EH :: Volume #8 主世界

#986: Which did Commanding Plate go?

Square Faced Middle Age soars, palm wields. 方脸中年腾飞而起,手掌一挥。 16 Formation Flag of distant place mountains and rivers, rise straight from the ground, falls into his hand. 远处山河的16面阵旗,拔地而起,落入他的手中。 Three days crossed, do not know this Five Mountain Gathering Martial, finally how.” “三天已过,不知此次五山会武,结果如何。” The people heart lives the anticipation, many small Family hope the team that one send out, can harvest, in the future perhaps they, can substitute for Five Big Family one of them. 众人心生期待,不少小家族希望自家派出的队伍,能有所收获,日后他们说不定,能取代五大家族的其中之一。 But more people, in heart lack self-confidence completely, have the disturbance, worried. 但更多的人,心中完全没底,有忐忑,有担忧。 This Five Mountain Gathering Martial, the rule changes greatly, chaotic incomparable, is hard to forecast. 这次五山会武,规则大改,混乱无比,难以预测。 But a little can affirm that is the casualties is serious! 但有一点可以肯定,那就是伤亡惨重! If Family can compete for the quota, then loses several elite Genius, is worth. 如果家族能争取到名额,那么损失几名精英天才,也值得。 In being a focus of public attention. 在万众瞩目中。 In the wooded mountain of distant place, departs together the Daoist shade. 远处的山林内,飞出一道道人影。 Majority are wear a look of exhausted, next has sadly, sorrowful and other faces. 大多数都是面带疲惫,其次则有忧伤、悲痛等面孔。 And at present had not seen has the manpower to grasp Commanding Plate. 且目前没看到有人手握令牌 This lets Five Big Family, many small Family influence, lack self-confidence at heart. 这让五大家族,还有诸多小家族势力,心里更加没底。 Gradually, Wu Yuan, Yang Dingguang and Elegant Woman and the others, in turn appearance. 渐渐,乌渊阳顶光清雅女子等人,依次出现。 Wu Family, Yang Family, Chang Family and the others saw them, an eye of dew is all joyful, may see their this time facial expressions, in the hand also does not have Commanding Plate, in the audiences high-level heart lacks self-confidence gradually, feels uneasy. 原本乌家阳家昌家等人看到他们,皆目露欣喜,可看到他们此时神情,手中又无令牌,众高层心中渐渐没底,感到不妙。 Appearance of Xu Liusu. 紧接着,胥流宿的出现。 Xu Liusu came out!” 胥流宿出来了!” Be a focus of public attention! 万众瞩目! After all he is strongest Xu Family First Genius. 毕竟他是最强的胥家第一天才 If according to the past Five Mountain Gathering Martial rule, independent combat, nobody was his match, Xu Family can capture First surely. 若是按照以往五山会武的规则,单打独斗,无人是他的对手,胥家必定能夺得第一 But is incredible, the Xu Liusu facial color is pale, the hair is disorderly, seemed as if in a trance, went crazy general, with former calm calm entirely different. 可令人难以置信的是,胥流宿面色惨白,头发凌乱,仿佛丢了魂,发了疯一般,与之前的淡定从容截然不同。 Is unbelievable, a person suffered the big setback, will have the so big change. 难以相信,一个人是遭受了多大挫折,才会有如此大的改变。 And in hand of Xu Liusu, does not have Commanding Plate. 胥流宿的手里,也没有令牌 Day Hero?” “天雄呢?” He Family fat Old Man both eyes stare greatly, the innermost feelings are not wonderful. 何家一名胖老者双目大瞪,内心不妙。 His Disciple, He Family First Genius, has not appeared! 他的弟子,何家第一天才,没有出现! This Five Mountain Gathering Martial, what's the matter? 这一次五山会武,到底是怎么回事? Wu Yuan, Yang Dingguang and Elegant Woman facial expression is dim, lowers the head to sigh. 乌渊阳顶光清雅女子神情黯淡,低头叹气。 The huge attack that First Genius Xu Liusu as if suffering is hard to bear, traded completely has resembled personally. 第一天才胥流宿仿佛遭受难以承受的巨大打击,完全换了个人似的。 But He Family First Genius He Tianxiong, has not appeared unexpectedly! 何家第一天才何天雄,竟没有出现! Before long. 不一会儿。 As if all people came out. 似乎所有人都已经出来。 