EH :: Volume #7 神魔传说

#915: Young Ancestor Feng kills

In everywhere pink Star Light, flower petal dances in the air, the murderous intention is hidden. 漫天的粉色星光中,花瓣飞舞,杀机暗藏。 Dark Feather King is discrete immediately, palm wields, 13 dim light appear suddenly. 暗羽王都立即谨慎起来,手掌一挥,13道幽光乍然浮现。 This is 13 short edges, the wave like the cicada wing, dark transparent. 这是13把短刃,波如蝉翼,幽暗透明。 13 short edges kill immediately, forms tens of thousands of [say / way] knife edge Void Shadow, is similar to everywhere dark feather light, the rush, clashes with Remote Cherry King Killing Move. 13把短刃立即杀出,形成成千上万道刀刃虚影,如同漫天的幽暗羽光,冲杀而出,与幽樱王杀招对撞。 The present aspect, Chen Yu cannot die. 如今的局面,陈宇是死不了。 Such being the case, Dark Feather King also no longer plays the small plans, the use is not very big. 既然如此,暗羽王也不再耍小心机,用处并不是很大。 Only if can massacre Chen Yu. 除非能杀掉陈宇 Now one's own side has the superiority, if can strike to kill Remote Cherry King, to Dark Feather King, is great merit one. 现在己方占据优势,若是能够击杀幽樱王,对暗羽王来说,也是大功一件。 Although Chen Yu hates Dark Feather King, but also knew unable to cope with him now. 陈宇虽恨暗羽王,但也知晓如今还对付不了他。 At present they have the common benefit, if can strike to kill Remote Cherry King, then can the great contributions, therefore temporary both sides collaborate to meet the enemy. 眼下两人有着共同的利益,若能击杀幽樱王,则能得到大量贡献,所以暂时双方联手迎敌。 Bang puff! 轰噗噗! The jet black big dragon that Chen Yu changes, pounces upon suddenly, pair of claws brandishes, destroys all, the main item opens mouth the emitting black flame, spread burning down. 陈宇化作的漆黑巨龙,猛扑而出,双爪挥舞,毁灭一切,龙头张嘴喷吐黑焰,蔓延焚烧。 Demon Dragon changes is blending Half-Step Origin Power, therefore this Powerful Battle Skill might, may be a worthy opponent the attack of Congealing Star King. 魔龙变中参杂着半步元力,因此这一强大战技的威力,可匹敌凝星王者的攻击。 As for Dark Feather King, before was hit by the arrow arrow that Formation Technique formed intentionally, is injured very lightly, the condition influence was not big. 至于暗羽王,之前是故意被阵法形成的箭矢击中,受伤很轻,状态影响不大。 Both collaborate Below, Remote Cherry King offer a sacrifice to Profound Artifact, is at a disadvantage. 两者联手之下,幽樱王就算祭出玄器,也处于下风。 Damn......” “该死……” The Remote Cherry King both eyes twinkle scarlet quiet glow, the tooth rubs creak makes noise. 幽樱王双目闪烁猩红幽芒,牙齿磨的咯吱作响。 Dark Feather King, Heavenly Universe Venerable, should remove.” 暗羽王,天宇尊者,该撤了。” Commander issues the order. 统领下达命令。 Here after is the enemy territory, cannot stay is too long, he also sees Dark Feather King and Chen Yu, has to think to kill Remote Cherry King, but the possibility is too low. 这里毕竟是敌方领地,不能呆太久,他也看出暗羽王陈宇,有心想杀幽樱王,但可能性太低。 Retreats!” “撤退!” Dark Feather King gives a loud shout. 暗羽王大喝一声。 He faces Remote Cherry King, not too big superiority, but Chen Yu is only the attack is a worthy opponent Congealing Star King, overall Battle Strength and Congealing Star King also has certain disparity. 