EH :: Volume #7 神魔传说

#899: Returns to Black Demon Valley

Chen Yu revolution «Six Origin Returning to Heaven Technique» True Origin walks randomly the whole body to swallow World Origin Energy to converge the True Origin within the four seas finally. 陈宇运转《六元归天功真元游走全身吞噬天地元气最终汇入真元海内。 A huge vast True Origin sea piece of pure white startled wave is dreadful. 庞大浩瀚的真元海一片洁白惊浪滔天。 Returning to Heaven True Origin changes to the Single Layer heavy ocean waves to attack all around is further expanding the True Origin sea. 归天真元化作一重重海浪冲击着四周进一步扩大真元海。 Expansion True Origin sea inside story is more relaxed. 扩张真元海底蕴强更为轻松。 Next is Spirit Body intelligence factor needs continuous Absorbing World Origin Energy to integrate in True Origin. 其次就是灵体资质的因素需要源源不断的汲取天地元气融入真元之中。 If absorbs the World Origin Energy speed to be excessively slow , then the efficiency of expansion True Origin sea will reduce greatly. 若吸收天地元气的速度过慢则扩张真元海的效率会大大降低。 Does not need to be worried about this by the Chen Yu present Spirit Body intelligence completely. 陈宇如今的灵体资质完全不用担心这点。 All very smooth methodical carries on. 一切十分顺利有条不紊的进行。 One month later the Chen Yu True Origin sea expanded a great-circle. 一个月后陈宇真元海扩张了一大圈。 But this is also not the limit. 但这还不是极限。 «Six Origin Returning to Heaven Technique» «Demonic Secret Mark Record» Profound are too more, if this moment Chen Yu Cultivation «Demonic Secret Mark Record» can be now the success attacks Space Ocean Boundary Late Stage Peak. 六元归天功》比《天魔秘纹录高深太多若此刻陈宇修行的还是《天魔秘纹录》如今可以算是成功冲击到空海境后期巅峰 But the request of «Six Origin Returning to Heaven Technique» is higher this Cultivation Technique foundation to build the solid foundation to Chen Yu is „the road of Congealing Star prepares the ground 但《六元归天功》的要求更高此功法的基础篇会给陈宇打下坚实的基础为“凝星之路”做铺垫 Time passes. 时间流逝。 In Cave Mansion that the fog wound around appears ten distinguishes clearly at this moment newly. 原本云雾缭绕的洞府内此刻显得十分清新。 That changes to the white light fog to certain Level richly World Origin Energy by almost that Chen Yu swallows. 那浓郁到一定程度化作白色光雾的天地元气陈宇吞噬的7788。 At this moment can only see that his whole body blooming white brilliance forms huge pale vortex Absorbing World Origin Energy of various places. 此刻只能看到他浑身绽放白色光华形成一个庞大的淡白漩涡汲取着各处的天地元气 Some moment. 某一刻。 The Chen Yu whole body leaps one group of nihilities Red Flame. 陈宇浑身腾起一团虚无的红色火焰 His body splits bloodletting glow whole body becomes blood red insightfully just likes Crystal is common. 紧接着他身体绽放血芒浑身变得血红通透犹如水晶一般熠熠生辉。 Blood Spirit Body activate Chen Yu swallows the World Origin Energy speed to increase suddenly including the Cultivation speed also obtains certain promotion. 血灵体催动陈宇吞噬天地元气的速度陡增包括修行速度也得到一定的提升。 After the moment, Origin Energy in Cave Mansion was swallowed by Chen Yu completely. 片刻后洞府内的元气陈宇全部吞噬。 The Blood Spirit Body phenomenon also dissipates. 血灵体的异象也消散。 Succeeded.” “成功了。” The Chen Yu innermost feelings are joyful. 陈宇内心欣喜。 The True Origin sea expands to the limit his Cultivation achieves Space Ocean Boundary Late Stage Peak. 