EH :: Volume #7 神魔传说

#916: Does the skeleton not save?

Chen Yu all around noise battlefield, peaceful such one checked. 陈宇四周的喧闹战场,安静了那么一刹。 Was high-spirited a moment ago, rampant self-satisfied Young Ancestor Feng, had been beaten severely by Chen Yu in an instant unexpectedly, the transformation too was big. 刚才意气风发,嚣张得意的烽少祖,转眼间竟被陈宇痛打了一顿,前后转变实在太大。 Young Ancestor Feng.” 烽少祖。” Remote Cherry King is unbelievable, Young Ancestor Feng strength is not weak, how to turn into this? 幽樱王难以置信,烽少祖的实力不比自己弱,怎么会变成这样? Dark Feather King is also the innermost feelings one startled, can Chen Yu punch this Congealing Star Boundary Blood Race Young Ancestor unexpectedly? 暗羽王也是内心一惊,陈宇竟然能将凝星境血族少祖揍成这样? Withdraw!” “撤!” Some people were shouting unceasingly. 不断有人喊着。 Although Chen Yu has the superiority temporarily, the order that but retreats is invariable. 虽然陈宇暂时取得优势,但撤退的命令不变。 Chen Yu also backward withdraws, he can pain flat Young Ancestor Feng, mainly be the Young Ancestor Feng self-confidence inflation, thinks one have victory in the hand, Chen Yu is the fish on block, appointed he butchers. 陈宇也向后撤去,他能痛扁烽少祖,主要是烽少祖自信心膨胀,认为自己胜券在握,陈宇是砧板上的鱼肉,任他宰割。 Chen Yu show the enemy to weakly, suddenly fights back, has yielded the unexpected result. 陈宇示敌以弱,突然发起反击,取得了出乎意料的成果。 In addition, then after is Mysterious Heart enters the Erupting condition, to the suppression of Blood Race. 除此之外,便是神秘心脏进入爆发状态后,对血族的压制。 Bang! 轰! In that huge Foot Sole seal, transmits a bang, the blood light shines. 那巨大的脚掌印里,传来一阵巨响,血光从中照耀而出。 The next quarter, blood light leaps up together fiercely, Young Ancestor Feng is dishevelled hair and dirty face, a face presses up to Chen Yu fiercely: Chen Yu, Japanese Young Ancestor must kill you now.” 下一刻,一道血光猛蹿而出,烽少祖蓬头垢面,一脸狰狞直逼陈宇而来:“陈宇,今日本少祖必杀你。” The Young Ancestor Feng speed is extremely fast, passes through several thousand li (0.5km) instantaneously, overtook Chen Yu. 烽少祖速度极快,瞬间贯穿几千里,追上了陈宇 Without demur, he offers a sacrifice to Burning Snake Sword. 二话不说,他祭出“燃蛇剑”。 This time he is not hugging is playing with the Chen Yu mentality, but whole-heartedly, must cut to kill it. 这次他不在抱着玩弄陈宇的心态,而是全力以赴,要将其斩杀。 Saw that Young Ancestor Feng kills once more, Chen Yu whole-heartedly. 眼看着烽少祖再次杀来,陈宇全力以赴。 His hand grasps Burning Heaven Demon Halberd, Fierce throwing. 他手握【焚天魔戟】,猛的投掷而出。 The bang scoffs! 轰嗤! Demon Halberd projects rapidly, starts the astonishing storm, is similar to overbearing fierce Black Dragon, hits to Young Ancestor Feng. 魔戟飞速射出,掀起惊人的风暴,如同一条霸道凶猛的黑龙,撞向烽少祖 In throwing Below of Chen Yu great strength, the lethality that this strikes is stronger. 陈宇巨力的投掷之下,这一击的杀伤力更强。 Bites bang! 叮嘭! Burning Snake Sword Departs, bumps into with Demon Halberd, has the clear bang. 燃蛇剑】飞出,与魔戟相撞,发出清脆巨响。 Seeing only Burning Snake Sword Was hit to fly away, Demon Halberd continues to attack, kills to Young Ancestor Feng. 只见【燃蛇剑】被撞飞开来,魔戟继续冲击,杀向烽少祖 power of this boy is that terrifying.” “这小子的力量还是那么恐怖。” Young Ancestor Feng innermost feelings one cold, dodges. 烽少祖内心一凛,闪躲开来。 He wild incomparable imposing manner, after Chen Yu this strikes, weakened much, speed also slow. 他狂暴无比的气势,经过陈宇这一击后,削弱了不少,速度也缓了下来。 