他面对幽樱王,并没有太大的优势,而陈宇只是攻击匹敌凝星王者,整体战力凝星王者还有一定的差距。 In addition today sneak attacks, wants to strike to kill the Remote Cherry King possibility not to be big. 再加上今日只是偷袭,想击杀幽樱王可能性不大。 Human Race and a Monster Race side, immediately evacuates. 人族妖族一方,立即撤离。 The goal of sneak attack has been achieved, has caused certain losses to the enemy side, only need pick a lucky day makes war directly, routs the enemy at one fell swoop. 偷袭的目的已经达到,对敌方造成了一定的损失,只需择日正面开战,一举击溃敌人。 Pursues.” “追。” Alien Race Commander look black, this time was sneak attacked, how could to relinquish in light of this. 异族统领面色阴沉,此番遭到偷袭,岂能就此作罢。 At least must pursue, causes certain losses to the enemy. 至少要追击一番,对敌人造成一定的损失。 Cannot such put them to walk.” “不能就这么放他们走。” Remote Cherry King is also this plan. 幽樱王也是这个打算。 Therefore, two big outstandingly beautiful King, lead the army, chases down. 于是,两大绝色王者,率领大军,追杀而出。 And Remote Cherry King is staring at Chen Yu throughout, in the heart is extremely deep to its hatred, wants to be cut to pieces Chen Yu. 其中幽樱王始终盯着陈宇,心中对其恨意极深,想要将陈宇千刀万剐。 Chen Young Friend, offers a sacrifice to your Profound Artifact, we cut to kill this female with joint forces.” “陈小友,将你的玄器祭出来,我们合力斩杀此女。” Dark Feather King passes on Sound Dao. 暗羽王音道 In his heart also wants to massacre Remote Cherry King, performs the big merit. 他心中还想杀掉幽樱王,立下大功劳。 Chen Yu has not moved immediately, Profound Artifact is his Trump Card, and will consume in the large, ordinary circumstances he will not use easily. 陈宇没有立即行动,玄器是他的杀手锏,且消耗颇大,一般情况下他不会轻易动用。 Quiet blade edge feather kills!” “幽刃羽杀!” 13 short edges revolve in the vault of heaven rapidly, form dark feather storm, among projects the sharp incomparable quiet feather flying blade edge unceasingly, shells Remote Cherry King from the sky. 13道短刃在天穹飞速旋转,形成一股暗羽风暴,其内不断投射出锋利无匹的幽羽飞刃,从上空轰击幽樱王 The Dark Feather King strength, in Congealing Star Boundary Initial Stage, is strong one kind. 暗羽王的实力,在凝星境初期中,属于较强的一类。 His Killing Move displays, the short suppression is Blood Race Remote Cherry King. 杀招施展而出,短暂的压制住了身为血族幽樱王 While this opportunity, Chen Yu calls Burning Heaven Demon Halberd. 趁此机会,陈宇唤出【焚天魔戟】。 Bang! 轰! An overbearing unparalleled Demon Dao pressure, sweeps away eight sides. 一股霸道无双的魔道威压,横扫八方。 Chen Yu True Origin and Half-Step Origin Power, penetrates in Profound Artifact, wields suddenly. 陈宇真元半步元力,贯入玄器之中,陡然一挥。 The bang scoffs! 轰嗤! The jet black huge metal crescent moon, is bringing the black flame of wild destruction together, cuts to go fiercely. 一道漆黑庞大的金属月牙,带着狂暴毁灭的黑焰,猛斩而去。 Chen Yu already has Demon Profound Meaning, comprehended Fire Profound Meaning, in addition Half-Step True Origin, can Burning Heaven Demon Halberd The might displays several tenths, this strikes Strong to be incomparable, arrives in front of Remote Cherry King. 