EH :: Volume #8 主世界

#990: Gains one greatly

Next day, the Five Mountain Gathering Martial situation, has spread over Four Directions, starts storm. 次日,五山会武的情况,传遍了四方,掀起一股风暴。 Five Big Family of this region, does not have one person to enter first ten unexpectedly, has not obtained including a quota, many people do not believe this rumor. 这片区域的五大家族,竟没有一人进入前十,连一个名额都没得到,不少人都不相信这种传言。 Chen Yu arrives at Chang Family, was placed in Top Rank Cave Mansion, the servant maidservant serves. 陈宇来到昌家,被安置在一处上等洞府,仆人丫鬟伺候。 Days before, Chang Family anything has not raised, making Chen Yu calm and steady was crossing. 前几日,昌家什么都没提,让陈宇安稳的过着。 As if finally discussed the result. 似乎终于商议出了结果。 On this day, Three Great Elder headed by white hair old woman, visits Chen Yu. 这一日,以白发老妪为首的三大长老,拜访陈宇 Does not know whether being familiar with that Young Friend lives in?” “不知小友住的是否习惯?” The white hair old woman said with a smile. 白发老妪笑道。 Is better than the Yang Family environment too.” “比阳家的环境要好太多。” The Chen Yu truth said. 陈宇实话道。 Three high levels smiled, they think that Chen Yu will put on airs to create obstacles for Chang Family, demanded the advantage. 三位高层笑了笑,他们本以为,陈宇会摆架子刁难昌家,索要好处。 The good of manner of opposite party in compared with imagination. 对方的态度比想象中的好。 Hears Chen Young Friend from other World Plane, now left Yang Family, does not know to be interested, becomes Chang Family?” “听闻陈小友来自其他界面,如今离开了阳家,不知有没有兴趣,成为昌家的一员?” White hair old woman hesitation moment, has raised. 白发老妪沉吟片刻,提了出来。 Regarding situation of Chen Yu from low status World Plane, they do not have to raise, feared that causes the Chen Yu repugnance. 对于陈宇来自低等界面的情况,他们没有多提,怕引起陈宇反感。 But invitation Chen Yu enters Chang Family, the main purpose is to the quota. 而邀请陈宇进入昌家,主要目的是冲着名额。 Chen Yu does not have the destination now, if can drag into Chang Family the opposite party, to gaining the quota has the enormous help. 陈宇如今没有去处,如果能将对方拉入昌家,对获取名额有极大的帮助。 If Chen Yu is Chang Family part , the embarrassed great lion big start to talk, Chang Family can also have part of initiatives. 如果陈宇昌家的一部分,也不好意思太狮子大开口,昌家也能掌握一部分主动权。 Chen Yu smiles one pale. 陈宇淡笑一声。 Before Armed Suppression own Chang Family, not only apologized the apology to oneself, now wants to make him integrate Chang Family. 之前讨伐自己的昌家,不仅给自己赔罪道歉,现在更想让他融入昌家 All are the benefit make it so. 一切都是利益使然。 The Chen Yu choice arrives at Chang Family, for own benefit. 陈宇选择来到昌家,也是为了自身的利益。 Therefore, he does not become Chang Family, because such loses is bigger, instead cheap Chang Family. 所以,他不会成为昌家的一员,因为那样损失更大,反而便宜昌家 Sees the Chen Yu intention not to be big, three high levels slightly are disappointed. 陈宇意向不大,三位高层略显失望。 If Chen Yu becomes Chang Family, Chang Family not only can obtain the quota advantage, but can also harvest Chen Yu this potential infinite Genius. 陈宇若成为昌家一员,昌家不仅能得到名额好处,还能收获陈宇这个潜力无限的天才 Was only a pity that the opposite party is not silly, cannot joining Chang Family for no reason. 只可惜对方并不傻,不会平白无故的加入昌家 Was inferior that Chen Young Friend does hang Guest Official Name in Chang Family? Can enjoy better resources treatment.” “不如,陈小友昌家挂一个客卿名号?可以享受更好的资源待遇。” The white hair old woman opens the mouth to say. 