EH :: Volume #7 神魔传说

#903: Demon Dragon changes

Young Ancestor Feng has opened the eye immediately, sends out the glow of scared cloudy offense. 烽少祖立即睁开了眼睛,散发出令人胆寒的阴戾之芒。 Has Humanity to approach here? 人类正在接近这里? Has here exposed? 难道这里已经暴露了? Regarding this point, Young Ancestor Feng is not accidental, after all here is Human Race and Monster Race domain, just exposes expects him is quicker. 对于这一点,烽少祖并不意外,毕竟这里是人族妖族的地盘,只不过暴露的比他预想的还要快。 ! 唰! Young Ancestor Feng changes to a shadow, flees. 烽少祖化作一道黑影,一窜而出。 Above Mountain Range, flat land, here is gathering four people at this moment. 山脉之上,有一块平地,此刻这里聚集着四人。 Suddenly, a shadow flees from rear area, floats in the upper air, the solemn face looks out the distant place. 忽然,一道黑影从后方窜来,漂浮在高空,冷峻的面庞遥望远方。 Young Ancestor!” 少祖!” Four people shout together. 四人齐喊道。 Young Ancestor Feng has not paid attention, vision gaze distant place, the pupil shrinks suddenly, he saw a sunspot, is approaching rapidly. 烽少祖没有理会,目光注视远方,突然瞳孔一缩,他看到了一个黑点,正急速逼近。 What situation is concrete?” “具体什么情况?” Young Ancestor Feng cold sound interrogated. 烽少祖冷声质问。 Four directions, have Dark Sentry. 四个方向,都有暗哨 South Dark Sentry vanishes suddenly, but he immediately sends out Half-Step Congealing Star Boundary to go to investigate. 南方暗哨忽然消失,但他立即派出一名半步凝星境前去调查。 How will some people arrive at Pinyang Mountain Range? 怎么会有人来到平阳岭 Young Ancestor, the special details, we are not clear.” 少祖,具体情况,我们也不清楚。” Brocade clothes Man said. 一名锦衣男子道。 Although not clear situation, but that person came from South. 虽不清楚情况,但那人是从南方来的。 Dark Sentry that vanishes, is related with this person? 难道那消失的暗哨,跟此人有关? The sound transmits from out of the blue. 破空声传来。 Chen Yu stands on place demon Battleship, is gazing below five person's shadows. 陈宇站立在地魔战船上,注视着下方的五个人影。 Feng Wuxue!” 封无血!” Instant, the Chen Yu vision falls on the body of Feng Wuxue, ice-cold killing intent fills the air. 刹那,陈宇的目光落在封无血的身上,冰冷杀意弥漫而出。 Young Ancestor Feng or Feng Wuxue appearance, but that manner makings, in Feng Wuxue with Chen Yu memory, entirely different. 烽少祖还是封无血的样子,不过那神态气质,与陈宇记忆中的封无血,截然不同。 Opposite party five people, is all observing Chen Yu. 对方五人,也全都观察着陈宇 Murderous aura, this person comes to us.” “有杀气,此人是冲着我们来的。” Perhaps this person was not passing by Simple, but traced.” “恐怕此人不是简单的路过,而是一路追查过来。” Blood Race and the others judge immediately. 血族等人立即判断出来。 Regarding this, they not anxious, instead very curious sizing up Chen Yu. 对此,他们并没有多紧张,反而十分好奇的打量陈宇 Your excellency investigation skill, I and others admired, but your Singlehanded kills, can be self-confidently excessive?” “阁下的追查本事,我等佩服,不过你单枪匹马的杀过来,会不会自信过头了?” Jin clothes Man laughs. 锦衣男子大笑一声。 Young Ancestor Feng doubts sizing up Chen Yu, because Chen Yu changed the appearance, his Time has not recognized: „Do you want to kill me? What person are you with Black Demon Valley concerned?” 烽少祖疑惑的打量陈宇,由于陈宇改变了外貌,他一时间没有认出:“你想杀我?你跟黑魔谷的什么人有关?” He can feel clearly, Chen Yu to his killing intent, and incomparable intensity. 他能清晰感受到,陈宇对他的杀意,且无比的强烈。 But Young Ancestor Feng in Black Demon Valley Concealment these many years, has never seen the present person. 