EMS :: Volume #2

#158: Bloodlines recovery

Chapter 158 Bloodlines recovery 第158章血脉复苏 When the people of various clans diverge respectively, Xiao Yun returned to Imperial Palace, prepares for Princess Yuyao drawing out poison. Kazakh 520 novels 在各族的人各自散去时,萧云则是回到了皇宫,准备替羽瑶公主拔毒。哈520小说 The Emperor Feng boldness is extraordinary, the manner also calculates, therefore Xiao Yun also has a mind to help his. 风皇魄力非凡,为人也还算可以,所以萧云也有心帮他一把。 Regarding the friend, Xiao Yun will be utterly devoted, will not be lenient as for enemy that. 对于朋友,萧云自会肝胆相照,至于敌人那将毫不手软。 This is his conduct principle. 这是他的行事原则。 Let alone is on good terms with Imperial Family regarding him can also omit not the small extra worries. 何况与皇族交好对于他来说也能省去不小的后顾之忧。 After all his goal must be far away from Southern Border, goes to Heavenly Capital Domain to seek the father, Purple Clouds County City Xiao Family happens any matter to be also beyond control, but if has Imperial Family to protect and sustain, all matters said that is Yuan Soul Realm powerhouse does not occupy by the prestige of Emperor Feng cheaply. 毕竟他的目标是要远离南疆,前往天都域寻父,紫云郡城萧家一旦发生什么事情也是鞭长莫及,可若有皇族护持,一切事情都好说了,以风皇之威就是元婴境强者也占不到便宜。 Returned to Imperial Palace, Xiao Yun to go to Heavenly Phoenix Mountain Range that Gathering Yuan Formation stage, became after several days of savings inside Yuan Qi rich, but under Swallowing the Heavens Arts derives these Yuan Qi to be derived crazily quickly. 回到皇宫,萧云就又前往了天凰岭的那个聚元阵台内,经过几天的积蓄里面的元气也变得浓郁了起来,只是在吞天诀的疯狂汲取下那些元气很快就被汲取一空了。 Restored Yuan Qi, Xiao Yun also took several therapy the Medicine Pill controlling one's breathing injury. 恢复了元气,萧云还服用了几颗疗伤丹药调息伤势。 Although this Qiu Xuanrong does not have directly to Xiao Yun take action, but that imposing manner also oppressed him to receive the slight internal injury. 这次邱玄嵘虽然没有直接向萧云出手,可那气势也压迫得他受了轻微的内伤。 Heavenly Phoenix Mountain Range controls one's breathing one day later, next morning, Xiao Yun will arrive in princess's palace garden. 天凰岭调息一天后,翌日清晨,萧云就来到了公主的宫苑内。 Sees Xiao Yun to come this, the maid in that palace garden gave to direct in princess boudoir courtyard him hastily. 见到萧云来此,那宫苑中的侍婢连忙将他给引到了公主深闺大院中。 Regarding here Xiao Yun early already quite familiar, why these maids and Iron Guard also knew his person. 对于这里萧云早已经颇为熟悉,那些侍婢与铁卫也知道了他为何人。 Hears Xiao Yun to come this, the Princess Yuyao lotus steps leisurely, welcomed personally. 听得萧云来此,羽瑶公主莲步款款,亲自来迎。 two people chatted several, then started to enter the subject. 两人聊了几句,便开始进入到了正题。 In the middle of boudoir, Princess Yuyao sits cross-legged when a bed, her eyelash is very long, provoked, glanced the circulation to take a look gently secretly to the opposite, there has a youth also to sit cross-legged, with her opposite was sitting the great distance is about two chi (0.33 m). 在一间深闺当中,羽瑶公主盘膝在一张卧榻上,她睫毛很长,轻轻挑动,眼波流转时暗暗瞅向了对面,那里有着一个少年也正盘膝了下来,正与她对面而坐相隔不过两尺。 two people four items of relative, the steam that even carries including the opposite party breath in can the clear feeling. 两人四目相对,甚至连对方呼吸中所携带的热气都可以清晰的感觉到。 Xiao Yun took a deep breath, is felt that on the opposite party has sent out that virgin unique body to be fragrant. 萧云深深吸了口气,便是感觉到了对方身上所散发出来地那股处子特有的体香。 This fragrance lets his mind, looked at one opposite Princess Yuyao one. 这香气让他心神一荡,不由多看了一眼对面的羽瑶公主一眼。 