EH :: Volume #7 神魔传说

#901: Feng Wuxue clue

A speed ten points of rapidness of land dragon Battleship, close Half-Step Congealing Star Boundary, carried Chen Yu to be far away from Black Demon Valley instantaneously, ran out of the dark blue forest abyss. 地龙战船的速度十分之快,接近半步凝星境,载着陈宇瞬间远离了黑魔谷,冲出了沧林深渊。 Originally, Chen Yu only plans to want the Feng Wuxue information clue. 原本,陈宇只打算要封无血的情报线索。 But Shen Ji all information that Black Demon Valley obtains, has given Chen Yu. 申冀黑魔谷得到的所有情报,都给了陈宇 Traitor including the Feng Wuxue words, altogether has six people! 叛贼包括封无血的话,一共有六人! Chen Yu discovered that these six people of all trail clues, seem like quite chaotic, anything has not been connected, but the fuzzy positions, aim at the South Region battlefield actually. 陈宇发现,这六人的所有踪迹线索,看似比较乱,没什么关联,但其实都有一个模糊的方位,指向南域战场。 In other words, does not have the accident, Blood Race of these status expositions, will return to the battlefield finally. 也就是说,不出意外,这些身份暴露的血族,最终都会回到战场上。 Naturally, this is only the guess of Chen Yu. 当然,这只是陈宇的猜测。 He following the Feng Wuxue clue, launches the search now. 他如今顺着封无血的线索,展开搜查。 Other Blood Race situations, he does not care. 其它血族的情况,他不是太在乎。 Only Feng Wuxue, cannot let off absolutely! 唯独封无血,绝对不能放过! Wants initially beginning Chen Yu Great Universe World, stands firm in Black Demon Valley , because has Solitary Blood Valley Master Shield, anything did not fear that Free and Unfettered Palace does not dare to begin to Chen Yu directly. 想当初陈宇初来大宇界,就是在黑魔谷站稳脚跟,就是因为有着寂血谷主庇护,才什么都不怕,就连逍遥宫也不敢直接对陈宇动手。 The Solitary Blood Valley Master temperament is somewhat strange, but he was does not have the words to say to Disciple Disciple that was Chen Yu strives for Black Demon Valley Secret Knowledge «Demon Face Six Layer Sky», but also donation Chen Yu precious incomparable Profound Artifact. 寂血谷主脾气有些古怪,但他对门下弟子那是没话说,为陈宇争取来黑魔谷绝学魔临六重天》,还赠予陈宇一件珍贵无比的玄器 But in the ordinary day, the attendance of four Senior Sister Tu Zhixiang to Chen Yu is most. 而平日里,四师姐屠芷香陈宇的照顾是最多的。 At this moment they by plotting of Feng Wuxue, in body Strange Poison, in addition, the people of other Black Demon Valley, was killed secretly. 此刻两人都遭封无血的暗算,身中奇毒,除此之外,还有其他黑魔谷之人,也受到暗害。 Solitary Blood Valley Master favors Feng Wuxue very much, from setting up him may see for Young Valley Master. 寂血谷主很看好封无血,从立他为少谷主就可看出。 But Feng Wuxue, unexpectedly to teaching he more than 20 years of Teacher strikes a vicious blow. 封无血,竟对教导他20多年的师尊下毒手。 This heartless and cruel scoundrel, cannot forgive. 这狼心狗肺的混账,绝不能饶。 On the way. 途中。 Chen Yu arrives at Cultivation Spirit Palace, nosing. 陈宇来到一座修行灵殿,查探情况。 He discovers the alert of Cultivation Spirit Palace compared with the ordinary day, strict over three times, personnel going on patrol of Murdering Blood Organization. 他发现修行灵殿的戒备比平日里,严格三倍以上,还有弑血组织的人员巡游。 In addition, the Teleportation Formation region, guards with large army, careful Inspection. 除此之外,传送阵区域,更是重兵把守,仔细检查 Here stopped over Time, Chen Yu has then learned of many news. 在这里逗留了一段时间,陈宇便得知了许多消息。 Is nearer the date and time, entire Great Universe World, many size influence, have Heartless Blood Poison the Erupting news. 近些时日,整个大宇界,不少大小势力,都有“无心血毒爆发的消息。 