EH :: Volume #8 主世界

#985: Chen Yu, I spelled with you

In pale Silver Crystal Body Space, there are 17 Commanding Plate. 银晶体空间内,共有17枚令牌 And 13 Commanding Plate, from beforehand jade nature silver Ze, become does not have the light gloomily, is similar to the Common stone is ordinary, above also has fissures. 其中13枚令牌,从之前的玉质银泽,变得暗淡无光,如同普通石块一般,上面还有一道道裂痕。 Silver Commanding Plate, turned into the Common stone! 银色令牌,变成了普通石块! If not this Space hides in Mysterious Heart, belongs to Chen Yu personal Space, he even suspected that Commanding Plate made a fraudulent switch. 若非这空间是藏在神秘心脏内,是属于陈宇的私人空间,他甚至怀疑,令牌是不是被人掉包了。 Except that these 13 turn into lithical Commanding Plate. 除了这13块变成石质的令牌 Another four Commanding Plate, were Chen Yu just put. 还有另外四块令牌,是陈宇刚放进来的。 Above Commanding Plate, a mark surges, releases Space power, contends with this personal Space. 令牌之上,阵纹涌动,释放出空间力量,抗衡这处私人空间 This is also silver Commanding Plate, is unable to put in the Common Storage Space reason. 这也是银色令牌,无法放入普通储物空间的原因。 The first several times, Chen Yu puts in Heart Internal Space Commanding Plate, feels this situation, how long but could not want, this resistance will vanish. 前几次,陈宇令牌放入心脏内部空间,也感受到这种情况,但要不了多久,这种抵抗就会消失。 Before he was quite busy, either was fighting, either sharply was opening Star Acupuncture, has not given special attention. 之前他较为忙碌,要么正在战斗,要么急着开辟星穴,也没有特别关注。 I must have a look but actually, how silver Commanding Plate becomes the Common stone.” “我倒要看看,银色令牌是如何变为普通石块。” Chen Yu is paying attention to these four Commanding Plate carefully. 陈宇仔细关注着这四块令牌 Space power that on silver Commanding Plate releases, unceasing resistance pale Silver Crystal Body Space. 银色令牌上释放出的空间力量,不断的对抗淡银晶体空间 Does not need to want also to know that Space Formation Technique power on small Commanding Plate, how could resists Mysterious Heart Internal Space. 不用想也知道,小小令牌上的空间阵法力量,岂能抵抗神秘心脏内部空间 After the moment. 片刻后。 Space power on silver Commanding Plate, got down by Suppression. 银色令牌上的空间力量,被镇压下来。 May. 可紧接着。 Sees on silver Commanding Plate, scatters a continuously silver star splendor, integrates in all around pale Silver Crystal Body Space wall. 就见银色令牌上,飘散出一缕缕银色星辉,融入四周的淡银晶体空间壁中。 Then, pale Silver Crystal Body Space expands slightly several points. 接下来,淡银晶体空间略微扩张几分。 Was absorbed!” “被吸收了!” Chen Yu has not thought that unexpectedly is such a matter. 陈宇没想到,竟是这么回事。 Next flickers, he takes out four Commanding Plate hurriedly. 下一瞬,他急忙取出四枚令牌 But above Space power, still by Absorbing most probably, after taking out, merely is sending out the light silvery brilliance. 但上面的空间力量,仍旧被汲取了大半,取出之后,也仅仅散发着淡淡银辉。 This......” “这……” Chen Yu stands same place, Time is somewhat speechless. 陈宇愣立原地,一时间有些无语。 These four Commanding Plate, but also kept a promise? 这四枚令牌,还算数吗? If not calculate, his Commanding Plate didn't have? 如果不算的话,他岂不是一枚令牌都没有了? „It is not absolutely good, I must obtain the quota.” “绝对不行,我一定要取得名额。” A Chen Yu face is firm. 陈宇一脸坚决。 Time, only remaining double-hour! 时间,只剩下一个时辰! Chen Yu has not thought that instantly leaves. 