EH :: Volume #7 神魔传说

#910: Public enemies

Chen? The appearance, is similar to together the loadstone, is attracting the enemy powerful enemy, continuous kills. 陈?的出现,如同一块吸铁石,吸引着敌方强敌,源源不断的杀过来。 Removes Chen Yu!” “除掉陈宇!” Chen Yu must die!” 陈宇必须死!” The distant place has Half-Step King, two Late Stage Peak, have killed. 远方有一名半步王者,两名后期巅峰,杀了过来。 In addition, many Space Ocean Venerable, comes to join in the fun. 除此之外,更多的空海尊者,也前来凑热闹。 So long as removes Chen Yu, a next Great Universe World side, does not have what excuse reason, ridicules them. 只要除掉陈宇,下一次大宇界一方,就没有什么借口理由,来讥讽他们。 In addition, making Blood Race have a headache about incomparable Chen Yu, finally dies in Alien Race, they the status in Alliance, will rise some without doubt, when with the Blood Race argument, can for this reason press a Blood Race head. 此外,让血族头疼无比的陈宇,最终死在异族手里,他们在联盟中的地位,无疑将上升一些,与血族争论时,也能以此为由压血族一头。 Depends on you, but could also not kill me!” “就凭你们,还杀不了我!” The Chen Yu facial color is tranquil. 陈宇面色平静。 Ignorant young child, I thought that you do not know, how the dead characters write.” “无知小儿,我看你是真不知道,死字怎么写的。” Alien Race Half-Step King shouted to clear the way coldly, regarding the Chen Yu rampant provocation, was very angry. 异族半步王者冷喝道,对于陈宇嚣张的挑衅,十分愤怒。 Half-Step King that but this catches up with first, but also has not gotten rid. 但这名先赶来的半步王者,还迟迟没出手。 Before Chen Yu cut to kill the Half-Step King situation also to come clearly into view, before other support have not arrived, in order to insurance, first not anxiously beginning. 之前陈宇斩杀半步王者的情形还历历在目,在其余支援没抵达前,保险起见,先不急着动手。 But he does not begin, Chen Yu will not be waiting. 但他不动手,陈宇不会干等着。 Kills!” “杀!” He kills on own initiative to this Alien Race Half-Step King. 他主动杀向这名异族半步王者 Under displaying the Blood Transformation Demon Body condition, his whole body filled explosive power, the fist has been possible to break to pieces the mountain, the palm may chop the sea. 在施展血变魔体的状态下,他浑身充满了爆炸性的力量,拳可碎山,掌可劈海。 Thump! Thump! 怦!怦! Fights two moves, this Half-Step King was then given to repel by the Chen Yu fierce stance, an innermost feelings lingering fear. 交手两招,这名半步王者便被陈宇凶猛的姿态给击退,内心一阵余悸。 Bastard, will this boy so be how strong?” “混蛋,这小子怎么会这么强?” A Alien Race Half-Step King face is embarrassed. 异族半步王者一脸难堪。 One obviously is a Cultivation Powerful side, finally at this moment becomes a small and weak side, these several hundred years of Cultivation, Cultivation to the dog on? 自己明明是修为强大的一方,结果此刻成为弱小的一方,难道自己这几百年的修行,都修炼到狗身上去了? Whiz...... 嗖…… At this moment, other Alien Race support arrives, this Half-Step King relaxed slightly. 就在此刻,其余异族支援抵达,这名半步王者微微松了口气。 Chen Yu, when can you also wildly to?” 陈宇,你还能猖狂到何时?” Alien Race Half-Step King vented the depression in heart. 异族半步王者发泄心中的郁闷。 At this moment them has two big Half-Step King, three Space Ocean Boundary Late Stage Peak, four Space Ocean Late Stage, certain Venerable. 此刻他们这边有两大半步王者,三名空海境后期巅峰,四名空海后期,还有若干尊者 Asks respectfully the anticipation!” “敬请期待!” Chen Yu laughs, a long hair dance, performs with the wind wildly obviously uninhibited. 