EMS :: Volume #2

#154: Swallows the day bird to reveal the prestige

Chapter 154 Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow reveals the prestige 第154章吞天雀显威 Xuanchong!” Sees Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow to be so strong, one on the crumb that Qiu Xuanchong, Qiu Xuanrong eye socket cracked on high stage has exuded unexpectedly one to call out in alarm, this is his younger clan cousin, such was actually cut under the own eyelid made him almost crazy. 玄崇!”见吞天雀如此强势,竟然一把就捏碎了那邱玄崇,高台上的邱玄嵘目眦欲裂不由发出一声惊呼,这是他的族弟,却这么在自己眼皮下被斩了让他差点疯狂。 Side these cultivator were also shaken shook, -and-a-half Yuan Core Realm cultivator such were actually cut, in the heart the chill in the air rises suddenly. 旁边那些修者也被震了一震,一个半步元丹境修者却这么被斩了,心中寒意骤升。 Kills my clansman, today old man must take your life.” Qiu Xuanrong pupil light one cold, immediately then one from that high stage step takes a step, treading on the sky, a giant palm claps toward Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow, that formidable aura fluctuation sweeps across, making the world change color. “杀我族人,今天老夫要取你性命。”邱玄嵘眸光一冷,当即便是从那高台上一步迈步,踏空而起,一只巨大的手掌向着吞天雀拍去,那强大的气息波动席卷开来,让得天地变色。 Thump! 咚咚! high stage below Xiao Yun under this imposing manner, the body staggers to draw back again and again, the corners of the mouth have a bloodstain to overflow. 高台下方的萧云在这股气势下,身子连连踉跄而退,嘴角都有着一丝血迹溢出。 Yuan Core Realm was too strong, is not he now the enemy. 元丹境太强了,不是他现在可敌。 Yuan Core 2-layer?” That big hand pats, the body of Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow lets also slightly trembles, the fire wave shake has the sign that must be defeated and dispersed, its pupil one cold, the sharp claws then go toward that only giant palm tearing immediately, on the swift and fierce great claw the flame twinkle, made void twist. 元丹二重?”那大手拍来,让的吞天雀的身子也是微微一颤,火流震荡有着要溃散的迹象,它眸子一冷,利爪当即便是向着那只巨掌撕裂而去,凌厉的巨爪上火光闪烁,让得虚空都扭曲了起来。 Although Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow present, only then the Yuan Core 1-layer Peak boundary, is it is inborn, that great claw moves, when fire wave twinkle the evolution vortex have swallowed that to come from the front imposing manner oppression, to melt the imposing manner of coping with. 吞天雀虽然现在只有元丹一重巅峰的境界,可是它天生不凡,那巨爪一动,火流闪烁时似演化出了一个个气旋吞噬着那来自着前方的气势压迫,以化解对付的气势。 What background does this bird have?” The distant place, some Yuan Core Realm cultivator pupils reveal to call out in alarm, saw the uncommonness of Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow, this seems like an ordinary claw, is containing greatest deep meaning, resembles special Magical Powers, the average person cannot have. “这鸟有什么来头?”远处,一些元丹境修者眸子露出惊呼,一眼就看出了吞天雀的不凡,这看似普通的一爪,却蕴含着莫大奥义,似一种特殊的神通,一般人不可拥有。 Under the gaze of people, that great claw has torn void, immediately has sent out the violent confrontation with Qiu Xuanrong giant palm. 在众人的注视下,那巨爪撕裂了虚空,顿时与邱玄嵘巨掌发出了猛烈的交锋。 Bang! 砰! In instant, sky that both hit shivered, afterward the flame blooms, has a wild aura fluctuation to sweep across, can discover by that flame indistinctly, fire wave that great claw that sends out nibbles giant palm that Qiu Xuanrong evolves unceasingly, making latter's imposing manner gradually weaken, finally the hot claw shakes, then routs that giant palm. 