EH :: Volume #7 神魔传说

#905: Fierce Battle Young Ancestor Feng

How can be you?” “怎么会是你?” Young Ancestor Feng gawked checked, responded that the facial color was panic-stricken, the moral nature are many to dread. 烽少祖愣了一刹,反应过来,面色惊骇,心底多了一丝忌惮。 Although is unbelievable, but is approaching at this moment rapidly his, is Chen Yu! 虽然难以相信,但此刻正急速接近他的,正是陈宇 Their these subordinates, all died. 如此说来,自己的那些手下,已全部陨落。 Has Expert to assist in secret?” “难道有高手暗中相助?” In the Young Ancestor Feng heart suspected. 烽少祖心中怀疑。 But since has Expert to assist, why that Expert does not come directly, massacres him. 可既然有高手相助,为何那位高手不直接现身,将他也杀掉。 Whiz! 嗖! Young Ancestor Feng activate Half-Step Origin Power, fast runs away immediately. 烽少祖立即催动半步元力,飞快遁去。 Meanwhile, his moral nature had conclusion. 同时,他心底有了结论。 Perhaps all people are Chen Yu kill! 恐怕所有人都是陈宇杀的! Then how long Time? 这才多久的时间 The Chen Yu strength, imagines him is stronger. 陈宇的实力,比他想象的还要强。 But looks like in Young Ancestor Feng, own strength, surpasses Chen Yu absolutely. 但在烽少祖看来,自己的实力,绝对还是超过陈宇 This stems from the self-confidence of Devouring Blood Race descendant, stems from him momentarily to attack Congealing Star Boundary Cultivation, stems from the force card in a hand in his hand. 这源于噬血族后裔的自信,源于他随时都可以去冲击凝星境修为,源于他手中的强力底牌。 However now, here is Human Race and Monster Race domain, to avoid the Black Demon Valley support arrives, he cannot encounter to slaughter with Chen Yu. 不过现在,这里是人族妖族的地盘,为了避免黑魔谷支援抵达,他不能与陈宇交锋厮杀。 Whiz! 嗖! The Young Ancestor Feng speed is quick, drives one in void is hundred zhang (333m) Red Void Shadow. 烽少祖的速度很快,在虚空中拖动一条长达百丈的红色虚影 Bang! 轰! The Chen Yu speed is similarly quick, speeds away starts the wild convulsion to roar, is bringing dreadful Demon Energy and killing intent, is pursuing Young Ancestor Feng tightly. 陈宇速度同样很快,疾驰间掀起狂暴的惊风怒号,带着滔天魔气杀意,紧追着烽少祖 Can't throw off this boy unexpectedly?” “竟然甩不掉这小子?” Young Ancestor Feng look black. 烽少祖面色阴沉。 If the Chen Yu speed is not fast, before black mole Old Man and alone arm male, will not be ground kills, had the hope of running away. 要是陈宇的速度不快,之前黑痣老者和独臂男,就不会被碾杀,就有逃走的希望了。 Gets the hell out to this Young Ancestor.” “给本少祖滚蛋吧。” On the Young Ancestor Feng dreary face, ignites anger. 烽少祖阴郁的脸上,燃起一股怒火。 His double palm wields, World ignites the Scarlet flame. 他双掌一挥,天地燃起血色火光。 Before his body, Blood Flame, condenses one group dreadfully, changes to a hundred zhang (333m) big lava fireball, is similar to is hanging the Heavenly Universe blood red sun. 在他的身前,血焰滔天而起,凝聚成一团,化作一个百丈多大的熔岩火球,如同悬挂天宇的血红日阳。 Rumbling! 轰轰! In that blood red Sun, sprays the house size unceasingly the Blood Flame giant stone, is similar to Flame Shooting Star, covers the enormous range. 那血红太阳中,不断喷洒出房屋大小的血焰巨石,如同一颗颗火焰流星,覆盖极大一片范围。 