EH :: Volume #7 神魔传说

#911: One year later

One month later, Chen Yu arrives in the West Region battlefield. 一个月后,陈宇抵达西域战场。 This is Chen Yu First time comes West Region, but his arrival, has caused not the small sound as before. 这是陈宇第一次来西域,但他的到来,依旧引起了不小的动静。 In West Region battlefield, once selected the method of battle of words, shames the enemy , to promote the morale. 西域战场上,也曾采用骂战的方式,羞辱敌人,提升己方士气。 Therefore West Region audiences Cultivation, has certain understanding to Chen Yu, but has never seen the honorable person, has a general impression. 因此西域修行者,对陈宇有一定的了解,但从未见过真人,只有一个大概印象。 The arrival of Chen Yu, causes several high-level interviews. 陈宇的到来,引起几位高层的接见。 Commander, has a strategic suggestion below.” 统领,在下有一个战略建议。” Chen Yu proposed that he attracts the enemy attention, harasses the enemy camp, creates the opportunity of winning to one's own side. 陈宇主动提出,自己去吸引敌方注意力,扰乱敌人阵营,给己方创造获胜的机会。 This plan, obtains the West Region battlefield high-level consistent affirmation. 这一方案,得到西域战场高层的一致肯定。 They do not doubt enemy's hatred Level to Chen Yu, in addition posting a reward of Extinguishing Heart Emperor Lord, that astonishing reward is their heart movement. 他们毫不怀疑敌人对陈宇的仇恨程度,再加上灭心帝主的悬赏,那惊人的奖励就算是他们都心动不已。 Meanwhile, Chen Yu proposed the reward. 同时,陈宇提出了酬劳。 He is South Region Cultivation, goes to West Region to assist on own initiative, and gives the brilliant plan, to oneself in the dangerous situation, West Region audiences Stingy, does not promise the Chen Yu 350,000 contributions. 他是南域修行者,主动前往西域相助,并献出良策,至自己于危险境地,西域众强也不吝啬,许诺陈宇350000的贡献。 Good, the South Region reward is richer.” “不错,比南域奖励的还要丰厚。” Chen Yu has not bargained back and forth, accepted the proposition. 陈宇也没讨价还价,接受了提议。 After ten day. 十日之后。 West Region driving attack in the past. 西域主动进攻过去。 The War beginning, West Region King then scolded. 战争开端,西域王者便骂了起来。 Today This King then must make you all get the hell out.” “今日本王便要让你们全部滚蛋。” Ha, the joke, Great Universe World sooner or later is our.” “哈哈哈,笑话,大宇界迟早是我们的。” Depends on your one group of one who has eyes yet fails to see? Presents our Human Race is Young Ancestor, bows politely to consecrate, felt all right to speak this words.” “就凭你们一群睁眼瞎?将我们人族奉为少祖,叩拜供奉,也好意思说这种话。” West Region King jokes. 西域王者讥笑道。 Although the enemies are angry, but after all was the old repertoire, their also immunity, or the facial skin thickened. 敌人虽愤怒,但毕竟是老套路了,他们也免疫了,或者说脸皮变厚了。 But in this time, Chen Yu flew. 但就在此时,陈宇飞了出来。 „The Blood Race young children, see this Young Ancestor, hasn't saluted?” 血族小儿们,见到本少祖,还不行礼?” Chen Yu bellows, laughs wildly. 陈宇大吼一声,狂放大笑。 Immediately, whooshes the sound to spread innumerably. 顿时,无数嘶吼声传出。 Is Chen Yu!” “是陈宇!” Bastard, I must tear to shreds him!” “混蛋,我要将他碎尸万段!” Today you came not to walk!” “今日你来了就别想走!” In a flash, the enemy lost the reason, the anger spread. 一瞬间,敌人失去了理智,怒火蔓延。 The war is ready to be set off, three Half-Step King have killed instantaneously then, even including Congealing Star Boundary planned that First Time gets rid to Chen Yu, but was stopped by West Region King. 大战一触即发,瞬间便有三名半步王者杀了过来,甚至连凝星境都打算第一时间陈宇出手,只不过被西域王者制止了。 