EH :: Volume #7 神魔传说

#900: No Heart Blood Poison

Chen Yu, what you come back is really the time!” 陈宇,你回来的真是时候啊!” Shen Ji and Chen Yu maintain certain distances, the desolate vision sizes up. 申冀陈宇保持一定的距离,冷淡的目光打量过来。 These years, Shen Ji assiduous Cultivation, for some day, can defeat Chen Yu. 这些年,申冀刻苦修行,为了有朝一日,能战胜陈宇 But when Chen Yu appears again when his front, Shen Ji discovered unexpectedly Chen Yu Cultivation and are the same. 可当陈宇再次出现在他面前时,申冀竟发现陈宇修为与自己相同。 This makes him certainly be attacked. 这让他受到一定的打击。 Initially when Chen Yu left Black Demon Valley, own Cultivation was obviously higher than Chen Yu. 当初陈宇离开黑魔谷时,自己的修为明明比陈宇高。 Shen Ji not only has not surpassed Chen Yu, on certain Level, calculated by Chen Yu surpassing. 如此说来,申冀不仅没有超过陈宇,一定程度上,算被陈宇给超了。 Black Demon Valley what happened?” 黑魔谷发生了什么事?” Chen Yu felt that the Black Demon Valley atmosphere is not completely right, definitely what happened. 陈宇感觉到黑魔谷的氛围完全不对,肯定是发生了什么事。 Snort, Chen Yu, you are missing for many years, now returns to Sect, I must look up you whether was replaced.” “哼,陈宇,你失踪多年,如今回归宗门,我要查你是否被人顶替了。” Shen Ji cold snort|hum, has not answered the Chen Yu issue. 申冀冷哼一声,没有回答陈宇的问题。 His originally dislikes Chen Yu, this moment decision uses the private power, awkward Chen Yu. 本就不待见陈宇,此刻决定动用私权,为难一下陈宇 As Shen Ji issues an order, followed to move in his behind Black Demon Valley Disciple. 随着申冀一声令下,跟在他身后的黑魔谷弟子动了起来。 Chen Yu vanished too many years, Shen Ji is Demon King Valley main Disciple, at this moment is extremely high in the Black Demon Valley prestige. 陈宇消失了太多年,申冀身为魔王谷主的弟子,此刻在黑魔谷的声望极高。 Go away.” “滚。” Chen Yu shouted angrily. 陈宇怒喝一声。 Although he once had the contradiction with Shen Ji, but after is Black Demon Valley Disciple, has not thought that after many years, Shen Ji sees his First surface, starts to feel embarrassed Chen Yu. 虽然他曾和申冀有过矛盾,但毕竟都是黑魔谷弟子,没想到时隔多年,申冀见到他的第一面,就开始为难陈宇 Along with shouting angrily of Chen Yu, a fearful imposing manner fills the air, all around air coagulates immediately, the oppression of Invisible covers the surrounding area hundred zhang (333m). 随着陈宇的怒喝,一股可怕气势弥漫而出,四周空气顿时凝固,无形的压迫笼罩方圆百丈。 His Cultivation at this moment, achieves Space Ocean Boundary Late Stage Peak, in addition to the comprehension of World Intent Domain, the Spirit imposing manner then sufficiently forms the astonishing pressure. 他此刻的修为,达到空海境后期巅峰,再加上对天地意境的领悟,精神气势便足以形成惊人的威压。 All around Black Demon Valley Disciple, the whole body trembles, retreat backward cannot help but. 四周黑魔谷弟子,浑身颤栗,不由自主的向后退去。 With Chen Yu looking at each other Shen Ji, feels the intense oppression, a heart heaviness. 陈宇对视的申冀,也感到强烈的压迫,心头一阵沉重。 My Cultivation is obviously same as him, why he will give me the so tremendous pressure.” “我的修为明明与他相同,为何他会给我如此大的压力。” The Shen Ji forehead beads of sweat brave, his double fist grips tightly, the innermost feelings are extremely unwilling. 申冀额头汗珠直冒,他双拳紧握,内心极度不甘。 But he has to acknowledge that faces Chen Yu once more, he had not initiated the challenge to Chen Yu the courage. 但他不得不承认,再次面对陈宇,他已经没有向陈宇发起挑战的勇气。 Makes way.” “让开。” Chen Yu drinks one coldly, is holding Tu Zhixiang, stand forth. 陈宇冷喝一声,抱着屠芷香,向前走去。 