EH :: Volume #7 神魔传说

#906: Antidote

What?” “不过什么?” Chen Yu said half to this speech, hangs the person appetite the behavior to loathe intentionally very much. 陈宇对这种说话说一半,故意吊人胃口的行为很厌恶。 But, the antidote in my hand, can only solve the Congealing Star King Below toxin, for example your Zhixiang Senior Sister.” “不过,我手中的解药,只能解凝星王者之下的毒,例如你的芷香师姐。” Young Ancestor Feng reveals one to smile evilly, somewhat is slightly self-satisfied. 烽少祖露出一丝邪笑,略有些得意。 Stayed such long Time in Black Demon Valley, because is the Senior Brother younger sister relates with Tu Zhixiang, usually in contacts many, can say that entire Black Demon Valley Tu Zhixiang is poisoned deepest one. 黑魔谷呆了这么长时间,由于和屠芷香师兄妹关系,平日里接触很多,可以说,整个黑魔谷屠芷香是中毒最深的一个。 Waits for Heartless Blood Poison to nibble Heart slowly, quickest that Tu Zhixiang definitely is dying. 无心血毒慢慢蚕食心脏,屠芷香肯定是死的最快的一个。 Young Ancestor Feng knows that Tu Zhixiang looks after to Chen Yu very much, Chen Yu does not look at Tu Zhixiang dead helplessly. 烽少祖知道屠芷香陈宇很是照顾,陈宇不会眼睁睁看着屠芷香死。 Therefore the Young Ancestor Feng antidote, is unable to treat Congealing Star King, he also dares to force Chen Yu by this. 所以就算烽少祖的解药,无法治疗凝星王者,他也敢以此胁迫陈宇 Your this bastard.” “你这畜生。” Does not raise fortunately, raises Chen Yu on a lot of fires. 不提还好,一提陈宇就一肚子火。 His Naturally saw that Tu Zhixiang is poisoned is very deep, other Black Demon Valley gas casualties, at least can also move, is only very weak. 自然看出屠芷香中毒很深,黑魔谷其它中毒者,至少还能活动,只是很虚弱。 Only Tu Zhixiang remains unconscious. 唯独屠芷香昏迷不醒。 Bang! 轰! Chen Yu wields Burning Heaven Demon Halberd, a fierce stroke, paints Black Gold is the light cuts to divide to chop to go. 陈宇挥动焚天魔戟,猛的一划,漆黑金属光斩劈砍而去。 This strikes, his activate, to not save True Origin fully. 这一击,他并没有全力催动,是为了节省真元 Even though so, cuts using Profound Artifact strikes, is very fearful. 纵使如此,利用玄器斩出的一击,也十分可怕。 !! 咻!蓬! Young Ancestor Feng this moment heavy injury, can only control Burning Snake Sword, Resists the attack of Chen Yu. 烽少祖此刻重创,只能控制【燃蛇剑】,抵挡陈宇的攻击。 Junior Brother, you may not impulse.” 师弟,你可千万别冲动。” Young Ancestor Feng somewhat wonders, doesn't Chen Yu comply? 烽少祖有些纳闷,难道陈宇不答应? „Should the toxin in Congealing Star King, how solve?” 凝星王者中的毒,该如何解?” Chen Yu asked. 陈宇质问道。 Perhaps he he, the Congealing Star King toxin, had Refining left Heartless Blood Poison Black Poison King to solve.” “呵呵,凝星王者的毒,恐怕也只有炼制无心血毒的‘黑毒王’能解了。” Young Ancestor Feng smiles one. 烽少祖哂笑一声。 Black Poison King is Blood Race King, is absolutely impossible the King disintoxicating that helps Great Universe World be poisoned. 黑毒王血族王者,绝对不可能帮大宇界中毒的王者解毒。 So, Chen Yu can only attain the antidote in Young Ancestor Feng hand first. 如此,陈宇就只能先拿到烽少祖手中的解药。 Hands over the antidote quickly.” “快交出解药。” Chen Yu shouted to clear the way fiercely, the momentum was scary, just likes the ominous demon that went crazy. 陈宇猛喝道,声势吓人,犹如发癫的凶魔。 You distribute Heart and Soul Blood Oath, after obtaining antidote, does not kill me, I hand over!” “你发下心魂血誓,得到解药后,不杀我,我就交!” Young Ancestor Feng Naturally will not take directly. 烽少祖自然不会直接拿出来。 To be honest, Chen Yu your Talent is extremely good, but does not understand to be accommodating, now the War situation is so obvious, Great Universe World must defeat! You follow this Young Ancestor to join Blood Race now, even if you are the Human Race status can also have an achievement.” “说实话,陈宇天赋极佳,但不懂变通,如今战争局势如此明显,大宇界必败!