陈宇既拥有魔之奥义,也领悟了火之奥义,再加上半步真元,能够将【焚天魔戟】的威力发挥出几成,这一击强悍无匹,降临幽樱王面前。 Bites bang! 叮嘭! A Remote Cherry King eye of dew is startled, pink folding fan flies, shakes Chen Yu to strike hardly, and its smashing. 幽樱王目露惊慌,粉色折扇飞来,硬撼陈宇一击,并将其粉碎。 In this time, Dark Feather King seizes the opportunity to catch up, a wilder quiet feather falls in torrents from the day, the crazy bang explodes randomly. 就在此时,暗羽王乘机发力,更为狂暴的幽羽从天倾泻,狂轰乱炸。 !! 噌!噌! Remote Cherry King personal appearance flying upside down, body leaves behind several tiny wounds, the corners of the mouth overflows a blood. 幽樱王身形倒飞而出,身上留下十几道细小的伤口,嘴角溢出一丝鲜血。 Blood Race King collaborates Below injured in Chen Yu and Dark Feather King. 血族王者陈宇暗羽王联手之下受伤。 Remote Cherry King, cannot support us to draw back.” 幽樱王,撑不住我们就退。” Another Alien Race feminine King passes message. 另一名异族女性王者传音。 „It is not affected much, drags a while, perhaps Young Ancestor Feng can catch up.” “无大碍,拖一会儿,兴许烽少祖能赶来。” Remote Cherry King sinking sound track. 幽樱王沉声道。 When he knew that Chen Yu comes to this place the news, then subpoenaed gives Young Ancestor Feng, the opposite party said that immediately caught up, needed five days of Time probably. 当他得知陈宇现身此地的消息,便传讯给烽少祖,对方称立即赶来,大概需要五天时间 If Young Ancestor Feng can catch up tonight, can massacre Chen Yu, but can also sneak attack strike directly. 如果烽少祖能在今晚赶来,将能杀掉陈宇,还能给偷袭者迎头一击。 Chases down to continue. 追杀继续。 Although in the King confrontation, Remote Cherry King is in the weak trend, suppresses by Dark Feather King and Chen Yu, the injury constantly accumulates. 虽然王者交锋中,幽樱王处于弱势,被暗羽王陈宇压制,伤势不断累积。 But King Below war, because enemy population are many, has certain superiority. 王者之下的战局,由于敌方人数多,占据一定的优势。 Kills!” “杀!” Dark Feather King killing intent is imposing, fiercely competes and successfully competes. 暗羽王杀意凛然,越战越勇。 His former originally was the minor wound, at this moment convalesced thoroughly, offensive Strong, must take the Remote Cherry King life. 他之前本就是轻伤,此刻已彻底痊愈,攻势强悍,要取幽樱王的命。 Some do not suit.” “有些不对劲。” The Chen Yu vision concentrates. 陈宇目光微凝。 Remote Cherry King has been injured, is in the absolute weak trend , to continue to fight, even there is a possibility that heavy injury falls from the sky. 幽樱王已经受伤,处于绝对的弱势,继续战斗下去,甚至有重创陨落的可能。 But the opposite party bites not to put as before, is supporting stubbornly, is really the fishy. 但对方依旧咬着自己不放,死死支撑着,实在是蹊跷。 Has chased down and continued the moment. 追杀又持续了片刻。 Suddenly. 突然。 A King fluctuation transmits, the far side sky becomes blood red, the monster is different. 一股王者波动传来,远边天空变得一片血红,妖异无比。 Whiz! 嗖! And has together blood red shining light, is carrying extremely the Bloodline oppression of Powerful, arrives at the battlefield. 其中有一道血红灿灿的光影,携带着极为强大血脉压迫,来到战场。 „It is not good, the enemy also has King unexpectedly.” “不好,敌人竟还有一名王者。” The Commander facial color changes, within the body blood trembles slightly. 