EH :: Volume #7 神魔传说

#904: The thunderclap grinds kills

? Roar! ?吼! As if Demon Dragon from hell, roared to whoosh, the demon overawed Heavenly Universe. 仿佛来自地狱的魔龙,咆哮嘶吼,魔威震天宇 At this moment, the enemy six people of attacks, is similar to the end disaster arrives. 就在此刻,敌方六人的攻击,如同末日天灾降临而来。 Heart position of Chen Yu situated in Demon Dragon, the palm wields unexpectedly, the claw of that jet black big dragon, howls immediately, welcomed the attack of black mole Old Man. 陈宇位于魔龙心脏位置,手掌蓦地一挥,那漆黑巨龙的爪子,立即呼啸而出,迎上黑痣老者的攻击。 Bang Bang! 轰砰! The metal that black scale Dragon Claw and huge blood red Vicious Beast collision, that black scale Dragon Claw as if destroys the hardest defenses, crushes all. 黑鳞龙爪与巨大的血红凶兽碰撞,那黑鳞龙爪仿佛无坚不摧的金属,粉碎一切。 Another hand claw of Black Dragon, welcomed to alone arm male Sword Chop. 紧接着,黑龙的另一只手爪,迎向独臂男的剑斩 Sonorous! 铿锵! Wild blood red Sword Qi, collides with Demon Claw, has the metal bang. 狂暴血红的剑气,与魔爪碰撞,发出金属巨响。 And a black scale claw shut off by Sword Chop, but Demon Claw also a that sharp incomparable sword smashing. 其中一只黑鳞爪子被剑斩切断,但魔爪也将那锋利无匹的一剑给捣毁。 As for other four people of besieging, the black scale big dragon has not placed in the eye slightly. 至于其他四人的围攻,黑鳞巨龙丝毫没有放在眼中。 Its whole body scale armor, glitters the quiet cold Senhei metallic luster, is similar to the instantaneous metallization is ordinary. 它浑身鳞甲,闪烁幽冷森黑的金属光泽,如同瞬间金属化一般。 Bang! 轰隆隆! Space Ocean Boundary Late Stage Peak and Space Ocean Boundary Late Stage as well as the Cultivation lower Blood Race life, attacks shells to come completely, the bang is unceasing. 空海境后期巅峰空海境后期以及修为更低的血族生灵,攻击全部轰击而来,巨响不断。 The black scale big dragon is similar to a metal great mountain, stands erect not but actually, Demon Energy is dense, shakes the person soul. 黑鳞巨龙如同一座金属巨山,屹立不倒,魔气森森,震人心魂。 Demon Dragon changes, strongest Battle Skill in «Demonic Secret Mark Record», incarnation Demon Dragon, an attack and defense body, gallops World! 魔龙变,《天魔秘纹录》中的最强战技,化身魔龙,攻防一体,驰骋天地 Although Chen Yu has repaired Cultivation Technique, but Refining Body aspect, presses in «Demonic Secret Mark Record» Cultivation, can therefore display Battle Skill. 陈宇虽改修了功法,但炼体方面,还是按《天魔秘纹录》里修炼,因此可以施展战技 This...... Is any Secret Skill!” “这……是什么秘技!” This was also too fearful!” “这也太可怕了吧!” Several Blood Race stare dumbfounded, on the face reveals the fear gradually. 几名血族瞠目结舌,脸上渐渐露出恐惧。 Their attacks, could not injure Chen Yu unexpectedly slightly. 他们的攻击,竟伤不了陈宇丝毫。 Two big Half-Step Congealing Star Boundary, the alone arm male and black mole Old Man, the mind is also startled palpitates. 两大半步凝星境,独臂男与黑痣老者,心神也是惊悸起来。 This child Space Ocean Boundary Late Stage Peak, can display so Powerful Secret Technique, if the to ignore he grows, in the future must be the Blood Race big trouble, must remove!” “此子才空海境后期巅峰,就能施展出如此强大秘术,若是放任他成长起来,日后必是血族大患,一定要除掉!” The black mole Old Man vision is incisive, as if congeals including killing intent a handle handle sharp sword. 黑痣老者目光尖锐,连杀意都仿佛凝结成一柄柄利剑。 Right, otherwise has no way to confess with Young Ancestor Feng!” “没错,不然也没法跟烽少祖交代!” Alone arm male nod. 独臂男点头。 Secret Skill is stronger, the consumption is bigger. 秘技越强,消耗越大。 Have their six people, two big Half-Step Congealing Star Boundary, feared Space Ocean Boundary Late Stage Humanity? 