EH :: Volume #8 主世界

#1051: Injured Lin Tianfeng

„Is the Lin Yuxuan engagement incident that you said that true?” “你所说的林雨璇婚约一事,是否属实?” Old-fashioned Man expression is solemn, opens the mouth to ask. 古板男子神色冷峻,开口问道。 Although opposite party reserved Aura, but the Invisible pressure tumbling comes. 对方虽内敛气息,但无形压力翻滚而来。 The vision of other nearby people , are very curious, believe in Geng Handong under pressing for an answer, Chen Yu does not dare to lie. 附近其余人的目光,对此也十分好奇,相信在“庚寒冬”的逼问下,陈宇不敢说谎。 Vision projections come, or sharp or the ice is cold, creates the infinite pressure to Chen Yu. 一道道目光投射而来,或锋利或冰寒,给陈宇带来无穷压力。 This is Heavenly Martial Sect, Powerhouse like clouds! 这就是天武宗,强者如云! Small Junior Brother, this is Geng Handong age Senior Brother, days before was just in the Heavenly Martial list Genius.” “小师弟,这位是庚寒冬师兄,前几日刚登上天武榜的天才。” Hong Xiuyuan smile introduction. 弘修远微笑介绍。 The character on Heavenly Martial list? 天武榜上的人物? Chen Yu shot a look at an eye stone wall, really in 99 positions, has discovered the Geng Handong name. 陈宇瞥了一眼石壁,果然在99的位置,发现了庚寒冬的名字。 Old-fashioned Man Geng Handong brow moves, Hong Xiuyuan said a moment ago this person is small Junior Brother, this new did Disciple, do obeisance into Sect Master Disciple? 古板男子庚寒冬”眉头一动,弘修远刚才称此人为小师弟,难道这名新弟子,拜入了宗主门下 disciple who yesterday Sect Master accepted, and not under Martial God Mountain on a grand scale, therefore many people have not known. 昨天宗主才收的徒,且不是在武神山下大张旗鼓,所以不少人还不知晓。 Sect Master Disciple?” 宗主弟子?” The other people's oppression to Chen Yu weaken immediately. 其余人对陈宇的压迫顿时减弱。 Hong Xiuyuan is also Sect Master Disciple, 20 years pass by, are in the Heavenly Martial list ninth. 弘修远也是宗主弟子,20年过去,就登上天武榜第九。 Another day Chen Yu perhaps is another Hong Xiuyuan. 他日陈宇或许是另一个弘修远 Chen Yu prepared to tell the facts, but thinks that does not have this necessity. 陈宇原本准备实话实说,但想了想,没这个必要。 In Heavenly Martial Sect, the Lin Yuxuan pursuer are too many, oneself are must renounce the engagement with the opposite party, does not need to annoy troublesome these. 天武宗内,林雨璇追求者太多,自己是要跟对方解除婚约,没必要惹这些麻烦。 Cracks a joke.” “只是开个玩笑。” Chen Yu micro peak shoulders. 陈宇微耸双肩。 He denied matter that Lin Yuxuan has the engagement. 他否认了林雨璇有婚约的事。 Once have renounced engagement with her, indeed did not have this matter. 一旦自己跟她解除了婚约,就的确没这事了。 Obtains this reply, Geng Handong relaxed slightly, other people have such feeling. 得到这个回答,庚寒冬稍微松了口气,其余人也有这样的感觉。 The goddess in own heart, but also is very young, how to have the engagement? This boy completely talked nonsense, frightens person. 自己心中的女神,还很年轻,怎么会有婚约呢?这小子尽胡说,吓唬人。 This Junior Brother, Lin Yuxuan is your Senior Sister, is Heavenly Martial Sect peerless Heaven's Proud, later this words cannot talk nonsense.” “这位师弟,林雨璇是你的师姐,更是天武宗绝世天骄,以后这种话可不能胡说。” Old-fashioned Man stern-faced [say / way]. 古板男子一脸严峻的道。 If not Chen Yu is Heavenly Martial Disciple, is Sect Master Disciple, if traded to be the common person to speak this words, only feared that the consequence was serious. 若非陈宇身为天武弟子,又是宗主门下,若换做寻常人说此话,只怕后果惨重。 