EH :: Volume #8 主世界

#989: Eight Great Emperor Sect

Senior knows my father, now where is he at?” 前辈知道我父亲,他如今在哪?” This is Chen Yu comes one of the Main World goals: Clarifies own life experience. 这是陈宇主世界的目的之一:弄清楚自己的身世。 This moment Chen Yu had not realized that he, acknowledged father who this never meets. 此刻陈宇都没意识到,他心里,承认了这个从未见面的父亲。 Silver clothes Woman also wants to know that who the father of opposite party is, lets the favour that Lin Family owes. 银裳女子也想知道,对方的父亲是谁,怎么让林家欠的人情。 I urged you not know to well, did not have the advantage to you.” “我劝你不要知道为好,对你没有好处。” The Square Faced Middle Age warning said. 方脸中年告诫道。 Chen Yu brow micro wrinkle, felt not to be wonderful from these words, but in the heart had doubts has planted, had the opportunity to dispel doubt, how can pretend not to know? 陈宇眉头微皱,从这句话中感受到了不妙,但心中疑惑已经种下,有机会去解惑,怎能装作不知道? I am return the favour, you listen my right.” “我是来还人情的,你听我的没错。” Now is placed in front of you, is bright Great Dao, you obtained to enter the Emperor Sect quota, Human Race Eight Great Emperor Sect, you may choose freely, enter Cultivation.” “如今摆在你面前的,就是一条光明大道,你已经获得进入帝宗的名额,人族八大帝宗,你可自由选择,进入其中修行。” If some day, your Cultivation has, should know knows that all difficulties may also be easily solved.” “若有朝一日,你修行有成,该知道的自会知道,一切困难亦可迎刃而解。” A Square Faced Man Elder stance, taught Chen Yu. 方脸男子一副长辈姿态,教导陈宇 In Main World, Human Race is prosperous, life are innumerable. 主世界内,人族繁盛,生灵无数。 By the Main World environment, the Breakthrough Congealing Star Boundary probability considerably increases, Profound Deep Boundary Emperor Lord is also not infrequent. 主世界的环境,突破凝星境的概率大大增加,玄冥境帝主也不在少数。 In Human Race Four Star influence has many. 人族四星势力有不少。 And most Peak Four Star Sect, there are eight. 其中最顶尖四星宗门,共有八个。 Can enter of Cultivation Eight Great Emperor Sect, is the Human Race young people long-awaited matter. 能够进入八大帝宗之一修行,是人族年轻人梦寐以求的事。 On for example the Five Big Spirit Mountain region, Five Big Family, many small Family, to strive for 30 quotas, Method completely leave. 就例如五大灵山区域,五大家族,诸多小家族,为争夺30个名额,手段尽出。 Senior said Cultivation has, what Cultivation refers to?” 前辈所说的‘修行有成’,是指什么修为?” Goal that if can achieve, is not remote, Chen Yu may listen to Square Faced Middle Age. 如果是能达到的目标,也不遥远,陈宇或许会听方脸中年的。 Square Faced Middle Age has not expected obviously, Chen Yu will ask such. 方脸中年显然没料到,陈宇会这么问。 He thinks deeply about the moment, said: „...... Profound Deep Emperor Lord!” 他思索片刻,道:“……玄冥帝主!” In silver clothes Woman the twinkle different glow, has not thought of Chen Yu origin such not Simple. 银裳女子目中闪烁异芒,没想到陈宇来历这么不简单 Was too far.” “太远了。” Chen Yu shook the head. 陈宇摇了摇头。 If in Great Universe World, many Genius this Boundary wants unable to think. 如果在大宇界,许多天才连这个境界想都不敢想。 Chen Yu arrives at King, the probability is big, that closes right up against the fortuitous encounter. 陈宇到达王者,概率较大,那是靠着奇遇。 But wants to arrive at Profound Deep Boundary, that needs the Startling Heaven fortuitous encounter to pile up simply unceasingly, has the possibility. 但想到达玄冥境,那简直需要惊天奇遇不断堆积,才有可能。 May see from the Great Universe World Profound Deep Boundary scarce quantity that this Boundary is too difficult to achieve. 