Chen Yu does not pester with Young Ancestor Feng, retreats along with the army. 陈宇并不与烽少祖纠缠,随着大军撤退。 Once returns to the territory, the enemy also only then clamps the tail to escape. 一旦回到己方领地,敌人也只有夹着尾巴逃跑。 Young Ancestor Feng Naturally knows the plan of Chen Yu: Must before he returns to territory, falls the homicide.” 烽少祖自然知道陈宇的打算:“一定要在他回到领地之前,把他杀掉。” His speed promotes once more, approaches Chen Yu rapidly. 他的速度再次提升,飞速逼近陈宇 Meanwhile, his palm brandishes again and again, bunch of huge incomparable Scarlet Shooting Star, pound to Chen Yu. 同时,他手掌连连挥舞,一团团庞大无比的血色流星,向陈宇砸去。 King offensive, scary incomparable, massacres city to extinguish the pond, can achieve conveniently. 王者攻势,骇人无比,屠城灭池,随手便可做到。 However, Chen Yu to own Defense ability, is very self-confident. 不过,陈宇对自己的防御能力,十分自信。 Even if at this moment, is King, wanting heavy injury he is very difficult. 此时此刻,就算是王者,想要重创他也很难。 Facing the attack of Young Ancestor Feng, Chen Yu activate Hidden Night Winged Wolf Bloodline, carries on to walk randomly slightly dodges. 面对烽少祖的攻击,陈宇微微催动幽夜翼狼血脉,进行游走闪躲。 The great distance really far words, by his flexibility, in addition Space Intent Domain Auxiliary, and are not affected much. 相隔甚远的话,以他的灵活性,加上空间意境辅助,并无大碍。 Goes!” “去!” Young Ancestor Feng drinks, Burning Snake Sword Changes to together Scarlet flowing light, the burr. 烽少祖一喝,【燃蛇剑】化作一道血色流光,飞刺而来。 However at this time Burning Heaven Demon Halberd Returned to side Chen Yu, he grasps Drawing Halberd, wields at will, repels Burning Snake Sword. 不过此时【焚天魔戟】已经回到陈宇身边,他手持画戟,随意一挥,击退【燃蛇剑】。 Other people that in the armies retreats, shocked incomparably looks at this. 大军中撤退的其余人等,震骇无比的看着这一幕。 Heavenly Universe Venerable unexpectedly with not knowing one's place that King fights!” 天宇尊者竟与王者战的不分上下!” This simply is inconceivable, gully between Congealing Star King and Space Ocean Boundary is so big, how does he achieve?” “这简直是不可思议,凝星王者空海境之间的沟壑那么大,他是如何做到的?” Regarding new Vice-Commander, all people may say are sincerely convinced, Dark Feather King some subordinates, very admire. 对于新任副统领,所有人可说心服口服,就连暗羽王的一些手下,都十分佩服。 At this moment, Young Ancestor Feng approached Chen Yu. 就在此刻,烽少祖逼近了陈宇 His within the body Stars Origin Power wells up crazily, body all around condenses nine huge Blood Flame stars, is similar to the Scarlet sun. 他体内星辰元力狂涌而出,身体四周凝聚出九个巨大的血焰星球,如同血色日阳。 Bang! 轰! Above the sky, as if nine Sun, same Time crashes under. 天空之上,仿佛有九个太阳,同一时间坠落而下。 Facing this act, Chen Yu activate Burning Heaven Demon Halberd, Erupting leaves Profound Artifact power, chops the fierce overbearing Black Gold flame to cut together, that blood red great ball, 11 incisions. 面对此举,陈宇催动焚天魔戟】,爆发玄器力量,劈出一道凶猛霸道的黑金炎斩,将那血红巨球,11切开。 I think you to be able activate several Profound Artifact.” “我看你能催动几次玄器。” The Young Ancestor Feng anger shouted to clear the way. 烽少祖怒喝道。 However at this moment, Chen Yu suddenly attacks to him. 然而就在此刻,陈宇忽然向他攻来。 Thump! Thump! 咚咚!咚咚咚! Mysterious Heart enters the Erupting condition once more, Chen Yu speed power multiplies, simultaneously has the suppression to Young Ancestor Feng. 神秘心脏再次进入爆发状态,陈宇的速度力量倍增,同时对烽少祖产生压制。 Fights directly, Chen Yu can contend with Congealing Star Boundary, is actually in a passive situation, and True Origin consumed the light to end. 