EH :: Volume #7 神魔传说

#913: Dark Night sneak attack

„......” “啊……” Fights on the military stage, the Green Fierce Venerable pitiful yell sound spreads. 斗武台上,青烈尊者惨叫声传开。 The people responded that in confrontation, Green Fierce Venerable unexpectedly by Chen Yu injuring. 众人反应过来,刚才的交锋中,青烈尊者竟然被陈宇给伤到了。 In the Xiantian Spirit Flame showdown, Green Fierce Venerable ends the defeat. 先天灵焰的对决中,青烈尊者完败。 Shouted Hū ! 呼! In Green Fierce Venerable hand Blue Lotus Flame, Feels Powerful Xiantian Spirit Flame, is shivering slightly. 青烈尊者手中的【青莲焰】,感受到更为强大先天灵焰,微微的颤动着。 Blood Stone Flame Quality, unexpectedly compared with my Blue Lotus Flame Is high.” “【血琉焰】的品质,竟比我的【青莲焰】还要高。” Green Fierce Venerable is staring at Spirit Flame in Chen Yu hand, is hard to accept. 青烈尊者盯着陈宇手中的灵焰,难以接受。 Chen Yu once did an inside job Time in Blood Race, in enjoying the sight and sound of the wind whipping up the water that Blood Ocean World he mixes, feeds Blood Stone Flame The precious material, are much more. 陈宇曾在血族卧底一段时间,在血海界他混的风生水起,喂养【血琉焰】的珍贵材料,多得不得了。 Even if after is returns to Kunyun World, Chen Yu also cuts to kill many Blood Race Powerhouse, has harvested extremely numerous Blood Dao Rare Material and Blood Wine. 就算是回到昆云界后,陈宇也斩杀了不少血族强者,收获了极多的血道珍材血酿 On quality, Blood Stone Flame Indeed must surpass Blue Lotus Flame. 论品质,【血琉焰】的确要超过【青莲焰】。 In addition, Secret Skill «Six Flames Sword Finger», must strong in Green Fierce Venerable Battle Skill. 除此之外,秘技六炎剑指》,也要强于青烈尊者战技 Green Fierce Venerable, clothing/taking?” 青烈尊者,服吗?” Chen Yu expression frivolous [say / way]. 陈宇语气轻佻的道。 Today, he must make Green Fierce Venerable be sincerely convinced, making Dark Feather King be speechless. 今日,他一定要让青烈尊者心服口服,让暗羽王无话可说。 Green Fierce Venerable became flushed the face, regardless of the Recovery clothing/taking or refusing to accept, will make him very embarrassed. 青烈尊者涨红了脸,无论回复服或是不服,都会令他无比难堪。 Green Fierce Venerable, do not take on the heartache to arrive at Chen Yu, whole-heartedly, otherwise Chen Yu won, does not have any meaning, is not the name will follow reality.” 青烈尊者,不要担心伤到陈宇,全力以赴吧,否则就算陈宇胜了,也没什么意思,不是实至名归。” Dark Feather King opens the mouth saying that is Green Fierce Venerable saves the face. 暗羽王开口道,为青烈尊者挽回颜面。 Secretly, he gives Green Fierce Venerable to send greetings: Scoundrel, but also dislikes to lose face to lose insufficiently? All takes quickly your card in a hand, mixes the boy defeating this.” 暗地里,他给青烈尊者传音:“混账,还嫌丢脸丢得不够?快将你的底牌全都拿出来,将这混小子给击败。” Initially, his Disciple defeated in Chen Yu, Dark Feather King Burning Heaven Demon Halberd Has lost to Solitary Blood Valley Master. 当初,他的弟子败在陈宇手里,暗羽王将【焚天魔戟】输给了寂血谷主 This made Dark Feather King already bear a grudge to Chen Yu in the heart, this time cannot make this boy continue rampantly self-satisfied. 这让暗羽王早就对陈宇记恨在心,这次绝不能让这小子继续嚣张得意。 What Dark Feather King said that then This Senior must put out the real skill......” 暗羽王说的是,接下来本尊要拿出真本事……” The Green Fierce Venerable surface shows a happy expression. 青烈尊者表面露出一丝笑意。 The words have not said. 话没说完。 Suddenly, in the Green Fierce Venerable hand presents a rusty stain stained breaking sword, although seems like tattered, but above Sword Intent is astonishing, direct impact clouds, to person incomparably sharp feeling. 忽然的,青烈尊者手中出现一把锈迹斑斑的断剑,虽看起来像是破烂,但其上剑意惊人,直冲云霄,给人无比锋利之感。 This is Broken Profound Artifact, one of the Green Fierce Venerable cards in a hand. 