EH :: Volume #8 主世界

#991: Starting

Chang Yuya is staring at Chen Yu carefully, wants to see anything. 昌俞雅仔细盯着陈宇,想要看出些什么。 Chen Yu came from low status World Plane, has the connection with Lin Family, was shocking. 陈宇从低等界面来,与林家有关联,就已经令人震惊。 Must look up this Profound Deep Boundary Emperor Lord information regarding Chen Yu, she is similarly curious. 对于陈宇要查这名玄冥境帝主的信息,她同样好奇。 Chen Yu with Noble Emperor Lord, there is relations? 难道陈宇跟“青云帝主”,也有关系? However. 不过。 Has the relations, not necessarily is the good deed. 有关系,也不一定是好事。 This Noble Emperor Lord, is the Human Race criminal. 这位青云帝主,可是人族罪人。 He colludes with Alien Race unexpectedly, now was punished guards the Chaotic Ocean Source millenniums. 他竟与异族勾结,如今被罚镇守乱海原千年。 The King life, is about thousand years, to Chang Yuya, lifelong imprisons simply. 王者寿命,不过千余载,对昌俞雅来说,简直就是终身囚禁。 In addition, the charge of this colluding enemy, is in Human Race most hates. 此外,这种勾结敌人的罪名,是人族中最痛恨的。 Noble Emperor Lord had not been punished by death, it is estimated that also looks in his Cultivation share. 青云帝主没有被处以死刑,估计也是看在他修为的份上。 But if Chen Yu and Noble Emperor Lord has connection, feared that will be implicated. 但如果陈宇青云帝主有关联,怕是会遭受牵连。 Where is Chaotic Ocean Source at?” 乱海原在哪?” Chen Yu asked suddenly. 陈宇忽然问道。 Chaotic Ocean Source, west Human Race Domain, frequency near Deep Ocean.” 乱海原,人族领域西侧,频临‘深斓海’。” Chang Yuya subconscious reply. 昌俞雅下意识回答。 Afterward she responded that Chen Yu really had the connection with this Noble Emperor Lord. 随后她就反应过来,陈宇果然跟这位青云帝主有关联。 It seems like this matter must inform mother-in-law.” Chang Yuya innermost feelings secret passage. “看来此事还得告知婆婆。”昌俞雅内心暗道。 Chen Yu to the Main World Human Race condition , some understanding. 陈宇主世界人族境况,也有一些了解。 The territory that Human Race occupies is quite huge, but to entire Main World, appears tiny. 人族占据的领地较为庞大,但相对于整个主世界而言,又显得渺小。 West the Human Race territory, approaches Deep Ocean. 人族领地西侧,靠近深斓海 In the Chen Yu mind outlined the approximate map. 陈宇脑海中勾勒大致地图。 From is a little as if far. 距离似乎有点远。 If overtakes from Chang Family, does not know how long needs. 若从昌家赶过去,不知需要多久。 Although the Chen Yu innermost feelings believe that path that Lin Family Square Faced Middle Age refers to is right. 陈宇内心虽认为,林家方脸中年所指的道路是对的。 May know that Noble Emperor Lord is , one side he wants to see now, clarifies the life experience. 可得知青云帝主所在,他如今就想去见一面,弄清身世。 Chen Guest Official, won't you plan Chaotic Ocean Source?” “陈客卿,你不会打算去乱海原吧?” Chang Yuya discovers does not suit, inquired. 昌俞雅发现不对劲,询问道。 Although to Chen Yu knew that Noble Emperor Lord is very surprised, that is Profound Deep Boundary Emperor Lord, now entire Chang Family not such existence. 虽对陈宇认识青云帝主十分惊讶,那可是玄冥境帝主,如今整个昌家都没有这样的存在。 But Noble Emperor Lord is a criminal, Chen Yu sees the opposite party, although can harvest the advantage, but also has not good side. 青云帝主乃罪人,陈宇见到对方,虽能收获好处,但也有不好的一面。 On the other hand. 另一方面。 Goes to Chaotic Ocean Source, by Chen Yu speed Flying, takes nearly one year. 前往乱海原,以陈宇的速度飞行,也需要近一年。 Didn't that miss Eight Great Emperor Sect to recruit the Disciple day? 那不是错过了八大帝宗招收弟子的日子? Right.” “没错。” Borrows Teleportation Formation, how long needs?” “借用传送阵,需要多久?” Chen Yu inquired. 陈宇询问。 