EH :: Volume #7 神魔传说

#907: Astonishing merit

Here is Great Universe World, Chen Yu slaughters such long Time with Blood Race, and fight momentum is enormous and powerful, attracts Great Universe World Congealing Star King to be very normal. 这里是大宇界,陈宇血族厮杀这么长时间,且战斗声势浩荡,吸引来大宇界凝星王者很正常。 Whish! 哗! In a flash, one group of deep green brilliance arrive to come, among sets up white hair Old Man of deep blue long gown floating, the crane is sending the young face, the hand grasps one to whisk. 一瞬间,一团碧绿光辉降临而来,其内飘立着一名碧蓝长袍的白发老者,鹤发童颜,手握一杆拂尘。 His instant Erupting leaves infinite power and influence, engages in the battle of Invisible with Remote Cherry King. 他的刹那爆发出无穷威势,与幽樱王展开无形的交锋。 The imposing manner confrontation of two Congealing Star Boundary, made the World discoloration, the serious oppression filled eight sides. 两名凝星境的气势交锋,令天地色变,更为沉重的压迫弥漫八方。 Death!” “死!” Human Race King had not said that immediately gets rid, in his hand whisks to sweep to say the deep green gassed thread surely, cutting goes. 人族王者没有多说,立即出手,他手中拂尘扫出千万道碧绿光丝,切割而去。 Remote Cherry King has no other choice, can only get rid to welcome. 幽樱王不得已,只能出手相迎。 Damn, at this time, Human Race King jumped.” “该死,偏偏这个时候,人族王者蹦出来了。” Young Ancestor Feng sees the situation not to be right, turns around then to remove. 烽少祖见形势不对,转身便撤。 Missed has killed Chen Yu most good opportunity, his innermost feelings were very unwilling, but also had no alternative. 错过了杀死陈宇的最好机会,他内心十分不甘,但也无可奈何。 And other Young Ancestor Breakthrough Congealing Star Boundary, must put to death him personally.” “等本少祖突破凝星境,必亲自诛杀他。” Young Ancestor Feng fast departs. 烽少祖飞快离去。 Chen Yu just prepared to pursue, a Remote Cherry King finger ball, one group of huge pink light groups attack to come, the momentum enormous and powerful such as the meteorite crashes. 陈宇刚准备追出去,幽樱王手指一弹,一团巨大的粉色光团冲击而来,声势浩荡如陨石坠落。 Gave up any idea of!” “休想!” The Human Race King brow selects. 人族王者眉头一挑。 Blood Race King dares in Great Universe World, kills Humanity in own front, he will definitely not leave alone. 血族王者竟敢在大宇界,在自己的面前杀人类,他肯定不会放任不管。 In the Human Race King hand whisks sweeps, cuts the innumerable dust that pink light group. 人族王者手中拂尘一扫,将那粉色光团切割成无数尘埃。 Chen Yu draws back safely, but this time cannot kill Young Ancestor Feng, he is also very unwilling. 陈宇安然而退,不过此次没能杀死烽少祖,他也十分不甘。 Two big King fight moments, Remote Cherry King then retreats. 两大王者战斗片刻,幽樱王便撤退。 Here is Great Universe World, she comes to get rid, actually does not dare excessively to pester, in order to avoid brings in other Great Universe World Powerhouse, was besieged. 这里是大宇界,她现身出手,却不敢过多纠缠,以免引来其他大宇界强者,遭到围攻。 Incautiously, she will even fall from the sky hence. 一不小心,她甚至会陨落至此。 How Human Race King will put the opposite party to depart easily, immediately chases down. 人族王者岂会轻易放对方离去,立即追杀出去。 Only leaves behind Chen Yu one person same place, inadequate appearance that the trace that the war stays behind, the surrounding area several thousand zhang (3.33 m), destroy, the pits are innumerable, gully able to move unhindered. 原地只留下陈宇一人,还有大战留下的痕迹,方圆数千丈,毁的不成模样,坑洼无数,沟壑纵横。 Chen Yu sighed one, flies to fall. 陈宇叹了一声,飞落下去。 