EH :: Volume #7 神魔传说

#902: Singlehanded

The Chen Yu present place arrives at Pinyang Mountain Range, very remote. 陈宇现在的地方到平阳岭,十分的遥远。 But he can enter Cultivation Spirit Palace, borrows Transmission Ancient Spell, saves Time. 但他可以进入修行灵殿,借用传送古阵,节省时间 This point is the Blood Race life is unable to compare. 这一点是血族生灵无法相比的。 Quick, Chen Yu found nearby Cultivation Spirit Palace, after a series of examinations, successfully passes, and borrows Teleportation Formation. 很快,陈宇找到附近的一座修行灵殿,经过一系列审查,顺利通过,并借用传送阵 ...... …… Above the wooded mountain, among the cloud layers, dense jet black Battleship, howls, curls up rolling Yun Lang. 山林之上,云层间,一艘森然漆黑的战船,呼啸而过,卷起滚滚云浪。 Above the stern, proud Li is wearing Black Clothes Youth, if his surface the jade pendant adorning a hat, has a beautiful face, the makings leave the dust, seems mild-mannered and cultivated, delicate and pretty exceptionally. 船艄之上,傲立着一名身穿黑衣青年,他面若冠玉,眉目如画,气质出尘,看上去温文尔雅,俊美异常。 This is Chen Yu uses the appearance after «Thousand Transformations Technique» change appearance. 这是陈宇利用《千变术》改变容貌后的样子。 He according to the God Gathering Sect God Child Luo Tianshang appearance, has traded a handsome face of Handsome to himself. 他是照着神罗宗神子洛天殇的样子,给自己换了一张帅气的俊脸。 „After three double-hour, can arrive at Pinyang Mountain Range.” “三个时辰后,就可以到平阳岭了。” Chen Yu looks out the distant place, in the heart the anger is burning, the whole person is ready, the heroic spirit is threatening. 陈宇遥望着远方,心中怒火燃烧着,整个人蓄势待发,英气逼人。 Feng Wuxue and the others, days before then fled Black Demon Valley. 封无血等人,前几日便逃离黑魔谷 Also did not know the opposite party now, also or on road. 也不知晓对方如今是到了,又或是在路上。 This is unimportant, to the words walk in directly, the words that has not arrived, Chen Yu ambushes in Pinyang Mountain Range, waits for gains without pains. 这都不要紧,到了的话直接找上门去,没到的话,陈宇就埋伏在平阳岭,守株待兔。 After a while. 一会儿后。 As Chen Yu approaches Pinyang Mountain Range unceasingly, Mysterious Heart lives to induce suddenly. 随着陈宇不断靠近平阳岭,神秘心脏忽生感应。 ...... …… Pinyang Mountain Range 1 million inside and outside, on a hillside. 平阳岭1000000里外,一处山坡上。 Wei Elder, you come real quick.” “魏长老,你来的真快。” Youth that full Touhuang sends said with a smile. 一名满头黄发的青年笑道。 In him opposite, the Purple Clothes beautiful woman, the stature is irritable, is very attractive, but eye actually ice-cold, passes is being addicted to the Blood glow. 在他对面,有一名紫衣美妇,身材火爆,十分诱人,但眼睛却冰冷,透着嗜血之芒。 „Do you also come from Black Demon Valley?” “你也是从黑魔谷过来的?” Wei Elder spoke thoughtlessly to ask. 长老随口问道。 Yes, but I may not have Wei Elder your Cultivation strength, does not trade the status, is really courageous, hey.” “是,不过我可没有魏长老你那修为实力,连身份都不换,真是有胆量,嘿嘿。” Yellow Hair Youth flattered one. 黄毛青年奉承一句。 This Senior already prepared the escape route, Human Race that some do not keep eyes open chases down, at the scene was all cut to kill by me, is really one group of idiots.” 本尊早已准备退路,有一些不长眼的人族追杀过来,皆被我当场斩杀,真是一群蠢货。” The Wei Elder attractive corners of the mouth bring back, disdains completely, expression frivolous [say / way]. 长老诱人的嘴角勾起,满是不屑,语气轻佻的道。 