烽少祖黑魔谷潜伏这么多年,从未见过眼前之人。 „To kill Young Ancestor? Depending on you?” “想杀少祖?就凭你?” Jin clothes Man laughs at one. 锦衣男子嗤笑一声。 Other people also look to disdain, does not know that intrudes here ignorant Youth what's the matter, is it possible that is the head has the issue? 其余人也面露不屑,不知道闯入这里的无知青年是怎么回事,莫非是脑袋有问题? Young Ancestor, making me get rid, tidies up this boy for you.” 少祖,让我出手,替你收拾这小子。” Jin clothes Man initiative instruction. 锦衣男子主动请示。 Chen Yu disregards his manner, making brocade clothes Man not be feeling well. 陈宇无视他的态度,令锦衣男子十分不爽。 And this is one in the opportunity in front of Young Ancestor rendering meritorious service, he does not open the mouth, other people will also open the mouth. 且这是一个在少祖面前立功的机会,他就算不开口,其余人也会开口。 Goes!” “去吧!” Young Ancestor Feng is calm. 烽少祖一脸平静。 Copes with Space Ocean Boundary Late Stage Peak Humanity, which need he begins personally. 对付一个空海境后期巅峰人类,哪需要他亲自动手。 But why does not know, in the Young Ancestor Feng heart some are not tranquil, thought that present stranger, is somewhat familiar. 但不知为何,烽少祖心中有些不宁静,觉得眼前的陌生人,有些熟悉。 Boy, your this Body is good, This Senior had a liking.” “小子,你这副皮囊不错,本尊看上了。” Jin clothes Man leaps, an arm show, a piece of Scarlet tide tumbling, the momentum is scary. 锦衣男子一跃而出,手臂一展,一片血色海涛翻滚而出,声势骇人。 Bang! 轰隆隆! Among World, in all directions, the Scarlet ocean waves are tumbling unceasingly, does not have anxiously the attack, seems fermenting a more fearful storm. 天地间,四面八方,血色海浪不断翻滚着,没有急着攻击,仿佛在酝酿更为可怕的风暴。 With is Space Ocean Boundary Late Stage Peak, Blood Race far strong Human Race, brocade clothes Man has victory in the hand, is not anxious. 同为空海境后期巅峰,血族远强过人族,锦衣男子胜券在握,并不急。 But Chen Yu is anxious. 陈宇急。 Bang! 轰! He runs out immediately, raises fearful storm and sonic boom, just like a shell, rush. 他顿时冲出,掀起一层可怕的风暴与爆音,宛若一颗炮弹般,冲杀而出。 ! 蓬! In the high-speed migration, Chen Yu fights with the fists, immediately clean of present Scarlet ocean waves bang. 高速移动中,陈宇一拳打出,顿时将眼前的血色海浪轰的一干二净。 Jin clothes Man shocking and flurried expression, gets a panoramic view. 锦衣男子震惊、慌乱的神色,尽收眼底。 You......” “你……” Jin clothes Man feels frightened, prepares to retreat. 锦衣男子感受到恐惧,准备撤退。 But all these are extremely sudden, he does not guard, the Chen Yu speed is also too fast. 但这一切太过突然,他毫无防备,陈宇的速度又太快。 ! 蓬! Center a Chen Yu fist his chest, pounds to put on a hole directly, bright red blood sprays under. 陈宇一拳正中他胸口,直接砸穿一个窟窿,鲜红的血液喷洒而下。 Blood Race Life is tenacious, Chen Yu was worried that has not killed the opposite party, another arm lifts, the Second fist follows on somebody's heels! 血族生命顽强,陈宇担心没杀死对方,另一只手臂抬起,第二拳接踵而至! Bang! 嘭! Also is a bang, the brocade clothes Man body, direct Exploding comes, changes to one group of dark red Blood Fog, drenches falls under. 又是一声巨响,锦衣男子的身躯,直接爆裂开来,化作一团暗红血雾,淋落而下。 At this moment, World is peaceful, as if only then that bloody water floats but below sound. 这一刻,天地安静,仿佛只有那血水飘洒而下的声音。 Four Blood Race on flat land, stand rigidly same place, dumbfounded. 平地上的四名血族,僵立原地,目瞪口呆。 