在两者撞击的刹那,天空都颤抖了起来,随后火光绽放,有着一股狂暴的气息波动席卷开来,透过那片火光隐约可以发现,巨爪那散发出来的火流不断将邱玄嵘演化出的巨掌所蚕食,使得后者的气势逐渐减弱,最后火爪一震,便是将那巨掌击溃。 Buzz! 嗡! A dull thumping sound spreads, that giant palm is defeated and dispersed, the body of Qiu Xuanrong trembles, the big hand retracts, the above piece burned black was almost burnt for the ashes, is he has Yuan Core 2-layer Peak cultivation level, otherwise this strikes sufficiently lets his severe wound. 一声闷响传出,那巨掌溃散,邱玄嵘的身子一颤,大手缩回,上面一片焦黑差点被烧为了灰烬,也是他有着元丹二重巅峰修为,不然这一击就足以让他重伤。 The bonus was so, as before has burning hot fire wave to invade his arm meridians, resembled to burn inside meridians. 饶是如此,依旧有着一股炙热的火流侵入了他手臂经脉,似要焚掉里面的经脉。 Good burning hot True Fire, what bird is this?” Qiu Xuanrong is surprised, when body retreat revolution within the body Yuan Core Qi, starts to melt True Fire of that invasion arm hastily, when he moves actually discovered that this True Fire is far from being so simple. “好炙热的真火,这是什么鸟?”邱玄嵘一脸惊讶,身子后退时连忙运转体内元丹之气,开始化解那侵入手臂的真火,可是当他行动时却发现这真火远远没有那么简单。 These True Fire as if can swallow his Yuan Qi, causes speed sharp decline that drives out. 这些真火似乎可以吞噬他的元气,使得那驱除的速度锐减。 Also is invades within the body True Fire not to be many, otherwise that consequence really inconceivable. 也是侵入体内真火不多,不然那后果真的不堪设想。 Reviews other one side, the Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow personal appearance also slightly trembles, the whole body flame is shining, as before appears competitive. 反观另外一边,吞天雀身形也是微微一颤,全身火光灿灿,依旧显得霸气十足。 When its wings vibrates curls up a piece of burning hot fire wave, is similar to that burning hot air wave takes away as many things as possible toward the four directions. 它那双翼振动时卷起一片炙热的火流,如同那炙热的气浪向着四方席卷而去。 My vertigo? This bird resisted Yuan Core Realm cultivator unexpectedly struck!” cultivator of various clans are all startled. “我眼花了吗?这只鸟竟然抵挡下来了元丹境修者的一击!”各族的修者皆惊。 Can with a Yuan Core Realm cultivator war?” Some elder also narrows the eye, revealed the whole face to shock. “可与元丹境修者一战吗?”一些长者也是眯起了眼睛,露出满脸震撼。 „Will this Xiao Yun side have such formidable existence? Doesn't he come from Purple Clouds County City commoner?” Liu Family, Zhou Family, waits for elder of big clan is the whole face surprise, in their eyes Xiao Family is commoner, can their branches with it comparable with, side the youth who such family goes out of be have existence of Yuan Core Realm? “这萧云的身边怎么会有这么强大的存在?他不是来自紫云郡城的一个寒门而已吗?”刘家,周家,等大氏族的长者都是满脸诧异,在他们眼中萧家就是寒门,他们的分支就可以与之堪比,这样的家族走出的少年身边怎么能有元丹境的存在? Hehe, the old ordinary man, are you also mediocre? Is cultivator of Yuan Core 2-layer boundary unexpectedly only then a little strength.” The Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow double pupil flame circulation, shook the head, said that Southern Border cultivator cannot amount to something, is collapses at the first blow simply!” 呵呵,老匹夫,你也不过如此吗?身为元丹二重境的修者竟然只有这么一点实力。”吞天雀双眸火光流转,摇了摇头,道,“南疆修者上不了台面,简直就是不堪一击啊!” Snort, should not be favorite, you is a spirit body, I thought how long you can insist.” Qiu Xuanrong pupil light sinks, immediately palm turned to present a handle seven chi (0.33 m) sickle, the knife cold brightness has an obscure aura fluctuation to fill the air shiningly. “哼,你别得意,你不过是一介灵身罢了,我看你能坚持多久。”邱玄嵘眸光一沉,当即手掌一翻出现了一柄七尺长的弯刀,刀身寒光灿灿有着一股晦涩的气息波动弥漫开来。 „Is this top level Magic Item?” A Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow brow lock. “这是顶级法器?”