EH :: Volume #8 主世界

#988: Is my?

I announced now that in the Chen Yu hand all Commanding Plate are effective, becomes First!” “我现在宣布,陈宇手中所有令牌有效,成为第一!” Five Big Family hears this words, such as was struck by lightning. 五大家族听到此话,如遭雷击。 Their personal enemies, reach First. 他们的仇人,荣登第一 But the first ten thrones, Five Big Family does not have one person unexpectedly, this lets their face countenance what Cun. 而前十宝座,五大家族竟无一人,这让他们颜面何存。 Participates audiences Genius that Commanding Plate competes , is also all black the face, shameful. 参与令牌争夺的众天才,也全都黑着脸,无地自容。 Chen Yu looks pleasantly surprised, accepts dignified, thinks natural. 陈宇面露惊喜,也泰然接受,觉得理所应当。 After all obtained these many Commanding Plate, although damaged. 毕竟自己得到了这么多令牌,虽然都损坏了。 Sir, this fears some not to be good, Commanding Plate in this child hand, has damaged, even there is a Imitation possibility.” 大人,这恐怕有些不好,此子手里的令牌,已经损坏,甚至有仿制的可能。” He Family He Tianxiong Teacher, cannot suppress in heart the anger, advised discretely. 何家何天雄师尊,压不住心中怒火,谨慎进言。 He Tianxiong was killed by Chen Yu, he wishes one could to tear to shreds Chen Yu. 何天雄陈宇所杀,他恨不得将陈宇碎尸万段。 This child stops at no evil, crafty, indeed has this possibility!” “此子无恶不作,诡计多端,的确有这个可能!” The Yang Family high level also echoes. 阳家高层也附和。 Reason that Five Big Family wants to deny the Chen Yu success, on the one hand does not think that their enemies, obtain the reward to enter Emperor Sect. 五大家族之所以想否定陈宇的战绩,一方面是不想他们的敌人,获得奖励进入帝宗 On the other hand, the Chen Yu result is invalid, they can also suggest Square Faced Middle Age, conducts again one time, redistributes the quota. 另一方面,陈宇的成绩无效,他们还能建议方脸中年,再举办一次,重新分配名额。 Commanding Plate is I manufactures, does everybody suspect my judgment?” 令牌是我制作,各位难道怀疑我的判断?” Square Faced Middle Age is passing the light happy expression, makes the Five Big Family people be startled. 方脸中年透着淡淡笑意,却让五大家族众人不由一惊。 Henceforth the words may judge, Square Faced Middle Age iron core must maintain Chen Yu! 从此话可判断出,方脸中年是铁了心要维护陈宇 Did the opposite party settle on this seedling? 难道对方看中了这个苗子? If is really so, they indeed how Chen Yu. 若真是如此,他们的确奈何不了陈宇 As for Second and third, because your Commanding Plate number is the same, therefore compares notes to decide Ranking.” “至于第二名和第三名,由于你们二人令牌数相同,故切磋决定排名。” Square Faced Middle Age then said. 方脸中年接着道。 A man and a woman are amazed. 那一男一女惊诧无比。 Thinks, even if obtains Commanding Plate together, only then slightly possibly enters first ten. 原本以为,就算得到一块令牌,也只有较小可能进入前十。 Has not thought of the present, they all entered unexpectedly first three, the scenery is infinite. 没想到现在,他们竟全都进入了前三,风光无限。 As for the platoon in Second third, does not matter, they were well satisfied. 至于排在第二还是第三,都无所谓,他们已经心满意足。 Second and third quota reward is the same, is only the honor is different. 况且第二名和第三名的名额奖励相同,只是荣誉不同罢了。 Square Faced Middle Age spoke, they acted accordingly, stand to compare notes. 方脸中年发话,他们还是照办,站出来进行切磋。 !! 蓬!