The population are not many, and in the field of vision has three silver light groups, this is the brilliance that Commanding Plate sends out. 人数不多,且视野内只有三个银色光团,这是令牌散发出的光辉。 In three people have Chen Yu, other man and a woman. 三人中有陈宇,还有另外一男一女。 They immediately become the focal points. 他们顿时成为焦点。 The Yang Family high level looks to Chen Yu, in eye all has the pleasant surprise, does not have to think own Foreign Surname Younger Generation, can harvest Commanding Plate unexpectedly. 阳家高层看向陈宇,目中皆有惊喜,没想到自家外姓子弟,竟能收获一枚令牌 Has three Commanding Plate?” “只有三枚令牌?” This is impossible, that Sir did not say that altogether has 20 Commanding Plate?” “这不可能啊,那位大人不是说,一共有20枚令牌?” Did not say that these specially-made Commanding Plate, isn't able to hide to enter Storage Space? Other 17 were Commanding Plate, where hidden to be at?” “不是说这些特制的令牌,无法藏入储物空间吗?其他17枚令牌,被藏在哪去了?” People heart doubts. 众人心头疑惑。 The Five Big Family high level also thought that oneself Genius impossible Commanding Plate not to have, was hides? 五大家族的高层也觉得,自家天才不可能一枚令牌都没有,难道是隐藏起来了? Yang Family Patriarch is preparing to inquire Yang Dingguang, finally how. 阳家家主正准备询问阳顶光,结果如何。 Suddenly. 突然。 Bang! 轰! Golden light dazzling boundless Aura bursts out from the one side. 一股金光耀眼的磅礴气息从一旁迸发。 Sees only Yang Yi Elder to bristle with anger, the whole body Golden flame light just likes Taotao sea of fire, the tumbling is restless. 只见阳易长老怒发冲冠,周身金色焰光犹如涛涛火海,翻滚不息。 Yang Lingjie has not come out!” 阳灵杰没出来!” Some Yang Family high-level discoveries, Yang Family another outstanding Genius, Yang Yi Disciple, has not come out. 阳家高层发现,阳家另一名杰出天才,阳易弟子,没有出来。 Yang Lingjie died in inside! 阳灵杰死在了里面! Is another four big Family Peak Genius starts mostly, but does not have the unambiguous evidence, they have no alternative. Regardless of Commanding Plate competes for rule originally to be brutal, the casualty is unavoidable. 多半是另外四大家族顶尖天才下手,但没有确凿证据,他们也无可奈何。更不论令牌争夺规则本就残酷,死伤难免。 Yang Yi Elder also thinks that is hands under other four big Family. 阳易长老本来也以为,是其余四大家族下的手。 But he actually on the body of Chen Yu, induces to a vague relation. 可他却在陈宇的身上,感应到一丝若有若无的联系。 Chen Yu, you have killed my Disciple unexpectedly!” 陈宇,你竟杀了我的弟子!” Yang Yi Elder flies into a rage, the whole body hair presents Golden, the power and influence is dreadful. 阳易长老勃然大怒,浑身毛发呈现金色,威势滔天。 Such remarks, not only the Yang Family people have doubts, other four big Family high levels somewhat ignorant are also startled. 此话一出,不仅阳家众人疑惑,其余四大家族的高层也有些懵怔。 p >\; unexpectedly is the hand under Chen Yu! p>\;竟然是陈宇下的手! Isn't Chen Yu Yang Family Foreign Surname Younger Generation? How to start to Yang Family Core Genius? Also killed Yang Lingjie? 陈宇不是阳家外姓子弟?怎会对阳家核心天才下手?又怎么杀得了阳灵杰 But Falling Moon King, Lin Xuefei and Zou Heng three people, the facial colors of frightening are pale. 陨月王林雪菲邹衡三人,一个个吓的面色惨白。 Yang Yi Elder knows that the Yang Lingjie death is related with Chen Yu? 阳易长老是怎么知道,阳灵杰的死跟陈宇有关? Yang Yi Elder what this word?” 阳易长老何出此言?” Chen Yu big feeling doubts. 陈宇大感疑惑。 He determined that he has massacred the insider, except for the Falling Moon King three people. 他确定自己杀掉了知情者,除了陨月王三人。 But they are also the participants, will not inform Yang Yi Elder this matter. 