EH :: Volume #8 主世界

#1049: Sees Sect Master

In Secret Place Trial By Fire, Chen Yu has made the decision, Second level Cultivation White Tiger Splitting Heaven Claw. 早在秘境试炼中,陈宇就做出了决定,第二修炼白虎裂天爪”。 Reason that makes this choice, after careful ponder. 之所以做出这个选择,也是经过仔细的思考。 Vermillion Bird Burning Heaven Wing, gives dual attention to the attack and speed, but Chen Yu Space Profound Meaning Breakthrough Three Layers Level, is enormous to his speed amplification, significantly weakened promotion of Vermillion Bird Burning Heaven Wing to his short-term. 朱雀焚天翼,兼顾攻击和速度,但陈宇空间奥义突破三重层次,对他本身的速度增幅极大,大大削弱了朱雀焚天翼对他短期内的提升。 Azure Dragon Holy Wood Leg, pays great attention to Auxiliary. 青龙圣木腿,更注重辅助 Black Tortoise Subduing Ocean Arm, then favors Defense completely. 玄武镇海臂,则完全倾向防御 But during the fight, in the crisis, often is life and death, massacres the enemy is the means of quickest solution matter. 但战斗之中,危机之中,往往都是你死我活,杀掉敌人才是最快解决事情的办法。 Therefore Chen Yu has chosen White Tiger Splitting Heaven Claw, attack that pure Powerful destroys the hardest defenses! 所以陈宇选择了“白虎裂天爪”,纯粹强大无坚不摧的攻击! After closing Cave Mansion to tie. 关闭洞府结界后。 Chen Yu starts the ginseng to cultivate White Tiger Splitting Heaven Claw. 陈宇开始参修白虎裂天爪 The «Four Shapes Divine Physique» First level, is the Divine Physique Cultivation foundation, if unable Perfect, then following several, will not be ideal. 四象神体》的第一层,是神体修炼的基础,若是无法圆满,则后续几层,也不会太理想。 White Tiger Splitting Heaven Claw, Cultivation based on Star Shape Body. 白虎裂天爪,就是在星象之体的基础上修炼的。 Stimulates Star Acupuncture power, each other connection, and integrates Gold Profound Meaning, forms White Tiger Sacred Claw, a claw leaves, World crack......” “激发星穴力量,彼此连接,并融入金之奥义,形成白虎圣爪,一爪出,天地裂……” If Star Acupuncture of Chen Yu both hands spot, does not open completely, or will have the damage, the White Tiger Splitting Heaven Claw might is affected. 陈宇双手部位的星穴,开辟不完整,或者有损伤,白虎裂天爪威力则会受到影响。 But Cultivation White Tiger Splitting Heaven Claw, must perceive through meditation Gold Profound Meaning, otherwise the White Tiger Splitting Heaven Claw prestige energy, is hard to display 50%. 修行白虎裂天爪,必须参悟金之奥义,否则白虎裂天爪的威能,难以发挥五成。 This is also one of the «Four Shapes Divine Physique» extremely difficult Cultivation reasons. 这也是《四象神体》极难修炼的原因之一。 Is Refining Body Cultivation Technique, Refining Body aspect extremely difficult Cultivation, fuses many Profound Antiquity Inheritance, but also the request perceives through meditation many Profound Meaning power. 身为炼体功法,炼体方面就极难修行,更融合诸多高深上古传承,还要求参悟多种奥义力量 The Cultivation energy is limited, perceives through meditation two Profound Meaning is very exhausted, consumption multi-resources, perceive through meditation, mixed, but not fine, is difficult the achievement. 修行者精力有限,参悟两种奥义就会十分疲惫,消耗更多资源,参悟更多,更会杂而不精,难有成就。 On this metal mountain peak, senses the Gold Profound Meaning speed, is about three times of other places.” “这座金属山峰上,感悟金之奥义的速度,是其他地方的三倍左右。” Chen Yu begins Cultivation White Tiger Splitting Heaven Claw, while senses Gold Profound Meaning. 陈宇一边着手修炼白虎裂天爪,一边感悟金之奥义 Buzz! 嗡! Sees only the Chen Yu wrist|skill as well as both hands spot Star Acupuncture, flows a continuously star splendor, twines both hands. 只见陈宇手腕以及双手部位的星穴,流动出一缕缕星辉,缠绕双手。 