Shen Ji did not say that he can ask. 申冀不说,他可以自己去问。 The crowd disperses, the Invisible imposing manner that Chen Yu shows, deters to present all people. 人群散开,陈宇展现出的无形气势,威慑住在场所有人。 Chen Yu, told you also to might as well, days before, Black Demon Valley had in the person one after another Strange Poison, Elder were no exception.” 陈宇,告诉你也无妨,前几日,黑魔谷陆续有人身中奇毒,就连长老们也不例外。” Finally, the high levels discovered that intoxication is Feng Wuxue, is your three Senior Brother!” “最终,高层们发现,下毒者是‘封无血’,也就是你的三师兄!” Shen Ji is bringing blame language gas channel, lets the relaxedness that oneself display diligently. 申冀带着责备的语气道,努力让自己表现的轻松。 Feng Wuxue had been verified, is Blood Race Concealment, several vanished without the trace other day.” 封无血已被查明,是血族潜伏者,几日前就消失无踪。” Shen Ji also said. 申冀又道。 The person of all around listened to these words, does not have the slight surprise, in expression somewhat is even spirited angrily. 四周之人听了这些话,没有丝毫诧异,神色中甚至有些激昂愤怒。 Therefore, what Shen Ji said is real. 由此看来,申冀说的是真的。 Has not thought that Black Demon Valley had this matter! 没想到黑魔谷发生了这种事! Chen Yu understood now, why Shen Ji sees own First words are Chen Yu, what you come back is really the time.” 陈宇现在明白了,为什么申冀见到自己第一句话是“陈宇,你回来的真是时候。” Three Senior Brother...... Is Feng Wuxue Blood Race?” “三师兄……封无血血族?” Chen Yu Murmuring. 陈宇呢喃 He recalls in the past and Feng Wuxue has contacted the picture, is very difficult to imagine, Feng Wuxue unexpectedly is Blood Race. 他回忆以往与封无血接触过的画面,很难想像,封无血竟然是血族 ! 唰! The Chen Yu personal appearance moves, flies to Blood Demon Valley. 陈宇身形一动,飞向血魔谷 When Great Universe Alliance, Chen Yu then often hears some news, said some Blood Race Concealment secretly heavy injury Family influence wait / etc.. 大宇联盟的时候,陈宇便经常听到一些消息,说血族潜伏者暗地里重创某个家族势力等等。 Has not thought that Black Demon Valley had this. 没想到,黑魔谷就发生了这一幕。 Observes closely Chen Yu to me, his Senior Brother is Blood Race, he may also be Blood Race.” “给我盯住陈宇,他的师兄血族,他也有可能是血族。” Shen Ji cold snort|hum, issues an order. 申冀冷哼一声,下达一条命令。 In Blood Demon Valley, is tightly guarded, even also has other minute of valleys Disciple. 血魔谷内,也是戒备森严,甚至还有其他分谷的弟子 Makes way!” “让开!” Chen Yu revealed that the Solitary Blood Valley Master Disciple status, sends out Powerful Aura, many people do not dare to stop. 陈宇亮出寂血谷主弟子的身份,散发出强大气息,没多少人敢阻拦。 Quick, Chen Yu arrives at the Solitary Blood Valley Master dwelling. 很快,陈宇来到寂血谷主的住处。 In Main Hall, Solitary Blood Valley Master lies down in the old position as before, but the whole person is older, on face were many some wrinkles, in eye Radiance dim some. 大殿内,寂血谷主依旧躺在老位置,不过整个人苍老许多,脸上多了些皱纹,眼中光芒黯淡了些许。 In the past Solitary Blood Valley Master lay down here, sent out to overawe the myriad things the King style, but his imposing manner was not as before this moment. 以往寂血谷主躺在这里,也散发出威震万物的王者风范,但此刻他身上的气势大不如前。 Teacher, you were also poisoned......” 师尊,你也中毒了……” Chen Yu is a little unbelievable. 陈宇有点难以置信。 Including Solitary Blood Valley Master, Congealing Star King, was poisoned. 寂血谷主,凝星王者,也中毒了。 He was thinking, Solitary Blood Valley Master can rescue Tu Zhixiang, now looks like matter imagines is awful. 他原本还想着,寂血谷主能救屠芷香,现在看来事情比自己想象的还要糟糕。 