So long as this move can prevent the Chen Yu moment, Young Ancestor Feng can throw off Chen Yu. 只要这一招能够阻挡住陈宇片刻,烽少祖就能甩掉陈宇 Facing this move, Chen Yu does not hide does not dodge, is similar to a sharp incomparable sharp sword runs out. 面对这一招,陈宇不躲不闪,如同一把锋利无匹的利剑冲出。 His body surface eighth Demon Mark surges, changes to one to paint the Black Dragon shade fuzzily, forms one ring-like to protect the shield, the Chen Yu protection. 他体表第八条魔纹涌动而起,化作一条模糊漆黑龙影,形成一个环形护盾,将陈宇守护在内。 Bang bang bang! 嘭嘭嘭! Flame Shooting Star pound, actually by Chen Yu by that Strong stance cracking-up. 一颗颗火焰流星砸来,却被陈宇以那强悍的姿态给撞碎。 But suffers several rounds impacts continuously, the Chen Yu speed certainly is also affected. 但连续遭受十几轮冲击,陈宇速度也受到一定的影响。 At this time. 这时。 His two fingers become scarlet-red, burns radiant Blood Flame, finally condenses dazzling blood cell, Erupting leaves the Blood Flame light beam that two imposing manners soar to the heavens. 他两根手指变得赤红,燃烧璀璨血焰,最终凝聚成一颗耀眼的血球,爆发出两道气势冲天的血焰光柱。 Bang bang! 嘭嘭! Two Sword Finger, one after the other, crush all, pricks in the lava great ball, by the Powerful penetrability, passes through it. 两道剑指,一前一后,粉碎一切,刺入熔岩巨球之中,以强大的贯穿力,将其贯穿。 And, two positive Attribute Sword Finger, pursue Young Ancestor Feng to go. 并且,两道阳属性剑指,直追烽少祖而去。 !! 唰!唰! The Young Ancestor Feng personal appearance two twinkles, dodge two Sword Finger offensive, the speed for it one slow. 烽少祖身形两个闪烁,躲闪掉两道剑指的攻势,速度为之一缓。 At this moment. 就在此刻。 After the might and build weaken the lava great ball, was broken by a Chen Yu fist, runs out. 威力和体型减弱后的熔岩巨球,被陈宇一拳砸碎,从中冲出。 Has not thought of solemn Blood Race Young Ancestor, there are by me is pursued one day of running away.” “没想到堂堂血族少祖,也有被我追着逃的一天。” Chen Yu ridicule gratefully. 陈宇毫不客气的讥讽。 Joke, if in Blood Race, you looked at this moment this Young Ancestor doesn't execute you at the scene?” “笑话,若此刻在血族,你看本少祖不当场将你格杀?” Young Ancestor Feng angrily rebukes indifferently. 烽少祖冷眼怒斥。 Chen Yu transfers the strength of Space Intent Domain, integrates to change to the bone lance Nine Bone Demon Spirit sword Fierce throwing. 陈宇调动空间意境之力,融入化作骨矛的【九骨魔灵剑】中,猛的投掷而出。 Depends on this move, wants to block me?” “就凭这一招,也想拦住我?” Young Ancestor Feng thought that Chen Yu is somewhat naive. 烽少祖觉得陈宇有些天真。 ! 唰! His personal appearance dodges slightly, dodges the bone lance strikes. 他身形微微一闪,闪躲掉骨矛的一击。 But suddenly, the bone lance has the distortion, starts to elongate, and becomes soft incomparable, changes to one is several feet bone whip, fierce pulls out. 但忽然的,骨矛发生变形,开始拉长,并变得柔软无比,化作一根长达十几丈的骨鞭,猛的抽来。 This stems from the expectation of Young Ancestor Feng, he soars, dodges once more. 这一幕出乎烽少祖的预料,他腾飞而起,再次闪躲。 The bone whip is similar to the spirit snake, rushed, constrains Young Ancestor Feng. 骨鞭如同灵蛇,冲了上去,将烽少祖拖住。 In this time. 就在此时。 Chen Yu kills! 