但他们也是参与者,更不会将此事告知阳易长老 Your body, has Origin Power Aura of old man, although is very thin, micro cannot observe, trades to make other Elder possibly Inspection not to come out, but the only old man can feel.” “你的身上,有老夫的元力气息,虽然很稀薄,微不可察,换做其他长老可能都检查不出来,但唯独老夫能感觉到。” Yang Yi Elder both eyes golden yellow, Gold Flame is billowing, the Chen Yu whole body that stares at boiling hot. 阳易长老双目金黄,金焰滚滚,盯的陈宇浑身滚烫。 Yang Yi strength, the Chen Yu imagination is more fearful than! 阳易的实力,比陈宇想象中的还要可怕! But Yang Yi Elder these words, makes Chen Yu understand why the opposite party knows one is a murderer. 阳易长老这句话,也让陈宇明白,对方为何知道自己是凶手。 „Does evildoer, you dare not to acknowledge?” “贼子,你敢不承认?” Old man once gave a Lingjie card in a hand, inside integrated my Origin Power, that card in a hand Lingjie had been used, but presents these many people, the old man only on you, felt own Origin Power Aura!” “老夫曾给灵杰一张底牌,里面融入了我的元力,那张底牌灵杰已经被使用,而在场这么多人,老夫唯独在你身上,感觉到了属于自己的元力气息!” Yang Yi Elder vision brilliant, golden yellow one piece that World shines upon. 阳易长老目光灼灼,将天地映照的金黄一片。 How even if Chen Yu obtained Commanding Plate to have, has killed Chen Yu, this Commanding Plate was the Yang Family camp. 就算陈宇得到了令牌有如何,杀了陈宇,这枚令牌还是属于阳家阵营。 Chen Yu, you dare to plot to murder Yang Lingjie!” 陈宇,你竟敢谋害阳灵杰!” Is Foreign Surname Younger Generation, plots to murder Yang Family Core Genius, is the capital crime!” “身为外姓子弟,谋害阳家核心天才,乃是死罪!” The Yang Family high level, angrily rebukes. 阳家高层,纷纷怒斥。 Yang Yi Elder in Yang Family position high weight, this moment Disciple was killed, the unambiguous evidence, Chen Yu must die without doubt, they seize the chance to ask for the Yang Yi Elder favor. 阳易长老阳家位高权重,此刻弟子被杀,确凿证据,陈宇必死无疑,他们则趁机讨一下阳易长老的欢心。 Evildoer, I have killed you!” “贼子,我杀了你!” Yang Yi Elder angrily rebukes, the plan gets rid unexpectedly. 阳易长老怒斥一声,竟打算出手。 That resembles to destroy the day to extinguish place the power and influence, made Chen Yu such as in the wind the remaining years of life, momentarily possibly was blown off. 那似要毁天灭地的威势,令陈宇如风中残烛,随时可能被吹散。 Yang Yi Elder did not ask why I massacre Yang Lingjie, sentences my capital crime?” 阳易长老不问我为何杀掉阳灵杰,就判我死罪?” Chen Yu vision cold Yi, under the Yang Yi Elder phoenix big power and influence, the personal appearance is as before straight, the vision is bright, does not get out of the way. 陈宇目光冷毅,在阳易长老的凤大威势下,身形依旧笔直,目光明亮,毫不躲让。 Tit for tat is fair play, tit for tat is fair play. 人不犯我,我不犯人。 If not for Yang Lingjie everywhere opposes with him, must kill him, Chen Yu is also disinclined to pay attention to Yang Lingjie. 若不是阳灵杰处处与他作对,更要杀他,陈宇也懒得理会阳灵杰 This moment Yang Yi Elder without considering the rights and wrongs, must kill Chen Yu. 此刻阳易长老不问青红皂白,就要杀陈宇 And Chen Yu grasps Commanding Plate, has the big merit, the opposite party also disregards this point. 陈宇手握令牌,算是有大功劳,对方也无视这一点。 Kills my Disciple, must pay with a life, I do not need to know that you kill his reason.” “杀我弟子,就得偿命,我不需要知道你杀他的理由。” The Yang Yi Elder facial color is desolate. 阳易长老面色冷淡。 Many Foreign Surname Younger Generation on the scene, heave a deep sigh, is Foreign Surname Younger Generation, in the status is lower than Family Core Younger Generation, let alone Yang Lingjie Teacher, so Extraordinary. 在场诸多外姓子弟,摇头叹息,身为外姓子弟,身份上就低于家族核心子弟,更何况阳灵杰师尊,如此了不起 Even if Yang Lingjie deserves to be damned, Foreign Surname Younger Generation cannot kill him. 纵然阳灵杰死有余辜,外姓子弟也不能杀他。 In this time. 就在此时。 