蓬! A man and a woman fly the sky, the fist laser scalpel shade twinkle, alarms eight sides instant. 一男一女飞上天空,刹那拳光刀影闪烁,惊动八方。 To fighting intensely, actually nobody appreciates. 对战十分激烈,却没有人欣赏。 Five Big Family all high levels, facial colors are dreary, the innermost feelings are serious. 五大家族所有高层,一个个面色阴郁,内心沉重。 This Five Mountain Gathering Martial! 此次五山会武 Five Big Family, a quota does not have! 五大家族,一个名额都没有! All these are do obeisance Chen Yu to bestow. 这一切都是拜陈宇所赐。 Yang Family Yang Lingjie had been killed by Chen Yu, Commanding Plate was seized. 阳家阳灵杰陈宇杀了,令牌被夺。 Wu Yuan Commanding Plate was also snatched by Chen Yu. 乌渊令牌也是被陈宇所抢。 He Tianxiong also by Chen Yu killing. 何天雄也被陈宇给杀。 Xu Family Twins Genius, Xu Hai Xu Tao dies because of Chen Yu, Commanding Plate also falls into Chen Yu. First Genius Xu Liusu, was snatched by Chen Yu continually twice, the psychology suffers heavy injury. 胥家双胞胎天才,胥海胥涛陈宇而死,令牌也落入陈宇手里。第一天才胥流宿,更是被陈宇连抢两次,心理遭受重创 As for Chang Family, looks like in Elegant Woman, if not for Chen Yu has plundered massive Commanding Plate, she can also harvest 1-2. 至于昌家,在清雅女子看来,若不是陈宇搜刮了大量令牌,她也能收获一两块。 The hatred of Five Big Family to Chen Yu, has achieved the pinnacle. 五大家族陈宇的恨意,已达到极致。 May they how Chen Yu. 可偏偏他们奈何不了陈宇 Yang Yi Elder prepared to kill Chen Yu a moment ago, the Heavenly River Sect high level actually personally gets rid to block him. 刚才阳易长老准备杀陈宇,天河宗高层却亲自出手将他拦下。 „ Of my Xu Family standing erect millennium, but also never meets so the condition, does not have including a quota. “我胥家屹立千年之久,还从未遇到如此境况,连一个名额都没有。 On this day the ghost the lofty one star, harms my Yang Family.” “这天煞孤星,误我阳家。” Yang Family Patriarch to clenching jaws that Chen Yu hates, thinks that was Chen Yu has damaged Yang Family. 阳家家主陈宇恨的咬牙切齿,认为是陈宇祸害了阳家 Yeah, this time we are in unfavorable situation, in the future the Chang Family region will be more difficult.” “哎,这次我们失利,日后昌家的境地更困难了。” Ranking lowliest place of Chang Family in Five Big Family, Five Big Family aspect, if changes, the possibility that Chang Family declines is biggest. 昌家五大家族排名末位,五大家族的局面若是变动,昌家没落的可能性最大。 Actually some small Family influence, happy serious. 倒是一些小家族势力,高兴的不得了。 Perhaps the Five Big Family position, must change.” 五大家族的位置,恐怕要变动一下了。” Fei Family ’, has Younger Generation to obtain Commanding Plate actuallyunexpectedly, and becomes first three, Fei Family perhaps is most hopeful, becomes one of the new Five Big Family.” “倒是‘费家’,竟有子弟得到一枚令牌,且成为前三,费家恐怕是最有希望,成为新的五大家族之一。” But facing Chen Yu, these small influence Family, does not know how to treat. 但面对陈宇,这些小势力家族,也不知如何去对待。 Properly speaking should thank Chen Yu, wins over with every effort, may as the matter stands, they be implicated, was retaliated by Five Big Family, this makes them want close Chen Yu some not to dare. 按理说应该感谢陈宇,尽力拉拢,可这样一来,他们会遭受牵连,被五大家族所报复,这让他们想要接近陈宇又有些不敢。 In this time. 就在此时。 Fight conclusion in sky. 天空中的战斗结束。 That Fei Family Man younger brother wins, becomes the Second name. 那名费家男子弟获胜,成为第二名。 