This Heartless Blood Poison was also too fierce, even if willow tree Great Master of skilled artist rejuvenation, is helpless.” “这‘无心血毒’也太厉害了,就算是妙手回春的柳大师,都无能为力。” Heard that in this toxin including the Congealing Star King body, is unable to melt, can only ask Profound Deep Boundary Emperor Lord to get rid.” “听说连凝星王者身中此毒,都无法化解,只能请玄冥境帝主出手。” May, Profound Deep Boundary Emperor Lord not get rid to save others with no reason at all at will, let alone everyone saw that this event is unusual, likely is a pit. 可无缘无故的,玄冥境帝主也不会随意出手救人,更何况谁都看出,这一事件不寻常,像是一个坑。 Understood after Chen Yu, Heartless Blood Poison, is divided into two types. 陈宇了解,无心血毒,分为两种。 The First type is very Common Heartless Blood Poison, this poisonous is Congealing Star Boundary Below, is poisoned not the deep words, Congealing Star Boundary gets rid to treat and cure. 第一种是很普通无心血毒,中此毒的都是凝星境之下,中毒不深的话,凝星境出手可以救治。 The Second type was fierce, can understand for enhancement Heartless Blood Poison, in view of Congealing Star King. 第二种则厉害了,可以理解为加强型无心血毒,针对凝星王者 This is key of Blood Race plan is at! 这才是血族计划的关键所在! Thinks is also, even if toxicant is also priceless, in impossible all people are that Strong Strange Poison. 想想也是,就算是毒药也是价值连城,不可能所有人中的都是那种强悍奇毒 But Common Heartless Blood Poison, the gas casualty are too many, or is too deep, treats and cures quite to be also troublesome. 普通无心血毒,中毒者太多,又或者太深,救治起来也颇为麻烦。 In brief, has the antidote is most convenient, settles directly. 总之,有解药是最方便的,直接了事。 „It looks like by the current situation, Feng Wuxue they travel, does not dare to come Cultivation Spirit Palace to borrow Teleportation Formation to leave.” “以目前的情况看来,封无血他们就算跑路,也不敢来修行灵殿借用传送阵离开。” Chen Yu draws the conclusion. 陈宇得出结论。 The present is the War time, Heartless Blood Poison in Great Universe World Erupting, is makes Great Universe World place on alert the condition, to Teleportation Formation controlling strictly, must Concealment in Great Universe World Blood Race, clutch extremely inevitably. 如今是战争时期,无心血毒大宇界爆发,更是令大宇界进入戒备状态,对传送阵的把控极为严格,势必要将潜伏大宇界血族,一把揪出来。 After a while, Chen Yu leaves Cultivation Spirit Palace. 待了一会儿后,陈宇离开修行灵殿 According to him in the news that in Cultivation Spirit Palace obtains, feared that is in the hand of Feng Wuxue, does not have the Heartless Blood Poison antidote. 根据他在修行灵殿内得到的消息,怕是封无血的手中,都没有无心血毒的解药。 Even but if the hopes, Chen Yu must hold Feng Wuxue to ascertain. 可哪怕有一丝希望,陈宇也要抓住封无血问清楚。 Blood Race! Feng Wuxue!” 血族封无血!” Chen Yu is controlling land dragon Battleship, leaves Cultivation Spirit Palace, enters the Desolate headstrong boundless wooded mountain. 陈宇控制着地龙战船,离开修行灵殿,进入荒莽无际的山林。 The boundless earth, wants to look for person originally to be very difficult, let alone looks for the Blood Race life. 茫茫大地,想找一个人本就很难,更何况是找血族生灵。 At present Great Universe World all parties influence is sending out, to search for Blood Race, the achievement is not very obvious. 目前大宇界各方势力都在出动,搜寻血族,成果不是很明显。 Chen Yu all alone, dependence, only then few clues, are the induction of Mysterious Heart to Blood Race, in addition can only try one's luck. 陈宇孤身一人,依靠的只有少量线索,还有就是神秘心脏血族的感应,除此之外就只能碰运气了。 However Chen Yu arrives at the present, aware luck has been good. 不过陈宇走到如今,自觉运气一直不错。 Some moment, Chen Yu Mysterious Heart, lives to induce suddenly. 某一刻,陈宇神秘心脏,忽生感应。 Blood Race!” 血族!” The Chen Yu whole person trembles, Spirit rouses. 陈宇整个人一颤,精神抖擞起来。 