After having experienced the Heavenly Martial list. 见识了天武榜后。 Hong Xiuyuan brought two Junior Brother to leave, received the Heavenly Martial Sect Disciple clothing, as well as status Commanding Plate. 弘修远带着两位师弟离开,领取了天武宗弟子的服饰,以及身份令牌 Then, manufactures Soul Tablet.” “接下来,去制作魂牌。” Heavenly Martial Sect each only receives 100 elites, protection Level to Disciple Disciple, is much better compared with general Sect. 天武宗每届只收100精英,对门下弟子的保护程度,比一般宗门要好很多。 100 Disciple, will all manufacture Soul Tablet. 100名弟子,皆会制作魂牌 Once the body dies, Soul Tablet has also broken to pieces, Heavenly Martial Sect will know in First Time that and induces to the Death place. 一旦身死,魂牌也就碎了,天武宗会在第一时间得知,并感应到死亡地点。 „The Teacher lot of work, later has any matter, can look for me.” 师尊事务繁忙,以后有什么事,可以找我。” Returns to the Sect Disciple residential district, after Hong Xiuyuan saying that floating goes. 回到宗门弟子居住区域,弘修远笑着说完后,飘然而去。 Qin Wentian and Chen Yu, have not spoken, departs respectively. 秦问天陈宇,没有说话,各自离去。 To Qin Wentian, he only need do a matter now, that promotes the Cultivation strength, making Chen Yu forever not pursue itself, but he goes to the Heavenly Martial list First climb. 秦问天来说,他现在只需做一件事,那就是提升修为实力,让陈宇永远追赶不上自己,而他则冲着天武第一攀登而去。 After Chen Yu returns to the dwelling, starts Cultivation White Tiger Splitting Heaven Claw. 陈宇回到住处后,开始修炼白虎裂天爪 Arrives at Heavenly Martial Sect, the experience to Strong King of all forms, condenses four Origin Power Stars many. 来到天武宗,见识到形形色色的强悍王者,其中不乏凝聚四颗元力星辰的。 Chen Yu was certainly stimulated, longs to strength. 陈宇受到一定刺激,对实力更为渴望了。 He senses Gold Profound Meaning between World, while Cultivation related Method. 他一边感悟天地间的金之奥义,一边修炼相关法门 White Tiger Splitting Heaven Claw, what Cultivation is purely Powerful, the attack of destroying the hardest defenses. 白虎裂天爪,修炼的是纯粹强大,无坚不摧的攻击。 Once builds, Chen Yu is not White Tiger Sacred Race, both hands also changes White Tiger Sacred Claw, the might is infinite, displays White Tiger Sacred Race some Battle Skill. 一旦修成,陈宇就算不是白虎圣族,双手也变化成白虎圣爪,威力无穷,施展白虎圣族的一些战技 Night. 夜晚。 Chen Yu had ended closing up. 陈宇结束了闭关。 Was the time asks her to chat.” “是时候找她谈谈了。” Chen Yu had not forgotten that chooses Heavenly Martial Sect another goal, wants to chat with Lin Yuxuan alone, the matter of engagement. 陈宇没有忘记,选择天武宗的另一个目的,就是想单独跟林雨璇谈谈,婚约的事情。 He went out of the gate, approaches 78 mountain peaks the Center regions, here World Origin Energy is richer, each mountain peak is special, has other Auxiliary effects to Cultivation. 他走出了门,靠近78座山峰的中心地带,这里的天地元气更为浓郁,每一座山峰都特殊,对修行有其他辅助效果。 Lin Yuxuan Cave Mansion, in that highest mountain peak Peak. 林雨璇洞府,就在那最高的一座山峰顶端 After Chen Yu is close, touches Formation Technique to tie. 陈宇接近后,触动阵法结界。 In Cave Mansion, in the lake water Center pavilion, Lin Yuxuan lives to induce suddenly. 洞府内,湖水中心的亭台内,林雨璇忽生感应。 „Did he come?” “他来了?” Lin Yuxuan expression changes. 林雨璇神色微变。 Daytime reason that she is not willing to see Chen Yu, scolds Lin Tianfeng, does not want to let story circulate of engagement, makes everybody knows. 白天她之所以不愿见到陈宇,呵斥林天风,就是不想让婚约的事情传开,闹得人人皆知。 