EMS :: Volume #2

#153: what Wei is aggressive

Chapter 153 what is domineering 第153章何为霸气 What a pity now Qiu Yuhao died, is dies not verifies. 可惜现在邱于浩已死,已经是死无对证。 Just like let alone Xiao Yun said that how even if he did have Magic Item? 更何况正如萧云所言,就算他有法器又如何? His commoner juniors, participate this examination are not easy. 他一个寒门子弟,来参加这考核已经是不容易了。 Xiao Yun words character character is forceful, after elder hears of various clans, again and again nods. 萧云话语字字铿锵有力,各族的长者听后都是连连点头。 Was seeing that nobody comes out to testify, Qiu Family elder air/Qi almost spit blood. 在见到没有一个人出面作证,邱家长者一个个气得差点吐血。 Zhou Fang, you may see this Xiao Yun does use Magic Item?” The Qiu Xuanrong pupil narrows the eyes, stares below Zhou Fang to say. 周放,你可见到了这萧云动用法器?”邱玄嵘眸子一眯,凝视着下方的周放道。 I, I have not seen.” Was staring by this old person like this, in the Zhou Fang heart is scared, saying of making excuses. “我,我没有看到。”被这老人这样盯着,周放心中一阵发毛,吱吱唔唔的说道。 No?” Qiu Xuanrong brows tightly frowns, said that how this is possible?” “没有?”邱玄嵘眉头紧锁,道,“这怎么可能?” Zhou Fang knit the brows, said that Magic Item of Xiao Yun only use also seizes from the Minghao brother hand, as for other, I really has not seen.” Before Xiao Yun take action formidable Soul Power released this Zhou Fang mind to tremble each time, fell into blurry, time that Extinguishing Soul Spear when he was sober had been taken back, almost few saw Extinguishing Soul Spear personally. 周放皱了皱眉,说道,“萧云唯一动用的一件法器也是从明浩兄手中夺来的,至于其它,我就真的没有见过了。”之前萧云每次出手强大的灵魂力释放出来这周放心神就一颤,陷入了迷糊,等他清醒的时候那灭神之矛已经被收回,几乎没有几个人看到了灭神之矛 How can like this?” Qiu Xuanrong brows tightly frowns, has no alternative. “怎么会这样?”邱玄嵘眉头紧锁,却又无可奈何。 Now does not have the evidence, their Qiu Family was a principle does not occupy. 如今没有证据,他们邱家是一点理都占不到了。 Such being the case, Xiao Yun take action is really the justifiable defense, this matter was not investigating.” A Deacon Qin face with deep veneration, double pupil is taking a fast look around the four directions, said that „the following old man announced that Xiao Yun is this examination champion, because he passed examination, therefore remits to cut to kill the Heavenly Yuan Sect disciple error.” “既然如此,萧云出手实属正当防卫,此事不在追究。”秦执事一脸肃然,双眸扫视着四方,说道,“下面老夫宣布,萧云为此次考核的冠军,因他通过了考核,所以赦免斩杀天元宗弟子的过失。” Can have the objection?” “诸位可有异议?” I do not have the objection.” “我没有异议。” I do not have the objection.” Manager said. “我也没有异议。”各位管事纷纷说道。 Xiao Yun refine pill success 3-Rank Innate Pill sufficiently to obtain key training of Sect, now also obtained first position from, when remitted all errors becomes my Heavenly Yuan Sect Core Disciple.” Nearby Yuan Rong face cold severe, said. 萧云炼出了丹成三品先天丹本来就已经足以得到宗门的重点培养,如今还获得了冠位自当赦免一切过失成为我天元宗核心弟子。”旁边的袁熔一脸冷厉,说道。 Manager Qiu, you thought.” Deacon Qin pupil light concentrates, takes a look said to nearby Qiu Xuanrong. 邱管事,你认为了。”秦执事眸光一凝,瞅向旁边的邱玄嵘说道。 