EH :: Volume #7 神魔传说

#909: He is Chen Yu

Runs away quickly!” “快逃!” Human Race is mean and shameless, this grade of Powerhouse, hides in the new person team unexpectedly, everybody removes quickly.” 人族卑鄙无耻,竟然将这等强者,藏在新人队伍里,大家快撤。” Chen Yu chases down, more than 100 Alien Race flee to the wilderness, his optional move, then puts to death several Alien Race, aggressive incomparable. 陈宇追杀而出,100多名异族落荒而逃,他随意一招,便诛杀十几名异族,霸气无比。 In the battlefield also has the difference of strong and weak rank, the new person area that Chen Yu is, is in huge battlefield most outflow boundary, is not on the other hand important, moreover is in the battlefield the safest place, encounters the danger to escape also conveniently. 战场上也是有强弱等级的区别,陈宇所在的新人区,处于庞大战场的最外缘,相对来说不怎么重要,而且是战场上最安全的地方,遇到危险逃跑也方便。 In new person who before Alien Race just joined, presented Space Ocean Boundary Middle Stage Peak. 之前异族刚加入的新人中,出现了空海境中期巅峰 Such character, experiences a fight, may be promoted a higher position. 这样的人物,经历一场战斗,就可晋级更高职位。 Was only a pity that this Alien Race has met Chen Yu, was killed by the direct second. 只可惜,这名异族遇到了陈宇,被直接秒杀。 This moment Chen Yu has become most Powerhouse in new person team, sweeps away to cut down, nobody may keep off. 此刻陈宇成了新人队伍里的最强者,横扫劈杀,无人可挡。 Rear Human Race new person team, shock looks at this. 后方人族新人队伍,震惊的看着这一幕。 „Will Dang, in us, how have this grade of Powerhouse?” 我去,我们之中,怎么会有这等强者?” In them, mostly is about Returning Origin Late Stage, minority Space Ocean Boundary. 他们之中,大多都是归元后期左右,少数空海境 Kills, with this Powerhouse, earns the contribution.” “杀,跟着这位强者,赚取贡献。” Some people responded that shouted greatly. 有人反应过来,大喊道。 Has words that Powerhouse guides, their many can also grab a bargain, this grade of good deed, how can let off. 强者带路的话,他们多少也能捡点便宜,这等好事,怎能放过。 Therefore, the new person team that the round trip ran a moment ago, completely instead kills now, follows in Chen Yu behind. 于是,刚才往回跑的新人队伍,现在全部反杀过去,跟在陈宇身后。 Battle of new person, little was paid attention. 新人的厮杀,很少被关注。 But the Alien Race rout, died a tragic death unceasingly, has brought to the attention of other Alien Race Powerhouse. 异族大败,不断惨死,引起了其它异族强者的注意。 In this Human Race new person, has emitted the ruthless role.” “这次人族新人中,冒出了狠角色啊。” Has the Alien Race feeling, has not actually planned to assist. 异族感慨,却并没打算相助。 Above battlefield, own life difficult scruples, but also where has free time tube others. 战场之上,自己的性命都难顾忌,还哪有闲工夫管别人。 „It is not right, that and other power and influence, are Space Ocean Boundary Late Stage Peak, or is Half-Step King!” “不对,那等威势,是空海境后期巅峰,又或者是半步王者!” Has the character discovery of Team Leader level not to suit, calls out in alarm said. 队长级的人物发现不对劲,惊呼道。 „Does Human Race what's the matter, this grade of skilled person, place the new person area?” 人族是怎么回事,将这等强手,放在新人区?” Alien Race ponders over the airtight Human Race high-level idea. 异族琢磨不透人族高层的想法。 In this time. 就在此时。 In chased down Alien Race new person, spreads one to call out in alarm: Chen Yu!” 被追杀的异族新人中,传出一声惊呼:“陈宇!” He is Chen Yu!” “他是陈宇!” Chen Yu......” 陈宇……” A name spreads, the innumerable calls and scream resound. 一个名字传出,紧接着无数个呼声、尖叫响起。 