Another side, a Xu Family long face Old Man light start to talk: Yang Family Elder without considering the rights and wrongs, decides the capital crime to your excellency, such Family is not worth working, is inferior to join Xu Family now.” 另一边,胥家一位长脸老者淡淡开口:“阳家长老不问青红皂白,就给阁下定死罪,这样的家族不值得你效力,不如现在加入胥家。” Chen Yu can kill Yang Lingjie, the strength is unusual. 陈宇能杀死阳灵杰,实力非同一般。 Such character, Naturally must win over. 这样的人物,自然得拉拢。 This Chen Yu by Elder was intimidated, to win over does not need to spend the big price. 陈宇遭到长老威逼,拉拢不需要花费多大的代价。 Five Big Family, each other does not gather, Xu Family has won over Chen Yu, on certain Level also shamed Yang Family. 五大家族,彼此不合,胥家拉拢了陈宇,一定程度上也羞辱了阳家 He He, Wu Family also welcome your excellency to join.” “呵呵,乌家也欢迎阁下加入。” Your excellency, if joins Chang Family, treatment that enjoys, with Core Younger Generation quite.” “阁下若加入昌家,享受的待遇,将与核心子弟相当。” Other Family, opens the mouth with a smile. 其他家族,也笑着开口。 But Chen Yu also lightly said: After this, I have nothing to do with Yang Family.” 陈宇也平淡道:“从此之后,我与阳家无关。” Already looked that Yang Family was not pleasing to the eyes, at this moment he was separated from Yang Family officially. 早就看杨家不顺眼,此刻他正式脱离阳家 Yang Yi Elder both eyes open the eyes greatly. 阳易长老双目大睁。 Is separated from Yang Family, is not Chen Yu Simple a few words, but Chen Yu, if joins other Family, Yang Yi must kill Chen Yu, definitely will receive the stops of other Family. 脱离阳家,不是陈宇简单一句话就算的,但陈宇若加入其他家族,阳易要杀陈宇,肯定会受到其他家族的阻拦。 Because this completely, Chen Yu showed the Powerful Talent strength. 这全然因为,陈宇表现出了强大天赋实力。 This is by strength speech World. 这是以实力说话的世界 In the Yang Yi Elder eye the murderous intention dodges, in the heart is in an uncontrollable rage, plans Thunder to get rid, the town killed Chen Yu to say again. 阳易长老眼中杀机一闪,心中怒不可遏,打算雷霆出手,镇杀陈宇再说。 Yang Yi, here is Wushan Martial Gathering place, the activity of Heavenly River Sect Senior host, do you want to kill people here, have pay attention to Heavenly River Sect Senior?” 阳易,这里是五山武会的地方,天河宗前辈主持的活动,你想在这里杀人,有将天河宗前辈放在眼里?” Chen Yu had the respect to look at Square Faced Middle Age one, immediately the cold sound track, said the Yang Yi Elder name. 陈宇带着尊敬看了方脸中年一眼,随即冷声道,直呼阳易长老的名字。 Yang Yi Elder does not attach great importance to him, but obtained Commanding Plate, Heavenly River Sect Powerhouse definitely is interested in Chen Yu, after all the scene only presented three Commanding Plate. 阳易长老对他不重视,但自己得到了令牌,天河宗强者肯定对陈宇感兴趣,毕竟现场只出现了三枚令牌 You......” “你……” The Yang Yi Elder anger is more abundant, this boy so is unexpectedly impolite to him. 阳易长老怒气更盛,这小子竟对他如此无礼。 May suddenly. 可突然。 Cold snort|hum spreads, World trembles, the infinite pressure Suppression eight sides, all person mind palpitate, feel the Invisible pressure. 一声冷哼传出,天地微颤,无穷威压镇压八方,所有人心神悸动,感受到无形压力。 The Yang Yi personal appearance sinks, imposing manner gradually 30%. 就连阳易身形都是一沉,气势顿渐三成。 Personal gratitude and grudges, after Martial Gathering had finished, voluntarily solution.” “私人恩怨,武会结束后,自行解决。” Square Faced Middle Age indifferent start to talk. 方脸中年淡然开口。 Yang Yi does not dare saying that the eye pupil of cloudy offense stared at Chen Yu to be the same, returned to the home position. 阳易不敢多说,阴戾的眼眸盯了陈宇一样,回到原位。 You join other Family, the old man must kill you, only if you do not go out for a lifetime!” “就算你加入其它家族,老夫也要杀你,除非你一辈子不外出!” His innermost feelings hate the anger to occur simultaneously. 他内心恨怒交加。 