EH :: Volume #7 神魔传说

#898: One the war raises the prestige

The fight is fast changing, suddenly, Long Chen was then flown by a Chen Yu boxing. 战斗瞬息万变,忽然的,龙辰便被陈宇一拳击飞。 This extremely towering. 这一幕太过突兀。 All around people, open mouth to hold the breath immediately, complete silence. 以至于四周众人,顿时张嘴屏息,鸦雀无声。 Properly speaking, even if Chen Yu takes the favorable position, by Long Chen Powerful Life Physique, impossible punching to fly by Chen Yu. 按理说,就算陈宇抢占先机,以龙辰强大生命体魄,也不可能被陈宇给揍飞。 But the fact puts at present. 但事实就摆在眼前。 By Long Chen Life Physique, «Murdering Heart Secret Art» can be effective as before!” “以龙辰生命体魄,《弑心诀》依旧能奏效!” The Chen Yu innermost feelings are pleasantly surprised. 陈宇内心惊喜。 The «Murdering Heart Secret Art» effect, will be different because of the enemy, the might has the weakness. 弑心诀》的功效,会因敌人不同,威力有强有弱。 For example enemy Physique Powerful, or has special Bloodline, has the guard card in a hand wait / etc.. 例如敌人体魄强大,或者身怀特殊血脉,具有护身底牌等等。 Long Chen belongs to Physique Powerful, a Bloodline also strong kind. 龙辰就属于体魄强大,血脉也强的一类。 Chen Yu displayed epicenter a moment ago checks, he felt that all of Long Chen within the body were disrupted, but also therefore received some injuries. 陈宇刚才施展“震心”的一刹,他感觉龙辰体内的一切都被打乱了,还因此受了些许伤势。 But also such one flickers, the Heart following adaptation of Long Chen, affects greatly reduces. 但也就那么一瞬,龙辰心脏后续适应,影响大大降低。 Gets sick to want him to assign while him. 趁他病要他命。 Moon Sword Finger! 太阴剑指 Quiet purple light arc grazes together, in a flash has delimited World, although not big power and influence, but made Long Chen feel the intense threat. 一道幽紫光弧飞掠而出,一晃间划过天地,虽没有多大威势,但却令龙辰感受到强烈威胁。 But at this moment his condition, is incapable of dodging. 但此刻他的状态,无力闪躲。 Whish! 哗! In the Moon Sword Finger hit Long Chen instance, his body surface white light blooms, is similar to white Sun that one round blasts open, inflates. 太阴剑指命中龙辰的瞬间,他体表白光绽放,如同一轮炸裂的白色太阳,膨胀开来。 Roar! 吼! The dragon roar is shocking, pure white Ruyu huge True Dragon, appears in World. 龙吼震天,一头洁白如玉的庞大真龙,出现在天地间。 The white dragon height more than 30 zhang (3.33 m), bathe in white Saint splendor Below, the power and influence shake eight sides. 白龙身长30多丈,沐浴在白色圣辉之下,威势震八方。 All around people innermost feelings are alarmed and afraid, body trembling cannot help but, as if must crawl in Saint Dragon Below. 四周众人内心惊惧,身体不由自主的抖瑟,仿佛要匍匐在圣龙之下 „Is this White Jade Saint Dragon?” “这就是白玉圣龙吗?” Long Ming and Long Yi stare are changing to main body Long Chen. 龙明龙易盯着化作本体的龙辰 They stem from White Jade Flood Dragon lineage/vein, but Long Chen the big opportunity, Bloodline further Returning Ancestor, the transformation is White Jade Saint Dragon. 他们都出自白玉蛟龙一脉,但龙辰得大机遇,血脉进一步返祖,蜕变为白玉圣龙 Is Holy Son, they in front of Long Chen, are actually nothing to speak. 同是圣子,他们两人在龙辰面前,却不值一提。 Turned into the dragon, change result!” “变成了龙,也改变不了结果!” Chen Yu cold snort|hum, does not fear, the fists and feet is uneven. 陈宇冷哼一声,丝毫不惧,拳脚齐出。 On the martial arts contest stage, Radiance four shoot. 比武台上,光芒四射。 