EMS :: Volume #2

#152: Interrogation

Chapter 152 interrogated 第152章质问 Sorry, is I spur-of-the-moment.” Sees Deacon Qin to act, Qiu Xuanrong this time restrains that imposing manner gradually then said that is only this matter relates really in a big way, if not investigate that only feared being hard obedience, later the juniors of various clans do not dare to send to participate in examination the own later generation juniors, will not punish this Xiao Yun to harm the development of my Heavenly Yuan Sect.” “抱歉,是我一时冲动。”见秦执事出面,邱玄嵘这次将那气势逐渐收敛转而说道,“只是此事关系甚大,若不追究下去,只怕将难以服众,以后各族的子弟也不敢将自己的后辈子弟送来参加考核,不严惩这萧云将有损我天元宗的发展。” I work have not been one's turn you to gesticulate.” Deacon Qin face cold severe, shouted to clear the way. “我做事还轮不到你来指手画脚。”秦执事一脸冷厉,喝道。 Does not dare, I also think of that's all. the Qiu Xuanrong eye to twitch daily the sect, although in the heart had actually to endure disgruntledly, but the words in that as before slightly chilling, opened the mouth to deduct Heavenly Yuan Sect, reminded this Deacon Qin by this. “不敢,我也是为天天宗着想罢了。邱玄嵘眼睛抽搐,虽然心中有所不悦却还是忍了下来,不过那口中的话语依旧略显冷硬,一开口就将天元宗扣下,以此提醒这秦执事 Deacon Qin shot a look at that Qiu Xuanrong lightly, is not talking too much, at once pupil light concentrates, takes a look to below Xiao Yun, said that Qiu Family these 47 people were killed by you?” The Deacon Qin words are not severe, expression appears very temperate. 秦执事淡淡的瞥了一眼那邱玄嵘,也不在多言,旋即眸光一凝,瞅向了下方的萧云,道,“邱家那些47人都被你所杀了?”秦执事话语并不严厉,语气显得很温和。 Em.” Xiao Yun nods. “恩。”萧云点头。 Anything! Your this evil creature, has killed my Qiu Family 47 youth talents unexpectedly.” “什么!你这个孽障,竟然杀了我邱家47名少年天才。” Your this fellow of being cut to pieces, but also my son life comes.” Qiu Family elder hear speech/words, shapes , if crazy, probably fierce tiger same must throw to swallow that Xiao Yun livingly, usually is their Qiu Family person bullies others, where has such miserably? Audience atmosphere sudden change. “你这个该千刀万剐的家伙,还我儿命来。”邱家长者闻言,一个个状若疯狂,好像猛虎一样就要扑出去将那萧云给活生生吞了,平常都是他们邱家的人欺负别人,哪里有这么惨过啊?全场气氛骤变。 Solemnly silent!” Deacon Qin brow one curved, pupil light swift and fierce like knife point, falls on the bodies of these people, making person painful, the people political ability restore several points of anger, but the bonus so Qiu Xuanchong and other Qiu Family elder stern-faced is staring at the front. “肃静!”秦执事眉头一弯,眸光凌厉如刀锋,落在那些人的身上,使人一阵生疼,众人才略微恢复了几分怒火,不过饶是如此邱玄崇邱家长者还是一脸阴沉盯着前方。 Deacon Qin, this child kills my Qiu Family 47 people, you may probably execute him, how otherwise to take the popular anger?” Qiu Xuanchong within both eyes has filled killing intent, he for Qiu Family profound character generation of elder is also Leader of Qiu Family present age, with that Qiu Xuanrong is peer, but these people step into Yuan Core Realm, or not in Qiu Family, therefore these vulgar event have given him. 秦执事,此子杀我邱家47人,你可一定要将他正法,不然何以服众怒?”邱玄崇双眸中充满了杀意,他为邱家玄字辈的长者也是邱家当代的掌权者,与那邱玄嵘是同辈,只是那些人都踏入元丹境,或没有在邱家,所以这些俗事交给了他。 Nearby Qiu Family elder again and again echoes. 旁边的邱家长者都是连连附和。 