EH :: Volume #7 神魔传说

#912: Dark Feather King

One year later, Chen Yu is near again the South Region battlefield, here had very big change. 一年之后,陈宇再临南域战场,这里已发生很大的变化。 Blood Race and Alien Race army, had been compelled to draw back. 血族异族大军,已经被逼退出去。 The South Region army, entered orange light, including nearby several World Plane, becomes the battlefields of confrontation. 南域大军,杀入了橙光界,包括附近的几个界面,都成为交锋的战场。 South Region gains the so great victory, the function of Chen Yu, has lasting achievements. 南域取得如此大的胜利,陈宇的作用,功不可没。 Chen Young Friend, beforehand strategy, perhaps already, no matter used.” “陈小友,之前的策略,恐怕已经不管用了。” A command of Great Universe World side, Demonic Moon Religion grim Old Man tranquil [say / way]. 大宇界一方的统帅,邪月教的冷面老者平静道。 His is persuading Chen Yu. 他这是在劝说陈宇 Chen Yu in the battlefield, is hard to play the beforehand that major role now, but was still the enemy most important put to death Goal, in this case, one's own side must pay attention to Chen Yu frequently, in order to avoid his falling from the sky battlefield. 陈宇如今上战场,难以发挥之前的那么大的作用,但仍旧是敌人首要诛杀目标,在这种情况下,己方还要时刻注意陈宇,以免他陨落战场。 This point Chen Yu also knows that in East Region, the similar repertoire had only used one time, the effect is common, Second time loses the function thoroughly. 这一点陈宇也知道,之前在东域的时候,同样的套路只用了一次,效果一般,第二次彻底失去作用。 But now Chen Yu comes the battlefield, but to fight to kill the enemy. 但如今陈宇来战场,只是为了战斗杀敌。 This, the war are general now, related to several World Plane, you can walk randomly in audiences World Plane participates in the fight.” “这样吧,如今战局广大,涉及数个界面,你可以游走于众界面之间参与战斗。” Grim Middle Age put forward the proposal. 冷面中年提出建议。 The World Plane war, affects enormously, is not only the confrontation of Great Universe World and Blue Ghost World and Blood Ocean World, but also includes these World Plane controls other small World Plane. 界面大战,波及极大,不仅仅是大宇界蓝冥界血海界的交锋,还包括这几个界面掌控的其它小界面 The suggestion of grim Middle Age, making the Chen Yu security obtain certain safeguard, the function of display was bigger, but needs to run around, compared with taking the trouble hard sledding. 冷面中年的建议,令陈宇的安全得到一定的保障,发挥的作用更大,只不过需要四处奔波,比较费心费力。 Ok.” “行。” Chen Yu readily agrees. 陈宇一口答应。 First tried to say again that he momentarily can not be dry in any case. 先试试再说,反正他随时可以不干。 ...... …… Chen Yu dispatched First World Plane, named Blue Forever World. 陈宇被派遣的第一界面,名为“苍永界”。 Blue Forever World also wants Powerful several points compared with Kunyun World, in World Plane, every millenniums, may birth Congealing Star King. 苍永界昆云界还要强大几分,界面之内,每千年,都有可能诞生凝星王者 Chen Yu arrives in Blue Forever World, then enters the influence range, smoothly enters in the city. 陈宇抵达苍永界,便进入己方势力范围,顺利进入城池内。 In grey Main Hall. 一间灰色大殿内。 The audiences high-level accumulation here, was discussing official business. 众高层聚集在此,正在议事。 Commander, I think that the Green Fierce Venerable foundation is solid, in South Region Half-Step King, is ranks among the best, this Vice-Commander position, he is appropriate.” 统领,我认为青烈尊者底蕴深厚,在南域半步王者中,都是数一数二的,这个副统领的位置,他再合适不过了。” Old Man of pointed chin beard, light [say / way]. 一个尖下巴山羊胡的老头,平淡道。 