白发老妪开口道。 The Guest Official binding force is very small, even cannot calculate the Chang Family person, the treatment that but Guest Official enjoys, is higher than all Younger Generation, is equal to Common Elder. 客卿的约束力很小,甚至不能算昌家的人,但客卿享受的待遇,高于所有子弟,等同于普通长老 Chen Yu becomes Chang Family Guest Official, so long as does not sign any contract, he momentarily can terminate the relations with Chang Family. 陈宇成为昌家客卿,只要不签订什么契约,他随时都能跟昌家解除关系。 Ok.” “行。” Chen Yu thought that this issue is not big, agrees without thinking. 陈宇觉得这个问题不大,随口答应。 Sees Chen Yu to comply, three high-level facial colors were slightly better. 陈宇答应,三位高层面色稍微好了些。 Now Chen Yu is Chang Family Guest Official, both sides also calculated some relations. 如今陈宇已是昌家客卿,双方来说也算有了些关系。 Chen Guest Official this Five Mountain Gathering Martial, startled is a beauty, has the honor to receive First, obtains Heavenly River Sect high-level thinking highly , a person obtains 22 quotas, is really the Five Big Spirit Mountain young generation of example.” “陈客卿此次五山会武,惊为天人,荣获第一,得到天河宗高层器重,一人得到22个名额,真乃五大灵山年轻一辈的榜样。” Young Middle Age Elder said with a smile, his strength was weakest in three people, at this moment mentioned the words of flattery. 一位年纪不大的中年长老笑道,他实力在三人中最弱,此刻说起了奉承之话。 Does not know how Chen Guest Official does plan to process these quotas? If there are unnecessarily, my Chang Family wants purchase some.” “不知陈客卿打算如何处理这些名额?若有多余的,我昌家愿意‘收购’一些。” The white hair old woman said. 白发老妪接话。 They could not find out the Chen Yu manner before, discussed that several day had the plan. 他们之前摸不清陈宇的态度,商议几日才有了方案。 In the quota regarding Chen Yu, they already could not bear want to get rid, so as to avoid late causes trouble. 对于陈宇手里的名额,他们早就忍不住想出手,免得迟则生变。 Indeed many unnecessary, does not know that Chang Family does have this ability to eat up?” “的确有不少多余,不知道昌家有没有这个能耐吃下?” Chen Yu faint smile [say / way]. 陈宇似笑非笑的道。 Three Elder foreheads have braved under the cold sweat, felt that Chen Yu wants the lion big start to talk. 三位长老额头冒了下冷汗,感觉陈宇似要狮子大开口。 Chen Guest Official might as well spoke frankly, we must discuss with Patriarch.” “陈客卿不妨直说,我们还需跟家主商议。” The white hair old woman does not dare to take responsibility. 白发老妪不敢做主。 Five ten thousand High Grade Origin Stone, a quota.” “五万上品元石,一个名额。” Chen Yu smiles one pale. 陈宇淡笑一声。 50,000!” “50000!” Three Elder stare to inspire, for a very long time has not spoken. 三位长老瞪眼吸气,久久没有说话。 That is High Grade Origin Stone, even if Common Congealing Star Boundary Middle Stage, may not put out these many High Grade Origin Stone. 那可是上品元石,就算是普通凝星境中期,都不一定能拿出这么多上品元石 Chen Guest Official, were five ten thousand High Grade Origin Stone quotas, too expensive?” “陈客卿,五万上品元石一个名额,是不是,太贵了点?” The white hair old woman wrinkles the bird. 白发老妪皱起白眉。 Expensive? I thought that also calculates the above the price in value.” “贵吗?我觉得还算物超所值吧。” Chen Yu earnest [say / way]. 陈宇认真道。 Accommodates us and Patriarch discussed that at the appointed time gives Chen again the Guest Official answer.” “容我们与家主商议,到时再给陈客卿答复。” The white hair old woman no longer said. 白发老妪不再多说。 After three Elder depart, Chen Yu laughs. 三位长老离去后,陈宇不由大笑起来。 