陈宇杀来! Blood Transformation Demon Body activate, his body surface outlined a blood red fierce design. 血变魔体催动,他的体表勾勒出一副血红狰狞的图案。 Bang! 轰! A fist pounds, the anger divulges, the imposing manner is dreadful. Chen Yu back, but also presents together huge Bloodline Void Shadow suddenly. 一拳砸出,怒火宣泄,气势滔天。陈宇的背后,还陡然出现一道庞大的血脉虚影 Bang Bang! 轰砰! Young Ancestor Feng was unable to dodge, can only shake hardly, his palm chops, the deep Red Blood Flame great blade edge cuts to fall, shakes the Chen Yu fist light hardly. 烽少祖已无法闪躲,只能硬撼,他手掌一劈,深红色血焰巨刃斩落而下,硬撼陈宇的拳光。 Explodes Startling Heaven, both sides do not know one's place. 爆炸惊天,双方不分上下。 Where is antidote at?” “解药在哪?” Chen Yu asked that the offensive has not actually stopped, fires into Young Ancestor Feng, the fist palm kills. 陈宇问道,攻势却没有停,冲向烽少祖,拳掌杀出。 He believes that Heartless Blood Poison definitely has antidote, the Young Ancestor Feng body does not have, does not represent other places not to have. 他相信,无心血毒肯定有解药,烽少祖身上没有,不代表其他地方没有。 The key is antidote clue, can only come out from Blood Race here wrap. 关键是解药线索,只能从血族这里套出来。 You must die here, what also wants the antidote to make?” “你都要死在这里了,还要解药做什么?” The Young Ancestor Feng appearance is fierce, look of wrath. 烽少祖面目狰狞,金刚怒目。 At this moment his innermost feelings are flooding the anger, did not have personally to the regret that Chen Yu gets rid, also vanishes thoroughly. 此刻他内心充斥着怒火,原本没有亲自对陈宇出手的遗憾,也彻底消失。 He must in this, strike to kill Chen Yu! 他要在这,击杀陈宇 And the speed is fast, cannot delay! 并且速度要快,不能拖延! Bloodthirsty Twisting Attack!” 嗜血绞杀!” Strength of sending out Young Ancestor Feng within the body Bloodline, void Blood Energy combustion. 烽少祖体内血脉之力散发而出,虚空中血气燃烧。 By his whole body, condenses two bending torqves the Scarlet light, and instantaneously becomes thick, changes to the giant blood light biology of two snake dragons. 他周身两侧,凝聚两道弯曲扭转的血色光影,并瞬间变得粗大,化作两条似蛇似龙的巨大血光生物。 Chen Yu recognizes the Devouring Blood Race appearance, this resembles Dragon Sishe the monster, looks like Devouring Blood Race. 陈宇认得噬血族的模样,这似龙似蛇的怪物,更像噬血族 Roar! Roar! 吼!吼! Whooshes spreads, two blood dragon light, flies into the vault of heaven, escapes into under spatial, kills to Chen Yu. 嘶吼传出,两条血龙光影,一个飞入天穹,一个遁入下空,一齐向陈宇杀出。 At this moment, Chen Yu within the body blood as if coagulates, personal appearance one stiff, is unable to dodge. 这一刻,陈宇体内血液似乎凝固,身形一僵,无法闪躲。 This is Devouring Blood Race Secret Method, the lethality is astonishing, but can also all blood of instantaneous Absorbing enemy. 这是噬血族秘法,杀伤力惊人,还能瞬间汲取敌人的所有血液 However, but Chen Yu Blood Race Nemesis! 然而,陈宇可是“血族克星”! Thump! Thump! 咚咚!咚咚咚! Heart Erupting, Chen Yu whole body blood seethes with excitement, has broken through Binding, power suddenly to increase. 心脏爆发,陈宇浑身血液沸腾而起,冲破了束缚,力量暴增。 Meanwhile, a suction produces. 同时,一股吸力产生。 