You go first, Young Ancestor Feng makes me stand sentry in this.” “您先去吧,烽少祖让我在这放哨呢。” Yellow Hair Youth is smiling. 黄毛青年一脸笑意。 Young Ancestor works, was discretely excessive.” 少祖做事,谨慎过头了。” Wei Elder chuckle, prepares to depart. 长老轻笑一声,准备离去。 Yellow Hair Youth no longer said that Young Ancestor Feng this convening incessantly is their several, other Concealment Blood Race, as if are prepares to do an important matter. 黄毛青年不再多说,烽少祖此次召集的不止是他们几个,还有其他潜伏血族,似乎是准备干一件大事。 Concrete is anything, Yellow Hair Youth is not clear, at this moment does not facilitate to disclose to Wei Elder. 具体是什么,黄毛青年也不清楚,此刻也不方便透露给魏长老 But in this time. 但就在此时。 The dead ahead transmits a explosion sound, then sees Black small Battleship, is rapid toward them. 正前方传来一阵轰响,紧接着便看到一艘黑色战船,朝他们飞速接近。 Look the matter of Young Ancestor Feng instruction, is necessary, if lets this young fellow, bumps into, has discovered here, that delayed the plan of Young Ancestor Feng.” “这不,烽少祖吩咐的事,还是有必要的,若是让这毛头小子,误打误撞,发现了这里,那就耽误了烽少祖的计划。” Yellow Hair Youth smiles, has prepared to extinguish the future kills. 黄毛青年嘿嘿一笑,已经准备将来者灭杀。 Wei Elder vision sinks, honor somewhat cannot pass. 长老目光顿沉,脸面有些过不去。 She just said that Young Ancestor Feng worked was too careful, finally had Human Race to rush to here, didn't this slap in the face at the scene? 她刚说烽少祖做事太小心了,结果就有人族跑到这里来,这不是当场打脸吗? This person gives me.” “此人交给我。” Wei Elder sneers. 长老冷笑一声。 Good!” “好!” Yellow Hair Youth does not struggle, retrocedes one step. 黄毛青年也不争,后退一步。 Half-Step Congealing Star Boundary Wei Elder gets rid, Naturally is more appropriate. 半步凝星境的魏长老出手,自然是更妥当。 Buzz bang! 嗡轰! On Wei Elder Erupting leaves the fearful power and influence suddenly, Bloodthirsty killing intent shoots up to the sky, looks is the female demon of killing without batting an eye. 长老身上忽然爆发出可怕的威势,嗜血杀意冲天而起,一看便是杀人不眨眼的女魔头。 This boy soft and fair skin, is long also handsome, Flying Dao Tool value not poor, which big Family Young Master refers to erratically is.” “这小子细皮嫩肉,长得也俊,飞行道具价值不菲,指不定是哪个大家族公子。” Wei Elder has the ice-cold happy expression to size up Chen Yu. 长老带着冰冷笑意打量陈宇 However she suddenly discovered that person some on that Battleship do not suit, at this moment not only has not run, in the eye killing intent is instead steaming. 不过她忽然发现,那战船上的人有些不对劲,此刻不仅没跑,目中反而杀意腾腾。 Has not thought that Wei Elder claw wields. 没有多想,魏长老手爪一挥。 ! 嗤嗤! Void, tears five Daoist priests to reach the hundred zhang (333m) instantaneously the thorn bloodstain, is glittering the blood light, goes to that Battleship spread instantaneously. 虚空中,瞬间撕裂五道长达百丈的荆棘血痕,闪烁着血光,瞬间向那战船蔓延而去。 Kills!” “杀!” Chen Yu gives a loud shout, takes away Battleship, runs out on own initiative. 陈宇大喝一声,收走战船,主动冲出。 Secret Mark Demon Body revolves, Returning to Heaven True Origin transfers instantaneously, a fist that Chen Yu is ready, the bang hits! 秘纹魔体运转,归天真元瞬间调动而出,陈宇蓄势待发的一拳,轰打而出! Bang Bang! 轰砰! The storm and Radiance that the void explosive, white interweaves red, sweep across all around. 虚空一阵爆响,一股白红交织的风暴与光芒,席卷四周。 This...... How possible?” “这……怎么可能?” Wei Elder has gawked. 长老愣了一下。 A boy fist crushed her attack unexpectedly. 那小子竟然一拳击碎了她的攻击。 