Felt relieved, if my Green Fierce Venerable holds the post of a Vice-Commander duty, will decide will make the merit.” “诸位放心,我青烈尊者若是担任副统领一职,定会做出功绩。” azure who wears the Black big robe sends Old Man, confident [say / way]. 一名身披黑色大袍的青发老者,信心十足的道。 When, on Vice-Commander departs, once said that punishment is old War to experience richly, noble character and high prestige, holds the post of Vice-Commander to be quite appropriate.” “不过,上一任副统领离去时,曾说‘刑老’战争经验丰富,德高望重,担任副统领比较合适。” Some people open the mouth. 有人开口。 He He, this Vice-Commander position, such does not inherit, should be the higher authority appoints, those who are able it.” “呵呵,这副统领的职位,也不是这么继承的,应该是上级任命,能者得之。” Beard Old Man smiles one pale, [say / way] that thinks otherwise. 山羊胡老者淡笑一声,不以为然的道。 The position is the superior appointment. 职位一直是上位者任命。 The traversers are gradually few, in addition the beard Old Man status is not common, most people do not dare the frontage to argue with it. 反驳者渐少,再加上山羊胡老者的身份地位不一般,大多数人也不敢正面与之争论。 Green Fierce Venerable looked the happy expression, a Vice-Commander duty immediately is his. 青烈尊者面露喜色,副统领一职马上就是他的了。 Commander, your meaning?” 统领,您的意思呢?” Beard Old Man asked. 山羊胡老者问道。 So long as Commander nods, this matter such has decided that the Vice-Commander position, is his Heavenly Jade Sect Green Fierce Venerable. 只要统领点头,这件事就这么定了,副统领的职位,就是他天玉宗青烈尊者 Place above, a Commander brow wrinkle, in fact he thought slightly that the punishment old more suitable this position, Green Fierce Venerable extremely to impulse rashly. 正上方,统领眉头微微一皱,实际上他觉得,刑老更适合这个位置,青烈尊者太过冲动莽撞了。 Commander, this Vice-Commander duty said that was big, said small was not small, determined as soon as possible that the advantage outweighed the shortcoming.” 统领,这副统领一职说大不大,说小也不小,还是尽早确定,利大于弊。” Beard Old Man then said. 山羊胡老者接着道。 In this time, a guard is bringing Chen Yu, arrives at the Main Hall mouth. 就在此时,一名守卫带着陈宇,来到大殿口。 Who, dares to approach discussing official business Main Hall arbitrarily?” “何人,竟敢擅自靠近议事大殿?” The beard Old Man facial color sinks, drinks one coldly. 山羊胡老者面色微沉,冷喝一声。 Report Vice-Commander, new Vice-Commander arrival......” 禀报副统领,新任副统领到来……” That guard kneels on the ground immediately, gingerly [say / way]. 那守卫顿时跪在地上,战战兢兢的道。 New Vice-Commander? 新任副统领 In Main Hall, all person Qi Qi looked. 大殿内,所有人齐齐看了过去。 Here had Three Great King, Commander, two Vice-Commander. 原本这里有三大王者,其中一名统领,两名副统领 But before , some date and time, take office Vice-Commander to be transferred, the position emptied, because of this position, in the armed forces has had the difference. 但前些时日,上任副统领被调走,位置空了出来,因为这个职位,军中产生了分歧。 Most people esteem punishment to be old. 大多数人推崇“刑老”。 But another Vice-Commander Heavenly Jade Sect Dark Feather King, then strongly recommends oneself Sect Green Fierce Venerable. 但另一位副统领天玉宗的“暗羽王”,则极力推荐自家宗门青烈尊者 When soon has the result, new Vice-Commander came unexpectedly! 就在快要出结果的时候,新任副统领竟然来了! This Naturally made one pay attention. 自然令人关注。 The result looks, that guard nearby unexpectedly is young, even somewhat young Man. 结果一看,那守卫旁边的竟是一个年纪不大,甚至有些年轻的男子 Chen Yu? 陈宇 The people have recognized new Vice-Commander! 