Five ten thousand High Grade Origin Stone, even if bargained back and forth, least can also sell four ten thousand High Grade Origin Stone high prices.” “五万上品元石,就算讨价还价一番,最少也能卖出四万上品元石的高价。” Chen Yu starts to calculate. 陈宇开始计算。 Wants initially in Great Universe World, Nine Cauldron Palace to affront him, oneself make Nine Cauldron Palace compensate ten thousand High Grade Origin Stone, the Nine Cauldron Palace hosts almost gets angry. 想当初在大宇界,九鼎宫冒犯了他,自己让九鼎宫赔偿一万上品元石,九鼎宫主都差点翻脸。 But at this moment, in Chen Yu altogether has 22 quotas, except oneself one, three gives Falling Moon King, Zou Heng and Lin Xuefei, but also surplus 18 quotas. 而此刻,陈宇手里共有22个名额,除去自己一个,三个给陨月王邹衡林雪菲,还剩余18个名额。 18 quotas, four ten thousand High Grade Origin Stone...... 72 ten thousand High Grade Origin Stone!” “18个名额,一个四万上品元石……72万上品元石!” Figures out the result, Chen Yu is startled. 算出结果,陈宇都被惊到。 Developed. 发达了。 However, in Main World World Origin Energy is rich, the Origin Stone output is big, similarly is ten thousand High Grade Origin Stone, Great Universe World has Quantity, the value is higher. 不过,主世界天地元气浓郁,元石产量大,同样是一万上品元石,大宇界的更有份量,价值更高。 Even if, this Chen Yu also thorough were so developed. 纵然如此,这一次陈宇也彻底发达了。 „The Lin Family origin does not only fear Simple, the value such big quota, said that gave me, resembled does not care.” 林家来历只怕不简单,价值如此之大的名额,说给就给都我了,似一点也不在乎。” Naturally, possibly this is the opposite party is also returning the favour. 当然,可能这也是对方在还人情。 Then, how I felt that Lin Family is paying off the favour anxiously.” “这么说来,我怎么感觉,林家急着还清人情。” Chen Yu [say / way] looking pensive. 陈宇若有所思的道。 He has not gone into seriously. 他没有深究。 Temporarily lives in Chang Family, waits for the answer of Chang Family. 暂时住在昌家,等待昌家的答复。 He takes out silver Crystal Stone, the palm grips tightly, silver ripples, layer upon layer launch, fluctuate eight sides, hidden enters in remote void. 他取出一枚银色晶石,手掌紧握,一股银色涟漪,层层展开,波动八方,隐入遥远的虚空之中。 This is Silver Space Crystal Stone, Chen Yu in a treasure that in the Monster Race buried treasure obtains, may be used to promote the comprehension of Space Profound Meaning. 这正是银空晶石,陈宇妖族宝藏中得到的一件宝物,可用来提升空间奥义的领悟。 After sensibility moment. 感悟片刻后。 Chen Yu takes out in the Monster Race buried treasure, another treasure that obtains, Star Origin Pill. 陈宇取出在妖族宝藏中,得到的另一个宝物,星元丹 This pill may promote Congealing Star King Cultivation, before he had not used. 此丹可推动凝星王者修为,之前他一直没有使用。 Now Five Mountain Gathering Martial crossed, then seeks for Noble Emperor Lord, or enters Eight Great Emperor Sect, needs the Powerful strength, idle Time to be at this moment many, Chen Yu plans to take. 如今五山会武已过,接下来无论是寻找青云帝主,又或是进入八大帝宗,都需要强大的实力,此刻空闲时间多,陈宇打算服用。 Star Origin Pill swallows , the drug efficacy melts slowly, changes to faint trace drift of stars continuously, revolves in the whole body, finally converges the dantian in Origin Power Stars. 星元丹吞服而下,药效缓缓融化,化作丝丝缕缕的星流,在周身运转,最终汇入丹田的元力星辰中。 His within the body, besides complete dazzling Stars, a slightly dim cluster. 他的体内,除了一颗完整耀眼的星辰外,还有一颗略微黯淡的星团。 Second Origin Power Stars that this is Chen Yu condensed, once condenses completely successfully, he can stride in Congealing Star Middle Stage. 