A person of dragon, performs a Startling Heaven war. 一人一龙,上演惊天一战。 Dares with dragon fighting hand-to-hand! 敢与龙“肉搏”! The people thought that Chen Yu simply is not a person, perhaps compared with a dragon more fearful biology. 众人觉得,陈宇简直不是人,或许是比龙更可怕的生物。 Battles several moves, Long Chen is then weak, the pure white dragon body has many splattering blood. 交战十几招,龙辰便不支,洁白的龙躯有多处喷溅血液 A moment ago Chen Yu Moon Sword Finger hit Long Chen, the opposite party changed to the main body, has split up the injury of Moon Sword Finger, but had the wound as in the body. 刚才陈宇的“太阴剑指”已经命中龙辰,对方化作本体,分化了太阴剑指的伤害,但依旧有伤在身。 Long Chen changes to the main body, but is the multi- struggling moment, is incapable of changing the result. 龙辰化作本体,不过是多挣扎片刻,无力改变结局。 Some moment. 某一刻。 Thump! Thump! Thump! 咚!咚咚!咚咚咚! Chen Yu Mysterious Heart, enters Erupting Method. 陈宇神秘心脏,进入爆发法门 Defeat!” “败!” He gives a loud shout, soaring, a foot steps on fiercely under. 他大喝一声,腾飞而起,一脚猛踩而下。 This foot, integrated several points of Single Layer Stamping Sky flavor, the power and influence is full, Demon Intent is astonishing. 这一脚,融入了几分一重踏天的韵味,威势十足,魔意惊人。 Bang Bang! 轰砰! The huge Black foot shade is similar to a sturdy pillar, drops from the clouds, falls above the main item, falls from the sky bang it on the ground. 巨大的黑色脚影如同一根粗壮的柱子,从天而降,落在龙头之上,将其从天空轰落在地面。 The martial arts contest stage vibration, the dust is billowing. 比武台震动,尘埃滚滚。 White scale Man, whole body is bathed in blood, struggles to stand up. 一名白鳞男子,浑身浴血,挣扎站起。 I defeated!” “我败了!” Long Chen both eyes are somewhat vacant, unwilling [say / way]. 龙辰双目有些茫然,不甘的道。 In fact, when he was hit by Moon Sword Finger, then lost. 实际上,他被太阴剑指命中之时,便已经输了。 But he is unwilling, therefore appears main body, wants to reverse the victory and defeat. 但他不甘,于是显现本体,想要扭转胜负。 Under. 下方。 Long Ming and a Long Yi dazed appearance. 龙明龙易一副失魂落魄的样子。 Has defeated including Long Chen, is this possible? Is he a person?” “连龙辰都败了,这怎么可能?他还是人吗?” That is not Physique that Humanity has.” “那绝不是人类拥有的体魄。” Their startled nan talked to oneself. 两人惊喃自语。 Outside person has the person, Beyond Heaven has the day, today you have defeated, did not represent you from now henceforth to defeat.” “人外有人,天外有天,今日你败了,不代表你从今以后都败了。” In this time, together the sound of Hong Lang transmits, reverberation World. 就在此时,一道洪朗之音传来,回荡天地 In the distant place cloud layer, appears Nine Dragons Temple Monster Race Old Man. 远方云层中,显现出一名九龙圣殿妖族老者 Originally this duel, attracted the attention of King. 原来这一场决斗,吸引了王者的关注。 Supreme Elder!” 太上长老!” Long Ming and Long Yi bow politely immediately. 龙明龙易立即叩拜。 Long Chen has stood, the vision is limpid and firm: Long Chen records the Supreme Elder instruction sincerely.” 龙辰站了起来,目光清澈而坚定:“龙辰谨记太上长老教诲。” This child Physique power, is seriously astonishing, not only that he also harbors Inextinguishable Physique.” “此子的体魄力量,当真惊人,不仅如此,他还怀有不灭体质。” Nine Dragons Temple Supreme Elder sizes up Chen Yu slightly. 九龙圣殿太上长老微微打量陈宇 The Life Physique aspect, is the Long Chen superiority, but Chen Yu this aspect is fiercer, Long Chen restraining. 