众人认出了新任副统领 Chen Yu segmentum anterius Time is very active in the battlefield, the fame also rushed. 陈宇前段时间在战场十分活跃,名气也闯了出来。 Since is the above order, making Chen Yu work as this Vice-Commander, the people does not have any different meanings. 既然是上面的命令,让陈宇来当这个副统领,众人也没什么歧义。 Chen Yu!” 陈宇!” Beard Old Man Dark Feather King, vision concentrates. 山羊胡老者暗羽王”,目光一凝。 Nearby Green Fierce Venerable, somewhat is slightly excited. 一旁的青烈尊者,情绪略有些激动。 According to situation originally, a Vice-Commander duty was his, but now has become Chen Yu, the boiled duck flew. 按照原本的局势,副统领一职就是他的了,但现在成了陈宇的,煮熟的鸭子飞了。 Green Fierce Venerable looks immediately to Dark Feather King, passes message requests his help. 青烈尊者立即看向暗羽王,传音请求他的帮助。 „Isn't this our South Region young hero?” “这不是我们南域的小英雄吗?” But, what Chen Young Friend you come is really the time, we were discussing that Vice-Commander candidate, must determine the personnel...... Your this, Green Fierce Venerable was embarrassed.” “不过,陈小友你来的真是时候啊,我们正在讨论副统领的人选,就要确定人员了……你这一来,青烈尊者就难堪了。” A Dark Feather King very warm appearance, sighed one finally. 暗羽王一副很热情的样子,最后叹了一声。 The Chen Yu brow wrinkles, the vision narrows the eyes, stares to Dark Feather King. 陈宇眉头皱起,目光微眯,盯向暗羽王 Bumped into this old fogy.” “怎么碰到这个老家伙了。” Regarding Dark Feather King, Chen Yu knows, this Heavenly Jade Sect King, with own Teacher Solitary Blood Valley Master, but sworn enemy. 对于暗羽王,陈宇知道一些,这名天玉宗王者,跟自己的师尊寂血谷主可是死对头。 Heard in own hand Burning Heaven Demon Halberd, Is Solitary Blood Valley Master makes a bet to win with Dark Feather King. 听说自己手中的【焚天魔戟】,就是寂血谷主暗羽王打赌赢来的。 Therefore Dark Feather King aims at Chen Yu, he is not strange. 因此暗羽王针对陈宇,他也并不奇怪。 Hears Chen Young Friend in generation, has surmounted all Genius, Half-Step King does not pay attention, was inferior that you and Green Fierce Venerable, competes with, lets Green Fierce Venerable to your this new Vice-Commander, was sincerely convinced.” “听闻陈小友在同代之中,超越了所有天才,连半步王者都不放在眼里,不如你和青烈尊者,比试一场,也让青烈尊者对你这个新副统领,心服口服。” Dark Feather King Chen Yu handful of high. 暗羽王陈宇捧的高高的。 The Chen Yu innermost feelings criticize Dark Feather King, really worthily is the wily old fox, flawlessness that this saying said that Chen Yu obviously is justifiable Vice-Commander, if finally now does not compare with Green Fierce Venerable, probably not. 陈宇内心暗骂暗羽王,真不愧是老奸巨猾,这话说的天衣无缝,陈宇明明是名正言顺的副统领,结果现在若是不跟青烈尊者比一场,就好像不对似的。 In fact, Chen Yu to this Vice-Commander position, is not interested from the start. 事实上,陈宇对这个副统领职位,压根不感兴趣。 He estimated that dull Time, will leave. 他估计呆一段时间,就会离开。 But this Dark Feather King is not only the Teacher sworn enemy, now feels embarrassed who just came, he does not need to be polite with the opposite party. 但这暗羽王既是师尊的死对头,现在又为难刚来的自己,他就没必要跟对方客气了。 Good, such being the case, This Senior then lets Green Fierce Venerable, was sincerely convinced.” “好,既然如此,本尊者便让青烈尊者,心服口服。” Chen Yu looks the haughty color, at once said: Who is Green Fierce Venerable?” 陈宇面露狂傲之色,旋即道:“谁是青烈尊者?” Green Fierce Venerable feels grateful Dark Feather King to an opportunity that he catches, but Chen Yu that boy, so disdains to oneself, irritating him immediately, thinks to be reflected badly. 