EH :: Volume #8 主世界

#1050: Said goodbye Lin Yuxuan

Chen Yu thought that reply of Teacher, seems not a very reasonable reason. 陈宇觉得师尊的回答,似乎不是一个很合理的理由。 Perhaps Teacher has not spoken the truth. 师尊或许没有说实话。 Regardless of that situation, Chen Yu definitely cannot ask again, otherwise that is questioning the Heavenly Martial Sect Lord. 无论那种情况,陈宇肯定是不能再问,否则那就是在质疑天武宗主。 This is one god. 这可是一位“神”。 Even if the opposite party is Teacher, if has provoked anger, feared that does not have the good end. 就算对方是自己师尊,若是惹怒了,怕也没好下场。 Long and far, you bring two Junior Brother, familiar Heavenly Martial Sect.” “修远,你带两位师弟,熟悉一下天武宗吧。” The Heavenly Martial Sect Lord has turned around, back to people. 天武宗主转过身,背对众人。 Seven Senior Brother Hong Xiuyuan understand that the meaning of Teacher, is bringing Chen Yu and Qin Wentian, leaves here. 师兄弘修远明白师尊的意思,带着陈宇秦问天,离开这里。 First receives the Heavenly Martial Sect Disciple clothing, as well as status Commanding Plate.” “先去领取天武宗弟子的服饰,以及身份令牌吧。” Hong Xiuyuan leads Chen Yu and Qin Wentian, walks. 弘修远带领陈宇秦问天,一路行走。 Heavenly Martial Sect is Human Race Three Great God Sect, on mountain actually peaceful far, resembles gets along with people outside the haven. 天武宗身为人族三大神宗,山上却安静幽远,似一处世外桃源。 The primary cause is, here person are not many. 主要原因是,这里人不多。 Each only receives 100 Disciple, which the person Naturally much to does not go. 每届只收100个弟子,人自然多不到哪去。 Walk moment. 行走片刻。 Chen Yu and Qin Wentian present, place, as if many people, but nearby that does not have the special construction. 陈宇秦问天现,有一处地方,似乎有不少人,而那附近也没有特殊建筑。 There is the Heavenly Martial list is.” “那里是天武榜所在。” Hong Xiuyuan smiled, leading them to take a look in the past. 弘修远笑了笑,带着两人过去瞧瞧。 Three people arrive under a cliff, this cliff stands tall and erect incomparable, turbulent waterfall directing current, bang the water spray sound, resembled this place only sound. 三人来到一处悬崖下方,这悬崖高耸无比,汹涌的瀑布直流而下,轰隆的水浪声,似成了此地唯一的声响。 But on the cliff, by the waterfall, inscribes many names, sparkle Golden Radiance. 而在悬崖上,瀑布两侧,刻有许多名字,闪耀金色光芒 „Is this Heavenly Martial list?” “这就是天武榜?” Qin Wentian looks at this giant scarpside. 秦问天看着这面巨大的悬崖壁。 The above 100 names, he has heard most probably, is Human Race Peak Heaven's Proud, many years ago Genius that once was well-known. 上面的100个名字,他听说过大半,都是人族顶尖天骄,包括一些许多年前曾闻名的天才 Seven Senior Brother Ranking ninth!” “七师兄排名第九!” Chen Yu in the right scarpside third position, presently Hong Xiuyuan name. 陈宇在右侧悬崖壁第三个位置,现了弘修远的名字。 Teacher has said I do not make every effort to succeed, first in ten, I only arrange at ninth, feared that does not have the opportunity to sit the First position.” 师尊一直说我不争气,前十之中,我只排在第九,怕是没机会坐上第一的位置。” Two Junior Brother if in the future can be First, Teacher he will be surely happy.” “两位师弟日后若能名列第一,师尊他老人家定会高兴。” A Hong Xiuyuan ashamed color. 弘修远一副惭愧之色。 Can look, Hong Xiuyuan was modest said. 看得出来,弘修远是谦虚才这么说。 Do not look is only the Ranking ninth list, but this list Heavenly Martial Sect Genius strength Ranking, if synthesizes Three Great God Sect Ranking, then can represent entire Human Race, Genius strong and weak Ranking. 