EH :: Volume #8 主世界

#984: Fights Xu Liusu

Wu Yuan and Yang Dingguang, are fixing the eyes on Chen Yu, hopes that the opposite party complies. 乌渊阳顶光,紧盯着陈宇,希望对方答应。 As the matter stands, they have the opportunity of turning over. 这样一来,他们就还有翻身的机会。 But the moral nature, they think the possibility that Chen Yu complies with is not big. 可心底,他们认为陈宇答应的可能性不大。 Who would imagine. 岂料。 Chen Yu next quarter on start to talk, very relaxed calm [say / way]: Also good, this traded me to do.” 陈宇下一刻就开口,十分轻松从容的道:“也行,这个交易我做了。” These words, making Wu Yuan, Yang Dingguang and Elegant Woman innermost feelings smile to blossom. 这一句话,让乌渊阳顶光清雅女子内心笑开了花。 End of Chang Family Five Big Family Ranking, it is estimated that your Storage Space does not have many high-quality goods.” 昌家五大家族排名末尾,估计你储物空间也没多少好货。” But under Chen Yu half a word words, heavy of Elegant Woman air/Qi, clench jaws secretly, almost takes Storage Space, told Chen Yu to be very rich. 陈宇下半句话,将清雅女子气的不轻,暗自咬牙切齿,差点将储物空间拿出来,告诉陈宇自己很富有。 Looked that in share that Chen Yu complies with, she does not haggle over, reveals the moving dimple. 看在陈宇答应的份上,她就不计较了,露出动人笑靥。 Chen Yu, our speed must a bit faster, otherwise Xu Liusu will shift the place.” 陈宇,我们速度必须快点,不然胥流宿会转移地方。” The Elegant Woman reminder said. 清雅女子提醒道。 If when the time comes, could not find Xu Liusu, is not her responsibility. 万一到时候,找不到胥流宿,可不是她的责任。 Next, Elegant Woman does not want to Time that Chen Yu rests and builds up strength. 其次,清雅女子不想给陈宇休养生息的时间 Walks!” “走吧!” Chen Yu to Xu Liusu that has never fought, a little interest. 陈宇对从未交过手的胥流宿,有点兴趣。 According to Elegant Woman, when opposite party and most flourishing their fighting undefeated. 根据清雅女子所说,对方与全盛时的他们三人交手不败。 Chen Yu wants to experience very much such rare talent. 陈宇很想见识一下这样的奇才。 In addition, in Xu Liusu has four Commanding Plate, and carries the severe wound, happen to can take advantage. 此外,胥流宿手里有四块令牌,且还身负重伤,正好可以趁火打劫。 ...... …… After the moment, four people arrive by a hill. 片刻后,四人来到一座小山旁。 In the south side of hill, the fine drawn, inside is dark, anything cannot see clearly. 在小山的南侧,有一条细缝,里面幽暗深邃,什么也看不清。 Xu Liusu heals from a wound in inside.” 胥流宿就在里面养伤。” Elegant Woman passes on Sound Dao. 清雅女子音道 Really in inside.” “果然在里面。” Chen Yu can the sensation, in the mountain massif have a reserved point, as if one will soon leave the treasured sword of sheath. 陈宇能感知到,山体内有一股内敛的锋芒,仿佛一把即将出鞘的宝剑。 Suddenly. 忽然。 ! 咻蓬! Sword Qi soars to the heavens, the azure light sparkle, the hill was divided into two, a Daoist shade grasps azure mark Gu sword to shoot up to the sky. 剑气冲霄,青光闪耀,小山被一分为二,一道人影手持青纹古剑冲天而起。 Only came four people?” “只来了四个人?” Under the Xu Liusu vision bird's eye view the plan is obviously accidental. 胥流宿目光俯瞰下方略显意外。 He leaked the news a moment ago intentionally, this thinks that Three Great Family Genius will turn out in full strength. 