统领面色微变,体内血液微微颤栗。 But Remote Cherry King reveals wipes smiling face: Young Ancestor has caught up.” 幽樱王则露出一抹笑容:“少祖赶了过来。” ! 唰! The Blood Clothing form arrives to come together, the Man facial features are good-looking, the long hair dance, pair of blood red Eye, blooms the monster different glow, the whole body is sending out the fearful King pressure. 一道血衣身影降临而来,男子面容俊俏,长发狂舞,一双血红的眼瞳,绽放着妖异之芒,浑身散发着可怕的王者威压。 Junior Brother, we met.” 师弟,我们又见面了。” Future Young Ancestor Feng, was once Concealment in Blood Demon Valley Feng Wuxue. 来者正是烽少祖,也就是曾经潜伏血魔谷封无血 The words just said. 话刚说完。 ! 唰! The Young Ancestor Feng personal appearance dodges, the whole body Blood Flame ebullition, changes to Scarlet Shooting Star, drops from the clouds, hits to Chen Yu. 烽少祖身形一闪,浑身血焰沸腾,化作一颗血色流星,从天而降,撞向陈宇 Bang Bang! 轰砰! Displays Chen Yu that Demon Dragon changes to stretch out pair of claws to shell in it together, the fierce explosive sweeps away Four Directions. 施展魔龙变的陈宇伸出双爪与之轰击在一起,剧烈爆响横扫四方 Next flickers, Scarlet brilliance Erupting comes, gives the impact crushing Demon Dragon of Chen Yu whole body. 下一瞬,血色光焰爆发开来,将陈宇周身的魔龙给冲击粉碎。 ! 噌噌! Chen Yu backs up backward 40-50 zhang (3.33 m), within the body Energy and Blood ebullition. 陈宇向后倒退四五十丈,体内气血沸腾。 Congealing Star Boundary!” 凝星境!” Chen Yu sinking sound track. 陈宇沉声道。 In short more than one year of Time, Young Ancestor Feng success Breakthrough Congealing Star Boundary. 短短一年多的时间内,烽少祖成功突破凝星境 However what Chen Yu is more curious, how Young Ancestor Feng knows one in this, so promptly have caught up. 不过陈宇更好奇的是,烽少祖怎么知道自己在这,如此及时的赶了过来。 Young Ancestor Feng, you come just in time.” 烽少祖,你来的正是时候。” Remote Cherry King looks to Chen Yu, looks to sneer. 幽樱王看向陈宇,面露冷笑。 Although Young Ancestor Feng just Breakthrough Congealing Star King, but his Innate Talent is remarkable, Bloodline Powerful, strength not in own Below. 烽少祖虽然刚突破凝星王者,但他天资卓越,血脉强大,实力不在自己之下 Not far away, Dark Feather King expression shakes. 不远处,暗羽王神色一震。 Blood Race Congealing Star Young Ancestor came, Chen Yu must die without doubt!” 血族凝星少祖来了,陈宇必死无疑!” He was guessing before that he leaked the Chen Yu news, how the enemy did not have the sound. 他之前就在猜测,自己泄露了陈宇的消息,敌人怎么毫无动静。 It seems like is Time is too short, prepares without enough time, but this Blood Race Young Ancestor, actually within 5 th, caught up with Blue Forever World. 看来是时间太短,来不及准备,但这位血族少祖,却在五日之内,赶来了苍永界 Very obvious opposite party and Chen Yu have a grudge, this time for Chen Yu. 很明显对方和陈宇有仇,此番就是为陈宇而来。 However only what is a pity, did not have the help of Chen Yu, oneself are impossible to kill Remote Cherry King. 不过唯一可惜的是,没了陈宇的帮助,自己不可能杀死幽樱王 Junior Brother, Senior Brother accompanies you to be amusing today.” 