Yu-Child, you came back.” 宇儿,你回来了。” Solitary Blood Valley Master sat straight the body, in the eye restored some appearances, stared at Chen Yu carefully, resembled is observing the Chen Yu these years changes. 寂血谷主坐直了身子,目中恢复了些神采,仔细凝视陈宇,似在观察陈宇这些年的变化。 For a long time, his slight bow, reveals one to be satisfactory and proud. 许久后,他微微点头,露出一丝满意和骄傲。 Feng Wuxue!” 封无血!” The Chen Yu vision sinks, double fist gets hold, anger well ups. 陈宇目光顿沉,双拳握紧,一股怒火涌上心头。 Has not thought that past looked after own Senior Brother, unexpectedly was Blood Race Concealment. 没想到昔日照顾自己的师兄,竟是血族潜伏者。 Was only a pity that time, Chen Yu Mysterious Heart, was unable to induce Blood Race, otherwise Feng Wuxue had already exposed, will not have today. 只可惜那时候,陈宇神秘心脏,还不能感应血族,否则封无血早就暴露了,也不会有今日了。 Yu-Child, do not impulse, the scoundrel is Blood Race Young Ancestor, the real strength is very strong.” 宇儿,不要冲动,那混账是血族少祖,真实实力很强。” Solitary Blood Valley Master sinking sound track. 寂血谷主沉声道。 Blood Race Concealment, is divided into many types. 血族潜伏者,分为很多种。 Some carry out the assassination, or transmission intelligence information. 有的只是搞搞暗杀,或者传递情报信息。 Kind of Concealment, is becomes the enemy influence Core personnel, critical moment influence general situation. 还有一类潜伏者,则是成为敌方势力核心人员,关键时刻影响大局。 Wants initially Chen Yu to strike First Blood Race that kills Zhuo Buhan, Feng Wuxue, is this kind. 想当初陈宇击杀的第一血族卓不寒”,还有封无血,就属于这一类。 What toxin that is, doesn't have the means including Teacher?” “那是什么毒,连师尊都没办法吗?” The Chen Yu body and mind is heavy. 陈宇身心沉重。 The Common toxin, could not injure King slightly. 普通的毒,根本伤不了王者丝毫。 But at present Solitary Blood Valley Master is affected by toxin. 但眼下寂血谷主都受到毒素的影响。 This is not the Common toxin, should be Blood Race excels at Poison Dao Congealing Star King, uses own essence and blood, Refining leaves Heartless Blood Poison!” “这不是普通的毒,应该是血族一名擅长毒道凝星王者,利用自己的精血,炼制出‘无心血毒’!” Solitary Blood Valley Master sighed: This toxin difficult solution, but Congealing Star King Physique Powerful, if only few poisonous, can melt......” 寂血谷主叹了一口气:“此毒难解,但凝星王者体质强大,若只中少量毒,还是能够化解的……” But in Solitary Blood Valley Master, obviously incessantly is few poisonous. 寂血谷主中的,明显不止是少量毒。 Feng Wuxue in Blood Race Concealment how long? In the recent 20 years. 封无血血族潜伏多久?近20年。 Perhaps at that time, he then started to intoxicate in secret. 或许那个时候,他便开始暗中下毒。 The depth of plans, scared! 心机之深,令人胆寒! „Will gas casualty be what kind of?” “中毒者会怎样?” Chen Yu asked again. 陈宇再次问道。 Heartless Blood Poison, colorless tasteless, contacts with any liquid, can integrate perfectly, this poisonous Concealment in Heart, once Erupting, then little nibbles Heart......” 无心血毒,无色无味,与任何液体接触,都能完美融入其中,此毒潜伏心脏内,一旦爆发,便会一点点的蚕食心脏……” Is listening to the explanation of Teacher, in the Chen Yu heart one cold. 听着师尊的解释,陈宇心中一寒。 Heart is the human body frailest spot, so is hard to treat thoroughly. 心脏是人体最为脆弱的部位,正是如此才难以深入治疗。 Once the Heart necrosis, the person could not live. 一旦心脏坏死,人也就活不了了。 This time poisonous disaster, entire Black Demon Valley, the gas casualty are many, even two Valley Master were also also poisoned, measures very lightly. 此次“毒灾”,整个黑魔谷,中毒者较多,甚至还有两位谷主也中毒了,只不过量十分的轻。 