别看只是一个排名第九名的榜单,这个榜单可是天武宗天才的实力排名,若是综合三大神宗排名,则能代表整个人族,天才强弱的排名 Qin Wentian is somewhat stimulated. 秦问天有些亢奋。 He has rigid of average man to First, Heavenly Martial list First, this is he so far, most wants to take. 他对第一有着乎常人的执着,天武第一,这是他目前为止,最想拿到手的。 In his opinion, how long oneself could not want, can enter the Heavenly Martial list. 在他看来,自己要不了多久,就能进入天武榜。 Lin Yuxuan, Heavenly Martial list eighth!” 林雨璇,天武榜第八!” Chen Yu in the above of Hong Xiuyuan name, presently a familiar name. 陈宇弘修远名字的上面,现了一个熟悉的名字。 Lin Yuxuan with Woman that he betroths children before they are born. 林雨璇正是与他指腹为婚的女子 The astonishment of the Innate Talent, is honored as present age Heaven's Proud! 天资之惊人,被誉为当世天骄 Do not look that she now is only higher than Hong Xiuyuan Ranking, is only eighth, but she young also light. 别看她现在只比弘修远高一个排名,只位列第八,可她年轻还轻。 Heavenly Martial list first seven, nobody does not dread Lin Yuxuan, was worried that was caught up by her. 天武榜前七位,没有谁不畏惧林雨璇,担心被她赶。 This Lin Yuxuan Innate Talent is really astonishing, Senior Brother does obeisance in Sect Master Disciple, is far inferior she, Teacher always takes me with Lin Yuxuan compared with......” “这林雨璇天资实在是惊人,师兄拜在宗主门下,也是远不及她,师尊总是拿我跟林雨璇比……” Hong Xiuyuan shakes the head with a smile. 弘修远笑着摇头。 Lin Yuxuan?” 林雨璇吗?” Qin Wentian eye pupil burning hot. 秦问天眼眸炙热。 His Innate Talent is similarly fearful, is honored as present age Heaven's Proud, is hopeful to pursue Lin Yuxuan. 他的天资同样可怕,也被誉为当世天骄,有望追赶上林雨璇 But some people believe that this reputation, is Qin Family handful. 但有部分人认为,这个名声,是秦家捧出来的。 Qin Family is God Boundary Family, if no nice Genius, was inferior including Half-God Family how could it not be to lose face. 秦家身为神境家族,若没有像个样的天才,连半神家族都不如,岂不丢脸。 Chen Yu to this list some interests, but does not have Qin Wentian to be so big. 陈宇对这榜单有些兴趣,但没有秦问天那么大。 Well?” “咦?” Chen Yu present not far away flies several Daoist shades, including several familiar forms. 陈宇现不远处飞来几道人影,其中有几道熟悉的身影。 His vision by the wonderful graceful form attraction, the Simple Heavenly Martial Sect female Disciple clothing, was put on first together on her, shocking feelings, her beautiful appearance has no time, purple Crystal Jade behind is floating. 他的目光先被一道妙曼身影吸引,简单天武宗弟子服饰,穿在她身上,都有一种惊艳感,她玉颜无暇,一头紫晶玉在身后飘洒。 Before this female Chen Yu, has seen, when he and Zhang Chen makes a bet, purple Woman is one of the witness. 此女陈宇之前见过,他与张琛打赌时,紫女子是见证人之一。 At that time Zhang Chen wants to act shamelessly, purple Woman stood to uphold the justice. 当时张琛想耍赖,紫女子站出来主持了公道。 Chen Yu has not known this purple Woman name. 陈宇还不知道这紫女子的名字。 Well? Lin Tianfeng how by her?” “咦?林天风怎么在她旁边?” By Chen Yu present, purple Woman is standing, unexpectedly is Lin Tianfeng. 紧接着陈宇现,紫女子旁边站着的,竟然是林天风 Besides Lin Tianfeng, several Lin Family people. 除了林天风,还有几个林家人。 A Lin Tianfeng face smiles pale, follows side purple Woman. 林天风一脸淡笑,跟在紫女子身边。 Again with me.” “不要再跟着我。” Purple Woman Lin Yuxuan black eyebrow coloring eyebrow micro pressed. 女子林雨璇”黛眉微蹙。 „The Yuxuan elder sister, I just entered Heavenly Martial Sect, is unfamiliar with the people and place, you lead me to transfer the revolutions everywhere.” 