陈宇没有多想,立即动身。 ...... …… Another side. 另一边。 Yang Dingguang, Wu Yuan as well as Elegant Woman, after running away a distance, stops. 阳顶光乌渊以及清雅女子,逃遁一段距离后,才停下来。 Three people looked at several mutually, the mood, is the same. 三人互相看了几眼,彼此之间的心情,都是相同的。 Is Chen Yu so strong? 陈宇怎么那么强? Xu Liusu has no alternative, was defeated by Chen Yu! 胥流宿都无可奈何,被陈宇击败! Thinks to think laughable, they actually believe that Xu Liusu meets the powerful to defeat Chen Yu, is not inferior is also mutually wounded. 想想都觉得可笑,他们三人竟然认为,胥流宿会强势击败陈宇,再不次也是两败俱伤。 Feels laughable at the same time, but also somewhat fears. 感到可笑的同时,还有些恐惧。 They want to reap profits the idea, Chen Yu will unable to guess correctly, if gets rid to their several again, that is really can only acknowledge that the punishment is deserved, to the Chen Yu shame. 他们想坐收渔翁之利的想法,陈宇不会猜不到,若再对他们几个出手,那真是只能认栽,任凭陈宇羞辱。 Yang Dingguang, this person is your Yang Family, don't you know to his details?” 阳顶光,此人是你们阳家的,你对他的底细丝毫不知?” Elegant Woman knits the brows to ask, is having a blame. 清雅女子皱眉问道,带着一丝责怪。 If not Yang Dingguang so is also miserable, she even suspects Yang Dingguang in intentionally pit. 如果不是阳顶光也这么惨,她甚至怀疑阳顶光是在故意坑自己。 This child in my Yang Family, is only Foreign Surname Younger Generation!” “此子在我阳家,只是一名外姓子弟啊!” Yang Dingguang is innocent, sighed. 阳顶光一脸无辜,叹道。 May, he think of some Rumor. 可紧接着,他想到某一个传闻 It is said that Four Barren Hil nearby Monster Race buried treasure information, is the Chen Yu discovery. 据说,四荒山附近的妖族宝藏情报,就是陈宇发现的。 But after that Chen Yu rises, now has surpassed itself, has surpassed Five Big Family Genius. 而自那之后,陈宇一路崛起,如今已超过了自己,超过了五大家族天才 „, This child conceals Yang Family, the regulations in the Monster Race buried treasure, there is a huge harvest!” “难道,此子隐瞒阳家,实则在妖族宝藏中,有巨大收获!” The Yang Dingguang vision micro cannot be observed dodges, has not said this matter. 阳顶光目光微不可察的一闪,没有将此事说出。 „A double-hour, our Commanding Plate did not have together.” “还有一个时辰,我们一块令牌都没有。” Wu Yuan slightly somewhat dismal [say / way]. 乌渊略有些悲凉的道。 Said goodbye, respectively depending on luck.” “告辞,各凭运气。” Three people diverge respectively. 三人各自散去。 Only the remaining last double-hour, hope, although uncertain, but must strive, seeks Commanding Plate that only remains. 只剩下最后一个时辰,希望虽渺茫,但也要争取,寻找仅剩的令牌 ...... …… After Xu Liusu flees beyond dozens li (0.5km). 胥流宿逃离几十里外后。 Bang! 轰! He lifts the sword to sweep away, vents in heart the anger. 他举剑横扫,发泄心中怒气。 After a sword, at present a Ancient Wood forest, turned into the wooden stake completely. 一剑过后,眼前一片古木林,全部变成了木桩。 Damn, Chen Yu, I have lost to you unexpectedly!” “该死,陈宇,我竟然败给了你!” If I have not belittled you, if I in the heyday, win certainly is I.” “若我没有小觑你,若我在全盛时期,胜的一定是我。” The Xu Liusu complexion slightly is crazy, seems some crazies, before where has, free and easy calm stance. 胥流宿脸色略显疯狂,看上去有些疯癫,哪有之前洒脱从容的姿态。 In Family, his Innate Talent unparalleled, nobody can compare, in Genius in Five Big Family, Xu Family is strongest, he is also strongest Genius. 