He has Talent in the Refining Body aspect extremely, so very difficult Refining Body Cultivation Technique, Cultivation gets up not the big hindrance. 他在炼体方面极有天赋,如此高难度的炼体功法,修炼起来也没多大阻碍。 And after Mysterious Heart transforms, he senses the Profound Meaning speed promotion several fold, Gold Profound Meaning senses instantaneously, but Level is extremely at present low. 神秘心脏蜕变后,他感悟奥义的速度提升数倍,金之奥义瞬间感悟出来,不过目前层次极低。 When wisp of Gold Profound Meaning, integrates in the Chen Yu fingernails, on his hand claw reappearing light Golden, is similar to the metal, can tear all easily. 当一缕金之奥义,融入陈宇手爪间时,他的手爪上浮现淡淡金色,如同金属般,能轻易撕毁一切。 Second date. 第二日。 Junior Brother Chen, Teacher summoned.” 陈师弟,师尊召见。” The sound penetrates Cave Mansion to tie together, spreads to the Chen Yu ear, has not actually caused anything to affect to Chen Yu. 一道声音穿透洞府结界,传入陈宇耳中,却没有对陈宇造成什么影响。 Chen Yu finished Cultivation, leaves Secret Room. 陈宇结束修炼,离开密室 His present Teacher, is Heavenly Martial Sect Lord Sikong Wanli, God Boundary big energy. 他如今的师尊,也就是天武宗司空万里,神境大能。 This may unable to be careless. 这可马虎不得。 Chen Yu goes out of Cave Mansion, sees two Man. 陈宇走出洞府,就看见两名男子 One of them Qin Wentian, one of his vision on Chen Yu sweeps, very desolate. 其中一人正是秦问天,他目光在陈宇身上一扫而过,十分的冷淡。 He now could not have thought through, why Sect Master will receive Chen Yu suddenly is Disciple. 他现在还想不通,宗主为何会忽然收陈宇弟子 That person who originally, he most focuses attention on, Chen Yu will henceforth be dim. 原本,他才是最瞩目的那个人,陈宇将从此黯淡下去。 But now they have become Sect Master Disciple. 可如今两人都成了宗主弟子 Qin Wentian wants to challenge Chen Yu, proved one are First. 秦问天想挑战陈宇,证明自己才是“第一”。 But they just did obeisance into Sect Master Disciple, oneself provocation Chen Yu, with his duel, this will leave a poor impression to Sect Master. 可两人刚拜入宗主门下,自己就挑衅陈宇,与他决斗,这会给宗主留下不好的印象。 Chen Yu also lightly looked at Qin Wentian one, the vision fell on his nearby Man. 陈宇也淡淡看了秦问天一眼,目光就落在他旁边一名男子身上。 Opposite party facial features White is delicate, on the face is hanging the temperate happy expression, one type such as washes spring the Wind feeling to the person. 对方面容白皙清秀,脸上挂着温和笑意,给人一种如沐春风之感。 This person of appearance is extremely good, but the strength is similarly immeasurably deep. 此人卖相极佳,但实力同样深不可测。 Later two were Teacher Disciple, I was your seven Senior Brother.” “以后两位就是师尊门下了,我是你们的七师兄。” Delicate Man is smiling. 清秀男子一脸微笑。 Originally is Sect Master Disciple seventh Disciple, Chen Yu with deep veneration. 原来是宗主门下的第七位弟子,陈宇不由肃然。 Heavenly Martial Sect Lord for 20 years ago seventh Disciple that receives, named Hong Xiuyuan, at that time the Examination Second name, was still moved the world now Heaven's Proud, had Warm Sun Young Master laudatory name. 天武宗主20年前收的第七位弟子,名为“弘修远”,当时考核第二名,如今仍是名动天下的天骄,有“煦阳公子”的美称。 Under the leadership of delicate Man Hong Xiuyuan, Chen Yu and Qin Wentian, arrive at the Heavenly Martial Sect Sect Master mansion. 在清秀男子弘修远的带领下,陈宇秦问天,来到天武宗宗主的府邸。 This is the entire Martial God Mountain roof, grand Main Hall stands erect here, all around Simple is monotonous, only then the decorations of some Simple, appear solemn and respectful dignified. 这是整个武神山最高处,一座雄伟大殿屹立在此,四周简单单调,只有一些简单的装饰,显得肃穆庄严。 Teacher, two Junior Brother both came.” 师尊,两位师弟都来了。” Hong Xiuyuan does obeisance toward Main Hall. 弘修远朝着大殿一拜。 Comes.” “都进来。” The dignified sound spreads together. 