Chen Yu two characters, resound unceasingly, is similar to ring-like wild waves, to sweeps away to go in all directions, alarms Four Directions. 陈宇”二字,不断响起,如同一阵环形骇浪,向四面八方横扫而去,惊动四方 Chen Yu that slaughtered, felt that all around all people were calling their name, continuous, continuously. 正在厮杀的陈宇,感觉四周所有人都在呼叫自己的名字,连绵不绝,此起彼伏。 If unclear details person, but also thinks that Chen Yu is the idols of countless person, caused that all people screamed shout. 若是不明详情的人,还以为陈宇是无数人的偶像呢,引得所有人尖叫呼喊。 He unexpectedly is Chen Yu.” “他竟然是陈宇。” Heavens, is this our Human Race big hero? He how in new person team?” 天呐,这就是我们人族的大英雄吗?他怎么会在新人队伍里?” A Human Race side, is shock is curious, all sizes up Chen Yu, some people of binocular twinkle Star Light, such as crazy such as confuse is staring at Chen Yu. 人族一方,则是震惊好奇,全都打量陈宇,更有人双眼闪烁星光,如痴如迷的盯着陈宇 In the crowd, big mouth Man stands same place: He unexpectedly is really Chen Yu, I unexpectedly with idol short distance contact, but also has spoken to him!” 人群中,一名大嘴男子愣立原地:“他竟然真是陈宇,我竟然和偶像近距离接触,还跟他说过话!” Chen Yu, comes with the life!” 陈宇,拿命来!” In not far away Alien Race team, whooshes the sound to spread. 不远处的异族队伍中,嘶吼声传出。 Sees only 78 Space Ocean Boundary Late Stage and Late Stage Peak, has killed completely. 只见78名空海境后期后期巅峰,全部杀了过来。 Although they are not Blood Race, but Alien Race and Blood Race Alliance, the Chen Yu actions have the enormous influence to War, making their Alien Race also lose greatly. 他们虽不是血族,但异族血族联盟,陈宇的所作所为对战争造成极大的影响,令他们异族也损失巨大。 They hold Chen Yu, can in Extinguishing Heart Emperor Lord there, receive to post a reward. 况且,他们抓住陈宇,也能在灭心帝主那里,领取悬赏。 Holds him quickly.” “快抓住他。” Your boy dares on battlefield unexpectedly, really brings about own destruction!” “你小子竟然敢上战场,真是自寻死路!” These 78 Alien Race, instantaneously Chen Yu surrounding. 这78名异族,瞬间将陈宇包围。 In their opinion, this is the space falls meat pie the good deed. 在他们看来,这是天上掉馅饼的好事。 They are away from the new person team to be recent, if Chen Yu appears in other places, this good deed was not one's turn them. 他们距离新人队伍最近,要是陈宇出现在其他地方,这好事就轮不到他们了。 He He, is really contribution of delivering.” “呵呵,真是送上门的贡献。” Saw this, Chen Yu has smiled. 看到这一幕,陈宇笑了起来。 Bore a grudge, becomes the public enemy, seems not the misdemeanor. 被人记恨,成为公敌,似乎也不是什么坏事。 Courts death, gets rid together.” “找死,一起出手。” Is head Alien Race of sharp gossipy ear, angrily rebukes, in the hand the long sword chops to chop to come, to change to hundred sword light, the burr. 为首的尖嘴长耳的异族,怒斥一声,手中长剑劈砍而来,化作百道剑光,飞刺而出。 Other Alien Race also ridicule Chen Yu to be conceited. 其余异族也讥笑陈宇狂妄自大。 Chen Yu thought that some do not suit, hasn't Blood Race told Alien Race own information? 陈宇觉得有些不对劲,血族难道没将自己的情报告诉异族 If he expects, Chen Yu in the Blood Race actions, is the Blood Race biggest shame, everybody is not willing to mention simply, therefore has not told Alien Race. 如他所料,陈宇血族的所作所为,简直就是血族最大的耻辱,人人都不愿提起,所以也没告诉异族 But at this moment, Alien Race only Chen Yu, treats as quite fierce Space Ocean Boundary Late Stage Peak to treat. 而此刻,异族只把陈宇,当作比较厉害的空海境后期巅峰来对待。 Bang! 轰隆隆! Killing Move from arrives to come in all directions, Chen Yu has not dodged Space. 杀招从四面八方降临而来,陈宇没有闪躲空间 However he does not need to dodge. 然而他根本无须闪躲。 ! 