I......” saw the opinions of all people to achieve consistently, the Qiu Xuanrong air/Qi resulted in the eyelid to jump, in the heart the foul odor was difficult to disappear, that pupil light sank, said that this Xiao Yun killed the heart to be so heavy, if made him cross the threshold, only feared that was disadvantageous in my Sect.” “我……”见得所有人的意见都已经达成了一致,邱玄嵘气得眼皮直跳,心中恶气难消,那眸光一沉,说道“这萧云杀心如此重,若是让他入门,只怕于我宗门不利。” Snort, kills grieving?” Heard that said the Deacon Qin complexion to sink, fierce [say / way], „, if not for your Qiu Family person deliberately planned must cope with Xiao Yun, how will he move your people? This matter I had not investigated that your Qiu Family mistake is broadminded, if you in stubborn, must this matter noisy big, I want to be Qiu Xuanji, Elder Qiu cannot guarantee you.” “哼,杀心重?”闻言秦执事脸色一沉,厉声道,“若不是你们邱家的人处心积虑的要对付萧云,他岂会动你们的人?此事我没有追究你们邱家的过错已是宽宏大量,你若在冥顽不灵,要将此事闹大,我想就算是邱玄机,邱长老也保不了你们。” Strangles one soon the to join Sect talent, this charge said that is not greatly big, said small is not small, must investigate that really that consequence, you should know.” “扼杀一个即将拜入宗门的天才,这罪名说大不不大,说小不小,真要追究起来那后果,你应该知道。” If strangles the general talent to not the big matter, is Xiao Yun is different, his extraordinary natural talent, displayed uncommon natural talent in Martial Dao as well as Pill Dao, if will quite train to will certainly become the promising youth in Sect, even if can step into that Profound Yuan Battlefield, perhaps. 若是扼杀一般的天才到没有多大的事情,可是萧云不同,他天赋异禀,在武道以及丹道都表现出了不凡的天赋,若是好生培养必将成为宗门内的后起之秀,就算能踏入那玄元战场,也说不定。 As long as there is qualifications to step into Profound Yuan Battlefield disciple to be quite precious! 但凡有资格踏入玄元战场弟子可都是颇为珍贵啊! Qiu Xuanrong brows tightly frowns, is at a loss for words for a while, he also knows that these Manager and Deacon Qin moved loved heart. 邱玄嵘眉头紧锁,一时语塞,他也知道这些管事秦执事都动了爱才之心。 Can in a Wind Moon Kingdom discovery such talent, stem from the expectation of people, if introduced Sect to be possible to be granted. 能在风月国发现这么一个天才,出乎了众人的预料,要是引入了宗门必可得到赏赐。 Especially after if this youth, emerges in Sect, Deacon Qin will have lasting achievements. 特别是若这少年以后在宗门内脱颖而出,秦执事将功不可没。 Saw answer that these Heavenly Yuan Sect Manager give, in the Xiao Yun heart is satisfied. 见到这些天元宗管事给出的答案,萧云心中还算满意。 If these people without considering the rights and wrongs, start to own, or handles matters unfairly, did not have the to join Heavenly Yuan Sect necessity. 若是这些人不问青红皂白,就对自己下手,或者处事不公,也就没有拜入天元宗的必要了。 „Does this matter such give up?” “难道此事就这么罢手吗?” How could do my Qiu Family 47 people die in vain?” Saw on high stage Heavenly Yuan Sect elder to make the decision, under the stage these Qiu Family elder pupil dew hatred, in the pupil such as has the flame to burn, was usually rampant has been used to domineeringly they, how can swallow this tone? “我邱家47人岂能白死?”见高台天元宗长者已经做出了决定,台下那些邱家长者一个个眸露怨毒,眸中如有着火焰在燃烧,平时嚣张跋扈惯了的他们,怎么能咽下这口气? Snort, this is your Qiu Family gets what one deserves.” “哼,这是你们邱家活该。” 47 people encircled kill one person to be defeated, but also felt all right murmured here?” elder of nearby several large clans naturally cannot give up this attacking the Qiu Family opportunity, especially Yuan Lin and the others are the smiling face of revealing the whole face understanding speak drink coldly. “47人去围杀一人都失败了,还好意思在这里囔囔?”旁边几位大族的长者自然不会放弃这个打击邱家的机会了,特别是袁霖等人都是露出满脸会心的笑容出言冷喝。 