this King had said that I concluded innately that you are patient.” The Deacon Qin complexion slightly is disgruntled, sinking sound track. 本座已经说过,我自有断定,你们稍安勿躁。”秦执事脸色略显不悦,沉声道。 We listen quietly the resolution of Deacon Qin.” Qiu Xuanchong cold sound track. “那我们静听秦执事的决断。”邱玄崇冷声道。 Qiu Xuanrong on that high stage is also stern-faced, but has not been opening the mouth. 高台上的邱玄嵘也是一脸阴沉,不过并没有在开口了。 He believes that this Deacon Qin in bold does not dare to harbor Xiao Yun. 他相信这秦执事在大胆也不敢包庇萧云 After all Deacon in the Heavenly Yuan Sect status is also limited, but also cannot go to the one hand shrouding the heavens situation. 毕竟一个执事天元宗地位也是有限,还达不到只手遮天的地步。 Qiu Family has Elder in Heavenly Yuan Sect! 邱家可是有长老天元宗啊! big shot that truly could speak. 那才是真正说得上话的大人物 Why do you kill the Qiu Family person?” The Deacon Qin complexion is a face is as before temperate, takes a look to Xiao Yun, because latter that indifferent appearance has several points of energy very much obviously, otherwise so, in his opinion this youth should not be the crude generation. “你为何杀邱家的人?”秦执事脸色依旧是一脸温和,瞅向萧云,因为后者那淡然的模样很显然是有着几分底气,不然不会如此,在他看来这少年应该不是鲁莽之辈。 Reason is very simple.” The Xiao Yun brow moves slightly, pupil light rises with that Deacon Qin pupil light welcomes, saying of being loud and clear, „, because Qiu Family not only forcefully gives their later generation juniors to take the Pure Yuan Pill promotion to plot to murder me to True Yuan Realm by this, but also has granted Qiu Yuhao, as well as Qiu Minghao two people Magic Item, encircles in Heavenly Yuan Hunting Ground kills me, since they so deliberately plan must kill me, why can't I kill them?” “原因很简单。”萧云眉头微动,眸光上扬与那秦执事眸光相迎,掷地有声的说道,“因为邱家不仅强行给他们的后辈子弟服用纯元丹提升至真元境以此来谋害我,还赐予了邱于浩,以及邱明浩两人法器,在天元猎场围杀我,既然他们如此处心积虑的要杀我,我为何不能杀他们?” „, Thought?” “诸位,以为了?” Here, Xiao Yun pupil light halo regarded the four directions, on these elder 11 from high stage has swept. 说到这里,萧云光环视四方,从高台上那些长者身上11扫过。 What, did Qiu Yuhao and other manpower hold Magic Item to encircle kill you?” “什么,邱于浩等人手持法器围杀你?” hear speech/words, the elder complexion sudden change on high stage, shows the whole face incredible look, you said can real?” 闻言,高台上的长者脸色骤变,露出满脸不可置信的神色,“你说的可都是真的?” Moreover, elder of other not far away clans also bring the whole face surprise expression staring Xiao Yun. 不仅如此,就连不远处其它氏族的长者也是带着满脸诧异的表情将萧云给盯着。 Yan Zhen, Brother Yan Mo can testify.” Xiao Yun said that „when initially Qiu Yuhao encircled kills me, they happen to the scene.” 颜真,颜漠兄弟可以作证。”萧云说道,“当初邱于浩围杀我时,他们正好在场。” Can have this matter?” Deacon Qin pupil light first is one cold, but that heartbeat is actually accelerating, when takes a look to Xiao Yun how many minute of inexplicable excitements in the heart has, if is really so, that this youth should be terrorist, grasps Magic Item True Yuan Realm cultivator is not his match? “可有此事?”秦执事眸光先是一冷,只是那心跳却在加速,瞅向萧云时心中有着几分莫名的兴奋,若真是如此,那这少年该有多么恐怖,连手持法器真元境修者都不是他的对手吗? Moreover more than one person. 而且还不止一人。 