真元海扩张到极限他的修为达到空海境后期巅峰 Simultaneously the True Origin quality had the qualitative change in the final stage. 同时真元质量在最后阶段发生了质变。 Worthily is in «Six Origin Returning to Heaven Technique» Same Rank the True Origin quantity or the quality only feared that is Peak.” “不愧是《六元归天功同阶之中无论是真元数量还是质量只怕都是顶尖的。” Chen Yu is feeling the True Origin sea in within the body. 陈宇感受着体内的真元海。 Cultivation Breakthrough to the strength promotion that he brings probably compared with being expected many. 修为突破给他带来的实力提升或许要比预料中的多一点。 Consolidated he Perfect went out several days later. 巩固数日之后他才圆满出关。 Arrived at Space Ocean Boundary Late Stage Peak then is precise Half-Step True Origin sets out to Congealing Star Boundary “已经到了空海境后期巅峰接下来便是凝炼半步真元凝星境进发” Chen Yu forecasts following Goal. 陈宇展望接下来的目标 In fact Space Ocean Boundary Late Stage can attack Congealing Star Boundary just success ratio ten points of being lower than is among this then presented transition Half-Step Congealing Star Boundary. 实际上空海境后期就可以去冲击凝星境只不过成功率十分之低于是这中间便出现了一个过渡半步凝星境 First precise Half-Step True Origin attacked Congealing Star Boundary to grasp again increased much. 先凝炼半步真元再冲击凝星境把握就增加了不少。 Therefore Half-Step Congealing Star Boundary this Boundary can be regarded as actually a preparatory stage is to attack Congealing Star Boundary prepares. 所以半步凝星境这个境界其实可以看作是一个准备阶段为冲击凝星境做准备。 Should leave here.” “该离开这里了。” Cultivation Breakthrough Chen Yu has prepared to depart. 修为已经突破陈宇准备离去。 At this time before he remembered , the words that some date and time Yin Changsan spoke have pondered the moment. 这个时候他想起前些时日阴常山说的话沉思了片刻。 It seems like has the opportunity to go to Yin Clan to clarify something.” “看来有机会可以去一趟阴族弄清楚一些事。” Chen Yu low nan. 陈宇低喃一声。 According to Yin Changsan said that own half Jade Pendant is together the charm amulet. 根据阴常山所说自己的半边玉佩就是一块护身符。 Since Yin Clan has this order them definitely not to be what kind to Chen Yu. 既然阴族有这一条命令那么他们肯定不会对陈宇怎样。 But the present stage first returns to South Region. 只不过现阶段还是先回南域一趟。 This World Plane war gradually the superheating war is also fast changing ominous Ji Nanliao. 这一场界面大战逐渐白热化战局也是瞬息万变凶吉难料。 Every day Great Universe Alliance has various battlefield news to spread for example some Half-Step King falling from the sky war to victoriously complete or some Blood Race Concealment secretly heavy injury Family wait / etc.... 每天大宇联盟都有各种战场消息传开例如某位半步王者陨落大战告捷又或是血族潜伏者暗地里重创某个家族等等… Chen Yu arrives at the Treasure palace vision to sweep on stele prepares to choose itself to need. 陈宇来到珍宝殿目光在石碑上一扫准备挑选自己所需。 Junior Brother.” 师弟。” Yells to broadcast sound to make Chen Yu from the back feel several points of familiar resoundingly movingly. 一声叫喊从背后传来声音响亮动人令陈宇感到几分熟悉。 How these years did not see do not recognize Senior Sister “怎么这些年不见就不认得师姐了” A next quarter gorgeous moving Red form appears right Chen Yu Tu Zhixiang. 下一刻一道艳丽动人的红色身影出现在陈宇右侧正是屠芷香 Chen Yu looks that at present Woman reveals several points of pleasantly surprised color. 陈宇看着眼前女子露出几分惊喜之色。 