This time, he fights continuously, strikes to kill massive Blood Race, including two Half-Step Congealing Star, with Young Ancestor Feng Fierce Battle, latter fights with Congealing Star King strikes, True Origin is not much left, the mind also slightly has exhausted. 这一次,他连续战斗,击杀大量血族,包括两名半步凝星,更与烽少祖激战,后又与凝星王者交手一击,真元所剩无几,心神也略有疲惫。 But fighting spirit of Chen Yu, not in light of this depressed, he must kill Young Ancestor Feng. 陈宇的斗志,没有就此消沉,他一定要杀烽少祖 This Human Race King, from Bixia Palace.” “这位人族王者,来自碧霞宫。” Chen Yu knows that South Region has such Three Star influence, Blood Race that he most starts to kill, says beforehand Concealment in Bixia Palace. 陈宇知道南域有这么一个三星势力,他最开始杀的一个血族,就自称之前潜伏碧霞宫 Before long, the rear area presents one team of troops. 不一会儿,后方出现一队人马。 Who is your excellency?” “阁下是谁?” Is Man of head, the appearance scholarly, prudent [say / way]. 为首的一名男子,面貌儒雅,慎重道。 They are trace Blood Race, before suddenly discovered the Blood Race trace, traces. 他们是来追查血族的,之前突然发现血族痕迹,一路追查而来。 At this moment suddenly bumps into young people. 此刻忽然碰到一个年轻人。 Is it possible that is the opposite party Blood Race? 对方莫非是血族 Black Demon Valley, Chen Yu.” 黑魔谷,陈宇。” Chen Yu identifies one's role when first coming on stage with the name. 陈宇自报家门和名字。 „Below Bixia Palace Zhao Liyuan, why your excellency all alone appears here?” “在下碧霞宫赵立院,阁下为何孤身一人出现在这里?” Is Bixia Palace Disciple of head, very discrete talked with Chen Yu. 为首的碧霞宫弟子,十分谨慎的与陈宇交谈。 Black Demon Valley Chen Yu, he heard, but cannot eliminate the suspicion of present person. 黑魔谷陈宇,他有所耳闻,但并不能消除眼前之人的嫌疑。 I am also chase down Blood Race to come.” “我也是追杀血族而来。” After Chen Yu replied, Bixia Palace Disciple did not believe that where person ran to chase down Blood Race. 陈宇回答后,碧霞宫弟子都不信,哪有一个人跑出来追杀血族的。 Was indebted Noble Sect King to rescue a moment ago, is out of danger below, now Senior has chased down the enemy to go.” “刚才承蒙贵宗王者相救,在下才脱险,如今前辈已追杀敌人而去。” When Chen Yu said these words, Bixia Palace Disciple almost believed the Chen Yu status. 陈宇说出这句话时,碧霞宫弟子才差不多相信陈宇的身份。 They are follow the Bixia Palace Lord to come here, Chen Yu is very bright obviously the Bixia Palace Lord, then Bixia Palace main, since lets off Chen Yu, the opposite party definitely is not Blood Race. 他们就是追随碧霞宫主来到这里,陈宇很明显见过碧霞宫主,那么碧霞宫主既然放过陈宇,对方肯定不是血族 We have the important matter, said goodbye.” “我们还有要事,告辞了。” The Bixia Palace troops depart immediately. 碧霞宫人马立即离去。 Senior Brother, that person said probably is not a little right.” 师兄,那人说的好像有点不对啊。” Female Disciple said suddenly. 一名女弟子忽然道。 Where isn't right?” “哪里不对?” Scholarly Man asked. 儒雅男子问道。 He said that Teacher saves him, chases down the enemy to go, can make Teacher chase down, definitely is also Congealing Star King, this does not suit, that person of Cultivation Space Ocean Late Stage Peak, Congealing Star King must kill him a moment ago, isn't that easy?” “他说,师尊将他救下,追杀敌人而去,能够让师尊追杀的,肯定也是凝星王者,这就不对劲了,刚才那人修为空海后期巅峰,凝星王者要杀他,那不是轻而易举吗?” Female Disciple reply. 弟子回答。 An analysis, the people thought so that does not suit. 这么一分析,众人都觉得不对劲。 In air indeed is remaining Bixia Palace main Origin Power Aura, perhaps has other secret facts, do not think.” “空气中的确残留着碧霞宫主的元力气息,说不定其中有其他隐情,别多想了。” The scholarly Man brow sinks. 