你现在跟随本少祖加入血族,就算你是人族身份也能有所成就。” Young Ancestor Feng starts to gather, Chen Yu Innate Talent is high, strength, if can in the subordinates, be able to display the enormous value absolutely. 烽少祖开始招揽,陈宇天资高,实力强,若能在麾下,绝对能发挥出极大的价值。 Dream of a fool!” “痴人说梦!” The Chen Yu vision concentrates, True Origin emerges crazily Burning Heaven Demon Halberd In, cuts fully! 陈宇目光一凝,真元狂涌入【焚天魔戟】之中,全力一斩! Strikes facing Profound Artifact, Young Ancestor Feng also can only activate Profound Artifact meet the approaching enemy fully. 面对玄器一击,烽少祖也只能全力催动玄器进行迎击。 Bang! 轰隆隆! The fearful storm of Profound Artifact collision, attacks violently, affects Chen Yu and Young Ancestor Feng. 玄器碰撞的可怕风暴,猛烈冲击开来,波及陈宇烽少祖 Because both are near, and Chen Yu makes first move and gets control. 由于两者较近,且陈宇先发制人。 Young Ancestor Feng withstood many complementary waves, the body tumbled outside the hundred zhang (333m), the body left behind two wounds once more, the forehead Blood Bead gloss dim several points. 烽少祖承受了更多的余波,身躯翻滚出百丈之外,身上再次留下两道伤口,头部的血珠光泽黯淡几分。 Chen Yu was also attacked by the complementary waves, Middle Rank Inextinguishable Body starts to repair the injury immediately. 陈宇也遭受余波冲击,中等不灭体立即开始修复伤势。 Hands over?” “交不交?” Chen Yu shouted to clear the way again, Burning Heaven Demon Halberd Lifts up high, is similar to the unparalleled ominous demon. 陈宇再次喝道,【焚天魔戟】高举,如同盖世凶魔。 Slowly, I hand over, you withdraw first thousand zhang (3.33 m)!” “慢慢,我交,你先退后千丈!” [Say / Way] that Young Ancestor Feng clenches jaws. 烽少祖咬牙切齿的道。 He is looks that Chen Yu iron core must kill itself, but have the vitality, only need delay Time...... 他是看出来,陈宇铁了心要杀自己,但自己也不是没有生机,只需拖延时间…… Thousand zhang (3.33 m)? 千丈? Too is not far, Chen Yu feared that compelled anxiously, could not attain including the antidote. 不算太远,陈宇怕逼急了,连解药都拿不到。 Good!” “好!” Chen Yu retreats backward, but has only drawn back eight hundreds of zhang (333m). 陈宇向后退去,但只退了八百丈。 Clenching jaws of Young Ancestor Feng air/Qi, thought that Chen Yu is really calculating, but did not have said again. 烽少祖气的咬牙切齿,觉得陈宇真是斤斤计较,但没再多说。 ! 咻! A jade bottle appears, all around is wrapping the blood light, bringing the jade bottle to graze to go to the left. 一个玉瓶浮现而出,四周包裹着血光,带着玉瓶向左侧飞掠而去。 Completes all these, Young Ancestor Feng runs away immediately! 做完这一切,烽少祖立即逃遁! Chen Yu is quick of eye and hand, transfers the strength of Space Intent Domain instantaneously, condenses one to shine the silver Space small hand, grazes. 陈宇眼疾手快,瞬间调动空间意境之力,凝聚出一只亮银色的空间小手,飞掠而出。 Compares Below, that bright silver small hand speed is faster, held the jade bottle. 相比之下,那亮银色的小手速度更快,一把抓住了玉瓶。 After succeeding in obtaining, Chen Yu chases down to go immediately. 到手之后,陈宇立即追杀而去。 Is less than five breaths, he then saw the Young Ancestor Feng form. 不到五息,他便看到了烽少祖的身影。 Bastard, obtained the antidote, do you also want to kill me unexpectedly?” “混蛋,得到了解药,你竟还要杀我?” Young Ancestor Feng obloquies to say. 烽少祖大骂道。 Your antidote is false.” “你的解药是假的。” The Chen Yu righteous [say / way], in the eye killing intent is imposing. 陈宇理直气壮的道,目中杀意凛然。 Young Ancestor Feng air/Qi spitting blood of almost, this boy too can pester endlessly. 烽少祖气的差点吐血,这小子太能胡搅蛮缠了。 This Young Ancestor perishes together with you.” “本少祖跟你同归于尽。” Young Ancestor Feng whooshes one. 