He does not want to miss Eight Great Emperor Sect to recruit Disciple Time, but also wants to go to Chaotic Ocean Source to see Noble Emperor Lord. 他不想错过八大帝宗招收弟子时间,但也想去乱海原青云帝主 Teleportation Formation almost grasps in the hand of big influence, even if my Chang Family, makes you use Teleportation Formation in nearby Jinrong City at most, farther place, is beyond control.” 传送阵几乎都掌握在大势力的手中,就算是我昌家,也顶多让你使用附近锦荣城内的传送阵,更远的地方,则鞭长莫及。” Chang Yuya wants to cancel the Chen Yu thought. 昌俞雅想打消陈宇的念头。 The Heavenly River Sect position, contradicts with Chaotic Ocean Source, even if Chen Yu can six months rush to Chaotic Ocean Source, definitely has no way to enter Heavenly River Sect. 天河宗的方位,和乱海原相悖,就算陈宇能半年内赶到乱海原,肯定是没法进入天河宗 Doesn't have other method?” “没有别的方法吗?” Chen Guest Official has the relations with the Lin Family person, can ask them to assist, feared that is 2-3 months, can overtake.” “陈客卿林家人有关系,可以请他们相助,怕是两三个月,就能赶过去。” Chang Yuya inquired while convenient Chen Yu and Lin Family relations arrive at any Level. 昌俞雅顺便打听陈宇林家关系到达什么程度 Chen Yu also knows this, but he does not want to ask others for help. 陈宇也知道这点,但他不想求人。 And Lin Family is a little also far, making them help, time-consuming. 林家也有点远,让他们帮忙,也要耗时。 Chang Yuya sees the Chen Yu facial color to be calm, said: „If no background to relate, has the absolute strength, can borrow large-scale Teleportation Formation, in addition, but can also lead the way with Origin Stone.” 昌俞雅陈宇面色沉着,又道:“若没有背景关系,有绝对实力,也能借用大型传送阵,除此之外,还能用‘元石开路’。” Naturally. 当然。 The best method first two types, „the Origin Stone opening is unsafe , the comparison goes to the expense. 最好的方法还是前两种,“元石开路”不保险,也比较破费。 Chen Yu nods, has not continued to inquire in this matter. 陈宇点点头,没在此事上继续询问。 But asked the matter of Emperor Sect quota, „the situation of that 18 quota how?” 而是问起帝宗名额的事情,“那18个名额的情况如何了?” Another three quotas, he early in secret sent for giving the Falling Moon King three people. 另外三个名额,他早暗中派人送给了陨月王三人。 Our Chang Family purchases eight quotas, as for another ten quotas, places the Jinrong City auction, after a few days auctions one.” “我们昌家收购八个名额,至于另外十个名额,放在锦荣城的拍卖会,每隔几天拍卖一个。” Chang Yuya said with a smile. 昌俞雅笑道。 Auction? 拍卖会? This is a good place, at Emperor Sect quota grade of treasure, can sell the high price absolutely. 这是个好地方,以帝宗名额这等宝贝,绝对能卖出高价。 To Chang Family, this weakens the hostile influence property, it may be said that kills two birds with one stone. 昌家来说,这是削弱敌对势力的资产,可谓一举两得。 „Does Yang Family have to go well?” 阳家有没有得手过?” Chen Yu thinks. 陈宇想到一点。 If auction, if Yang Family the high price, how could it not be can also obtain the quota? 如果是拍卖会,阳家若出高价,岂不也能得到名额? Relax, that is the high Level auction, only then receives the invitation, Talent auction, but Yang Family not in this.” “放心,那是高层次的拍卖会,只有收到邀请的,才能拍卖,而阳家不在这之中。” Chang Yuya dispels doubt. 昌俞雅解惑。 After talking several, she then departed. 交谈几句后,她便离去。 Quota auctions, but also takes ten days.” “名额拍卖完,还需十天。” The Chen Yu double pupil shuts, starts Cultivation. 陈宇双眸一闭,开始修炼 The Star Origin Pill efficacy is very rich boundless, days before Chen Yu had not digested thoroughly. 星元丹的药力十分浓郁磅礴,前些日陈宇还未彻底消化。 This Star Origin Pill Grade/Rank is extremely good, even if Congealing Star Boundary Middle Stage takes, has the good effect.” “这枚星元丹品阶极佳,就算是凝星境中期服用,都有不错的效果。” Chen Yu innermost feelings secret passage. 