正面交手,陈宇能抗衡凝星境,却处于被动状态,且真元耗光就完了。 But the words of near body, even if Congealing Star Boundary, will be suppressed by Chen Yu. 但近身的话,就算是凝星境,也将被陈宇压制。 Cuts!” “斩!” Chen Yu displays Blood Transformation Demon Body, wields Demon Halberd, sweeps away. 陈宇施展血变魔体,挥动魔戟,横扫而出。 The Young Ancestor Feng whole body is surrounding blood red Origin Power, wields a fist, both encounter instant, Chen Yu broke the attack of Young Ancestor Feng. 烽少祖浑身环绕着血红元力,挥出一拳,两者交锋的刹那,陈宇破碎了烽少祖的攻击。 Titter! 噗嗤! Demon Halberd has delimited from the arm of Young Ancestor Feng, leaves behind a bloodstain. 魔戟烽少祖的手臂旁划过,留下一道血痕。 Chen Yu continues to approach, launches the crazy fierce attack, he from top to bottom, attacks the sharp weapon, power Strong is incomparable, with the Half-Step Origin Power coordination, Young Ancestor Feng Stars Origin Power is unable to prevent. 陈宇继续逼近,展开狂猛进攻,他浑身上下,都是攻击利器,力量强悍无比,与半步元力配合下,烽少祖星辰元力也无法阻挡。 Bastard, should not by his near body.” “混蛋,不该被他近身的。” Young Ancestor Feng looks embarrassedly. 烽少祖面露难堪。 By Chen Yu nearly behind, his hands tied feet tied, but Chen Yu as if went crazy the general attack, making him helpless. 陈宇近身后,他自己束手束脚,而陈宇则仿佛发了疯一般的进攻,令他手足无措。 The Battle Skill speed is fast, needs a process of condensation release, but the Chen Yu fists and feet Simple violence, the continual attack, does not give the opportunity of Young Ancestor Feng slightly respite. 战技速度再快,也需要一个凝聚释放的过程,而陈宇的拳脚简单暴力,连续进攻,不给烽少祖丝毫喘息之机。 Bang Bang! 轰砰! Young Ancestor Feng releases huge Stars Origin Power, draws back the Chen Yu bang, oneself backward have also drawn back a distance. 烽少祖释放出庞大的星辰元力,将陈宇轰退,自己也向后退了一段距离。 The Chen Yu body surface leaves behind many scars, but repairs under the Middle Rank Inextinguishable Body resiliency slowly. 陈宇体表留下不少伤痕,但在中等不灭体的恢复力下慢慢修复。 Meanwhile, he with the aid of that thrust force, flies to remove backward. 同时,他借助那一股推力,向后飞撤。 Bastard, do not run.” “混蛋,别跑。” Young Ancestor Feng shouted to clear the way. 烽少祖喝道。 Ha Ha, a moment ago went all out wants to be far away from me, now asks me not to leave, what meaning is Young Ancestor Feng?” “哈哈,刚才拼了命的想要远离我,现在又让我别走,烽少祖到底是什么意思?” Chen Yu ridiculed. 陈宇嘲笑道。 However, his True Origin remained not many, only if near body fight, otherwise the situation is not wonderful. 不过,他真元已经所剩不多,除非近身战斗,否则处境不妙。 Is good because of the distance one's own side city, was getting more and more near. 好在距离己方城池,越来越近了。 Chen Yu, you angered me thoroughly.” 陈宇,你彻底将我惹怒了。” Young Ancestor Feng is burning with anger, flies into a rage. 烽少祖怒火中烧,勃然大怒。 Under own Breakthrough Congealing Star Boundary, several have fought, cannot massacre Chen Yu, instead makes the opposite party profit, is Blood Race Young Ancestor he, how could to have received so the humiliation. 自己突破凝星境,几番交手下,都没能杀掉陈宇,反而让对方占了便宜,身为血族少祖的他,何曾受过如此屈辱。 Blood checks cuts.” “血刹斩。” Young Ancestor Feng opens mouth to spout radiant blood, splashes down in Burning Snake Sword Above, Profound Artifact Erupting leaves extremely dazzling blood light immediately, made the person palpitation. 烽少祖张嘴喷出一口璀璨的血液,溅落在【燃蛇剑】之上,玄器立即爆发出极为耀眼的血光,令人心悸。 ! 