一道威严声音传出。 Just entered Main Hall, saw a giant garcinia morella incense burner, among scattered the pale light greenish blue smoke, attracted sleep to be then refreshing, beforehand swept away exhaustedly. 刚入大殿,就看见一个巨大的铜黄香炉,其内飘散出淡淡青烟,吸上一口便觉神清气爽,之前的疲惫一扫而空。 Afterward, Chen Yu saw Sikong Wanli I. 随后,陈宇看到了司空万里本人。 A clothes robe of opposite party Black Robe interaction, young, but the hair among the snow white, dignified manners was passing the vicissitudes. 对方一身黑袍相间的衣袍,年纪不大,但头发已经雪白,威严神态间透着沧桑。 „After from now on, you, are my Sikong Wanli Disciple.” “从今之后,你们二人,就是我司空万里弟子。” The Sikong Wanli sound is light, the imposing manner is astonishing, one type do not allow to doubt the feeling that to the person. 司空万里声音平淡,气势惊人,给人一种毋容置疑的感觉。 After Simple receives the disciple ceremony, Chen Yu and Qin Wentian Qi Qi does obeisance: Pays a visit Teacher.” 简单收徒仪式后,陈宇秦问天齐齐一拜:“拜见师尊。” Can do obeisance into God Boundary Disciple, perhaps this on behalf in the future, their also hopes, aspires to seize God Boundary, prestige cold Main World. 能够拜入神境门下,这代表日后,他们或许也有一丝希望,问鼎神境,威凛主世界 Since enters my Disciple, then some customs, you should also to understand.” “既然入我门下,那么一些规矩,你们也应该要懂。” Sikong Wanli light [say / way]. 司空万里淡淡道。 Facing God Boundary Powerhouse, opposite party, although has not released slightly the imposing manner pressure, Chen Yu and Qin Wentian as before constraining of ventilation. 面对神境强者,对方虽没有释放出丝毫气势威压,陈宇秦问天依旧有一种透不过气的压抑。 Heavenly Martial Sect to all Disciple, the request, that condenses four Origin Power Stars, then Breakthrough Profound Deep Boundary.” 天武宗对所有弟子,都有一个要求,那就是凝聚四颗元力星辰,然后突破玄冥境。” „Before you, what Cultivation is three revolutions of Stars Cultivation Cultivation Technique, my Heavenly Martial Sect also has many to increase star Method.” “就算你们之前修炼的是‘三转星辰修炼功法,我天武宗也有许多‘增星’法门。” This point, it is well known. 这一点,众所周知。 By four Origin Power Stars Breakthrough Profound Deep Boundary, later will obtain entrusting with heavy responsibility of Heavenly Martial Sect. 以四颗元力星辰突破玄冥境,之后才会得到天武宗的重用。 Has the predecessor to summarize, condenses Origin Power Stars more, the Breakthrough Profound Deep Boundary probability is bigger, Profound Deep Boundary later Cultivation is smoother, can walk is farther. 有前人总结,凝聚元力星辰越多,突破玄冥境的概率越大,玄冥境之后的修行越顺畅,也能走的更远。 In old book related record, these Breakthrough God Boundary big energies, be only few part, once condensed three Origin Power Stars King. 古籍中有关记载,那些突破神境的大能,只有极少数一部分,是曾经凝聚三颗元力星辰王者 Therefore entire Main World, Powerful race influence, to the Congealing Star Boundary Origin Power Stars number, very settles on. 因此整个主世界,强大种族势力,对凝星境元力星辰数目,都十分看中。 Some Genius do not hesitate in Congealing Star Boundary, stays for several years, even hundred years, to condense Origin Power Stars. 一些天才不惜在凝星境,停留十几年,甚至百年,就为了多凝聚一颗元力星辰 Naturally, this is the request of Sect, you are for Disciple of master, Naturally are ten thousand li (0.5km) select an elite, requests you for the master, at least by Four Star half Breakthrough Profound Deep Boundary.” “当然,这是宗门的要求,你们身为为师的弟子,自然是万里挑一的精英,为师要求你们,至少以‘四星半’突破玄冥境。” Sikong Wanli said own request. 司空万里说出自己的要求。 Four Star half?” 四星半吗?” In the Qin Wentian heart Murmuring, has been full of the fighting spirit. 秦问天心中呢喃,充满了斗志。 