这正是陈宇正在凝聚的第二元力星辰,一旦完全凝聚成功,他就能跨入凝星中期 However at this moment looks like, is very far a distance. 不过此刻看来,还有很远一段距离。 Humming sound! 嗡嗡! The Star Origin Pill efficacy, converges in a Second dim incomplete cluster. 星元丹的药力,汇入第二颗黯淡不完整的星团里。 Chen Yu revolution «Ninth Heaven Vast Star Secret Art», absorbs all around World Origin Energy crazily , to promote Cultivation. 陈宇运转《九天昊星诀》,疯狂吸收四周天地元气,增进修为 After three day. 三日后。 Chang Family high-level visit. 昌家高层来访。 Chen Yu had ended closing up. 陈宇结束了闭关。 His Advanced Rank Congealing Star Boundary for a long time, hits steady steadily, at this moment takes Star Origin Pill, for several days the effect is tangible. 进阶凝星境许久,稳打稳扎,此刻服用星元丹,短短几日效果明显。 Chen Yu felt that he is away from Congealing Star Boundary Initial Stage Peak, was not far. 陈宇感觉,自己距离凝星境初期巅峰,已经不远。 This visiting on white hair old woman. 这次拜访者就白发老妪一人。 Thought?” “想好了没?” Chen Yu asked with a smile. 陈宇笑着问道。 „The price that Chen Guest Official, you start out somewhat is really high, even if Chang Family, cannot put out that many High Grade Origin Stone.” “陈客卿,你开出的价格实在有些高,就算是昌家,也拿不出那么多上品元石。” The color of white hair old woman feeling embarrassed. 白发老妪一副为难之色。 Chen Yu has not cared these words, if Chang Family not greedy, definitely takes to obtain Origin Stone. 陈宇没将这句话放在心上,昌家如果不贪多,肯定拿得出元石 After the Chang Family high-level discussion, believes that this price is too high, if can fall to 40,000, compare to reasonably.” “经过昌家高层商议后,一致认为,这个价格太高,若能降到40000,才比较为合理。” The white hair old woman said their prices. 白发老妪说出他们的价格。 Chen Yu shakes the head lightly, a few words did not say. 陈宇淡淡摇头,一句话不说。 They discussed the moment. 两人谈了片刻。 The white hair old woman put forward a proposal: In Chen Guest Official hand the quota are too many, even if 41,000, Chang Family cannot swallow.” 白发老妪提出一个建议:“陈客卿手中名额太多,就算41000个,昌家也吞不下。” Is inferior to this, Chang Family by four ten thousand High Grade Origin Stone, the quota of purchase certain number, the remaining quotas, making Chang Family replace Chen Guest Official to sell, and guaranteed price over 45,000.” “不如这样,昌家以四万上品元石,收购一定数目的名额,剩下的名额,让昌家代替陈客卿卖出去,且保证价格在45000以上。” The Chen Yu thinking moment, thinks good. 陈宇思索片刻,觉得不错。 His quota are too many, Chang Family cannot swallow, but also scores points point other Family. 他名额太多,昌家也吞不下,还得分一点其他家族 If Chen Yu negotiated, negotiations, must waste many Time, and had certain risk. 陈宇一个个的去交涉、谈判,要浪费不少时间,且还有一定的危险性。 Let Chang Family handle these matters, he is more relaxed, but also has saved a service charge. 昌家去办这些事,他就轻松多了,还省了一笔劳务费。 Chen Yu complies. 陈宇答应下来。 This is a win-win plan. 这是个双赢的方案。 I have a condition, Yang Family should not need these quotas.” “不过我还有一个条件,阳家应该不需要这些名额。” As for several other Family, Chen Yu with the young generation of gratitude and grudges a little, does not affect the benefit cooperation. 至于其他几个家族,陈宇也就跟年轻一辈的有点恩怨,不影响利益合作。 Old body understands.” “老身懂。” The white hair old woman nods. 白发老妪点点头。 Then, both sides sign the contract, so as to avoid Chang Family has misappropriated the Chen Yu quota. 接下来,双方签订契约,免得昌家私吞了陈宇的名额。 ...... …… Becoming Chang Family Guest Official, there is a benefit cooperation, Chang Family is extremely good to the Chen Yu manner. 