EH :: Volume #7 神魔传说

#914: Confrontation King

After Remote Cherry King appears, as if has not discovered Chen Yu, immediately launches Fierce Battle with Dark Feather King. 幽樱王出现后,似乎并未发现陈宇,立即与暗羽王展开激战 Chen Yu, destroys the enemy city.” 陈宇,破坏敌方城池。” Commander passes message to Chen Yu. 统领陈宇传音。 Before fought Wu Tai to fight, Chen Yu showed the Powerful strength, was not weak in established Half-Step Congealing Star Boundary. 之前斗武台一战,陈宇展现出强大的实力,不弱于老牌半步凝星境 In addition, in the Chen Yu hand has a Profound Artifact card in a hand, almost can let him in Congealing Star King Below, is in the invincible position. 除此之外,陈宇手中有一件玄器底牌,几乎可以让他在凝星王者之下,处于不败之地。 Nowadays, Commander and Dark Feather King, divert enemy two King. 现如今,统领暗羽王,牵制住敌方两名王者 Destroys Mission of enemy city, gave Chen Yu. 破坏敌方城池的任务,就交给陈宇了。 Enemy Great Formation and city construction is in one, once Formation Technique activate, the entire city is then difficult to destroy slightly, only if breaks through Great Formation. 敌方大阵与城池建筑合为一体,阵法一旦催动,整个城池便再难破坏丝毫,除非攻破大阵 ! 蓬! A Chen Yu boxing leaves, the gigantic fist light pounds down from the day, is glittering the construction that one mark light winds, changes into the ruins. 陈宇一拳击出,硕大的拳光从天砸下,将一座正闪烁阵纹光络的建筑,化为废墟。 Stop!” “住手!” A great roar transmits. 一声巨吼传来。 At once then sees together huge form, is bringing the dense and numerous Thunder Light electricity silk, speeds along to come, the momentum is scary. 旋即便见一道庞大的身影,带着密密麻麻的雷光电丝,飞驰而来,声势骇人。 Carefully looked that Alien Race body is grandiose, skin Black, is similar to a Black Gold hill, the whole body is twining Thunder and Lightning, seems extremely fearful. 仔细一看,那名异族身体壮硕,皮肤黝黑,如同一座黑金小山,浑身缠绕着雷电,看上去极为可怕。 You are...... Chen Yu!” “你是……陈宇!” This Alien Race Half-Step King, sees Chen Yu instant, then calls out in alarm. 这名异族半步王者,看到陈宇的刹那,便惊叫而起。 He has not thought that Chen Yu will appear unexpectedly here. 他也没想到,陈宇竟会出现在这里。 However Chen Yu strength Powerful, he does not have the ability to cut to kill, immediately first blocks Chen Yu, does not make the opposite party continue to destroy. 不过陈宇实力强大,他没有能力斩杀,当下还是先挡住陈宇,不让对方继续破坏。 Bang! 轰! As soon as he fights with the fists, the giant fist light, lingers infinite Thunder and Lightning, the crush is coming, to destroy Aura to fill the air. 他一拳打出,巨大的拳光,萦绕着无穷雷电,碾压而来,毁灭气息弥漫。 „The strength of this person, is equally matched with Green Fierce Venerable.” “此人的实力,与青烈尊者不相上下。” Chen Yu felt the might of this fist, in the heart had the judgment. 陈宇感受这一拳的威力,心中有了判断。 Before five day, with the competition of Green Fierce Venerable, he does not have the heart of killing the enemy, is hitting playing purely. 五日前与青烈尊者的比试,他没有杀敌之心,纯粹是打着玩。 But this is the battlefield, is not you dies is I perishes! 但这是战场,不是你死就是我亡! Kills!” “杀!” Chen Yu gives a loud shout, Secret Mark Demon Body activate, rushes ahead. 陈宇大喝一声,秘纹魔体催动,冲杀出去。 Opposite party Thunder and Lightning power, Chen Yu does not fear. 对方的雷电力量,陈宇也丝毫不惧。 The body has Middle Rank Inextinguishable Body , so long as is not the quite serious wound, does not have any issue. 身具中等不灭体,只要不是较为严重的创伤,就都没什么问题。 Bang! Bang! 嘭!