大宇界玄冥境的稀少数量就可看出,这个境界太难达到。 Congealing Star Boundary will Level, why have the Six Revolving Cultivation Technique birth? 凝星境层次,为何会有六转功法诞生? In the final analysis, is Breakthrough Profound Deep Boundary is too difficult, therefore was born Six Revolving Stars Cultivation Technique, increases the Breakthrough Congealing Star Boundary probability. 归根结底,都是突破玄冥境太难,所以诞生了六转星辰修炼之法,增加突破凝星境的概率。 Chen Yu, according to does, enters Emperor Sect Cultivation that I said that best was Heavenly River Sect, you will receive Lin Family Shield, in the future the potential will be infinite.” 陈宇,按我说的来做,进入帝宗修行,最好是天河宗,你将受到林家庇护,日后潜力无限。” Square Faced Middle Age persuaded again, manner strong several points. 方脸中年再次劝说,态度强势了几分。 Does not press the conduct that he said regarding Chen Yu, somewhat is obviously discontented. 对于陈宇不按他说的行事,明显有些不满。 This matter, I will give careful consideration.” “此事,我会慎重考虑的。” The Chen Yu nod said. 陈宇点头道。 Main World Human Race, Four Star influence is numerous, including Eight Great Peak Four Star Sect, general designation Eight Great Emperor Sect. 主世界人族,四星势力众多,其中有八大顶尖四星宗门,统称八大帝宗 Each has the characteristics respectively, Chen Yu fully did not know about Heavenly River Sect that cannot comply rashly. 每一宗各有特色,陈宇天河宗完全不了解,不能贸然答应。 The choice of Sect, is possibly affecting in the future the opportunity and final achievement, cannot be careless. 宗门的选择,可能也影响着日后机遇和最终成就,不可草率。 The silver clothes Woman corners of the mouth bring back smile pale. 银裳女子嘴角勾起淡笑。 Uncle Chen recommended this boy to join Heavenly River Sect, the opposite party adds unexpectedly considered. 晨叔推荐这小子加入天河宗,对方竟还说考虑考虑。 Can enter Emperor Sect, although is good deed. 能进入帝宗,虽是好事。 But competition of Emperor Sect also intense brutal, superior win and inferior wash out, Powerhouse survival. 帝宗的竞争也激烈残酷,优胜劣汰,强者生存。 On for example obtains the quota, enters Eight Great Emperor Sect Disciple, in a half year and one year and three years, will accept time Examination separately, if not attain a designated standard, has the penalty, three times all do not attain a designated standard, then meets Expelled. 就例如获得名额,进入八大帝宗弟子,分别在半年、一年、三年,会接受一次考核,如果不达标,都有惩罚,三次皆不达标,则会驱逐 Chen Yu enters Heavenly River Sect, has the Lin Family influence protection, than entering any other Emperor Sect is better. 陈宇进入天河宗,有林家势力保护,比进入其他任何一个帝宗都要好。 „When six months later, is Eight Great Emperor Sect recruits Disciple.” “半年后,就是八大帝宗招收弟子之时。” Square Faced Man urged one finally. 方脸男子最后叮嘱了一句。 After saying, he then leaves with silver clothes Woman. 说完后,他便与银裳女子离开。 The original position leaves behind 30 jade nature Commanding Plate, fine uncommon, twinkle light sparkling stone light. 原处留下30枚玉质令牌,精致不凡,闪烁淡淡莹光。 Uncle Chen, our has Lin Family, actually owed his father what favour?” 晨叔,我们林家,究竟欠了他父亲什么人情?” Silver clothes Woman asked curiously. 银裳女子好奇问道。 Their Lin Family, now in Human Race, is very Powerful big Family. 他们林家,如今在人族中,都是十分强大的大家族 This point, I am not clear.” “这一点,我也不清楚。” Uncle Chen blurted out, on the face is passing doubts. 晨叔脱口而出,脸上透着一丝疑惑。 Silver clothes Woman increases curiously, is not unexpectedly clear Uncle Chen. 