From Great Universe World, his unhappy Chen Yu, now Chen Yu has killed his self-satisfied Younger Generation, did against with him a moment ago unexpectedly. 大宇界开始,他就不喜陈宇,如今陈宇更杀了他的得意子弟,刚才竟还跟他对着干。 Small interlude quickly in the past. 小插曲很快过去。 This many Family gather this place the goal, for has entered the Emperor Sect quota. 此次诸多家族聚集此地的目的,是为了得到进入帝宗的名额。 In comparison, other matters appear not worthy of mentioning. 与之相比,其他事都显得微不足道。 Obtains Commanding Plate, to me in front.” “得到令牌者,到我面前来。” Square Faced Man start to talk. 方脸男子开口。 He similarly is puzzled, Commanding Plate that oneself manufacture, is unable to put in Storage Space. 他同样是一脸疑惑,自己制作的令牌,无法放入储物空间 Why that only sees three Commanding Plate at present, did other people with what special measure, hide Commanding Plate? 那为何眼下只看到三枚令牌,难道其他人用什么特殊办法,将令牌藏了起来? Focuses attention on. 瞩目中。 Chen Yu and other two, in the hand with Commanding Plate, enter Square Faced Middle Age respectively. 陈宇和另外两人,手中各拿一枚令牌,走进方脸中年 Moreover this man and a woman, one of them is small Family influence, another person belongs to Rogue Cultivator. 另外这一男一女,其中一人是小家族势力,另一人属于散修 Finally. 最终。 In front of Square Faced Middle Age, has three people, three Commanding Plate. 方脸中年面前,只有三人,三块令牌 This, made all around quiet, the audiences Human Face color was surprised, is unbelievable. 这一幕,令四周沉寂,众人面色惊讶,难以相信。 Falling Moon King and the others quite have doubts, Chen Yu did not obtain that many Commanding Plate, why only puts out one now? 陨月王等人颇为疑惑,陈宇不是得到了那么多令牌,为何现在只拿出一枚? Liusu, what's the matter?” 流宿,你怎么回事?” Xu Family must Middle Age ask steadily. 胥家长须中年问道。 Own son strength Strong, nobody can, impossible not to obtain Commanding Plate, why does not take, arrives in front of Square Faced Middle Age? 自己的儿子实力强悍,无人能及,不可能没得到令牌,为什么不拿出来,走到方脸中年面前? Wu Yuan, your Commanding Plate?” 乌渊,你的令牌呢?” Yang Dingguang, my does Yang Family harvest several Commanding Plate?” 阳顶光,我阳家收获几枚令牌?” The Five Big Family high level, asked. 五大家族高层,纷纷发问。 The result that but they obtain, makes entire Family vibrate immediately! 可他们得到的结果,顿时让整个家族震动! Xu Liusu has not obtained Commanding Plate! 胥流宿没得到令牌 Yang Dingguang does not harvest! 阳顶光毫无收获! ...... …… Xu Family, Yang Family, He Family, Wu Family and Chang Family, Five Big Family, Commanding Plate does not have! 胥家阳家何家乌家昌家,五大家族,一枚令牌都没有! Not only Five Big Family is hard to accept, other small Family influence, thought that this is impossible! 不仅五大家族难以接受,其余小家族势力,也都觉得这不可能! Three days of did Time, actually inside have what? 三天时间,里面究竟发生了什么? And now has three Commanding Plate, which that other did Commanding Plate go? 且现在只有三枚令牌,那其他令牌去哪了? In this time, Wu Yuan angry start to talk. 就在此时,乌渊愤怒开口。 Patriarch, my Commanding Plate, was seized by Chen Yu.” 家主,我的令牌,是被陈宇所夺。” Wu Family high and low, immediately Qi Qiding to Chen Yu, is similar to the devils, wear a look of bad. 乌家上下,顿时齐齐盯向陈宇,一个个如同凶神恶煞,面带不善。 Other people looked that is once more different to the Chen Yu vision, can rob Commanding Plate from the Wu Yuan hand, the skill is not ordinary. 其余人看向陈宇的目光再次不同,能够从乌渊手中抢夺令牌,本事不一般啊。 Suddenly. 突然。 Chang Family First Genius, that wears the azure gauze Elegant Woman start to talk: Teacher, Disciple has not harvested Commanding Plate, in fact is also related with Chen Yu.” 昌家第一天才,那身穿青纱清雅女子开口:“师尊,弟子没有收获一枚令牌,实际上也与陈宇有关。” Also is related with Chen Yu? 又与陈宇有关?
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