Another Rogue Cultivator Woman, becomes third. 另一名散修女子,成为第三名。 Although defeats, she was still excited, both eyes are fine. 虽战败,她仍旧激动无比,双目精亮。 First three had determined that First rewards five quotas, Second third rewards four quotas.” “前三已经确定,第一名奖励五个名额,第二名第三名奖励四个名额。” This year, the Five Big Spirit Mountain region, there are 30 quotas. 今年,五大灵山区域,共有30个名额。 Normally. 正常情况下。 First name, five quotas. 第一名,五个名额。 Two to three, distinguishes four quotas. 二至三名,分别四个名额。 Four to six, distinguishes three quotas. 四至六名,分别三个名额。 Seven to ten, distinguishes two quotas. 七至十名,分别两个名额。 But this time, be only first three, do not have the following quota. 但这次,只有前三,没有后面的名额。 In other words, 17 quotas empty. 也就是说,还有17个名额是空出来的。 Sir, above altogether has provided 30 quotas, now has only assigned 13 quotas, but also the other that many quotas, your assignment fears not Perfect.” 大人,上面一共发放了30个名额,如今只分配了13个名额,还余下那么多名额,您的差事怕也不圆满。” Might as well hold a activity again, assigns the surplus quotas?” “不如再举行一次活动,分配剩余的名额?” In Xu Family Patriarch has the hope. 胥家家主目中含着希冀。 „The Sir bright mirror, my Wu Family Genius is numerous, yearns for Emperor Sect, now a quota does not have, too damaged the confidence of young people, but also asked Sir to give them again an opportunity.” 大人明鉴,我乌家天才济济,向往帝宗,如今一个名额都没有,太打击年轻人的信心了,还请大人再给他们一个机会。” Asked Sir to stay in this on the several th, the surplus quotas, completed the assignment.” “请大人在此多停留几日,将剩余名额,完成分配。” Five Big Family Qi Qi makes noise, makes final striving. 五大家族齐齐出声,做最后的争取。 So long as leaves behind Square Faced Middle Age, they have Time to go to stretching the rules, believes that the opposite party for several quotas, will not put the advantage not to want, does against Five Big Family. 只要将方脸中年留下,他们就有时间去“通融”,相信对方也不会为了几个名额,放着好处不要,与五大家族对着干。 Five Big Family Genius, has ignited the hope. 五大家族天才,也燃起了希望。 They have the opportunity to wrestle, obtains the quota, enters Human Race Peak Four Star influence! 他们还有机会搏一把,得到名额,进入人族顶尖四星势力 Chen Yu, is waiting to me, I will exceed you surely.” 陈宇,给我等着,我定会将你超越。” Yang Dingguang is smug. 阳顶光踌躇满志。 Peak Four Star influence, has infinite possibility, if settled on to accept the disciple by Elder, henceforth soars, the road of Cultivation is smooth, in the future will become side Emperor Lord also has the possibility! 顶尖四星势力,具备无限可能,若是被长老看中收徒,从此一飞冲天,修行之路顺畅,日后成为一方帝主也有可能! Next time, I will kill you personally.” “下次,我会亲手杀你。” The Xu Liusu gloomy pupil, shoots a look at to Chen Yu. 胥流宿阴沉的眸子,瞥向陈宇 He must enter Peak Four Star influence, seizes the good fortune, surmounts Chen Yu, avenges a grievance. 他一定要进入顶尖四星势力,夺造化,超越陈宇,报仇雪恨。 Square Faced Middle Age was moved, reveals the color of ponder. 方脸中年似被打动,露出沉思之色。 This lets Five Big Family, saw the hope. 这让五大家族,看到了希望。 Suddenly. 突然。 Square Faced Middle Age said: You said also right, above has given you 30 quotas, now has only assigned 13, but also unnecessary that many.” 