EH :: Volume #7 神魔传说

#908: A battle of words

? The South Region battlefield, is Blood Race and Alien Race main attack region. ?南域战场,是血族异族的主要进攻区域。 The tactical situation is very intense, distributes in some South lands, as well as endless Ocean Area. 战况十分激烈,分布在南方部分陆地,以及无尽海域 Is far away, Chen Yu rides land dragon Battleship, oneself in Battleship, consolidated Cultivation. 路途遥远,陈宇乘坐地龙战船,自己则在战船内,巩固修为 Just before leaving before, he has purchased many Cultivation Rare Material in Black Demon Valley, enough following Time uses. 临行前,他在黑魔谷购买了许多修炼珍材,足够自己接下来一段时间使用。 Several day arrived at the battlefield.” “还有几日就到战场了。” On this day, Chen Yu had ended closing up. 这一日,陈宇结束了闭关。 He takes out several Storage Space, these are he cut to kill Blood Race, spoils of war that obtains. 他取出几个储物空间,这些都是他斩杀血族,得到的战利品。 And is most precious, is cuts to kill that alone arm male, Broken Profound Artifact that obtains. 其中最珍贵的,要数斩杀那名独臂男,得到的一件残破玄器 Chen Yu oneself has one to attack Profound Artifact, this Broken Profound Artifact, does not have anything to affect to him, he will plan to go to Great Universe Alliance in the future time, will go to the Treasure palace to exchange Contribution Points. 陈宇自身有一件攻击玄器,这一件残破玄器,对他没什么作用,他打算日后前往大宇联盟的时候,去珍宝殿兑换成贡献点 Except for Broken Profound Artifact, other things, do not have anything to use to Chen Yu greatly. 除了残破玄器,其它的一些东西,对陈宇都没什么大用。 Cleans up slightly, he then completely loses into his Storage Space, these will be he will then promote Cultivation, resources that needs to take advantage. 稍微清理一下,他便全部丢入自己的储物空间,这些都将是他接下来提升修为,需要利用到的资源。 Does not know that I do have the opportunity, mounts Contribution List First, Ha Ha!” “不知道我有没有机会,登上贡献榜第一,哈哈!” The Chen Yu determination is full. 陈宇壮志满满。 Initially he was Contribution List third, quick was then surpassed, after all War constantly has, every single minute some people were take risking, carry out Mission. 当初他位列贡献榜第三,很快便被人超过,毕竟战争无时无刻都在发生,每分每秒都有人在冒险,执行任务 Now arrange at many, he is not clear. 如今自己排在多少名,他不清楚。 But in this line the battlefield, Chen Yu must kill the enemy surely happily, is War makes the contribution, to whet oneself, enhances itself. 但此行上战场,陈宇定要痛快杀敌,为战争做贡献,同时也为磨砺自身,提高自己。 Half a month later. 半个月后。 Chen Yu arrives in the South Region battlefield defense line. 陈宇抵达南域战场防线。 !! 呜!呜! In the battlefield, is resounding the War toot, deafening, making the person heartbeat speed up, fights intent to ignite. 战场上,正响起战争的号角声,震耳欲聋,令人心跳不由加快,战意燃起。 Quick, quick!” “快,快!” Kills the enemy!” “杀敌!” Chen Yu has caught up with a war by chance. 陈宇碰巧赶上了一场大战。 He from the report status, enters the giant city immediately, arrives at the registration status the place. 他立即自报身份,进入巨大的城池,来到登记身份的地点。 Just today has a war, therefore many newly arrived. 刚好今日有一场大战,因此有许多新来的。 Next, name.” “下一个,姓名。” Chen Yu.” 陈宇。” I want on immediately the battlefield!” “我想立即上战场!” Chen Yu said immediately. 陈宇立即道。 On immediately battlefield?” “立即上战场?” The person of that registration status has gawked, immediately has referred to not far away, the Simple Fast [say / way]: Goes to there, following them to be good.” 