Yellow Hair Youth, is the eyeball stares, is staring at Chen Yu stubbornly. 身后的黄毛青年,更是眼珠子一瞪,死死盯着陈宇 That appearance was handsome a moment ago, the loose clean Young Master brother, suddenly became the whole body is how jet black, worked off anger dreadfully, so fierce cruel. 刚才那面貌英俊,风流倜傥的公子哥,怎么忽然变得浑身漆黑,杀气滔天,如此凶猛残暴。 Facing Half-Step Congealing Star Boundary Wei Elder, Chen Yu has not dreaded, killing intent is steaming, is a fist pounds. 面对半步凝星境的魏长老,陈宇没有丝毫畏惧,杀意腾腾,又是一拳砸出。 Information that obtains from Black Demon Valley, has Wei Elder this person, the opposite party has not traded including the appearance. 黑魔谷得到的情报里,就有魏长老这个人,对方连样子都没换。 Since has bumped into, Chen Yu Naturally was needless to speak the idle talk, opened directly kills! 既然碰上了,陈宇自然不用多说废话,直接开杀! Courts death.” “找死。” Wei Elder is somewhat breathless, she sees Chen Yu Cultivation is Space Ocean Boundary Late Stage Peak, low Boundary, dares obviously so rampantly. 长老有些气急败坏,她看出陈宇修为空海境后期巅峰,明明比自己低一个境界,竟敢如此嚣张。 !! 嗤嗤!嗤嗤! Wei Elder Purple Hair dance, hand claw wields continuously, void interweaves a piece of blood Red big net, tyrannical Blood Energy four plunder able to move unhindered. 长老紫发狂舞,手爪连续挥动,虚空中交织出一片血红色的大网,暴虐的血气肆掠纵横。 Black Demon Protection Star! 黑魔护罡 Battle Skill of Chen Yu activate eighth Demon Mark correspondence, body all around concentrates present fuzzy Dragon Ying, changes protects the shield at the same time, layer upon layer protects him. 陈宇催动第八条魔纹对应的战技,身体四周凝现一条模糊龙影,化作一面护盾,将他层层守护。 Afterward, his fist claw is uneven, activate Claw of Demon Extinguishing and Swallowing Cloud Demon Fist Demon Mark, launches the crazy attack! 随后,他拳爪齐出,催动魔灭之爪吞云魔拳魔纹,展开疯狂攻击! ! Bang! 蓬!轰! Attack of Wei Elder, by the Chen Yu fierce offensive, powerful Breakthrough. 长老的攻击,被陈宇凶猛的攻势,强势突破 The complementary waves in fist glow, change to a black and white air wave, fires into Wei Elder. 拳芒中的余波,化作一股黑白气浪,冲向魏长老 Nearby Yellow Hair Youth, what looks is dumbfounded. 一旁的黄毛青年,看的是目瞪口呆。 This intrudes here person suddenly, is actually who? 这忽然闯入这里的人,究竟是谁? Space Ocean Boundary Late Stage Peak, Half-Step Congealing Star Boundary Wei Elder suppressing. 空海境后期巅峰,将半步凝星境的魏长老给压制住了。 At this moment his heart rejoiced that Wei Elder came luckily, otherwise must die in this Humanity hand. 此刻他心头庆幸,幸好魏长老来了,否则自己就要死在这人类手中了。 Suddenly. 忽然。 Fights Chen Yu with Wei Elder, makes together Finger Technique. 与魏长老交手中的陈宇,打出一道指法 That Finger Technique stroke a curve, is having the meaning of appalling yin cold, kills to Yellow Hair Youth. 指法划出一个弧度,带着令人毛骨悚然的阴寒之意,杀向黄毛青年 Dang, help!” 我去,救命!” Yellow Hair Youth has not thought that Chen Yu with Wei Elder slaughters, is keeping unexpectedly also thinking about own poor life. 黄毛青年没想到,陈宇跟魏长老厮杀的时候,竟还惦记着自己的小命。 This move comes to him. 这一招是冲着他来的。 As a result of the influence of strength of Space Intent Domain, Yellow Hair Youth is unable to dodge, can only resist fully. 由于空间意境之力的影响,黄毛青年根本无法闪躲,只能全力抵挡。 However Chen Yu Moon Sword Finger, attainments are extraordinary, initially achieved Half-Step Congealing Star Boundary Long Chen, Moon Sword Finger extremely did not feel better. 