嘭! Both encounter ten moves, Alien Race Half-Step King are then repelled far of hundred zhang (333m) by Chen Yu. 两者交锋十招,异族半步王者便被陈宇击退百丈之远。 He did not fear to my Thunder and Lightning power.” “他对我的雷电力量一点也不怕。” The Alien Race Half-Step King facial color is pale. 异族半步王者面色铁青。 He knew himself unable to kill Chen Yu, but has not thought that he linked Chen Yu to fight less than ten moves then to be repelled. 他知晓自己杀不了陈宇,但没想到,他连陈宇交手不到十招便被击退。 This makes Alien Race Half-Step King feel the intense shame. 这让异族半步王者感到强烈的耻辱。 Thunder Light armor!” 雷光甲!” Alien Race Half-Step King shows the unique skill, whole body Thunder and Lightning is more crowded, unceasingly. 异族半步王者施展绝技,浑身雷电更加密集,噼里啪啦不断。 Sees only above his body, condenses Armor that Thunder Light sparkles, almost wraps whole body. 只见他身躯之上,凝聚出一副雷光闪闪的铠甲,几乎包裹全身上下。 Thunder Light armor, may strengthen the attack and Defense , to promote Battle Strength. 雷光甲,可强化攻击与防御,提升战力 Chen Yu does not show weakness, the body surface condenses Demon Scales Battle Armor, offers a sacrifice to Blood Stone Flame, Attacks once more. 陈宇也不示弱,体表凝聚出一副魔鳞战铠,祭出【血琉焰】,再次进攻。 Although the Alien Race Half-Step King Thunder and Lightning might is strong, but Blood Stone Flame Is more fearful to the Blood and Flesh lethality. 异族半步王者雷电威力虽强,但【血琉焰】对血肉的杀伤力更为可怕。 Lesser Yang Sword Finger! Sun Sword Finger! 少阳剑指阳明剑指 Chen Yu displays two Sword Finger continuously, the Blood Flame light beam straight line bombardment goes, penetrates Thunder Light armor Defense, pricks in the body of Alien Race Half-Step King. 陈宇连续施展出两道剑指,血焰光柱直线轰击而去,击穿雷光甲的防御,刺入异族半步王者的躯体之内。 „......” “啊……” The Alien Race Half-Step King pitiful yell, withdraws several steps, revolution True Origin and Concept of Thunder, Flame driving out. 异族半步王者惨叫而起,退后十几步,运转真元雷之意境,将火焰给驱除。 This looked by the people in the eye. 这一幕被众人看在眼中。 Heavenly Universe Venerable was too strong, thunderous Venerable faces not to have the strength of resisting unexpectedly.” 天宇尊者太强了,雷鸣尊者竟面对毫无招架之力。” Before Heavenly Universe Venerable, although defeats Green Fierce Venerable, but that is the Profound Artifact deterrent. But now, with Green Fierce Venerable strength Powerful thunderous Venerable, fights more than 20 moves with Heavenly Universe Venerable then by heavy injury.” “之前天宇尊者虽击败青烈尊者,但那是玄器威慑。而现在,与青烈尊者实力强大的雷鸣尊者,与天宇尊者交手才20多招便被重创。” One's own side to Chen Yu this Vice-Commander, admiring even more. 己方对陈宇这个副统领,越发的佩服。 However in this time. 不过就在此时。 Enemy Great Formation connected part, formed an incomplete blue mark light cover, the strength of Formation Technique condenses unceasingly. 敌方大阵连接起了一部分,形成一个残缺的蓝纹光罩,阵法之力不断凝聚。 Whiz! 嗖! Only covers Peak, the blue light twinkle, presents a huge blue person's shadow, draws the bowstring, launches together the arrow arrow. 光罩顶端,蓝光闪烁,出现一个巨大的蓝色人影,拉动弓弦,发射出一道箭矢。 That arrow magnitude reaches the hundred zhang (333m), passes through void, is glittering the gloomily blue water glare, directly soars Dark Feather King to go. 那箭矢长达百丈,贯穿虚空,闪烁着幽蓝水光,直奔暗羽王而去。 Has gathered the arrow of strength of Formation Technique, is equal strikes to King. 集合了阵法之力的一箭,相当于王者一击。 With Remote Cherry King Fierce Battle Dark Feather King, among unexpected Below, chest blood is flowing, the facial color is embarrassed, flies to remove backward. 