那登记身份的人愣了一下,随即指了指不远处,简单快速的道:“去那里,跟上他们就行了。” After saying, he routine [say / way]: Next, name!” 说完之后,他又习惯性的道:“下一个,姓名!” Li three.” “李三。” Youth is somewhat anxious. 一名青年有些紧张。 At this time, registered the status Middle Age to respond suddenly that startled [say / way]: Chen Yu?” 这时,登记身份的中年忽然反应过来,惊道:“陈宇?” On South Region «Heaven's Proud List» has person of Chen Yu, on War Palace «Contribution List» also has one person, named Chen Yu, now Ranking sixth. 南域天骄榜》上有一人陈宇,战殿贡献榜》上也有一人,名为陈宇,如今排名第六。 Was that person a moment ago? 难道就是刚才那个人? Sir, my name was Li three.” 大人,我叫李三。” That Youth said immediately that thought the ear of this chancellor is not easy-to-use. 青年立即道,觉得这主事的耳朵不好使。 A moment ago that person?” “刚才那个人呢?” Middle Age of registration status, looked at the distant place, has not actually discovered the Chen Yu form. 登记身份的中年,看了看远方,却没有发现陈宇的身影。 After he sits down, said: Name.” 他坐下后,道:“姓名。” „...... Li three.” “……李三。” [Say / Way] that Youth unemotionally. 青年面无表情的道。 ...... …… Chen Yu with many new person together, enters the army formation, Fast breaks in the battlefield. 陈宇与许多“新人”一起,进入大军队列,快速冲入战场。 Chen Yu discovered that the formations of other opposite party, are quite neat, rigid discipline. 陈宇发现,其它对方的队列,都较为整齐,纪律严明。 Only has oneself this, more than 100 come the person, the expression to vary, flurried, anxious and disturbed...... 唯有自己这一块,大约有100多来人,表情不一,慌乱、紧张、忐忑…… Moreover Cultivation of these people, mostly are about Returning Origin Boundary Late Stage, only then few parts are Space Ocean Boundary Initial Stage, and even Initial Stage Peak. 而且这些人的修为,大多都是归元境后期左右,只有少部分是空海境初期,乃至初期巅峰 Chen Yu thought that he possibly came to the wrong place, but has not thought that first this. 陈宇觉得,自己可能来错地方了,但没多想,先就这样了。 Observes in the huge army, Chen Yu has discovered several King Level Aura. 观察庞大的军队中,陈宇发现了好几股王者级别气息 War promoted, Congealing Star King, at least has five.” 战争升级了,凝星王者,至少有五名。” Rumbling! 轰轰轰! The huge team leads the way together, imposing manner is broad, such as the gifted general, flies to the distant place. 庞大的队伍一起前行,气势恢宏,如天兵天将,飞向远方。 About after two double-hour, team arrives above Ocean Area, after the Monster Race army meets, to the both sides launches, forms one is several thousand zhang (3.33 m) defense line. 大约两个时辰后,队伍来到海域之上,与妖族军队会合之后,向两侧展开,形成一条长达数千丈的防线。 Less than the moment, the enemy has killed. 不到片刻,敌人杀了过来。 Blood Race and Alien Race everybody you are not discuss that today attacks the east side fjord, replaced has attacked the place?” 血族异族的各位你们不是商议好,今日进攻东侧峡湾,怎么更换了进攻地点?” In the Human Race army, places oneself grim Middle Age in yellow color moonlight to ask. 人族大军中,一名置身黄色月光中的冷面中年问道。 This person is Demonic Moon Religion King, is this war, a command of Human Race side. 此人是邪月教王者,也是此次大战,人族一方的统帅。 Such remarks, the opposite army transmits Startling Heaven Fiend Energy, making World gloomy. 此话一出,对面大军传来一股惊天煞气,令天地阴沉昏暗。 Snort, mean and shameless, larceny information.” “哼,卑鄙无耻,偷窃情报。” In Blood Race, King has stood, appearance fierce [say / way]. 血族之中,一名王者站了出来,面目狰狞的道。 „Since ha, the Blood Race undercover has been to be well-known many World Plane, how to make us give to steal the information on the contrary?” “哈哈哈,血族卧底一直以来都是闻名诸多界面,怎么反倒让我们给窃取了情报?” In Monster Race feminine King laughs heroically. 妖族中一名女性王者豪迈大笑。 Not only that my Human Race that Genius, the Blood Race renowned Blood Wine master, his Blood Wine preciously is it is said difficult to ask......” “不仅如此,我人族那位天才,据说还是血族著名血酿师,他的血酿珍贵难求……” Human Race grim Middle Age then said: Blood Wine that but, my Human Race ferments, do you also dare to drink? Doesn't fear virulently?” 人族冷面中年接着道:“不过,我人族酿制的血酿,你们也敢喝?就不怕有毒?” Such remarks, army, laughs boisterously, the morale boosts. 此话一出,己方大军,哄然大笑,士气振奋。 This matter, the people have not known. 这件事,众人还都不知晓。 Human Race has the capable person different gentleman unexpectedly, Infiltrator Blood Race, steals the secret intelligence, and becomes the Blood Wine master? 人族竟有能人异士,潜入血族,窃取机密情报,并成为血酿师? Actually is where sacred? 那究竟是何方神圣? Chen Yu has gawked, isn't this one? 陈宇愣了一下,这不就是自己吗? All around many surprised sounds, worship sound gets up. 四周诸多惊讶声,崇拜声响起。 Has not thought really that Great Universe World also has this grade of Deity unexpectedly, the buddy, you know that is who?” “真没想到,大宇界竟还有这等神人,哥们,你知道是谁吗?” By Chen Yu big mouth Man, is very excited, warm greeted with Chen Yu. 陈宇旁边的一名大嘴男子,十分兴奋,热情的跟陈宇打招呼。 „...... In horizon, close at hand!” “……远在天边,近在眼前!” Chen Yu very tactful [say / way]. 陈宇十分委婉的道。 Ha, the buddy you will crack a joke, right that but you said that capable person perhaps in this army.” “哈哈哈,哥们你真会开玩笑,不过你说的对,那能人或许就在这军队里面。” Big mouth Man laughs, has understood the Chen Yu words wrongly. 大嘴男子哈哈一笑,错误的理解了陈宇的话。 The nearby is also one laughs, has not thought. 附近也是一阵哄笑,没有多想。 Which their thinks, in this crowd of new person formations, Space Ocean Boundary Late Stage Peak, and is that Infiltrator Blood Race capable person different gentleman. 他们哪想到,这群新人队列中,有一名空海境后期巅峰,且就是那位潜入血族的能人异士。 Snort, does not know that your Human Race undercovers, with your blood Refining Blood Wine, are any taste.” “哼,不知道你们那人族卧底,用你们的鲜血炼制血酿,是什么滋味。” Blood Race refuses to admit being inferior, in turn said. 血族不甘示弱,反过来道。 How can make the enemy ridicule, ridicule. 怎能一直让敌人讥讽,嘲笑呢。 However his these words, have instead caused anger of Great Universe World side, making them fight intent to burn. 不过他这句话,反而引起了大宇界一方的怒火,令得他们战意燃烧了起来。 This fights a little out of the ordinary......” “这一战有点与众不同啊……” In the Chen Yu heart sighs with emotion. 陈宇心中感慨。 He thinks that injured the battlefield, was the life and death fights with all might. 他本以为伤了战场,就是生死拼杀。 Today was broadens the outlook. 今日算是大开眼界了。 This is a battle of words. 这是一场骂战。 However, good that if scolded, to the War situation, there is a huge function. 不过,要是骂的好,对战争局势,也有巨大的作用。 I must ask but actually, why your is Blood Race, our Human Race undercover, consecration Young Ancestor?” “那我倒要问问了,为何你们血族,将我们人族卧底,供奉为少祖?” Demonic Moon Religion grim Middle Age, the ridicule said. 邪月教冷面中年,讥讽道。 Such remarks, begins in an uproar. 此话一出,哗然再起。 The people are very clear to Blood Race Young Ancestor, this is positions above person of Below ten thousand people. 众人对血族少祖十分清楚,这可是一人之下万人之上的位置。 