师弟,今日师兄陪你好好玩玩。” The Young Ancestor Feng corners of the mouth hang the color of teasing, the vision are flashing through the glow of hatred. 烽少祖嘴角挂着戏谑之色,目光闪过怨毒之芒。 Initially defeated in the Chen Yu hand, he shamed the anger to be incomparable. 当初败在陈宇手中,他羞怒无比。 But at this time is different in those days, he became Congealing Star King, must report the previous time gut retaliation surely, playing with Chen Yu well. 但今时不同往日,他已成为凝星王者,定要报上次的一箭之仇,好好的玩弄陈宇 Bang! 轰! His palm wields, during is void presents a hundred zhang (333m) to have giant blood cells, is burning flaming Raging Flames, just likes a Scarlet sun, under fierce falling. 他手掌一挥,虚空之中出现一个百丈有余的巨大血球,燃烧着熊熊烈焰,犹如一颗血色日阳,猛的坠下。 Chen Yu facial color Grave, Secret Mark Demon Body activate, displays Defense Battle Skill Demon Dragon Wall and Demon Scales Protecting Body fully! 陈宇面色凝重,秘纹魔体全力催动,施展防御战技魔龙壁魔鳞护体 Bang Bang! 轰砰! The attack of Young Ancestor Feng, the overwhelming power is incomparable, Demon Dragon Wall was destroyed, Demon Scales Protecting Body was also crushed. 烽少祖的攻击,威猛无比,魔龙壁被摧毁,魔鳞护体也被击碎。 A Chen Yu both arms hemp, personal appearance retreats backward. 陈宇双臂一麻,身形向后退去。 Ha Ha!” “哈哈!” Young Ancestor Feng laughs, carefree incomparable, another waves, Scarlet Shooting Star crashes under. 烽少祖大笑一声,畅快无比,又一挥手,血色流星坠落而下。 !!! 蓬!蓬!蓬! Young Ancestor Feng attacks unceasingly, looks at the appearance of Chen Yu distressed backlash, the heart incomparable happiness. 烽少祖不断进攻,看着陈宇狼狈后退的模样,心头无比的痛快。 Junior Brother, in such short Time, your strength has also been increased much, this is also good, so as to avoid quick played you.” 师弟,这么短的时间内,你的实力也提升了不少,这样也好,免得很快就把你玩死了。” In Young Ancestor Feng heart surprise, Chen Yu already anti- own four rounds attacks. 烽少祖心中诧异,陈宇已经抗下了自己的四轮攻击。 Not far away Dark Feather King, in the heart criticizes: This Young Ancestor is sick, is about to kill Chen Yu not to end.” 不远处的暗羽王,心中则是暗骂:“这少祖有病吧,快杀了陈宇不就完了。” Suddenly. 忽然。 Has been in the passive defense, by Chen Yu that Young Ancestor Feng repels unceasingly, has fired into Young Ancestor Feng suddenly. 一直处于被动防守,被烽少祖不断击退的陈宇,陡然冲向了烽少祖 Your Breakthrough King, again?” “就算你突破王者,又如何?” The Chen Yu appearance somewhat is slightly fierce, killing intent is steaming. 陈宇面目略有些狰狞,杀意腾腾。 Thump! Thump! 咚咚!咚咚咚! His Mysterious Heart, enters Erupting Method instantaneously, speed power suddenly to increase. 他的神秘心脏,瞬间进入爆发法门,速度力量暴增。 Mysterious Heart is Blood Race Nemesis, is Chen Yu copes with huge taking advantage of Young Ancestor Feng. 神秘心脏血族克星,也是陈宇对付烽少祖的巨大依仗。 Sure enough, when Mysterious Heart enters Erupting Method, Bloodline of Young Ancestor Feng within the body then trembles, feels scared and dreads! 果不其然,在神秘心脏进入爆发法门之时,烽少祖体内的血脉便颤栗而起,感受到恐慌和畏惧! Damn, is this possible? This will Young Ancestor Breakthrough Congealing Star Boundary, have how also this matter?” “该死,这怎么可能?本少祖已经突破凝星境,怎么还会发生这种事?” Young Ancestor Feng startled checked, obloquies to say. 