蓬! His Simple fist bang hits, wild such as mountain fist strength, runs out from the frontage, hits to the attack of sharp gossipy ear Alien Race. 简单一拳轰打而出,狂暴如山的拳力,从正面冲出,撞向尖嘴长耳异族的攻击。 Bang Bang! 轰砰蓬! In a flash, that several hundred sword light, change into the powder. 一瞬间,那数百道剑光,化为粉末。 Easily accomplished, is unstoppable. 摧枯拉朽,无可抵挡。 ! 蓬! Astonishing fist glow, hits Alien Race of sharp gossipy ear, his personal appearance blasts open instantaneously, changes to the innumerable blood clots, dies again cannot die. 惊人的拳芒,命中尖嘴长耳的异族,他身形瞬间炸裂,化作无数血块,死得不能再死。 Meanwhile, the attacks of other Alien Race, fall on Chen Yu. 与此同时,其余异族的攻击,落在陈宇身上。 However, these attacks are similar to bean curd pound in the steel and iron, the smashing, has not injured to Chen Yu voluntarily slightly. 然而,那些攻击就如同豆腐砸在钢铁上,自行粉碎,没有伤到陈宇丝毫。 How is this possible?” “这怎么可能?” Monster!” “怪物啊!” Alien Race neighed panic-stricken. 异族惊恐嘶叫。 Scoffs ! 嗤噗! Chen Yu offers a sacrifice to Nine Bone Demon Spirit sword, The demon sword speeds along, passes through a body of Alien Race, kills to the Second person, the blood wind that also irritates the nose together bright red splashes. 陈宇祭出【九骨魔灵剑】,魔剑飞驰而出,贯穿一名异族的躯体,紧接着杀向第二人,又是一道鲜红刺鼻的鲜血飙溅而出。 Runs away!” “逃!” Help......” “救命啊……” „......” “啊……” Instantaneous, eight Alien Race do not have the strength of resistance was cut to kill. 瞬间,八名异族毫无抵抗之力的被斩杀。 This, has scared Alien Race, nearby all Alien Race all evacuate. 这一幕,吓坏了异族,附近所有异族全部撤离。 Bang! 轰! Roars to spread, making cloud layer blast open, World bang. 一声怒吼传出,令云层炸裂,天地巨响。 Chen Yu, suffers to death to This Senior!” 陈宇,给本尊受死!” Alien Race Half-Step King, from the distant place battlefield, arrives. 一名异族半步王者,从远处战场,降临而来。 This Half-Step King Alien Race, on skin has the blue watermark, the hair of eyebrow seems the blue Crystal quality of material, wonderful long incomparable. 这名半步王者异族,皮肤上有蓝色水纹,眉毛的毛发好似蓝色水晶质地,奇长无比。 This long eyebrow Alien Race, is distance outflow boundary recent Half-Step King, arrives instantaneous, in his hand ice blue great hammer, bombardment. 这名长眉异族,是距离外缘最近的一名半步王者,降临瞬间,他手中冰蓝巨锤,轰击而出。 Bang! 轰! An ice cold crazy class, the freeze is void, forms a hanging cold ice path, attacks to come to Chen Yu. 一层冰寒狂流,冻结虚空,形成一条悬空的寒冰道路,向陈宇冲击而来。 Draws back quickly, Half-Step Congealing Star Boundary Powerhouse came!” “快退,半步凝星境强者来了!” I blue eyebrow clan big Team Leader, decide to put to death Chen Yu!” “我‘蓝眉族’大队长,定能诛杀陈宇!” The surrounding area thousand zhang (3.33 m), form an open area. 方圆千丈,形成一个空地。 A moment ago was some side dishes, now started the feast.” “刚才都是一些小菜,现在开始上大餐了。” Chen Yu looked to this long eyebrow Alien Race, the interest comes finally. 陈宇看向这名长眉异族,兴致终于来了。 Secret Mark Demon Body activate, he explodes, fist potential Startling Heaven, shakes Half-Step King hardly. 秘纹魔体催动,他爆冲而出,拳势惊天,硬撼半步王者 !! 蓬!噌噌! Chen Yu and long eyebrow Alien Race, shakes hardly strikes, the whole body was covered by a blue cold ice, backs up backward dozens zhang (3.33 m), within the body Energy and Blood tuck dive. 陈宇与长眉异族,硬撼一击,浑身被一层蓝色寒冰覆盖,向后倒退几十丈,体内气血翻腾。 Only depends on Physique power, I and Half-Step King, but also slightly some disparities.” “仅凭体魄力量,我和半步王者,还略有些差距。” In Chen Yu heart secret passage. 陈宇心中暗道。 However this on battlefield, he to whet oneself , to promote strength. 