况且他们有六个人,两大半步凝星境,难道还怕了一个空海境后期人类 Kills!” “杀!” Chen Yu drinks one lowly, suddenly runs out. 陈宇低喝一声,蓦然冲出。 He must solve these Blood Race as soon as possible, otherwise is hard to overtake Feng Wuxue. 他必须尽快解决这些血族,否则难以追上封无血 If made Feng Wuxue run away, wants to ask him to be difficult again. 若让封无血逃了,再想找他就难了。 In instant, Chen Yu that under keeping off all people attack has made the decision, launches the attack. 在挡下所有人攻击的刹那,陈宇做出了决定,发起攻击。 Fight a battle to force a quick decision! 速战速决! The bang scoffs! 轰嗤! Black scale Demon Claw howls suddenly, starts Demon Energy storm, just likes one group of giant dragon volumes, sweeps away to go to the right. 一只黑鳞魔爪忽然呼啸而出,掀起一股魔气风暴,犹如一团巨大的龙卷,向右侧横扫而去。 Demon Dragon changes an attack and defense body, Defense is astonishing, attack same Strong. 魔龙变攻防一体,防御惊人,攻击同样强悍 The strength of this claw, made two Space Ocean Venerable creepy feeling, immediately withdrew. 这一爪之力,令两名空海尊者头皮发麻,当即后撤。 Only has black mole Old Man, appearance gloomy cold severe, the double palm blood light is dreadful, strikes, changes to one group of giant blood cloud giant beasts, roared to kill. 唯有黑痣老者,面目阴沉冷厉,双掌血光滔天,拍击而出,化作一团巨大的血云巨兽,咆哮杀出。 ! Scoff! 蓬!嗤! The bang sound gets up, a Chen Yu claw tears into shreds that blood cloud giant beast, attacks to black mole Old Man. 巨响声起,陈宇一爪将那血云巨兽撕碎,攻向黑痣老者 What?” “什么?” The black mole Old Man facial color in great surprise, the attack of Chen Yu did not have such strong might a moment ago. 黑痣老者面色大惊,刚才陈宇的攻击还没这么强的威力。 In fact, this is Chen Yu First time displays Demon Dragon changes, just started that is not familiar. 实际上,这是陈宇第一次施展魔龙变,刚开始那是不熟悉。 By Chen Yu present Physique, the normal fist, Half-Step Congealing Star Boundary does not dare to resist hardly, after let alone is displays Demon Dragon changes strikes. 陈宇如今的体魄,正常一拳,半步凝星境都不敢硬抗,更何况是施展魔龙变之后的一击。 Easily accomplished, crushes all. 摧枯拉朽,粉碎一切。 Titter! 噗嗤! Black mole Old Man combustion Half-Step Origin Power, draws back backward fiercely, but was affected by Demon Claw as before, an arm tears fragment. 黑痣老者燃烧半步元力,向后猛退,但依旧被魔爪波及,一条手臂撕裂成碎片 Right now, black mole Old Man also has become the alone arm. 这下子,黑痣老者也成了独臂。 Chen Yu is combative, after striking, Second strikes arrives rapidly. 陈宇杀气腾腾,一击之后,第二击迅速降临。 Helps me quickly.” “快来助我。” Black mole Old Man hissing exclaimed, at this moment he felt the intense crisis. 黑痣老者嘶吼道,此刻他感受到强烈危机。 One underestimated Chen Yu, he just displayed the condition after Secret Skill by Chen Yu, judges the Chen Yu strength. 自己低估陈宇了,他是以陈宇刚施展秘技后的状态,来判断陈宇的实力。 In fact, after being familiar with Demon Dragon changed Chen Yu, was more fearful. 实际上,熟悉了魔龙变后的陈宇,更为可怕。 The left alone arm male, its Space Ocean Venerable, kills immediately, supports black mole Old Man. 左侧的独臂男,还有其空海尊者,立即杀来,支援黑痣老者 The huge Demon Dragon head, opens the jet black big mouth, as if bottomless black hole, curls up Startling Heaven wind billows. 巨大的魔龙头颅,张开漆黑大嘴,仿佛一个无底黑洞,卷起一股惊天风澜。 Roar ~ 吼~ The wild Demon Dragon roar sound, vibrates the vault of heaven. 狂暴的魔龙吼音,震动天穹。 A light wave of dim distortion, covers alone arm male and the others, Plants on rear mountain massif, rises straight from the ground completely, volume to distant place. 一层昏暗扭曲的光波,笼罩独臂男等人,后方山体上的草木,全部拔地而起,卷向远方。 Bang ka! 