烽少祖嘶吼一声。 But on his mouth said that the body actually such does not do, after having roared, Young Ancestor Feng is runs away distressedly. 但他嘴上这么说的,身体却不是这么做的,吼了一声后,烽少祖是狼狈而逃。 He needs to delay Time...... 他需要拖延时间…… Suddenly. 忽然。 Distant place World transmits a Startling Heaven pressure, at once Scarlet rosy cloud fills the air to come, among has one group of Scarlet brilliance, gorgeous radiant. 远方天地传来一股惊天威压,旋即一片血色云霞弥漫而来,其内有一团血色光辉,绚丽璀璨。 ! 咻! That group of blood light just like the Shooting Star stroke, does not have the big sound, actually gives people the incomparably intense pressure, body Soul trembles. 那一团血光犹如流星划来,没有多大的声响,却给人无比强烈的威压,身躯灵魂微颤。 Congealing Star King!” 凝星王者!” Chen Yu pupil micro. 陈宇瞳孔微缩。 Remote Cherry King, you came finally.” 幽樱王,你终于过来了。” Young Ancestor Feng laughs. 烽少祖大笑而起。 Future, before him, contacts, Concealment in Great Universe World Blood Race King! 来者,正是他之前联络上的,潜伏大宇界血族王者 Young Ancestor Feng, how only then your, other not dead Blood Race?” 烽少祖,怎么只有你一个,其它不死血族呢?” Remote Cherry King arrives instantaneously, above that is one wears Woman of pink skirt clothes, the skirt suspends the powder Trickery point, the Woman fresh beautiful appearance is clear, but that binocular pupil is actually very mature, is passing indifferently aggressive. 幽樱王瞬间抵达,那是一名身穿粉色裙裳的女子,裙摆之上粉花点点,女子生的美貌清纯,但那一双眼眸却很是成熟,透着冷漠霸气。 My subordinate, dies completely in his hands, he is Chen Yu, Remote Cherry King, is about to have killed him!” “我的手下,全部死在他的手中,他是陈宇,幽樱王,快杀了他!” Young Ancestor Feng drinks excitedly greatly. 烽少祖激动大喝。 His killing intent to Chen Yu, arrived at the apex. 他对陈宇杀意,已到达顶点。 The plan all destroys, under all dies in Chen Yu, oneself had been ruined the vessel by Chen Yu, experiences personally heavy injury, was chased down dozens li (0.5km) far. 计划全毁,手下皆死在陈宇手里,自己更是被陈宇毁掉了容器,身受重创,被追杀了几十里远。 His hatred is dreadful. 他恨意滔天。 „? Chen Yu!” “哦?陈宇!” In the Remote Cherry King eye twinkle gorgeous blood glow, frames on Chen Yu. 幽樱王眼中闪烁绚丽血芒,定格在陈宇身上。 Carefully observes Below, he can see that Chen Yu changed the appearance. 仔细观察之下,他能看出,陈宇改变了容貌。 The real men are not at a disadvantage from the outset. 好汉不吃眼前亏。 Whiz! 嗖! Chen Yu without demur, removes immediately. 陈宇二话不说,立马就撤。 Has not thought that has Blood Race King unexpectedly, otherwise must kill Young Ancestor Feng today surely, obtains the antidote.” “没想到竟有血族王者,不然今日定要杀了烽少祖,取得解药。” Chen Yu bites the tooth tightly, rubs giggle makes noise. 陈宇紧咬牙齿,磨的咯咯作响。 Your number of people, This King accepted.” “你的人头,本王收下了。” How Remote Cherry King will put Chen Yu to depart. 幽樱王岂会放陈宇离去。 Posting a reward of Extinguishing Heart Emperor Lord, she also very longs. 灭心帝主的悬赏,她也十分渴望。 Her White slender white hands wield, flesh color Star Light dances in the air, changes to hundred zhang (333m) big strange Flower, flutters to go to Chen Yu. 白皙纤细的玉手一挥,粉红星光飞舞,化作一朵百丈大的奇异花朵,向陈宇飘飞而去。 That flesh color Flower is bright, looks like in Chen Yu, is actually similar to flower of the Death, is addicted to the Blood flower, must swallow his Life. 那粉红花朵灿烂绚丽,在陈宇看来,却如同一朵死亡之花,嗜血之花,要吞噬他的生命 Although Chen Yu advances the evacuation. 陈宇虽先行撤离。 But Remote Cherry King the strikes, the speed is extremely fast, pursued instantaneously. 幽樱王的这一击,速度极快,瞬间追了上来。 It is not able to dodge shortly. 眼看无法闪躲。 Chen Yu immediately Demon Mark on activate Secret Mark Demon Body. 