In the past he did obeisance into Solitary Blood Valley Master Disciple is the road of Tu Zhixiang belt. 当年他拜入寂血谷主门下就是屠芷香带的路。 In the recent ten years have not seen the Tu Zhixiang beauty not to reduce on more charming moving her to put on a Red mail-armor and helmet to increase several points of valiant meaning at this moment. 近十年未见屠芷香的姿色不减更加妩媚动人此刻她身上穿着一副红色甲胄增添了几分英姿飒爽之意。 Senior Sister I am Murdering Blood Organization one do not have the qualifications to appear now here 师姐我如今是弑血组织的一员难道没资格出现在这里” The Tu Zhixiang disposition has not changed the arrogance asked. 屠芷香性格没变十分傲气的反问道。 However she replied when the Chen Yu issue team goes on patrol in the nearby I hear you to come to the Great Universe Alliance news then to come by chance to have a look 不过她还是回答了陈宇的问题“队伍在附近巡游时我碰巧听到你现身大宇联盟的消息便过来看看” Does not come not to know that arrives at Great Universe Alliance Senior Sister to be frightened by your boy heavy.” “不来不知道来到大宇联盟师姐就被你小子吓的不轻啊。” A Tu Zhixiang face pleasantly surprised color has patted the shoulder of Chen Yu line small Junior Brother Contribution List third.” 屠芷香一脸惊喜之色拍了拍陈宇的肩膀“行啊小师弟贡献榜第三。” Enters Great Universe Alliance must have War Palace Tu Zhixiang also to note on Contribution List by it place the Chen Yu name. 进入大宇联盟的必经之地就有战殿屠芷香也注意到贡献榜陈宇的名字。 From the beginning Tu Zhixiang has not believed that really this Chen Yu is her Junior Brother. 一开始屠芷香还真不相信这个“陈宇”是她的师弟 After all after Chen Yu previous time leaves, had not appeared. 毕竟陈宇上次离开之后一直没有出现过。 Chatted several Chen Yu to continue to handle matters. 闲聊几句陈宇继续办事。 I want this land dragon Battleship “我要这一艘‘地龙战船’” Chen Yu already planned that trades Flying Dao Tool Contribution Points enough then to start to carry out now. 陈宇早就打算换一件飞行道具如今贡献点足够便开始执行。 Altogether 400,000 contributions “一共400000贡献” The Treasure palace head offered the price. 珍宝殿负责人报出价格。 400,000 contributions already very astonishing most Space Ocean Boundary Late Stage Peak always contributes possibly does not have these many. 400000贡献已经十分惊人了绝大多数空海境后期巅峰的总贡献可能都没这么多。 But this land dragon Battleship performance very good speed close Half-Step Congealing Star Boundary has the attack performance to be possible the load bearing 30-40 people. 但这艘地龙战船的性能十分不错速度接近半步凝星境更具备攻击性能可承载三四十人。 On outward appearance Chen Yu in Flying Dao Tool that Clown that buys definitely is unable in comparison. 论外观陈宇小丑那买的飞行道具完全无法与之相比。 What is Contribution List 31 st gets rid worthily is 400,000 contributions also buys is Flying Dao Tool.” “不愧是贡献榜第31出手就是400000贡献还买的是飞行道具。” Tu Zhixiang teased. 屠芷香调侃道。 Some average person these many contributions definitely first promote their Cultivation or the strength. 一般人就算有这么多贡献肯定是优先提升自己的修为或者实力。 In my hand also a little Contribution Points Senior Sister must exchange anything “我手中还有点贡献点师姐要不要兑换点什么” Chen Yu took out War Command to shake shaking. 陈宇取出“战令”晃了晃。 This Commanding Plate can save many Contribution Points in the Treasure palace 10% discount exchange treasure. 