雨璇姐,我刚进天武宗,人生地不熟,你带我到处转转吧。” Lin Tianfeng brazen-faced and shameless. 林天风死皮赖脸的跟着。 Such greatly personally, hasn't known the road?” “这么大个人了,还不认识路?” „...... It is not.” “……不是。” The Lin Tianfeng language stagnates. 林天风语滞。 Just entered Heavenly Martial Sect, diligently Cultivation, your this Examination result, disappointing the Second Uncle, believes that which in the clan the high-level mood also very to went.” “刚进入天武宗,努力修行吧,你此次考核的成绩,令二叔很失望,相信族内高层的情绪也好不到哪去。” Lin Yuxuan warned. 林雨璇告诫道。 Examination time, she then hears many news. 考核的时候,她便听到许多消息。 Chen Yu in Examination, the dispersion engagement news, makes intentionally noisily. 陈宇考核中,故意散布婚约消息,闹得沸沸扬扬。 She thought Lin Family Genius, definitely will defend own reputation, making Chen Yu unable to enter Heavenly Martial Sect. 她本以为林家天才,肯定会维护自己的名声,让陈宇进不了天武宗 Finally, Chen Yu on the contrary has become Examination First, did obeisance into Sect Master Disciple. 结果,陈宇反倒成了考核第一,拜入了宗主门下 This heavy of Lin Yuxuan air/Qi. 这将林雨璇气的不轻。 This, what making her unable to think, Lin Tianfeng by two of Chen Yu looting, the Examination result almost set the base on the contrary, the Lin Family face lost. 这还就算了,令她想不到的是,林天风反倒被陈宇洗劫的两遍,考核成绩差点垫底,林家脸都丢完了。 In this time. 就在此时。 Lin Yuxuan present Chen Yu, looked that Lin Tianfeng is not pleasing to the eyes. 林雨璇现了陈宇,看林天风更加不顺眼了。 Lin Tianfeng with this other Heaven's Proud, has not the small disparity.” 林天风与这一届其他天骄,有不小的差距啊。” The Lin Yuxuan innermost feelings sighed darkly. 林雨璇内心暗叹。 Chen Yu just entered Sect, makes a bet with old Disciple, a move wins, has made the deep impression on her. 陈宇刚入宗门,就与老弟子打赌,一招获胜,给她留下了较深的印象。 „The Yuxuan elder sister, is this Heavenly Martial list?” 雨璇姐,这就是天武榜吗?” Lin Tianfeng inquired. 林天风询问道。 He enters one of the Heavenly Martial Sect goals, can see Lin Yuxuan. 他进入天武宗的目的之一,是能一直见到林雨璇 At this moment eventually realizes, he touchingly lives is the so wonderful happiness, other matters, after by the brain of his short throwing. 此刻终于实现,他顿感人生是如此美妙幸福,其他事情,都被他短暂抛之脑后。 When his vision sweeps to the Heavenly Martial list, actually present a form. 可当他的目光扫向天武榜时,却现了一道身影。 The wonderful happy heart of Lin Tianfeng mind, instantaneous collapsing, shame incomparable pictures appear. 林天风脑海的美妙幸福感,瞬间坍塌,一幅幅羞辱无比的画面浮现。 Chen Yu!” 陈宇!” The Lin Tianfeng complexion is embarrassed immediately, was the same with constipation. 林天风脸色顿时难堪,跟便秘了一样。 Chen Yu!” 陈宇!” Lin Yuxuan hears these two characters, on the face experiences the enormous fluctuation. 林雨璇听到这两个字,脸上出现极大波动。 She knows that Chen Yu enters Heavenly Martial Sect, they would the meet, has not thought that so will be quick, is so sudden. 她知道陈宇进入天武宗,两人总会相遇,可没想到会这么快,这么突然。 Where is Chen Yu at? Who is Chen Yu? 陈宇在哪?陈宇是谁? Other Disciple have not managed Lin Tianfeng, has not managed Chen Yu, looks majority to Lin Yuxuan. 其他弟子根本没管林天风,也没管陈宇,大部分都看向林雨璇 Present age one of the Heaven's Proud, Heavenly Martial Sect First beautiful woman! 当世天骄之一,天武宗第一美女! But they presently, Lin Yuxuan expression is a little not normal. 可他们却现,林雨璇神色有点不正常。 Lin Tianfeng, has been well since last meeting, we later were the same side Senior Brother younger brothers.” 