陈宇大笑一声,一头长发随风狂舞,尽显狂放不羁。 Enemy who at present he faces, in range that but also in can deal with. 目前他面对的敌人,还在能够应对的范围内。 And this Level enemy, can let him in fully the fight, whets oneself, Breakthrough limit. 且这种程度的敌人,可以让他在全力战斗中,磨砺自身,突破极限。 Kill! 杀! The Chen Yu imposing manner thrives, fights intent to be intense, kills once more. 陈宇气势勃发,战意强烈,再次杀出。 Two Half-Step Congealing Star Boundary how, by many Alien Race surrounding how? These are their stepping-stone, is own Contribution Points. 两名半步凝星境又如何,被诸多异族包围又如何?这些都是自己的垫脚石,都是自己的贡献点 Fight Erupting, explosion again and again. 战斗爆发,爆炸连连。 The Chen Yu dependence slightly wins in the Half-Step Congealing Star Boundary speed, Defense of force, as well as Middle Rank Inextinguishable Body , in many powerful enemies, socializes the fight. 陈宇依靠略胜于半步凝星境的速度,强力的防御,以及中等不灭体,在诸多强敌中,周旋战斗。 This, shocking surrounding area several thousand li (0.5km) player and enemy. 这一幕,震惊方圆数千里的敌我双方。 At this moment, the Human Race high level also knows that Chen Yu comes to the battlefield news. 此刻,人族高层也知道,陈宇现身战场的消息。 How did he come?” “他怎么来了?” This is not wonderful, once Chen Yu had been killed by the enemy, he in the value of Blood Race actions, reduced.” “这可不妙啊,一旦陈宇被敌人杀了,他在血族所作所为的价值,就降低了。” Human Race Half-Step King said. 一名人族半步王者道。 „It is not right, he is not perhaps easy dead.” “不对,他恐怕没那么容易死。” Feminine Half-Step King said. 一名女性半步王者道。 At once other people gaze at to go, see only Chen Yu to be surrounded by the people, has not actually fallen into the weak trend, instead made the enemy side be at a loss. 旋即其余人注视而去,只见陈宇被众人包围,却没有陷入弱势,反而令敌方束手无策。 Some moment, Venerable falls from the sky in the Chen Yu hand. 某一刻,一名尊者陨落陈宇手中。 Fierce!” “厉害!” A high level claps the hands and shouts praise. 一名高层不由拍手叫好。 It seems like we have underestimated this Heaven's Proud.” “看来我们低估了这名天骄。” If Chen Yu can guarantee does not die, his entering the war, instead is a good deed.” “若陈宇能保证不死,他的参战,反而是件好事。” Feminine Half-Step King said. 女性半步王者道。 Right, the appearance of Chen Yu, attracted the attention of enemy, made their lineup chaos, this was our opportunities!” “没错,陈宇的出现,吸引了敌人的注意,令他们阵型大乱,这正是我们的机会!” That hopes his noisy, prayed that fiercely he was not dying.” “那就愿他闹的更厉害一点,祈祷他不要死了。” Quick attack, kills enemy Internal!” “快进攻,杀进敌人内部!” The tactical situation is even more intense. 战况越发激烈。 Below sea water was been instantaneously incarnadine by the blood, the surface floats corpses. 下方海水瞬间被血染红,表面漂浮一具具尸体。 Appearance of Chen Yu, attracts the attention of enemy forcefully, even many Powerhouse are separated from the lineup, goes to get rid to Chen Yu. 陈宇的现身,强行吸引敌人的注意,甚至不少强者脱离阵型,去对陈宇出手。 A Great Universe World side, while this opportunity, attacks the enemy weak zone, has certain superiority, and goes well repeatedly. 大宇界一方,趁此机会,进攻敌人薄弱地带,占据一定的优势,并且屡屡得手。 The news that some moment, Chen Yu comes, has spread over the entire battlefield finally. 某一刻,陈宇现身的消息,终于传遍了整个战场。 Chen Yu appeared in the battlefield!” 