原本生命体魄方面,是龙辰的优势,但陈宇这方面更为厉害,将龙辰给克制住了。 Supreme Elder, if the life and death slaughters, how many odds of success I do have?” 太上长老,若是生死厮杀,我有多少胜算?” Long Chen passes message the inquiry. 龙辰传音询问。 The Nine Dragons Temple foundation is solid, the fight, Long Chen also had some maintaining life cards in a hand and taboo Secret Technique, has not displayed. 九龙圣殿底蕴深厚,刚才的战斗,龙辰还有保命底牌和一些禁忌秘术,并未施展。 „Not many......” “不多……” Supreme Elder shakes the head slightly, is unable to give the accurate answer. 太上长老微微摇头,无法给出准确答案。 He looked that does not pass Chen Yu, that war, Chen Yu had not displayed the limit a moment ago. 他看不太透陈宇,刚才那一战,陈宇也没有表现出极限。 In fact. 事实上。 This war, Chen Yu indeed is whets, stimulates Cultivation Advanced Rank, simultaneously tries «Murdering Heart Secret Art». 这一战,陈宇的确是来磨砺,刺激修为进阶,同时试试《弑心诀》。 He not from the beginning whole-heartedly , some cards in a hand have not displayed. 他并没有一开始就全力以赴,也有一些底牌没施展。 For example Battle Skill of Secret Mark Demon Body last Demon Mark correspondence...... 例如秘纹魔体最后一条魔纹对应的战技…… The fight had ended, the person has not diverged. 战斗已经结束,人还都没散去。 This fights very splendidly, finally is also big anticipation, even many people could not have thought through, how Long Chen loses to Chen Yu. 这一战十分精彩,结果也大出意料,甚至许多人还想不通,龙辰是如何败给陈宇的。 Not far away, Yin Changsan and the others the heart shocks has not dissipated. 不远处,阴常山等人心头震撼还没消散。 That war, Chen Yu before them, showed the fearful strength a moment ago, penetrated their innermost feelings. 刚才那一战,陈宇在他们面前,展现出可怕的实力,深入他们的内心。 Elder, the competition had ended, should begin.” 长老,比试已经结束了,该动手了。” A Yin Clan young humanity. 一名阴族年轻人道。 Yin Changsan has gawked staring, opens the mouth saying: Begins.” 阴常山愣了愣,开口道:“动手。” But nearby Guang Clan Blue Clothes woman cold snort|hum: Yin Changsan, haven't you seen that Jade Pendant? Also does the plan begin?” 但一旁广族蓝衣妇人冷哼一声:“阴常山,你没看见那枚玉佩吗?还打算动手?” Yin Changsan hesitated immediately. 阴常山顿时迟疑了。 When above issues exterminates the order of Meng Clan Traitor, including quite special orders. 上面下达清剿孟族叛贼的命令时,其中有一条较为特殊的命令。 That has half Jade Pendant Meng Clan, in exterminating range. 那就是拥有一块半边玉佩孟族,不在清剿范围内。 In the fight, Yin Changsan on the body of Chen Yu, saw that half Jade Pendant. 刚才的战斗中,阴常山陈宇的身上,看到了那半边玉佩 He wants to pretend not to know that first killed Chen Yu to say again. 他本想装作不知道,先杀了陈宇再说。 But the Guang Clan person said this point, he difficultly pretends not to know, otherwise disregards the above order. 广族的人说出了这一点,他就难装作不知道,否则就是无视上面的命令。 This matter when has not occurred, bye.” “这件事就当没发生过,再见。” The Blue Clothes woman leads the Guang Clan person to depart. 蓝衣妇人带着广族的人离去。 Elder, do we also begin?” 长老,我们还动手吗?” The Yin Clan young people do not know the details, inquired. 阴族年轻人不知详情,询问道。 Withdraw.” “撤。” Yin Changsan clenches jaws, the tooth that hates is itchy. 阴常山咬牙切齿,恨的牙痒痒。 Chen Yu is so miserable, this time he who he harms unites Guang Clan, actually the discovery cannot get rid to Chen Yu, was very depressed. 陈宇把他害的那么惨,这一次他联合广族,却发现不能对陈宇出手,别提有多么郁闷了。 