Side these Heavenly Yuan Sect Manager were shaken shook, starts to think own to misunderstand, before that surprise expression because of being furious, but feels surprised, shaking has shaken by background of this youth, if he did say is true that is what kind heaven defying? 旁边那些天元宗管事都是被震了一震,开始以为自己听错,之前那诧异的表情不是因为震怒,而是感到惊讶,被这个少年的底蕴给震了一震,若他所言属实那是何等的逆天 The audience suddenly a piece of silencing, people turned very quiet the breath to fall the line of sight on Yan Zhen as well as Brother Yan Mo. 全场一时间一片静寂,众人屏住呼吸都将视线落在了颜真以及颜漠兄弟身上。 At this moment as if arrived at the time of making known truth anxiously, the atmosphere especially. 此刻似乎到了揭晓谜底的时刻,气氛格外的紧张。 Good, that Qiu Yuhao and Qiu Minghao used Magic Item to encircle kill Xiao Yun, our brothers did not beat capturing by Qiu Yuhao, because finally they had scruples to put my brother two people, but in an instant, Qiu Yuhao has put out Beast-Controlling Bone Flute, actuating a lot of Monster Beast to kill toward Xiao Yun...... Finally compelled him to crash Absolute Abyss.” Yan Mo every single word or phrase toward people this matter [say / way], when spoke of Qiu Yuhao his in the pupil has the chill in the air to reappear, that intent, that expression was not installs very much, making nearby person sound also to be as if clearer. “不错,那邱于浩邱明浩都动用了法器围杀萧云,我们兄弟不敌被邱于浩给擒拿了下来,最后因为他们有所顾忌才放了我兄弟二人,不过只是转眼间,邱于浩就拿出了一个驱兽骨笛,驱动着千百头妖兽向着萧云杀去……最后逼得他坠落了绝渊。”颜漠一字一句的向着众人将此事道来,每当说到邱于浩时他眸中就有着寒意浮现,那种很意,那种表情绝不是装得出来,让旁边的人听起来似乎也更加真切了。 Even some people vaguely can imagine appearance that a lot of Monster Beast roar. 甚至有人依稀可以想象到那千百头妖兽怒吼的模样。 Finally Qiu Yuhao and the others were all killed by Brother Xiao.” Later, Yan Zhen simply said this matter. “最后邱于浩等人皆被萧兄所杀。”不大一会,颜真就将此事简单的说了一遍。 Here, the people of audience had a general idea to understand to this matter's process. 说到这里,全场的人都对此事的经过有了一个大概了解。 Shout! 呼! Immediately, cultivator of various audience clans have all held breath cold air, that took a look to Xiao Yun pupil light becomes even more strange, more was deep dreading, was really hard to imagine, a Innate perfection boundary youth really had this grade of strength! 顿时,全场各族的修者皆是不由倒吸了一口凉气,那瞅向萧云眸光变得越发怪异了起来,更多的则是深深的忌惮,实在难以想象,一个先天圆满境的少年竟然有这等实力! Cuts several True Yuan Realm cultivator by a person of strength continually, this is still human? 凭借一人之力连斩数名真元境修者,这还是人吗? How does he win?” In the people heart has been full of doubts. “他到底是怎么取胜的?”众人心中都充满了疑惑。 On that high stage that Deacon Qin, after Yuan Rong and other Manager hears narration of Yan Mo, is a heart is startled. 就连那高台上那秦执事,袁熔管事听完颜漠的叙述后也是一阵心惊。 This is really a peerless talent!” Many Manager deeply inspired, that took a look to Xiao Yun pupil light becomes even more fiery, this battle strength was places these to be received in the talent in Heavenly Yuan Sect to be also rare ahead of time. “这真是一个绝世天才啊!”许多管事都深吸了一口气,那瞅向萧云眸光变得越发火热了起来,这种战力就算是放在那些提前被收入了天元宗内的天才中也难得一见。 Let alone this Xiao Yun also has greatly strengthened pill refining natural talent. 何况这萧云还拥有极强的炼丹天赋 A pill and martial both cultivation talent, in Heavenly Yuan Sect is also extremely rare! 