青烈尊者感激暗羽王给他争取的一个机会,但陈宇那小子,对自己如此不屑,让他顿时恼火起来,觉得颜面无光。 One in entire South Region Half-Step King, are existence of ranking among the best, a young fellow also dares so to disrespect to him. 自己在整个南域半步王者中,都是数一数二的存在,一个毛头小子也敢对他如此不敬。 He He, Chen Young Friend worthily is South Region Genius, young and impetuous, wild uninhibited, old man Green Fierce Venerable.” “呵呵,陈小友不愧是南域天才,年轻气盛,狂放不羁,老夫正是青烈尊者。” A Green Fierce Venerable Senior stance. 青烈尊者一副前辈姿态。 You take to refuse to accept this Vice-Commander, if refuses to accept, I then do compare one with you?” “你服不服本副统领,若是不服,那我便与你比一场?” Chen Yu asked. 陈宇问道。 Green Fierce Venerable clenches teeth secretly, bears anger, said: He He, the old man just wants to experience the Heavenly Universe Venerable elegant demeanor!” 青烈尊者暗自咬牙,忍住怒火,道:“呵呵,老夫正想见识一下天宇尊者的风采!” The audiences high-level step fights Wu Tai. 众高层移步斗武台。 You said that Chen Yu and Green Fierce Venerable, who will win?” “你们说,陈宇青烈尊者,到底谁会赢?” This did not say, the Heavenly Universe Venerable strength, showed disdain for Same Rank, was cuts to kill Half-Step King, but Green Fierce Venerable was older generation Half-Step King, the strength ranks among the best in Half-Step King, the inside story was greatly strengthened, Method was numerous.” “这个不好说啊,天宇尊者的实力,傲视同阶,更是斩杀过半步王者,而青烈尊者是老一辈半步王者,实力在半步王者中都是数一数二,底蕴极强,手段众多。” I heard that Green Fierce Venerable in the collection resources, has prepared to attack Congealing Star Boundary, as established Peak Half-Step King, his odds of success is bigger.” “我听说,青烈尊者已经在筹集资源,准备冲击凝星境了,作为老牌顶尖半步王者,他的胜算更大。” Really? That Chen Yu lost, but lost face, justifiable Vice-Commander, actually must hand over the position finally.” “真的?那陈宇输了,可就丢人了,名正言顺的副统领,最后却要将职位拱手相让。” ...... …… Starts.” “开始吧。” Dark Feather King said one, the corners of the mouth smile. 暗羽王道了一句,嘴角微笑。 Green Fierce Venerable strength, his clear very much, in Heavenly Jade Sect the people believe that Green Fierce Venerable is in the sect next Congealing Star King. 青烈尊者的实力,他清楚的很,天玉宗内众人都认为,青烈尊者是宗内下一名凝星王者 Heavenly Universe Venerable, the old man will not show mercy.” 天宇尊者,老夫可不会手下留情。” Green Fierce Venerable sneers, body surface blooms the radiant Blue brilliance. 青烈尊者冷笑一声,体表绽放出璀璨的青色光华。 Bang! 轰! He gets rid, lays out a palm, the azure light sparkle, changes to a Blue great mountain, the crush goes, the imposing manner is great. 他率先出手,拍出一掌,青光闪耀,化作一座青色巨山,碾压而去,气势宏大。 Punishment old facial color Grave under stage, may see from this palm, Green Fierce Venerable inside story. 台下的刑老面色凝重,从这一掌就可看出,青烈尊者的底蕴。 His Half-Step Origin Power transformation, soon achieved True Origin sea 1/2.” “他的半步元力转化度,快要达到真元海的1了吧。” Chen Yu came an interest. 陈宇来了一丝兴趣。 Bang! 轰! On Chen Yu arm white light sparkle, radiant dazzling. 陈宇手臂上白光闪耀,璀璨刺目。 Half-Step Origin Power!” 半步元力!” When is Chen Yu precise Half-Step Origin Power?” 陈宇何时凝炼出半步元力的?” The screams spread. 惊呼声传出。 The next quarter, Chen Yu activate Secret Mark Demon Body, a boxing leaves. 下一刻,陈宇催动秘纹魔体,一拳击出。 Bang Bang! 轰砰! Giant fist light that black and white interweaves, is similar to peerless Vicious Beast, hits above that azure light great peak, has a bang. 