正与幽樱王激战暗羽王,猝不及防之下中间,胸口血液流淌,面色难堪,向后飞撤。 Commander, should remove.” 统领,该撤了。” Dark Feather King passes on Sound Dao. 暗羽王音道 Retreats!” “撤退!” Commander is very decisive. 统领十分果断。 After is only the sneak attack, is not the head confrontation. 毕竟只是偷袭,不是正面交锋。 Once enemy influence builds up completely, one's own side is in the weak trend. 一旦敌方势力全部集结,己方则处于弱势。 Moreover after Dark Feather King is wounded, then retreated, they have to evacuate. 而且暗羽王负伤后,便率先撤退了,他们也不得不撤离。 Hears to retreat the order, Chen Yu withdrawal without hesitation. 听到撤退命令,陈宇毫不犹豫的撤走。 May suddenly, a quiet cold sound transmit. 可忽然,一声幽冷的声音传来。 Chen Yu, you did not use!” 陈宇,你就不用走了!” A huge boundless King pressure, moves mountains the tumbling comes, to make the Chen Yu Energy and Blood ebullition. 紧接着,一股庞大无边的王者威压,排山倒海般的翻滚而来,令陈宇气血沸腾。 The Woman form approaches to come together rapidly, is Remote Cherry King! 一道女子身影飞速逼近而来,正是幽樱王 Chen Yu, walks quickly.” 陈宇,快走。” Commander realizes this, gives a loud shout, prepares to get rid. 统领察觉到此,大喝一声,准备出手。 But another Alien Race King, gets rid to stop immediately, nine Purple light rosy cloud confused swells come, making Commander must get rid to deal, has no time to care about Chen Yu. 但另一名异族王者,立即出手阻拦,九道紫色光霞暴涌而来,令统领必须出手应对,无暇顾及陈宇 Chen Yu, initially made you run away, today you keep this place the poor life.” 陈宇,当初让你逃了,今日你就将小命留在此地吧。” On the Remote Cherry King face is hanging excited happy expression, vision Bloodthirsty. 幽樱王脸上挂着兴奋笑意,目光嗜血 Stroke of her white hands in void, one huge pink flower petals, like the mirror, the edge like the knife point, fast delimit smoothly. 她玉手在虚空中一划,一片巨大的粉色花瓣,光滑如镜,边缘如刀锋,飞快划出。 Dark Feather King that bastard, running was also too quick.” 暗羽王那混蛋,跑的也太快了吧。” The Chen Yu heart criticizes. 陈宇心头暗骂。 If trades to make other King, perhaps is not intends, but Dark Feather King, definitely intentionally withdraws. 若换做其他王者,或许不是有意的,但暗羽王的话,肯定是故意撤走。 Chen Yu was strange, by the Dark Feather King temper, will definitely not give up, but is nearer the date and time, the opposite party does not have the sound, with a Chen Yu exchange, has not had any contradiction. 原本陈宇还奇怪,以暗羽王的性子,肯定不会善罢甘休,但近些时日,对方毫无动静,和陈宇没有一句交流,没发生任何矛盾。 Now, his fox has shown the tail finally. 现在,他终于狐狸露出了尾巴。 Strikes facing King swiftly and violently, if Chen Yu runs away wholeheartedly, instead is the dangerous behavior. 面对王者迅猛一击,陈宇若一心逃遁,反而是危险的行为。 Sun Sword Finger! Lesser Yang Sword Finger! 阳明剑指少阳剑指 He retrocedes at the same time, Blood Stone Flame Condenses the fingertip, two Sword Finger display. 他一边后退,【血琉焰】凝聚指尖,两道剑指施展而出。 !! 咻!咻! Two radiant gorgeous Blood Flame light beams, hit above that huge pink flower petal. 两道璀璨艳丽血焰光柱,击中在那巨大的粉色花瓣之上。 Half breath, pink flower petal the Blood Flame light beam to the cutting smashing, Sword Finger power, still had created the damage to it unexpectedly, has left behind two fissures. 半息不到,粉色花瓣竟将血焰光柱给切割粉碎,不过剑指力量,仍旧对其造成了损伤,留下了两道裂痕。 „This child attack, achieved to pursue unexpectedly compares the attack of Congealing Star King.” “此子的攻击,竟达到追比凝星王者的攻击了。” Remote Cherry King sees this, vision concentrates, killing intent is more abundant. 