Slaughters Startling Heaven. 厮杀惊天 Dozens people are in hot pursuit to Chen Yu, he flees in all directions, goes around in the entire battlefield. 数十人对陈宇紧追不舍,他四处遁走,在整个战场上绕圈。 In South Region one, performs again...... 南域的一幕,再一次上演…… ...... …… World Plane War, affects dozens World Plane, the tactical situation is frigid, every day has does not know that many Life died. 界面战争,波及数十个界面,战况惨烈,每天都有不知多少生命死去。 This War, has continued for many years, does not know that also will continue multi- Youngster. 这场战争,已持续多年,也不知道还会继续多少年 One year later. 一年后。 Great Universe Alliance, a man and a woman arrive hand in hand. 大宇联盟,一男一女携手降临。 Man personal appearance tall and straight strong, the face edges and corners title page, the jet black both eyes twinkle dim light, the imposing manner is fearful. 男子身形挺拔健硕,面庞棱角封面,漆黑的双目闪烁幽光,气势慑人。 Woman White Clothes, the fine dust does not dye, the whole body as if there is snowflake to wind around, is similar to Ice Immortal that in the snow and ice walks. 女子一袭白衣,纤尘不染,周身仿佛有雪花缭绕,如同冰雪中走来的冰仙子。 Great Universe Alliance, I came.” 大宇联盟,我又来了。” Chen Yu looks at the brilliance to be radiant, grand magnificent Holy City, was attracted again. 陈宇看着光辉璀璨,壮阔辉煌的圣城,再一次被吸引。 From his previous time leaves Great Universe Alliance, already past more than one year of time. 距离他上次离开大宇联盟,已过去一年多的时光。 One year in battlefield, Chen Yu goes through each region, by the homogeneous way combat, earned the large amount contribution. 在战场上的一年,陈宇辗转各地,以同种方式作战,赚取了巨额贡献。 The condition that in the battlefield Chen Yu faces, was chased down by many Powerhouse, and even stared by Congealing Star King, this also makes him constantly squeeze own potential, oneself is growing at the incomparably swift and violent speed. 战场之中陈宇面临的状况,被诸多强者追杀,乃至被凝星王者盯上,这也使得他无时无刻都压榨着自己的潜力,自身以无比迅猛的速度成长着。 Heavenly Universe Venerable, you came.” 天宇尊者,您来了。” When Chen Yu just arrived, guards then on own initiative greets. 陈宇刚到来时,守卫便主动打招呼。 In this year, the Chen Yu fact, the person passes on widely, publicity. 这一年,陈宇的事迹,广为人传,已经人尽皆知。 But this year his success, focuses attention on, creates the miracle repeatedly, became the Great Universe World younger generation, the legend in heart. 而他这一年的战绩,更是瞩目,屡创奇迹,已经成为大宇界年轻一代,心中的传奇英雄。 Therefore, there is a polite name, Heavenly Universe Venerable. 因此,也有了尊称,天宇尊者 Chen Yu has complied with one, after Inspection, enters Great Universe Alliance with Ye Luofeng together. 陈宇应了一声,经过检查后,与叶珞凤一同进入大宇联盟 Is Heavenly Universe Venerable!” “是天宇尊者!” What by him is Ice Lotus Fairy, East Region Genius, the talent and good looks outstanding in both fields, they are really match certainly.” “他旁边的是冰莲仙子,东域天才,才貌双绝,两人真是绝配。” Heavenly Universe Venerable, the «Contribution List» First hero character, is Great Universe World renders meritorious service innumerably.” 天宇尊者,《贡献榜第一的英雄人物,为大宇界立功无数。” In Alliance, the person of communication all looks to Chen Yu and Ye Luofeng, the sigh again and again. 联盟内,来往之人皆看向陈宇叶珞凤,感叹连连。 Six months ago, the contribution of Chen Yu, then rushed to «Contribution List» First, and was maintaining, was never surmounted. 