咻! Young Ancestor Feng pinches Technique Secret Art, Profound Artifact in the airborne extreme twist, the prestige can gradually increase, some moment explodes to shoot toward Chen Yu. 烽少祖掐动法诀,玄器在空中急速旋转,威能逐渐增加,某一刻朝陈宇爆射而出。 Chen Yu already realized that is not wonderful, ran to not far away Dark Feather King. 陈宇早就察觉到不妙,向不远处的暗羽王跑了过去。 „Does scoundrel, you do?” “混账,你干什么?” The Dark Feather King facial color big change, Young Ancestor Feng this strikes, even if he felt that the heart is startled. 暗羽王面色大变,烽少祖这一击,就算是他都感到心惊。 Dark Feather King, we also with joint forces fought a moment ago, now you also help my.” 暗羽王,刚才我们还合力战斗,现在你也来帮我一把。” Chen Yu smiled, did not fear that Dark Feather King does not get rid. 陈宇笑了笑,不怕暗羽王不出手。 On the survival capability, he may be stronger than Dark Feather King. 论生存能力,他可比暗羽王还要强。 „A character cuts quiet.” “一字幽斩。” Dark Feather King pinches Technique Secret Art, 13 short edges, are connected, as if changes to a handle long sword, is having the fearful quiet Dark Star splendor, fires into Burning Snake Sword. 暗羽王掐动法诀,13把短刃,前后相连,仿佛化作一柄长剑,带着慑人的幽暗星辉,冲向【燃蛇剑】。 Chen Yu also immediately gets rid, Lesser Yang Sword Finger and Sun Sword Finger display. 陈宇也立即出手,少阳剑指阳明剑指施展而出。 Both collaborate Below, Young Ancestor Feng this strike are melted, including Sword Finger together, passes through void, touches and goes from the thigh of Young Ancestor Feng, swallows together Blood and Flesh. 两者联手之下,烽少祖这一击被化解,其中有一道剑指,贯穿虚空,从烽少祖的腿部擦过,吞噬一块血肉 Dark Feather King shifts the battlefield immediately, so as to avoid becomes the Chen Yu shield. 暗羽王立即转移战场,免得又成为陈宇的挡箭牌。 However Chen Yu sticks to Dark Feather King, is not willing to give up this charm amulet. 然而陈宇紧贴暗羽王,不肯放弃这张护身符。 Remote Cherry King, collaborated to kill them.” 幽樱王,联手杀了他们。” Young Ancestor Feng drinks one severely, the pale complexion, killing intent is astonishing. 烽少祖厉喝一声,铁青的脸色,杀意惊人。 Chen Yu, go away!” 陈宇,滚开!” Dark Feather King loudly exclaimed, in heart angry Fire extremely. 暗羽王大吼道,心中恼火之极。 But he cannot get rid to Chen Yu, even cannot see somebody in danger and do nothing, this makes the Dark Feather King air/Qi the whole body tremble. 但他又不能对陈宇出手,甚至也不能见死不救,这让暗羽王气的浑身发抖。 Dies.” “去死吧。” In this time, Remote Cherry King and Young Ancestor Feng kills together, everywhere pink color flower petal and blood red spark, fall in torrents to come, is similar to the end disaster, must destroy World. 就在此时,幽樱王烽少祖一起杀来,漫天粉色花瓣与血红星火,倾泻而来,如同末日天灾,要毁灭天地 Dark Feather King flies to remove backward, and recalls Spirit Artifact, 13 short edges surround around him, forms at the same time the dark feather mark light shield. 暗羽王向后飞撤,并且召回灵器,13把短刃环绕在他四周,形成一面幽暗的羽纹光盾。 This old fogy!” “这老家伙!” Chen Yu stared at Dark Feather King one, the opposite party has been unexpectedly rather injured, was not willing the move to meet the enemy, the goal wants to make Chen Yu ruin in the successive hand of Remote Cherry King and Young Ancestor Feng. 陈宇盯了暗羽王一眼,对方竟然宁愿受伤,也不愿出招迎敌,目的是想让陈宇葬送在幽樱王烽少祖的连手中。 Bang! 轰隆! The Startling Heaven attack of King falls, Chen Yu displays Demon Scales Battle Armor and Black Demon Protection Star two big Defense Battle Skill resists. 王者惊天攻击落下,陈宇施展魔鳞战铠黑魔护罡两大防御战技进行抵挡。 