黑白交织的巨大拳光,如同绝世凶兽,撞击在那青光巨峰之上,发出一阵巨响。 The next quarter, that azure light great peak has the crack, „”, is split up. 下一刻,那青光巨峰出现裂缝,“蓬”的一声,四分五裂。 This boy...... Such quickly arrived at Half-Step King.” “这小子……这么快就到半步王者了。” Green Fierce Venerable innermost feelings envy, but has not paid attention. 青烈尊者内心妒忌,但并没放在眼里。 Bang! 轰! Above his palm, leaps a Blue brilliance suddenly, Erupting leaves the scalding hot high temperature. 他手掌之上,忽然腾起一层青色光焰,爆发出灼热的高温。 Xiantian Spirit Flame, Blue Lotus Flame, Green Fierce Venerable uses this grade of Method unexpectedly directly.” 先天灵焰,青莲焰,青烈尊者竟直接动用这等手段。” Some people exclaimed in surprise that Green Fierce Venerable is relentless. 有人惊叹,青烈尊者果真是毫不留情。 Blue Lotus Flame, True Fire Spirit Flame list Ranking 121, might is huge, Erupting strength, burns down the ability to be astonishing. 青莲焰】,真火灵焰排名121,威力巨大,爆发力强,焚烧能力惊人。 ! 蓬! A Green Fierce Venerable palm ejects, the Chen Yu fist glow, is reduced to ashes. 青烈尊者一掌击出,将陈宇的拳芒,化为灰烬。 Chen Yu, hears you more precious Blood Stone Flame, But, the True Fire Spirit Flame might, does not divide by Ranking of True Fire Spirit Flame list.” 陈宇,听闻你有更珍贵的【血琉焰】,不过,真火灵焰的威力,可不是以真火灵焰榜的排名来划分的。” Might, Blue Lotus Flame Perhaps also wants strongly Blood Stone Flame, And the Spirit Flame quality, has the enormous influence to the might.” “论威力,【青莲焰】或许还要强过【血琉焰】,且灵焰的品质,对威力也有极大的影响。” Green Fierce Venerable very calm [say / way]. 青烈尊者十分从容的道。 Blood Stone Flame Powerful, lies in swallows Life blood, when to the biology causes the damage, the might is higher. 血琉焰】的强大,在于吞噬生命血液,对生物造成伤害时,威力更高。 In addition, since Green Fierce Venerable, has regarded as important extremely Blue Lotus Flame, Invested the huge resources, its quality is extremely high, may be called one of the own force cards in a hand. 除此之外,青烈尊者一直以来,极为看重【青莲焰】,投入了大量资源,其品质极高,堪称自己的强力底牌之一。 Chen Yu is young, the Cultivation progress is rapid, but feeding of Spirit Flame, with coming up? 陈宇还年轻,修为进展快,但灵焰的喂养,跟的上来吗? „, How that tries.” “哦,那咋们就试试。” Smiling of Chen Yu thinks otherwise. 陈宇不以为然的笑了笑。 Lesser Yang Sword Finger! 少阳剑指 He transfers Blood Stone Flame, Condenses the fingertip, suddenly displays. 他调动【血琉焰】,凝聚指尖,蓦然施展。 ! 咻! The radiant bright red Blood Flame light beam, has killed together suddenly, the rapidness of offensive, made Green Fierce Venerable facial color changing suddenly, immediately left the move to deal. 一道璀璨鲜红的血焰光柱,忽然杀了出去,攻势之快,令青烈尊者面色陡变,立即出招应对。 Bang Bang! 轰砰! He holds Radiance to be natural, Blue Flame is steaming, a palm bombardment, the imposing manner is dreadful. 他掌间光芒大方,青焰腾腾,一掌轰击而出,气势滔天。 However both attacked the instance of confrontation, Lesser Yang Sword Finger then penetrated the attack of Green Fierce Venerable. 然而两者攻击交锋的瞬间,少阳剑指便击穿了青烈尊者的攻击。 ! 噗! Lesser Yang Sword Finger, touched and went from the shoulder of Green Fierce Venerable, burns down Blood and Flesh, Blood Flame spreads in the wound combustion together, making Green Fierce Venerable call out pitifully at the scene. 少阳剑指,从青烈尊者的肩膀擦过,烧掉一块血肉,血焰在伤口燃烧蔓延,令青烈尊者当场惨叫了一声。
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