Princess Yuyao is with creamy white skin, the flesh was seeming to be divine splendor blooms, such as fairy sits cross-legged simply in the former makings is refined. 羽瑶公主肤如凝脂,肌肤似有着一丝神辉绽放,简直如一个仙子盘坐在前气质脱俗。 Her clothes understands lowly, has revealed snow white, the collar bone is fine, takes a quick look around, is similar to watches a perfect artistic film, during making the person immerse, the line of sight downward is looking that can discover has the profound gully to be partly visible, such as a labyrinth makes the person wish one could to survey to have any astonishing secret. 她的衣领略低,露出了一片雪白,锁骨精致迷人,一眼看去,就如同观赏一件完美的艺术片,让人不由沉浸当中,视线在往下看去,可以发现有着深邃的沟壑若隐若现,如一个迷宫让人恨不得想要去探测一下里面到底有着什么惊人的秘密。 Then to full vivid, making person look at evil fire to have. 那对饱满呼之欲出,让人望之不由邪火顿生。 Also the so perfect tender person, after is links Xiao Yun looks, cannot help but swallows the saliva, in the heart has an inexplicable impulsion. 如此完美的娇人,就是连萧云瞧后也不由得咽了咽口水,心中有着一种莫名的冲动。 However this type impulsive quick forcefully was suppressed. 不过这种冲动很快就被强行压制了下来。 This time I have promoted in the Heavenly Yuan Hunting Ground strength, should be able to give thorough wiping out for the princess this Devouring Source Heavenly Poison.” Seemed to be has concealed or made own draw back from opposite young girl that natural attraction, Xiao Yun smiled lightly, opens the mouth to say. “这次我在天元猎场实力有所提升,应该可以替公主将这噬源天毒给彻底拔除。”似为了掩饰或者让自己从对面少女那种自然的诱惑力当中退出来,萧云淡淡一笑,开口道。 Had work Young Master Xiao.” Princess Yuyao pupil light rises, the cheeks have one to blush flood, she extended the white hands on own initiative. “有劳萧公子了。”羽瑶公主眸光上扬,脸颊有着一丝红晕泛起,她主动伸出了玉手。 In passing through several times drawing out poison, Princess Yuyao has also been familiar with middle step. 在经过几次拔毒,羽瑶公主也熟悉了当中的步骤。 That affronted.” Xiao Yun is impolite, the palm extends, held that soft white hands. “那冒犯了。”萧云也不客气,手掌一伸,就抓住了那柔软的玉手。 The Xiao Yun palm jade-green light twinkle, Martial Spirit bloomed a piece of trace to submerge closely that following the hole hole of Princess Yuyao palm middle. 萧云掌心碧光闪烁,武魂绽放出一片纹路顺着羽瑶公主掌心的窍穴没入了那紧紧当中。 Then continuously jade-green light extends to enter in Princess Yuyao within the body, turned into jade-green runes vortex. 然后一缕缕碧光延伸而入在羽瑶公主体内,化成了一个碧色符文气旋 In vortex the runes twinkle, sends out mysterious fluctuation to start to absorb that to hide in Devouring Source Heavenly Poison of Bloodlines deep place. 气旋符文闪烁,散发出一股晦涩的波动开始摄取那隐藏在血脉深处的噬源天毒 This Xiao Yun has used Heavens Devouring Orchid secretly, takes in Sea of Consciousness , after Devouring Source Heavenly Poison that these hauling come swallows thoroughly. 这次萧云暗自动用了噬天兰,将那些牵引而来的噬源天毒摄入识海后彻底吞噬。 This Heavens Devouring Orchid bloomed shining azure light, the leaf center evolves vortex, Devouring Source Heavenly Poison that Jade Tree Martial Spirit absorbed is almost swallowed inside, that speed quick made people feel simply stunned, the pupil of Princess Yuyao shone getting up to be surprised. 噬天兰绽放出灿灿青光,叶子中心演化出一个气旋,碧树武魂所吸收来的噬源天毒几乎都被吞噬到了里面,那速度之快简直让人感到错愕,羽瑶公主的眸子都亮了起来一脸惊讶。 How did this Young Master Xiao drawing out poison speed become that quick?” In Princess Yuyao heart secret surprised, beautiful pupil tight stares at front youth, shock in heart is being hard to speak, she vaguely remembers first drawing out poison time this youth cautiously. “这萧公子拔毒的速度怎么变得那么快了?”