Has owed really Mysterious Heart, otherwise has the information clue, looks for a needle in a haystack!” “真亏了神秘心脏,否则就算有情报线索,也是大海捞针!” As if after previous Absorbing Blood Race Holy Object power, Heart had the transformation, induces the Blood Race range also slightly to have the promotion. 似乎上次汲取血族圣物力量后,心脏发生了蜕变,感应血族的范围也略有提升。 Whiz! 嗖! Chen Yu receives Storage Space land dragon Battleship, following induction, rapidly Flying. 陈宇将地龙战船收入储物空间,顺着感应,急速飞行而出。 Before long, he under a log, has discovered a man and a woman two corpses. 不一会儿,他在一棵巨木底下,发现了一男一女两具尸体。 This a man and a woman whole body blood by suck dry, only remaining skinny, two Human Face eye of fierceness, the resentment covers, can see before dying, received suffering of pain. 这一男一女浑身血液被吸干,只剩下皮包骨头,两人面目狰狞,怨气笼罩,可以看出死前受到了痛苦的折磨。 Shortly after this man and a woman just died, moreover died by Blood Race suck dry blood. 这一男一女刚死不久,而且是被血族吸干血液死的。 Whiz! 嗖! Chen Yu departs immediately, induces following Heart, has discovered quickly then Goal. 陈宇立即飞出,顺着心脏感应,很快便发现了目标 Who!” “谁!” In Ancient Forest, the Gray Clothes person's shadow drinks together immediately. 古林中,一道灰衣人影顿时一喝。 He already discovered that some people approach, is only the speed of opposite party is quicker than him, among several breaths pursued. 他早就发现有人接近,只是对方的速度比他还快,几息间就追了上来。 When the Gray Clothes person sees clearly the Chen Yu appearance, immediately the appearance is panic-stricken: Chen Yu!” 灰衣人看清陈宇的样子时,顿时面目惊恐:“陈宇!” In Blood Race, perhaps being known to everybody understands Chen Yu, posting a reward of Extinguishing Heart Emperor Lord is also hanging. 血族中,恐怕无人不知晓陈宇,灭心帝主的悬赏还挂着。 Had Rumor, Chen Yu once Infiltrator Blood Race, has caused the incomparably massive loss to Blood Race. 更有传闻,陈宇潜入血族,对血族造成了无比巨大的损失。 Sees this Young Ancestor, why can run?” “见到本少祖,为何要跑?” Chen Yu drinks one coldly, Heart enters Erupting Method, that Gray Clothes person from Chen Yu, feels intense Blood Race Aura immediately. 陈宇冷喝一声,心脏进入爆发法门,那灰衣人顿时从陈宇身上,感受到强烈的血族气息 And this Bloodline Aura, wants High Rank many compared with him, making his moral nature deep place give birth to the fear and prostrating oneself. 且这股血脉气息,比他要高等许多,令他心底深处生出恐惧和膜拜。 In addition the Chen Yu words, the Gray Clothes person immediately has believed Chen Yu status. 再加上陈宇的话,灰衣人顿时相信了陈宇的“身份”。 Paid a visit Young Ancestor, the subordinate did not know the circumstances of the matter a moment ago, but also asked Young Ancestor to forgive.” “拜见少祖,属下刚才不知情,还请少祖原谅。” The Gray Clothes person does not run immediately, kneels on the ground. 灰衣人顿时不跑了,跪在地上。 Your former Concealment where?” “你之前潜伏在何处?” Chen Yu occupies a commanding position, by interrogation language gas channel. 陈宇居高临下,以审问的语气道。 Is so, the Gray Clothes person instead more believes the Chen Yu status. 越是如此,灰衣人反而越相信陈宇的身份。 Reported Young Ancestor, my former Concealment in Bixia Palace, was True Disciple!” “禀少祖,我之前潜伏碧霞宫,是一名真传弟子!” The Gray Clothes person said truthfully. 灰衣人如实道。 Bixia Palace, South Region Three Star influence. 碧霞宫,南域一个三星势力 You may know, did Concealment in Black Demon Valley Blood Race, where go to now?” “你可知晓,潜伏黑魔谷血族,如今去了哪里?” Chen Yu facial color micro cold. 陈宇面色微冷。 Concealment in Black Demon Valley?” 潜伏黑魔谷?” The Gray Clothes person brow micro wrinkle, heart lives the doubts, associates to the Chen Yu status again, he is not quite right. 灰衣人眉头微皱,心生疑惑,再联想到陈宇的身份,他更感到不对劲。 