Yu-Child, you have not been poisoned, was really good.” 宇儿,你没中毒,真是太好了。” Solitary Blood Valley Master looks once more to Chen Yu, in the eye the twinkle bright glow. 寂血谷主再次看向陈宇,目中闪烁亮芒。 Chen Yu stares, Teacher and four Senior Sister were poisoned, oneself are actually all right. 陈宇一愣,师尊和四师姐都中毒了,自己却没事。 On the one hand possibly is, few that he and Feng Wuxue contact, the opportunity that the opposite party intoxicates are not many. 一方面可能是,他和封无血接触的很少,对方下毒的机会不多。 On the other hand possibly is the Mysterious Heart reason, Heartless Blood Poison does not have an effect to Chen Yu Mysterious Heart. 另一方面可能就是神秘心脏的缘故,无心血毒陈宇神秘心脏不起作用。 „Hasn't this toxin melted Technique really?” “此毒真的没有化解之法吗?” Chen Yu has gotten hold of the fist, asked again. 陈宇握紧了拳头,再次问道。 The myriad things promote and constrain mutually, have the toxicant, definitely has the antidote. 万物相生相克,有毒药,肯定就有解药。 Perhaps, on the scoundrel has the antidote......” “或许,那混账身上有解药吧……” In addition, can only ask Profound Deep Boundary Emperor Lord to get rid to melt the toxin!” “除此之外,就只能请玄冥境帝主出手化解毒素!” Solitary Blood Valley Master sighed sighing. 寂血谷主叹了叹。 Feng Wuxue!” 封无血!” In the Chen Yu mind flashes through the appearance of this person once more, hatred submerges it immediately. 陈宇脑海里再次闪过此人的模样,一股恨意立即将其淹没。 At this time, after Chen Yu remembered suddenly Eating God Feast had finished, returns to the Black Demon Valley Demon Horn battleship, has encountered the attack in the halfway, perhaps was Feng Wuxue in secret was disturbing at that time. 这个时候,陈宇忽然想起食神宴结束后,返回黑魔谷魔角战舰,在半路上遭遇过袭击,或许那个时候也是封无血在暗中捣乱。 Right, Feng Wuxue as if just fled a few days after! 对了,封无血似乎刚逃离没几天! Disciple asked to be excused first.” 弟子先告退了。” Chen Yu sets out, in the eye flashes through the glow of ominous offense. 陈宇起身,目中闪过凶戾之芒。 Goes, your Senior Sister is looked after by me temporarily......” “去吧,你师姐暂时由我照顾……” The Solitary Blood Valley Master palm wields, blood red asterism is lifting the body of Tu Zhixiang, flies into Imperial Palace. 寂血谷主手掌一挥,一层血红星芒抬着屠芷香的身体,飞进大内。 Chen Yu looked at one to shut tightly Tu Zhixiang of double pupil. 陈宇看了一眼紧闭双眸的屠芷香 Feng Wuxue Concealment time, with Tu Zhixiang is the Senior Brother younger sister's relations, contacts the opportunity to be too many. 封无血潜伏的时候,和屠芷香师兄妹的关系,接触机会太多。 It is estimated that Tu Zhixiang is poisoned deepest one...... 估计屠芷香是中毒最深的一个…… Whiz! 嗖! Chen Yu turns around to leave here, the speed like Shooting Star, is written in water. 陈宇转身离开此处,速度如流星,转瞬即逝。 He just walked, the tall and strong Black Robe form appears together suddenly. 他刚走,一道魁梧的黑袍身影忽然出现。 You thought that he can find Feng Wuxue? Can attain antidote from Feng Wuxue? Might as well told him directly this poisonous non-solution, so as to avoid wasted the time.” The shadow said. “你难道觉得他能找到封无血?能从封无血手里拿到解药?还不如直接告诉他此毒无解,免得白费功夫。”黑影道。 Old King you were too cruel-hearted, must give him to select the hope.” 老王你太狠心了,总得给他点希望吧。” Solitary Blood Valley Master white shadow. 寂血谷主白了黑影一眼。 