But Infiltrator Blood Race that person, unexpectedly became Blood Race Young Ancestor, this was too inconceivable! 潜入血族的那个人,竟然成为了血族少祖,这太不可思议了吧! Meanwhile, in people heart one's blood bubbles up to the brim. 同时,众人心中热血沸腾。 Since Concealment in Great Universe World Blood Race, having made the person have a headache. 一直以来,潜伏大宇界血族,让人头疼。 But they knew now that has Humanity Infiltrator Blood Race unexpectedly, became Young Ancestor, stands above innumerable Blood Race, the scenery is infinite, enjoys Blood Race to consecrate. 可现在他们得知,竟有人类潜入血族,成为了少祖,站在无数血族之上,风光无限,享受血族供奉。 Is this filling people with enthusiasm how? 这是多么的振奋人心? Actually is that person who? 那人究竟是谁? Reviews the enemy side, this time did not have the words to say thoroughly. 反观敌方,这次是彻底没话说了。 All Blood Race lowered the head, looks shame and ashamed and resentful. 所有血族低下头,面露耻辱、羞愤。 Alien Race is the morale is also low and deep, although they Alliance, but each other is not harmonious. 异族的也是士气低沉,他们虽联盟,但彼此也并不融洽。 Kills!” “杀!” Blood Race and Alien Race make war suddenly. 血族异族突然开战。 If continues, this fights has not started, they lost. 若是继续下去,这一战还没开始,他们就已经输了。 Ha, does not know when your Blood Race Powerhouse, bows politely to our Human Race undercover submits, is what mood?” “哈哈哈,不知道你们血族强者,向我们人族卧底叩拜臣服时,是什么心情?” Human Race King then said that imposing manner increases once more. 人族王者接着道,己方气势再次攀升。 That Deity was too fierce, he later is my idol.” “那神人太厉害了,他以后就是我的偶像。” By Chen Yu big mouth Man, both eyes as if have the Star Light twinkle, a face worship. 陈宇旁边的大嘴男子,双目仿佛有星光闪烁,一脸崇拜。 Kills!” “杀!” Issuing an order. 一声令下。 Does a Great Universe World side dispatch troops? Struggles to open. 大宇界一方出兵,?争开启。 However, the battle of words had not ended. 然而,骂战并没有结束。 Hears your Blood Race Holy Object, was damaged, this is Second was inferior, your are Holy Object so easy badly? The quality was too bad! Which from picks?” “听说你们血族圣物,又受损了,这已经是第二次了,你们的圣物怎么就这么容易坏?品质太差了!从哪捡来的?” This Monster Race King start to talk. 这一次妖族王者开口。 Is the Holy Object quality bad? Picks? 圣物品质差?捡来的? These words, just like the sharp sword, inserts Blood Race Powerhouse Heart, trembling of many Blood Race air/Qi. 这些话,犹如一把把利剑,插入血族强者心脏,不少血族气的发抖。 Scoundrel, if Chen Yu appears in the old man at present, I tear to shreds him surely!” “混账,若陈宇出现在老夫眼前,我必定将他碎尸万段!” Blood Race King hissing exclaimed, the anger was dreadful, making World vibrate. 血族王者嘶吼道,怒火滔天,令天地震动。 Chen Yu must die!” 陈宇必死!” Refining up the corpse him, reviles for hundred years!” “将他炼成死尸,唾骂百年!” Has the skill to let on him battlefield, must kill him!” “有本事让他上战场,必杀他!” An intermittent killing intent imposing sound spreads. 一阵阵杀意凛然的声音传出。 Chen Yu whole body trembles. 陈宇浑身一个寒颤。 He knew now, why Great Universe World does not have to announce own Concealment Blood Race event, originally utilizes in War. 他现在知道了,大宇界为何没有公布自己潜伏血族的事件,原来是运用在战争之中。 However this may Chen Yu harming, making the enemy hate him to hate in the bone. 不过这可把陈宇给害了,让敌人恨他恨到骨子里了。 Originally is Chen Yu!” “原来是陈宇!” Is our South Region person.” “是我们南域的人。” Black Demon Valley Genius, on «Heaven's Proud List» famous.” 