家族中,他天资无双,无人能比,五大家族中的天才中,胥家最强,他也是最强天才 All these cause his running free with the current, resembles any matter to be hard to puzzle him. 这一切使他顺风顺水,似任何事都难以困扰他。 But once bitter experience setback, the attack of Xu Liusu bitter experience, far supernormal person. 可一旦遭遇挫折,胥流宿遭遇的打击,远超常人。 Damn Yang Family, when I grow, after becoming Xu Family Patriarch, must put down Yang Family surely, several other Family cannot let off.” “该死的阳家,等我成长起来,成为胥家家主后,定要将阳家扫平,其余几个家族也不能放过。” Xu Liusu hate of Chen Yu, shifts to Yang Family on. 胥流宿陈宇的恨,又转移到阳家身上。 Suddenly. 突然。 He thinks that now do not have Commanding Plate, Time only to remain a double-hour, must find Commanding Plate to be together good again. 他又想起来,如今自己没有令牌,时间只剩一个时辰,必须再找到一块令牌才行。 Otherwise solemn Xu Family, a quota does not have, which his has a face, facing the Xu Family people. 否则堂堂胥家,一个名额都没有,他哪有脸,面对胥家众人。 ! 唰! Xu Liusu speeds away, lets loose Spirit Knowledge, searches for Commanding Plate. 胥流宿疾驰而出,放开灵识,搜寻令牌 But Chen Yu there has 17 Commanding Plate, remaining Commanding Plate only then three, where has is so good to look. 陈宇那里就有17块令牌,剩下的令牌只有三块,哪有这么好找。 Quick. 很快。 Xu Liusu sees three people of squads. 胥流宿看到一支三人小队。 Perhaps now all Commanding Plate, are obtained, but they should not bring along, can only hide in somewhere......” “如今所有的令牌,或许都被人得到,但他们应该不会随身带着,只能藏在某处……” Xu Liusu look black. 胥流宿面色阴沉。 Xu Liusu!” 胥流宿!” When front that three people of squads, see Xu Liusu, being frightened out of one's wits that frightens. 前方那三人小队,看到胥流宿之时,吓的魂飞魄散。 „If no Commanding Plate, is unable to provide the Commanding Plate clue, dies.” “若没有令牌,又无法提供令牌线索,就去死吧。” His face ice is cold, to person very dangerous feeling. 他一脸冰寒,给人十分危险的感觉。 Xu Liusu many Time have not pressed for an answer, therefore directly threatens with Life. 胥流宿没多的时间逼问,因此直接用生命来威胁。 We do not have Commanding Plate, is seeking.” “我们没有令牌,也在寻找。” One of them voice is shivering the reply. 其中一人声音颤抖着回答。 Clang! 锵! The sword light dodges, azure rainbow Sword Qi, flashes in the nape of the neck place of this person together! 剑光一闪,一道青虹剑气,在此人的脖颈处闪现! Rumble! 咕噜! A head tumbles in the place. 一颗头颅滚落在地。 „, Big brother!” “啊,大哥!” Woman calls out in alarm. 一名女子惊叫而起。 It seems like you do not know.” “看来你也不知道。” Xu Liusu is a sword, this Woman also died a tragic death in his hands. 胥流宿又是一剑,这名女子也惨死在他手中。 If this female knows the relevant information, after witnessing the companion dead a tragic death, certainly will say. 如果此女知道相关线索,目睹同伴惨死后,一定会说。 Whiz! 嗖! Facial color that last person, frightens is pale, turns around to run away. 最后一人,吓的面色惨白,转身就逃。 It seems like he does not know, otherwise knew perfectly well that cannot escape from my Sole Center, certainly will say the clue.” “看来他也不知道,否则明知逃不出我掌心,一定会说出线索。” Xu Liusu sighed one, flies to another place. 胥流宿叹了一声,飞向他处。 Also bitter experience many people, Xu Liusu, Common Congealing Star Boundary faced with his that strange quick incomparable and sharp incomparable sword, is unable to prevent completely in the same fashion, only then dies. 