他刚才故意泄露消息,本以为三大家族天才会倾巢出动。 Who would imagine Yang Dingguang, Wu Yuan and the others, led a person, is Congealing Star Boundary Initial Stage. 岂料阳顶光乌渊等人,就多带了一个人,还是凝星境初期 He does not know Chen Yu, then neglects Congealing Star Boundary Initial Stage Chen Yu. 他不认识陈宇,便将凝星境初期陈宇忽略掉。 You have rather pulled rank, such lineup, wants to cope with me?” “你们未免太托大了,这样的阵容,也想对付我?” Xu Liusu jokes. 胥流宿讥笑道。 Yang Dingguang vision Grave, innermost feelings dark startled, rapidness that such how the Xu Liusu injury restores, seemed convalesced 78! 阳顶光目光凝重,内心暗惊,胥流宿的伤势怎恢复的这么快,看上去已经痊愈了78分! This condition, even if their several has not encountered Chen Yu, is nasty. 这种状况,就算是他们几个没有遭遇陈宇,也难以对付。 Wu Yuan and Elegant Woman, realizes this point, at heart secretly surprised. 乌渊清雅女子,也察觉到这一点,心里暗自惊讶。 Facing Xu Liusu at this moment, Chen Yu continually and opposite party puts together the mutually wounded qualifications not to have, they want to obtain without labor the plan of advantage of fishing net, must malinger. 面对此刻的胥流宿,陈宇连和对方拼成两败俱伤的资格都没有,他们想坐收渔网之利的打算,也要泡汤了。 Xu Liusu, with your duel, is not we.” 胥流宿,和你决斗的,不是我们。” Wu Yuan cold sound track. 乌渊冷声道。 „It is not you, is this Congealing Star Boundary Initial Stage young fellow?” “不是你们,难道是这凝星境初期的毛头小子?” Xu Liusu laughs, thinks very funnily. 胥流宿嗤笑,觉得十分好笑。 This bright pendulum is the scheme of enemy, when he to Chen Yu gets rid, moreover Three Great Genius definitely will sneak attack him. 这明摆是敌人的计谋,他对陈宇出手时,另外三大天才肯定会偷袭他。 The so vulgar strategy, thinks that I will be swindled? 如此粗鄙的计策,以为我会上当? Xu Liusu thought that Three Great Genius was insulting own intelligence quotient. 胥流宿觉得三大天才在侮辱自己的智商。 Chen Yu listened to this words, facial color micro coldly, young fellow? Although his age is young, but could not miss many with Xu Liusu. 陈宇听了此话,面色微冷,毛头小子?他年纪虽轻,但和胥流宿差不了多少。 Xu Liusu, hands over Commanding Plate, otherwise do not blame This King under not to be forgiving.” 胥流宿,将令牌交出来,否则别怪本王手下不留情。” Chen Yu drinks one coldly, soars. 陈宇冷喝一声,一飞冲天。 Bold!” “大胆!” Xu Liusu shouted angrily. 胥流宿怒喝一声。 He is in an uncontrollable rage, at present this Congealing Star Boundary Initial Stage, dares such to speak to him. 他怒不可遏,眼前这名凝星境初期,竟敢这么跟他说话。 Simultaneously Xu Liusu also thought that Chen Yu acts in a play very invests, must unexpectedly really with the appearance that he begins. 同时胥流宿还觉得,陈宇演戏挺投入的,竟一副真要跟他动手的样子。 Boy, I advised you to hurry get lost, later lost the poor life, ruded awakening also uselessly.” “小子,我劝告你赶紧滚,待会丢了小命,后悔莫及也没用。” Xu Liusu cold sound ridiculed. 胥流宿冷声讥讽。 He has not placed the eyeground Chen Yu, to the present also Three Great Genius, treats as the genuine match. 他没将陈宇放在眼底,到现在还将三大天才,当作真正的对手。 Chen Yu sees the opposite party disposition so, talks too much uselessly, uses strength certificate all! 陈宇看出对方性格如此,多言无用,就用实力证明一切! Bang! 轰! His Star Shape Body activate, kills to Xu Liusu. 