儒雅男子眉头微沉。 ...... …… Chen Yu sitting cross-legged, under after the clothing/taking therapy Medicine Pill, calms the mind to maintain mental tranquility, restores Origin Energy. 陈宇盘坐下方,服下疗伤丹药后,静心养神,恢复元气 Long time passes, his within the body True Origin restores, Spirit condition also almost, but is not the major problem. 半晌过去,他体内真元全部恢复,精神状态还差一点,但也不是什么大问题。 Moreover, today goes on an expedition continuously, has squeezed the limit in his each aspect, causes Chen Yu slightly revolution Cultivation Technique, then discovered that Cultivation has consolidated several points. 另外,今日连续征战,压榨了他各个方面的极限,使得陈宇稍微运转功法,便发现修为更稳固了几分。 First returns to Black Demon Valley.” “先回黑魔谷。” Chen Yu takes out land dragon Battleship, the round trip hurries along. 陈宇取出地龙战船,往回赶路。 He takes out the antidote that obtains from Young Ancestor Feng there. 他取出从烽少祖那里得到的解药。 Turns on the jade bottle, inside has a white pill, clear clear, is the liquid of congealment is likely ordinary. 将玉瓶打开,里面只有一颗白色药丸,晶莹圆润,像是凝结的液体一般。 Has one.” “只有一颗。” This indicated that can only save a person. 这就表示,只能救一个人。 Without a doubt, definitely first rescues Tu Zhixiang. 毫无疑问,肯定是先救屠芷香 However this antidote can whether be effective, takes to make Solitary Blood Valley Master examine first. 不过这解药能否有效,还是先拿回去让寂血谷主查看一下。 Night. 夜里。 Chen Yu returns to Black Demon Valley. 陈宇返回黑魔谷 This moment Black Demon Valley is tightly guarded, but most Disciple and high levels, dispatch, either participates in War, either searches Blood Race in all directions. 此刻黑魔谷戒备森严,但大多数弟子和高层,都派遣出去,要么参与战争,要么四处搜查血族 Coming back of Chen Yu, although is noticeable, but has not brought to the attention of many people. 陈宇的回来,虽然引人注目,但并没引起多少人的注意。 Teacher.” 师尊。” Chen Yu arrives at the Solitary Blood Valley Master dwelling. 陈宇来到寂血谷主的住处。 Came back?” “回来了?” Solitary Blood Valley Master sighed one lightly. 寂血谷主轻叹一声。 Chen Yu comes back was too quick, definitely flies back without any results. 陈宇回来的太快了,肯定是无功而返。 Perhaps realized that oneself was too impulsive, is not sane, runs, the result discovery boundless land, is too difficult to seek, therefore comes back. 或许是意识到,自己太冲动了,太不理智了,独自一人跑出去,结果发现苍茫大地,太难寻找,所以才回来吧。 Solitary Blood Valley Master does not have strange Chen Yu, young warm-blooded, has the impulsive time. 寂血谷主也没怪陈宇,年少热血,都有冲动的时候。 Um, I pursued Feng Wuxue, has attained an antidote from his hand.” “嗯,我追到了封无血,从他手里拿到了一颗解药。” The Chen Yu facial color is tranquil, takes out a jade bottle. 陈宇面色平静,取出一个玉瓶。 Solitary Blood Valley Master expression actually coagulated, intently looks at Chen Yu, determined that Chen Yu is not cracking a joke. 寂血谷主神色却是凝固了,直愣愣的看着陈宇,确定陈宇不是在开玩笑。 „...... I take a look.” “……我瞧瞧。” Solitary Blood Valley Master deeply inspires, at once said. 寂血谷主深吸一口气,旋即才道。 Is unbelievable, Chen Yu then leaves -and-a-half days of times, suddenly had found Feng Wuxue. 难以相信,陈宇这才离开一天半的功夫,竟然找到了封无血 Feng Wuxue is Blood Race Young Ancestor, is sharp, the strength is also strong, does Chen Yu attain the antidote? 封无血身为血族少祖,头脑精明,实力也强,陈宇是怎么拿到解药的? Although has doubts, but did not ask this time at this moment. 虽然疑惑,但此刻不是问这个的时候。 Solitary Blood Valley Master turns on the jade bottle, takes out Medicine Pill, careful Inspection. 