Space Ocean Boundary Late Stage Peak Blood Race, by that white and tender delicate and pretty Youth, the direct second was killed unexpectedly, the skeleton not saves! 空海境后期巅峰血族,竟被那白嫩俊美的青年,直接秒杀,尸骨无存! What monster is the opposite party? In Main World, these legendary race descendant? 对方到底是什么怪物?难道是主世界里,那些传奇种族后裔 After Chen Yu strikes kills Blood Race, immediately looks to Young Ancestor Feng. 陈宇击杀一名血族后,立即看向烽少祖 But the astonished color on this moment Young Ancestor Feng face dissipates rapidly, reveals to wipe Strange Demonic to sneer. 而此刻烽少祖脸上的惊愕之色迅速消散,流露出一抹邪异冷笑。 Has not thought really that unexpectedly is Junior Brother you.” “真没想到,竟然是师弟你。” In Young Ancestor Feng twinkle different glow. 烽少祖目中闪烁异芒。 Chen Yu exposed Secret Mark Demon Body a moment ago, Young Ancestor Feng then felt familiar, is not difficult to guess correctly the Chen Yu status. 陈宇刚才展露出了秘纹魔体,烽少祖便感到熟悉,不难猜出陈宇的身份。 In the Blood Race plan, Black Demon Valley this, is responsible for by Young Ancestor Feng. 血族计划中,黑魔谷这一块,由烽少祖负责。 Chen Yu is Black Demon Valley Peak Genius, Naturally is also Young Ancestor Feng Goal. 陈宇身为黑魔谷顶尖天才,自然也是烽少祖目标 The opportunity that just, he and Chen Yu contact are too few, the intoxication opportunity are not many. 只不过,他与陈宇接触的机会太少,下毒机会不多。 But after Eating God Feast, Chen Yu left Black Demon Valley suddenly, for the past ten years, does not know the trace. 食神宴之后,陈宇忽然离开了黑魔谷,近十年来,不知所踪。 Has not handled this kind of Peak Genius, this is also the Young Ancestor Feng regret. 没有搞定这样一位顶尖天才,这也一直是烽少祖的遗憾。 Where is antidote at?” “解药在哪?” Chen Yu cold sound asked. 陈宇冷声问道。 Antidote? Ha, Teacher in him the toxin, that is specially is the Human Race Congealing Star Boundary King preparation, on me to have how possibly the antidote.” “解药?哈哈哈,师尊他中的毒,那可是专门为人族凝星境王者准备的,我身上怎么可能会有解药。” Young Ancestor Feng smiles loudly evilly. 烽少祖放声邪笑。 Chen Yu at this moment loathes to Young Ancestor Feng, betrayed, but also said own Junior Brother, said that Solitary Blood Valley Master Teacher, this simply is Teacher one insult to oneself. 陈宇对此刻的烽少祖十分厌恶,已经背叛,还称自己师弟,称寂血谷主师尊,这简直就是对自己和师尊的一种侮辱。 Since does not have the antidote, that cannot again rubbish. 既然没有解药,那就不需再废话了。 The Chen Yu palm wields, Nine Bone Demon Spirit sword Appearance. 陈宇手掌一挥,【九骨魔灵剑】出现。 ! Scoff! 蓬!嗤! His palm strikes to go, the demon sword changes to together straight black light, passes through to go to Young Ancestor Feng. 他一掌拍击而去,魔剑化作一道笔直的黑光,向烽少祖贯穿而去。 pang Bang! 嗙砰! In front of Young Ancestor Feng condenses the burning hot suddenly the Scarlet flame, is similar to the lava giant stone of combustion, hits above the demon sword, melted this has struck. 烽少祖面前忽然凝聚出炙热的血色火光,如同燃烧的熔岩巨石,撞击在魔剑之上,化解了这一击。 Fierce! Junior Brother your strength goes to this situation unexpectedly!” “厉害!师弟你的实力竟达到这种地步!” Young Ancestor Feng has smiled, Strange Demonic that smiles but Yin Cold. 烽少祖笑了,笑的邪异阴冷 His feeling right, initially had not really intoxicated to Chen Yu, is one big regretted absolutely. 他的感觉果然没错,当初没有给陈宇下毒,绝对是一大遗憾。 At this moment he realized suddenly, that Half-Step Congealing Star Boundary that oneself just sent perhaps, died in Chen Yu. 此刻他忽然意识到,自己刚派出去的那名半步凝星境,恐怕已经死在陈宇手里。 