陈宇出现在战场了!” His Infiltrator not dead Blood Race, but also destroys our Holy Artifact, I must kill him!” “他潜入不死血族,还毁我们的圣器,我要杀了他!” The Blood Race indignation, is in a towering rage, must surmount the huge battlefield, copes Chen Yu. 血族愤慨,一个个怒气冲天,要跨越庞大的战场,去对付陈宇 Then, the entire lineup of enemy, by Chen Yu harassing. 就这样,敌人的整个阵型,被陈宇给扰乱。 Suddenly. 忽然。 Above the vault of heaven, in the chaotic King battlefield, transmits together the sound of highest heaven, is similar to instruction that the heaven issues: This war, so long as puts to death Chen Yu, is the victory!” 天穹之上,混乱的王者战场中,传来一道九霄之音,如同上天下达的指令:“这一战,只要诛杀陈宇,便是胜利!” Reckless price, massacres Chen Yu!” “不顾一切代价,杀掉陈宇!” Said these two words, was Blood Race King. 说出这两句话的,都是血族王者 Their hate to Chen Yu, has achieved the apex. 他们对陈宇的恨,已经达到顶点。 Another side. 另一边。 Chen Yu gave up the fight, starts running away at once. 陈宇放弃了战斗,拔腿就跑。 „Are these many people pursuing my one? Are you also concerned about face?” “这么多人追着我一个?你们还要脸吗?” Chen Yu scolded. 陈宇骂道。 Chasing down Chen Yu that at this moment, he behind at least more than 20 Peak Powerhouse, completely goes all out, angers roared spread unceasingly. 此时此刻,他身后至少有20多名顶尖强者,全部拼命的追杀陈宇,一道道愤怒咆哮不断传出。 Chen Yu has the skill you to halt to me!” 陈宇有本事你给我站住!” You cannot run away, even if you run away to the ends of the earth, the old man must kill with one's own hand you.” “你跑不掉的,就算你逃到天涯海角,老夫也要将你手刃。” Chen Yu has not paid attention to clamoring and railing of enemy. 陈宇没有理会敌人的叫嚣和谩骂。 At this moment he only needs to maintain life, cannot fight to slaughter, has the unnecessary time, he observes the entire tactical situation. 此刻他只需要保命,不需战斗厮杀,有多余的功夫,他观察整个战况。 So long as towed to repel enemy to Great Universe World on the line.” “只要拖到大宇界击退敌人就行了。” Once the enemy defeats thoroughly, only then removes, chases down his these people , can only retreat. 一旦敌人彻底战败,只有撤回去,追杀他的这些人,也只能撤退。 If Chen Yu expects. 陈宇所料。 Before long, enemy casualties are serious, is fought intent that Great Universe World kills. 不一会儿,敌方死伤惨重,被大宇界杀的毫无战意。 Continues, possibly is annihilated. 继续下去,可能全军覆没。 They have to draw back! 他们不得不退! Retreats!” “撤退!” Blood Race King issues the order. 血族王者下达命令。 But suddenly, Blood Race King, combustion Origin Power, Erupting leaves the rare speed, breaks through the hindrance of Human Race King, close Chen Yu. 但忽然的,有一名血族王者,燃烧元力,爆发出超乎寻常的速度,冲破人族王者的阻碍,接近陈宇 Death!” “死!” King killing intent is dreadful, a blade chops to chop. 王者杀意滔天,一刀劈砍而出。 Bang! 轰! The sea of clouds was divided into two, the radiant scarlet blade light, long of three hundreds of zhang (333m), crash from the sky together fully, cuts to destroy all. 云海被一分为二,一道璀璨猩红的刀光,足有三百丈之长,从天空坠落而下,将一切斩毁。 Gave up any idea of!” “休想!” Demonic Moon Religion King, that grim Middle Age, drinks one coldly, a sword ejects. 邪月教王者,那名冷面中年,冷喝一声,一剑击出。 Although Great Universe World lures the enemy to pay attention using Chen Yu, seizes the chance to kill the enemy. 虽然大宇界利用陈宇吸引敌人注意,趁机杀敌。 