陈宇立即催动秘纹魔体上的魔纹 Demon Scales Battle Armor! 魔鳞战铠 Black ink Protecting Body! 黑墨护体 Demon Dragon Wall! 魔龙壁 He simultaneously activate Three Great Defense Battle Skill, changes to the Third Layer protection, is ready in full battle array. 他同时催动三大防御战技,化作三层守护,严阵以待。 The flesh color Flower hit comes, the Demon Dragon Wall rapid incision, is divided into two halves finally. 粉红花朵撞击而来,将魔龙壁迅速切开,最终分成两半。 Bang Bang! 轰砰! That Flower blasts open, changes to the huge flesh color storm, swallows Chen Yu. 花朵炸裂开来,化作庞大的粉红风暴,吞噬陈宇 The Demon Scales light cover of Chen Yu whole body, was destroyed quickly, the attack of Remote Cherry King is corroding Demon Scales Battle Armor of Chen Yu body surface. 陈宇周身的一层魔鳞光罩,很快被毁灭,紧接着,幽樱王的攻击侵蚀着陈宇体表的魔鳞战铠 In the instance that Demon Scales Battle Armor must be disillusioned. 就在魔鳞战铠要破灭的瞬间。 Chen Yu penetrates True Origin Burning Heaven Demon Halberd In, activate Profound Artifact, chops to cut fully. 陈宇真元贯入【焚天魔戟】之中,全力催动玄器,劈斩而出。 The black flame attacks eight sides, this strikes the surplus might Remote Cherry King, scatters completely. 黑焰冲击八方,将幽樱王这一击剩余的威力,全部驱散。 Void. 虚空中。 The bang scoffs! 轰嗤! The metal moon/month blade edge of jet black crazy tyrant, is burning together the turbulent black flame, has delimited World, kills to Remote Cherry King. 一道漆黑狂霸的金属月刃,燃烧着汹涌黑焰,划过天地,杀向幽樱王 By Chen Yu Space Ocean Boundary Late Stage Peak Cultivation, the activate Profound Artifact limit number of times is four times. 陈宇空海境后期巅峰修为,催动玄器的极限次数是四次。 But before because, consumption that fights, this third strikes is the limit. 但由于之前战斗的消耗,这第三击已是极限。 Profound Artifact, good.” “一件玄器,不错。” Remote Cherry King corners of the mouth smile. 幽樱王嘴角微笑。 Has killed Chen Yu, not only can harvest Profound Artifact, but can also receive posting a reward of Extinguishing Heart Emperor Lord issue, gains one greatly. 杀了陈宇,不仅能收获一件玄器,还能领取灭心帝主发布的悬赏,真是大赚一笔。 ! 哗哗! She points at stretches out, in airborne one stroke, the flesh color blood light ripples, forms a flower petal gradually. 她手指伸出,在空中一划,粉红血光荡漾,渐渐形成一片花瓣。 Chen Yu uses Profound Artifact strikes fully, the prestige can achieve Congealing Star King strikes, King Below changes countenance all. 陈宇使用玄器的全力一击,威能达到凝星王者的一击,王者之下无不动容。 Was only a pity that Remote Cherry King is Congealing Star King, keeps off this to strike very Simple. 只可惜,幽樱王凝星王者,挡下这一击很简单 At this moment. 就在此刻。 Murdering Heart Secret Art epicenter! 弑心诀・震心! Chen Yu Heart, violent beat! 陈宇心脏,猛烈跳动而起! Thump! Thump! Thump! Thump! 咚!咚!咚!咚! Similar to beats a drum the deafening sound resounds in void, transmits strength of the strange and intense vibration, arrives on Remote Cherry King. 如同擂鼓般的震响在虚空中响起,传递出一股奇异而强烈的震动之力,降临在幽樱王身上。 Immediately, Remote Cherry King Heart, seemed suppressed has hammered a fist, Blood Race main body Heart, changed the original beat rhythm. 顿时,幽樱王心脏,仿佛被狠锤了一拳,血族本体的心脏,改变了原有的跳动节奏。 This makes Remote Cherry King Energy and Blood chaotic, Origin Power suddenly fluctuated checked, style that in the hand condensed, presented the flash the disorder. 这使得幽樱王气血混乱,元力都骤然波动了一刹,手中凝聚的招式,出现一瞬间的紊乱。 In addition. 除此之外。 The body that Remote Cherry King checks, there is Heart. 幽樱王寄存的这具身躯,也有一个心脏 This main body Cultivation is not high, the body is frail. 这具本体修为不高,身体脆弱。 Under the influence of Chen Yu «Murdering Heart Secret Art», that Heart shattered directly. 