Has not thought that Chen Yu looked in the evening. 可没想到,陈宇晚上就找了过来。 Such unbearably anxious wants to approach me?” “这么急不可耐的想要接近我?” Lin Yuxuan complexion micro cold. 林雨璇脸色微冷。 In her opinion, Chen Yu is looks for fiancee, perhaps plans to train the sentiment first, then arrives at Lin Family to discuss marriage. 在她看来,陈宇就是来找“未婚妻”的,说不定打算先培养一下感情,然后就到林家去提亲。 Her Lin Yuxuan is present age Heaven's Proud, how possibly to have a liking for Chen Yu, such already married the opposite party. 林雨璇身为当世天骄,怎么可能看上陈宇,这么早就嫁给对方。 Doesn't see him?” “难道不见他?” Lin Yuxuan a little difficult office. 林雨璇有点难办。 In Heavenly Martial Sect, even if she does not see Chen Yu at this moment, will always see. 都在天武宗,就算她此刻不见陈宇,总是会见到。 Such being the case, might as well early faces the reality. 既然如此,还不如早早面对现实。 Lin Yuxuan thought that now sees one side Chen Yu, talks clearly own idea, only hopes that the opposite party should not be brazen-faced and shameless. 林雨璇觉得,现在见陈宇一面,将自己的想法说清楚,只希望对方不要死皮赖脸。 Chen Yu that waits for outside, saw suddenly at present ties vanishes, the Purple form appears together suddenly, in this dim moonlight, adds several points of Mysterious aesthetic sense. 在外等待的陈宇,忽然看到眼前结界消失,一道紫色身影忽然出现,在这朦胧月色中,更添几分神秘美感。 „Does Chen Yu, what ask me to have?” 陈宇,找我有何事?” Lin Yuxuan asked. 林雨璇问道。 I am look for you, chatted the engagement incident.” “我是来找你,谈谈婚约一事。” After Lin Yuxuan listened, expression micro positive. 林雨璇听了后,神色微正。 Is Woman, is not willing to propose the engagement on own initiative the matter, but Chen Yu so direct mention, is conforming to her regard unexpectedly. 身为女子,不愿主动提婚约的事情,而陈宇竟如此直接的提起,正符合她的心意。 About the engagement incident, I urged you not to hug too in a big way hopes.” “关于婚约一事,我劝你别抱太大希望。” We betroth children before they are born, before had never seen, does not have the sentiment. Naturally after seeing you, I do not have a feeling to you.” “我们是指腹为婚,之前从未见过,毫无感情。当然见了你之后,我对你也没有一点感觉。” Lin Yuxuan displays the Powerful air/Qi field, as well as own idea. 林雨璇表现出强大的气场,以及自己的想法。 In other words, do you want to break an engagement?” “也就是说,你想悔婚?” Chen Yu innermost feelings micro happy, but this seems natural, the female of Lin Yuxuan such Heaven's Proud, definitely is not willing to marry one to see several Man. 陈宇内心微喜,不过这似乎是理所当然,林雨璇这样的天骄之女,肯定不愿意嫁给一个才见了几面的男子 This is also just right for his intent. 这也正合他意。 When the Chen Yu preparation said oneself idea. 正当陈宇准备说出自己想法时。 ! 唰! Not far away drops a Daoist shade suddenly. 不远处忽然落下一道人影。 Chen Yu, do you rush to Yuxuan elder sister here to do?” 陈宇,你跑到雨璇姐这里来干什么?” Lin Tianfeng planned that night apologized to Lin Yuxuan, and made her to enjoy looking at the moon. 林天风原本是打算,夜晚来向林雨璇道歉,并约她赏月。 After may come here, he saw Chen Yu unexpectedly! 可来到这里后,他竟然又看到了陈宇 Lin Tianfeng thought own ancestors behaved badly, how were being pestered by Chen Yu this evil star. 林天风觉得自己上辈子是不是作孽,怎被陈宇这个煞星纠缠着。 Before made you help me, you did not help me have to move.” “之前让你帮我个忙,你不帮我只好自己行动了。” Chen Yu says with a smile. 陈宇笑着道。 Lin Tianfeng recalls, Chen Yu just saw his time, wants to make Lin Yuxuan. 