But they frequently are also paying attention to Chen Yu, does not hope that South Region this kind of Genius, dies in the battlefield. 但他们也时刻关注着陈宇,并不希望南域这样一位天才,死在战场。 ! 咻蓬! The bright yellow color sword light, passes through together void, punctures the blade light, leaves behind a giant gap. 一道明亮的黄色剑光,贯穿虚空,刺破刀光,留下一个巨大的缺口。 The fissure spreads, blade light blasting open, the Scarlet blade air/Qi attacks Four Directions. 裂痕蔓延,刀光炸裂,血色刀气冲击四方 King murderous intention, by the Human Race King stop. 王者的杀机,被人族王者阻拦。 Yeah, somewhat was a pity.” “哎,有些可惜。” Chen Yu has sighed with emotion one. 陈宇感慨了一句。 Struck faced with King a moment ago angrily, he has not run away, even prepared to get rid fully. 刚才面临王者愤怒一击,他并未逃遁,甚至准备全力出手。 Previous time faces Remote Cherry King, Chen Yu not in the condition, fought a move with it, True Origin then empties. 上一次面临幽樱王,陈宇不在状态,与之交手一招,真元便空了。 This time, he prepared to encounter with King, has a look at himself and Congealing Star King, some big disparities. 这一次,他本准备与王者交锋,看看自己与凝星王者,有多大的差距。 Half-Step King, Chen Yu lost the interest gradually. 半步王者,陈宇已经渐渐失去了兴趣。 Quick that the war ended, a Great Universe World side wins, chases down ten thousand li (0.5km) remote, the heavy injury enemy...... 大战结束的很快,大宇界一方获胜,追杀万里之遥,重创敌人…… In city, glee feast. 城池内,庆功宴。 Including the Monster Race high level, comes to celebrate together. 妖族高层,也前来一起庆祝。 This war, exciting!” “这一战,大快人心啊!” Happiness that front scolded, happiness that midway fought, happiness that behind chased down, ha!” “前面骂的痛快,中途战的痛快,后面追杀的痛快,哈哈哈!” „After resting and building up strength, we then kill, recaptures the territory!” “休养生息之后,我们便杀过去,夺回领地!” Many high levels, drinking wine smooth word. 诸多高层,饮酒畅言。 However, this glee feast, most focuses attention on, is in the battlefield is most remarkable, that is Chen Yu. 不过,这次庆功宴,最瞩目的,也是战场上最引人注意的,那就是陈宇 Chen Brother, I respect your one cup.” 陈兄,我敬你一杯。” Has not thought really that your Infiltrator Blood Race, has done a such Extraordinary matter unexpectedly.” “真没想到,你竟潜入血族,干了一件这么了不起的事。” Many young outstanding, the woman's head covering heroine, assembles around Chen Yu, proposes a toast unceasingly. 诸多年轻俊杰,巾帼女豪,围聚在陈宇四周,不断敬酒。 Celebrated the merit three day to finish. 庆功三日才结束。 In the 3rd day night, command held a conference, many high-level participation, Chen Yu was also invited the past. 第三日夜里,统帅召开了一个会议,诸多高层参与,陈宇也被请了过去。 This conference, is mainly discussion today a war, the situations of various aspects. 这次会议,主要是讨论今日一战,各方面的情况。 Chen Young Friend, when do you arrive at the battlefield?” “陈小友,你是何时来到战场的?” At this time, red robe Old Man asked. 这时,一名红袍老者问道。 This person is Wind Fire Sect King, Wind Fire Sect and Black Demon Valley is always on good terms. 此人是风火门王者,风火门黑魔谷一向交好。 Younger generation also just came, to bump into a war, I directly went on stage.” “晚辈也是刚来,碰上一场大战,我就直接上场了。” Chen Yu replied truthfully. 陈宇如实回答。 No wonder your excellency will appear in the new person area, Ha Ha.” “难怪阁下会出现在新人区,哈哈。” Young Half-Step King said with a smile. 一名年纪不大的半步王者笑道。 