幽樱王看到这一幕,目光微凝,杀意更盛。 Then short Time, the Chen Yu strength has such big promotion, is really the quick astonishment. 这才多短时间,陈宇的实力就有这么大的提升,实在是快的惊人。 Remote Cherry King even felt, Chen Yu even can in ten years, Breakthrough Congealing Star Boundary! 幽樱王甚至感觉,陈宇甚至能在十年内,突破凝星境 When the time comes, oneself his match? 到时候,自己还是他的对手吗? Bang Bang! 轰砰! Chen Yu displays Demon Scales Protecting Body and Black Demon Protection Star, the surplus prestige energies that hard anti- Remote Cherry King this strikes, have kept off smoothly. 陈宇施展魔鳞护体黑魔护罡,硬抗幽樱王这一击的剩余威能,顺利挡了下来。 I have not misread, Heavenly Universe Venerable has blocked Remote Cherry King strikes!” “我没看错吧,天宇尊者挡住了幽樱王的一击!” Has the Humanity shock sigh. 人类震惊感叹。 Not far away Green Fierce Venerable, is creepy feeling. 不远处的青烈尊者,也是头皮发麻。 Such enemy, died earlier well. 这样的敌人,还是早点死了好。 Chen Yu, you made This King surprised, more shocking that but you displayed, the possibility on exceed not having gone on living!” 陈宇,你真令本王惊讶,不过你表现的越惊艳,就越没有活下去的可能!” The Remote Cherry King both arms launch, the whole body pink color Star Light sparkle, huge flower petal Void Shadow the congealing reality, launches gradually one by one, is similar to a fan. 幽樱王双臂展开,周身粉色星光闪耀,庞大的花瓣虚影逐渐凝实,逐一展开,如同一把扇子般。 Death!” “死!” The Remote Cherry King arm wields, nine pink flower petals howl. 幽樱王手臂一挥,九片粉色花瓣呼啸而出。 This time, Remote Cherry King has not kept the hand, it can be said that leaves the move fully! 这一次,幽樱王没有留手,可以说是全力出招! Even if Chen Yu, feels a pressure. 就算是陈宇,都感到一股压力。 Demon Dragon changes!” 魔龙变!” Although the pressure is big, but fights intent to be stronger! 压力虽大,但战意更强! He early then wants to try fighting with Congealing Star King very much, but Remote Cherry King is a foe, is just right for the meaning of Chen Yu. 他很早便想与凝星王者试着交手,而幽樱王算是仇敌,正合陈宇的意思。 Saw only on Chen Yu all Demon Mark as if to live, the inflation increased, soaring. 只见陈宇身上的所有魔纹仿佛活了过来,膨胀变大,腾飞而起。 Bang! 轰隆隆! Turns black light wells up, whooshes the sound to spread from Demon Mark unceasingly. 黑光翻涌,嘶吼声不断从魔纹中传出。 On Chen Yu condenses a huge shadow instantaneously, reaches as high as the hundred zhang (333m) jet black big dragon. 陈宇身上瞬间凝聚出一只庞大的黑影,高达百丈漆黑巨龙。 Big dragon pair of claws rumbles instantaneously, hits with the First piece pink color flower petal together. 巨龙的双爪瞬间轰出,与第一片粉色花瓣撞击到一起。 Bang! 轰嗤嗤! Dragon Claw was cut the huge wound, the flower petal is also ejected fissures. 龙爪被切割出巨大的伤口,花瓣也被击出一道道裂痕。 But, the following eight sharp incomparable flower petal arrives. 但紧接着,后面八片锋利无匹的花瓣降临而来。 Demon Dragon whooshes, opens mouth to spout Flame, is also mixing with Blood Stone Flame, black prosperous class billowing, burns down all. 魔龙嘶吼,张嘴喷出火焰,其中还夹杂着血琉焰,黑红火流滚滚而出,焚烧一切。 Bang! 轰隆隆! Explodes Startling Heaven, the storm fills the air unceasingly, affects eight sides, destroys all. 爆炸惊天,风暴不断弥漫,波及八方,毁灭一切。 ! 咻噗! Last pink flower petal, divides into two Demon Dragon, has delimited the shoulder of Chen Yu, leaves behind together three cuns (2.5cm) deep wound. 最后一道粉色花瓣,将魔龙一分为二,划过陈宇的肩膀,留下一道三寸深的伤口。 „All -out attack of King, is really fearful, Demon Dragon changes also will with it contending.” 