林天风回想起来,陈宇刚见他的时候,就想约林雨璇 Damn, this fellow big evening's running over, is makes Lin Yuxuan. 该死,这家伙大晚上的跑过来,是来约林雨璇的。 Your this scoundrel, slanders the Yuxuan elder sister to have the engagement in the body, making her reputation be damaged, had a face to appear in the Yuxuan elder sister's front unexpectedly.” “你这混帐,污蔑雨璇姐有婚约在身,令她名誉受损,竟还有脸出现在雨璇姐的面前。” Lin Tianfeng drinks immediately greatly, heavy of air/Qi. 林天风顿时大喝,气的不轻。 Own plan was disrupted by Chen Yu, but Lin Yuxuan came out to see Chen Yu unexpectedly. 自己的计划被陈宇打乱,而林雨璇竟然出来见了陈宇 Because of Chen Yu Examination First, Lin Yuxuan settled on Chen Yu? 难道因为陈宇考核第一,林雨璇看中了陈宇 Forest Senior Sister, said goodbye.” “林师姐,告辞。” Chen Yu has not managed Lin Tianfeng. 陈宇没有管林天风 He should say his idea, since Lin Yuxuan also wants to break an engagement, that do not publicize this matter, so as to avoid has destroyed others' clear reputation. 原本他应该说出自己的想法,不过既然林雨璇也想悔婚,那就还是不要宣扬此事,免得毁了别人的清誉。 Chen Yu, you do not talk clearly to give up any idea of today the matter.” 陈宇,你今天不把事情说清楚休想走。” „The Yuxuan elder sister is my Lin Family First Genius, Human Race present age Heaven's Proud, you cannot be joined to her, after I urged you, do not hit the attention of Yuxuan elder sister again.” 雨璇姐是我林家第一天才,人族当世天骄,你配不上她,我劝你以后不要再打雨璇姐的注意。” Lin Tianfeng sees Chen Yu to neglect itself , to continue to drink greatly, one is the Lin Yuxuan air vent, maintains the Lin Yuxuan appearance, hopes to win the opposite party favorable impression. 林天风陈宇忽视自己,继续大喝,一副为林雨璇出气,维护林雨璇的样子,希望博得对方好感。 But the brow of Lin Yuxuan, is actually slightly a wrinkle. 林雨璇的眉头,却是略微一皱。 Her originally mood is ordinary, now Lin Tianfeng before her, loudly is also quarrelling the matter of engagement. 本就心情一般,现在林天风又在她面前,大吵着婚约的事情。 Chen Yu must walk, Lin Tianfeng is blocking unexpectedly, this bastard, suffers specially own? 陈宇要走了,林天风竟然还拦着,这混蛋,是专门来折磨自己的吗? Lin Tianfeng, asking him to leave.” 林天风,让他走。” Lin Yuxuan opens the mouth to say. 林雨璇开口道。 „The Yuxuan elder sister, your heart was good, cannot such put him, must punish one as a warning to others, otherwise the later every day will have the pursuer, runs to come to here to disturb you.” 雨璇姐,你心地太善良了,绝不能就这么放了他,必须杀鸡儆猴,否则以后每天都会有追求者,跑来这里打扰你。” Lin Tianfeng scolded becomes addicted. 林天风骂上瘾了。 After all he has eaten too big owing in Chen Yu there, now has Lin Yuxuan to support, his courage was also big. 毕竟他在陈宇那里吃了太大的亏,如今有林雨璇撑腰,他胆子也大了。 Chen Yu, you halt to me, otherwise I got rid.” 陈宇,你给我站住,否则我出手了。” Sees Chen Yu to prepare to depart, Lin Tianfeng shouted to clear the way. 陈宇准备离去,林天风喝道。 Shut up!” “闭嘴!” Lin Yuxuan drinks once more. 林雨璇再次一喝。 The Invisible Purple brilliance, with the Strong imposing manner, fills the air, illuminates the entire mountain top. 无形紫色光辉,伴随着强悍气势,弥漫而出,将整个山头照亮。 Those images and scenes, are just the same as the daytime, Lin Tianfeng being scared. 此情此景,跟白天一模一样,将林天风给吓傻了。 He stands rigidly same place, the sweat has soaked the clothes once more, half a word words do not dare to say. 他僵立原地,汗水再次浸湿了衣裳,半句话不敢说。 This what's the matter? 