半年前,陈宇的贡献,便冲上了《贡献榜第一,且一直保持着,从未被超越。 But Ye Luofeng in the East Region battlefield, is similarly dazzling. 叶珞凤东域战场上,同样耀眼。 Quick, they arrived at War Palace. 很快,两人来到了战殿 Heavenly Universe Venerable!” 天宇尊者!” Ice Lotus Fairy.” 冰莲仙子。” Here Humanity and monster class are more, calls out in alarm unceasingly. 这里人类、妖类更多,惊呼不断。 „The total contribution of Heavenly Universe Venerable, has achieved 2.4 million, is First, surpasses Second 290,000 contributions!” 天宇尊者的总贡献,已经达到2400000,名列第一,超过第二名290000贡献!” What unfortunately is, once in Great Universe Alliance Cultivation Long Yi and Long Ming, here. 不巧的是,曾在大宇联盟修炼龙易龙明,也在这里。 Two Holy Son look at now the brilliance according to Chen Yu of person, lowers the head the sigh, stands in the crowd. 两位圣子看着如今光辉照人的陈宇,低头叹息,站在人群中。 Now recalls that initially their on own initiative provocation Chen Yu, was the how stupid behavior. 现在回想起来,当初他们主动挑衅陈宇,是多么愚蠢的行为。 Chen Yu has stood the apex of the same generation Genius, Second First on four big territory «Heaven's Proud List», is also overshadowed in his front. 陈宇已经站在同辈天才中的顶点,四大域《天骄榜》上的第二第一,在他的面前也黯然失色。 After Chen Yu enters War Palace, successes read out. 陈宇走进战殿后,一声声战绩宣读出来。 On «Contribution List», the Chen Yu name has not moved, the following contribution total becomes 2.75 million, the Second name was left behind. 贡献榜》上,陈宇的名字没有动,后面的贡献总数则变为2750000,第二名被远远甩在后面。 Is one's turn Ye Luofeng. 紧接着,轮到叶珞凤 After Fighting Merit read out, her name, fled to sixth. 战功宣读完毕后,她的名字,窜到第六名。 In the Very Envious vision of people, Chen Yu and Ye Luofeng departed. 在众人的羡煞目光中,陈宇叶珞凤离去了。 Went to War Palace, most people will then go to the Treasure palace, Chen Yu and Ye Luofeng are no exception. 去了战殿,大多数人接下来都会去珍宝殿,陈宇叶珞凤也不例外。 Chen Yu and Ye Luofeng, Cultivation Time is not long, in the future the potential will be enormous, at this moment they will exchange, will be some precious Cultivation Rare Material. 陈宇叶珞凤,修行时间不长,未来潜力极大,此刻他们兑换的,都是一些珍贵的修炼珍材 The World Plane war, wants to go on living, be stronger than others, unceasing strengthen. 界面大战,想要活下去,就要比别人更强,不断的变强。 After exchanging Rare Material, then rents Cave Mansion, closes up Cultivation. 兑换珍材之后,便是租洞府,闭关修行 Three Xiangning Yuan pill , helping precise Half-Step Origin Power precious Medicine Pill!” “三香凝元丹,帮助凝炼半步元力的珍贵丹药!” Chen Yu takes out a tricolor pill, throws into the mouth. 陈宇取出一枚三色药丸,丢入嘴中。 Previous time closes up, Chen Yu smoothly is then precise First silk Half-Step Origin Power, was considered as Half-Step King. 上一次闭关中,陈宇便顺利凝炼出第一半步元力,算得上半步王者了。 True Origin within the four seas. 真元海内。 Sky over the pure white tranquil sea level, is floating a wisp of gassed thread, regarding becoming a circle. 洁白宁静的海面上空,漂浮着一缕光丝,围绕成一个圆圈。 Along with three Xiangning Yuan pill's drug efficacy display, Chen Yu starts to continue precise Half-Step Origin Power. 随着三香凝元丹的药效发挥,陈宇开始继续凝炼半步元力 The tranquil True Origin sea surges, gathers to go to Center by the thread shape, gradually ascends, as if a spiral-shaped mountain peak, but is liquid, moreover in unceasing rotation. 平静的真元海涌动而起,以螺纹状向中心聚集而去,逐渐升腾而起,仿佛一座螺旋状的山峰,只不过是液态的,而且在不断的转动。 