Everywhere pink color flower petal and blood red spark, embezzle all, crash under. 漫天粉色花瓣与血红星火,将一切吞没,坠落而下。 Many Venerable and Half-Step of King following battle, looks panic-stricken, in abundance the evacuation. 下面交战的诸多尊者半步王者,面露惊恐,纷纷撤离。 Bang Bang! 轰砰! The earth shatters, explodes Startling Heaven. 大地震裂,爆炸惊天 Chen Yu, you must die today, in your Teacher body Heartless Blood Poison, must die without doubt, waits for Blood Race War Command Great Universe World, your same side Senior Brother younger brother all can get down to accompany you.” 陈宇,你今日必死,你的师尊身中无心血毒,也是必死无疑,等血族战令大宇界,你的同门师兄弟全都会下去陪你。” Young Ancestor Feng is fierce the face to have a good laugh. 烽少祖狰狞着面孔仰天大笑。 Today can revenge, washes off the shame, he is cheering from top to bottom. 今日得以报仇,洗刷耻辱,他浑身上下都在欢呼雀跃。 ...... …… When the storm dissipates, the field of vision is clear. 当风暴消散,视野清晰。 Young Ancestor Feng looked under one, Chen Yu?” 烽少祖看了一眼下方,“陈宇呢?” He saw a moment ago obviously that Chen Yu and Remote Cherry King collaborates to hit by oneself. 他刚才明明看到,陈宇被自己和幽樱王联手击中。 But this moment ground does not have the Chen Yu shadow. 可此刻地上却没有陈宇的影子。 „Does skeleton not save?” “尸骨无存?” Remote Cherry King surprised uncertain [say / way]. 幽樱王惊疑不定的道。 Must retreat, the front is their cities, had the support to catch up!” “必须撤退了,前方就是他们的城池,已经有支援赶了过来!” Another Alien Race King shouts. 另一名异族王者喊道。 „...... Withdraw!” “……撤!” The Young Ancestor Feng vision has swept one, has not discovered the Chen Yu corpse , can only retreat. 烽少祖目光扫了一眼,没有发现陈宇的尸体,也只能撤退。 He has not noted, in the ground is lying down Blood Race Man, crawls suddenly, follows Blood Race to depart. 他没注意到,地面上躺着的一名血族男子,突然爬起来,跟随血族离去。 odd|surplus brother, you are survived, affects by the attack of Remote Cherry King and Young Ancestor Feng, but can also save a life.” “余兄,你真是大难不死啊,被幽樱王烽少祖的攻击波及,还能捡回一条命。” Blood Race Half-Step King, looks to Chen Yu, says with a smile. 一名血族半步王者,看向陈宇,笑着道。 He He, luck good Nothing More!” “呵呵,运气好而已!” That is, Human Race Heavenly Universe Venerable, hits by Young Ancestor Feng and Remote Cherry King frontage in attack, the skeleton not saves, your luck is good, but was affected.” “那是,人族天宇尊者,被烽少祖幽樱王的攻击正面击中,尸骨无存,你运气好,只是被波及。” Blood Race Man no longer said a word, the innermost feelings actually sneered: Excuse me, This Senior by you.” 血族男子不再言语,内心却是冷笑:“不好意思,本尊就在你旁边。” In the confusion, Chen Yu has massacred not far away affected Blood Race Half-Step King, its substitution. 刚才的混乱中,陈宇杀掉了不远处被波及的一名血族半步王者,将其取代。 The Young Ancestor Feng words, stimulated Chen Yu, making him make a decision. 烽少祖刚才的话,刺激到了陈宇,让他做出了一个决定。 Concealment Blood Race, seeks for the Heartless Blood Poison antidote once more. 再次潜伏血族,寻找无心血毒的解药。 Meanwhile he camouflages Blood Race, has avoided Remote Cherry King and Young Ancestor Feng murderous intention. 同时他伪装血族,也避免了幽樱王烽少祖的杀机。 Chen Yu looks to front Flying Young Ancestor Feng and Remote Cherry King, the opposite party only feared that has a dream cannot think, oneself present in them behind. 陈宇看向前方飞行烽少祖幽樱王,对方只怕做梦都想不到,自己如今就在他们身后。 If there is an opportunity, Chen Yu will kill Remote Cherry King absolutely, Young Ancestor Feng. 若有机会,陈宇绝对会杀了幽樱王,还有烽少祖
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