吞天雀眉头一锁。 Good.” Qiu Xuanrong said with a smile ferociously, this was by the physique of Yuan Core Realm Monster Beast, top level Magic Item that in addition the Cold Profound Essence Gold refinement became.” “不错。”邱玄嵘狞笑道,“这是以元丹境妖兽的筋骨,加上寒玄精金炼制而成的顶级法器。” Then, this Qiu Xuanrong palm moves, starts to stimulate to movement top level Magic Item of palm. 说完,这邱玄嵘手掌一动,就开始催动手掌的顶级法器 General low-level Magic Item can make the person strength increase, this top level Spiritual Item might is stronger, soon approached Spiritual Item. 一般的低级法器就可以使人实力大增,这顶级灵器威力更强,已经快要接近灵器了。 A formidable imposing manner fills the air from that blade, is Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow is also the pupil dew is then dignified. 一股强大的气势从那刀上弥漫开来,便是吞天雀也是眸露凝重。 Good, Grandpa Tian well teaches your today, entire my brother Magic Item while convenient, your this sickle is not just right.” Although Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow pupil dew is dignified, but it is also a ruthless role, initially when crossed the tribulation dares the opens mouth to swallow that shocking Tribulation Thunder, when is not hesitated self-destruction flesh body by the Ling Xi sneak attack, can with it perishing together, how so the role flinch? “好,天爷今天就好好教训你一顿,整个我兄弟没有趁手的法器,你这弯刀正好。”吞天雀虽然眸露凝重,不过它也是个狠角色,当初渡劫时敢张口吞那惊世劫雷,更是在被凌兮偷袭时不惜自毁肉身,也要与之同归于尽,如此角色岂会退缩? Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow pupil light concentrates, the whole body flame circulation, changed into huge hot vortex before the body. 吞天雀眸光一凝,全身火焰流转,在身前化为了一个巨大的火之气旋 Revolving Moon Seven Styles! 旋月七式 Qiu Xuanrong sneers, in the hand the sickle shakes, the cold brightness blooms, intensely bright, such as has round bright moonlight float in empty/sky. 邱玄嵘冷笑,手中弯刀一震,寒光绽放,耀眼夺目,如有着一轮明月悬浮于空。 The sickle moves, such as the bright moonlight revolves, the cold glow falls together, then has torn void, falls toward Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow. 弯刀一动,如明月旋转,一道寒芒落下,便是撕裂了虚空,向着吞天雀落下。 Swallows to Grandpa Tian!” Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow pupil light concentrates, before the body , the flame twinkle, that vortex might swallow the heavens-devouring place, during most blade aura will take, 11 melt, but that blade glow is irresistible, one after another, cuts toward Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow. “给天爷吞!”吞天雀眸光一凝,身前火光闪烁,那气旋似可吞噬天地,将大半的刀气摄入当中,11化解,不过那刀芒势不可挡,一道接一道,向着吞天雀斩来。 That imposing manner makes people irresistible. 那种气势让人不可抵挡。 swallow the heavens and receive the earth.” Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow pupil light one cold, the body in a flash, resembled to vanish in same place, entire void was only remaining dozens zhang (3.33 m) vortex, above has the runes twinkle, as if wanted swallow the heavens and receive the earth, that fluctuation let the person palpitation. 吞天纳地。”吞天雀眸光一冷,身子一晃,似消失在了原地,整个虚空只是剩下一个几十丈大小的气旋,上面有着符文闪烁,似乎真的要吞天纳地,那波动让人心悸。 „Is that Magical Powers?” Saw Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow unexpectedly to turn into vortex the body of own, the people have exuded one to call out in alarm, the pupil revealed the fiery color, especially Yuan Lin these Yuan Core Realm cultivator, the heart trembled. “那是神通?”见得吞天雀竟然把自己的身子都化成了一个气旋,众人不由发出一声惊呼,眸子露出火热之色,特别是袁霖这些元丹境修者,心头都是不由一颤。 