一个丹武双修的天才,就算在天元宗也是极为稀罕啊! The future of this character is limitless, who can comparable with? 这种人物的前途不可限量,谁能堪比 May I ask, if you so deliberately plans to encircle by others kills, can also softheartedly keep these person of lives?” Sees an audience piece of silencing, the Xiao Yun brow moves, pupil light sweeps to the four directions , to continue to ask. “敢问诸位,如果是你被别人如此处心积虑围杀,可还会心慈手软留那些人一命?”见得全场一片静寂,萧云眉头一动,眸光扫向四方,继续问道。 Not, if I must kill his entire clan not to be possible.” “不会,要是我非得杀他全族不可。” Qiu Family went too far.” Immediately some people make noise to shout loudly. 邱家欺人太甚了。”立即有人出声高呼。 Most people again and again shake the head, this enmity has not been possible to melt, but also shows mercy, what isn't the fool is? 大部分人都是连连摇头,这种仇已经不可化解,还手下留情,不是傻瓜是什么? However some people are also silent, does not dare to offend Qiu Family. 不过也有人沉默不语,不敢得罪邱家 This is only your statement of only one of the parties that's all. the Qiu Xuanchong eyelid jumps, opens the mouth to shout to clear the way. “这只是你们的一面之词罢了。邱玄崇眼皮直跳,开口喝道。 Statement of only one of the parties?” Xiao Yun coldly snorted, sees this matter's person, far more than a person?” “一面之词?”萧云冷哼,“看到此事的人,何止一人?” The words fall, Xiao Yun pupil light toward person 11 glances. 话语落下,萧云眸光向着身边的人11扫视而过。 That meaning is very clear, is waiting for these people to testify. 那意思很清楚,在等候这些人作证。 Among you can some people be also willing to testify?” The Deacon Qin associative compound, turns toward the people to take a fast look around to go immediately. “你们当中可还有人愿意作证?”秦执事会意,立即向着众人扫视而去。 Relax, here nobody dares to move you, furthermore, is martial artist, if the fraught with uncertainty, how becomes powerhouse, I looked do not need to join Heavenly Yuan Sect, stayed in this Wind Moon Kingdom comparison security, the powerhouse world may be crueler. „ Finally he also vague threat. “放心,在这里没有人敢动你们,再者,身为武者,若是畏首畏尾,如何成为一个强者,我看也不必拜入天元宗了,还是呆在这风月国比较安全,强者的世界可更残忍。“最后他还隐晦的威胁了起来。 You......” see Deacon Qin so to combine threats with inducements, Qiu Xuanrong and the others complexions actually gloomy. “你……”见秦执事如此威逼利诱,邱玄嵘等人的脸色却一个个都阴森了起来。 This Deacon Qin in principle, they how. 只是这秦执事句句在理,他们也奈何不了。 I can testify.” Immediately some people open the mouth, this person is Liu Wulong, I not only look at Qiu Yuhao to cope with Xiao Yun by Beast-Controlling Bone Flute, but also has used handle long spear Magic Item and giant bell, these Magic Item fierce incomparable, can it be that can the average man have?” “我可以作证。”马上有人开口,这人是刘武隆,“我不仅看过邱于浩驱兽骨笛对付萧云,还使用了一柄长枪法器及一个巨钟,这些法器都厉害无比,岂是常人可有?” Good, I can also testify.” “不错,我也可以作证。” Qiu Family does not give a thought to the custom, bestows Magic Item to murder Xiao Yun that the clansman deliberately plans, now is instead killed is also the punishment is deserved.” 邱家不顾规矩,赐下法器给族人处心积虑的要谋杀萧云,如今被反杀也是罪有应得。” Suddenly the youth of various clans in abundance open the mouth, especially the Yan Clan person, the stern voice and appearance, mentioned these matters to come, to wish one could to Qiu Yuhao kill one time, appeared the anger, the atmosphere of entire school ground was lit immediately. 