银裳女子好奇增加,竟然连晨叔都不清楚。 I remember that Uncle Chen said a moment ago, the boy with our Lin Family, some connections, this is unlikely? His father has some relations with our Lin Family at most.” “我记得刚才晨叔说,那小子跟我们林家,有一些瓜葛,这不大可能吧?顶多他父亲跟我们林家有一些关系。” A moment ago silver clothes Woman listened is very careful. 银裳女子刚才听的很仔细。 Actually Chen Yu, because hears the Noble Emperor Lord news for the first time, therefore has neglected this point. 倒是陈宇,因为首次听说青云帝主的消息,所以忽略了这一点。 This, I know actually that this child indeed has the connection with Lin Family, and is...... Yuxuan Young Lady.” “这点,我倒是知道,此子的确跟林家有瓜葛,而且是……雨璇小姐。” Intentionally Square Faced Middle Age said is very slow, hung fully the silver clothes Woman appetite, finally revealed the color of shock. 方脸中年故意说的很慢,吊足了银裳女子的胃口,最后露出震惊之色。 Uncle Chen, do you tease me to play?” 晨叔,你逗我玩?” Silver clothes Woman complexion micro cold, knits the brows to purse the lips to say. 银裳女子脸色微寒,皱眉抿嘴道。 Does not believe you to go back to ask Young Lady.” “不信你可以回去问小姐。” Square Faced Man corners of the mouth smile, steps out to depart. 方脸男子嘴角微笑,加快脚步离去。 Is impossible.” “不可能。” A silver clothes Woman eye of dew ponders, denied again. 银裳女子目露沉思,再次否定。 Lin Yuxuan, the female of Lin Family Heaven's Proud. 林雨璇,林家天骄之女。 Silver clothes Woman is Emperor Sect Disciple, the Five Big Family high level sees her to be respectful, she is arrogant, the appearance is splendid, pursuer many minority. 银裳女子身为帝宗弟子,五大家族高层见她都恭恭敬敬,她性格高傲,容貌出色,追求者不乏少数。 May see Lin Yuxuan each time, she feels to feel inferior, thought that the opposite party is Fairy, oneself likely are her maidservant. 可每次见到林雨璇,她都感到自惭形秽,觉得对方是仙子,自己像是她身边的丫鬟。 Can the boy have the relations with Lin Yuxuan? Certainly was Uncle Chen agree did not say that deceived her intentionally. 那小子怎么会和林雨璇扯上关系?一定是晨叔不肯说,故意糊弄她。 ...... …… Chen Yu waves, 30 jade nature Commanding Plate, received Storage Space. 陈宇一挥手,将30个玉质令牌,收入了储物空间 This may be the treasure, each Commanding Plate, the representative enters the Eight Great Emperor Sect quota. 这可都是宝物,每一枚令牌,代表进入八大帝宗的名额。 These people, cannot trust completely.” “这些人,也不可完全信任。” The Chen Yu innermost feelings are sigh with emotion. 陈宇内心感慨。 He has cleared off the mentality gradually. 他渐渐理清了思路。 Square Faced Middle Age this line comes for oneself. 方脸中年此行是为自己而来。 Commanding Plate that the opposite party establishes competes, prepares for him. 对方设置的令牌争夺,也是为他准备。 This also explained that why Commanding Plate will approach Chen Yu voluntarily. 这也就解释了,令牌为什么会自行靠近陈宇 But once the Chen Yu strength is insufficient, obtains Commanding Plate not to have the ability to defend, this for him, instead is a misdemeanor, even possibly loses the life. 可一旦陈宇实力不足,得到令牌却没有能力守住,这对他来说,反而是件坏事,甚至可能丢掉性命。 This has also proven, although the opposite party returns the favour, but is not truly is good for Chen Yu, at least does not care about his life. 这也就证明了,对方虽是还人情,但并不是真正为了陈宇好,至少不太在乎他的性命。 About this Lin Family, needs to make clear is good.” “关于这个林家,也需要搞清楚才行。” Chen Yu turns around to return to the Five Mountain Gathering Martial conference site. 陈宇转身返回五山会武的会场。 