Had three Xiangning Yuan pill's Auxiliary, Second silk Half-Step Origin Power quickly precise. 有了三香凝元丹的辅助,第二半步元力很快凝炼而出。 Sees only that conical shape True Origin Peak, floats a wisp of pure white sparkle the gassed thread, twines in another wisp of Half-Step Origin Power together, combines. 只见那圆锥状的真元顶端,漂浮出一缕洁白闪耀的光丝,与另一缕半步元力缠绕在一起,合二为一。 Now Chen Yu is Half-Step King. 如今陈宇已经算是半步王者了。 Just, Half-Step Origin Power is extremely scarce, is used to display an attack to be insufficient. 只不过,半步元力太过稀少,用来施展一次攻击都不够。 One month later, Chen Yu goes out. 一个月后,陈宇出关。 „Is this month of achievement what kind of?” “这一个月成果怎么样?” The Ye Luofeng surface contains the faint smile. 叶珞凤面含浅笑。 Compared with before, her ice-cold semblance had change slightly, seems no longer makes one be hard to approach. 与之前相比,她那冰冷的外表有了略微的变化,看上去不再那么令人难以靠近。 2% of True Origin sea, the transformation is Half-Step Origin Power.” “已经将真元海的2,转化为半步元力。” Chen Yu says with a smile. 陈宇笑着道。 Generally speaking, 50% True Origin seas, the transformation is Half-Step Origin Power, attacks Congealing Star Boundary quite to be safe. 一般来说,将一半的真元海,转化为半步元力,冲击凝星境才比较稳妥。 Really has these many?” “竟然有这么多?” Ye Luofeng somewhat is slightly surprised. 叶珞凤略有些吃惊。 Before, Ye Luofeng Cultivation progress in front of Chen Yu. 之前,叶珞凤修为进度在陈宇前面。 But in this year, Chen Yu progresses is too big, both well are in the same level line. 但这一年内,陈宇进步太大,两者咦处于同一水平线。 They almost simultaneously start precise Half-Step Origin Power, but the Chen Yu progress has surpassed Ye Luofeng now. 他们差不多同时开始凝炼半步元力,但如今陈宇的进度超过了叶珞凤 Are not many, the road is very far!” “不多,路还很远!” Chen Yu shakes the head. 陈宇摇头。 He has Blood Spirit Body, can promote the Spirit Body intelligence instantaneously, picks up the Cultivation speed, progress, be quicker than Ye Luofeng. 他拥有血灵体,可以瞬间提升灵体资质,加快修行速度,进度方面,要比叶珞凤快一些。 However the road of Congealing Star, but also is very remote. 不过凝星之路,还很遥远。 In the future, is more difficult. 越是往后,更加艰难。 „Do you to the following life, what have to plan?” “你对接下来的人生,有什么规划?” The Ye Luofeng feeble voice asked that plays musical instruments on cheek that may break, raised quietly the crimson color. 叶珞凤细声问道,吹弹可破的脸蛋上,悄然升起绯红之色。 Their sentiments, already the regard were unknowingly interlinked, close connected, now as if only remaining last steps. 两人的感情在不知不觉中,早已心意相通,紧密相连,如今似乎只剩下最后一步。 Then must go to the battlefield, War did not finish, when where has to be peaceful.” “接下来还是要前往战场,战争不结束,哪有安宁之时。” The Chen Yu earnest [say / way], had not realized completely that what Woman asked that the plan of life important matter. 陈宇认真道,完全没意识到,女子问的是,人生大事的规划。 You make such big noise in each battlefield, is really not suitable to go to the battlefield, too take risked.” “你在各个战场上都闹出这么大的动静,实在不适合在上战场,太冒险了。” Ye Luofeng slightly somewhat worried. 叶珞凤略有些担忧。 If Chen Yu can close up, after Breakthrough Congealing Star Boundary, on again battlefield, there is a certain security. 如果陈宇能一直闭关,直到突破凝星境后,再上战场,也有了一定的安全保障。 However, the road of Cultivation, where has the bon voyage, does not run risks. 不过,修行之路,哪有一帆风顺,不冒风险的。 In this year Chen Yu communicated each battlefield, took the big risk, but grew and harvest is also huge. 