羽瑶公主心中暗暗惊讶,美眸紧紧的盯着面前的少年,心中的震撼难以言说,她依稀记得第一次拔毒的时候这少年的小心翼翼。 But this Xiao Yun almost did not have the previous time scruples, starts vigorous wiping out these Devouring Source Heavenly Poison, initial time makes Princess Yuyao be really this youth worried, this violent poison can swallow the source of person, once will contaminate will be hard to wipe out! 可这次萧云几乎没有了上次的顾忌,开始大力的拔除那些噬源天毒,起初的时候着实让羽瑶公主为这少年捏了一把汗,这剧毒可是能吞噬人的本源,一旦沾染将难以拔除啊! In the moment, Xiao Yun has been without turning a hair as before, the drawing out poison speed has not stopped. 只是在过了片刻,萧云依旧是面不改色,拔毒的速度也没有停下来。 „Did he obtain the fortuitous encounter in that Heavenly Yuan Hunting Ground, the strength increased?” In the Princess Yuyao heart ponders darkly, except in addition did not have other reason, if said that this Xiao Yun was capable of detoxifying for her from the beginning completely, Princess Yuyao did not believe. “难道他在那天元猎场得到了奇遇,实力大增?”羽瑶公主心中暗忖,除此外也没有别的原因了,若是说这萧云一开始就有能力替她完全解毒,羽瑶公主也不信。 Because Xiao Yun that type did not install at that time cautiously. 因为当时萧云那种小心翼翼绝不是装出来的。 Furthermore she also believes this youth. 再者她也相信这个少年。 This Heavens Devouring Orchid is really uncommon, has to swallow all violent poison wonderful effectiveness.” When Princess Yuyao feels for this reason surprised, Xiao Yun actually completely immerses in the middle of drawing out poison at this moment, he first absorbs these Devouring Source Heavenly Poison by life source Martial Spirit, when violent poison will achieve Sea of Consciousness that Heavens Devouring Orchid rays of light bloomed, evolves one to swallow vortex, swallowed to accept these violent poison. “这噬天兰果然不凡,有着吞噬一切剧毒的神效。”在羽瑶公主为此感到惊讶的时候,萧云此刻却完全沉浸在拔毒当中,他首先是以本命武魂吸收那些噬源天毒,在剧毒将达到识海时那噬天兰光芒绽放,演化出了一个吞噬气旋,吞纳那些剧毒 These violent poison were swallowed into by that vortex, then submerged the Heavens Devouring Orchid root, was changed into the own nutrient by the root uptake. 这些剧毒被那气旋吞入,然后没入了噬天兰根部,被根系吸收化为了自己的养分。 Relies on mind to induce, Xiao Yun can the clear feeling the Heavens Devouring Orchid source essence have the promotion of such faint trace. 凭借着心神感应,萧云可以清晰的感觉到噬天兰的本源精气有着那么一丝丝的提升。 It seems like this Heavens Devouring Orchid uses toxin as the nutrient, expands own.” Xiao Yun muttered. “看来这噬天兰是以毒为养分,壮大自己。”萧云喃喃道。 This Heavens Devouring Orchid takes root on Heavens-Devouring Bead, will have this characteristics is also passable. 噬天兰是扎根于噬天珠上,会有这种特性也是说得过去。 After all said according to Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow, this Heavens-Devouring Bead was antiquity supreme treasure, inside was containing world violent poison, once stimulated to movement, inside venom can corroding the earth devouring the heavens, how take root fresh Heavens Devouring Orchid to be on it the mediocre thing? 毕竟按照吞天雀所言,这噬天珠可是一件上古至宝,里面蕴含着天地剧毒,一旦催动,里面的毒液可以腐地噬天,在它身上扎根而生的噬天兰岂会是凡俗之物? Xiao Yun even suspected that this Heavens Devouring Orchid is spiritual object that Heavens-Devouring Bead Spiritual Consciousness breeds, it by this heavy life wisdom. 萧云甚至怀疑这噬天兰本来就是噬天珠的一丝灵识所孕育成的灵物,它以此重生灵智。 Some spiritual object, once grows to be used in the spirit wisdom, finally even can be used in all sorts of Magical Powers, another type of proving the dao. 