Five Mountain Gathering Martial had finished, major Family have not departed, they are not willing to believe that this is the result. 五山会武已经结束,各大家族还未曾离去,他们更不愿相信,这就是结局。 Until Chen Yu appears, the people stare to go, has not discovered the Emperor Sect high level. 直到陈宇出现,众人凝视而去,没有发现帝宗高层。 Chen Yu arrives at this Second as well as the third front, the palm wields, eight jade nature Commanding Plate appear. 陈宇来到此次第二名以及第三名的面前,手掌一挥,八枚玉质令牌浮现。 Many thanks your excellency.” “多谢阁下。” They smile to thank, accepts Commanding Plate. 两人微笑感谢,收下令牌 All around transmits the innumerable greedy vision, actually nobody dares to rob. 四周传来无数贪婪目光,却无人敢抢夺。 Meanwhile, more people looked that becomes to Chen Yu expression very complex, Yang Yi Elder and He Tianxiong Teacher and Xu Liusu father and the others, the hostility also no longer so was obvious. 同时,更多人看向陈宇神色变得十分复杂,就连阳易长老何天雄师尊胥流宿的父亲等人,敌意也不再那么明显了。 The Emperor Sect high level gives Chen Yu all quotas, making him provide, this is a trust. 帝宗高层将所有名额交给陈宇,让他去发放,这何尝不是一种信任。 The key is, Chen Yu and this high-level relations, actually arrived at any Level, this makes them ascertain airtight. 关键是,陈宇和这名高层的关系,究竟到了什么程度,这让他们捉摸不透。 That Ranking third Rogue Cultivator female King, after obtaining jade nature Commanding Plate, immediately has the Family high level, goes forward to talk. 排名第三的散修王者,得到玉质令牌后,立即就有家族高层,上前交谈。 The opposite party is only Rogue Cultivator, obtains four quotas, definitely will join side influence, otherwise do not think that Living leaves this region. 对方只是散修,得到四个名额,肯定会加入一方势力,否则别想活着离开这片区域。 Female Rogue Cultivator King is also very clear, probes each Family sincerity, does not have anxiously complying. 散修王者也很清楚,试探各个家族的诚意,没有急着答应。 Time obtains Second Man as for this, is the Fei Family person. 至于此次获得第二名的男子,是费家的人。 Fei Family wins over several small Family immediately, in order to avoid encounters aiming at Five Big Family. 费家立即拉拢几个小家族,以免遭遇五大家族的针对。 Finally is Chen Yu. 最后就是陈宇 Many person vision size up, actually nobody approaches talks. 不少人目光打量,却没人靠近搭话。 Offended Five Big Family, but can also be safe and sound, this simply was a miracle. 五大家族得罪遍了,还能安然无恙,这简直就是一个奇迹。 However. 不过。 The enticement of 20 two quotas, some people go forward to talk eventually. 有20个二个名额的诱惑,终究有人上前交谈。 Fei Family aperture Old Man, says with a smile: Your excellency does not have the destination now, Tathagata Fei Family does not stop over.” 费家一名小眼老头,笑着道:“阁下如今没有去处,不如来费家落脚。” Five Big Family sees this, could not sit still again. 五大家族看到此幕,再也坐不住了。 A their quota does not have. 他们一个名额都没有。 Fei Family is next to Five Big Family, walked dog deng transporting, obtained four quotas. If makes the opposite party win over Chen Yu again, then Fei Family obtained 26 quotas all of a sudden, at least 80% hopes, become new Five Big Family. 费家仅次于五大家族,走了狗屎运,得到了四个名额。如果再让对方拉拢陈宇,那么费家一下子得到了26个名额,至少有八成希望,成为新的五大家族 Chang Family First cannot sit still. 昌家第一个坐不住。 A white hair old woman flutters to come, by her, but also with that Elegant Woman. 一名白发老妪飘飞而来,在她旁边,还跟着那名清雅女子 The old woman surface contains the happy expression: Chen Young Friend hero Youngster, supernatural might unparalleled, Trial By Fire competes, my granddaughter is innocent, has given many troubles to Young Friend, always comes to apologize to you with her.” 