In Yin Clan and the others prepared evacuation. 就在阴族等人准备撤离时。 Everybody, aren't you look my? Prepared to walk?” “各位,你们不是来找我的吗?怎么准备走了?” Chen Yu walks slowly, is bringing the happy expression start to talk. 陈宇缓缓走来,带着笑意开口。 He had discovered Yin Changsan and the others before, but these people very strange has not launched an attack to Chen Yu, this makes Chen Yu feel odd, therefore comes on own initiative the contact. 他之前就发现了阴常山等人,但这些人很奇怪的没有对陈宇发难,这让陈宇感到奇怪,于是主动过来接触。 By the Chen Yu present strength, does not fear Yin Changsan and the others. 陈宇如今的实力,也不惧阴常山等人。 Chen Yu, henceforth you and our Yin Clan, is mutually irregular.” 陈宇,从此你与我们阴族,互不相干。” Yin Changsan drinks one coldly, does not want to say one with Chen Yu. 阴常山冷喝一声,不想和陈宇多说一句。 This is not you decides.” “这可不是你说了算。” Chen Yu sneers, is passing the hostility. 陈宇冷笑一声,透着敌意。 He initially stubbornly was chased down by Yin Clan Powerhouse, although these people afterward died in Chen Yu, but this matter was not Yin Changsan said that ended. 他当初可是被阴族强者死死追杀,虽然这些人后来都死在陈宇手里,但这事也不是阴常山说完就完的。 Moreover Yin Changsan these words, making Chen Yu very curious. 而且阴常山这句话,令陈宇十分好奇。 Since Yin Clan in all directions has been searching the Meng Clan person, exerts its utmost to the person of Chen Yu this Main Clan, how to say this words? 一直以来,阴族都在四处搜查孟族的人,对陈宇这个主族之人更是势在必得,怎么会说出这种话? „Are you what kind of?” “你还想怎样?” Yin Changsan looks angrily at Chen Yu. 阴常山怒视陈宇 He does not want to see Chen Yu now, a few words does not want to say. 他现在不想见到陈宇,一句话也不想说。 May Chen Yu entangle him, made in the Yin Changsan heart the anger spout. 可偏偏陈宇缠着他,令阴常山心中怒火喷涌。 Words do not talk clearly, today do not want to leave, the words that is idling being all right easily, can accompany on the Dang martial arts contest stage to practice acquiring a skill.” “话不说清楚,今日别想轻易离开,闲着没事的话,可以陪我去比武台上练练手。” Chen Yu blocks in Yin Changsan and the others the front. 陈宇拦在阴常山等人的面前。 This moment Yin Clan person rare does not get rid to Chen Yu, Yin Changsan says that words, this made Chen Yu courageous. 此刻阴族的人罕见的不对陈宇出手,阴常山更是说出那种话,这使得陈宇胆子大了起来。 If before trading does, he such will not do. 若换做以前,他绝不会这么做。 The towering rage of person of air/Qi Yin Clan. 阴族之人一个个气的火冒三丈。 The solemn Yin Clan people, were blocked by Chen Yu here. 堂堂阴族众人,被陈宇拦在这里。 They do not dare with Chen Yu single Tiao, including Long Chen such Genius, to defeat in the Chen Yu hand, do they come up are not bring contempt upon oneself? If can gang up on, can try actually. 他们也不敢与陈宇单挑,连龙辰这样的天才,都败在陈宇手中,他们上去不是自取其辱吗?要是能群殴的话,倒是可以试试。 Really is a comet......” “真是个扫把星啊……” Stamping the feet of Yin Changsan air/Qi. 阴常山气的跺脚。 Told you also to might as well!” “告诉你也无妨!” Finally, he has compromised, really does not want to continue to pester with Chen Yu. 最终,他妥协了,实在不想与陈宇继续纠缠。 This is the above order, every time kills Meng Clan Traitor, has the corresponding reward, kills the Meng Clan Main Clan person, the reward are more, but the exception, that has this Jade Pendant person, cannot begin to him......” “这是上面的命令,每杀一个孟族叛贼,有相应的奖赏,杀孟族主族的人,奖励更多,但有一个例外,那就是身怀这枚玉佩的人,不能对他动手……” These contents, Yin Changsan is passes message informs. 