这一年陈宇来往各个战场,也冒着较大的风险,但成长和收获也是巨大的。 Great Universe Alliance closes up for five months later, Chen Yu then left. 大宇联盟闭关五个月之后,陈宇便离开了。 He returns to South Region, goes to Black Demon Valley. 他回到南域,前往黑魔谷 With Chen Yu beginning temporarily this South Region big influence time compared with, present Black Demon Valley, slightly is lonely. 陈宇初临时这个南域势力的时候相比,如今的黑魔谷,略显冷清。 Majority of Disciple, either carries out Mission, either on the battlefield kills the enemy, some died. 大部分弟子,要么执行任务,要么上战场杀敌,还有一些则陨落了。 In welcoming of audiences Disciple, Chen Yu arrives at the Solitary Blood Valley Master dwelling. 在一众弟子的恭迎中,陈宇来到寂血谷主的住处。 You came back.” “你回来了。” The sound of Solitary Blood Valley Master vicissitudes spreads, past one year, he appeared just added old, did not have past that dignified imposing manner, seemed looks like gentle Elder. 寂血谷主沧桑的声音传出,过去一年,他显得刚加苍老,没了当年那股威严气势,看上去更像一个平和的长辈 Teacher, how did the Great Universe World antidote study?” 师尊,大宇界的解药研究如何了?” Chen Yu inquired. 陈宇询问道。 From the Solitary Blood Valley Master condition, he can see that the opposite party poison is very deep, does not know that also how long can support. 寂血谷主的状况,他就可以看出,对方中毒很深,不知还能支撑多久。 „The Blood Dao aspect, Blood Race is by far we extremely, but Great Universe World has consumed many human resources, should be quick.” 血道方面,血族远胜我们太过,不过大宇界耗费了许多人力资源,应该快了吧。” Solitary Blood Valley Master sighed. 寂血谷主叹道。 In regulations his heart also lacks self-confidence, said that is only hopes Chen Yu do not worry. 实则他心中也没底,这么说只是希望陈宇不要太担忧。 Yu-Child, that evil creature walked now, you come, when Blood Demon Valley Young Valley Master.” 宇儿,如今那孽障走了,你来当血魔谷少谷主。” Solitary Blood Valley Master serious [say / way]. 寂血谷主郑重道。 Chen Yu expression sinks, Solitary Blood Valley Master these words, give him one type in the feeling of arrangement things to do after death. 陈宇神色微沉,寂血谷主的这句话,给他一种在安排后事的感觉。 Teacher, the Young Valley Master matter is not anxious, you also relieved, when Valley Master!” 师尊,少谷主的事不急,你也安安心心的当谷主!” Chen Yu rejected. 陈宇拒绝了。 After he fears one comply, Solitary Blood Valley Master gave up the desire of seeking livehood. 他怕自己答应后,寂血谷主就放弃了求生的欲望。 After having looked at Teacher, Chen Yu remembers Young Ancestor Feng once more, in the heart killing intent appears. 看过师尊之后,陈宇再次想起烽少祖,心中杀意浮现。 Heartless Blood Poison is the chronic toxin, will nibble Heart unceasingly, until its destruction, even if King, dies unavoidably. 无心血毒是慢性毒,会不断蚕食心脏,直至将其毁灭,就算是王者,也难免一死。 The Blood Race Blood Dao attainments, in innumerable World Plane, they called Second, feared that did not have other race to dare to call First. 血族血道造诣,在无数界面中,他们称第二,怕也没有其他种族敢称第一 Great Universe World wants to explain Heartless Blood Poison in King institute smoothly, perhaps is very difficult. 大宇界想要顺利破解王者所中的无心血毒,恐怕很难。 If Great Universe World can win, defeats Blood Race and Alien Race, the antidote must not be the difficult matter......” “若是大宇界能获胜,击败血族异族,解药应当也不是难事……” A half month later, Chen Yu arrives at the South Region battlefield again. 半个多月后,陈宇再次来到南域战场。
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