EH :: Volume #8 主世界

#987: Pierced the day

Wu Family and Chang Family First Genius said that he has achieved nothing, all because of Chen Yu. 乌家昌家第一天才都称,自己一无所获,皆是因为陈宇 This makes the people look that is different to the Chen Yu vision immediately. 这让众人看向陈宇的目光顿时不同。 Wu Family and Chang Family complexion, all changed. 乌家昌家的脸色,也全都变了。 A moment ago, they also gathered Chen Yu. 刚才,他们还招揽陈宇 Finally Chen Yu causes the prime culprit who their Family has achieved nothing unexpectedly! 结果陈宇竟是导致他们家族一无所获的元凶! This lets two big Family high levels, feels the shame, feels ashamed, looks to a Chen Yu eye of band of light bad and hostility. 这让两大家族的高层,顿感羞辱,脸上无光,看向陈宇的目光带着不善和敌意。 Snort, this child will stir but actually very up trouble, as the matter stands, Chang Family and Wu Family person, feared that will not gather him again.” “哼,此子倒挺会惹事,这样一来,昌家乌家的人,怕不会再招揽他了。” Yang Yi Elder drinks one coldly, somewhat takes pleasure in others'misfortunes. 阳易长老冷喝一声,有些幸灾乐祸。 Actually Xu Family and He Family high level smiled. 倒是胥家何家高层笑了笑。 Chen Yu leaves Yang Family, has angered He Family and Chang Family, when the time comes joined our Xu Family possibility to be bigger.” 陈宇离开阳家,又惹怒了何家昌家,到时候加入我们胥家的可能性就更大了。” Red Face Old Man caresses must say with a smile. 一名红脸老者抚须笑道。 This child can kill Yang Lingjie, can let Wu Yuan and Elegant Woman suffers a loss, this proves outstanding his own.” “此子能杀阳灵杰,能让乌渊清雅女子吃亏,这更证明他自身出众。” I suggested that must make this child join our Xu Family, even spends the big price, making him change surname to integrate Xu Family thoroughly!” “我建议,一定要让此子加入我们胥家,甚至花费大代价,让他改姓彻底融入胥家!” A makings solemn woman also very much favors Chen Yu. 一名气质端庄的妇人也很看好陈宇 But He Family high level, is holding the similar idea. 何家高层,也抱着同样的想法。 Chen Yu, my He Family welcome you at all times.” 陈宇,我何家随时欢迎你。” A He Family high level said with a smile. 何家一名高层笑道。 However. 然而。 Under several He Family Younger Generation hear this words, immediately face not Naturally. 底下几名何家子弟听到此话,顿时一脸不自然 Chen Yu with the hatred of He Family, but wants far ultra Wu Family as well as Chang Family. 陈宇何家的仇恨,可是要远超乌家以及昌家 Elder, the day male brother, was killed by Chen Yu!” 长老,天雄哥,是被陈宇害死的!” Right, is this person intercepts the day male brother suddenly, cuts to kill him.” “没错,是此人突然拦截天雄哥,将他斩杀。” Two Younger Generation make noise immediately. 两名子弟立即出声。 Chen Yu has swept these two one eyes, feels to look familiar. 陈宇扫了这两人一眼,感觉眼熟。 Homicide He Tianxiong time, has not achieved eliminating a potential informant, initially side He Tianxiong also with three people, scattered in all directions to run away, these two. 他杀何天雄的时候,并没有做到“灭口”,当初何天雄身边还跟着三人,都四散而逃,这两人就在其中。 But laughed a moment ago is gathering the Chen Yu He Family high level, listening to this words, the smiling face to coagulate immediately, pale colorless. 而刚才大笑着招揽陈宇何家高层,听了此话,笑容顿时凝固,惨白无色。 The person who they must gather, has killed the He Tianxiong murderer unexpectedly! 他们要招揽的人,竟是杀了何天雄的凶手! All around people are extremely also surprised. 四周众人也万分惊讶。 He Tianxiong has not come out, they watch, but has not thought that the murderer unexpectedly is Chen Yu! 