EMS :: Volume #2

#159: Aggressive princess?

Chapter 159 aggressive princess? 第159章霸气的公主? Because of this Bloodlines, in several years Princess Yuyao experienced the favour changes in temperature of life. 就因为这血脉,短短几年时间羽瑶公主经历了人生的人情冷暖。 Also let her look to foreign object pale, for sometime even cared about nothing to the life and death, did not have recall to society , after was Xiao Yun appeared, Princess Yuyao were many a point of hope, merely was a point of hope. 也让她的对外物看淡了许多,有一段时间甚至对生死都毫不在乎,对世间也没有了留恋,也是萧云出现后羽瑶公主才重新多了一分期许,也仅仅是一分期许而已。 Because she was also very difficult to believe firmly whether at that time Xiao Yun can thoroughly eliminate this toxin for her. 因为那时她也很难确信萧云是否能彻底替她将这毒清除。 May to the present, the strength of Bloodlines start to recover, that boundless strength made her as if see the hope. 可到了现在,血脉之力又开始复苏,那磅礴的力量让她似乎看到了希望。 Even Princess Yuyao is having one type to be going to rule the world at this moment, shows disdain for the self-confidence of Nine Heavens. 甚至羽瑶公主在此刻有着一种将要君临天下,傲视九天的自信。 This is imposing manner from Bloodlines, lets her whole person makings sudden change. 这是一种来自血脉的气势,让她整个人气质骤变。 Resembled the feeling the Martial Spirit aura of Xiao Yun permeating to be shaken to draw back, Princess Yuyao mind moved, even/including Mangshi by the heart law guidance, was controlling that within the body the strength of Bloodlines to submerge in that Dantian, changed into strength of the special True Yuan. 似感受到了萧云渗入的武魂气息被震退了出去,羽瑶公主心神一动,连芒试着以心法引导,控制那体内血脉之力没入那丹田内,化为了一种特殊的真元之力。 Hence Xiao Yun was not feeling that wild strength. 至此萧云也不在感受到了那股狂暴的力量。 It seems like Feng Clan has special method to revolve the strength of these Bloodlines.” Xiao Yun ponders one darkly, then starts to continue to control Martial Spirit's strength for Princess Yuyao drawing out poison, wants will thoroughly remain in her within the body Devouring Source Heavenly Poison erasing. “看来风族有着特殊的法门运转这些血脉之力。”萧云暗忖一句,便开始继续控制着武魂之力羽瑶公主拔毒,要彻彻底底的将残留在她体内噬源天毒给抹除。 Otherwise remains also to resurge, brings in consequence that cannot be estimated. 不然就算残留一丝也会死灰复燃,引来不可预计的后果。 After the moment, when the Xiao Yun determination did not have Devouring Source Heavenly Poison in Princess Yuyao within the body, he Martial Spirit's strength removal. 片刻后,当萧云确定在羽瑶公主体内没有噬源天毒了,他才将武魂之力撤除。 Shout! 呼! Xiao Yun deeply inspired, controls one's breathing slightly, that pupil then slowly opens, does not have an illness. 萧云深吸了口气,略微调息,那眸子便是缓缓睁开,没有一丝不适。 But at this time Princess Yuyao secretly was controlling one's breathing, condenses within the body the strength of Bloodlines. 而这时羽瑶公主则在暗自调息,凝聚体内血脉之力。 In the two years Princess Yuyao within the body True Yuan was corroded by Devouring Source Heavenly Poison, almost became ordinary person (mortal), now beginning the strength of Bloodlines must quite adjust, will otherwise bring many inconvenient to the body, after a half hour, her eyelash provokes, the pupil then slowly opens, seems to be bright light to bloom in the middle of that pair of bright pupil, bursting with life. 这两年来羽瑶公主体内真元噬源天毒腐蚀,几乎成为了一个凡人,如今初得血脉之力必须好生调整一下,不然会给身子带来诸多的不便,在半个小时后,她睫毛挑动,眸子这才缓缓睁开,在那双明亮的眸子当中似有彩光绽放,神采奕奕。 „After princess this time gets rid is virulent, must soaring through the Nine Heavens, is really may celebrate encouraging.” Saw Princess Yuyao to open the pupil, Xiao Yun slightly one startled, in former that pupil rays of light was shining, seems to be the divine sunlight circulation, the makings sudden change, such as the immortal god descended to earth simply, surprised under he smiled embarrasedly, extended the congratulation, he knows that Princess Yuyao Bloodlines was extraordinary, hereafter must be possible to advance triumphantly into unparalleled powerhouse. “公主此次摆脱恶毒以后必可翱翔九天,真是可喜可贺。”见羽瑶公主睁开了眸子,萧云微微一惊,前者那眸中光芒灿灿,似有神曦流转,气质骤变,简直如仙神下凡,惊讶之下他讪讪一笑,表示祝贺,他知道羽瑶公主血脉非凡,此后必可一路高歌猛进成为盖世强者 soaring through the Nine Heavens?” Sees Xiao Yun as before is a polite appearance, in a that black eyebrow coloring eyebrow slightly pressed, beautiful pupil reveals wipes sadly, in the heart feels dejected, „since has he merely please come because of Imperial Father for my drawing out poison?” 翱翔九天?”见萧云依旧是一副客气的模样,那黛眉不由微微一蹙,美眸中露出一抹忧伤,心中黯然神伤,“难道他一直以来都仅仅是因父皇之请才来替我拔毒吗?” Places entire Wind Moon Kingdom, Princess Yuyao is also the extremely rare ordinary peerless tender person, even if some people may with it comparing favorably with, is difficult some people such as she so noblly refined, even if after she is poisoned, does not know as in imperial city many youth talents go after like ducks to her. 放在整个风月国,羽瑶公主也是凤毛麟角一般的绝世娇人,就算有人可与之比美,也难有人如她这般高贵脱俗,就算她中毒后在皇城依旧不知有多少青年才俊对她趋之若鹜。 But this Xiao Yun from beginning to end appears well-mannered, even looked that has not looked at one, making her feel inexplicable losing. 可这萧云至始至终都显得规规矩矩,甚至看也没有多看一眼,让她感到莫名的失落。 Can't own really withstand the human eye? 难道自己就真的那么不堪人眼吗? What's wrong, what scruples does Seventh Princess have?” Sees appearance Xiao Yun that Princess Yuyao that feels dejected slightly to be actually startled, now your within the body Devouring Source Heavenly Poison has relieved completely, even if after me, you did not need to be worried in Wind Moon Kingdom.” “怎么,七公主还有什么顾忌?”见羽瑶公主那黯然神伤的模样萧云却是微微一怔,“如今你体内噬源天毒已经完全解除,就算我以后不在风月国你也不用担心了。” This fool, thinks that I do recur in the worry virulently?” The Yuyao Young Master corners of the mouth appear a bitter and astringent smiling face, in the heart ponder darkly, felt that inexplicable joy, does not know why she is quite likes to this youth. “这个傻瓜,难道以为我是在担心恶毒复发吗?”羽瑶公子嘴角不由浮现出一丝苦涩的笑容,心中暗忖,却也是感到莫名的欣喜,不知为何她就是对这少年颇为喜欢。 Your Acquired will go to Heavenly Yuan Sect, when the time comes does not know when can meet, you do not have other can say?” The Princess Yuyao eyelash rises slightly, pupil light lifts is looking at front youth, tight will stare was saying in a low voice. “你后天就将前往天元宗,到时候也不知何时才能相见,你难道没有别的要说吗?”羽瑶公主睫毛微微上扬,眸光抬望着面前的少年,紧紧的将之凝视着低声道。 Other can say?” Xiao Yun stares, does not know what Princess Yuyao said is any meaning. “别的要说?”萧云一愣,不知道羽瑶公主说的是什么意思。 You!” Princess Yuyao long aspirated, thoroughly by the appearance that Xiao Yun defeats. “你啊!”羽瑶公主长吐了口气,一副彻底被萧云打败的模样。 