一些灵物,一旦成长起来将用于灵智,最后甚至可以用于种种神通,另类证道 After understanding the Heavens Devouring Orchid characteristics Xiao Yun almost did not have a point to have scruples regarding Devouring Source Heavenly Poison. 在了解了噬天兰的特性后萧云对于噬源天毒几乎没有了一点顾忌了。 Shout! 呼! Jade Tree Martial Spirit blooms shining light runes to submerge toward Princess Yuyao within the body, was similar to branch dug in her whole body, has faint trace life essence to fill the air in the middle of that light runes, was also nourishing her body in drawing out poison. 碧树武魂绽放出灿灿光纹向着羽瑶公主体内没入,如同一根根枝条扎入了她的全身,在那光纹当中有着一丝丝生命精气弥漫开来,在拔毒的时候也在滋养着她的身子。 Each time drawing out poison regarding Princess Yuyao is a rare enjoyment process, simply eating Spiritual Pill wondrous medicine is more comfortable, these life essence permeate in the flesh of her whole body, can repair before the cell meridians that under nourishing of that essence her these harm unceasingly, the whole person is face glowing with health, appeared bright-colored moving. 每次拔毒对于羽瑶公主来说可谓是一个难得的享受过程,简直比吃灵丹妙药还要舒服,那些生命精气渗入她全身的肌肤内,在那种精气的滋养下她以前那些有损的细胞经脉不断得以修复,整个人可谓是容光焕发,显得更加的明艳动人了起来。 However under permeating of these life essence, she sometimes also cannot help but feels quite awkwardly. 不过在这些生命精气的渗入下,她有时也是不由得感到颇为尴尬。 In Princess Yuyao also is Xiao Yun drawing out poison several times when increased, cool life essence flowed between her two legs, trembles in the nerve of that sensitive region unexpectedly, the muscle felt inexplicable comfortable, she cancould help calling. 就在羽瑶公主还在为萧云拔毒的数度增加时,一股清凉的生命精气流入了她的两腿之间,在那敏感地带的神经蓦地一颤,肌肉都感到了一阵莫名的舒服,她忍不住要叫了起来。 Princess Yuyao light pursing the lips lip, the whole body only thinks numb, that mysterious region flood a moistness. 羽瑶公主轻抿着嘴唇,全身只觉一阵酥麻,那神秘地带泛起了一阵湿润。 That inexplicable feeling makes her cheeks blush, the beautiful pupil contains the spring, appears quite embarrassed. 那种莫名的感觉让她脸颊羞红,美眸含春,显得颇为难为情。 But her the white hands were also grabbed by that youth at this time, in soaring that this contact next inexplicable fire of desire throws. 可此时她的玉手偏偏还被那少年抓着,在这种接触下一种莫名的欲火扑的腾升。 How I can have such impulsed?” Princess Yuyao beautiful eye blinks, the root of the ear tender and beautiful desire drops, pupil light takes a look secretly toward the opposite youth, in heart flood all sorts of ripples, after slightly she suddenly feels shy, the heart is jumping crazily. “我怎么能有这样的冲动了?”羽瑶公主美眸眨动,耳根娇艳欲滴,眸光向着对面的少年偷偷瞅去,心中泛起了种种涟漪,不过在稍许后她顿觉羞涩,心头在狂跳。 Indistinct within Princess Yuyao has a feeling of being a thief unexpectedly. 隐约间羽瑶公主竟有着一种做贼的感觉。 However in looking at opposite Xiao Yun slightly narrows the eyes, after as if no a feeling, she secretly relaxed. 不过在瞧得对面的萧云双眸微眯,似乎对此没有一点感觉后她才暗暗松了一口气。 Xiao Yun controls Heavens Devouring Orchid to swallow these Devouring Source Heavenly Poison in according to mind unable at this time to divert attention, naturally could not feel that Princess Yuyao these changed tiny, although now he fused Heavens Devouring Orchid also to be able the mind control! 萧云此时在以心神控制噬天兰吞噬那些噬源天毒不能分心,自然是感觉不到羽瑶公主的那些细小变化了,如今他虽然融合了噬天兰可是也得以心神控制才是啊! Otherwise does not have mind to control, had any accident to trouble. 不然没有心神控制,发生了什么意外可就麻烦了。 