这是一件残破玄器,青烈尊者的底牌之一。 Bang! 轰! Green Fierce Venerable lifts up high Short Sword, Blue Lotus Flame Above the gathering, the flaming Blue Flame sword light, have several the hundred zhang (333m) to be long fully, scatters a surrounding area hundred li (0.5km) smoke cloud instantaneously, is having the blazing temperature, descends from the day. 青烈尊者高举短剑,【青莲焰】汇聚其上,炽盛的青焰剑光,足有数百丈长,瞬间驱散方圆百里的烟云,带着炽热的温度,从天降落。 Green Fierce Venerable Thunder attacks, displays the Peak strength. 青烈尊者雷霆出击,发挥出巅峰实力。 Strong strikes!” Punishment old and other Half-Step King exclamation. 好强的一击!”刑老等半步王者惊叹。 Green Fierce Venerable does not have the sticking out suddenly attack of indication unexpectedly, plays this small Method, even if won, Heavenly Universe Venerable can also not be convinced.” 青烈尊者竟毫无征兆的暴起攻击,耍这种小手段,就算取胜了,天宇尊者也会不服气吧。” But, so long as Green Fierce Venerable won, Heavenly Universe Venerable will act shamelessly? It is estimated that does not have the face to continue to make the Vice-Commander position.” “不过,只要青烈尊者胜了,天宇尊者难道会耍赖?估计也没有脸继续做副统领的位置。” The bystanders are sigh with emotion, the Green Fierce Venerable conduct, made their not shame, was not suitable to make Vice-Commander. 围观者感慨,青烈尊者的品行,令他们不耻,也不适合做副统领 But Chen Yu, if lost, will not lag behind the honor to usurp the Vice-Commander position. 陈宇若是输了,也不会拉下脸面强占副统领的位置。 This fellow, thinks highly of me actually, facing this move, Half-Step Congealing Star Boundary responded generally slowly, at least must lie down last one year or so.” “这家伙,倒是看得起我,面对这一招,一般半步凝星境反应慢点,至少得躺上一年半载。” The Chen Yu vision concentrates, the chill in the air fills the air. 陈宇目光一凝,寒意弥漫。 Bang! 轰! His whole body Demon Intent soars to the heavens, Demon Intent Domain release. 他浑身魔意冲天,魔之意境释放而出。 Single Layer Stamping Sky.” 一重踏天。” Second Layer Stamping Sky!” 二重踏天!” Before Chen Yu «Demon Face Six Layer Sky» the twofold, already reached a high degree of proficiency, at this moment displays instantaneously. 陈宇的《魔临六重天》前两重,早已炉火纯青,此刻瞬间施展出来。 Saw Green Fierce Venerable holds up Heavenly Sword light, must cut to fall under. 眼看青烈尊者的擎天剑光,就要斩落而下。 In this time, the sky suddenly drops a huge demon foot, shells above the sword light, the Second foot arrives rapidly, trampling maliciously. 就在此时,上空忽然落下一只巨大魔脚,轰击在剑光之上,紧接着第二脚飞速降临,狠狠的践踏。 Half-Step Origin Power adds on Powerful Secret Skill, prestige can be astonishing. 半步元力加上强大秘技,威能惊人。 ! 蓬! Blue Flame sword light disintegration comes, changes to innumerable sword light fragment, covers half to fight Wu Tai, but cannot injure to Chen Yu. 青焰剑光崩碎开来,化作无数剑光碎片,笼罩半个斗武台,但也没能伤到陈宇 Is «Demon Face Six Layer Sky».” “是《魔临六重天》。” «Demon Face Six Layer Sky», before this child unexpectedly the twofold, comprehends this Level.” “《魔临六重天》,此子竟将前两重,领悟到这种程度。” The Dark Feather King innermost feelings are startled. 暗羽王内心微惊。 Fights on the military stage, Green Fierce Venerable has gawked, oneself use Broken Profound Artifact strikes, was blocked by Chen Yu unexpectedly. 斗武台上,青烈尊者愣了一下,自己动用残破玄器的一击,竟被陈宇挡住了。 Whiz! 嗖! Chen Yu leaves instantaneously, a foot kicks, black and white flowing light sweeps away. 陈宇瞬间动身,一脚踢出,黑白流光横扫而来。 Green Fierce Venerable just the activate Broken Profound Artifact attack, had not responded that then by Chen Yu near body attack. 青烈尊者催动残破玄器进攻,还没反应过来,便被陈宇近身攻击。 Bang! Bang! Bang! 嘭!嘭!