这些内容,阴常山都是传音告知。 As for the specific reason, Yin Changsan is only Common Elder, is not clear. 至于具体原因,阴常山只是个普通长老,也不清楚。 Makes way!” “让开!” After saying, Yin Changsan atmosphere snort|hum, was leading the Yin Clan person, leaves this place. 说完之后,阴常山气氛的哼了一声,带着阴族的人,离开此地。 Chen Yu is lost in thought. 陈宇陷入沉思。 Before him knew that he guessed correctly something at this moment. 根据他以前得知的,此刻他已经猜出了一些事。 Originally, his half Jade Pendant, is not only a good treasure, is the status clue, is the identification, similarly is a charm amulet. 原来,他身上的半边玉佩,既是一件不俗的宝贝,也是身份线索,更是身份证明,同样还是一张护身符。 But this Jade Pendant, is his father, Noble Emperor Lord remains. 而这枚玉佩,是他的生父,青云帝主所留。 Noble Secret Place, is Noble Emperor Lord leaves his. 青云秘境,也是青云帝主留给他的。 In the dreamland of Accumulating life experience clue, that Mysterious Woman, sacrificed for the baby, making Chen Yu vibrate. 蕴含身世线索的梦境里,那神秘女子,为了婴儿牺牲自我,令陈宇震动。 If Noble Emperor Lord is Man in dreamland, he considers does, similarly also many. 青云帝主是梦境中的男子,他所考虑的所做的,同样也很多。 At this time, Ye Luofeng walked: You and do Yin Clan person have the contradiction?” 这时,叶珞凤走了过来:“你和阴族的人有矛盾?” „Some contradictions, were very difficult to explain Qing.” “有一些矛盾,很难解释清。” Chen Yu shakes the head slightly, he has not cleared off the mentality. 陈宇微微摇头,他自己也没理清思路。 I must leave Great Universe Alliance.” “我要离开大宇联盟了。” Ye Luofeng supple sound track. 叶珞凤柔声道。 Initially she followed Burning Sword King to arrive at Great Universe Alliance, Burning Sword King already departed, she using the reason of Cultivation, stayed here several months. 当初她跟随焚剑王来到大宇联盟,焚剑王早已离去,她借着修炼的理由,在这里呆了几个月之久。 The present is the War time, as a successor of Eight Swords Holy Sect ice sword lineage/vein, she also has the matter that must do. 如今是战争时期,作为八剑圣门冰剑一脉的传人,她也有必须要做的事。 Shortly, I return to South Region, when has been all right on hand, looks for you again.” “不久后,我回南域一趟,等手头没事了,再来找你。” Chen Yu sinking sound track. 陈宇沉声道。 Since previous time leaves Great Universe World, he has not returned to South Region. 自从上次离开大宇界,他就没有回过南域 Does not know the South Region battlefield, how the situation, the teacher same side in Black Demon Valley, had anything to change. 不知道南域战场,情况如何,黑魔谷里的师长同门,发生了什么变化。 Crowd disperse. 人群散去。 The Chen Yu prestige also spreads. 陈宇的威名也传开。 Accompanied Ye Luofeng on the 2nd, after she sends off, Chen Yu returns to Cave Mansion. 陪了叶珞凤两日,将她送走后,陈宇回到洞府 With a Long Chen wartime, his Cultivation is away from Space Ocean Boundary Late Stage Peak, was very near. 龙辰一战时,他的修为距离空海境后期巅峰,已经很近了。 Full that war hits, the bottleneck became less crowded much. 那一战打的酣畅淋漓,瓶颈松动了不少。 Now the Chen Yu plan in one vigorous effort , to promote Cultivation to Space Ocean Boundary Late Stage Peak. 如今陈宇打算一鼓作气,将修为提升到空海境后期巅峰 In Secret Room, Yun Qi tumbles, forms an vortex, continuous World Origin Energy floods into Chen Yu within the body. 密室内,云气翻滚,形成一个漩涡,源源不断的天地元气涌入陈宇体内。
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