嘭咔! Space Ocean Boundary Middle Stage Peak Blood Race, the whole body trembles, the bone disperses the frame, the blood hurricane, finally „”, changes to one group of Blood Fog. 一名空海境中期巅峰血族,浑身震颤,骨头散架,血液狂飙,最后“蓬”的一声,化作一团血雾 Other Space Ocean Venerable defend fully, but by sound wave heavy injury, the body was also swayed, or the mouth spurts the blood. 其余空海尊者全力防守,但也被音波重创,身躯晃荡,或口喷鲜血。 The alone arm male stands rigidly same place, revolution Half-Step Origin Power protects oneself, but the endoskeleton has as if dispersed general, the internal organs shiver fiercely. 独臂男僵立原地,运转半步元力保护自身,但体内骨骼仿佛散了架一般,脏腑剧烈颤动。 Death!” “死!” Temporarily diverts other people, Chen Yu wallops, a claw racket to black mole Old Man. 暂时牵制住其余人,陈宇猛冲而出,一爪拍向黑痣老者 Bang bang! 嘭嘭! The opposite party resists strongly, but all attacks were all ripped the smashing by that black scale great claw. 对方竭力抵挡,但所有攻击皆被那黑鳞巨爪撕成粉碎。 A claw falls, the body of black mole Old Man was crushed instantaneously, inside Blood Race main body was also cut two halves, but also in going all out struggles to seek livehood. 一爪落下,黑痣老者的身体瞬间被粉碎,里面的血族本体也被切割成两半,还在拼命的挣扎求生。 But how Chen Yu will give him way out! 陈宇岂会给他生路! ! 蓬! Is a Simple claw, tearing goes as before. 依旧是简单一爪,撕裂而去。 The black mole Old Man Blood Race main body, this strikes Below in Chen Yu, withers away thoroughly! 黑痣老者血族本体,在陈宇这一击之下,也彻底消亡! Demon Dragon changes the consumption is enormous, and after using this technique, the fists and feet attack of Chen Yu, then has the fearful lethality, uses other Method again, the effect sells at a discount greatly, will also increase own burden. 魔龙变消耗极大,且施展此术后,陈宇的拳脚攻击,便具备可怕的杀伤力,再动用其它手段,效果大打折扣,还会增加自身负担。 Killed Half-Step Congealing Star, Chen Yu has not stopped. 杀了一名半步凝星,陈宇没有丝毫停顿。 Roar! 吼! Demon Dragon roars, jet black huge form, goes to other Blood Race killing. 魔龙怒吼,漆黑庞大的身影,向其余血族扑杀而去。 Black mole Old Man was just struck to kill by Chen Yu, that extremely shocks, their mind trembles immediately, the footsteps retrocede. 黑痣老者刚被陈宇击杀,那一幕太过震撼,他们心神顿时一颤,脚步后退。 Gets rid together, puts out the card in a hand, otherwise must die here.” “一起出手,拿出底牌,不然都得死在这里。” The alone arm male shouted to clear the way fiercely, the forehead blue vein blew up, in his hand the blood glow above extravagant sword was more abundant, just likes a great sword of blood casting. 独臂男猛喝道,额头青筋鼓起,他手中阔剑之上的血芒更盛,犹如一把鲜血铸造的巨剑。 Chen Yu cut to kill black mole Old Man a moment ago, the speed of shows, has surpassed Common Half-Step Congealing Star Boundary, therefore the alone arm male can only gather the strength of people, delayed Time, hopes that Chen Yu Secret Skill sooner finished. 刚才陈宇斩杀黑痣老者,所展现出的速度,超过了普通半步凝星境,因此独臂男只能聚集众人之力,拖延时间,希望陈宇秘技早些结束。 But Chen Yu Cultivation «Six Origin Returning to Heaven Technique», True Origin nature and quantity, far ultra Common Space Ocean Boundary Late Stage Peak, but he displays Demon Dragon changes to striking to kill black mole Old Man, in fact has 22 breaths. 陈宇修炼六元归天功》,真元的质和量,远超普通空海境后期巅峰,而他施展魔龙变到击杀黑痣老者,实际上只有22息。 Kills!” “杀!” Explodes blood Secret Method!” “爆血秘法!” Surplus five Blood Race, are whooshing loudly, everywhere attack arrives. 剩余五名血族,大声嘶吼着,漫天攻击降临而来。 Bang! 轰隆隆! Black Dragon dashes, the whole body just likes the impregnable bastion, indestructible. 