Said!” “说!” Chen Yu drinks immediately, the fearful power and influence, is similar to a mountain bang presses, presses the Gray Clothes person can not move. 陈宇顿时一喝,可怕的威势,如同一座大山轰压而下,将灰衣人压的不得动弹。 You...... It is not Young Ancestor!” “你……不是少祖!” The Gray Clothes person mouth squeezes out several characters. 灰衣人嘴里挤出几个字。 Great Universe Alliance had not announced that Chen Yu in Blood Race Concealment some situations, but the Gray Clothes person as Concealment, is impossible to contact with Blood Race at times, therefore does not know all these, otherwise sees Chen Yu instant, he can draw this conclusion. 大宇联盟并没有公布陈宇血族潜伏的一些情况,而灰衣人作为潜伏者,不可能时时与血族联系,所以也不知晓这一切,否则见到陈宇的刹那,他就能得出这个结论了。 Feels power that in the Gray Clothes human body moves restlessly, Chen Yu knows that the opposite party wants Exploding. 感受到灰衣人体内躁动的力量,陈宇知道对方要自爆 Death!” “死!” A Chen Yu foot treads out, black and white flowing light is similar to the flood falls in torrents, grinds to kill the ash the Gray Clothes person. 陈宇一脚踩出,黑白流光如同洪水倾泻而下,将灰衣人碾杀成灰。 His Cultivation Space Ocean Boundary Middle Stage Peak, even if Exploding, Chen Yu does not fear. 修为不过空海境中期巅峰,就算是自爆,陈宇也不惧。 Whiz! 嗖! Chen Yu takes out land dragon Battleship , to continue to seek. 陈宇取出地龙战船,继续寻找。 This time, he changed the appearance slightly, although most people do not know him in the Blood Race special details, but the matter does not have absolutely. 这一次,他稍微改变了容貌,虽然大多数人不知道他在血族的具体情况,但事无绝对。 Following the clue, the big position of South Region battlefield, his Flying, on the way he also bypasses curved, as far as possible expanded walk range. 顺着线索,还有南域战场的大方位,他一路飞行,途中他还绕过弯,尽量扩大行走范围。 Finally. 终于。 Midnight, Mysterious Heart induces to existence of Blood Race life once more! 半夜里,神秘心脏再次感应到血族生灵的存在! Chen Yu felt again that he perhaps is Blood Race Nemesis, he he. 陈宇再一次感觉,自己或许就是血族克星,呵呵。 In Mountain Valley. 山谷内。 13 or 14-year-old Youngster, realized some people close instant, departs cave entrance immediately. 一名十三四岁的少年,察觉到有人接近的刹那,立即飞出洞口。 But the future speed is faster, arrives to come instantaneously, the fearful power and influence made his mind sink. 但来者速度更快,瞬间降临而来,可怕的威势令他心神顿沉。 Without demur, Chen Yu disperses Devouring Blood Race descendant Aura. 二话不说,陈宇散出噬血族后裔气息 „...... Young Ancestor!” “……少祖!” That 13 or 14-year-old Youngster, after having gawked the moment, immediately worships on bended knees in the place. 那十三四岁的少年,愣了片刻后,顿时跪拜在地。 Your former Concealment where?” “你之前潜伏在何处?” Chen Yu cold sound inquired. 陈宇冷声询问。 The plot , was very a moment ago similar. 剧情和刚才,十分相似。 Reported Young Ancestor, my former Concealment in Black Demon Valley!” “禀少祖,我之前潜伏黑魔谷!” Youngster said truthfully. 少年如实道。 Immediately, the Chen Yu mind shakes, in the pupil Radiance Sheng, the corners of the mouth raise greatly slightly. 顿时,陈宇心神一震,眸中光芒大盛,嘴角微微扬起。 The luck was good, found one to run away from Black Demon Valley. 运气不错,找到了一个从黑魔谷逃出来的。 This Blood Race has changed the new vessel very much obviously, otherwise Chen Yu can definitely recognize. 这名血族很明显换了新容器,不然陈宇肯定能一眼认出。 Other people?” “其他人呢?” Chen Yu facial color desolate asking. 陈宇面色冷淡的问道。 He does not know that perhaps the true origins of these Blood Race Concealment, among them have any cipher. 他不知道这些血族潜伏者的真正来历,或许他们之间还有什么暗号。 Therefore Chen Yu can only blur inquired, he said are more, is easier to cause the suspicion of opposite party. 