After exchanging several, Chen Yu including saying with a smile: This war, we win, has been chased down by many enemies below, kills the enemy really few, does not know that has the extra premium?” 交流几句后,陈宇含笑道:“这次大战,我方大胜,不过在下一直被诸多敌人追杀,杀敌甚少,不知道有没有额外奖励?” Chen Yu has very great anticipation, will otherwise not attract that many people willingly, has been chased down. 陈宇对此可是抱有很大的期待,不然也不会心甘情愿的吸引那么多人,一直被追杀着。 You could rest assured that in battlefield, not only to kill the enemy to reward according to merit, other contributions have the contribution similarly.” “你放心,战场上,不仅以杀敌论功行赏,其它贡献同样也有贡献。” Above command, Demonic Moon Religion grim Middle Age serious [say / way]. 正上方的统帅,邪月教的冷面中年一脸严肃的道。 Chen Yu, this War wins, your function is enormous, attracts the enemy attention, causing the enemy camp to disrupt......” 陈宇,此次战争获胜,你的作用极大,吸引敌人注意力,导致敌方阵营打乱……” Then, after a discussion. 接下来,一阵探讨后。 Chen Yu obtains 300,000 contribution rewards additionally. 陈宇额外得到300000贡献奖励。 Does not kill the enemy, got the enemy to stroll in the battlefield, obtained 300,000 contributions! 不杀敌人,就领着敌人在战场上逛了一圈,就得到300000贡献! Chen Yu is very satisfied, no longer talks too much. 陈宇很是满意,不再多言。 Other Half-Step King Level big Team Leader, somewhat envy. 其余半步王者级别的大队长,都有些羡慕。 The big Team Leader Level position, participates in a time war, generally also on 200,000 contributions. 队长级别的职位,参与一次大战,一般也就200000贡献。 Chen Yu considers as finished, in addition strikes the enemy who kills, this war, he obtained 365,000 contributions! 陈宇算了一下,加上自己击杀的敌人,这一战,他得到了365000贡献! Ten days later, recuperation was similar. 十天之后,休整的差不多了。 The armies attack, break through the hostile camp, recaptures nearly 1 million li (0.5km) territory! 大军出击,攻破敌营,夺回近1000000里的领地! The armies continue to advance, depend upon the similar way, front scolds, then pays attention by the Chen Yu attraction enemy side, defeats the enemy once more. 大军继续推进,依靠同样的方式,前面开骂,然后以陈宇吸引敌方注意,再次败敌。 However after the third time, the effect of this way greatly reduced. 然而第三次后,这种方式的效果就大大降低了。 The enemy study was intelligent, scolded does not scold, started directly. 敌人学聪明了,骂都不骂,直接开打。 Regarding Chen Yu, they also had the corresponding plan, one time the Chen Yu introduction trap, almost leaves behind his poor life. 对于陈宇,他们也有了相应的计划,有一次将陈宇引入陷阱,差点将他的小命留下。 After this fights, Chen Yu decides to depart. 这一战之后,陈宇决定离去。 Regarding this in the armed forces the high level expressed the understanding, Chen Yu in the enemy eyes was a public enemy, too many people wanted to kill him. 对此军中高层表示理解,陈宇在敌人眼里就是公敌,太多人想要杀他。 Chen Brother, goes to Great Universe Alliance well Cultivation!” 陈兄,去大宇联盟好好修行吧!” A big Team Leader suggestion said. 一名大队长建议道。 No, the Dang West Region battlefield kills the enemy.” “不,我去西域战场杀敌。” The Chen Yu words, making the people stare. 陈宇的话,令众人一愣。 In the South Region battlefield, the enemy has been familiar with the repertoire, had the countermeasure, but if goes to other battlefields, is different. 南域战场,敌人已经熟悉了套路,有了对策,但如果去其他战场,就不一样了。
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