星象之体催动,杀向胥流宿 This boy planned fights unexpectedly really me? It is not right, this certainly is Wu Yuan and the others the scheme......” “这小子竟真打算跟我动手?不对,这一定是乌渊等人的计谋……” Xu Liusu as before on the alert Wu Yuan and the others, has not cared about Chen Yu. 胥流宿依旧警惕着乌渊等人,没太在意陈宇 When a Chen Yu fist pounds. 可当陈宇一拳砸出时。 Bang! 轰隆! The World deafening sound, the startling thunderclap sound is billowing, the huge white fist light, just likes dazzling Stars, drops from the clouds, such as must destroy all. 天地震响,惊雷声滚滚,巨大的白色拳光,犹如耀眼星辰,从天而降,如要摧毁一切。 „Does a fist of Strong, by Cultivation of this person, achieve?” 好强的一拳,以此人的修为,怎么做到的?” Xu Liusu stares the big eye, the surprise is incomparable. 胥流宿瞪大眼睛,诧异无比。 Clang! 锵! He uses the sword hurriedly, azure rainbow Sword Qi, flies to sneak into the border, welcomed that gigantic radiant fist light. 他急忙出剑,青虹剑气,飞窜入际,迎上那硕大璀璨的拳光。 Rumbles! 轰蓬! Sword Qi pierced Chen Yu that fist, may in simultaneously, Sword Qi also be ground. 剑气刺穿了陈宇那一拳,可在同时,剑气也被碾碎。 Stave fist light, changes to the chaotic white light group, pounds to fall the earth, made its sores all over the eye, the pothole were innumerable. 破碎的拳光,化作纷乱的白色光团,砸落大地,令其满目疮痍,坑洞无数。 Xu Liusu flies to draw back the hundred zhang (333m), the personal appearance falls into the bottom. 胥流宿飞退百丈,身形陷入地底。 The Wu Yuan and other Human Face dew are stunned. 乌渊人面露错愕。 Can the war be this? 战局怎会是这样? Shouldn't be Xu Liusu crush Chen Yu? 不应该是胥流宿碾压陈宇吗? How just to fight, Xu Liusu was hit by Chen Yu so distressed? 怎么刚交手,胥流宿就被陈宇打的如此狼狈? Xu Liusu that Powerful imposing manner was installed a moment ago, in fact was the injury very serious? 难道刚才胥流宿强大气势都是装出来的,实际上伤势还很重? Many questions, emit in their mind. 诸多疑问,在他们脑海冒出。 Who are you?” “你是谁?” Xu Liusu becomes angry out of shame. 胥流宿恼羞成怒。 He thinks that this is the Three Great Genius scheme, has not cared Chen Yu, may actually be he thinks oneself clever in the end, this makes him ashamed, shameful. 他本以为这是三大天才的计谋,没将陈宇放在心上,可到头来却是他自作聪明,这让他羞愧难当,无地自容。 He is Chen Yu.” “他是陈宇。” Introduction that Wu Yuan is glad very much. 乌渊很乐意的介绍。 Chen Yu?” 陈宇?” Xu Liusu faces up to Chen Yu. 胥流宿正视陈宇 He listened under to say Chen Yu before, to his some impressions, but also after preparing to solve Three Great Genius, begins to Chen Yu again. 他之前听手下说过陈宇,对他有些印象,还准备解决三大天才后,再对陈宇动手。 Has not thought that Chen Yu Cultivation is Congealing Star Boundary Initial Stage. 只是没想到,陈宇修为凝星境初期 Has not thought that you are Chen Yu, your strength in Congealing Star Boundary Initial Stage, is very indeed strong, but is not my match.” “没想到你就是陈宇,你的实力在凝星境初期中,的确很强,但不是我的对手。” Hands over your Commanding Plate, I can forgive your life!” “将你的令牌交出来,我可以饶你一命!” The Xu Liusu vision concentrates. 胥流宿目光一凝。 On the other hand, he is interested in Chen Yu, because in the Chen Yu hand has massive Commanding Plate. 相对来说,他对陈宇更感兴趣,因为陈宇手中有大量令牌 Chen Yu no longer rubbish, begins directly. 