The time passes, suddenly a double-hour passed by in light of this, Princess Yuyao within the body Devouring Source Heavenly Poison almost must thoroughly be eliminated, because Xiao Yun Martial Spirit does not need own refining these violent poison therefore also appears when drawing out poison very much goes all out. 时间流逝,眨眼间一个时辰就此过去了,羽瑶公主体内噬源天毒几乎就要被彻底清除了,萧云武魂因为不需要自己炼化那些剧毒所以在拔毒时也显得很卖力。 Believes how long did not want these Devouring Source Heavenly Poison thoroughly to eliminate.” In the Xiao Yun heart ponders darkly, is quite satisfied to the own present condition, so long as there is Heavens Devouring Orchid, why must to dread what violent poison? All poisons become the Heavens Devouring Orchid nutrient. “相信不要多久就可以将那些噬源天毒彻底清除了。”萧云心中暗忖,对自己现在的状态颇为满意,只要有噬天兰在,何须畏惧什么剧毒?一切毒物都将成为噬天兰的养分。 Moreover, Heavens Devouring Orchid has been promoted the evolution, can own grow violent poison. 不仅如此,噬天兰得到提升进化,更是可以自己衍生出剧毒 Although violent poison is not true battle strength, actually sometimes can also achieve the effect of defeating the enemy by a surprise attack. 剧毒虽然不是真正的战力,却有时候也可以达到出奇制胜的效果。 Buzz! 嗡! When Xiao Yun hesitates secretly, his permeates Princess Yuyao within the body Martial Spirit jade-green light fiercely trembles to receive affect of great power, making that light screen lax, has fallen back on his palm hastily, surprised under he induces to go by mind hastily. 就在萧云暗自沉吟的时候,他那渗入羽瑶公主体内武魂碧光猛的一颤受到了一股强大力量的波及,使得那光幕涣散,连忙退到了他的掌心,惊讶之下他连忙以心神感应而去。 „The fluctuation of very powerful, came from Bloodlines.” Xiao Yun mind permeates Princess Yuyao within the body, had discovered immediately then source of that fluctuation, that is a primitive strength, from the Bloodlines deep place, should be one Bloodlines strength. 好强大的波动,是来自血脉。”萧云心神渗入羽瑶公主体内,当即便是发现了那股波动的源头,那是一股原始的力量,来自血脉深处,应该是一种血脉力量。 „Does the strength of her Bloodlines need to regain consciousness?” Xiao Yun slightly heart startled, he vaguely remembered Princess Yuyao to say she was having strength of the Bloodlines, was therefore had gotten down violent poison, must corrode these Bloodlines strength, did not make it awaken thoroughly. “她的血脉之力要苏醒了吗?”萧云微微心惊,他依稀记得羽瑶公主曾经说过她拥有着一股血脉之力,就是因此才被人下了剧毒,要腐蚀这些血脉力,不让它彻底觉醒。 Now Devouring Source Heavenly Poison was cramped out, the strength of that Bloodlines also started to overflow. 如今噬源天毒被拔去,那股血脉之力也就开始溢出了。 „Does the strength of Bloodlines, need to regain consciousness finally?” Felt that within the body that familiar fluctuation, secretly somewhat shy Princess Yuyao mind shook a moment ago, afterward joyful gushes out from that moral nature, the whole person appears quite excited. 血脉之力,终于要苏醒了吗?”感觉到体内那股熟悉的波动,刚才还暗自有些羞涩的羽瑶公主心神一震,随后一股喜悦从那心底涌出,整个人显得颇为激动。 In the past this Bloodlines has brought the unsurpassed glory for her, was unmatched in the entire Wind Moon Kingdom crest of wave, how many imperial princes just like pressed to make her enjoy that type to keep aloof is held in the feeling of shrine, may also be this mysterious the strength of Bloodlines makes her fall into the life trough afterward, in the body she after violent poison was even passing the day of waiting for death, that pitiful, who understood? 当年这血脉为她带来了无上荣耀,在整个风月国的风头可谓一时无两,俨然压过了几位皇子让她享受了那种高高在上被捧在神坛的感觉,可也是这神秘血脉之力让她随后陷入了人生低谷,身中剧毒后的她甚至在过着等死的日子,那种凄惨,谁人了解? ==== ==== ( ( …… ……
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