老妪面含笑意:“陈小友英雄少年,神武无双,试炼争夺中,我孙女不懂事,给小友添了不少麻烦,老身带她来向你请罪。” Elegant Woman complexion Naturally, she did not accuse Chen Yu extremely in the presence of everyone, now also in the presence of everyone apologizes. 清雅女子脸色极不自然,她之前当众告发陈宇,如今却又当众请罪。 She is red in the face, apologized to Chen Yu. 她面红耳赤,给陈宇道了歉。 Does not hit is not acquainted, Young Friend also calculates that became a buddhist get to know with Chang Family, now Young Friend does not have the destination, may come Chang Family to occupy a period of time......” “正所谓不打不相识,小友也算与昌家结了缘,如今小友没有去处,可来昌家居住一段时日……” Chen Yu sees the white hair old woman and Elegant Woman so manner, has not adapted thoroughly, really before is , the hatred that Five Big Family displays is too intense. 陈宇见白发老妪和清雅女子如此态度,还没彻底适应过来,实在是之前五大家族表现出的恨意太强烈。 Other four big Family, see Chang Family so , can only throw down the honor, goes forward to chitchat. 其他四大家族,见昌家如此,也只能丢下脸面,上前攀谈。 After all enters the Emperor Sect quota, is extremely important, possibly is Family brings super Powerhouse. 毕竟进入帝宗的名额,太过重要,可能为家族带来一名超级强者 In an instant. 转眼之间。 Armed Suppression Chen Yu, must kill Chen Yu Five Big Family a moment ago, at this moment all encircled around him, greeted with a smile, was speaking the word of praise. 刚才讨伐陈宇,要杀陈宇五大家族,此刻全围在他四周,笑脸相迎,说着好话。 The Chen Yu facial color is calm, the corners of the mouth hang are smiling pale. 陈宇面色从容,嘴角挂着淡笑。 He indeed needs one to stop over now. 他如今的确需要一个落脚地。 But he has been separated from Yang Family, definitely will again not return to Yang Family to go. 但他已经脱离阳家,肯定不会再回到阳家去。 In winning over of Five Big Family, the Yang Family sincerity are least. 五大家族的拉拢之中,阳家诚意最少。 He can also feel Yang Yi Elder to his killing intent, really did not feel relieved that enters Yang Family. 他还能感受到阳易长老对自己的杀意,实在不放心进入阳家 But Xu Family is extremely powerful, even if Chen Yu joins Xu Family, the status is impossible to surpass Xu Liusu...... Also is not quite suitable. 胥家太过强盛,就算陈宇加入胥家,地位也不可能超过胥流宿……也不太适合。 Choice on only remaining He Family, Wu Family and Chang Family. 选择就只剩下何家乌家昌家 The thinking, Chen Yu has made slightly the decision. 略微思索,陈宇就做出了决定。 Goes to Chang Family. 昌家 In Trial By Fire that Commanding Plate competes, his contact with the Chang Family are least. 令牌争夺的试炼中,他跟昌家的接触最少。 Therefore this also indicated that Chen Yu offends least, Chang Family is lowest to his hatred. 所以这也表示,陈宇得罪的最少,昌家对他的恨意最低。 And Ranking of Chang Family in Five Big Family end, needs the quota, attaches great importance to Chen Yu. 昌家五大家族排名末尾,更需要名额,对陈宇更重视。 Finally. 最终。 Chen Yu accepted gathering of Chang Family. 陈宇接受了昌家的招揽。 Chang Family Patriarch and other high levels, facial colors are joyful, leaves this place with Chen Yu. 昌家家主等高层,一个个面色欣喜,同陈宇离开此地。 Elegant Woman deeply looked at Chen Yu one, lowered the head to sigh, departs. 清雅女子深深看了陈宇一眼,低下头叹息一声,也跟着离去。 Another four big Family, the complexion sank once more, stares at the Chen Yu back, the hostility is beginning. 另外四大家族,脸色再次沉了下来,凝视着陈宇的背影,敌意再起。
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