陈宇不再废话,直接动手。 He discovered that Xu Liusu is really not the general arrogance and pride, was repelled by oneself a moment ago obviously, at this moment also said this words unexpectedly. 他发现胥流宿实在不是一般的狂妄、自傲,刚才明明被自己击退,此刻竟还说出这种话。 Chen Yu pounds three fists continuously, the power and influence is scary, such as three Stars. 陈宇连续砸出三拳,威势骇人,如三颗星辰 Meanwhile, Burning Heaven Demon Halberd Kills from the left to Xu Liusu. 同时,【焚天魔戟】从左侧杀向胥流宿 Xu Liusu were not many said that hand grasped the treasured sword, wielded several swords continually. 胥流宿也不多说,手握宝剑,连挥几剑。 ! 咻咻咻! Several azure light sparkles, the sharp incomparable sword light, cuts to go to all around, attack of accurate hit Chen Yu. 数道青光闪耀,锋利无匹的剑光,向四周切割而去,精准的命中陈宇的攻击。 „The Sword Dao attainments of this person are very indeed high, the attack is also strong, in the hand is Middle Grade Profound Artifact.” “此人的剑道造诣的确很高,攻击也强,手中更是中品玄器。” Chen Yu inspires. 陈宇微吸一口气。 Xu Liusu is also so, he gets rid fully, has not occupied the winning side unexpectedly. 胥流宿也是如此,他全力出手,竟没占到上风。 Their line of sight bumps into, void storm suddenly has. 两人视线相撞,虚空中风暴顿起。 ! 唰! Chen Yu changes to together rapidly flowing light, approaches Xu Liusu. 陈宇化作一道急速流光,逼近胥流宿 Dares to approach me? Is Body Cultivation?” “竟敢靠近我?是体修?” Xu Liusu innermost feelings guess. 胥流宿内心猜测。 But he does not fear, a sword cuts, he must before Chen Yu approaches itself, cuts in half the opposite party. 但他丝毫不惧,一剑切出,他要在陈宇靠近自己前,将对方切成两半。 Star Mark Clothes!” 星纹衣!” His activate Star Acupuncture power, star splendor flowing, forms a Star Light clothes robe, serves as contrast Chen Yu natural uncommon. 催动星穴力量,星辉流动而出,形成一件星光衣袍,将陈宇衬托的潇洒不凡。 Chen Yu wears Star Mark Clothes, the arm holds up, a hard anti- Xu Liusu sword. 陈宇身穿星纹衣,手臂举起,硬抗胥流宿一剑。 Bites bang! 叮嘭! A sword falls, stems from the Xu Liusu anticipation, has not cut the arm of Chen Yu unexpectedly. 一剑落下,出乎胥流宿意料的,竟没有斩下陈宇的手臂。 Moreover, Sword Qi storm, approaches itself to rebound unexpectedly. 不仅如此,竟有一股剑气风暴,向自己反弹而来。 Aurora cuts!” “极光斩!” Xu Liusu both eyes are sharp, already somewhat angry. 胥流宿双目锋利,已有些恼怒。 He lifts the sword to display Killing Move, delimits together Radiance radiant Sword Qi, kills at the unequalled speed, breaks all, the Sword Qi storm that will rebound instantaneously divides into two. 他举剑施展杀招,划出一道光芒璀璨的剑气,以无与伦比的速度杀出,破开一切,瞬间将反弹的剑气风暴一分为二。 A good sharp sword! 好锋利的一剑! Wu Yuan and the others who the distant place observes, one heart startled, does not dare to face directly this sword, feared that was cut two halves. 远处观战的乌渊等人,都一阵心惊,不敢直面这一剑,怕被斩成两半。 But Chen Yu also feels the threat. 陈宇也感受到威胁。 The Star Mark Clothes Defense strength is splendid, but the Sword Dao broken against ability is astonishing, perhaps cannot block. 星纹衣防御力出色,但剑道破防能力惊人,恐怕挡不住。 Such being the case, on an according to stronger attack, destroys it. 