Their this times may really bet right! 他们这次可真是赌对了啊! Be quiet! How could does my Qiu Family person die in vain?” Words fall in Qiu Family these elder ears, enabling them cannot help but to become angry out of shame, in that Qiu Xuanchong pupil cold glow twinkle, was similar to a greedy person has locked high stage below Xiao Yun unexpectedly. “住嘴!我邱家的人岂能白死?”一句句话语落在邱家那些长者耳里,使得他们不由得恼羞成怒了起来,那邱玄崇眸中寒芒闪烁,如同一头饿狼蓦地锁定了高台下方的萧云 You have killed my son, today I also want you dead.” Qiu Xuanchong pupil light stares, one step takes the formidable imposing manner to burst out from him unexpectedly, oppresses the youth under that high stage is a heart startled, goes to side retreat hastily. “你杀了我儿子,今天我也要你死。”邱玄崇眸光一愣,蓦地一步迈出强大的气势从他身上迸发而出,压迫得那高台下的少年都是一阵心惊,连忙向旁后退而去。 Also Profound Hawk when when people retreat, the Qiu Xuanrong entire body is similar to spreading the wings, soaring. 也就在众人后退之际,邱玄嵘整个身子如同一只展翅的玄鹰,腾飞而起。 Whoosh ! 刷! This Qiu Xuanrong both hands claw, is similar to the eagle catches the chicken, is covers toward below Xiao Yun under. 邱玄嵘双手化爪,如同老鹰抓鸡,向着下方的萧云便是笼罩而下。 Half Yuan Core Realm?” The great claw searches, is glittering the shining cold brightness, the claw glow turnover, can know how things stand zhang (3.33 m) completely covering Xiao Yun in middle, that formidable imposing manner makes his heart one startled, felt a greatest oppression. “半步元丹境?”巨爪探下,闪烁着灿灿寒光,爪芒吞吐,能有数丈大小完全将萧云给笼罩在当中,那股强大的气势让得他心头一惊,感到了一股莫大的压迫。 Although this Qiu Xuanchong is only half Yuan Core Realm, but that strength also cannot be underestimated, compared with True Yuan perfection boundary cultivator does not know that wants formidable many times, under this powerhouse surprise attack, Xiao Yun almost does not have the strength of resisting, only then resigns oneself to extinction. 邱玄崇虽然只是半步元丹境,可那实力也不容小觑,比起真元圆满境修者不知要强大多少倍,在这种强者突袭下,萧云几乎是没有抵挡之力,只有束手待毙。 This old ghost.” “这老鬼。” Suddenly, nearby all cultivator stared in a big way the eye, tight was staring at front void, by this fearing. 一时间,附近所有的修者都瞪大了眼睛,紧紧的盯着前方的虚空,被这一幕给惊住了。 No one has thought that Qiu Xuanchong so will be unexpectedly crazed, dares in Heavenly Yuan Sect powerhouse subordinate take action. 谁都没有想到邱玄崇竟然会这么丧心病狂,敢在天元宗强者的手下出手 This wants disobedient Heavenly Yuan Sect? 这是要忤逆天元宗吗? Was then miserable.” “这下惨了。” „Can Xiao Yun resist?” While amazed, in people heart also Xiao Yun worried, the heart and liver resembled to jump, this was half not Yuan Core Realm cultivator, that Yan Mo Brother and the others also felt startled. 萧云能抵挡下来吗?”在惊诧的同时,众人心中也萧云捏了一把汗,心肝都似要跳了出来,这可是半不元丹境修者,就连那颜漠兄弟等人也是感到一阵惊慌。 They originally side Xiao Yun, but one side that Qiu Xuanchong take action, formidable air current shaking flies them. 他们本来就在萧云身边,可那邱玄崇出手,一股强大的气流就将他们给震飞到一边。 Not difficult to imagine, this youth will certainly be struck to execute. 不难想象,这少年必将被一击格杀。 Qiu Xuanchong, you dare blatantly take action, can provoke entire Heavenly Yuan Sect?” Several elder on high stage have not expected this matter, that Yuan Rong sees this to be angry immediately, a formidable imposing manner bursts out from him immediately. 邱玄崇,你竟敢公然出手,是要挑衅整个天元宗吗?”