这到底怎么回事? One are maintaining Lin Yuxuan obviously, helping Lin Yuxuan process these pursuers, the opposite party gets angry to oneself? Why injured always? 自己明明是在维护林雨璇,帮林雨璇处理那些追求者,对方怎么又对自己发怒?为何受伤的总是自己? Buzz! 嗡! Lin Yuxuan turns around to return to Cave Mansion, ties the instantaneous formation, how whatever Lin Tianfeng yells uselessly. 林雨璇转身回到洞府,结界瞬间形成,任凭林天风如何叫喊都没用。 Damn, how can like this?” “该死,怎么会这样?” Lin Tianfeng is puzzling. 林天风是百思不得其解。 The goddess that one adore, repeatedly gets angry to him unexpectedly, the reason is one repeatedly slanders the Lin Yuxuan pursuer. 自己倾慕的女神,居然屡次对他发怒,原因则是一个多次诋毁林雨璇的追求者。 „It is not right,......” “不对,难道……” The Lin Tianfeng heart appears an unbelievable thought. 林天风心头浮现一个难以置信的念头。 Chen Yu becomes Examination First, had a liking for by Lin Yuxuan on the contrary? 难道陈宇成为考核第一,反倒被林雨璇看上了? No, is impossible!” “不,绝不可能!” Lin Tianfeng denial. 林天风否定。 How may also explain that Chen Yu comes to visit, Lin Yuxuan came out unexpectedly. 可又如何解释,陈宇前来拜访,林雨璇竟然出来了。 To his knowledge, Heavenly Martial Sect has male Disciple to come to visit Lin Yuxuan every month, but kept them out. 据他所知,天武宗每个月都有男弟子前来拜访林雨璇,但都被拒之门外啊。 After returning to Cave Mansion. 回到洞府后。 Lin Tianfeng passed through night of struggling, finally had the decision. 林天风经过了一夜的挣扎,终于有了决定。 „The Yuxuan elder sister has certainly to feel to Chen Yu, cannot make their sentiments go a step further absolutely.” 雨璇姐一定是对陈宇有感觉了,绝对不能让他们的感情更进一步。” So long as lets Lin Yuxuan, sees the Chen Yu spiritless incompetent appearance, feared that will lose the interest to Chen Yu.” “只要让林雨璇,见到陈宇懦弱无能的样子,怕就会对陈宇失去兴趣。” But Lin Tianfeng personal connection by Chen Yu destroying. 林天风的人脉都被陈宇给毁了。 Lin Yuxuan has the favorable impression to Chen Yu, definitely will not get rid. 林雨璇陈宇有好感,肯定不会出手。 Pursuer who such being the case, can only borrow the Yuxuan elder sister, copes Chen Yu.” “既然如此,只能借雨璇姐的追求者,来对付陈宇了。” In Heavenly Martial Sect, Lin Yuxuan has many pursuers, and is stronger than Chen Yu, if makes them know that Lin Yuxuan and Chen Yu have to arrive at the together trend, certainly will prevent. 天武宗内,林雨璇就有不少追求者,且都比陈宇强,若让他们知道,林雨璇陈宇有走到一起的趋势,一定会阻止。 Following several day. 接下来几日。 Lin Tianfeng spreads some news in secret, said that Chen Yu midnight and Lin Yuxuan makes an appointment with, they take a walk together, Chen Yu also said one have the engagement with Lin Yuxuan...... 林天风暗中散布一些消息,说陈宇半夜与林雨璇约见,两人一起散步,还有陈宇又说自己跟林雨璇有婚约…… Sure enough, for several days, in Heavenly Martial Sect has started storm. 果不其然,短短几日,天武宗内就掀起了一股风暴。 Lin Yuxuan is in most male Disciple hearts the goddess, how they can endure, just Entering Sect Disciple, obtained the favor of goddess. 林雨璇是绝大多数男弟子心中女神,他们怎能忍受,一名刚入门弟子,得到女神的青睐。 Some Cave Mansion on icy peak. 一座冰峰上的某一个洞府 Chen Yu, you actually also said slander the Lin Yuxuan clear reputation the words.” 陈宇,你竟然又说出污蔑林雨璇清誉的话。” The Geng Handong facial features are cold, the whole body ice cold mist ascends, freezes all around air, making all seem static. 庚寒冬面容冷冽,浑身冰寒雾气升腾,将四周空气都冻结,令一切好似静止。
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