黑龙冲撞而出,浑身犹如铜墙铁壁,坚不可摧。 Only has the Sword Dao attack of alone arm Man, a sword chopped 78 scales, but wound was not Chen Yu. 唯有独臂男子剑道攻击,一剑砍下了78块鳞片,但伤的又不是陈宇 The bang scoffs! bang! 轰嗤!噗嘭! Black Dragon pair of claws brandishes, the mouth spits the black flame, Dragon's Tail sweeps fiercely. 黑龙双爪挥舞,口吐黑焰,龙尾猛扫。 Is less than four breaths, Blood Race Venerable besides alone arm male, all the blood splashes at the scene. 不到四息,除了独臂男之外的血族尊者,全都血溅当场。 Whiz! 嗖! The alone arm male drags injured Body, bringing the whole face to be panic-stricken, changes to together the blood glow, flees rapidly. 独臂男拖着受伤之躯,带着满脸惊骇,化作一道血芒,飞速遁走。 May in an instant, his top of the head present together the huge shadow, after displaying Demon Dragon changes Chen Yu. 可刹那间,他的头顶出现一道庞大的阴影,正是施展魔龙变后的陈宇 Your speed...... Is slower than me!” “你的速度……比我慢!” The ice-cold expression, leading Ling Lie murderous aura, spreads to the alone arm male ear, making his whole body pore send coldly. 冰冷的语气,带着凌冽杀气,传入独臂男的耳中,令他浑身毛孔发寒。 Spelled with you!” “跟你拼了!” The alone arm male whooshes one, in the hand appears suddenly a knife point. 独臂男嘶吼一声,手中忽然浮现一个刀尖。 This is, incomplete Profound Artifact. 这是,残缺玄器 Bang! 轰! Blade light that weddings and funerals interweave, spreads eight sides, leaves behind the number Shidaogou gully on the continuous mountain. 一股红白交织的刀光,扩散八方,在连绵大山上留下数十道沟壑。 At this moment on alone arm male bursts out a fearful imposing manner, as if must chop to cut the vault of heaven. 这一刻独臂男身上迸发出一股可怕气势,仿佛要劈斩天穹。 Broken Profound Artifact?” 残破玄器吗?” The Chen Yu vision concentrates. 陈宇目光微凝。 In order to save consumption, to quickly end fight, in order to avoid with losing Young Ancestor Feng. 为了节省消耗,为了尽快结束战斗,以免跟丢烽少祖 Thump! Thump! 咚咚!咚咚咚! Mysterious Heart enters Erupting Method, Chen Yu within the body is flooding the infinite vitality heat flow, power suddenly to increase! 神秘心脏进入爆发法门,陈宇体内充斥着无穷生机热流,力量暴增! Meanwhile, the alone arm male on Chen Yu, felt Devouring Blood Race descendant Aura, within the body Bloodline is suppressed instantaneously, strength that can display? Sharp decline 30%-40%! 与此同时,独臂男在陈宇身上,感受到了噬血族后裔气息,体内血脉瞬间被压制,能够发挥出的实力?锐减三四成! While this opportunity, a Chen Yu claw strikes. 趁此机会,陈宇一爪拍击而出。 This Bloodline Aura...... How possible...... You?” “这股血脉气息……怎么可能……你?” Some alone arm male crazies, speak incoherently. 独臂男有些疯癫,语无伦次。 But facing the Death crisis, he has held up Broken Profound Artifact, cuts. 但面对死亡危机,他还是举起了残破玄器,一斩而出。 Bang! 轰隆! The Startling Heaven white red blade rainbow with painting the Black Dragon claw slams into, the destruction storm spreads eight sides. 惊天白红刀虹与漆黑龙爪猛烈撞击,毁灭风暴扩散八方。 Chen Yu has Demon Dragon changes a guard, has not been injured. 陈宇魔龙变护身,没有受伤。 On the alone arm male was excised Datiaokou, the whole person is almost divided into two halves. 独臂男身上被切除一大条口子,整个人差点分成两半。 He was shelled by the complementary waves, retreats rapidly backward, blood sprays unceasingly. 他遭受余波轰击,飞速向后退去,血液不断喷洒。 Although Broken Profound Artifact is strong, the might that but the Attribute not suitable alone arm male, to play is limited, in addition Bloodline suppresses, making the alone arm male that fight the prestige to reduce again. 残破玄器虽强,但属性不适合独臂男,发挥出的威力有限,再加上血脉压制,使得独臂男那一战威能再减。 Naturally, the Broken Profound Artifact might is not a lid. 