高台上的几位长者都没有料到此事,那袁熔见此立即大怒,一股强大的气势当即就从他身上迸发而出。 Deacon Qin is also the eyelid jumps, wants take action. 秦执事也是眼皮一跳,想要出手 That Qiu Xuanchong take action was too but quick, the great claw must fall on Xiao Yun, even if after their take action is also very difficult, sends first, furthermore promptly prevents, both sides fight, can the huge fallout can it be that this Innate Realm youth who that produces withstand? 可是那邱玄崇出手太快了,巨爪已经要落在萧云身上了,就算他们出手也很难后发先至,再者就算及时阻止,双方交手,那产生的巨大余波又岂是这先天境的少年可承受? You court death!” Facing Qiu Xuanchong take action Xiao Yun pupil light was also thoroughly ice-cold, his fierce gaining ground, the within both eyes chill in the air twinkle, did not wait for that dead characters to put out, was bursts out in his air current of burning hot. “你这是找死!”面对邱玄崇出手萧云眸光也是彻底冰冷了起来,他猛的抬头,双眸中寒意闪烁,不等那个死字吐出,在他身上一股炙热的气流便是迸发而出。 Shout! 呼! As the air current of that burning hot bursts out, a flame glitters, shoots up to the sky, formidable imposing manner directly that Qiu Xuanchong shaking trembles in void, great claw rays of light that evolves is gloomy immediately, has been defeated and dispersed. 随着那炙热的气流迸发而出,一片火光闪烁,冲天而起,强大的气势直接将那邱玄崇给震的在虚空中一颤,那演化出来的巨爪光芒立即暗淡,随之溃散了开来。 very powerful imposing manner, what's all this about?” The Qiu Xuanchong personal appearance by fire wave directly shaking flying upside down, the within the body vitality is tumbling, a bloodstain overflows from the corners of the mouth, his whole face terrified is staring in below Xiao Yun heart panic-stricken. 好强的气势,这是怎么回事?”邱玄崇的身形被一股火流直接给震得倒飞而出,体内的气血在翻滚,一丝血迹从嘴角溢出,他满脸惶恐的盯着下方的萧云心中惊骇不已。 The imposing manner on this youth suddenly bursting out sufficiently and Yuan Core Realm placed on a par! 这少年身上蓦然迸发出的气势足以和元丹境相提并论了啊! Has resisted?” On high stage, that is preparing take action Yuan Rong as well as Deacon Qin pupil light, in same place, is the double pupil narrows the eyes closely is all staring at the front, induces aura fluctuation that on that youth is sending out. “抵挡了下来?”在高台上,那正准备出手袁熔以及秦执事眸光一顿,不由愣在了原地,皆是双眸一眯紧紧的盯着前方,感应着那少年身上所散发出来的气息波动。 Not is only this two people, almost the people of audience shaking have shaken by this sudden one. 不仅是这两人,几乎全场的人都被这突如其来的一幕给震了一震。 Also in this in an instant, under people that amazed pupil light gaze, before body of Xiao Yun , the rays of light twinkle, a flame flies unexpectedly to void, finally changed into Fire Bird, a formidable aura fluctuation also along with it sweeping across four directions. 也就是在这刹那间,在众人那惊诧的眸光注视下,萧云的身前光芒闪烁,一道火光蓦地飞向虚空,最后化为了一只火鸟,一股强大的气息波动也是随之席卷四方。 During the trim school ground almost by a burning aura fluctuation covering, the people have placed such as is baked by the roaring flame. 整片校场几乎都被一股炙热的气息波动给笼罩了,众人身处当中如被烈焰烘烤。 This Fire Bird naturally was Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow. 火鸟自然就是吞天雀了。 His mother, -and-a-half Yuan Core Realm old fogies also dares to move my brother, wasn't your this tired of living?” Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow changes into huge Fire Sparrow, the wings launches to have seven meters, its mouth spits the language, pair of claws moves then to turn toward that Qiu Xuanchong claw. “他娘的,一个半步元丹境的老家伙也敢动我兄弟,你这不是活腻了吗?”