EH :: Volume #8 主世界

#983: Doesn't the attack attack?

Chen Yu finished closing up, goes to the beforehand Three Great Family Genius base. 陈宇结束闭关,前往之前三大家族天才的驻扎地。 Here is all over bumpy, chaotic Origin Power Aura, forms the dim storm, blowing recklessly. 这里漫山遍野坑坑洼洼,混乱的元力气息,形成昏暗的风暴,肆意的刮动着。 Here changed into stretch of ruins, obviously has experienced a war. 这里已经化为一片废墟,显然经历过一场大战。 Nearby is very peaceful, fought had finished?” “附近很安静,难道大战已经结束?” The Chen Yu heart guessed. 陈宇心头不由猜测。 It seems like oneself open Star Acupuncture, spending too long Time, the war to finish. 看来自己开辟星穴,花了太长时间,大战已经结束。 Actually who wins who loses? 究竟谁胜谁负? Chen Yu decided that inquired. 陈宇决定去打听一下。 However. 然而。 Has not flown far, Chen Yu has discovered a trail of large quantities of troops. 没飞多远,陈宇就发现了一大批人马的踪迹。 Three Great Family First Genius, gathers there. 三大家族第一天才,都聚集在那里。 However total number of people, unexpected few, in addition Three Great Family First Genius, altogether also on six Congealing Star Boundary. 不过总人数,出乎意料的少,加上三大家族第一天才,总共也就六名凝星境 ...... …… Finally the moment, making him give to run!” “最后关头,让他给跑了!” Yang Dingguang unwilling [say / way]. 阳顶光不甘的道。 However at that time, their three injuries were also serious, will otherwise not make Xu Liusu run. 不过那时候,他们三个也伤势较重,否则也不会让胥流宿跑了。 Only remaining final two double-hour, if cannot discover Xu Liusu......” “只剩下最后两个时辰,若是找不出胥流宿……” Chang Family Elegant Woman, expression is dim. 昌家清雅女子,神色黯淡。 Chang Family expensive is Five Big Family, although is end, but Commanding Plate does not have together, really loses face. 昌家贵为五大家族,虽然是末尾,但一块令牌也没有,实在丢人。 „The Xu Liusu severe wound, definitely runs away not far, perhaps the next quarter, has the news to transmit.” 胥流宿重伤,肯定逃不远,说不定下一刻,就有消息传来。” Wu Yuan tranquil [say / way]. 乌渊平静道。 He has Commanding Plate together actually, is insufficient to lose face too. 他倒是有一块令牌,不至于太丢人。 And when Three Great Family Genius collaborates, has distributed Heart and Soul Blood Oath, he did not worry at this moment Chang Family and Yang Family get rid to oneself. 三大家族天才联手时,发下了“心魂血誓”,他此刻不担心昌家阳家对自己出手。 Three Great Peak Genius, has not talked too much , to continue therapy. 三大顶尖天才,没有多言,继续疗伤。 Only then cure injury, restores strength as soon as possible, Talent defeats Xu Liusu, captures Commanding Plate. 只有尽快治愈伤势,恢复实力,才能击败胥流宿,夺得令牌 May suddenly. 可突然。 Whiz! 嗖! A white light approaches rapidly, with the Powerful Physique the oppression of pressure and Space, covers the surrounding area thousand zhang (3.33 m). 一道白光飞速逼近,伴随着强大体魄压力和空间的压迫,笼罩方圆千丈。 This region, immediately becomes heavy incomparable. 这一片区域,顿时变得沉重无比。 And injury serious Congealing Star Boundary Initial Stage, spurts the blood at the scene. 其中有一名伤势惨重的凝星境初期,当场喷血。 Who?” “谁?” Yang Dingguang shouted to clear the way. 阳顶光喝道。 Three Great Genius has simultaneously stood, the whole body ties tight. 三大天才同时站了起来,浑身紧绷。 This Powerful constriction, even makes them think that Xu Liusu has killed, appearance that therefore three people all are being critical situation. 这股强大的压迫感,甚至让他们以为,胥流宿杀了过来,因此三人皆是一副如临大敌的模样。 May fix the eyes on looks. 可定睛一看。 