既然如此,就以更强的攻击,将它摧毁。 Thump! Thump! 咚咚!咚咚咚! Chen Yu Heart Erupting, whole body power such as the spring water gushes out, the Star Acupuncture brilliance is radiant, infinite star splendor encirclement all around. 陈宇心脏爆发,浑身力量如泉水涌出,星穴光辉璀璨,无穷星辉环绕四周。 The bang scoffs! 轰嗤! Heart Erupting coordinates Star Shape Body, he wields Burning Heaven Demon Halberd, Sweeps away, wild black and white Canguang, tearing, welcomed the Sword Dao attack of Xu Liusu. 心脏爆发配合星象之体,他挥动【焚天魔戟】,横扫而出,狂暴的黑白灿光,撕裂而出,迎上胥流宿剑道攻击。 pang Bang! 嗙砰! The Startling Heaven bang blasts open, Star Light Sword Qi surges eight sides, destroys in a complete mess that the ground. 惊天巨响炸裂,星光剑气激荡八方,将地面毁的一塌糊涂。 Kept off?” “被挡下了?” Xu Liusu is unbelievable. 胥流宿难以置信。 As a result of Wu Yuan and the others also in, therefore he prepares to solve Chen Yu rapidly, a moment ago that sword might be called Killing Move. 由于乌渊等人还在附近,所以他准备迅速解决陈宇,刚才那一剑堪称杀招 After displaying, some of his strength use up, the mind is exhausted. 施展之后,他都有些力竭,心神疲惫。 But the result, this sword has not defeated Chen Yu. 可结果,这一剑并没有击败陈宇 Moreover. 不仅如此。 ! 蓬! In the storm, savage black and white Canguang sweeps. 风暴之中,凶残的黑白灿光扫来。 Xu Liusu that sword did not keep off, stronger attack that but was displayed by Chen Yu destroying. 胥流宿那一剑不是被挡下,而是被陈宇施展出的更强攻击给摧毁了。 The Xu Liusu facial color big change, uses sword hastily. 胥流宿面色大变,连忙出剑。 His few Defense, does not excel at Defense. 他很少防御,也不擅长防御 Rumbles! 轰蓬! Just displayed Killing Move, this moment Xu Liusu lacked the ability to do what one would like, the personal appearance flew upside down three hundreds of zhang (333m), the facial color is pale, the mouth spurted the blood. 刚施展杀招,此刻胥流宿力不从心,身形倒飞三百丈,面色惨白,口喷鲜血。 „Is this impossible? You can keep off my sword unexpectedly.” “这绝不可能?你竟能挡下我的剑。” Xu Liusu scratched the dried blood to call out. 胥流宿擦干血叫道。 Before and Three Great Genius showdown, they were hide not to be possible to hide hardly resist. 之前与三大天才对决,他们都是躲无可躲才硬抗。 But the Chen Yu frontage routs his Killing Move. 陈宇正面将他的杀招击溃。 However, Chen Yu discovered Burning Heaven Demon Halberd On has left behind a sword mark, what after all Xu Liusu is Middle Grade Profound Artifact, sharp incomparable. 不过,陈宇发现【焚天魔戟】上留下了一道剑痕,毕竟胥流宿的是中品玄器,锋利无匹。 Anything is impossible, later you also will defeat in my hands.” “没什么不可能,待会你还会败在我手里。” Chen Yu shouted angrily, killed fiercely. 陈宇怒喝一声,猛杀而出。 Xu Liusu Sword Dao attacks swiftly and violently accurate, airtight. 胥流宿剑道攻击迅猛精准,密不透风。 But Chen Yu kills by a stronger attack. 陈宇则以更强的攻击杀去。 Xu Liusu does not excel at Defense, to attack the generation to defend, but Chen Yu Defense Powerful, fearless! 胥流宿不擅长防御,以攻代守,而陈宇防御强大,无所畏惧! Both leave the move continuously, gloomy, earth disintegration. 两者连续出招,天昏地暗,大地崩碎。 After 50 moves, Xu Liusu was suppressed by Chen Yu gradually. 50招后,胥流宿陈宇渐渐压制。 