Afterward her beautiful eye blinks, stared at that youth to watch a meeting, suddenly pupil light congealed, resembles the enormous determination light pursing the lips lip saying that Young Master Xiao your to join Heavenly Yuan Sect, thinks will participate in that Profound Yuan Battlefield Hundred Sects Great War?” 随后她美眸眨动,盯着那少年看了一会,突然眸光一凝,似下了极大的决心轻抿着嘴唇说道,“萧公子拜入天元宗,想必会参加那玄元战场百宗大战吧?” Actually yesterday Princess Yuyao mentioned Heavenly Capital Domain with Xiao Yun, the latter also expressed very formidable interest. 其实昨天羽瑶公主就和萧云提及了天都域,后者对此也表示了很强大的兴趣。 However today she actually wants while this to ask that understands. 不过今天她却是想趁此问个明白。 Hears Princess Yuyao to ask that Xiao Yun pupil light also concentrates saying that I not only need participate in Profound Yuan Battlefield Hundred Sects Great War, but must step into Heavenly Capital Domain depending on this, there is my ultimate goal, in any event I will step into Heavenly Capital Domain.” 听得羽瑶公主问来,萧云眸光也是不由一凝道,“我不仅要参加玄元战场百宗大战,还要凭此踏入天都域,那里才是我的最终目的,无论如何我都会踏入天都域。” Speaking of Xiao Yun unable to bear reiterate finally a time must enter Heavenly Capital Domain, as if must this goal deep brand mark in the mind. 说到最后萧云忍不住重申了一次必入天都域,似乎要将这个目标深深的烙印在脑海。 I know that you do not remember in Southern Border.” Hears the words that Xiao Yun this is loud and clear, Princess Yuyao to smile gracefully, extends one to stretch, the jade handles gently strokes wisp of black hair before volume, that appearance character and style ten thousand types, making Xiao Yun slightly be startled. “我就知道你志不在南疆。”听得萧云这掷地有声的话语,羽瑶公主盈盈一笑,伸了伸一个懒腰,玉手轻捋额前的一缕青丝,那模样风情万种,让得萧云都微微一怔。 Afterward the Princess Yuyao coquettish look winks, glances the circulation, the long eyelash trembled trembling, stares at front Xiao Yun saying that my beautiful?” 随后羽瑶公主媚眼眨动,眼波流转,长长的睫毛颤了颤,凝视着面前的萧云道,“我美吗?” Princess Yuyao aspirates such as blue, whispered that on that day the sound of sound fluttered, entered person mind, this probably was the song of sweetheart, after listening, made the nerve cell of whole person unexpectedly relax, resembled to immerse in that tender feelings. 羽瑶公主吐气如兰,轻声低语,那天籁之音飘荡,直入人心神,这就好像是情人的细语,听后让得整个人的神经细胞都是蓦地放松了起来,似要沉浸在那柔情当中。 Princess Yuyao inborn beauty, appearance, if the angel, is not ordinary person (mortal) may compare, how could to use the beautiful character to describe?” Xiao Yun in the heart to Yuyao Duke is also secret to praise, slightly has the favorable impression, this indeed is a beautiful female, is having the uncommon makings. 羽瑶公主天生丽质,貌若天仙,不是凡人可比,岂能用美字来形容?”萧云在心中对羽瑶公也是暗暗一赞,略有好感,这的确是一个绝美的女子,拥有着不凡的气质。 Really compare, has Ling Xi to be possible with it placing on a par. 真要比起来,也只有凌兮才可与之相提并论。 Ice one type if floating the makings of immortal, but this Princess Yuyao actually such as Nine Heavens goddess, unattainable. 凌是兮一种飘然若仙的气质,可这羽瑶公主却如九天神女,高不可攀。 Both sides the makings easily are about the same. 双方无论是气质还是容易可谓都在伯仲之间。 Princess Yuyao actually appears quite gentle, during that in a low voice song, making mind of person probably perish gets down. 只是羽瑶公主却显得较为温柔,那低声细语,让人的心神都要沉沦当中下去了。 Can affirm, if Princess Yuyao takes so in a low voice the song at will to tell that to a imperial city youth talent a that person will go through fire or water for her , the bonus is Xiao Yun is mental, to the uncommon makings and that gentle speech of this young girl flood several points of ripples. 