Qin Family that he is, belongs to Human Race God Boundary Family, in Family has Six Revolving Stars Cultivation Cultivation Technique. 他所在的秦家,属于人族神境家族,家族内有六转星辰修炼功法 Qin Wentian Cultivation Naturally is the Six Revolving Stars Cultivation method. 秦问天修行自然六转星辰修炼法。 He shot a look at Chen Yu one, the innermost feelings secret passage: I will fling you by far after behind, showed that Teacher receives you for the disciple, is an erroneous decision.” 他不由瞥了陈宇一眼,内心暗道:“我会将你远远甩在身后,证明师尊收你为徒,是一个错误决定。” Cultivation Technique is different, the Cultivation difficulty as well as the strength strong and weak are not many. 功法不同,修行难度以及实力强弱也不多。 It looks like in Qin Wentian, Chen Yu Cultivation definitely is Common three revolutions of Cultivation Technique, even if later Cultivation increases star Method, definitely is inferior to the Six Revolving Cultivation method, if from the beginning specializes in Cultivation Technique, then takes the trouble time-consumingly. 秦问天看来,陈宇修炼的肯定是普通三转功法,就算以后修炼“增星”法门,肯定不如六转修炼法,而如果从头专修功法,则费时费力。 Although Qin Wentian has not grasped, Six Revolving Cultivation method Cultivation Perfect, but surpasses Chen Yu not to have the issue absolutely. 虽然秦问天也没把握,将六转修炼修炼圆满,但超过陈宇绝对没问题。 This is a First request.” “这是第一个要求。” Sikong Wanli said again. 司空万里再次道。 Then, he said a Second request. 接下来,他说出第二个要求。 In Heavenly Martial Sect, there is ‚a Heavenly Martial list, my Disciple Disciple, at least must in first 20, otherwise expels Master Men.” 天武宗内,有‘天武榜’,我门下弟子,至少要在前20,否则逐出师门。” You and other people initially enter Sect, I give you ten years of Time to complete.” “你等二人初入宗门,我给你们十年时间完成。” Sikong Wanli expression with deep veneration. 司空万里神色肃然。 This time, he Ranking First and Second in Examination, received Disciple. 这一次,他将考核排名第一第二,都收入了门下 Other Elder somewhat are obviously discontented, thought that Sikong Wanli plays small Method intentionally, Elder, although has not stated clearly, but Sikong Wanli is not a blind person. 其他长老明显有些不满,觉得司空万里故意耍小手段,长老们虽没明说,但司空万里又不是瞎子。 Therefore, he must carry on some arrangements, otherwise is easy to have the hidden danger. 为此,他也要进行一些安排,否则容易发生隐患。 Therefore the Sikong Wanli mood is not very good, to the request of Chen Yu and Qin Wentian, is quite strict. 因此司空万里心情不是很好,对陈宇秦问天的要求,极为严格。 Nearby Hong Xiuyuan, reveals the color of being startled, does not dare to say. 一旁的弘修远,露出微惊之色,也没敢多说。 Obviously links him to think that request of Teacher to Chen Yu and Qin Wentian, is extremely strict. 显然连他都觉得,师尊陈宇秦问天的要求,太过严格。 The Heavenly Martial list, is the Heavenly Martial Sect Disciple strength Ranking list, only includes 100 people. 天武榜,是天武宗弟子实力排名的榜单,只收录100人。 Chen Yu and Qin Wentian, feared that enters the list qualifications not to have continually. 陈宇秦问天,怕连进入榜单的资格都没有。 The Heavenly Martial list first 20, are extremely Strong King, the competition is all intense. 天武榜前20,全都是极其强悍王者,竞争激烈无比。 Initially Hong Xiuyuan, in the 15 th year, intruded first 20. 当初弘修远,也是在第15年,闯入前20。 Now Teacher requests Chen Yu and Qin Wentian, in ten years intrude first 20. 如今师尊要求陈宇秦问天,十年内闯入前20。 Hong Xiuyuan looked at Chen Yu, now Cultivation Congealing Star Initial Stage Peak, ten years later at most Congealing Star Middle Stage. 弘修远不由看了看陈宇,如今修为凝星初期巅峰,十年后顶多凝星中期 But the Heavenly Martial list first 20, that at least condenses four Origin Power Stars fearful King. 