In this time. 就在此时。 west, eastern and northern three directions, three Daoist shades fly to come crazily, they were standing sentry before, after receiving the order, immediately hurries back. 西、东、北三个方向,有三道人影狂飞而来,他们之前在放哨,收到命令后,立即赶回。 On below flat land. 下方平地上。 An anchor angular length Old Man of big black mole, saw other people to come back, sound hoarse start to talk: Young Ancestor, this child is Black Demon Valley True Disciple, definitely is not independent one person arrived here, but also asked you to leave first, making me and others solve this.” 一名嘴角长了颗大黑痣的老者,见其余人回来,声音沙哑的开口:“少祖,此子是黑魔谷真传弟子,肯定不是单独一人来到这里,还请你先离开,让我等解决此子。” But Chen Yu is also one person runs over, after all he is in the halfway, knows the Feng Wuxue whereabouts. 陈宇还就是一人跑过来的,毕竟他是半路上,才得知封无血的下落。 In addition, he feared that spread news, instead alerts the enemy. 除此之外,他怕传出了消息,反而打草惊蛇。 Young Ancestor, your security is most important, but also asked you to leave here first.” 少祖,你的安全才是最重要,还请你先离开这里。” Standing sentry personnel who hurries back from three directions, so opens the mouth. 从三个方向赶回来的放哨人员,也如此开口。 Once Young Ancestor had the accident, even if their Living returns to Blood Race, once finds out is they protects causes Young Ancestor Death disadvantageously, they will also be buried along with the dead. 少祖一旦出了意外,就算他们活着回到血族,一旦查出是他们保护不利导致少祖死亡,他们也将陪葬。 Junior Brother, you made me very surprised, but you also stopped.” 师弟,你令我很吃惊,但你也到此为止了。” Young Ancestor Feng retreats backward. 烽少祖向后退去。 He knew what before walks is Chen Yu, is very accidental, similarly is somewhat excited. 他之前得知找上门的是陈宇,十分意外,同样有些激动。 Now calms down, he also thinks that other Blood Race said is extremely. 现在冷静下来,他也认为其他血族所言极是。 Perhaps the support of Black Demon Valley is just about to arrive, by oneself with the Black Demon Valley enmity, the opposite party only feared that does not die continuous. 说不定黑魔谷的支援正要抵达,以自己跟黑魔谷的仇怨,对方只怕是不死不休。 Once stared by Congealing Star King, troubled. 一旦被凝星王者盯上,就麻烦了。 Where walks!” “哪里走!” Chen Yu calls out one, pounds together the twinkle black and white flowing light giant fist glow. 陈宇暴喝一声,砸出一道闪烁黑白流光的巨大拳芒。 Meanwhile, he controls Nine Bone Demon Spirit sword, Attacks Young Ancestor Feng from one side. 同时,他控制【九骨魔灵剑】,从侧面进攻烽少祖 But in this time, that corners of the mouth has Old Man of black mole, suddenly runs out. 可就在此时,那嘴角有黑痣的老者,突然冲出。 Bang! Bang! 轰!轰! He lays out two palms continuously, the palm photo-dilation of blood Red, changes to two name ferocious beasts, dashes, imposing manner Startling Heaven. 他连续拍出两掌,血红色的掌光膨胀,化作两只狰狞恶兽,冲撞而出,气势惊天 And blood Red fierce Vicious Beast, perishes together with Chen Yu that fist, another kills to Chen Yu. 其中一只血红色的狰狞凶兽,与陈宇那一拳同归于尽,另一只则向陈宇杀来。 Half-Step Congealing Star!” 半步凝星!” The Chen Yu vision sinks, transfers Physique power, encounters a move with black mole Old Man. 陈宇目光微沉,调动体魄力量,与黑痣老者交锋一招。 In three standing sentry personnel who another side, that hurries back, unexpectedly also Half-Step Congealing Star Boundary, that is alone arm Robust Man, he takes out a handle broad big sword, fierce cuts. 