Young Ancestor Feng looks immediately panic-strickenly, his astonishing discovery, Chen Yu gives him unexpectedly the feeling of Bloodline Same Origin. 烽少祖顿时面露惊骇,他惊人的发现,陈宇竟给他血脉同源的感觉。 And, own Bloodline is shivering faintly, as if must by Chen Yu pulling. 并且,自身的血脉在隐隐颤抖,仿佛要被陈宇给拉扯出去。 As Blood and Flesh Nemesis Blood Race, as Devouring Blood Race descendant, he is the first time encounters this situation, is simply unthinkable. 作为血肉克星血族,作为噬血族后裔,他还是头一次遇到这种情况,简直匪夷所思。 Meanwhile. 同时。 He displays Bloodthirsty Twisting Attack, among Accumulating the strength of Bloodline, pulled out, causing this move of might to reduce greatly. 他施展出的“嗜血绞杀”,其内蕴含血脉之力,被抽了出去,导致这一招威力大减。 Even by the Chen Yu Defense strength, can definitely disregard Young Ancestor Feng Killing Move. 甚至以陈宇防御力,完全可以无视烽少祖杀招 Damn, what's all this about?” “该死,这是怎么回事?” The Young Ancestor Feng facial color sinks, trembling of air/Qi. 烽少祖面色一沉,气的发抖。 Single Layer Stamping Sky!” 一重踏天!” The sky tarnish, Demon Intent condenses, holds up the day of foot shade to reappear suddenly, the boundless demon prestige falls in torrents, making the Young Ancestor Feng personal appearance sink. 天空变暗,魔意凝聚,擎天脚影忽然浮现,磅礴魔威倾泻而下,令烽少祖身形为之一沉。 As a Chen Yu foot falls, that huge great demon foot shade, steps on under. 随着陈宇一脚落下,那庞大的巨魔脚影,也踩踏而下。 Young Ancestor Feng considered without enough time that once did an inside job Black Demon Valley, he is also very familiar with «Demon Face Six Layer Sky». 烽少祖来不及考虑,曾卧底黑魔谷,对于《魔临六重天》他也很熟悉。 He also once tried Cultivation, but is unable Entering Sect. 他也曾尝试修行,但无法入门 Young Ancestor Feng both hands raise, the liquid tumbling of blood Red, condenses the blood clot, above Blood Flame is steaming. 烽少祖双手上举,血红色的液体翻滚而出,凝聚成血块,其上血焰腾腾。 In an instant, the Young Ancestor Feng place above forms a 34 zhang (3.33 m) wide blood clot wall. 刹那间,烽少祖上方形成一堵34丈宽的血块墙壁。 ! 蓬! A foot falls, Demon Energy and Blood Flame affect eight sides. 一脚落下,魔气血焰波及八方。 The mist and dust diverges, the Young Ancestor Feng clothing was shattered, the facial color slightly has the paleness, but is not affected much. 烟尘散去,烽少祖衣衫破碎,面色略有苍白,但并无大碍。 His corners of the mouth raise the color of ridicule: This foot is good, but how this Young Ancestor.” 他嘴角扬起讥讽之色:“这一脚还不错,但奈何不了本少祖。” The words said the instance that he felt does not suit, the demon prestige exists as before, is oppressing his whole body. 话说完的瞬间,他感觉到不对劲,魔威依旧存在,压迫着他全身上下。 Second Layer Stamping Sky!” 二重踏天!” Chen Yu treads a foot again. 陈宇再踏一脚。 Paints the Black Demon foot to fall, embezzles the Young Ancestor Feng personal appearance once more. 黑魔脚落下,再次将烽少祖的身形吞没。 This time, when is black ** the wind diverges, the Young Ancestor Feng meat body the inadequate appearance, has crashed, reveals his main body. 这一次,当黑**风散去,烽少祖的肉躯已经不成模样,坠落下去,露出他的本体。 