烽少祖惊慌了一刹,大骂道。 When this condition, previous and Chen Yu fight also has occurred. 这种状况,上次与陈宇战斗时也发生过。 Now occurred again, even if his Breakthrough Congealing Star Boundary, the strength in this moment, slightly were also suppressed. 如今再次发生,就算他突破凝星境,实力也在这一刻,略微受到了压制。 Cut! 斩! Chen Yu wields Burning Heaven Demon Halberd, Strikes fully. 陈宇挥动【焚天魔戟】,全力一击。 Bang! 轰隆! Huge Black metal brilliance, sparkle World, mixes the wind and cloud, is similar to a Black Gold flame dragon, fierce killing to Young Ancestor Feng. 庞大的黑色金属光华,闪耀天地,搅动风云,如同一条黑金炎龙,猛的杀向烽少祖 The Young Ancestor Feng book thinks to have victory in the hand, he has not thought from the start that Chen Yu also dares to counter-attack, therefore was seized the situation by Chen Yu. 烽少祖本以为胜券在握,他压根没想到,陈宇还敢反击,因此被陈宇抢占了先机。 ! 蓬! The bang is shocking, huge demon light explodes inflates unceasingly, covers the surrounding area number hundred zhang (333m), swallows all. 巨响震天,庞大的魔光爆炸不断膨胀,覆盖方圆数百丈,将一切吞噬。 Whiz!! 嗖!蓬! The Young Ancestor Feng form pounds downward, slightly is distressed. 烽少祖的身影向下砸去,略显狼狈。 Cannot to him the opportunity of panting for breath.” “不能给他喘息之机。” In the Chen Yu heart early some plans, after Profound Artifact strikes, «Demon Face Six Layer Sky» displays. 陈宇心中早有打算,玄器一击之后,《魔临六重天》施展而出。 Above the vault of heaven, the dark clouds obstruct the day, among condenses one to count the hundred zhang (333m) big great foot, having the unparalleled demon prestige to step on under. 苍穹之上,黑云遮天,其内凝聚一只数百丈大的巨脚,带着盖世魔威踩踏而下。 ! 蓬! A foot falls, Young Ancestor Feng pounds at a quicker speed to the earth. 一脚落下,烽少祖以更快的速度砸向大地。 ! 蓬! The Second foot arrives rapidly, the Young Ancestor Feng whole body clothing is tattered, in the mouth spouts a big blood. 第二脚飞速降临,烽少祖浑身衣衫破烂,嘴中喷出一大口鲜血。 Chen Yu, I must kill you.” 陈宇,我必杀你。” The Young Ancestor Feng facial color is fierce, the vision is cut-throat. 烽少祖面色狰狞,目光凶狠。 Next flickers, he discovers does not suit, the attack of Chen Yu has not stopped. 下一瞬,他发现不对劲,陈宇的攻击还未停止。 But he was not worried that Chen Yu Three Layers, has not practiced, might might as well First foot. 但他并不担心,陈宇的第三重,没有练成,威力还不如第一脚。 Three Layers Stamping Sky!” 三重踏天!” Chen Yu treads once more. 陈宇再次一踏。 During this year, his Three Layers Entering Sect, can display smoothly, displays its prestige energy. 这一年期间,他第三重入门,能顺利施展而出,发挥其威能。 ! 蓬! A power and influence fiercer foot, fierce falling, steps on above the earth. 威势更为凶猛的一脚,猛的落下,踩踏在大地之上。 Bang! 轰隆隆! The ground shatters, giant rock block floats to empty. 地面震裂,巨大的岩石块浮空而起。 Excuse me, Three Layers has practiced.” “不好意思,第三重已经练成了。” Chen Yu indifferent [say / way]. 陈宇淡然道。 When that huge demon foot diverges, above the earth leaves behind a several feet deep huge Foot Sole seal. 当那巨大的魔脚散去,大地之上留下一个十几丈深的庞大脚掌印。
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