嘭! The Chen Yu whole body is attacks the sharp weapon, the strong winds attack brashly, the Green Fierce Venerable passive defense that plays, retrocedes again and again, arrives to fight the military stage edge. 陈宇浑身都是攻击利器,狂风骤雨般的攻击,打的青烈尊者被动防守,连连后退,来到斗武台边缘。 Green Fierce Venerable whole body skeleton is sore, as if must disperse has put up generally. 青烈尊者浑身骨骼酸痛,仿佛要散架了一般。 Good fearful power, but I cannot lose.” “好可怕的力量,不过我不能输。” Green Fierce Venerable innermost feelings micro cold, preparation once more activate Broken Profound Artifact. 青烈尊者内心微凛,准备再次催动残破玄器 But in this time, the Chen Yu palm wields, jet black Drawing Halberd appears in the hand, the heavy overbearing Demon Dao pressure, Erupting comes, the Black brilliance covers the surrounding area thousand zhang (3.33 m), the atmosphere is fearful and depressing. 可就在此时,陈宇手掌一挥,一件漆黑画戟出现在手,沉重霸道的魔道威压,爆发开来,黑色光焰笼罩方圆千丈,气氛可怕而压抑。 This King Burning Heaven Demon Halberd.” 本王的【焚天魔戟】。” Dark Feather King stared in a big way a pupil, felt a humiliation. 暗羽王瞪大了眼眸,感到一阵屈辱。 Profound Artifact.” 玄器。” Green Fierce Venerable Heart trembles, courage was almost frightened broken. 青烈尊者心脏一颤,胆子差点被吓破。 By the Chen Yu strength, if activate this Profound Artifact, his situation is worrying. 陈宇的实力,若是催动这件玄器,他处境堪忧。 „Does clothing/taking refuse to accept?” “服不服?” Chen Yu gives a loud shout, in the eye surges black light, body Demon Intent increases unceasingly, is similar to one generation of demons Venerable. 陈宇大喝一声,目中黑光涌动,身上魔意不断攀升,如同一代魔尊。 The Green Fierce Venerable both legs are slightly curving, body trembles, by not gasping for breath of Chen Yu imposing manner oppression at this moment. 青烈尊者双腿微微弯曲,身躯抖瑟,被陈宇此刻的气势压迫的喘不过气。 But he is shutting tightly the lip, has not opened the mouth. 但他紧闭着嘴唇,没有开口。 The Chen Yu vision concentrates, lifts up high Burning Heaven Demon Halberd, Above Profound Artifact the black flame is agitated, the crazy combustion, is sending out incomparably astonishing Aura, as if must destroy all. 陈宇目光一凝,高举【焚天魔戟】,玄器之上黑焰汹汹,疯狂燃烧,散发着无比惊人的气息,仿佛要摧毁一切。 The Green Fierce Venerable whole body trembles, the facial expression is flurried. 青烈尊者浑身颤栗,神情慌乱。 If the people were compelled into the hopeless situation possibly to go all out to counter-attack, but if intimidates the threat, then during will fall into frightened and struggles. 人如果被逼入绝境可能会拼命反击,可如果只是威逼恐吓,则会陷入恐惧和挣扎之中。 „Does clothing/taking refuse to accept?” “服不服?” Chen Yu drinks once more fiercely, the sound is shocking, the bang enters the Green Fierce Venerable mind. 陈宇再次猛喝,声音震天,轰入青烈尊者的心神。 Calls a halt, I...... Clothing.” “停手,我……服。” After the Green Fierce Venerable mouth jumps several characters, relaxed slightly, may he also feel afterward incomparably ashamed. 青烈尊者嘴里蹦出几个字后,微微松了口气,可事后他也感到无比羞耻。 The competition ended. 比试结束。 Green Fierce Venerable had not been defeated by Chen Yu, actually by Chen Yu being scared, admitted defeat. 青烈尊者没有被陈宇击败,却被陈宇给吓傻了,认输了。 Green Fierce Venerable said this words to Chen Yu, later was unlikely hard to gain ground facing Chen Yu. 青烈尊者陈宇说出这种话,以后面对陈宇恐怕都难以抬起头。 Snort.” “哼。” The Dark Feather King anger snort|hum, flicks the sleeve departs, does not hope in this dull moment. 暗羽王怒哼一声,拂袖离去,不愿在这多呆一刻。 Green Fierce Venerable is the Heavenly Jade Sect person, is Vice-Commander that he esteems vigorously, finally was given to threaten to admit defeat livingly, he thinks to feel ashamed. 青烈尊者天玉宗的人,更是他极力推崇的副统领,结果被人给活生生恐吓到认输,他都觉得脸上无光。 