林天风,别来无恙,我们以后就是同门师兄弟了。” Chen Yu greeted. 陈宇打了个招呼。 Lin Yuxuan purple Crystal eye pupil, falls on Chen Yu immediately, reveals stunned expression. 林雨璇水晶般的眼眸,顿时落在陈宇身上,露出错愕神色 Is he Chen Yu? 他是陈宇 Lin Yuxuan does not have to think one will quickly see such Chen Yu, may in fact, she see Chen Yu early. 林雨璇没想到自己会这么快见到陈宇,可实际上,她更早前就见过陈宇 A moment ago, she also took Chen Yu with the Lin Tianfeng comparison, thought that Chen Yu was good. 刚才,她心里还拿陈宇林天风比较,觉得陈宇不错。 The Lin Yuxuan mind presents the instant short circuit, how to live this matter? 林雨璇脑海出现刹那的短路,怎么会生这种事? Chen Yu shows a faint smile to Lin Yuxuan, saw her a moment ago with Lin Tianfeng and the others in the same place, guessed correctly the status of this opposite party. 陈宇冲着林雨璇微微一笑,刚才见她跟林天风等人在一起,就猜出了这位对方的身份。 This is own fiancee. 这就是自己的未婚妻啊。 Yuxuan elder sister, Lin Family many Genius including me, reason that the Examination result is dreary, is this person of behavior, his sly in many ways, ruthless spicy brutal......” 雨璇姐,包括我在内的林家诸多天才,之所以考核成绩惨淡,就是此人所为,他狡猾多端,狠辣残酷……” Lin Tianfeng is pointing at Chen Yu, described stopping at no evil Demonic Man him. 林天风指着陈宇,将他形容成一个无恶不作的邪人 On certain Level, he hopes that Lin Yuxuan wants the justice for oneself. 一定程度上,他希望林雨璇替自己讨回公道。 Facing Heavenly Martial list Ranking eighth Lin Yuxuan, Chen Yu will not have the strength to hit back. 面对天武排名第八的林雨璇,陈宇将毫无还手之力。 Lost lost, do not find the excuse to oneself.” “输了就是输了,别给自己找借口。” Lin Yuxuan cold snort|hum, complexion some Naturally, did not turn around to depart. 林雨璇冷哼了一声,脸色有些不自然,转身就要离去。 At this moment she is not willing to see Chen Yu, because the opposite party is own fiance, and she does not want this fiance. 此刻她不愿见到陈宇,因为对方是自己的“未婚夫”,且她并不想要这个未婚夫。 Chen Yu has not thought that Lin Yuxuan sees itself, turns around runs, smiles helplessly. 陈宇没想到林雨璇见到自己,掉头就跑,无奈一笑。 However here person are too many, indeed did not discuss the opportunity of matter. 不过这里人太多,也的确不是谈事情的时机。 But Lin Tianfeng was scolded by Lin Yuxuan at the scene, in the honor cannot pass, in heart not indignation. 林天风林雨璇当场责骂,脸面上过不去,心中不忿。 „The Yuxuan elder sister, this child actions also continue this, he under Martial God Mountain, but also said that you had the engagement, and engagement object is he.” 雨璇姐,此子的所作所为还不止这样,他在武神山下,还自称你已有婚约,且婚约对象还是他。” Lin Tianfeng has also shaken this matter. 林天风将这件事也抖了出来。 Concerns the Lin Yuxuan prestige, he did not fear Lin Yuxuan, no matter this matter, does not cope with Chen Yu. 关乎林雨璇的声誉,他不怕林雨璇不管此事,不去对付陈宇 His saying just said that all around immediately in an uproar. 他这话刚说出来,四周顿时一片哗然。 Lin Yuxuan...... Engagement?” 林雨璇……婚约?” This is impossible!” “这不可能!” A non- young man Disciple face shock changes colors, female Disciple is also unbelievable, has not heard this matter. 不少男弟子一脸震惊失色,女弟子也是难以置信,从没听说过此事。 Lin Yuxuan is Human Race present age Heaven's Proud, the Heavenly Martial Sect First beautiful woman, pursues the admirer to be innumerable, on the scene has many. 林雨璇身为人族当世天骄,天武宗第一美女,追求仰慕者无数,在场就有不少。 However is careful thinks that this absolutely is the rumor. 不过仔细一想,这绝对是谣言。 