天武榜前20,那至少是凝聚四颗元力星辰的可怕王者 Yes.” “是。” Qin Wentian looks Grave, but twinkle Radiance. 秦问天面露凝重,但目中闪烁光芒 Although Chen Yu has not understood the Heavenly Martial list , can only comply. 陈宇虽还不了解天武榜,也只能答应。 „The road of Cultivation, rough rugged, for master, although is the Heavenly Martial Sect Lord, Cultivation reaches God Boundary, will not render you many assistance, you best depend upon yourselves, goes out of own Great Dao, can the harmony of nature and man, understand Joining Heaven.” 修行之路,坎坷崎岖,为师虽身为天武宗主,修为神境,也不会给予你们过多的帮助,你们最好是依靠自己,走出一条属于自己的大道,方能天人合一,通达合天。” Joining Heaven Boundary is Boundary above Profound Deep Boundary, Joining Heaven can call god greatly, this Boundary difficulty is enormous, therefore was called God Boundary by the common people. 合天境玄冥境之上的境界,合天大能又称之为“神”,这个境界难度极大,所以又被世人称之为神境 You, if has anything to have doubts, every half year may inquire a difficult problem to me.” “你们若是有什么疑惑,每半年可向我询问一个难题。” Sikong Wanli then said. 司空万里接着道。 Suitable dispelling doubt, is as Teacher this matter of doing. 适当的解惑,还是作为师尊该做的事。 Currently, what do you have to have doubts?” “现在,你们还有什么疑惑?” Sikong Wanli inquired. 司空万里询问道。 Disciple completes the request of Teacher settledly.” 弟子定当完成师尊的要求。” Qin Wentian categorical [say / way]. 秦问天斩钉截铁的道。 Chen Yu has thought, hesitates opens the mouth to ask: Disciple wants to ask why Teacher afterward did plan to receive me for the disciple?” 陈宇想了下,犹豫间开口问道:“弟子想问,师尊为何后来又打算收我为徒?” Not only he has doubts this, Qin Wentian is also curious, many Elder want to know similarly. 不仅他疑惑这点,秦问天也好奇,诸多长老同样想知道。 Your Cultivation, only then Congealing Star Initial Stage Peak, actually captures this Examination First, decides some not Simple place, thinks that the master received you.” “你修为只有凝星初期巅峰,却夺得此届考核第一,定有些不简单的地方,所以为师收了你。” Sikong Wanli stares at Chen Yu. 司空万里凝视陈宇 May in fact, he be also curious. 可实际上,他也好奇。 He has not planned to receive Chen Yu from the beginning is Disciple, but at that time, Heavenly Martial Sect Supreme Elder, gave him to subpoena suddenly, making him accept Chen Yu, and cannot say this matter. 他一开始没打算收陈宇弟子,但那个时候,天武宗太上长老,忽然给他传讯,让他收下陈宇,并不许将此事说出。 In the Sikong Wanli heart is somewhat aggrieved, oneself receive Chen Yu for the apprentice, has made not the small trouble, and is irresoluble. 司空万里心中有些憋屈,自己收陈宇为徒弟,也惹了不小的麻烦,且还不能解释。 He is curious, why Supreme Elder was received Chen Yu by oneself for the disciple. 他好奇,太上长老为何让自己收陈宇为徒。 Chen Yu is feeling the Sikong Wanli vision, own line of sight as if falls into that profound boundless pupil, is hard to work loose, is deeper and deeper. 陈宇感受着司空万里的目光,自己的视线仿佛陷入那深邃无垠的瞳孔内,难以挣脱,越陷越深。 Until Sikong Wanli takes back the vision on own initiative, all restore as usual. 直到司空万里主动收回目光,一切才恢复如常。 God Boundary is really fearful.” 神境果然可怕。” The Chen Yu innermost feelings sighed one. 陈宇内心叹了一句。 But his Cultivation «Nine Revolving Vast Stars Secret Art», is nine revolutions of Cultivation Cultivation Technique, the future are general, the Breakthrough Profound Deep Boundary probability increases. 而他修炼的《九转昊星诀》,是九转修炼功法,前途广大,突破玄冥境概率大增。 Some day, perhaps he can also achieve Heavenly Martial Sect main Boundary, becomes above domination countless people god. 有朝一日,他或许也能达到天武宗主的境界,成为凌驾无数人之上的“神”。
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