王者的全力攻击,果然可怕,魔龙变也才堪堪与之抗衡。” Chen Yu heart Grave. 陈宇心头凝重 In addition, his wound restores speed to be also slow, after is the attack that King creates. 此外,他的伤口恢复速度也较慢,毕竟是王者造成的攻击。 And attack of Remote Cherry King, Accumulating toxin. 幽樱王的攻击,蕴含毒素。 If trades to make general Half-Step Congealing Star, feared that must revolve some power suppression toxin. 若换做一般半步凝星,怕是得运转部分力量压制毒素。 But Chen Yu anti- poisonous ability, don't worry. 陈宇抗毒能力强,不用担心。 The bang shouted Hū ! 轰呼呼! The Demon Dragon head that was cut, grows once more, Demon Dragon changes is Battle Skill, so long as the energy is enough, can maintain unceasingly. 被切割掉的魔龙脑袋,再次生长起来,魔龙变是战技,只要能量足够,就可以不断维持。 Only received this wound unexpectedly.” “竟只受了这点伤。” The Remote Cherry King facial color sinks, is quite embarrassed. 幽樱王面色一沉,颇为难堪。 Moreover the small wound of by Chen Yu Middle Rank Inextinguishable Body , she creating, does not have anything to affect greatly. 而且以陈宇中等不灭体,她造成的这点小伤,也没什么大影响。 The King fight, attracts much attention. 王者战斗,备受瞩目。 Observing was also scared. 观战者一个个也都傻眼了。 This...... Heavenly Universe Venerable must jump the ranks to fight King!” “这……天宇尊者是要越级战王者啊!” „The Remote Cherry King successive leaves two moves, cannot massacre Chen Yu.” 幽樱王连出两招,都没能杀掉陈宇。” The player and enemy, all are shock. 敌我双方,皆是震撼不已。 Commander looks the happy expression, Chen Yu Battle Strength, has exceeded his imagination. 统领面露喜色,陈宇战力,超出了他的想象。 Dark Feather King, comes back quickly!” He passes on Sound Dao. 暗羽王,快回来!”他传音道 Whiz! 嗖! Dark Feather King comes rapidly. 暗羽王飞速而来。 This boy before and Green Fierce Venerable competition, kept the hand.” “这小子之前与青烈尊者比试,还有留手。” Dark Feather King ice-cold face, once more close battlefield. 暗羽王冰冷着脸,再次接近战场。 Is Vice-Commander, he cannot sneak away at a critical juncture, hid a moment ago, in rear area disguises to heal from a wound. 身为副统领,他不能临阵脱逃,刚才只是藏在后方假装养伤。 Under the order of Commander, he can only return to the battlefield again, prevents Remote Cherry King, helping Chen Yu get out of trouble. 统领的命令下,他只能再回战场,阻止幽樱王,帮助陈宇脱困。 This King has spread the rumor, hasn't Blood Race prepared to cope with the Chen Yu killing bureau?” 本王已经放出风声了,难道血族没有准备对付陈宇的杀局吗?” The Dark Feather King innermost feelings are somewhat annoyed. 暗羽王内心有些恼火。 Heavenly Universe Venerable, I help you!” 天宇尊者,我来助你!” But in the surface, his worries about the color. 但表面上,他一副担忧之色。 He He, I also think that the Dark Feather King severe wound died.” “呵呵,我还以为暗羽王重伤而死了呢。” Chen Yu ridicule gratefully. 陈宇毫不客气的讥讽。 This King a moment ago was only retreating was too anxious, now saw Heavenly Universe Venerable dead, immediately returned to the support, how Heavenly Universe Venerable so to insult the old man?” 本王刚才只是撤退的太急了,如今见天宇尊者遇难,立即返回支援,天宇尊者怎如此侮辱老夫?” A Dark Feather King distressed appearance. 暗羽王一副痛心模样。 Bang! 轰! In this time, Remote Cherry King has gotten angry, she grasps a handle pink color fan, wields, everywhere smoothing, the flower petal floats, the murderous intention fills the air. 就在此时,幽樱王怒了,她手持一柄粉色扇子,挥动间,漫天粉光,花瓣飘洒,杀机弥漫。 This time, she used Profound Artifact power to kill Chen Yu. 这一次,她动用了玄器力量来杀陈宇
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