Cannot the casual person say that they believe that only if Lin Yuxuan opens the mouth to acknowledge. 不能随便一个人这么说说,他们就信啊,除非林雨璇开口承认。 Lin Tianfeng, what did you talk nonsense?” 林天风,你胡说什么?” The Lin Yuxuan sound ice is cold, flour belt ghost. 林雨璇声音冰寒,粉面带煞。 Lin Tianfeng was also anxious, this real, under Martial God Mountain noisy noisy, doesn't Lin Yuxuan believe? 林天风也急了,这都是真的,武神山下闹的沸沸扬扬,林雨璇怎么就不信呢? „The Yuxuan elder sister, I have not talked nonsense, this boy toad wants to eat the day goosemeat......” 雨璇姐,我没胡说,这小子癞蛤蟆想吃天鹅肉……” A Lin Tianfeng face is suffering from injustice, then said. 林天风一脸委屈,接着道。 Shut up!” “闭嘴!” Lin Yuxuan drinks immediately, fearful power and influence disseminates suddenly, the whole body blooms the Purple Jade brilliance, the shining vault of heaven. 林雨璇顿时一喝,可怕威势忽然弥散,浑身绽放出紫玉光辉,照耀天穹。 Her drinks coldly, as if with the Accumulating Tianwei, has covered all, made the sound of that turbulent waterfall, in instant as if mute. 她的一声冷喝,仿佛与蕴含天威,盖过了一切,令那汹涌的瀑布之音,都在刹那仿佛静音了。 The nearest Lin Tianfeng facial color was pale, cannot move, the cold sweat braved. 距离最近的林天风面色惨白,动弹不得,冷汗直冒。 This moment Lin Yuxuan, gives him the extremely dangerous feeling, as if the inviolable goddess, the dignity cannot affront. 这一刻的林雨璇,给他极其危险的感觉,仿佛不可亵渎的神女,威严不可冒犯。 „The Lin Yuxuan strength, was stronger.” 林雨璇的实力,更强了。” Nearby Hong Xiuyuan sighed lowly. 一旁的弘修远低叹。 Walks!” “走!” The Lin Yuxuan imposing manner reduces slightly, spits a character lightly, is having Lin Family several people, left. 林雨璇气势稍减,轻吐一字,带着林家几人,离开了。 Before Lin Tianfeng just before leaving, cannot think through, Lin Yuxuan such will be why angry, obviously all mistakes are Chen Yu, why injured always. 林天风临走前都想不通,为何林雨璇会这么生气,明明一切错误都是陈宇,为何受伤的总是自己。 After Lin Yuxuan walks, many Disciple on the scene, sizes up Chen Yu slightly. 林雨璇走后,在场不少弟子,微微打量陈宇 Is this, slanders Lin Yuxuan?” “就是此子,污蔑林雨璇?” May Lin Yuxuan actually not refute a moment ago......” “可刚才林雨璇竟然没有反驳……” How many pursuers, thought that the matter a little does not suit, goddess in did the heart, have the engagement really? 几名追求者,觉得事情有点不对劲,难道自己心中的女神,真的已有婚约? Nearby Qin Wentian, taking pleasure in others'misfortunes looks to Chen Yu. 一旁的秦问天,幸灾乐祸的看向陈宇 Hong Xiuyuan had not asked to this matter that Teacher has taken him with the Lin Yuxuan comparison, therefore he does not admire Lin Yuxuan, instead is a little repugnant this name. 弘修远对此事没有多问,师尊一直拿他跟林雨璇比较,所以他不仰慕林雨璇,反而有点反感这个名字。 Suddenly, on distant place Stone, facial features old-fashioned Man, leaps to Chen Yu in front of together instantaneously. 忽然,远处一块石头上,一名面容古板的男子,瞬间飞跃到陈宇面前。 Opposite party Aura is reserved, actually gives people an immeasurably deep feeling. 对方身上气息内敛,却给人一种深不可测之感。 „Is the Lin Yuxuan engagement incident that you said that true?” “你所说的林雨璇婚约一事,是否属实?” Old-fashioned Man expression is solemn, opens the mouth to ask. 古板男子神色冷峻,开口问道。 The broken security perfect chapter, please( cloud / come to pavilion) with the search engine search keyword, appointed various types of novels you watch 破防盗完美章节,请用搜索引擎搜索关键词(云/来阁),各种小说任你观看
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