这枚令牌可以在珍宝殿九折优惠兑换宝物可以省不少贡献点 The instantaneous Tu Zhixiang complexion changes has shown smiling face good that Senior Sister not to be impolite.” 瞬间屠芷香的脸色变了露出笑容“好那师姐就不客气了。” Before long they left the Treasure palace. 不一会儿两人离开了珍宝殿。 Calculates Meteor Pill that the first half booklet obtains also has exchange many Cultivation Rare Material Chen Yu surplus Contribution Points originally not to be many. 算去之前半折得到的飞星丹还有兑换的诸多修炼珍材陈宇剩余的贡献点本就不多。 After Tu Zhixiang has chosen different Rare Material, contributed almost empties. 屠芷香挑选了两样珍材之后贡献差不多空了。 But Chen Yu did the people of 1 million contributions in his subconscious to earn the contribution not to be the difficult matter after all of a sudden. 陈宇毕竟是一下子就搞到了1000000贡献的人他的潜意识里赚取贡献算不上多难的事。 Also I went back to join Murdering Blood Organization have long Time not chapter of Black Demon Valley after you together.” “我跟你一起回去吧加入弑血组织后也有很长时间没有回黑魔谷了。” The Tu Zhixiang decision and Chen Yu start off together. 屠芷香决定与陈宇一同上路。 Murdering Blood Organization is one to Blood Race wants to be deeper than the average person in view of Blood Race tenable research of Organization. 弑血组织是一个针对血族成立的组织血族的研究比一般人要深许多。 This Organization establishment soon lot of work, therefore Tu Zhixiang is not very long chapter of Black Demon Valley. 这个组织成立不久事务繁忙所以屠芷香也很久没回黑魔谷 Good to start off immediately.” “好立刻上路。” In Great Universe Alliance has four Transmission Ancient Spell to save many distances Transmission to four big territories. 大宇联盟内有四座传送古阵可以传送至四大域节省不少路程。 The average person does not have the qualifications use, only then Congealing Star King has such privilege. 只是一般人没资格使用只有凝星王者才有这样的特权。 But Chen Yu had understood has War Command he has this privilege. 陈宇已经了解到拥有“战令”的他有这个特权。 Guards stern Transmission restricted area Chen Yu to hold War Command to bring passing that Tu Zhixiang is opening access. 守卫森严的传送禁地陈宇持着“战令”带着屠芷香畅通无阻的通过。 Actually Junior Brother your years did any Great Universe Alliance actually to enjoy your War Command.” 师弟你这些年究竟干了些什么大宇联盟竟然赏了你一枚战令。” Tu Zhixiang feels the War Command advantage to envy to say. 屠芷香感受到战令的好处羡慕道。 Did some Startling Heaven to move place the important matter.” “干了一些惊天动地的大事。” The Chen Yu self-sensation said one good. 陈宇自我感觉良好的说了一句。 At this moment they stand on Transmission Ancient Spell. 此刻两人站在传送古阵上。 Transmission.” 传送。” The brilliance on next quarter Ancient Spell embezzles their personal appearance. 下一刻古阵上的光辉将两人的身形吞没。 ... Goes to Black Demon Valley some distance places to borrow Teleportation Formation to save distance some to need Flying. 前往黑魔谷的路程有的地方能借用传送阵节省路程有些则需飞行 Chen Yu chatted with Tu Zhixiang all the way much. 一路上陈宇屠芷香聊了不少。 Is Chen Yu not in these year of Black Demon Valley and even South Region something. 都是陈宇不在这些年黑魔谷乃至南域的一些事情。 Junior Brother this time goes back you to compete the Young Valley Master seat 师弟此次回去你会竞争少谷主的位子吗” Tu Zhixiang asked. 屠芷香问道。 Young Valley Master to put it bluntly is the successor of Solitary Blood Valley Master seat. 少谷主说白了就是寂血谷主位子的继承人。 At present three Senior Brother Feng Wuxue are Young Valley Master. 