寂血谷主打开玉瓶,取出丹药,仔细检查 After the moment, his twinkle bright, said: Indeed is the antidote, but is only effective to Common Heartless Blood Poison.” 片刻后,他目中闪烁亮光,道:“的确是解药,但只对普通无心血毒有效。” Lets Senior Sister first under the clothing/taking.” “让师姐先服下吧。” Chen Yu proposed. 陈宇主动提出。 First is not anxious, lets Black Demon Valley Pill Refining Great Master, analyzes this grain of Medicine Pill, can perhaps analyze the home remedy.” “先不急,让黑魔谷炼药大师,分析一下这粒丹药,说不定能解析出丹方。” Many of Solitary Blood Valley Master consideration, what he considers is entire Black Demon Valley, and even South Region and Great Universe World. 寂血谷主考虑的更多,他考虑的是整个黑魔谷,乃至南域大宇界 If can analyze the home remedy, can perhaps study, treats the Congealing Star King Heartless Blood Poison antidote. 若能分析出丹方,说不定能研究出,治疗凝星王者无心血毒的解药。 You could rest assured that this antidote definitely will leave Zhixiang.” “不过你放心,这枚解药肯定会留给芷香。” Solitary Blood Valley Master also said. 寂血谷主又道。 Situation that his Inspection the Tu Zhixiang injury, Naturally has also known the opposite party. 检查屠芷香的伤势,自然也知道对方的情况。 „, These gave Teacher.” “那么,这些就交给师尊了。” That evil creature?” “那孽障呢?” In the Solitary Blood Valley Master expression is passing hatred. 寂血谷主语气中透着恨意。 One were really blind, Blood Race Young Ancestor Concealment in the side, had not discovered unexpectedly. 自己真是瞎了眼,血族少祖潜伏在身边,竟都没有发现。 However, this is also has no alternative the matter. 不过,这也是无可奈何之事。 Devouring Blood Race descendant Talent Powerful, camouflage ability is greatly strengthened, and perhaps the research in Blood Dao aspect, surpasses Solitary Blood Valley Master this King. 噬血族后裔天赋强大,伪装能力极强,且血道方面的研究,或许还超过寂血谷主这位王者 He ran away, it is estimated that will leave Great Universe World.” “他逃走了,估计会离开大宇界。” Chen Yu believes that Young Ancestor Feng definitely does not dare to stay in Great Universe World again. 陈宇相信烽少祖肯定不敢再停留在大宇界 These are I strike to kill the Blood Race success to show that exhausted Teacher sends for escorting to Great Universe Alliance, I must go to the front battlefield.” “这些是我击杀血族的战绩证明,劳烦师尊派人送往大宇联盟,我要去前线战场了。” Chen Yu takes out some goods. 陈宇取出一些物品。 This inside has the Blood Race corpse, or Blood Race identification, but also contains Chen Yu to strike to kill the Blood Race process. 这里面有血族尸首,或者血族身份证明,还包含陈宇击杀血族的过程。 Solitary Blood Valley Master slightly examines greatly, the eye pupil more opens the eyes to be bigger, finally shows the bright brilliance, is somewhat excited. 寂血谷主大略查看一下,眼眸越睁越大,最后透出明亮的光辉,情绪有些激动。 Good, good, ha!” “好,好,哈哈哈!” He links praises two, laughs. 他连夸两声,大笑而起。 Own disciple so, has made Naturally of master to be happy. 自己的徒儿如此了得,做师傅的自然高兴。 You go!” “你去吧!” Solitary Blood Valley Master stares at Chen Yu, in the eye is being full of the expectation, wants to see that which step very much Chen Yu can arrive. 寂血谷主凝视陈宇,目中饱含着期望,很想看到陈宇能走到哪一步。 After leaving Black Demon Valley, Chen Yu goes to the South Region battlefield directly. 离开黑魔谷后,陈宇直接前往南域战场。 He wants on the battlefield to slaughter, whets oneself, simultaneously earns the contribution. 他要上战场厮杀,磨砺自身,同时赚取贡献。 The road of Cultivation, most important is the resources. 修行之路,最为重要的就是资源。 