当然,残破玄器的威力不是盖的。 The entire dragon claw of jet black big dragon broke to pieces including the arm. 漆黑巨龙的整个龙爪包括手臂都碎了。 Death!” “死!” Chen Yu has wasted too many Time, another hand claw of Demon Dragon has wielded to strike, five jet black light marks tear from the sky, the alone arm male body, rips the powder. 陈宇已经浪费了太多时间,魔龙的另一只手爪挥击而出,五道漆黑光痕从天空撕裂下来,将独臂男的身躯,撕成粉末。 From now on, six Blood Race were all cut to kill! 自此,六名血族全被斩杀! Next flickers, prestige cold Black Dragon of that big hundred zhang (333m) dissipates slowly, the remaining Daoist shades flutter are void. 下一瞬,那高大百丈的威凛黑龙缓缓消散,剩下一道人影飘在虚空。 „The True Origin consumption is less than 40%......” 真元消耗不到四成……” The Chen Yu Inspection True Origin sea, the clothing/taking next grain restores True Origin Medicine Pill. 陈宇检查真元海,服下一粒恢复真元丹药 In fact, Demon Dragon changes except for the True Origin consumption, is bigger to the burden of body, even if Chen Yu special Physique, at this moment also slightly feels exhaustedly. 实际上,魔龙变除了真元消耗,对身体的负担更大,就算是陈宇的特殊体质,此刻也略感疲惫。 After taking away the spoils of war. 收走战利品后。 ! 咻! Chen Yu changes to together the quiet glow, goes far away instantaneously. 陈宇化作一道幽芒,瞬间远去。 Departs from Young Ancestor Feng, kills off all stop to Chen Yu, passes extremely short Time. 烽少祖离去,到陈宇杀光所有阻拦者,才过去极短时间 In the air is also remaining Young Ancestor Feng Aura. 空气中还残留着烽少祖气息 Perhaps he has not thought that his all subordinates, have not blocked Chen Yu, instead in the short 30 breaths, all extinguishes! 恐怕他也没想到,他的所有手下,都没拦住陈宇,反而在短短30息内,全灭! ...... …… Another side, Young Ancestor Feng Fast escapes, opens access, has not met any Human Race or Monster Race. 另一边,烽少祖快速远遁,一路畅通无阻,没有遇到任何人族或者妖族 But his complexion deep like water, in the eye the quiet glow is sparkling: Actually does Chen Yu how look up here to come?” 但他脸色却深沉如水,目中幽芒烁烁:“陈宇究竟是怎么查到这里来的?” Young Ancestor Feng prepared before returning to Blood Race, gathers audiences Blood Race, goes all out again. 烽少祖原本准备在返回血族前,聚集一众血族,再大干一场。 The sudden appearance of Chen Yu, has disrupted his plan. 陈宇的突然出现,打乱了他的计划。 And cannot personally result Chen Yu, made him very regrettable. 且没能亲自结果陈宇,也令他十分遗憾。 Things have gotten to this point, can only return to Blood Race first.” “事已至此,只能先回血族了。” When this Young Ancestor Advanced Rank Congealing Star King, goes to battle with South Region again, the Killing world, must let here, rivers of blood.” “待本少祖进阶凝星王者,再出战南域,杀戮天下,一定要让这里,血流成河。” Young Ancestor Feng stretched out the blood red tongue to lick the lip. 烽少祖伸出血红的舌头舔了舔嘴唇。 Suddenly. 忽然。 Young Ancestor Feng feels rear area to have fluctuation of energy to transmit. 烽少祖感受到后方有能量波动传来。 They such quickly pursued, it seems like my Junior Brother, definitely death was very miserable.” “他们这么快就追上来了,看来我的师弟,肯定死的很惨。” Young Ancestor Feng smiles one evilly, has slowed down the speed. 烽少祖邪笑一声,放缓了速度。 Has one person?” “怎么只有一人?” The Young Ancestor Feng brow twists. 烽少祖眉头一拧。 The next quarter, his eyes pupil opens the eyes greatly, shows the color of shock. 下一刻,他眼眸大睁,透出震惊之色。 How can be...... Chen Yu? 怎么会是……陈宇 Young Ancestor Feng, we saw!” 烽少祖,我们又见了!” The Chen Yu ice-cold low and deep sound spread, awakens was startled Young Ancestor Feng. 陈宇冰冷低沉的声音传出,惊醒了吃惊中的烽少祖
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