This is really Fire Sparrow Monster Spirit?” In many person hearts has revealed doubts, the fluctuation that because that vortex sends out was too terrorist, square World's Yuan Qi was involved in middle, their these Yuan Core Realm cultivator felt that own Yuan Core Qi is draining. “这火雀真是一介妖灵吗?”许多人心中露出了疑惑,因为那个气旋散发出来的波动太恐怖了,四方的天地元气都被卷入了当中,就连他们这些元丹境修者都感觉自己元丹之气在流失。 That Innate, True Yuan Realm cultivator within the body Yuan Qi is draining massively, is uncontrolled. 先天,真元境修者体内元气在大量流失,根本不受控制。 Under panic-stricken, the people are far away from this place again and again, Xiao Yun also in retreat. 在惊骇下,众人连连远离此地,萧云也在后退 This bird is really terrorist.” Countless people show the surprised expression, especially Yan Mo and the others. “这只鸟真恐怖。”无数人露出惊讶的表情,特别是颜漠等人。 Initially Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow presented time they felt that an irresistible imposing manner, should not be True Yuan Realm may compare, was far from thinking that this Fire Bird so will be only terrorist, Magical Powers one presently, the world might swallow, can this strength who compare? 当初吞天雀出现的时候他们就感觉到了一股不可抵挡的气势,应该不是真元境可比,却远远没有想到这只火鸟会这么恐怖,神通一现,天地都似可吞纳,这种实力谁人可比? Under the gazes of pupil light, that vortex moved changed into a bird mouth, then swallowed in the sky into that Qiu Xuanrong blade glow, the fire wave revolution started to transform that [say / way] terrifying blade glow, vaguely can induce in to the wild fluctuation is attacking. 在一道道眸光的注视下,那气旋一动似化为了一只鸟嘴,当空便是将那邱玄嵘刀芒吞入当中,火流运转开始转化那道恐怖的刀芒,在里面依稀可以感应到狂暴的波动在冲击。 But this fluctuation only has continued half breath time, was melted. 可是这种波动只持续了半息时间,便被化解掉了。 Was swallowed?” The opposite Qiu Xuanrong eye pupil shrinks, shows the expression that the whole face shocks, the whole person dumbfounded. “被吞了?”对面的邱玄嵘眼瞳一缩,露出满脸震撼的表情,整个人都呆住了。 This time his fully take action, is relying on Magic Item in hand, can definitely sweep away Yuan Core 3-layer boundary following cultivator, is this grade of attack, actually such easily was swallowed? Is this Monster Spirit? What Magical Powers that was vortex? 这次他可是全力出手,凭借着手中的法器,完全可以横扫元丹三重境以下的修者了,就是这等攻击,却这么轻易的被吞了?这还是一介妖灵吗?那个气旋又是什么神通了? How I felt that in these flame has complex runes to glitter? 怎么我感觉到那些火炎中有着复杂的符文闪烁了? Suddenly, in the Qiu Xuanrong mind reappeared all sorts of doubts, felt depressed. 一时间,邱玄嵘的脑海中浮现出了种种疑惑,感到郁闷不已。 This is only Monster Spirit, how can have this strength? 这只是一个妖灵罢了,怎能有这种实力? Deacon Qin on high stage and the others is also dumbfounded, by Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow this Magical Powers shaking. 就在高台上的秦执事等人也是目瞪口呆,被吞天雀神通给震住了。 This bird background is quite extraordinary!” In the distant place garret a man is narrowing the pupil, has saying of profound meaning greatly. “这鸟来历不凡啊!”远处阁楼中一个男子微眯着眸子,大有深意的说道。 Side this man, but also one person, is Emperor Feng. 在这男子身边,还一人,正是风皇 The person of this start to talk naturally came from Heavenly Capital Domain powerhouse Mo Shaozhong. 这开口的人自然就是来自天都域强者莫少钟了。 This should be Bloodlines Magical Powers.” Nearby Emperor Feng is also slight bow, regarding this he again also familiar. “这应该是血脉神通。”旁边的风皇也是微微点头,对此他再也熟悉不过了。 Because Feng Clan has own Bloodlines Magical Powers. 