The future is Chen Yu! 来者是陈宇 Three people stare immediately, at once shows the happy expression. 三人顿时一愣,旋即露出笑意。 Has not thought of the final moment, had not found Xu Liusu, Chen Yu actually delivered. 没想到最后关头,没有找到胥流宿,陈宇却送上了门。 Really mountain Qiongshui duplicate without doubt road, joy after sorrow Yau Yat Tsuen! 真是山穷水复无疑路,柳暗花明又一村! Traitor, fast suffers to death!” 叛徒,速速受死!” Yang Dingguang First runs out, impatient getting rid, was worried that Chen Yu ran away. 阳顶光第一个冲出,迫不及待的出手,担心陈宇又逃了。 Whiz whiz...... 嗖嗖…… Another five people, soaring, prepares to siege Chen Yu. 另外五人,纷纷腾飞而起,准备将陈宇围困。 This is also wants the fat fat sheep compared with Xu Liusu, cannot make him run away. 这可是比胥流宿还要肥的肥羊,绝不能让他逃了。 May almost simultaneously. 可几乎同时。 Chen Yu launched the attack to Yang Dingguang. 陈宇阳顶光发起了进攻。 His time is to revenge, this moment Yang Dingguang and Wu Yuan have Chang Family Genius, has the wound in the body, the golden opportunity of taking advantage of somebody! 他这次就是报仇的,此刻阳顶光乌渊还有昌家天才,都有伤在身,正是趁人之危的大好时机! Chen Yu Star Shape Body comprehensive Erupting, 360 Stars Qi Qi sparkle. 陈宇星象之体全面爆发,360颗星辰齐齐闪耀。 The fist arm wields, the gigantic white fist light, the crush goes. 拳臂挥动间,硕大的白色拳光,碾压而去。 pang Bang! 嗙砰! The Chen Yu fist light, with the Golden disc that Yang Dingguang releases, hits together. 陈宇的拳光,与阳顶光释放出的金色圆盘,撞击在一起。 Fist light by scrap, but Powerful power, repels the Golden disc, almost pounds on Yang Dingguang. 拳光被炸碎,但强大力量,将金色圆盘击退,差点砸到阳顶光身上。 This fist, unexpectedly compared with my Profound Artifact attack, but also is stronger.” “这一拳,竟比我的玄器攻击,还要略强一些。” The Yang Dingguang innermost feelings are startled darkly. 阳顶光内心暗惊。 But he is not one person fights, on the scene altogether has Six Great Congealing Star Boundary, Congealing Star Boundary Initial Stage Peak including him, has three people fully. 但他不是一人战斗,在场共有六大凝星境,包括他在内的凝星境初期巅峰,足有三人。 Although six people have the wound in the body, but copes with Chen Yu, hasn't had more than enough to spare? 六人虽都有伤在身,但对付一个陈宇,还不是绰绰有余? Chen Yu, suffers to death!” 陈宇,受死!” Wu Yuan takes out Ghost Spirit Flute, Blows to play it, everywhere paint black fog fills the air, among runs out of one only not to have Ghost Corpse of both eyes. 乌渊取出【鬼灵笛】,将其吹奏响,漫天的漆黑鬼雾弥漫而出,其内冲出一只只没有双眼的鬼尸 Hands over Commanding Plate!” “交出令牌!” In the Elegant Woman palms is beating one group of white Spirit Flame, transforms a spirit crane, flies to Chen Yu. 清雅女子手掌间跳动着一团白色灵焰,幻化成一只灵鹤,向陈宇飞去。 Another three Congealing Star Boundary Initial Stage, do not have anxiously getting rid. 另外三名凝星境初期,没有急着出手。 In their opinion, Wu Yuan, Yang Dingguang and the others got rid already the foot. 在他们看来,乌渊阳顶光等人出手已经足矣。 Really pitiful, acting recklessly initiative delivers, finally offers Commanding Plate for our Three Great Family.” “真可怜,不知死活的主动送上门,最终为我们三大家族奉上令牌。” He He, this boy also thinks one are Xu Liusu, falls into besieging of Three Great Family First Genius, but also is aloof.” “呵呵,这小子还以为自己是胥流宿,陷入三大家族第一天才的围攻,还无动于衷。” Three surround Younger Generation, looks to Chen Yu, pities wear a look. 三名围观子弟,看向陈宇,面带怜悯。 In fact. 实际上。 Chen Yu gives Three Great Genius one to besiege own opportunity intentionally. 