方脸中年道:“你们说的也对,上面给了你们30个名额,如今只分配了13个,还多余那么多。” Five Big Family high and low rouses respectively. 五大家族上下各振奋起来。 They are hopeful, but can also obtain the quota! 他们还有希望,还能得到名额! But, I am very busy, does not have too many Time, is inferior to this......” “不过,我很忙,没太多时间,不如这样……” Square Faced Middle Age this saying, making Five Big Family also disturbed, somewhat cannot understand the Heavenly River Sect high-level manner. 方脸中年这话,让五大家族又忐忑起来,有些看不懂天河宗高层的态度。 „This Chen Yu person monopolizes 18 Commanding Plate, this remaining quotas, give him.” “此次陈宇一人独占18枚令牌,这剩下的名额,就都给他吧。” When the words said. 话说完时。 The Five Big Family high level, Qi Qi is scared, unbelievable, is with amazement incomparable. 五大家族高层,齐齐傻眼,难以置信,骇然无比。 Chen Yu reveals the color of being startled. 就连陈宇都露出吃惊之色。 Is my? 都是我的? Even if Square Faced Middle Age favors itself, is insufficient to give him such big kindness. 就算方脸中年看好自己,也不至于给他这么大的恩惠吧。 Before Square Faced Middle Age maintained itself, frightened Yang Yi Elder, has made Chen Yu feel does not suit, thought that this big influence high level, was too rather good to oneself. 之前方脸中年维护自己,震慑阳易长老,就已经让陈宇感觉不对劲,觉得这位大势力的高层,对自己未免太好了点。 After all Chen Yu offended Five Big Family, after Square Faced Middle Age this act, even if leaves here, in Five Big Family short Time does not dare to cope with Chen Yu. 毕竟陈宇得罪了五大家族,方脸中年此举之后,就算离开这里,五大家族时间内也不敢对付陈宇 But now, he surplus quotas, has also given Chen Yu. 而现在,他还将剩余名额,都交给了陈宇 As the matter stands, Five Big Family not only does not dare to cope with Chen Yu, even must flatter to flatter him, gains the quota from Chen Yu here. 这样一来,五大家族不仅不敢对付陈宇,甚至还要巴结讨好他,从陈宇这里获取名额。 No, Sir, cannot so carelessly decide.” “不,大人,不能如此草率决定。” Also please three think!” “还请三思啊!” How can the so massive quotas, all give a person!” “怎能将如此大量的名额,全都交给一个人!” Yang Yi agitated incomparable, if Yang Family can obtain these many quotas, in hundred years even may achieve the magnificence of Xu Family. 阳易情绪激动无比,若阳家能得到这么多名额,百年内甚至有可能达到胥家的辉煌。 Five Big Family Genius, dumbfounded, completely what to do did not know, did they lose thoroughly entered the Emperor Sect quota? 五大家族天才们,一个个目瞪口呆,完全不知道怎么办了,难道他们彻底失去了进入帝宗的名额? Such decided.” “就这么定了。” Square Faced Middle Age, gives the final word! 方脸中年,一锤定音! At this moment, countless people were attacked, the facial color is embarrassed. 这一刻,无数人遭受打击,面色难堪。 Xu Liusu facial color azure white, the personal appearance is not steady, resembles to throw down. 胥流宿面色一阵青一阵白,身形不稳,似要摔倒。 Many thanks Sir reward.” “多谢大人奖励。” Chen Yu smiled, acceptance that is glad very much. 陈宇笑了笑,很乐意的接受。 Above assigns 30 quotas, he grasps 22 quotas. 上面分配30个名额,他一人掌握22个名额。 How even if Five Big Family hates Chen Yu again , can only be on good terms, cannot begin to Chen Yu. 就算五大家族再怎么恨陈宇,也只能交好,更不能对陈宇动手。 Once kills Chen Yu, not only possibly enrages Square Faced Middle Age, another 22 quotas, they cannot obtain. 一旦杀陈宇,不仅可能触怒方脸中年,另外22个名额,他们也都得不到。 Martial Gathering, finished!” 武会,结束!” Square Faced Middle Age proclaimed one again. 