然而陈宇太阴剑指,造诣非凡,当初达到半步凝星境龙辰,中了太阴剑指都极不好受。 Yellow Hair Youth Cultivation is Space Ocean Boundary Late Stage Peak, Physique is ratio Long Chen. 黄毛青年修为空海境后期巅峰,体魄更是比不过龙辰 ! 噗! Moon Sword Finger punctures the True Origin protection with ease, penetrates the body of Yellow Hair Youth. 太阴剑指轻松刺破真元防护,穿透黄毛青年的身体。 ! 蓬! The body of Yellow Hair Youth blasts open suddenly, among runs out of a blood red beetle, this is its main body. 黄毛青年的身体忽然炸裂,其内冲出一只血红甲虫,这才是它的本体。 On the beetle has a round hole, above is also burning the Purple flame, sends out yin cold Aura. 甲虫身上有一个圆孔,上面还燃烧着紫色火苗,散发出一股阴寒气息 Almost, died!” “差一点,就死了!” The beetle trembling sound track, prepares to go far away. 甲虫颤声道,准备远去。 But in this time, his top of the head condenses a dark silver superhuman hand, under fierce racket. 但就在此时,他头顶凝聚一只暗银色的巨掌,猛的拍下。 ! 啪蓬! The dark silver Space palm falls, the earth is hollow, the dust rises from all directions. 暗银色的空间手掌落下,大地凹陷,尘埃四起。 That Scarlet beetle, was cranked up the muddy flesh, mixes with the soil together. 血色甲虫,也被拍成肉泥,与泥土混合在一起。 „Is your boy, who?” “你小子,是谁?” Wei Elder has gotten angry, the willow eyebrows are but actually vertical, Energy of Blood Fiend continually crazily wells up, World degenerates into blood red World. 长老怒了,柳眉倒竖,血煞之气不断狂涌,天地沦为一个血红世界 At present sudden young people, not only strength Powerful, and in process that slaughters with her, but also branches out part of mind, has killed another Blood Race! 眼前突然出现的年轻人,不仅实力强大,且与她厮杀的过程中,还分出一部分心神,杀了另一名血族 Kills your person.” “杀你的人。” Chen Yu words ice-cold, in within the body boundless Blood Energy combustion. 陈宇话语冰冷,体内一股磅礴的血气燃烧而起。 His body surface, outlined a blood red fierce Strange Demonic design. 他的体表,勾勒出一副血红狰狞的邪异图案。 Blood Transformation Demon Body! 血变魔体 Chen Yu this moment Physique power suddenly to increase! 陈宇这一刻的体魄力量暴增! How your boy can Blood Race Secret Technique...... Who are you?” “你小子怎么会血族秘术……你是谁?” Wei Elder is somewhat surprised, but feels the intense crisis, immediately puts out the complete strength, Half-Step Origin Power wells up crazily. 长老有些吃惊,但感受到强烈危机,顿时拿出全部实力,半步元力狂涌而出。 The bang shouted Hū ! 轰呼呼! In the dreadful blood light, runs out of a huge incomparable stranguria with hematuria claw, brings to destroy all Bloodthirsty killing intent, grasps to Chen Yu. 滔天血光中,冲出一只庞大无比的血淋手爪,带着毁灭一切的嗜血杀意,抓向陈宇 Chen Yu is calm, is a fist pounds as before. 陈宇波澜不惊,依旧是一拳砸出。 At under the Blood Transformation Demon Body condition, his First fist has then made one huge Blood Demon Void Shadow, the imposing manner and might of that fist, increase suddenly. 处于血变魔体的状态下,他第一拳便打出了一道庞大的“血魔虚影”,那一拳的气势与威力,骤然攀升。 ! 蓬! The wild fist glow of black and white fusion, penetrates that stranguria with hematuria claw, goes to Wei Elder crush. 黑白融合的狂暴拳芒,击穿那血淋手爪,向魏长老碾压而去。 Bang! 轰隆! The void explosive, the storm spreads. 虚空爆响,风暴扩散。 Body flying upside down of Wei Elder Broken, her face is distressed, changes to the blood light to prepare to run away together. 长老残破的身躯倒飞而出,她一脸狼狈凄惨,化作一道血光准备逃走。 Scoffs! 咻嗤! The incisive broken rumor resounds, a jet black bone lance, speeds along to come, to pass through the body of Wei Elder, sews her above earth. 