吞天雀化为一只巨大的火雀,双翼展开能有七米长,它口吐人语,双爪一动便向着那邱玄崇爪去。 In the Qiu Family hostage asked when Xiao Yun Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow is impatient, does not want to listen to these person of chatty, plans to want take action. 早在邱家人质问萧云吞天雀不耐烦了,不想听这些人唧唧歪歪,打算要出手 If not for Xiao Yun stops, wants to have a look at the Heavenly Yuan Sect these elder manner, did not have such many matters. 若不是萧云制止,想要看看天元宗那些长者的态度,也没有这么多事了。 Naturally, if on take action, only feared without demur Xiao Yun also became a side that is in the wrong, is quite disadvantageous to him. 当然,若是二话不说就出手,只怕萧云也就成为了理亏的一方,对他极为不利。 Therefore Xiao Yun has not begun. 所以萧云才没有动手。 If there is not occupied the truth, he is also very difficult to withdraw. 若是没有占据道理,他也很难脱身。 Whoosh ! 刷! A Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow claw falls, compared with a claw of that Qiu Xuanchong does not know a moment ago wanted intrepidly many times. 吞天雀一爪落下,比起刚才那邱玄崇的一爪不知要强悍了多少倍。 Its that great claw flame circulation, was seeming to be during runes implication, shining rays of light bloomed to change into domain to want to seal|confer Tiansuo the place, absolutely that Qiu Xuanchong to to seal|confer Kun in middle, did not have one in the opportunity of under this great claw almost continually running away. 它那巨爪火光流转,似有着符文蕴含当中,灿灿光芒绽放开来化为了一个领域似要封天锁地,完全将那邱玄崇给封困在了当中,在这巨爪下几乎连逃的机会都没有一丝。 „Is a good mysterious claw, Yuan Core Realm powerhouse?” Trembles facing this claw Qiu Xuanchong heart, felt that this claw Yuan Core Realm powerhouse as if should not have, panic-stricken under he closely is staring at that Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow, reveals incredible pupil light. “好玄妙的一爪,是元丹境强者?”面对这一爪邱玄崇心中一颤,感觉这一爪连元丹境强者似乎都不应该有,惊骇之下他紧紧的盯着那吞天雀,露出不可置信的眸光 How side Xiao Yun to have this formidable existence?” high stage Qiu Xuanrong and the others on are also surprised. 萧云身边怎么会有这种强大的存在?”高台上的邱玄嵘等人也是一脸惊讶。 Stop!” Qiu Xuanrong drinks greatly, formidable imposing manner bursts out, wants to prevent Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow. “住手!”邱玄嵘大喝,身上一股强大的气势迸发而出,想要阻止吞天雀 Lives in your mother's hand.” Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow coldly snorted, regarding that Qiu Xuanrong drinks the sound coldly, does not care, the great claw opens and closes, then grasps toward Qiu Xuanchong, under this formidable imposing manner, this person simply does not have strength of the resisting. “住你娘的手。”吞天雀冷哼一声,对于那邱玄嵘的冷喝声,根本不在意,巨爪开阖,便是向着邱玄崇抓去,在这股强大的气势下,此人根本没有一丝抵挡之力。 ! 咔嚓! In said under innumerably gaze of pupil light, sees only that great claw to fall, a claw then that Qiu Xuanchong crumb. 在无数道眸光的注视下,只见得那巨爪落下,一爪便是将那邱玄崇捏碎了。 Afterward the flame dodges, thoroughly burning for nihility. 随后火光一闪,彻底将之给焚为了虚无。 When this method is aggressive, lets person feels to shock , cannot help but fearful and apprehensive. 这手段霸气无比,让人感到震撼之余,也是不由得一阵心惊肉跳。 Shout! 呼! Various clan cultivator have all held breath cold air. 各族修者皆倒吸了一口凉气。 ==== ==== ( ( …… ……
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