陈宇是故意给三大天才一个围攻自己的机会。 The instance that otherwise he arrives, puts out Method to cope with Yang Dingguang completely, made the opposite party lose the combat capability sufficiently. 否则他到来的瞬间,拿出全部手段对付阳顶光,足以令对方失去战斗能力。 Three Great Congealing Star Boundary Initial Stage Peak, happen to can try Star Mark Clothes effect.” 三大凝星境初期巅峰,正好可以试一下‘星纹衣’的效果。” The Chen Yu body surface Stars twinkle, Star Light surges, forms a Star Light long gown in his outside the body, floats nimble and resourceful. 陈宇体表星辰闪烁,星光涌动而出,在他体外形成一件星光长袍,灵动飘洒。 Bang bang bang! 轰嘭嘭! In this time, the attack of Three Great Genius, arrives. 就在此时,三大天才的攻击,降临而来。 Next quarter. 下一刻。 The Three Great Genius facial color is startled changes. 三大天才面色惊变。 Sees only the Golden disc that Yang Dingguang releases, falls on Star Mark Clothes, resembles wears away the rock with water, the strength was shifted. The Golden disc has delimited the Star Mark Clothes surface, shoots to another side Wu Yuan. 只见阳顶光释放出的金色圆盘,落在星纹衣上,似被以柔克刚,力道被转移。金色圆盘划过星纹衣表面,向另一边的乌渊射去。 But Flame spirit crane that the attack that Wu Yuan these Ghost Servant display, Elegant Woman releases, all by Star Mark Clothes shaking. 乌渊那些鬼仆施展出的攻击,还有清雅女子释放出的火焰灵鹤,皆被星纹衣给震开。 ! 蓬蓬蓬! Around Chen Yu, the Startling Heaven bang is unceasing, the chaotic storm affects eight sides, but is in Center him, sends without the wound. 陈宇四周,惊天巨响不断,混乱的风暴波及八方,但处于中心的他,毫发无伤。 Star Mark Clothes, but can also instead shake injury. 星纹衣,还可以反震伤害。 Three Great Genius has not expected this, was injured by each other attack, flies to draw back a distance backward. 三大天才没料到这点,被彼此的攻击伤到,向后飞退一段距离。 At this time. 此时。 They look once more to Chen Yu, facial color Grave get up. 他们再次看向陈宇,面色不由凝重起来。 On Chen Yu that Star Light big robe, seems like optional fluttering, regulations Accumulating mysterious power, can instead shake the injury. 陈宇身上的那件星光大袍,看似随意的飘动,实则蕴含玄妙的力量,能反震伤害。 Good good!” “不错不错!” Chen Yu nod smile. 陈宇点头微笑。 ! 唰! He wears Star Mark Clothes, changes to together Star Light, fires into Yang Dingguang. 他身披星纹衣,化作一道星光,冲向阳顶光 Yang Dingguang is critical situation, above the Golden disc, blooms more radiant Golden light wave, cuts to Chen Yu. 阳顶光如临大敌,金色圆盘之上,绽放出更加璀璨的金色光波,向陈宇斩去。 Bites bang! 叮嘭! Chen Yu takes out Burning Heaven Demon Halberd, Shakes with it hardly strikes, by own Physique power, repels the Golden disc. 陈宇取出【焚天魔戟】,与之硬撼一击,凭借自身体魄力量,将金色圆盘击退。 He adds Fast, approaches Yang Dingguang. 他加快速度,逼近阳顶光 Begins quickly, you begin.” “快动手,你们都动手。” Yang Dingguang hurried loudly shouted to clear the way. 阳顶光急忙大喝道。 Chen Yu can hard anti- their attacks, its Defense strength be really fearful, which his is the Chen Yu match. 陈宇能硬抗他们三人的攻击,其防御力实在可怕,他一人哪是陈宇的对手。 Immediately, six people on the scene attack Chen Yu together. 顿时,在场六人齐攻陈宇 But besides Three Great Congealing Star Boundary Initial Stage Peak, the attacks of another three Congealing Star Boundary Initial Stage, Chen Yu can definitely neglect. 可除了三大凝星境初期巅峰外,另外三名凝星境初期的攻击,陈宇完全可以忽视。 And his speed advantage, letting Yang Dingguang wants to hide unable to hide, both sides are away from the unceasing proximity. 