Blood Race plans Great Universe World for a long time, Heartless Blood Poison not only unifies with Cursing Technique, integrated ancient primitive Powerful power, Congealing Star King has been at a loss, even if were the Profound Deep Boundary treatment, oneself by this toxin puzzle, by that time enemy Profound Deep Boundary, definitely will also seize the chance to get rid......” 血族谋算大宇界已久,无心血毒不仅与诅咒之术结合,更是融入了一种古老原始的强大力量,凝星王者束手无策,就算是玄冥境救治,自身也会被此毒‘困扰’,到那时敌方玄冥境,肯定会趁机出手……” The shadow sighs with emotion one. 黑影感慨一句。 Does not rescue, then loses King Battle Strength, if Profound Deep Boundary gets rid to treat and cure, oneself will also be affected by the toxin. 不救,则损失王者战力,若玄冥境出手救治,自身也会受到毒素影响。 This is a Blood Race bureau, before being very early , a bureau that starts to get ready. 这是血族的一个局,很早之前就开始准备的一个局。 ...... …… Left the Solitary Blood Valley Master dwelling, Chen Yu understood at this moment, the looks like why Black Demon Valley did prepared. 离开寂血谷主的住处,陈宇此刻明白了,为什么黑魔谷搞的像备战似的。 The Black Demon Valley toxin, Feng Wuxue is a chief instigator, in addition also has several Concealment. 黑魔谷的毒,封无血是主谋,此外还有几名潜伏者。 This moment Black Demon Valley must set out military strength, extinguishes kills these Traitor. 此刻黑魔谷就是要出动兵力,灭杀这些叛贼 The person who Chen Yu knows are not many, he found Shen Ji directly, gives a loud shout: All told me the related Feng Wuxue clue!” 陈宇认识的人不多,他直接找到申冀,大喝一声:“将有关封无血的线索全都告诉我!” You, do you want to do?” “你,你要干什么?” Shen Ji by the sudden appearance of Chen Yu, was frightened somewhat flurried. 申冀陈宇的突然出现,吓的有些慌乱。 Kills Traitor!” “杀叛贼!” In the Chen Yu gap between teeth jumps three characters. 陈宇牙缝里蹦出三个字。 Shen Ji angry unwilling staring Chen Yu long time, discovered that the pupil of opposite party, such as the jet black abyss, is burning endless Flame, making Shen Ji not dare to look at each other gradually. 申冀愤怒不甘的凝视陈宇良久,发现对方的瞳孔,如漆黑深渊,燃烧着无尽火焰,令申冀渐渐不敢对视。 Side Deacon, gives him the Traitor information and related clue.” “方执事,将叛贼的信息和有关线索都给他。” Shen Ji told one. 申冀吩咐了一句。 Nearby Middle Age, dispatches Jade Bamboo. 旁边一名中年,递出一枚玉简 Chen Yu Spirit Knowledge sweeps, then inside information, brand mark in mind. 陈宇灵识一扫,便将里面的信息,烙印在脑海。 Whiz! 嗖! Took out land dragon Battleship, Chen Yu left Black Demon Valley. 取出地龙战船,陈宇离开了黑魔谷 Snort, depends on you, wants to grasp Feng Wuxue?” “哼,就凭你一个人,也想抓封无血?” Shen Ji cold snort|hum, disdains completely. 申冀冷哼一声,满是不屑。 Blood Race is good at hiding, Black Demon Valley sends out that many Disciple to search, does not have any result, a Chen Yu person top a bird to use. 血族擅长隐藏,黑魔谷派出那么多弟子搜查,都没什么结果,陈宇一个人顶个鸟用。 The Feng Wuxue real status, is Blood Race Young Ancestor, strength Strong, when travels, in ten moves heavy injury Half-Step Congealing Star Boundary! 况且封无血的真实身份,是血族少祖,实力强悍,跑路时,十招内重创过一名半步凝星境 After a while. 一会儿后。 „!” “出发!” Shen Ji leads hundred people of teams, leaves Black Demon Valley, similarly is also chases down Traitor. 申冀带领百人队伍,离开黑魔谷,同样也是去追杀叛贼 He acknowledged that oneself perhaps by Chen Yu flinging behind. 他承认,自己或许已经被陈宇给甩在身后。 But this time chases down Traitor, he must make a merit surely, regarding this he has the enormous confidence, after all Chen Yu is all alone, definitely flies back without any results. 但这次追杀叛贼,他定要做出一番功绩,对此他有极大的信心,毕竟陈宇是孤身一人,肯定是无功而返。
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