陈宇内心暗道。 So, these date and time, his Cultivation rapid advance, it may be said that rapid progress. 正是如此,这些时日,他修为飞速前进,可谓一日千里 His within the body Second Origin Power Stars, compared with beforehand bright many, volume close First Origin Power Stars half. 他体内第二元力星辰,比之前灿烂不少,体积接近第一元力星辰的一半。 This expressed that Chen Yu Cultivation, is away from Congealing Star Boundary Initial Stage Peak not to be far. 这表示陈宇修为,距离凝星境初期巅峰不远。 Every other, he will stop on the several th temporarily, takes out Silver Space Crystal Stone, senses Space Profound Meaning. 每隔几日,他会暂时停顿,又取出银空晶石,感悟空间奥义 As for Star Shape Body, was put down by him temporarily. 至于星象之体,被他暂时放下。 Star Shape Body entered Great Completion, then the progress will be slower, would rather the first Cultivation promotion to Congealing Star Boundary Initial Stage Peak, then studies Star Shape Body, is more effective. 星象之体已入大成,接下来进度将更缓慢,倒不如先将修为提升至凝星境初期巅峰,再来专攻星象之体,更有效率。 Ten day Time, flashes. 十日时间,一晃而过。 When knew that Chen Yu must leave Chang Family, went to Chaotic Ocean Source, the Chang Family high level alarms. 当得知陈宇要离开昌家,前往乱海原,昌家高层都惊动了。 Perhaps Chen Guest Official, your this line, must delay enters the Eight Great Emperor Sect opportunity.” “陈客卿,你这一行,恐怕要耽误进入八大帝宗的机会。” The white hair old woman persuaded. 白发老妪劝说道。 If Chen Yu goes to Heavenly River Sect, in addition he relates with Lin Family, can mix is very good, Chang Family enters Heavenly River Sect Disciple, can obtain some attendances. 陈宇前往天河宗,加上他跟林家关系,能混的很不错,昌家进入天河宗弟子,也能得到些许照顾。 But the result, Chen Yu must run up to that remote Chaotic Ocean Source unexpectedly, even may miss to enter the Eight Great Emperor Sect opportunity. 可结果,陈宇竟要跑到那遥远的乱海原,甚至有可能错过进入八大帝宗的机会。 This lets the Chang Family high level, is unreadable. 这让昌家高层,难以理解。 But Chen Yu was not willing saying that in addition this matter involved guilty in Profound Deep Emperor Lord of body, they were also unsuitable the inquiry to be too many. 陈宇不愿多说,再加上此事涉及有罪在身的玄冥帝主,他们也不便过问太多。 Finally, can only go along with Chen Yu. 最终,只能随陈宇去。 „It is not far from Chaotic Ocean Source, Four Star Peak Great Sect Demonic Gathering Prison, is one of the Eight Great Emperor Sect, when the time comes can enter this.” “距离乱海原不远,有一个四星巅峰大宗邪罗狱’,也是八大帝宗之一,到时候可以进入此宗。” In the Chen Yu heart has the idea. 陈宇心中自有想法。 But the premise is, he in five months overtakes. 但前提是,他五个月内赶过去。 Otherwise the Chen Yu midway possibly stops, goes to Sun and Moon Heavenly Palace, this is one of Eight Great Emperor Sect he compares to favor. 否则陈宇中途可能停顿,前往“日月天宫”,这是他比较看好的一个八大帝宗之一。 When the time comes first enters Emperor Sect, then rushes to Chaotic Ocean Source. 到时候先入帝宗,然后赶往乱海原 Chen Guest Official, this is Origin Stone that 18 quotas receive in exchange, altogether 83 ten thousand High Grade Origin Stone.” “陈客卿,这是18个名额换取到的元石,一共83万上品元石。” Chang Family high-level serious incomparable handing over Storage Ring. 昌家高层郑重无比的递上一个储物戒指 830,000! 830000! Chen Yu reveals pleasantly surprised. 陈宇不由露出惊喜。 This may surpass his estimate. 这可远超过他的预估。 It seems like other Three Great Family, definitely massive hemorrhage. 看来另外三大家族,肯定大出血了。 Many thanks.” “多谢了。” The Chen Yu preparation said goodbye to depart. 陈宇准备告辞离去。 