黑魔谷天才,《天骄榜》上有名。” The person of South Region roused the extreme, felt that the whole body has filled power, the blood the combustion ebullition. 南域之人振奋到了极点,感觉浑身充满了力量,血都在燃烧沸腾。 Chen Yu in crowd smiles, he is first time, was praised by these many people, is a little self-satisfied. 人群中的陈宇不由一笑,他还是头一次,被这么多人夸赞,有点飘飘然。 Kills!” “杀!” The enemies kill. 敌人杀来。 Both sides launch to slaughter. 双方展开厮杀。 Death!” “死!” Alien Race grasps the trident, kills to Chen Yu. 一名异族手持三叉戟,杀向陈宇 Go away!” “滚!” Chen Yu ordinary fights with the fists. 陈宇平淡无奇的一拳打出。 Bites bang! 叮嘭! The opposite party trident succeeds in giving up several sections, body presents a crack, the flying upside down number hundred zhang (333m) is far, the body broken becomes the innumerable blocks. 对方三叉戟断成几截,身上出现一个破洞,倒飞数百丈远,身躯碎成无数块。 Is one group of ineffective and worthless troops, my standing wrong team.” “都是一群虾兵蟹将啊,我站错队伍了。” Chen Yu a little wonders. 陈宇有点纳闷。 Death, dies to me!” “死,都给我死!” Not far away, Space Ocean Boundary Middle Stage Peak Alien Race, the long four arms, are grasping four long-barrelled guns, sweeps away to kill, cuts to kill several Humanity instantaneously. 不远处,一名空海境中期巅峰异族,长有四条手臂,握着四根长枪,横扫杀,瞬间将几名人类斩杀。 Kills!” “杀!” He grasps two long-barrelled guns, pricks in a human body, the both arms shake, tears in half it. 他手持两根长枪,刺入一人体内,双臂一震,将其撕成两半。 Space Ocean Boundary Middle Stage Peak!” 空海境中期巅峰!” First draws back!” “先退!” Numerous new people hurriedly become one group, withdraws in abundance, waits for the Powerhouse support. 众多新人慌成一团,纷纷后撤,等待强者支援。 Whiz! 嗖! The Chen Yu vision concentrates, immediately runs out, Space Ocean Boundary Middle Stage Peak, reluctant. 陈宇目光一凝,立即冲出,空海境中期巅峰,勉勉强强吧。 Courts death!” “找死!” That Alien Race sees Chen Yu to kill, ridicules one. 异族陈宇杀来,讥笑一声。 But the next quarter, he feels the Death crisis suddenly, the whole body pore sends coldly, saw only the Chen Yu speed to increase suddenly, has exceeded his imagination. 但下一刻,他忽然感受到死亡危机,浑身毛孔发寒,只见陈宇速度突增,超出了他的想象。 „It is not right, your is Cultivation, how possible?” “不对,你的修为,怎么可能?” Alien Race expression with amazement, is hard to imagine, in the Human Race new person area, has this and other unexpectedly the ruthless people. 异族神色骇然,难以想象,人族新人区里,竟有这等狠人。 Bang Bang! 轰砰! Chen Yu just likes a shell, passes through the body of opposite party, leaves behind a large cave. 陈宇犹如一颗炮弹,贯穿对方的身体,留下一个大洞。 This at least is Space Ocean Boundary Late Stage, even Late Stage Peak.” “这至少是空海境后期啊,甚至后期巅峰。” Human Race is quite mean, the Team Leader Level character, hides in the new person area unexpectedly.” 人族好生卑鄙,竟然将队长级别的人物,藏在新人区。” Everybody removes quickly!” “大家快撤!” Audiences Alien Race, obloquies again and again, retreats rapidly. 一众异族,大骂连连,飞速撤退。 The mosquito slightly is also the meat, Chen Yu one person overran again, is pursuing more than 100 Alien Race, fights with the fists within the second to kill several people, the power and influence is scary. 蚊子再小也是肉,陈宇一人冲了过去,追着100多个异族,一拳打出间秒杀十几人,威势骇人。 „It is not right, this person, is good to look familiar......” “不对,这个人,好眼熟……” Alien Race is staring at the face of Chen Yu, yelled. 一名异族盯着陈宇的脸,大叫道。
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