尖锐的破风声响起,一根漆黑骨矛,飞驰而来,贯穿魏长老的身体,将她钉在大地之上。 Death!” “死!” Chen Yu lets somebody cool off or calm down looks at Wei Elder, directs. 陈宇冷冷看着魏长老,一指点出。 Sun Sword Finger! 阳明剑指 The blood red dazzling light beam, was bringing to just to positive violent Aura, fell on Wei Elder. 血红耀眼的光柱,带着至刚至阳的猛烈气息,落在魏长老身上。 When Blood Flame dissipates, same place only remaining burned black skeletons. 血焰消散,原地只剩下一具焦黑骨骸。 ...... …… Pinyang Mountain Range. 平阳岭 In a place bottom palace, long hair Man sits cross-legged to sit, his all around Scarlet flame winds around, is sending out extremely dangerous Aura. 一座地底宫殿内,一名长发男子盘膝而坐,他四周血色火光缭绕,散发着极其危险的气息 If Chen Yu here, decides to recognize, the opposite party is Feng Wuxue. 陈宇在这里,定能一眼认出,对方就是封无血 Died.” “死了一个。” The Scarlet flame of Feng Wuxue whole body vanishes, he opens the indifferent eye, Murmuring said. 封无血周身的血色火光消失,他睁开冷漠的眼睛,呢喃道。 Pinyang Mountain Range Four Directions, he has placed four Dark Sentry, and has left behind special Imprint on them. 平阳岭四方,他安置了四个暗哨,并在他们身上留下了特殊印记 In a moment ago, Imprint vanishes, indicated that Dark Sentry died. 就在刚才,其中一个印记消失,表明暗哨死了一个。 Suddenly. 忽然。 Outside Main Hall enters a dragon fine beard guy, his body dark silver, above is densely covered the precise plain mark to wind, every action and every movement give the person to oppress enormously. 大殿外走进一名虬髯大汉,他身躯暗银,其上密布着精密的古朴纹络,一举一动都给人极大的压迫。 Pays a visit Young Ancestor, does not know that Young Ancestor calls me, what has to tell?” “拜见少祖,不知少祖将我召集过来,有什么吩咐?” The dragon fine beard guy said. 虬髯大汉道。 Et al. arrived said again.” “等人都到了再说。” Such being the case, I first asked to be excused.” The guy facial color is tranquil, had not asked. “既然如此,那我先告退了。”大汉面色平静,没有多问。 And other, I placed in South Dark Sentry a moment ago, had the accident, you have a look.” “等一下,刚才我安置在南方的一个暗哨,出了意外,你去看看。” Feng Wuxue told. 封无血吩咐道。 Young Ancestor, you let Dang...... When Dark Sentry?” 少祖,你让我去……当暗哨?” The dragon fine beard guy looks the surprise. 虬髯大汉面露诧异。 His solemn Half-Step Congealing Star Boundary, receives secret order to catch up, finally Feng Wuxue makes him go, when Dark Sentry. 他堂堂半步凝星境,收到密令赶过来,结果封无血让他去当暗哨 Goes!” “去!” The Feng Wuxue vision suddenly changes, blood red, but monster different, glitters is addicted to the Blood glow densely. 封无血目光陡然一变,血红而妖异,闪烁森然嗜血之芒。 The dragon fine beard guy feels Invisible, but ices the cold oppression, the imposing manner is weak. 虬髯大汉感受到无形而冰寒的压迫,气势顿弱。 Does not depend upon the strength of Bloodline, then gives me the so strong oppression, Young Ancestor Feng Cultivation only feared that momentarily can attack Congealing Star Boundary!” “不依靠血脉之力,便给我如此强的压迫,烽少祖修为只怕随时可以冲击凝星境了!” His heart startled. 他心惊不已。 Yes!” “是!” The dragon fine beard guy turns around to leave Main Hall. 虬髯大汉转身离开大殿 Feng Wuxue shuts pupil Cultivation once more, actually discovery mind inexplicable not Ningxia. 封无血再次闭眸修行,却发现心神莫名的不宁。 For a long time. 许久之后。 Young Ancestor Feng, there is Humanity to approach here!” 烽少祖,有一个人类正在接近这里!” Outside hears one to call out in alarm. 外面传来一声惊呼。
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