且他的速度优势,让阳顶光想躲也躲不掉,双方距离不断的接近。 At this moment. 就在此刻。 The round attack of people, hit Chen Yu. 众人的一轮攻击,命中陈宇 „......” “啊……” But they hear is actually the pitiful yell of Yang Dingguang. 可他们听到的却是阳顶光的惨叫。 Originally, Yang Dingguang is been too near, encounters Star Mark Clothes that Chen Yu depends instead shakes the injury. 原来,阳顶光陈宇靠的太近,遭到星纹衣的反震伤害。 He He, everybody tries harder again, helping me solve Yang Dingguang first.” “呵呵,各位再加把劲,帮我先解决阳顶光。” Chen Yu to another five humanity. 陈宇对另外五人道。 Star Mark Clothes can instead shake the injury, the Chen Yu dependence speed advantage, approaches Yang Dingguang, opposite party Naturally, but however withstood has instead shaken the injury. 星纹衣能反震伤害,陈宇依靠速度优势,靠近阳顶光,对方自然而然的就承受了反震伤害。 The Wu Yuan facial color is pale, breathless. 乌渊面色铁青,气急败坏。 They are kill Chen Yu obviously, at this moment has helped Chen Yu unexpectedly. 他们明明是来杀陈宇的,此刻竟帮了陈宇 This attacks, doesn't attack? 这到底是进攻,还是不进攻? The Yang Dingguang clothing is tattered, the personal appearance backs up, spouts a blood. 阳顶光衣衫破烂,身形倒退,喷出一口血。 Bang! 轰! Chen Yu not to him the opportunity of panting for breath, a fist front surface pounds. 陈宇不给他喘息之机,一拳迎面砸出。 They fight three moves, Yang Dingguang spit blood once more, shouted: Is about to have killed him!” 两人交手三招,阳顶光再次吐血,不由大喊:“快杀了他!” The Wu Yuan and other Human Face dew hesitate, the meaning of Yang Dingguang is, making them attack? 乌渊人面露犹豫,阳顶光的意思是,让他们进攻? When they attack truly. 可当他们真正进攻时。 Yang Dingguang thinks suddenly the tragedy, the facial color big change, shouted greatly: No, do not attack.” 阳顶光突然想到刚才的惨剧,面色大变,大喊道:“别,别进攻。” ! 蓬蓬! An explosion storm, threw to Yang Dingguang, raises the flying hundred zhang (333m) to be far him. 一股爆炸风浪,向阳顶光扑了过去,将他掀飞百丈远。 The people are speechless, does not attack, like this sees a play? 众人无语,难道不进攻了,就这样看戏? Yang Dingguang, hands over Storage Space, otherwise do not blame me not being impolite.” 阳顶光,交出储物空间,否则别怪我不客气。” Chen Yu loudly exclaimed. 陈宇大吼道。 One-to-one, which Yang Dingguang is his match, even they are away from near time, Yang Dingguang does not dare to attack. 一对一,阳顶光哪是他的对手,甚至两人距离较近的时候,阳顶光都不敢进攻。 Yang Dingguang wants to cry but have no tears, he has never experienced the so aggrieved fight, does not dare the attack, can only come under attack passively. 阳顶光欲哭无泪,他从未经历过如此憋屈的战斗,连攻击都不敢,只能被动挨打。 Chen Yu you dare, Yang Family will not let off you!” 陈宇你敢,阳家不会放过你!” Yang Dingguang drinks angrily greatly. 阳顶光愤然大喝。 I have abandoned your two arms first, making you have a look at me to dare!” “我先废了你两条手臂,让你看看我到底敢不敢!” Chen Yu sneers to say. 陈宇冷笑道。 After two moves, on the Yang Dingguang arm leaves behind together the bloodstain of deep obvious bone. 两招过后,阳顶光手臂上留下一道深可见骨的血痕。 Almost, this arm broke. 差一点,他这条手臂就断了。 Calls a halt, I give to me.” “停手,我给我给。” Yang Dingguang begs for mercy finally. 阳顶光终于求饶。 Obtains Storage Space instant, Chen Yu kills to Wu Yuan. 得到储物空间的刹那,陈宇则杀向乌渊 Blocks him quickly, has killed him.” “快拦住他,杀了他。” Wu Yuan feels critically, the whole body trembles. 乌渊感受到危急,浑身颤栗。 So long as does not make Chen Yu approach, does not need to be worried Chen Yu Star Mark Clothes instead shakes. 