The Green Fierce Venerable whole person is similar to seemed to be in a trance, arrives at the Dark Feather King dwelling. 青烈尊者整个人如同丢了魂似的,来到暗羽王的住处。 Idiot, incompetent.” “蠢货,无能。” Dark Feather King cursed angrily at the scene, partly kneels in the place that Green Fierce Venerable frightened, the request forgiveness. 暗羽王当场怒骂,将青烈尊者吓的半跪在地,请求饶恕。 Scoundrel, your I become the Vice-Commander words, joins up even to be able with Commander to meet as an equal, in the future can grasp this battlefield gradually, and even entire Blue Forever World.” “混账,原本你我都成为副统领的话,联合起来甚至能与统领分庭抗礼,日后可以渐渐掌握这一处战场,乃至整个苍永界。” Dark Feather King expression is dreary, if surface cold frost. 暗羽王神色阴郁,面若寒霜。 He is the plan, finally this World Plane, grasps in the hand of Heavenly Jade Sect, now falls short. 原本他是打算,最后将这处界面,掌握在天玉宗的手里,如今功亏一篑。 Sir, that Chen Yu has Profound Artifact, matter that this does not have the means.” 大人,那陈宇玄器,这也是没办法的事。” Green Fierce Venerable also feels hateful, now what to do should we?” 青烈尊者也感到可恨,“我们如今该怎么办?” Snort, you defeat in the Chen Yu hand thoroughly, any possibly has not recaptured the position from his hand.” “哼,你彻底败在陈宇手中,已经没有任何可能从他手中夺回位置。” Dark Feather King cold snort|hum. 暗羽王冷哼一声。 Chen Yu in his front, revealed intentionally Burning Heaven Demon Halberd, In the Dark Feather King heart is also very angry. 陈宇在他的面前,故意亮出【焚天魔戟】,暗羽王心中也很恼怒。 But, if this Vice-Commander position, empties again, all returned same place.” “不过,如果这个副统领的位置,再空出来的话,一切就又回到了原地。” Dark Feather King appears the sinister and ruthless color. 暗羽王浮现出阴毒之色。 Sir, you meant that solves Chen Yu?” 大人,您是说,解决陈宇?” Green Fierce Venerable deeps frown, asked low voice. 青烈尊者眉头紧锁,小声问道。 He knows that Dark Feather King and Solitary Blood Valley Master is the sworn enemy, Naturally also looked Chen Yu is not pleasing to the eyes. 他知道暗羽王寂血谷主是死对头,自然也看陈宇不顺眼。 But Chen Yu now is the South Region hero, is this battlefield Vice-Commander, if they kill secretly Chen Yu, will be sentenced the death penalty. 陈宇如今是南域英雄,是这处战场的副统领,他们若是将陈宇暗害,也会被判死刑。 You are really the pig brain!” “你真是猪脑子!” Dark Feather King looks to despise, „do we have necessity to begin?” 暗羽王面露鄙夷,“我们有必要自己动手吗?” Green Fierce Venerable instantaneous clearly becomes aware, in eye the twinkle bright, the corners of the mouth raise, say with a smile: Sir is wise.” 青烈尊者瞬间明悟,目中闪烁亮光,嘴角扬起,笑道:“还是大人足智多谋。” In secret news that Chen Yu presents, spreads, the enemy will help us process all.” “暗中将陈宇出现的消息,散布出去,敌人会帮我们处理好一切的。” Dark Feather King in a soft voice song, hidden killing intent. 暗羽王轻声细语,暗藏杀意 By the enemy's hatred Level to Chen Yu, once they knew that the Chen Yu trail, definitely will arrange to kill the bureau, to Chen Yu in deathtrap. 以敌人对陈宇的痛恨程度,一旦他们得知陈宇的踪迹,肯定会布置杀局,至陈宇于死地。 Chen Yu dies, the Vice-Commander position emptied. 陈宇一死,副统领的位置就又空出来了。 Another side, Chen Yu was arranged to a luxurious mansion. 另一边,陈宇被安排到一处豪华的府邸。 Today Green Fierce Venerable being scared, looks at back that Dark Feather King departs angrily, his heart is very refreshed. 今日将青烈尊者给吓傻了,看着暗羽王愤怒离去的背影,他心头十分爽快。 He had inquired with Commander a moment ago. 刚才他跟统领打听过。 After five day, night launches surprise attack, the attack enemy side camp. 五日之后,夜里展开突袭,进攻敌方阵营。 Now the entire World Plane war, had the big transformation, Great Universe World as if Erupting from the emergence, reversed the tactical situation, attacks the enemy on own initiative. 