何天雄没有出来,他们都看在眼里,只是没想到,凶手竟是陈宇 Scoundrel, dares to kill my Disciple!” “混账,竟敢杀我弟子!” In the He Family high level, fat Old Man flies into a rage, the sound such as Thunder bombs. 何家高层中,一名胖老者勃然大怒,声音如雷霆轰炸开来。 He is He Tianxiong Teacher. 他正是何天雄师尊 I also listened to a day of male big brother saying that the enmity of his breaking arm, because of Chen Yu!” “我还听天雄大哥说,他的断臂之仇,也是因为陈宇!” That Younger Generation also said. 那名子弟又道。 Instantaneous, He Family manner big change. 瞬间,何家态度大变。 He Tianxiong is He Family this generation of most splendid Younger Generation, now actually dies in Chen Yu, how could they do not hate. 何天雄何家这一代最出色的子弟,如今却死在陈宇手里,他们岂能不恨。 Atmosphere sudden change. 气氛骤变。 Chen Yu becomes the audience focal point. 陈宇成为全场焦点。 Kills Yang Family Yang Lingjie, seizes Wu Family Wu Yuan Commanding Plate, making Chang Family have achieved nothing, has killed He Family He Tianxiong. 阳家阳灵杰,夺乌家乌渊令牌,令昌家也一无所获,更杀了何家何天雄 This Foreign Surname Younger Generation, pierced the day short on the 3rd simply. 外姓子弟短短三日,简直捅破了天。 In Five Big Family, most Powerful Xu Family high level, pleasantly surprised incomparable. 五大家族中,最强大胥家高层,惊喜无比。 „This child ability, has surpassed the obsolete estimate.” “此子的能耐,超过了老朽刚才的预估。” Red Face Old Man startled [say / way]. 红脸老者惊道。 May at once, they have inexplicable uneasy. 可旋即,他们有一种莫名的不安感。 Yang Family, Chang Family, Wu Family and He Family, encounter Chen Yu violent treachery, their Xu Family? 阳家昌家乌家何家,都遭到陈宇的“毒手”,那他们胥家呢? Many high levels believe that Xu Family younger generation so Powerful, must impossible suffer a loss in Chen Yu. 不少高层认为,胥家年轻一代如此强大,应当不可能在陈宇手里吃亏。 Xu Family Patriarch, is the Xu Liusu father, the attention also places on Xu Liusu. 胥家家主,也就是胥流宿的父亲,注意力还放在胥流宿身上。 „Did Liusu, what exactly have? Did you obtain several Commanding Plate?” 流宿,到底发生了什么?你得到了几块令牌?” Xu Family Patriarch, unceasing inquiry Xu Liusu. 胥家家主,不断的询问胥流宿 Xu Liusu is bewildered, has not extricated from the attack at this moment, but also immerses in shadow that in Chen Yu casts. 胥流宿一脸茫然,此刻还没从打击中解脱,还沉浸在陈宇所留下的阴影中。 Xu Family Patriarch hears other people to the discussion of Chen Yu, feeling: This Chen Yu indeed not Simple, in young generation, only has you to press him, as soon as plans.” 胥家家主听到其他人对陈宇的议论,不由感慨:“这陈宇的确不简单,年轻一辈中,也唯有你能压他一筹。” He to his son, is very self-confident. 他对自己儿子,还是挺自信的。 But Xu Liusu listened to this words, the facial color changes, he now to Chen Yu these two characters, exceptionally sensitive. 胥流宿听了此话,面色顿变,他现在对“陈宇”这两个字,异常的敏感。 And the father added that he can press Chen Yu to plan. 且父亲还说,自己能压陈宇一筹。 The Xu Liusu innermost feelings collapse, if he can press Chen Yu to plan, is insufficient to defeat in the Chen Yu hand twice, twice was seized Commanding Plate. 胥流宿内心崩溃,他若是能压陈宇一筹,也不至于两次败在陈宇手中,两次被夺令牌 Chen Yu, the shame of today, another day I surely personally will retrieve.” 陈宇,今日之耻,他日我定会亲自找回。” Xu Liusu both eyes are suddenly bright, flash crazy and hatred, loudly exclaimed. 胥流宿双目突然明亮,闪动疯狂和恨意,大吼道。 His opening the mouth suddenly, making all around the person stare. 他的忽然开口,让四周之人都是一愣。 