还不到18岁的少女,有着属于自己特有的性格。 „If all right, I said goodbye in advance.” Xiao Yun pupil light dodges, said toward Princess Yuyao. “若是没事,那我先行告辞了。”萧云眸光闪躲,向着羽瑶公主道。 „Are you sharply walking to do?” The Princess Yuyao expression is slightly light, is bringing several points of plaintive [say / way], „will I eat the person?” “你那么急着走干么?”羽瑶公主语气略轻,带着几分哀怨道,“我会吃人吗?” Xiao Yun lives in the footsteps, for a while does not know said does not know what to do. 萧云顿住脚步,一时不知说如何是好。 If pestering the matter to be very difficult to end. 若在纠缠下去事情很难收场。 You had not said you do like me otherwise?” The Princess Yuyao eye is very bright, middle has bright light blooms closely stares at Xiao Yun, within those eyes is having several points of firmness, has several points of hope, what are more is tender feelings with hoping. “你还没有说过你喜欢我否呢?”羽瑶公主眼睛很明亮,当中有着彩光绽放紧紧的盯着萧云,那双眸中有着几分坚定,也有着几分期许,更多的是一份柔情与期许。 She knows that this time leaves, does not know when can say goodbye, therefore decides to ascertain. 她知道此次一别,也不知什么时候才能再见,所以决定问个清楚。 Also is this, Princess Yuyao will persist in the own haughty manner with all protection, does not hesitate to vindicate to Xiao Yun as female that must know, by her peerless graceful bearing, Don't said in this Wind Moon Kingdom, even if entire Southern Border wants her a few words, has the innumerable followers, can she achieve this easier said than done? Should that under decide the big determination? 也是这样,羽瑶公主才会放下自己的架子与所有的防备,不惜以一个女子的身份向萧云表白,要知道,以她的绝世风姿,莫说在这风月国,哪怕是整个南疆只要她一句话,就有无数的追随者,她能做到这一步谈何容易?那该得下定多大的决心? Regarding all these, Princess Yuyao does not care. 对于这一切,羽瑶公主并不在乎。 Because she knows that own wants anything. 因为她知道自己想要什么。 Since wants, why doesn't strive boldly? 既然想要,为何不大胆去争取? On such as martial artist, should have dauntless energetic, fearless, cuts all hindrance to advance bravely. 就如一个武者,就应该有着大无畏的精神,无所畏惧,斩去一切阻碍勇攀高峰。 This......” in the Xiao Yun heart moves slightly, said that princess so friendship, how I can take on to handle?” “这个……”萧云心中微动,道,“公主如此情义,我怎能担当得起了?” Xiao Yun feels for a while somewhat feels extremely flattered, he is clear this Princess Yuyao the uncommonness, the so peerless tender person actually vindicated to own, if said that made the countless youth talents crazy sufficiently, so, in his heart understands this was how was not realistic. 萧云一时感觉有些受宠若惊,他可是清楚这羽瑶公主的不凡,如此绝世娇人却向自己表白,若是说出去足以让无数青年才俊疯狂了,也正是如此,他心中明白这是多么的不现实。 After all also has the person who must protect in his heart, Don't said that Ling Xi, is Yan Shifei he cannot disappoint. 毕竟在他心中还有要守护的人,莫说那凌兮,就是颜诗妃他也不能辜负。 Initially Xiao Yun had made the commitment, furthermore he and Yan Shifei also has the extremely deep sentiment. 当初萧云可是做出了承诺,再者他和颜诗妃也有着极深的感情。 But must make Princess Yuyao accept this point, possibly? 可要让羽瑶公主接受这一点,可能吗? Therefore Xiao Yun does not want to make the entanglement above, so as to avoid increases troublesome to own. 所以萧云并不想在上面多做纠缠,免得给自己增加麻烦。 What present he is most important promotes the strength, waited for own to have strength all to have. 现在的他最重要的是提升实力,等自己有了实力一切皆有。 Who wanted you to take on?” Sees Xiao Yun pupil light to dodge, irrelevantly replies, the Princess Yuyao air/Qi is the tooth fastens to nip a face resentment, others asked that you do like me, you fear this, are you a man?” Her face is suffering from injustice. “谁要你担当了?”见萧云眸光闪躲,答非所问,羽瑶公主气得是牙关紧咬一脸怨气,“人家只是问你喜不喜欢我,你就怕成这样,你还是男人吗?”