如今整个界面大战,发生了较大的转变,大宇界仿佛从危急中爆发,扭转了战况,主动进攻敌人。 However Chen Yu knows that the Great Universe World condition is not good, in numerous King bodies Heartless Blood Poison, only if heavy injury enemy, otherwise was still inferior. 不过陈宇知道,大宇界境况并不好,众多王者身中无心血毒,除非重创敌人,否则仍旧是处于劣势。 But the enemy is delaying, as if and other Heartless Blood Poison thorough Erupting. 而敌人则在拖延,似乎是在等无心血毒彻底爆发 Five days of Time, Chen Yu in Cultivation, precise Half-Step Origin Power. 五天时间,陈宇都在修炼之中,凝炼半步元力 Half-Step Origin Power strong in Returning to Heaven True Origin, can enable Chen Yu Battle Skill and Secret Method, the prestige to rise Level, goes to the crush Common Half-Step King situation. 半步元力强于归天真元,能让陈宇战技秘法,威能上升一个层次,达到碾压普通半步王者的地步。 Time flashes. 时间一晃而过。 Five in the future, night. 五日后,夜里。 The Elite Army set, sends out, to prepare to sneak attack left side of the enemy side quietly. 精英部队集合,悄然出动,准备偷袭敌方左侧。 Once causes certain losses, can retreat. Next day the army attacks, routs at one fell swoop. 一旦造成一定的损失,便可撤退。次日全军出击,一举击溃。 In the dark night cloud layer, among the huge team hideaway, leads the way quietly, speedy approach enemy side camp. 黑夜云层里,庞大的队伍隐藏其内,悄然前行,迅速接近敌方阵营。 Sir, this five days of Time, do not know that the enemy prepared to cope with the Chen Yu strategy not to have.” 大人,这才五天的时间,不知道敌人准备好了对付陈宇的策略没有。” Green Fierce Venerable passes message in secret. 青烈尊者暗中传音。 „It is not anxious, even if this inadequate, next time, we only need make itself should the matter of doing, in order to avoid after Chen Yu dies, was suspected.” “不急,就算这次不成,还有下次,我们只需做自己该做的事,以免陈宇死后,被人猜忌。” Dark Feather King is tranquil as usual. 暗羽王平静如常。 Chen Yu dies here, his suspicion is definitely big, therefore needs to pretend non-involvement the responsibility completely. 陈宇死在这里,他的嫌疑肯定大,因此需要完全撇清干系。 The army approaches the enemy. 军队靠近敌人。 Attack!” “进攻!” Issues an order, the army flies from the dark cloud to, on the battleship the Radiance sparkle, Formation Technique revolves, the fire resounds. 一声令下,大军从乌云中飞冲而下,战舰上光芒闪耀,阵法运转,炮火响起。 The innumerable attacks, the bang falls the earth, the city wall wall scrap, Bloody fills instantaneously. 无数攻击,轰落大地,瞬间将城墙壁炸碎,血腥弥漫。 Enemy raids!” “敌袭!” In the enemies has blasted out the pot, teams of troops run out, Great Formation revolution. 敌人中炸开了锅,一队队人马冲出,大阵运转而起。 Chen Yu and numerous high levels, attack the enemy side to construct crazily, destroys. 陈宇与众高层,疯狂进攻敌方建筑,进行毁灭。 Courts death, dares to sneak attack!” “找死,竟敢偷袭!” Shouted angrily to spread, the huge purple light sparkle, the monster different Woman form, appeared in World together. 一声怒喝传出,庞大紫霞闪耀,一道妖异的女子身影,出现在天地间。 This is Monster Race King, she appears instant, then launches to slaughter with Human Race Commander. 这是一名妖族王者,她出现的刹那,便与人族统领展开厮杀。 After three breaths. 三息之后。 Another King kills, powder Red strange Radiance, illuminates World, an appearance is clear, look actually ice-cold Bloodthirsty Woman, rapidly. 又一名王者杀出,粉红色的诡异光芒,照亮世界,一名模样清纯动人,眼神却冰冷嗜血女子,飞速而来。 Remote Cherry King.” 幽樱王。” Chen Yu expression changes, has not thought that bumps into a understanding enemy King. 陈宇神色微变,没想到碰到一名认识的敌方王者 Initially he chased down Young Ancestor Feng, soon struck it killed, is Remote Cherry King has caught up, rescued Young Ancestor Feng. 当初他追杀烽少祖,快要将其击杀的时候,就是幽樱王赶了过来,救下了烽少祖
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