一时间各族的少年都纷纷开口,特别是颜氏家族的人,声色俱厉,说起那些事来,恨不得要将邱于浩在杀一次,显得愤怒,整个校场的气氛顿时被点燃了起来。 elder facial skin of Qiu Family jump, the air/Qi results in the tooth to fasten to nip, but the youth family strengths of these apertures are not weak, they must curse angrily in the heart secretly, is not good to tear to pieces the facial skin, otherwise was unable to deal with several families by their Qiu Family. 邱家长者一个个脸皮直跳,气得牙关紧咬,怎奈那些开口的少年家族实力不弱,他们也只得暗自在心中怒骂,不好撕破脸皮,不然凭借他们邱家还无法应付几个家族。 Liu Family, Clouds Sea Merchant Alliance, is the strength of Yan Family which family worse than how many Qiu Family? 刘家,云海商盟,颜家哪个家族的实力比邱家差多少? Good.” Deacon Qin beckoned with the hand, the people were peaceful. “好了。”秦执事摆了摆手,众人才安静了下来。 Now the matter was clear, your Qiu Family violates the rule in first, what words but also there is possible to say?” Deacon Qin face cold severe, pupil light took a look to Qiu Family these elder, finally unintentional taking a look has approached Qiu Xuanrong and Qiu Zhong. “如今事情已经清楚了,你们邱家违反规则在先,还有什么话可说?”秦执事一脸冷厉,眸光瞅向了邱家的那些长者,最后有意无意的瞅向了身边的邱玄嵘邱衷 Qiu Family went too far.” Nearby Manager is also face cold and severe saying, this examination is the fair competition, how can so?” 邱家太过分了。”旁边的管事也是一脸冷厉道,“这次考核是公平竞争,怎能如此了?” Qiu Xuanrong and the others brows tightly frowns, in the heart has the anger, is actually hard to vent, the complexion was suppressed red. 邱玄嵘等人眉头紧锁,心中有怒火,却难以发泄,脸色都被憋红了起来。 This matter their Qiu Family has not occupied the truth, all are in vain however. 此事他们邱家没有占据道理,一切都是枉然。 These matter old men do not know, since said that Xiao Yun killed has grasped Magic Item Qiu Yuhao and the others, why he did achieve? Was he compelled into Absolute Abyss also not to have die? Is it possible that has he also used Magic Item?” When Qiu Xuanrong a face gloomy, in the heart clenches teeth secretly, hates this time not except Xiao Yun, has put forth one ruthless move. “这些事情老夫并不知道,不过既然诸位都说萧云杀了手持法器邱于浩等人,那么他又是凭什么做到的?他被逼入了绝渊又怎么没有殒落?莫非他也动用了法器?”邱玄嵘一脸阴历,心中暗自咬牙,恨此次没有除去萧云之际,又使出了一个狠招。 What do I have to use Magic Item to close your?” Xiao Yun pupil light concentrates, said that I come commoner, participates examination of deep place is unfair, I have Magic Item also to come by the own skill, let alone who sees me to use Magic Item?” “我有没有使用法器关你们何事?”萧云眸光一凝,道,“我出身寒门,去参加深处的考核已经是不公,我就算有法器也是凭借自己的本事得来,更何况谁见过我动用法器?” Deacon Qin pupil light moves, sweeps to the people. 秦执事眸光一动,扫向众人。 No.” Yan Zhen and the others are shake the head saying that has also seizes from the Qiu Minghao hand.” “没有。”颜真等人都是摇头道,“就算有也是从邱明浩手中夺来的。” Deacon Qin takes a look at once to others. 秦执事旋即瞅向了别人。 These shake the head, how they indeed have not seen Xiao Yun are take action. 那些都是摇头,他们的确没有看到萧云是怎么出手的。 Because of Extinguishing Soul Spear one, all person mind fell into the delay. 因为灭神之矛一出,所有人心神都陷入了呆滞。 Also only then Qiu Yuhao saw real appearance that's all. 也就只有邱于浩看到了真实模样罢了。 ==== ==== ( ( …… ……
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