她一脸委屈。 The solemn princesses like this were submissive, but also wants her to be what kind of? 堂堂公主都这样低声下气了,还要她怎么样? To counter pushed this Xiao Yun? 难道将这萧云给逆推了? Princess is the peony, causing the downfall of the nation beautiful woman, is the present age outstandingly able person, who can not like?” Xiao Yun said with a smile embarrasedly. “公主乃国色天香,倾国倾城,为当世奇人,谁能不喜欢?”萧云讪讪一笑道。 What present age outstandingly able person, I only asked that you do like me not?” Sees Xiao Yun to open the mouth finally, Princess Yuyao also relaxed, the grievance in heart gradually reduces, afterward she continues to closely examine, does not want to be scuffled by an opposite party such answer. “什么当世奇人,我只问你喜欢我不?”见萧云终于开口,羽瑶公主也是松了口气,心中的委屈逐渐减少,随后她继续追问,不想被对方这么一个答案就敷衍了事了。 Was staring by Princess Yuyao that bright-colored moving pupil, Xiao Yun finally was also the defeat, said after took a deep breath. 羽瑶公主那明艳动人的眸子盯着,萧云最后也是败下了阵来,在深深吸了口气后道。 Likes.” “喜欢。” This Princess Yuyao that fine appearance, the perfect stature, is unsurpassed, who like this won't the peerless tender person move? 羽瑶公主无论是那精致的容颜,完美的身材,都堪称一绝,这样的绝世娇人谁不会动心? A Princess Yuyao face elegantly beautiful time such as the Nine Heavens goddess is noble, making the person unable to bear have one type to in admiration the impulsion that it conquers, but this is also far from the love, likes merely, has the favorable impression, wants a person deep brand mark in the mind, this is not far from enough, therefore Xiao Yun also regards this Princess Yuyao at the angle of appreciation from the beginning. 羽瑶公主一脸冷艳的时候如九天神女般高贵,让人在仰慕的时候又忍不住生出一种要将之征服的冲动,不过这还谈不上爱,仅仅是喜欢,有好感罢了,想要将一个人深深的烙印在脑海,这远远不不够,所以从一开始萧云也只是以欣赏的角度看待这羽瑶公主 Hee hee, likes well.” Princess Yuyao actually smiled, sways from side to side that soft waist, before the jade has handled gently stroked the volume the black hair, the whole person appeared the character and style ten thousand types, that smiling face was makes the world change colors simply, made the common people demented sufficiently. “嘻嘻,喜欢就好。”羽瑶公主却是嫣然一笑,扭动了那柔软的腰肢,玉手轻拂额前青丝,整个人显得风情万种,那笑容简直是让得天地都为之失色,足以让世人癫狂。 Xiao Yun slightly is also startled. 萧云也是微微一怔。 This Princess Yuyao makings were even more uncommon, making the person be infatuated with. 羽瑶公主的气质越发不凡了,让人迷恋。 I will make you fall in love my.” Princess Yuyao smiles gracefully, quite confident saying. “我会让你爱上我的。”羽瑶公主盈盈一笑,颇有信心的说道。 Looks at the fate.” The Xiao Yun pursing the lips lip, has not thought that so as to avoid makes own divert attention. “看缘分吧。”萧云抿了抿嘴唇,并没有多想,免得让自己分心。 Now he has not stepped into Heavenly Capital Domain, own uncertain future, said that anything is also useless, therefore must look at the divine intervention. 现在他还没有踏入天都域,自己都前途未卜,说什么也没有用,所以一切都得看天意。 I could close up some time, when I go out will go to the Heavenly Capital Domain time.” Princess Yuyao that smiling face restrained gradually, restores usual elegantly beautiful, within those eyes has several points of firm and resolute pupil light to reveal. “我可能要闭关一段时间,等我出关之时就将是前往天都域的时刻。”羽瑶公主那笑容逐渐收敛,恢复了平时的冷艳,那双眸中有着几分坚毅的眸光流露而出。 Heavenly Capital Domain is not only the Xiao Yun goal, is in the Princess Yuyao heart a mark that is hard to erase. 天都域不仅是萧云的目标,也是羽瑶公主心中难以抹去的一个印记。 Not only there can make her incarnation be the phoenix, her personal enemy. 那里不仅能让她化身为凤,同时也她的仇人。 