所以陈宇只能模糊的进行询问,他说的越多,就越容易引起对方的疑心。 Reported Young Ancestor, the person was easy to expose, initially we left Black Demon Valley, was the dispersion runs away, after waiting for the security, gathered again.” “禀少祖,人多容易暴露,当初我们离开黑魔谷,也是分散逃遁,等安全之后,再集合。” Youngster has not thought that said truthfully. 少年没有多想,如实道。 In Chen Yu the fine glow dodges to pass: Where gathers?” 陈宇目中精芒一闪而逝:“在哪里集合?” So long as knew the assembly place, Feng Wuxue cannot run away! 只要知道了集合地点,封无血就跑不掉! Youngster brow micro wrinkle, Young Ancestor Feng initially had urged them, cannot disclose this point to anybody. 少年眉头微皱,“烽少祖”当初叮嘱过他们,不能向任何人透露这一点。 Does not know that Young Ancestor looks for us, what has to tell?” “不知少祖找我们,有什么吩咐?” Youngster were many mind, asked. 少年多了个心眼,问道。 At present appears Young Ancestor, anything had not said that direct examination their assembly points, give the feeling that he one type does not feel relieved. 眼下出现的“少祖”,什么都没说,就直接询问他们的集合点,给他一种不不放心的感觉。 Therefore he so asked that he believes that Blood Race Young Ancestor will definitely not appear for no reason here. 于是他才如此问道,他相信血族少祖肯定不会平白无故的出现在这里。 The Chen Yu innermost feelings sink, this Blood Race life is not a fool, is not good to coax, had begun to have suspicions. 陈宇内心微沉,这血族生灵不是傻子,不好忽悠,已经起了疑。 If following Chen Yu said that had any problem, perhaps on difficult to obtain the information from the opposite party mouth. 若接下来陈宇说出的话,有什么毛病的话,恐怕就难从对方口中得到情报了。 This Young Ancestor has the important matter, can only inform Young Ancestor, do you also want to know?” “本少祖有重要事情,只能告知少祖,你也想知道?” Chen Yu opens the mouth suddenly. 陈宇突然开口。 No, does not dare, subordinate does not want to know.” “不,不敢,属下不想知道。” Youngster shakes the head immediately. 少年顿时摇头。 The matter that should not know, should better not to know that his Naturally understands. 不该知道的事,最好不要知道,这点他自然懂。 Chen Yu relaxed, the information that Black Demon Valley gives determined that Feng Wuxue is Young Ancestor, his these words definitely do not have the flaw, and also eliminated the suspicion of Youngster. 陈宇微松了口气,黑魔谷给出的情报确定,封无血少祖,他这句话肯定没破绽,且也消除了少年的疑心。 Young Ancestor Feng said that Pinyang Mountain Range meeting!” “‘烽少祖’说,平阳岭会合!” Youngster hurries to reply. 少年赶紧回答。 Pinyang Mountain Range, Young Ancestor Feng...... Feng Wuxue!” 平阳岭,烽少祖……封无血!” The Chen Yu happy expression is thicker, brings bone-chilling cold murderous aura, the command kneels in the Blood Race heart of ground startled, has to plant not the wonderful feeling. 陈宇笑意更浓,带着凛冽杀气,令跪在地上的血族一阵心惊,有种不妙感。 Suddenly. 忽然。 Chen Yu pair of jet black cold eye pupil looking straight ahead comes, an overbearing boundless Soul Aura impact, making the Blood Race mind shake, has a dizzy spell. 陈宇一双漆黑冷冽的眼眸直视而来,一股霸道无边的灵魂气息冲击而出,令血族心神震荡,头晕目眩。 The Blood Race life realized that he was deceived! 血族生灵意识到,自己被骗了! The next quarter, Chen Yu directs. 下一刻,陈宇一指点出。 The blood Red sword light, passes through the body of Blood Race life, Blood Stone Flame four plunders the combustion. 红色的剑光,贯穿血族生灵的身体,血琉焰肆掠燃烧。 Ten breaths, Youngster vanishes in puff of smoke, inside Blood Race main body also burns completely. 十息不到,少年灰飞烟灭,里面的血族本体也燃烧殆尽。 Chen Yu takes out land dragon Battleship once more, vanishes in the nighttime instantaneously, Goal points to Pinyang Mountain Range! 陈宇再次取出地龙战船,瞬间消失在黑夜里,目标直指平阳岭
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