Chen Yu Star Mark Clothes, was cut open several openings, but Xu Liusu had several bones to disrupt. 陈宇星纹衣,被切开几道口子,但胥流宿已有十几根骨头碎裂。 Some moment. 某一刻。 Whiz! 嗖! Xu Liusu turns around to run away, after he decides to recover, copes with Chen Yu again. 胥流宿转身就逃,他决定养好伤后,再来对付陈宇 But how Chen Yu will put this fat sheep to depart. 陈宇岂会放这只肥羊离去。 He revolves Space Profound Meaning, around Xu Liusu, condenses eight to shine the silver Space great hand, grasps to Xu Liusu. 他运转空间奥义,胥流宿四周,凝聚八只亮银色的空间巨手,抓向胥流宿 ! 咻咻! Xu Liusu wields a sword, inundates the azure light able to move unhindered, cuts the Space great hand. 胥流宿挥剑,漫天青光纵横,切割空间巨手。 His attack is really sharp, may cut including Space Profound Meaning, naturally this benefit Middle Grade Profound Artifact in his hands. 他的攻击实在锋利,连空间奥义都可斩,当然这得益于他手中的中品玄器 In Xu Liusu thinks to run away. 就在胥流宿以为要逃走之时。 Thump! Thump! Thump! 咚!咚!咚! Chen Yu within the body, spreads a rapid vibration, just likes beats a drum, shocks void. 陈宇体内,传出一股急促震动,犹如擂鼓,震撼虚空。 Xu Liusu Heart, fierce inflation, within the body blood wells up crazily, he spurts the blood at the scene, the personal appearance staggers. 胥流宿心脏,猛的膨胀,体内血液狂涌,他当场喷血,身形踉跄。 This moment Xu Liusu heavy injury, the «Murdering Heart Secret Art» effect is quite remarkable. 此刻胥流宿重创,《弑心诀》的效果极为显著。 ! 蓬! A Chen Yu boxing leaves, hit Xu Liusu, pounds to fall in the ground gulf him. 陈宇一拳击出,命中胥流宿,将他砸落地面深坑中。 Hands over Commanding Plate!” “交出令牌!” Chen Yu floats Xu Liusu sky over, overlooks indifferently. 陈宇漂浮胥流宿正上空,冷漠俯视。 Xu Liusu clenches teeth, both eyes blood red, is extremely unwilling. 胥流宿咬牙,双目血红,极度不甘。 Such pitiful of even if facing Three Great Family Genius, he not having defeated, defeats in the Chen Yu hand at this moment unexpectedly, in his heart the arrogance was devastated the smashing. 就算是面对三大家族天才,他都未曾败的如此凄惨,此刻竟败在陈宇手中,他心中傲气被摧残粉碎。 But Xu Liusu can only acknowledge that the punishment is deserved. 胥流宿只能认栽。 He defeated! 他败了! I...... Gives you!” “我……给你!” In the Xu Liusu gap between teeth squeezes out three characters. 胥流宿的牙缝中挤出三个字。 Throws down four Commanding Plate, the Xu Liusu calm face goes far away rapidly. 丢下四块令牌,胥流宿沉着脸迅速远去。 But another side. 而另一边。 Wu Yuan and Yang Dingguang have Elegant Woman, early runs did not have the shade not to have the trace. 乌渊阳顶光还有清雅女子,早跑的没影没踪了。 He He!” “呵呵!” Chen Yu cracks into a smile, fell. 陈宇咧嘴一笑,落了下来。 Continual Fierce Battle, he consumes large, at this moment prepares to rest. 连续激战,他消耗颇大,此刻准备休息。 He takes up four Commanding Plate, puts in Heart Internal Space. 他拿起四块令牌,放入心脏内部空间 The consciousness has swept pale Silver Crystal Body Space slightly, appreciates the spoils of war. 意识微微扫了一下淡银晶体空间,欣赏战利品。 But under flickers, the Chen Yu facial color is stiff, becomes very embarrassed. 可下一瞬,陈宇面色僵硬,紧接着变得十分难堪。 Commanding Plate, but is different from before...... 令牌都在,但却跟之前不一样了……
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