可以肯定,要是羽瑶公主以如此低声细语随意对皇城一个青年才俊吩咐一句那人真的会为她去赴汤蹈火,饶是萧云心智坚定,也对这少女的不凡气质与那柔语泛起了几分涟漪。 However merely so, he has not actually achieved a brains heat for the situation that this Princess Yuyao actually goes through fire or water. 不过却也仅仅如此,他还没有达到头脑一热就为这羽瑶公主却赴汤蹈火的地步。 „Do you like me?” Regarding the reply of Xiao Yun, Princess Yuyao is quite as if satisfied, her phoenix eye narrows the faint smile is staring at the former, that glanced has been full of the provocative flavor, unknowingly she and Xiao Yun distance has also pulled closer one step. “那你喜欢我么?”对于萧云的回答,羽瑶公主似乎颇为满意,她凤眼微眯似笑非笑的将前者盯着,那眼波中充满了挑衅的味道,不知不觉她与萧云的距离也拉近了一步。 In both sides mouth one breath can stroke to the square features, brought up this topic to be quite ambiguous in this distance. 双方口中呵出的一口气都可以拂到对方脸上,在这种距离提起这话题颇为暧昧。 Felt Princess Yuyao mouth that in putting out to wipe the fragrance, the Xiao Yun nerve tightened, the heartbeat inexplicably was also accelerating, felt somewhat bewilderedly, this did Princess Yuyao want to do? Takes me to make fun of intentionally?” 感受着羽瑶公主口中的吐出的那抹香气,萧云神经不由绷紧了起来,心跳也在莫名加速,同时也感觉有些莫名其妙,“这羽瑶公主到底想要干什么?是故意拿我开涮吗?” However in Xiao Yun hesitates, that Princess Yuyao is actually graceful smiles, took forward one step. 然而就在萧云迟疑之际,那羽瑶公主却是盈盈一笑,又向前迈出了一步。 At this time two people almost did not have what to be away from, can hear including the heartbeat clearly. 这时候两人几乎没有什么距离了,连心跳声都可以清晰听到。 But body fragrant sending out of opposite party was inhaled Xiao Yun within the body, he turns very quiet, the double pupil circulation does not know that should not know what to do. 对方的体香散发而出被吸入萧云体内,他不由屏住呼吸,双眸流转不知该如何是好。 The two people distance was too near, is fragrant in that subfield some bodies, under as well as pupil light of front young girl that provocation stimulates Xiao Yun to feel that the blood of own within the body in boiling, an evil fire direct impact top of the head, making his whole person stimulated. 两人的距离太近了,在那处子体有的体香,以及面前少女那略带挑衅的眸光刺激下萧云都感觉自己体内的血液在沸腾,一股邪火直冲头顶,让得他整个人都亢奋了起来。 „Does she want to do?” Xiao Yun suppresses that type to the front female has held the impulsion ponder forcefully unceasingly. “她到底要干什么?”萧云强行压住那种要将面前女子办了的冲动不断沉思。 Can this be the plot? 这会是阴谋吗? Should not! 应该不是啊! bo! 啵! Also in Xiao Yun thoughts constantly welling up guessed that Princess Yuyao when this act what meaning, suddenly has one piece soft to collect toward his cheeks, on the flesh felt that wet soft, afterward his whole body is similar to has the electric current to delimit the whole person body to feel comfortable incomparable. 也就在萧云思绪万千猜测羽瑶公主在此举何意时,突然有着一片柔软向着他的脸颊凑来,肌肤上感觉到了一丝湿软,随后他全身如同有着电流划过整个人身子都是不由感到舒爽无比。 „Has she kissed my one?” Xiao Yun brow one curved, the pupil light circulation, stared in a big way the eye to take a look toward front young girl. “她亲了我一口?”萧云眉头一弯,眸光流转,不由瞪大了眼睛向着面前的少女瞅去。 Princess Yuyao quite aggressive has kissed one on the Xiao Yun face, that red lips touch with latter's cheeks receive. 羽瑶公主颇为霸气的在萧云脸上亲了一口,那朱唇与后者的脸颊一触即收。 Actually sees the Princess Yuyao footsteps to stagger, draws back continually two steps, in this moment that beautiful appearance is hanging is wiping the cunning smiling face. 