The person responded in the presence of everyone that the meaning of clear these words, Xu Liusu also had suffered a loss in Chen Yu! 当众人反应过来,才清楚这句话的意思,原来胥流宿也在陈宇手里吃过亏! This...... Has Xu Liusu also suffered a loss in this child hand?” “这……就连胥流宿也在此子手里吃过亏?” I heard before that Xu Liusu defeats in Chen Yu, at that time also thought is the rumor, has not thought unexpectedly real.” “我之前听说,胥流宿败在陈宇手里,当时还以为是谣传,没想到竟是真的。” Not only the Family high level is startled, participates in young King that competes , is also similarly surprised, in them, Xu Liusu is invincible existence. 不仅家族高层吃惊,就连参与争夺的年轻王者,也同样惊讶,在他们心里,胥流宿一直是不可战胜的存在。 Falling Moon King, Lin Xuefei and Zou Heng, after knowing this matter, is dumbfounded. 陨月王林雪菲邹衡,知道此事后,也目瞪口呆。 Ended, Five Big Family, offended.” “完了,五大家族,得罪遍了。” The Zou Heng bursting out laughing loses one's voice. 邹衡哑然失声。 But Xu Family Patriarch also guessed that oneself son turned into so the appearance, was the Chen Yu evils. 胥家家主也猜测出,自己儿子变成如此模样,都是陈宇害的。 „Did Liusu, what exactly have?” 流宿,到底发生了什么?” His brow lock, Grave asked. 他眉头一锁,凝重问道。 Xu Liusu stubbornly has not actually opened the mouth, is really difficult. 胥流宿却死死没有开口,实在是难以启齿。 In Xu Family the high level, neat face is black. 胥家中高层,齐刷刷的脸黑。 They also believe a moment ago that Xu Family Younger Generation impossible to suffer a loss in Chen Yu, the reality has actually given each of them a palm of the hand. 刚才他们还认为,胥家子弟不可能在陈宇手里吃亏,现实却给了他们每人一巴掌。 Time. 时间 This place resounds is the Five Big Family Armed Suppression sound. 此地响起的全是五大家族讨伐声。 And He Family and Yang Family, said that Chen Yu is unpardonably wicked and brutal, suggests to put to death in the presence of everyone! 其中何家阳家,更称陈宇十恶不赦、惨无人道,建议当众诛杀! Square Faced Middle Age and silver clothes Woman, calmly looks at this, even if they, came some interests, quite feels novelly. 方脸中年和银裳女子,静静看着这一幕,就算是他们,也来了些兴趣,颇感新奇。 This person is Uncle Chen personally runs up to here goal, he and our does Lin Family, have what connection?” “此人就是晨叔亲自跑到这里的目的吧,他与我们林家,有何瓜葛?” The silver clothes Woman beautiful pupil sizes up Chen Yu, faced with the Five Big Family hostility, he so is unexpectedly calm. 银裳女子美眸打量陈宇,面临五大家族的敌意,他竟还如此从容。 In fact, some Chen Yu innermost feelings also vibrations. 实际上,陈宇内心也有些震动。 After he expects has come out, possible matter, but the situation thinks him is more serious. 他预料过出来后,可能发生的事,不过事态比他想的严重一些。 May solve Technique still to have. 可解决之法仍有。 Five Big Family, he has not offended dead completely. 五大家族,他并没有全部得罪死。 This Five Mountain Gathering Martial, only then three people win, oneself regardless of several, can obtain many quotas. 这次五山会武,只有三人胜出,自己无论第几,都能得到不少名额。 But Five Big Family has achieved nothing, in this case, Chen Yu wants by the quota transaction, can resolve the gratitude and grudges. 五大家族一无所获,在这种情况下,陈宇只要以名额交易,就能化解恩怨。 In this time. 就在此时。 Heavenly River Sect Square Faced Man makes noise finally. 天河宗方脸男子终于出声。 I asked you, Commanding Plate 20, other Commanding Plate?” “我问你,令牌共20枚,其余令牌呢?” This is he at present the biggest doubts, is the doubts of other people. 这是他目前最大的疑惑,亦是其余人的疑惑。 They know the Chen Yu fact from their Younger Generation mouth gradually. 