Your boy has such chance unexpectedly, was heavy Cultivation to Second.” “你小子竟有如此机缘,修炼第二重了。” In the Young Ancestor Feng pupil is passing the color of hatred. 烽少祖眸中透着怨毒之色。 Three Layers Stamping Sky!” 三重踏天!” Chen Yu drinks one fiercely. 陈宇猛喝一声。 Young Ancestor Feng facial color changing suddenly, fills the air panic-stricken. 烽少祖面色陡变,惊恐弥漫。 «Demon Face Six Layer Sky» each Single Layer strong Single Layer. 魔临六重天》每一重强过一重 First two feet, already his wound, if comes a foot again, he cannot endure, meets heavy injury surely. 前两脚,已经将他创伤,若是再来一脚,他也吃不消,必定会重创 Whiz! 嗖! The strength and the Half-Step Origin Power combustion Young Ancestor Feng Bloodline, the whole body blooms the dazzling blood light, leaps up backward far of three hundred zhang (333m). 烽少祖血脉之力、半步元力燃烧而起,浑身绽放出耀眼的血光,向后蹿出三百丈之远。 In this time. 就在此时。 ! 蓬! A black Black Demon foot falls on his original position. 一只乌黑魔脚落在他原来的位置。 However this foot prestige can be ordinary, even one-fifth of insufficient First foot. 不过这一脚威能一般,甚至不足第一脚的1。 Excuse me, has not practiced.” “不好意思,还没练成。” Chen Yu ridicules one, Three Layers Stamping Sky he did not have Entering Sect, can only display reluctantly, might might as well Single Layer Stamping Sky, in other words, does not have what function. 陈宇讪笑一声,三重踏天他还没入门,只能勉强施展,威力还不如一重踏天,也就是说,并没有什么作用。 But Young Ancestor Feng does not know that by Chen Yu frightening, has burnt Bloodline and Half-Step Origin Power. 烽少祖不知道,被陈宇给吓到了,燃烧了血脉半步元力 In fact, this foot falls on him, possibly is also superficial. 实际上,这一脚落在他身上,可能也是不痛不痒。 Bastard!” “混蛋!” Blood Bead of Young Ancestor Feng top of the head, Erupting leaves fearful Radiance. 烽少祖头顶的血珠,爆发出慑人的光芒 Sees only him to open mouth suddenly, among departs a handle blood sword, the sword blade curvingly just likes Blood Snake. 只见他忽然张嘴,其内飞出一柄血剑,剑身弯曲犹如血蛇 This sword appears instant, the blood light ripples eight sides, the bang disperses all, blood of Chen Yu within the body violently shivers. 此剑出现的刹那,血光荡漾八方,轰散一切,陈宇体内的血液都是猛烈颤抖。 Dies in this Young Ancestor Profound Artifact Below, you should also be content.” “死在本少祖玄器之下,你也该知足了。” Background of Young Ancestor Feng in Blood Race is enormous, dares Infiltrator Black Demon Valley King Disciple, in the hand Naturally has the card in a hand, is this Profound Artifact, named Burning Snake Sword. 烽少祖血族中背景极大,敢潜入黑魔谷王者门下,手中自然有底牌,就是这一件“玄器”,名为“燃蛇剑”。 Bang! 轰! Sword Chop falls, as if there is Scarlet backdrop together, falls from the day, is dazzling and strange, the World exaggeration deep dark red. 剑斩落,仿佛有一道血色天幕,从天落下,耀眼而诡异,将天地渲染的深沉暗红。 Has Profound Artifact unexpectedly!” “竟有玄器!” The Chen Yu vision concentrates, feels a thorniness. 陈宇目光微凝,感到一丝棘手。 The Young Ancestor Feng card in a hand goes beyond his expectation. 烽少祖的底牌超出他的预料。 However does Chen Yu have what to fear? 