方脸中年再次宣了一声。 The people, this Five Mountain Gathering Martial, such result, was really suddenly unbelievable. 众人恍然,这次五山会武,就这样结局了,实在难以相信。 The Chen Yu site, is a focus of public attention. 陈宇所在地,万众瞩目。 But these vision complex incomparable. 只不过这些目光都复杂无比。 Was too fierce, 22 quotas.” “太厉害了,22个名额。” Falling Moon King exclaimed in surprise. 陨月王惊叹。 He also has Lin Xuefei and Zou Heng, can enter Emperor Sect. 他还有林雪菲邹衡,也都能进入帝宗了。 Chen Yu, comes with me.” 陈宇,跟我来。” Suddenly, Square Faced Middle Age start to talk. 忽然,方脸中年开口。 Chen Yu looks stunned, what matter this does Sir have? 陈宇面露错愕,这位大人有什么事? Other size influence including Five Big Family, see this, sighed continually. 其余大小势力包括五大家族,看到此幕,更是连叹不已。 Evidently, this Heavenly River Sect high level, settles on Chen Yu. 看样子,这位天河宗高层,十分看中陈宇 ...... …… Many thanks Senior attendance.” “多谢前辈照顾。” Chen Yu first again expressed thanks. 陈宇首先再次表达感谢。 The Five Mountain Gathering Martial result, is big to expect that only depends on these 22 quotas, he can receive in exchange for the huge advantage. 五山会武的结果,大出自己预料,仅凭这22个名额,他就能换取到巨大的好处。 Attendance should be, but also is you strives at the same time, if your Commanding Plate has not obtained together, I am also limited to your attendance.” “照顾是应该的,不过一方面也是你自己争取来的,若你一块令牌都没得到,我对你的照顾也有限。” Square Faced Man expression no longer keeps aloof, to Chen Yu amiable. 方脸男子神色不再那么高高在上,给陈宇一种平易近人。 The Chen Yu brow tip moves slightly, felt that these words the meaning does not suit. 陈宇眉梢微动,感觉这句话的意思不对劲。 Does the opposite party as if originally plan look after itself? 对方似乎本就打算照顾自己? You think why Five Mountain Gathering Martial did change the participating rule temporarily?” “你以为,五山会武为何临时改了参赛规则?” Square Faced Man smiles. 方脸男子不由一笑。 Nearby silver clothes Woman, the heart doubts untie, sizes up Chen Yu slightly, curious does not reduce instead increases. 旁边的银裳女子,心头疑惑解开,微微打量陈宇,好奇不减反增。 Why can Senior help me?” 前辈为何要帮我?” Chen Yu suddenly, asked. 陈宇恍然,又问道。 Beginning him Main World, no one knew how to bring in the Heavenly River Sect high level. 他初来主世界,谁也不认识,怎会引来天河宗高层。 Lin Family owes your father a favour, but you and my Lin Family , some connections, helping you return the favour, is natural.” 林家欠你父亲一个人情,而你与我林家,也有一些瓜葛,帮你既是还人情,也是理所应当。” Square Faced Man a few words, raise the rough sea waves in the Chen Yu mind. 方脸男子一句话,在陈宇脑海掀起巨浪。 Nearby silver clothes Woman is also unbelievable. 一旁银裳女子也难以置信。 Actually is this child who? Who is his father? 此子究竟是谁?他的父亲又是谁? Solemn Lin Family, the Four Star Peak large clan, owes his father unexpectedly a favour, is really inconceivable. 堂堂林家,四星巅峰大族,竟欠他父亲一个人情,实在不可思议。 If the opposite party father has this ability, how the son can mix is so miserable? 若对方父亲真有此能耐,儿子岂会混的这么惨? Senior knows my father, now where is he at?” 前辈知道我父亲,他如今在哪?” Chen Yu asked. 陈宇问道。 He comes Main World, a goal, seeks for Noble Emperor Lord. 他来主世界,其中一个目的,就是寻找青云帝主
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