Chen Guest Official be please slow, your frank and upright staying in Chang Family, nobody dares to move you, but once goes out, is uncertain.” “陈客卿请慢,你光明正大的呆在昌家,无人敢动你,可一旦外出,就不一定了。” The white hair old woman blocks Chen Yu, explained: Has waited for some date and time, you masquerade, conceal in the caravan that Chang Family goes out, borrows Jinrong City Teleportation Formation to depart.” 白发老妪拦下陈宇,解释道:“等过些时日,你乔装打扮,藏于昌家外出的商队中,借用锦荣城传送阵离去。” Now two sides are on good terms, Chen Yu and Chang Family established certain relations, Chang Family also gave up the beforehand small gratitude and grudges, was Chen Yu considers. 如今两方交好,陈宇昌家建立了一定的关系,昌家也放弃之前的小恩怨,为陈宇着想。 Chen Yu nods, has not moved immediately. 陈宇点头,没有立即行动。 Xu Family, Wu Family and He Family, although obtains the quota, it is estimated that also butchered heavy, hostility whether eliminates, is unknown. 胥家乌家何家虽都得到名额,估计也被宰的不轻,敌意是否消除,不得而知。 But Yang Family definitely will not let off Chen Yu. 阳家肯定是不会放过陈宇 After several day. 几日后。 Chen Yu dresses up Common Chang Family Younger Generation, enters Jinrong City along with the caravan. 陈宇打扮成一名普通昌家子弟,随商队进入锦荣城 In an inn, Chen Yu distinguishes with them, goes to Jinrong City Transmission heavily. 一处客栈中,陈宇跟他们分别,前往锦荣城传送重地。 Takes out the faith token, pays certain Origin Stone. 取出信物,交付一定的元石 Chen Yu uses large-scale Teleportation Formation, vanishes in this place. 陈宇利用大型传送阵,消失在此地。 ...... …… Another „the Cultivation city, in numerous Transmission method, presents a Daoist shade, is Chen Yu. 另一座“修行城”中,众多传送法阵中,出现一道人影,正是陈宇 This Cultivation city, grasps in Broken Peak Building in hand, but another Cultivation city that I must go, is Long the family|home, both sides have the feud, can only fly.” “这一座修行城,掌握在‘破岳楼’手里,而我要前往的另一座修行城,属于隆家,双方有仇隙,只能飞过去了。” Chen Yu already reorganized the good route, left the Cultivation city rapidly. 陈宇早就整理好路线,迅速出了修行城。 As soon as he pats the Spirit Pet bag, a Blue spirit crane presents the horizon. 他一拍灵宠袋,一头青色灵鹤出现天际。 This is he consumes five ten thousand High Grade Origin Stone, in Chang Family exchange Ancient Beast Mist Cloud Crane. 这是他耗费五万上品元石,在昌家兑换的古兽烟云鹤”。 As the Flying mount, its personal appearance is small, the speed is fast. 作为飞行坐骑,它身形小,速度快。 And Chen Yu to hurry along, what purchase is the Congealing Star Boundary mount, goes to the expense enormously. 陈宇为了赶路,购买的是凝星境的坐骑,破费极大。 But he now most is Origin Stone. 但他如今最多的就是元石 18 quotas, making him harvest 80 ten thousand High Grade Origin Stone, has this astonishing wealth, even if makes Chen Yu stay in Chang Family, he did not feel relieved. 18个名额,让他收获80多万上品元石,拥有这笔惊人的财富,就算让陈宇呆在昌家,他都不放心。 Walks!” “走!” Chen Yu sits cross-legged in Mist Cloud Crane carries on the back, takes out Silver Space Crystal Stone, senses Space Profound Meaning. 陈宇盘坐在烟云鹤背上,取出银空晶石,感悟空间奥义 But Mist Cloud Crane yelled, the both wings flew to inspire, carry Chen Yu to break in the sea of clouds. 烟云鹤啼叫一声,双翅飞振,载着陈宇冲入云海之中。 Sees only the both wings of Mist Cloud Crane, changes to the white fog, merges into one organic whole with the sea of clouds, that speed with lightning speed makes Chen Yu think that five ten thousand High Grade Origin Stone have not owed. 只见烟云鹤的双翅,化作白色云雾,与云海融为一体,那风驰电掣的速度让陈宇觉得,五万上品元石没亏。 After three day. 三日后。 