成为昌家客卿,又有利益合作,昌家陈宇态度极好。 Chen Yu can feel, Chang Family has put down the gratitude and grudges thoroughly, when the granddaughter of white hair old woman, that Elegant Woman Chang Yuya, sees Chen Yu, tranquil chatting several. 陈宇能感受到,昌家已经彻底放下恩怨,甚至白发老妪的孙女,那清雅女子昌俞雅”,见到陈宇时,也会平静的聊上几句。 On this day, Chang Yuya arrives. 这一日,昌俞雅到来。 Chen Guest Colleague, this is the Lin Family material.” “陈客僚,这是林家的资料。” Her manner is graceful, puts down a book. 她举止优雅端庄,放下一本册子。 The regulations some of her heart doubts, the Lin Family person looks after to Chen Yu, doesn't Chen Yu know Lin Family? What investigates their information to make? 实则她心头有些疑惑,林家人对陈宇那么照顾,难道陈宇不知道林家?调查他们的信息做什么? Chen Yu takes up then glances through. 陈宇拿起便翻阅。 Lin Family, Human Race Four Star Peak large clan, Half-God Family! 林家,人族四星巅峰大族,半神家族 The Chen Yu mind shakes. 陈宇心神不由一震。 Lin Family so Powerful, among has Half-God unexpectedly! 林家竟如此强大,其内更有半神 No wonder Five Big Family, so respects to Square Faced Middle Age, the opposite party is not only the Emperor Sect high level, Family that is in itself, is also so Powerful. 难怪五大家族,对方脸中年如此敬重,对方不仅是帝宗高层,本身所在的家族,亦是如此强大 Chen Guest Colleague, five months, is Eight Great Emperor Sect recruits Disciple Time, you think that didn't have, which Sect chooses? “陈客僚,还有五个多月,就是八大帝宗招收弟子时间,你想好了没,选择哪一宗门 Chang Yuya asked with a smile. 昌俞雅笑着问道。 Has not thought.” “还没想好。” Chen Yu subconscious [say / way]. 陈宇下意识道。 However the union present material, chooses Heavenly River Sect, by the protection of Lin Family, indeed is a good choice. 不过结合眼前的资料,选择天河宗,受林家的保护,的确是个不错的选择。 Even if Heavenly River Sect not suitable oneself, but the road of his Cultivation, smooth smooth many. 就算天河宗不适合自己,但他的修行之路,也会平坦顺利不少。 „?” “哦?” Chang Yuya some do not believe that in her opinion, Chen Yu will definitely choose Heavenly River Sect. 昌俞雅有些不信,在她看来,陈宇肯定会选择天河宗 But she, is this choice. 而她自己,也是这个选择。 Heavenly River Sect is near from Chang Family, there is Chen Yu this Guest Official, the opposite party has the Lin Family protection, enters Heavenly River Sect to affirm running free with the current, can look after itself. 天河宗距离昌家较近,又有陈宇这个客卿,对方有林家保护,进入天河宗肯定顺风顺水,也能照拂一下自己。 Chen Yu glances through the Lin Family information quickly, discovered that behind also has the content. 陈宇很快翻阅完林家信息,发现后面还有内容。 That is Noble Emperor Lord that you want ‚’ information.” “那是你要的‘青云帝主’的信息。” Chang Yuya is staring at Chen Yu, careful observation. 昌俞雅盯着陈宇,仔细观察。 The Chen Yu opposite party, has not glanced through. 陈宇没有管对方,翻阅起来。 Although Main World has one Profound Deep Boundary that called Noble Emperor Lord, but actually was Great Universe World that has not said. 虽说主世界是有一个叫青云帝主玄冥境,但究竟是不是大宇界那位,还不好说。 Noble Emperor Lord, colludes with Alien Race, to make reparations, guards Chaotic Ocean Source millenniums......” 青云帝主,勾结异族,为赎罪,镇守‘乱海原’千年……” The Chen Yu vision changes, Grave gets up. 陈宇目光顿变,凝重起来。 In indicates finally, Noble Emperor Lord from low status World Plane. 在最后有注明,青云帝主来自低等界面 Then Chen Yu can determine that this is the person who he must find. 这下陈宇可以确定,这就是他要找的人。 Chaotic Ocean Source......” 乱海原……”
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