Made her fully suffer two years of suffering, personal enemy who almost cherished hatred! 一个让她饱受了两年煎熬,差点饮恨的仇人! Hopes that we will meet there.” Looks at Princess Yuyao this look, the Xiao Yun heart heart lives take pity on, he naturally is knows in the Princess Yuyao heart to think, all that this young girl for the recent two years withstands compared with his six years also many. “希望我们会在那里相遇吧。”瞧得羽瑶公主这神色,萧云心不由心生怜惜,他自然是知道羽瑶公主心中所想,这少女近两年来所承受的一切比起他那六年还多。 At least after Xiao Yun cultivation level bogs down, did not have the danger, but also has the hope of advance. 至少萧云修为停滞不前后还没有生命危险,还有着前进的希望。 But Princess Yuyao was actually waiting for death. 羽瑶公主却在等待着死亡。 The disparity between both are clear. 两者间的差距一目了然。 After confession Princess Yuyao, Emperor Feng had found him. 在告白羽瑶公主后,风皇找到了他。 Xiao Yun inquired about that Heavenly Capital Domain's Envoy, Emperor Feng is light smiles, had not said. 萧云问及了那天都域使,风皇只是淡淡一笑,并没有多说。 If after you, enters Heavenly Capital Domain, that Martial Spirit should better not to expose easily, will otherwise bring the enormous trouble to you.” A Emperor Feng face with deep veneration, the injunction said that you is also best little to use because of this Southern Border, because this will be relating your future.” “若你以后进入天都域,那武魂最好不要轻易暴露,不然将会给你带来极大的麻烦。”风皇一脸肃然,嘱咐道,“就算在这南疆你也最好少用,因为这关系着你的未来。” Martial Spirit?” Xiao Yun is startled, at once suddenly, knows Emperor Feng knew own has used Martial Spirit's strength for Princess Yuyao drawing out poison, but in his heart also has doubts, asked that does not know why Emperor Feng had this word, you know that my Martial Spirit did originate inadequately?” 武魂?”萧云一怔,旋即恍然,知道风皇知道了自己羽瑶公主拔毒是动用了武魂之力,只是他心中也疑惑,问道,“不知风皇为何有此一言,难道你知道我的武魂来源不成?” Xiao Yun also smatters to own Martial Spirit, does not know its origin, but in the heart actually knows Jade Tree Martial Spirit, once will grow definitely to bring many pleasant surprises to own, but it will be any Martial Spirit does not have a clue, in the heart has also been full of the doubts. 萧云自己武魂也是一知半解,并不知道它来历,可是心中却知道碧树武魂一旦成长起来肯定会给自己带来更多的惊喜,只是它到底是什么武魂却没有一点头绪,心中也充满了疑惑。 Generally speaking Martial Spirit came from inheritance. 一般来说武魂都是源自传承 Only the ancestor of this clan presents this Martial Spirit these later generation juniors to have the opportunity to inherit. 只有这个氏族的先祖出现过这种武魂那些后辈子弟才有机会继承。 But the Xiao Family ancestor does not have this strange Martial Spirit obviously! 萧家的先祖明明没有这种怪异的武魂啊! This I cannot talk too much.” A Emperor Feng face with deep veneration, said that you record this word to be then good in any case sincerely.” “这个恕我不能多言。”风皇一脸肃然,说道,“反正你谨记此言便好。” Is so serious?” Sees Emperor Feng this appearance, Xiao Yun felt indistinctly this matter is very as if serious, involves very in a big way. “这么严重?”见风皇这幅模样,萧云隐约感觉这事情似乎很严重,牵扯很大。 Not but how Emperor Feng will background have these many scruples? 不然以风皇底蕴岂会有这么多顾忌? This Martial Spirit is relating your life experience, when you enough strong time naturally meets to understand clearly.” Emperor Feng continues saying that present you were too small and weak, will expose your Martial Spirit not only to bring in a disaster to you prematurely, but also met the calamity and your person.” “这武魂关系着你的身世,等你足够强的时候自然会一切了然。”风皇继续说道,“现在的你太弱小了,过早暴露了你的武魂不仅会给你引来一场灾难,还会祸及你身边的人。” ==== ==== ( ( …… ……
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