Without resources, even if Genius, is difficult some multi- Great Completion. 没有资源,就算是天才,也难有多大成就。 The Chen Yu present Spirit Body intelligence belonged to the Genius ranks, the resources are many enough, Talent gives play to advantage, speeds up the promotion of Cultivation. 陈宇如今的灵体资质已经属于天才行列,资源足够多,才能发挥优势,加快修为的提升。 Had the strength, in the war of this World Plane, has the survival capability, is capable of doing more matters. 有了实力,在这场界面之战中,才有生存能力,才有能力去做更多的事。 After two day. 两日后。 Shen Ji lead Team Leader five, return Black Demon Valley on a grand scale. 申冀领队伍,大张旗鼓的返回黑魔谷 In the team, is taking into custody imprisoned Blood Race, brings in surrounding of many Black Demon Valley Disciple. 队伍中,羁押着一名被禁锢的血族,引来诸多黑魔谷弟子的围观。 Senior Brother Shen seized Blood Race unexpectedly.” 申师兄竟抓捕了一个血族。” Worthily is Young Demon King Shen Ji, Demon King Valley Young Valley Master!” “不愧是小魔王申冀,魔王谷少谷主!” All around many people discussed. 四周不少人议论。 Goes to invite Law Enforcement Elder quickly.” “快去将执法长老请来。” In the team a Shen Ji follower shouted to clear the way. 队伍中一名申冀的跟随者喝道。 Usually, dignity of Law Enforcement hall is incomparable, is others goes to visit them. 平日里,执法堂的威严无比,都是别人前去拜访他们。 But today is different, Shen Ji held Blood Race Concealment, making Black Demon Valley feel proud and elated, is Black Demon Valley wins the honor. 但今日不同,申冀抓住了一个血族潜伏者,让黑魔谷扬眉吐气,也为黑魔谷争得荣光。 Has not grasped Blood Race Nothing More, has any Extraordinary, my Blood Demon Valley True Disciple Chen Yu, has killed 89 Blood Race.” “不就是抓了一个血族而已,有什么了不起的,我血魔谷真传弟子陈宇,杀了89名血族了。” Blood Demon Valley True Disciple cold snort|hum. 一名血魔谷真传弟子冷哼一声。 These words spread Shen Ji the ear, on his face self-satisfied coagulates immediately, the vision stared, shouted to clear the way: What did you say?” 这句话传出了申冀了耳朵,他脸上的得意顿时凝固,目光瞪了过来,喝道:“你说什么?” A moment ago I said real, the Chen Yu success showed that was escorted to Great Universe Alliance by my father personally.” “我刚才说的都是真的,陈宇的战绩证明,已经由我父亲亲自送往大宇联盟。” This True Disciple expression dreads, clenches teeth to say. 这名真传弟子神色畏惧,咬着牙道。 This matter has not spread, but some Blood Demon Valley minority Disciple as well as the high levels knew. 这件事还没传开,但血魔谷有少数弟子以及高层已经知晓。 Heard, not only that Chen Yu also overtook Feng Wuxue, from his hand, snatched a Heartless Blood Poison antidote.” “听说不仅如此,陈宇还追上了封无血,从他的手里,抢到了一颗无心血毒的解药。” This is the rumor, Feng Wuxue strength Profound, once several moves repelled in Sect Senior Elder.” “这是谣言吧,封无血实力高深,曾几招击退宗门里一位资深长老。” I heard, in Sect enjoys Chen Yu massive Contribution Points, he has definitely set up very big merit and that's the end.” “不过我听说,宗门里赏下陈宇大量贡献点,他肯定立了很大的功劳就是了。” Also many opinions spread. 又有不少言论传出。 Shen Ji stops in the ear, complexion becomes flushed, boiling hot incomparable. 申冀停在耳朵里,脸色涨红,滚烫无比。 He has grasped Blood Race, but Chen Yu has killed 89, is traces Feng Wuxue...... 他抓了一个血族,而陈宇杀了89个,更是追查到封无血…… Must know that he set out hundred people of elite teams, but Chen Yu merely one person. 要知道,他出动了百人精英队伍,而陈宇仅仅一人。 Shen Ji did not have the face here, departs dull rapidly, inquires Actual Facts of this matter. 申冀已经没脸呆在这里,飞速离去,去查询这件事的真相
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