却见得羽瑶公主脚步错开,连退两步,此刻那张绝美的容颜上正挂在一抹狡黠的笑容。 This young girl as if in secret is the sneak attack success of own is feeling self-satisfied. 这少女似乎正在暗暗为自己的偷袭成功感到得意呢。 „, Was sneak attacked.” After seeing Princess Yuyao that face cunning appearance, in the Xiao Yun heart feels somewhat depressed, has one type by the feeling of profiting, said again, must sneak attack should also be he sneak attacks is right! “呃,是被偷袭了。”在见到羽瑶公主那一脸狡黠的模样后,萧云心中不由感到有些郁闷,有着一种被占了便宜的感觉,再说了,要偷袭也该是他去偷袭才对啊! The Xiao Yun eyelid turns, shot a look at Princess Yuyao secretly, in the heart felt to latter's action as before bewildered. 萧云眼皮一翻,暗暗瞥了一眼羽瑶公主,心中对后者的举动依旧感到莫名其妙。 Did she like me? 她喜欢上了我吗? Should not! 不应该啊! Although Xiao Yun thought that own is handsome, can not go to the situation of being liked by everybody? 萧云虽然觉得自己英俊不凡,可还没有达到人见人爱的地步吧? This Princess Yuyao is not ordinary person (mortal), to like how own so much easily? 羽瑶公主也不是凡人,岂会这么轻易就喜欢自己 Must know, they know shortly , the exchange are also few, may not go to this situation by far the trend! 要知道,他们认识才不久,交流也少,可远远还没有达到这地步的趋势啊! Snort, blockhead.” Sees Xiao Yun that in same place appearance, Princess Yuyao purses the lips, appears quite not the indignation, at once her pupil light rises, stares at front youth saying that „, no matter you do like me, I recognize you, even if you went to Heavenly Capital Domain, I will not let off you, hee hee, you may result in should not be a womanizer, otherwise I will be impolite.” “哼,木头。”见萧云那愣在原地的样子,羽瑶公主不由抿着嘴,显得颇为不忿,旋即她眸光上扬,凝视着面前的少年道,“不管你喜不喜欢我,我就是认定你了,就算你前往天都域,我也不会放过你,嘻嘻,你可得别拈花惹草,不然我可不会客气。” The Princess Yuyao words are very aggressive, the corners of the mouth turn upwards slightly, the white hands grip tightly the fist, where also has usually elegantly beautiful noble? 羽瑶公主话语很霸气,嘴角微微翘起,玉手紧握成拳,哪里还有着平时的冷艳高贵? This obviously is a cunning and unreasonable aggressive princess! 这明显就是一个刁蛮霸气的公主啊! Hears this words Xiao Yun to shock immediately, the heart was shaken shook, this is Princess Yuyao is vindicating to me?” 听到这话语萧云顿时大跌眼镜,心都被震了一震,“这羽瑶公主是在向我表白吗?” This makes him chuckle to oneself secretly. 这让他暗暗窃喜。 Princess Yuyao the appearance or the stature, may be called outstandingly beautiful, in addition that uncommon makings, are the world are unusual, can have this beautiful woman is the good fortune that several lifetime cultivate, but behind this Seventh Princess those words make his eyelid jump slightly. 羽瑶公主不论是容颜还是身材,都堪称绝色,加上那不凡的气质,更是人间少有,能坐拥这种美女可谓是几辈子才修来的福气,不过这七公主后面那句话却让他眼皮微微一跳。 This princess is not good to serve! 这公主不好伺候啊! Must know that Xiao Yun goes to Heavenly Capital Domain not only seeks the father, some personal matters also want to process. 要知道,萧云天都域不仅是寻父,还有一些私人的事情也想去处理。 That is he must show to that Ling Xi that his Xiao Yun is not worse than others, one day, must make this young girl adore to own eventually, finally becomes his woman, since two people had the relations, how could also to allow that others do bribe? 那就是他要向那凌兮证明,他萧云绝不比别人差,终究有一天,要让这少女对自己倾心,最终成为他的女人,既然两人已经发生了关系,又岂能容许别人染指? ==== ==== ( ( …… ……
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