但只要不让陈宇靠近,就不用担心陈宇星纹衣的反震。 But. 可是。 They cannot block Chen Yu. 他们拦不住陈宇 Especially the Yang Dingguang severe wound loses the combat capability, the Chen Yu dependence speed advantage and unthinkable Defense, who can keep off him? 特别是阳顶光重伤失去战斗能力,陈宇依靠速度优势和匪夷所思的防御,谁能挡他? Is less than ten moves. 不到十招。 Wu Yuan begged for mercy, hands over Commanding Plate also to have Storage Space. 乌渊求饶,交出了令牌还有储物空间 Chang Family Elegant Woman, with the instance of Chen Yu looking at each other, is smiling bitterly and astringently. 昌家清雅女子,在与陈宇对视的瞬间,苦涩一笑。 They lost thoroughly. 他们彻底输了。 Three Great Family First Genius, all defeats in Chen Yu! 三大家族第一天才,全都败在陈宇手里! This thinks that Chen Yu is a fat sheep, has not thought that the opposite party is throwing over the wolf of sheepskin, savage incomparable, nobody may keep off. 本以为陈宇是一只肥羊,没想到对方是披着羊皮的狼,凶残无比,无人可挡。 Their six people besiege, takes Chen Yu not to have idea, aggrieved incomparable defeat in the opposite party hand. 他们六人围攻,都拿陈宇没辙,憋屈无比的败在对方手中。 Was held to stubbornly, wants to attack does not dare to attack, in this is aggrieved their this whole life not to experience the Second time. 被人死死粘着,想进攻又不敢进攻,这中憋屈他们这辈子都不想经历第二次。 Storage Space hands over.” 储物空间交出来吧。” Chen Yu stares at Chang Family Elegant Woman. 陈宇凝视昌家清雅女子 Chen Yu, I want to use an important intelligence, exchanges my Storage Space.” 陈宇,我想用一个重要情报,交换我的储物空间。” Elegant Woman tranquil [say / way]. 清雅女子平静道。 She acknowledges that the punishment is deserved thoroughly, even if Chen Yu did not agree that she hands over Storage Space is. 她彻底认栽,就算陈宇不同意,她交出储物空间就是。 What information?” “什么情报?” Chen Yu spoke thoughtlessly to ask. 陈宇随口问道。 Xu Liusu whereabouts!” 胥流宿的下落!” In a moment ago, Elegant Woman received the pass on message of Chang Family Younger Generation, has known the Xu Liusu trail. 就在刚才,清雅女子收到昌家子弟的传讯,得知了胥流宿的踪迹。 „Before Xu Liusu, fights with us, carries the severe wound, by your ability, has greatly possibly defeats him very much!” 胥流宿之前与我们交手,身负重伤,以你的能耐,有很大可能战胜他!” Elegant Woman serious [say / way]. 清雅女子郑重道。 In fact she does not think like this. 实际上她不是这样想的。 Their this time, defeats in Chen Yu Defense and speed completely. 他们这一次,完全是败在陈宇防御和速度上。 But the Xu Liusu speed is similarly quick, the Sword Dao attack is fearful, certainly can break guarding of Chen Yu. 胥流宿的速度同样很快,剑道攻击更是可怕,一定能破陈宇的防。 The possibility that therefore Chen Yu defeats is bigger. 所以陈宇战败的可能性更大。 Even if Chen Yu has other cards in a hand, such is instead better, the mutual wounds when the time comes Chen Yu and Xu Liusu fight, they can obtain without labor the advantage of fishing net. 就算陈宇有其他底牌,那样反而更好,到时候陈宇胥流宿战的两败俱伤,他们就能坐收渔网之利。 Wu Yuan and in the Yang Dingguang eye fine glow dodges to pass, promptness that secret passage news comes, this strategy is really wonderful! 乌渊阳顶光眼中精芒一闪而逝,暗道这个消息来的及时,这个计策真是妙! Once Chen Yu and Xu Liusu are mutually wounded, they are the final winners! 一旦陈宇胥流宿两败俱伤,他们三人就是最后的赢家! But the key is, will Chen Yu comply? Will cope with Xu Liusu? 可关键是,陈宇会答应?会去对付胥流宿吗?
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