又遭遇不少人,胥流宿全部以同样的方式,普通凝星境面临他那奇快无比、锋利无匹的剑,根本无法阻挡,只有死。 Until after having killed ten people. 直到杀了十人后。 Xu Liusu pressed for an answer a clue finally. 胥流宿终于逼问出一个线索。 ! 唰! After his Flying several hundred li (0.5km), found four people of squads. 飞行数百里后,找到一支四人小队。 This four people of squads, are next to Five Big Family small Family from one. 这支四人小队,来自一个仅次于五大家族的小家族 At this moment their four people talked and laughed merrily, only waited for Five Mountain Gathering Martial to finish. 此刻他们四人谈笑风生,只等五山会武结束。 Suddenly. 突然。 The resounding cold severe voice conveys together, the Accumulating infinite World pressure, curls up to inundate the Tianfeng violent. 一道响亮冷厉的声音传来,蕴含无穷天地威压,卷起漫天风暴。 Hands over Commanding Plate, Rao and others did not die!” “交出令牌,饶尔等不死!” Next flickers, Xu Liusu arrives at four people of top of the heads. 下一瞬,胥流宿降临四人头顶。 Xu Liusu!” 胥流宿!” Four Human Face colors instantaneous pale colorless, stares at Man of top of the head, in the heart heart of the resistance is not having. 人面色瞬间苍白无色,盯着头顶的男子,心中一丝抵抗之心都没有。 They have heard, Xu Liusu by strength of the, fights Three Great Family First Genius! 他们可是听说过,胥流宿以一己之力,战三大家族第一天才 Xu Young Master, you obtained that many Commanding Plate, why feels embarrassed us?” “胥公子,您已经得到了那么多令牌,何必为难我们?” Is the person of head, looks the bitter and astringent [say / way]. 为首之人,面露苦涩的道。 But after Xu Liusu listened to this words, the both eyes ominous light surges, all around strong winds writings. 胥流宿听了此话后,双目凶光涌动,四周狂风大作。 He Commanding Plate does not have now together! 他如今一块令牌都没有! The opposite party words, move him wound. 对方的话,触碰到他的“伤口”。 Kills!” “杀!” Xu Liusu has killed, in hand azure mark Gu sword twinkle peerless sword glow. 胥流宿杀了出来,手中青纹古剑闪烁绝世剑芒。 After three moves, a moment ago the person of speech, tragic death at the scene! 三招之后,刚才说话之人,惨死当场! Xu Young Master, do not kill us, Commanding Plate gives you!” “胥公子,别杀我们,令牌给你!” The whole body that person of frightening trembles, immediately begs for mercy. 有一人吓的浑身抖瑟,立即求饶。 Under the surplus three people of direction, Xu Liusu obtained their Commanding Plate. 在剩余三人的指引下,胥流宿得到了他们的令牌 Xu Liusu shakes hand twinkle radiant silvery brilliance Commanding Plate, sighed one: This.” 胥流宿握着手中闪烁璀璨银辉的令牌,叹了一声:“就这样吧。” Although is not willingly, but has no alternative. 虽不甘心,但无可奈何。 At least Family can also obtain the quota, otherwise he does not have the face to exit. 至少家族还能得到名额,否则他都没脸出去。 May suddenly. 可突然的。 Xu Liusu, hands over Commanding Plate, otherwise we fight one again!” 胥流宿,交出令牌,否则我们再战一场!” When hears this words, nearby three Rogue Cultivator King, frighten heavily. 听到此话之时,旁边三名散修王者,惊吓不轻。 Actually is, dares to say this words to Xu Liusu! 究竟是何人,竟敢对胥流宿说出这种话! „Does this person of head have the issue? Suicides unexpectedly on own initiative.” “此人脑袋有问题?竟主动寻死。” Rogue Cultivator King sighed. 一名散修王者叹道。 When he looks to Xu Liusu, actually discovered that the latter loses control excitedly, resents to occur simultaneously, seems to be the innumerable grievance. 可当他看向胥流宿时,却发现后者激动失控,愤恨交加,似有无数委屈。 