因为风族就有着自己血脉神通 Bloodlines Magical Powers? How side Xiao Yun to have this formidable Monster Spirit?” Fifth Prince brow one curved, meaning that Bloodlines Magical Powers several characters represent, he in understanding, this on behalf of this formidable clan, generally the large clan who also only then came from the antiquity had. 血脉神通萧云身边怎有这种强大的妖灵?”五皇子眉头一弯,血脉神通几个字所代表的意思,他在了解不过了,这代表这一个强大的氏族,一般也只有源自上古的大族才有。 Also when the people shaking have shaken by the action of Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow this shocking everybody, that huge vortex trembles unexpectedly, gradually restrains, at once Fire Bird resembles person same taking a step from inside, its sharp claws stretch out then to search toward the front. 也就在众人都被吞天雀这种惊世骇俗的举动给震了一震时,那巨大的气旋蓦地一颤,逐渐收敛,旋即一只火鸟从里面好像人一样的迈步而出,它利爪伸出便是向着前方探去。 Whoosh ! 刷! Sharp claws tearing will arrive void shortly at that Qiu Xuanrong side. 利爪撕裂虚空顷刻就来到了那邱玄嵘的身边。 Great claw flame twinkle, sends out one to absorb the aura of person, in crazy is swallowing nearby World's Yuan Qi. 巨爪火光闪烁,散发出一股摄人的气息,也在疯狂的吞噬着附近的天地元气 Qiu Xuanrong within the body Yuan Core Qi also unceasingly is draining. 就连邱玄嵘体内元丹之气也在不断流失。 „It is not good.” This moment Qiu Xuanrong is also during the shock, when that formidable imposing manner tilts, but below time suddenly, immediately immediately the horizontal blade resists, swift and fierce blade glow has sent out the fierce collision with that great claw hit in one immediately. “不好。”此刻邱玄嵘还处于震惊当中,待得那股强大的气势倾覆而下的时候才恍然,当即立即横刀抵挡,凌厉的刀芒立即与那巨爪撞击在了一起发出剧烈的碰撞。 Bang! 砰! The flame blooms, blade glow is defeated and dispersed, Qiu Xuanrong personal appearance flying upside down, fell on the leeward corners of the mouth unexpectedly has the bloodstain to overflow. 火光绽放,刀芒溃散,邱玄嵘身形倒飞而出,竟然落在了下风嘴角有着血迹溢出。 I said that you are not good.” Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow aggressive Wushuang(Unparalleled), probably person same stands, walks toward that Qiu Xuanrong step by step, its whole body flame twinkle, mysterious fluctuation is fermenting secretly, as to suppress this old man. “我就说了,你不行。”吞天雀霸气无双,好像人一样的立起,向着那邱玄嵘一步步走去,它全身火光闪烁,一股晦涩的波动正在暗自酝酿,似乎真的想将这老头镇压。 Bastard, rests wildly!” On high stage, calls out in alarm resounds, actually sees that Qiu Zhong treading on the sky to come with Qiu Xuanrong side by side to stand, a formidable aura fluctuation also spreads from his body, obviously he is also Yuan Core Realm powerhouse. “畜生,休得猖狂!”在高台上,一声惊呼响起,却见得那邱衷踏空而来与邱玄嵘比肩而立,一股强大的气息波动也是从他的身上扩散开来,显然他也是一尊元丹境强者 Two Yuan Core Realm!” Xiao Yun under stage knits the brows, he knows that Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow Magical Powers is uncommon, but it after is the body of Monster Spirit, if long protracted battle the strength sharp decline, that consequence may not be wonderful, but Yuan Core Realm fights him unable to meddle. “两名元丹境!”台下的萧云皱眉,他知道吞天雀神通不凡,可它毕竟是妖灵之身,若是长久战下去实力锐减,那后果可就不妙了,只是元丹境的大战他也插不上手。 Qiu Xuanrong, Qiu Zhong, is your this must revolt?” In Xiao Yun knits the brows, drinks the sound to get up coldly, formidable air current on your high stage sweeps across to come, a elder personal appearance like the electricity, immediately was horizontally before the Qiu Xuanrong body. 邱玄嵘,邱衷,你们这是要造反吗?”就在萧云皱眉之际,一声冷喝声响起,在你高台上一股强大的气流席卷而来,一个长者身形如电,当即便是横在了邱玄嵘身前。 This elder Deacon Qin. 这个长者正是秦执事 ==== ==== ( ( …… ……
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