他们渐渐从自家子弟口中得知陈宇的事迹。 Properly speaking, Chen Yu must obtain many Commanding Plate. 按理说,陈宇应当得到了不少令牌 Why can he only put out one? Which other did Commanding Plate go? 可为何他只拿出了一枚?其他令牌去哪了? Other Commanding Plate......” “其余令牌……” Face calm Chen Yu, the facial color was complex a moment ago: Other Commanding Plate, had some small conditions. However Senior, according to the rule, only needs this Commanding Plate below, calculates to win, can obtain the quota.” 刚才一脸从容的陈宇,面色复杂起来:“其余令牌,出了一些小状况。不过前辈,按照规则,在下只需这一块令牌,也算获胜,也能得到名额。” Right.” “没错。” Square Faced Middle Age tranquil [say / way]. 方脸中年平静道。 I am very curious, other Commanding Plate, where?” “不过我很好奇,其他令牌,在哪里?” He asked again, rigid in this issue. 他再次问道,执着于这个问题。 Chen Yu knows, Five Mountain Gathering Martial, is Square Faced Middle Age decides, Five Big Family Patriarch, does not dare the disobedient opposite party. 陈宇知道,五山会武,就是方脸中年说了算,就连五大家族家主,都不敢忤逆对方。 Square Faced Middle Age that once annoys is disgruntled, even if Chen Yu conforms to the custom, his a few words can also eliminate the victory of Chen Yu. 一旦惹的方脸中年不悦,就算陈宇符合规矩,他一句话也能剥夺陈宇的胜利。 But. 无奈于。 Chen Yu took out another 16 Commanding Plate. 陈宇取出了另外16块令牌 And 12 changed to the Common stone, another four, only then light silver Ze. 其中12块已化作普通石块,还有另外四块,只有淡淡银泽。 Perhaps the common person has not recognized these Commanding Plate, but Square Faced Man is these Commanding Plate makers, looked, both eyes glittered its strange glow. 寻常人恐怕已经认不出这些令牌,但方脸男子是这些令牌的制作者,一眼就看了出来,双目闪烁其了奇异之芒。 Nearby silver clothes Woman, on tranquil unperturbed face, small mouth also micro. 一旁的银裳女子,平静恬然的脸上,小嘴也微张起来。 I manufacture Space power in Commanding Plate, unexpectedly by Absorbing?” “我制作令牌里的空间力量,竟被被汲取了?” The Square Faced Man words are calm, each character as if ten thousand jin (0.5 kg), to person oppression of Invisible. 方脸男子话语沉着,每个字仿佛万斤重,给人无形的压迫。 The Five Big Family facial color is happy. 五大家族面色顿喜。 Here Square Faced Man decides, they do not dare to cope with Chen Yu rashly. 这里方脸男子说了算,他们不敢贸然对付陈宇 But Chen Yu has destroyed the thing of Square Faced Middle Age manufacture, the opposite party that annoys is unhappy, then Chen Yu died, even did not need them to begin. 陈宇毁坏了方脸中年制作的东西,惹的对方不喜,那么陈宇死定了,甚至不用他们动手。 Senior excuses me, the younger generation comprehended Space Profound Meaning, when perceives through meditation incautiously has absorbed Space power in Commanding Plate.” 前辈见谅,晚辈领悟了空间奥义,参悟之时一不小心就吸收了令牌里的空间力量。” Chen Yu already thought the reason. 陈宇早就想好了理由。 Chen Yu, you damage the Sir manufacture Commanding Plate, truth?” 陈宇,你损坏大人制作的令牌,还有道理了?” You are disrespect to Sir!” “你这是对大人不敬!” Yang Yi Elder and He Tianxiong Teacher, stands to oppress Chen Yu. 阳易长老何天雄师尊,站出来压迫陈宇 Sir, this child disposition is cruel, slaughters innocents, damages the goods that you manufacture, lets me for you, executes a captured offender on the spot him.” 大人,此子心性残忍,滥杀无辜,更损坏你制作的物品,就让我替你,将他就地正法。” Yang Yi Elder soars once more. 阳易长老再次腾飞而起。 Square Faced Man that Chen Yu annoys is unhappy, at this moment he will get rid to strike to kill Chen Yu, the opposite party decides will not stop, perhaps also will praise Yang Family. 