陈宇弑心诀》的影响下,那心脏给直接震裂了。 Under the dual influences, Remote Cherry King released the style, the time delay...... 双重影响下,幽樱王释放出招式,延时了…… The bang scoffs! 轰嗤! Burning Heaven Demon Halberd The attack, arrives suddenly, chops to cut above flesh color flower petal that in that has not formed completely, less than a breath cuts it broken. 焚天魔戟】的攻击,骤然降临,劈斩在那还未完全形成的粉红花瓣之上,不到一息将其斩碎。 Scoff! 嗤! On the finger of Remote Cherry King, presents an opening, the wound black flame combustion, gradually expands the injury. 幽樱王的手指上,出现一道口子,伤口黑焰燃烧,逐渐扩大伤势。 Bang! 轰隆隆! The wild jet black brilliance embezzles the Remote Cherry King personal appearance, the Demon Energy black flame forms the air wave, attacks eight sides. 狂暴漆黑光焰将幽樱王身形吞没,魔气黑焰形成气浪,冲击八方。 Murdering Heart Secret Art copes with Blood Race, the effect surpasses my expectation......” 弑心诀对付血族,效果超过我的预料……” Chen Yu innermost feelings micro happy. 陈宇内心微喜。 Perhaps is Mysterious Heart has the connection with Blood Race, Murdering Heart Secret Art that displays, even if copes with Blood Race Congealing Star King, the effect is also very considerable. 或许是神秘心脏血族有关联,施展出的弑心诀,就算是对付血族凝星王者,效果也十分可观。 Naturally, copes with Blood Race with this move, must have a premise, that has Heart. 当然,用这一招对付血族,得有一个前提,那就是有心脏 Some Blood Race do not have Heart, for example Devouring Blood Race descendant. 有的血族没有心脏,就例如噬血族后裔 Remote Cherry King.” 幽樱王。” Young Ancestor Feng gawked checked. 烽少祖愣了一刹。 He thinks King to get rid, Chen Yu must die without doubt. 他以为王者出手,陈宇必死无疑。 Remote Cherry King actually in the Chen Yu hand, ate one to owe unexpectedly! 谁料幽樱王却在陈宇手中,吃了一个亏! Withdraw.” “撤。” After prevailing, Chen Yu removes immediately, and takes out sapphire Commanding Plate, prepares to turn on the Space channel, returns to Noble Secret Place. 得逞之后,陈宇立即就撤,并取出一枚青玉令牌,准备开启空间通道,返回青云秘境 Even if Remote Cherry King with Chen Yu, went to Noble Secret Place, Chen Yu also has the means to preserve oneself, after all that is his domain. 就算幽樱王跟着陈宇,去了青云秘境,陈宇也有办法保全自身,毕竟那是他的地盘。 But in Chen Yu opens the Space channel. 但就在陈宇开辟空间通道之时。 South emerges a piece of deep green water glare suddenly, the radiant green star, flies to shoot together. 南方忽然涌现一片碧绿水光,一道璀璨绿星,飞射而来。 Congealing Star Boundary.” 凝星境。” The Chen Yu vision concentrates, felt that the opposite party very greatly possibly is Human Race King. 陈宇目光一凝,感觉对方很大可能是人族王者 Blood Race King, dares to come to Great Universe, courts death!” 血族王者,竟敢现身大宇,找死!” Angrily rebukes to spread, making Chen Yu slightly relieved, received sapphire Commanding Plate. 一声怒斥传出,让陈宇稍微安心,将青玉令牌收了起来。 „......” “啊……” The scream of Remote Cherry King whooshes spreads, tears that paint Black Demon flame, blood red both eyes explode project two scarlet glow, as if must eat uncooked Chen Yu exactly exhaustedly. 幽樱王的尖叫嘶吼传出,撕裂那一层漆黑魔焰,血红的双目爆射出两道猩红之芒,仿佛要将陈宇生吃活剥。 Solemn Congealing Star Boundary, making Space Ocean Boundary Late Stage Peak injuring, even if were only a body wound, this said that nobody believes. 堂堂凝星境,让一个空海境后期巅峰给伤了,哪怕只是一点皮肉伤,这说出去都没人相信。 Remote Cherry King mood at this moment, anger to the extreme. 幽樱王此刻的心情,愤怒到极点。 Human Race King that may present suddenly, as if trough cold water sprinkles on her, making her facial color pale. 可忽然出现的人族王者,仿佛一盆冷水泼在她身上,令她面色铁青。
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