另一边,那赶回来的三名放哨人员中,竟也有一名半步凝星境,那是一名独臂壮汉,他取出一柄宽阔的大剑,猛的一斩。 Bang! 轰! The huge fan-shaped sword light, is bringing wild incomparable Blood Energy, chops to chop, Nine Bone Demon Spirit sword Strikes to fly. 庞大的扇形剑光,带着狂暴无比的血气,劈砍而出,将【九骨魔灵剑】击飞。 Bang! 轰隆隆! Nearby short peak, was bevelled directly. 附近一座矮峰,直接被削平。 Afterward, other personnel also flushed, Chen Yu surrounding. 随后,其余人员也冲了过来,将陈宇包围。 Junior Brother, again...... Sees!” 师弟,再……见!” Young Ancestor Feng gazes at Chen Yu, the personal appearance fast is retreating backward. 烽少祖注视着陈宇,身形向后飞快退走。 Cannot make in the Chen Yu body Heartless Blood Poison somewhat be a pity, but removes here , is the same. 没能令陈宇身中无心血毒有些可惜,但在这里除掉,也是一样的。 Go away!” “滚开!” Chen Yu wants to overrun to seize Young Ancestor Feng. 陈宇想冲过去擒住烽少祖 But at this moment surrounds him, fully six Expert, has two Half-Step Congealing Star Boundary! 但此刻将他包围的,足有六名高手,其中还有两名半步凝星境 Quickly gives to kill this boy, met with Young Ancestor.” “赶快将这小子给干掉,与少祖会合。” That grasps the alone arm male of extravagant sword, is very the optional [say / way]. 那手持阔剑的独臂男,很是随意的道。 Other people nod. 其余人点头。 They were also worried that will have the support of Black Demon Valley to arrive here. 他们也很担心,会有黑魔谷的支援抵达这里。 Kills!” “杀!” In black mole Old Man twinkle red glow, the imposing manner increases, all around blood light surges, integrates the double palm, strikes with force. 黑痣老者目中闪烁红芒,气势攀升,四周血光涌动,融入双掌,猛拍而出。 Blood light wicked beast that two huge palm light, change to two near hundred zhang (333m) sizes, killing. 两道庞大的掌光,化作两只近百丈大小的血光恶兽,扑杀而出。 That alone arm male brandishes extravagant sword, wild Sword Qi can swallow the blood, cuts to fall from the sky under. 那独臂男挥舞阔剑,狂暴的剑气能吞噬鲜血,从天空斩落而下。 Courts death!” “找死!” Chen Yu has closed tightly the tooth, combative. 陈宇咬紧了牙齿,杀气腾腾。 At this moment, on him nine Demon Mark, surge together, fearful Demon Intent alarms World, paints the Black Demon light, four plunder eight sides. 这一刻,他身上的九条魔纹,齐齐涌动而起,一股慑人魔意惊动天地,漆黑魔光,肆掠八方。 Chen Yu change of suddenly, made the alone arm male and black mole Old Man of enemy side, slightly felt the heart to be startled. 陈宇的忽然变化,令敌方的独臂男和黑痣老者,都略感心惊。 But at present their six people besiege, but also feared that couldn't kill that boy? 但眼下他们六人围攻,还怕杀不了那小子? Demon Dragon changes!” 魔龙变!” Chen Yu whooshes one, all Demon Mark as if lived, the inflation increases, soaring. 陈宇嘶吼一声,身上的所有魔纹仿佛活了过来,膨胀变大,腾飞而起。 The ninth article Demon Mark, does not have Battle Skill of correspondence. 第九条魔纹,没有对应的战技 But ninth Demon Mark, can connect front eight Demon Mark, displays strongest Battle Skill in «Demonic Secret Mark Record». 但第九条魔纹,能连接前面八条魔纹,施展《天魔秘纹录》里的最强战技 Demon Dragon changes! 正是魔龙变! Bang! 轰隆隆! Turns black light wells up, spreads just like whooshing of abyss devil. 黑光翻涌,宛若深渊恶魔的嘶吼从中传出。 On Chen Yu condenses a huge shadow instantaneously, is the hundred zhang (333m), whole body Black scale armor, is a Demon Energy dreadful jet black big dragon, its angry is emitting the black flame. 陈宇身上瞬间凝聚出一只庞大的黑影,长达百丈,浑身黑色鳞甲,正是一头魔气滔天的漆黑巨龙,它愤怒的喷吐着黑炎。
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