不过这次上战场,他就是为了磨砺自身,提升实力。 Comes again!” “再来!” Chen Yu has not used other Method, only depends on Secret Mark Demon Body, fires into long eyebrow Alien Race. 陈宇没有动用其它手段,仅凭秘纹魔体,冲向长眉异族 Ha Ha, Chen Yu your posting a reward was my.” “哈哈,陈宇你的悬赏是我的了。” Long eyebrow Alien Race sees Chen Yu to be mediocre, the confidence rises sharply, brandishes the great hammer to wield to strike. 长眉异族陈宇不过如此,信心大涨,抡起巨锤挥击而出。 Bang! 轰隆隆! That great hammer starts astonishing storm, the ice is cold, wild incomparable, sweeps away. 那巨锤掀起惊人的风暴,冰寒刺骨,狂暴无比,横扫而来。 Distant place observing heart startled. 远处观战者心惊不已。 Half-Step Congealing Star Boundary, soon touches the Congealing Star King threshold, the fight so is unexpectedly fearful.” 半步凝星境,快要触摸凝星王者的门槛,战斗竟如此可怕。” Chen Yu, you remove quickly, you are our South Region hero, cannot die here.” 陈宇,你快撤啊,你可是我们南域的英雄,不能死在这里。” Bang! 轰隆隆! Explodes Startling Heaven, resounds unceasingly. 爆炸惊天,不断响起。 Comes again!” “再来!” Chen Yu gives a loud shout, scatters whole body cold ice, this is his tenth fighting with long eyebrow Alien Race, he was repelled ten times, but the imposing manner has not reduced instead increases. 陈宇大喝一声,驱散周身寒冰,这已是他与长眉异族的第十次交手,他被击退了十次,但气势没减反增。 Is Body Cultivation, anti- hits is also Cultivation. 身为体修,抗打也是一种修炼 Damn, this boy does not suit!” “见鬼,这小子不对劲!” The long eyebrow Alien Race detection is not finally wonderful. 长眉异族终于察觉不妙。 Trades to make common Space Ocean Boundary Late Stage Peak, in own ten time attack Below, does not die also heavy injury. 换做寻常空海境后期巅峰,在自己的十次攻击之下,不死也得重创 But Chen Yu, seems is all right, body is few including the scar. 陈宇,看上去没什么事,身上连伤痕都很少。 He realized that this earth-shaking Humanity that Blood Race stirs, unusual. 他意识到,这个将血族搅的天翻地覆的人类,非同寻常。 Ices the hammer anger to strike.” “冰锤怒击。” Long eyebrow Alien Race bellows, the whole body cold air ascends, the blue ice explodes to all around spreads, the whole person appears aloof extraordinary. 长眉异族大吼一声,浑身寒气升腾,蓝色冰爆向四周扩散,整个人显得超然非凡。 Bang! 轰隆隆! The Chen Yu top of the head, the cold ice storm condenses, changes to a hundred zhang (333m) to have great hammers, the storm that starts is similar to the disaster, arrives suddenly. 陈宇头顶,寒冰风暴凝聚,化作一个百丈有余的巨锤,掀起的风暴如同天灾,骤然降临。 Left Killing Move.” “出杀招了。” Chen Yu cannot only depend upon Secret Mark Demon Body, otherwise must owe in a big way. 陈宇不能只依靠秘纹魔体了,否则就要亏大了。 Blood Transformation Demon Body! 血变魔体 The Chen Yu body surface runs out of Red blood light, above the skin, the red mark outlined, interweaves a strange fierce design. 陈宇体表冲出一股红色血光,皮肤之上,红纹勾勒,交织成一副诡异狰狞的图案。 His body surface Demon Mark surges, Defense Demon Mark and attacks Demon Mark together activate, makes a fist upwardly. 他体表魔纹涌动,防御魔纹和攻击魔纹一起催动,向上打出一拳。 Moreover, Blood Demon Void Shadow produces suddenly, the strength of prestige Chen Yu this fist can increase rapidly. 不仅如此,血魔虚影忽然产生,陈宇这一拳之力威能迅速攀升。 Bang Bang! 轰砰! Sees only that firm crazy fierce cold ice great hammer, deafening sound suddenly, the crack spreads, finally bombs, changes to the innumerable ice pieces, crashes in the endless sea. 只见那坚固狂猛的寒冰巨锤,忽然的震响,裂纹蔓延,最终轰炸开来,化作无数冰块,坠落在无尽海。 This...... How possible?” “这……怎么可能?” Long eyebrow Alien Race is surprised, own Killing Move, was routed by Chen Yu unexpectedly directly. 