然而陈宇又有何惧? Jet black Drawing Halberd appears in World suddenly, above the black flame demon prestige, surges, making the Young Ancestor Feng personal appearance retrocede in a flash one zhang (3.33 m). 一根漆黑画戟忽然出现于天地,其上黑焰魔威,激荡开来,令烽少祖身形一晃后退了一丈。 You really have......” “你竟然也有……” Young Ancestor Feng is startled incomparably. 烽少祖吃惊无比。 He thinks instantaneously that deciding is Solitary Blood Valley Master donation Chen Yu. 他瞬间想到,定是寂血谷主赠予陈宇的。 Drawing Halberd wields, the demon prestige is agitated. 画戟挥动,魔威汹汹。 Bang! 轰! Paints Black Gold is crescent moon together, is burning the turbulent black flame, shoots up to the sky, is disillusioned all blood light, suddenly bumps into with the Scarlet sword curtain! 一道漆黑金属般的月牙,燃烧着汹涌黑焰,冲天而起,破灭一切血光,与血色剑幕蓦然相撞! Bang Bang! 轰砰蓬! Profound Artifact fights, the prestige can be terrorist, making Sun and Moon change colors. 玄器交手,威能恐怖,令日月失色。 The destruction storm spreads Four Directions, affects Chen Yu and Young Ancestor Feng. 毁灭风暴扩散四方,波及陈宇烽少祖 The Young Ancestor Feng book thinks that he puts out card in a hand, decides to grind kills Chen Yu, unexpectedly Chen Yu also has Profound Artifact. 烽少祖本以为,自己拿出底牌,定能碾杀陈宇,却不料陈宇也有玄器 He was struck far of flying hundred zhang (333m), the body leaves behind a huge wound, above is also burning the Black flame seedling. 他被击飞百丈之远,身上留下一道巨大伤口,其上还燃烧着黑色焰苗。 Wound that Profound Artifact creates, even if Devouring Blood Race descendant, in short-term also being hard self-recovery. 玄器造成的伤口,就算是噬血族后裔,短期内也难以自愈。 But Chen Yu is different. 陈宇不同。 He has Middle Rank Inextinguishable Body , sees only on him by the Sword Qi stroke blood-stained mouth, slowly repair. 他拥有中等不灭体,只见他身上被剑气划出的血口,缓缓修复。 Said where the antidote is at?” “说,解药在哪?” Chen Yu lifts Burning Heaven Demon Halberd, Explodes. 陈宇手举【焚天魔戟】,爆冲而出。 The Young Ancestor Feng body shivers, is Blood Demon Valley Young Valley Master, he is knows Chen Yu to have the Inextinguishable Body matter. 烽少祖身躯颤抖,身为血魔谷少谷主,他是知晓陈宇拥有不灭体的事情。 In both sides have in the Profound Artifact situation, has Middle Rank Inextinguishable Body Chen Yu, favors the invincible position! 在双方都有玄器的情况下,拥有中等不灭体陈宇,利于不败之地! Junior Brother, puts my horse, Senior Brother here has the antidote.” 师弟,放我一马,师兄这里有解药。” Young Ancestor Feng flies to leap up backward, and ejects a few words. 烽少祖向后飞蹿,并抛出一句话。 Whom do you deceive?” “你蒙谁呢?” Chen Yu scolds to say. 陈宇呵斥道。 Even if the opposite party is Young Ancestor, is impossible to have the Heartless Blood Poison antidote. 就算对方是少祖,也不可能有无心血毒的解药吧。 However, in the Chen Yu heart has an anticipation. 不过,陈宇心中还是产生一丝期待。 Not not, absolutely true!” “不不,千真万确!” Young Ancestor Feng said hastily, but also has something to be talked about later, has not said: „......” 烽少祖连忙道,但还有后话,迟迟没说出来:“不过……”
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