Chen Yu, you obtained that many Commanding Plate, do not go too far!” 陈宇,你已经得到那么多令牌,别欺人太甚!” The Xu Liusu grief and indignation bellows. 胥流宿悲愤大吼。 Three Rogue Cultivator King, see the Xu Liusu so appearance, thorough scared. 三名散修王者,看到胥流宿如此模样,一个个彻底傻眼。 What's the matter? 怎么回事? Xu Liusu reveals so expression unexpectedly, resembles to suffer the enormous grievance evidently? 胥流宿竟露出如此神色,看样子似遭受过极大的委屈? Does not give, then on war!” “不给,那就战吧!” Chen Yu cold snort|hum. 陈宇冷哼一声。 He searched for quite a while a moment ago, does not have any clue, original originally must give up, but had met Xu Liusu at this time, saw Commanding Plate in opposite party hand. 他刚才搜寻了半天,也没有任何线索,原本就要放弃,可这时候遇到了胥流宿,看到了对方手中的令牌 He does not have idea, otherwise is also embarrassed, insults Xu Liusu again. 他也是没辙,否则也不好意思,再来欺辱胥流宿 Chen Yu, I spelled with you!” 陈宇,我跟你拼了!” Xu Liusu goes crazy to whoosh. 胥流宿发狂嘶吼。 Chen Yu bullies the person simply, just seized his four Commanding Plate, now snatches, does not give people simply the means of livelihood! 陈宇简直太欺负人,刚夺了他四枚令牌,现在又来抢,简直不给人活路! pang Bang! 嗙砰! The war begins. 大战再起。 But because the Xu Liusu injury is serious, fights is less than 20 moves, his then disastrous defeat. 但由于胥流宿伤势较重,交手不到20招,他便惨败。 Chen Yu snatched Commanding Plate, immediately goes far away. 陈宇抢了令牌,立即远去。 In a giant gulf, lying down of Xu Liusu clothing Broken in inside, in both eyes is passing infinitely suffering from injustice with the grief and indignation, resembles is devastated maliciously. 一个巨大的深坑中,胥流宿衣衫残破的躺在里面,双目中透着无限委屈和悲愤,似被人狠狠蹂躏过。 The person who does not know the circumstances of the matter sees this, refers to the uncertain meeting being crooked. 不知情的人看到这幕,指不定会想歪。 Not far away. 不远处。 Observing three Rogue Cultivator, panic-stricken incomparable, goes far away rapidly. 观战的三名散修,一个个惊骇无比,迅速远去。 Gradually, the Xu Liusu disastrous defeat Chen Yu news travels. 渐渐,胥流宿惨败陈宇的消息传开。 But this moment Five Mountain Gathering Martial will soon finish. 但此刻五山会武即将结束。 Although only then together Commanding Plate, but the position can also arrange at front.” “虽只有一块令牌,但名次也能排在前面吧。” Chen Yu is staring at Commanding Plate in hand, talked to oneself. 陈宇盯着手中的令牌,自语道。 After the moment, he sighed one: Altogether 20 Commanding Plate, 17 Commanding Plate destroyed here, currently my in the hand also has Commanding Plate together......” 片刻后,他叹了一声:“一共20块令牌,有17块令牌毁在了我这里,现在我手中还有一块令牌……” In other words, finally is possible, only then three people, obtain Commanding Plate. 也就是说,最终可能只有三个人,得到令牌 This also no wonder I.” “这也怪不得我。” After all he does not want like this, Chen Yu to want in finally, to sell Commanding Plate, gains one greatly. 毕竟他也不想这样,陈宇原本是想在最后,售卖令牌,大赚一笔的。 Some moment! 某一刻! Shouted Hū ! 呼! Serene Fog in this piece of region, rolls up and pushes along, gathers to go to all around, integrates in 16 Formation Flag. 这片区域内的幽雾,卷动而起,向四周聚集而去,融入16面阵旗之中。 This dark region, sees light again. 这幽暗区域,重见光明。 Five Mountain Gathering Martial also finished. 五山会武也结束了。
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