陈宇惹的方脸男子不喜,此刻他出手击杀陈宇,对方定不会阻拦,说不定还会嘉奖阳家 He Family fat Old Man, He Tianxiong Teacher, sees this annoying, such good deed, making Yang Yi snatching. 何家老者,何天雄师尊,看到此幕不由懊恼,此等好事,让阳易给抢了。 Bang! 轰! The Origin Power fluctuation that Yang Yi within the body rushes, combustion Gold Flame, making him as if change for one round [gold/metal] date, the shining myriad things. 阳易体内澎湃的元力波动而出,燃烧的金焰,令他仿佛化作一轮金日,照耀万物。 Has not gotten rid, that Strong power and influence then blots out the sky. 还没出手,那强悍威势便铺天盖地。 Chen Yu Energy and Blood coagulates, whole body boiling hot, he estimated that Yang Yi at least is Congealing Star Boundary Late Stage, congealed three Origin Power Stars. 陈宇气血凝固,浑身滚烫,他估计阳易至少是凝星境后期,凝结了三颗元力星辰 Even if one have to jump the ranks the strength of challenge, facing this Level Powerhouse, is hard to resist. 自己纵然有越级挑战之力,面对这个层次强者,也难以招架。 Xu Liusu sees this, in the eye the twinkle also has the regret excitedly. 胥流宿看到此幕,目中闪烁兴奋还有遗憾。 The excitement is because, Chen Yu will soon die a tragic death at the scene, the regret is he cannot revenge personally. 兴奋是因为,陈宇即将惨死当场,遗憾则是他不能亲自报仇。 Suffers to death, Chen Yu!” “受死,陈宇!” A Yang Yi Elder both arms palm, above the palm Gold Flame winds around, prepares the move. 阳易长老双臂一掌,手掌之上金焰缭绕,准备出招。 Suddenly. 突然。 I have not meant, cannot begin, personal gratitude and grudges, after Martial Gathering had finished, voluntarily solution?” “我不是说过,不许动手,私人恩怨,等武会结束后,自行解决吗?” Square Faced Middle Age opens the mouth once more, the facial color is having the Invisible power and influence dignifiedly. 方脸中年再次开口,面色威严带着无形威势。 Does not aim at Chen Yu, but is Yang Yi Elder! 可不是针对陈宇,而是阳易长老 Bang! 轰! In both eyes of Square Faced Middle Age, as if two profound boundless gods light burst out, making Yang Yi Elder Soul such as be hit hard, the headache wanted to crack, falls falls on the place. 方脸中年的双目中,仿佛有两道深邃无垠的神光迸发而出,令阳易长老灵魂如遭重击,头痛欲裂,摔落在地。 Scene silent piece. 现场寂静一片。 The Heavenly River Sect high level, has maintained Chen Yu unexpectedly, got rid to suppress Yang Yi Elder! 天河宗高层,竟维护了陈宇,更出手打压了阳易长老 This surface his manner, has stood Chen Yu. 这表面了他的态度,是站在陈宇这边。 The sound of Armed Suppression, has not spread again. 刚才的讨伐之音,再也没有传出。 Square Faced Middle Age has maintained Chen Yu, if they also aim, that doesn't oppose with the Heavenly River Sect high level? 方脸中年维护了陈宇,他们若还去针对,那不是与天河宗高层作对? Five Big Family cannot think through, why Square Faced will Middle Age maintain Chen Yu? In his eyes, does not care about Five Mountain Gathering Martial completely, doesn't care about the Five Big Family Younger Generation life? 只是五大家族怎么也想不通,方脸中年为何会维护陈宇?在他眼里,不是完全不在乎五山会武,不在乎五大家族子弟的死活吗? I announced now that in the Chen Yu hand all Commanding Plate are effective, becomes First!” “我现在宣布,陈宇手中所有令牌有效,成为第一!” Square Faced Middle Age looks once more to Chen Yu, on the face shows the light happy expression and appreciation, vanishes in a flash does not see. 方脸中年再次看向陈宇,脸上透出淡淡笑意和欣赏,转瞬又消失不见。 But hears this words Five Big Family, such as was struck by lightning. 而听到此话的五大家族,如遭雷击。
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