目前三师兄封无血少谷主 But this position is not fixed already surmounted Feng Wuxue by the Chen Yu present achievement is on Cultivation also misses from Feng Wuxue at most one step. 但这个位置不是固定的以陈宇如今的成就早已超越了封无血顶多是修为上距离封无血还差一步。 If Chen Yu wants to struggle only to challenge Feng Wuxue to defeat it may become new Young Valley Master. 陈宇如果想争只需挑战封无血将其击败就可成为新的少谷主 Three Senior Brother sat on this seat I do not join in the fun.” “三师兄坐在这个位子上我就不去凑热闹了。” Chen Yu smiled does not care. 陈宇笑了笑并不在乎。 This is also good.” “这样也好。” The Tu Zhixiang eye curved becomes the crescent moon. 屠芷香眼睛弯成月牙。 But her eyelid has not actually lifted is very probably heavy the unceasing submersion. 可她的眼皮却没有抬起好像十分沉重不断下沉。 The next quarter Tu Zhixiang body one must crookedly but actually. 下一刻屠芷香身体一歪要倒了。 …… Chen Yu moved to put out a hand then to grasp immediately partly to squat in the past Tu Zhixiang. 陈宇立即移动过去伸手便把屠芷香抱住半蹲下来。 What happened Senior Sister 怎么了师姐 The Chen Yu vision micro congealing innermost feelings are surprised. 陈宇目光微凝内心惊疑不定。 His Spirit Knowledge sweeps then discovered that Senior Sister does not crack a joke, but could not support the stupor. 灵识一扫便发现师姐不是开玩笑而是真的支撑不住昏迷了。 What's all this about 这是怎么回事 Before Chen Yu had not discovered how Tu Zhixiang had any difference on the sudden stupor 之前陈宇没发现屠芷香有任何异样怎么就突然的昏迷了呢 Careful Inspection Below Chen Yu Mysterious Heart as if feels on Tu Zhixiang... Blood Race Aura. 仔细检查之下陈宇神秘心脏似乎在屠芷香身上感受到…血族气息 Aura weak likely is misconception is very ordinary. 气息十分的微弱像是错觉一般。 From Black Demon Valley, only then half day traveling schedule.” “距离黑魔谷只有半日行程了。” Chen Yu places to control the land dragon Battleship full speed vanguard Tu Zhixiang. 陈宇屠芷香安置好控制地龙战船全速前行。 But after Tu Zhixiang situation Chen Yu is unable to judge returns to Black Demon Valley, Solitary Blood Valley Master definitely to have the means. 屠芷香的情况陈宇无法判断但回到黑魔谷寂血谷主肯定有办法。 Dark blue forest abyss. 沧林深渊。 Distant Chen Yu sees giant footprint gulf Black Demon Valley. 远远的陈宇看到一个巨大脚印般的深坑正是黑魔谷 However Chen Yu discovered that entire Black Demon Valley as if opened has admonished Formation Technique. 不过陈宇发现整个黑魔谷似乎开启了警戒阵法 Who “何人” Before arriving at the entrance , when then two patrol teams intercept before. 来到山门前时便有两支巡逻队伍拦截在前。 Makes way.” “让开。” Chen Yu takes out status Commanding Plate. 陈宇取出身份令牌 Originally is Senior Brother Chen.” “原来是陈师兄。” All people resign one to say. 所有人让出一条道。 Chen Yu brings Tu Zhixiang to enter Black Demon Valley then to discover that the atmosphere does not suit like preparation. 陈宇带着屠芷香进入黑魔谷便发现氛围不对劲像是在备战一样。 In front of some moment presents large quantities of troops. 某一刻前面出现大批人马。 Is the person of stature Kui shore head frowns cold Mu Black Armor aggressive military might Young Demon King Shen Ji. 为首之人身材魁岸横眉冷目一身黑色铠甲霸气威武正是小魔王申冀 What Chen Yu you come back is really time 陈宇你回来的真是时候啊” Shen Ji and Chen Yu maintain the certain distance desolate vision size up. 申冀陈宇保持一定的距离冷淡的目光打量过来。
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