长眉异族大吃一惊,自己的杀招,竟被陈宇正面击溃。 He realized, before Chen Yu , is showing weakness, this is his true strength! 他意识到,陈宇之前是在示弱,这才是他的真正实力! When long eyebrow Alien Race is surprised, the distant place transmits Powerful to fluctuate once more, Alien Race Half-Step King, heard the Chen Yu name to kill. 就在长眉异族惊讶犹豫的时候,远方再次传来一股强大波动,又有一名异族半步王者,听到陈宇的名字而杀了过来。 Chen Yu, then looked that you are how wild.” 陈宇,这下看你如何猖狂。” In long eyebrow Alien Race heart startled intent dissipation. 长眉异族心中惊意消散。 Came one? That first kills you!” “又来了一个吗?那就先干掉你!” The Chen Yu vision sinks, the murderous intention fills the air, is similar to the sharp sword that a handle destroys the hardest defenses pricks long eyebrow Alien Race Heart, making his body tremble. 陈宇目光一沉,杀机弥漫,如同一柄无坚不摧的利剑刺入长眉异族心脏,令他身躯一颤。 Sun Sword Finger! Lesser Yang Sword Finger! 阳明剑指少阳剑指 Chen Yu gets rid suddenly, thick thin two Blood Flame sword light, pass through void, thorn to long eyebrow Alien Race. 陈宇陡然出手,一粗一细两道血焰剑光,贯穿虚空,刺向长眉异族 The long eyebrow Alien Race facial color big change, was extremely careless before, at this moment dodges, two Sword Finger , pierces his body, blood flows. 长眉异族面色大变,之前太过疏忽大意,此刻闪躲不及,两道剑指“噗”的一声,刺穿他的身躯,血液流淌而出。 Single Layer Stamping Sky!” 一重踏天!” Second Layer Stamping Sky!” 二重踏天!” Chen Yu Demon Intent is steaming, Black Demon Valley Secret Knowledge displays, does not give the enemy the opportunity of respite. 陈宇身上魔意腾腾,黑魔谷绝学施展而出,不给敌人喘息之机。 The long eyebrow Alien Race top of the head, the Startling Heaven demon foot condenses, covers the surrounding area hundred zhang (333m), foot fierce falling. 长眉异族的头顶,惊天魔脚凝聚而出,覆盖方圆百丈,一脚猛的落下。 Can see the instance that foot drops, void presents the Second only demon foot, steps on once more under. 可以看见那一脚落下的瞬间,虚空中又出现第二只魔脚,再次踩踏而下。 Might that two moves of seamless connectivities, Erupting leaves, it can be imagined. 两招无缝连接,爆发出的威力,可想而知。 Bang Bang! 轰砰! The long eyebrow Alien Race body distorts, whole body bleeds, the body crashes downward rapidly, pounds in entering the sea. 长眉异族身躯变形,浑身淌血,身躯向下急速坠落,砸入海中。 Death!” “死!” In Chen Yu hand Nine Bone Demon Spirit sword, Changes to a bone lance, howls, punctures in entering the sea rapidly. 陈宇手中【九骨魔灵剑】,化作一根骨矛,呼啸而出,急速刺入海中。 „......” “啊……” The ocean waves tumble, the pitiful yell spreads. 海浪翻滚,惨叫传出。 Next flickers, the bone lance is passing through a corpse, flew, helping Chen Yu recycle the spoils of war. 下一瞬,骨矛贯穿着一具尸体,飞了出来,帮陈宇回收战利品。 Scoundrel, kills my Alien Race Half-Step King!” “混账,杀我异族半步王者!” Rear Half-Step King just caught up, witnessed that Chen Yu cuts to kill Alien Race Half-Step King, immediately flies into a rage. 后方一名半步王者刚赶过来,就目睹陈宇斩杀一名异族半步王者,顿时勃然大怒。 But he has not lost the reason, that had shown a moment ago that Chen Yu has to strike to kill the Half-Step King strength. 但他没有失去理智,刚才那一幕已经证明,陈宇拥有击杀半步王者的实力。 Chen Yu, suffers to death!” 陈宇,受死!” Dares to come to the battlefield, must tear to shreds you surely.” “敢现身战场,定要将你碎尸万段。” In this time, the distant place transmits whooshes the sound, the broken rumor spreads. 就在此时,更远方传来嘶吼声,破风声传出。 The continuous enemy, directly soars the Chen Yu site! 源源不断的敌人,直奔陈宇所在地!
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