Chen Yu Sole Center Silver Space Crystal Stone, has a crack suddenly. 陈宇掌心银空晶石,忽然出现一丝裂缝。 Energy consumed up.” “能量耗光了。” Chen Yu feels to be a pity that discards it. 陈宇感到可惜,将其扔掉。 Promotion of Profound Meaning sensibility, not only helps the promotion of Soul Will, and can strengthen Battle Strength. 奥义感悟的提升,既有利于灵魂意志的提升,又能增强战力 When on for example Commanding Plate competes, the Chen Yu speed, shows disdain for audience. 就例如令牌争夺时,陈宇的速度,傲视全场。 And several Congealing Star Boundary Initial Stage Peak Genius, even if no Space Profound Meaning, there are other speed Method, may still be inferior to Chen Yu. 其中几位凝星境初期巅峰天才,纵然没有空间奥义,也有其他速度手段,可仍旧不如陈宇 This is the reason of Profound Meaning depth. 这就是奥义深浅的缘故。 Chen Yu felt that he to the comprehension of Space Profound Meaning, in Congealing Star Boundary Initial Stage, has achieved extremely deep Level. 陈宇感觉,自己对空间奥义的领悟,在凝星境初期中,已经达到极深的层次 He even faintly feels shackles. 他甚至隐隐感受到一层桎梏。 Profound Meaning has the depth, there is an obvious Level difference, the common people are divided into one it to Three Layers, the bottleneck that I feel, perhaps is the Second heavy shackles.” 奥义有深浅,又有明显的层次差异,世人将其分为一至三重,我感受到的瓶颈,恐怕就是第二重桎梏。” Chen Yu looking pensive. 陈宇若有所思。 Profound Meaning Three Layers, corresponds Congealing Star Boundary Initial Stage, Middle Stage and Late Stage, but after Chen Yu arrives at Main World hears, Profound Meaning may also comprehend to higher Fourth Layer. 奥义三重,对应凝星境初期中期后期,但陈宇来到主世界后听闻,奥义还可领悟至更高的第四重 This now is somewhat remote from him, does not go into seriously. 这距离他现在有些遥远,就不深究了。 Suddenly. 忽然。 Chen Yu feels the intense Space fluctuation. 陈宇感受到强烈的空间波动。 The Spirit Knowledge accumulation goes, he sees Battleship rapidly Flying. 灵识聚集而去,他看到一艘战船急速飞行 Runs into other Cultivation, this nothing. 遇到其他修行者,这并没什么。 But above this Battleship, has the Yang Family symbol impressively. 可这战船之上,赫然有着阳家标志。 Hey, finally overtook.” “嘿嘿,终于追上了。” In Battleship, tall and strong Man, in the eye the cold brightness jumps shoots, the corners of the mouth bring back. 战船之内,一名魁梧男子,眼中寒光迸射,嘴角勾起。 Has not thought mount that this boy, unexpectedly is Mist Cloud Crane, no wonder pursued was so long, discovered his trail.” “没想到这小子的坐骑,竟是烟云鹤,难怪追了这么久,才发现他的踪迹。” At his present property, trivial Mist Cloud Crane, was considered as anything.” “以他现在的资产,区区一只烟云鹤,又算得了什么。” Another Black Robe Old Man, a short and stout woman, expression slightly sour [say / way]. 另外一名黑袍老者,一名矮胖妇人,语气略酸的道。 Suddenly. 忽然。 Bald Old Man, appears in the stern, in the pupil the twinkle Strange Demonic dark [gold/metal] flame, as if has passed through void, falls on Chen Yu. 一名光头老者,出现在船艄,眸中闪烁邪异的暗金火光,仿佛贯穿了虚空,落在陈宇身上。 Patriarch said that massacres this, in his hand Origin Stone, we can divide half.” 家主说了,杀掉此子,他手中元石,我们能分一半。” Bald Old Man, Yang Wuhai appears the cloudy evil smiling face. 光头老者,阳乌海浮现阴邪笑容。 Another three people listened to this words, the smiling face to reappear one by one. 另外三人听了此话,笑容逐一浮现。 In Chen Yu, at least 80 ten thousand High Grade Origin Stone, half are 400,000. 陈宇手里,至少有80万上品元石,一半就是400000。 Even if 40 ten thousand High Grade Origin Stone, makes their hundred years not worry sufficiently that Cultivation enters greatly! 就算是40万上品元石,足以让他们百年不愁,修为大进!
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