EH :: Volume #7 神魔传说

#897: Fights Holy Son( asked monthly ticket)

Challenged?” “来挑战了吗?” Chen Yu light nan, goes out of outside Cave Mansion. 陈宇轻喃一声,走出洞府外。 He plans through the fight, stimulates the bottleneck on Cultivation. 他打算通过战斗,刺激修为上的瓶颈。 Simultaneously Chen Yu wants to try, effect of «Murdering Heart Secret Art» in actual combat. 同时陈宇想试一试,《弑心诀》在实战中的效果。 Came out!” “出来了!” Guts are really big, accepted the challenge of Long Chen unexpectedly.” “胆量果然大,竟接受了龙辰的挑战。” The appearance of Chen Yu, making outside discussion sound suddenly have. 陈宇的出现,令外面议论声顿起。 More people in observing Chen Yu and Long Chen, whose winning scope analyze between both sides to be big. 更多人则在观察陈宇龙辰,分析双方之间谁的赢面大。 The Chen Yu surface is calm, as deep as a well. 陈宇表面波澜不惊,难以捉摸。 Another side Long Chen, the imposing manner soars to the heavens, is similar to the Divine Dragon combat general, the power and influence is irresistible. 另一边的龙辰,气势冲天,如同神龙战将,威势不可阻挡。 Bloodline, Long Chen Bloodline further Returning Ancestor, by Life Physique, the Long Chen main body is White Jade Saint Dragon, by Cultivation, Chen Yu was bad a Long Chen big truncation, Chen Yu has not won the surface.” “论血脉,龙辰血脉进一步返祖,论生命体魄,龙辰本体是白玉圣龙,论修为,陈宇更是差了龙辰一大截,陈宇毫无赢面。” Some people draw the conclusion. 有人得出结论。 Chen Yu, suffices the guts.” 陈宇,够胆量。” Dares to accept the challenge of Your Highness Long Chen, your this breadth of spirit my Long Ming acknowledged that but the strength I had not acknowledged.” “敢接受龙辰殿下的挑战,你这份气魄我龙明承认,但实力我还不承认。” Long Ming and Long Yi two Holy Son called out immediately. 龙明龙易两名圣子顿时叫道。 Chen Yu looked that has not visited them, the vision falls on Long Chen, says with a smile: Happen, lacks one to practice acquiring a skill, I accept your challenge.” 陈宇看都没有看他们两个,目光落在龙辰身上,笑着道:“正好,缺一个练手的,我就接受你的挑战。” Extremely arrogant!” “狂妄!” Ignorant!” “无知!” Long Ming and Long Yi indignation did not shout to clear the way. 龙明龙易不忿喝道。 Chen Yu not only disregards them, spouted rhetoric facing Long Chen, said that Long Chen was only the practicing acquiring a skill object. 陈宇不仅无视他们,面对龙辰更是大放厥词,说龙辰只是练手对象。 Other people were also given startled heavy by the Chen Yu words. 其余人也被陈宇的话给惊的不轻。 Ha Ha!” “哈哈!” Long Chen laughs, Dragon recited spreads, the air shook. 龙辰大笑而起,龙吟传出,空气震荡。 He feels, Chen Yu with Eating God Feast time is the same, is so extremely arrogant and self-confident. 他感受到,陈宇食神宴的时候一样,还是那么的狂妄与自信。 Finished already nearly for ten years from Eating God Feast, the ten people on Top Rank seat, either the whereabouts was once unclear, either was surmounted by me, hopes that do not disappoint me.” “距离食神宴结束已快十年了,曾经上等席位上的十人,要么行踪不明,要么被我超越,希望你不要让我失望。” Long Chen gives a loud shout, the leap, directly soars a Great Universe Alliance martial arts contest stage. 龙辰大喝一声,飞跃而出,直奔大宇联盟的一座比武台。 The entire martial arts contest stage, looks like bevelled short peak, length and breadth thousand zhang (3.33 m). 整个比武台,就像是一座被削平的了矮峰,长宽千丈。 Some moment. 某一刻。 Two forms, leap to the both sides of martial arts contest stage. 两道身影,跃到比武台的两侧。 Quick, around martial arts contest stage, presents the scattered person's shadow. 很快,比武台四周,出现零零散散的人影。 Some corner, Yin Changsan and the others the forms appear. 某一角落,阴常山等人的身影出现。 This boy really accepted the challenge of Long Chen.” “这小子果然接受了龙辰的挑战。” Yin Changsan sneers. 阴常山冷笑一声。 „The Changshan brother predicts with great accuracy.” “常山兄真是料事如神。” That short temper high-level [say / way]. 那脾气暴躁的高层道。 He guessed that Chen Yu decides will not get rid, the possibility that after all loses is too big, does not need to do such matter of risk. 他原本猜测,陈宇定不会出手,毕竟输的可能性太大,没必要做这么冒险的事。 Yin Changsan had not said that by him the understanding Chen Yu, the opposite party is a bold fellow, was visited to challenge by Half-Step Congealing Star Boundary, how to reject. 阴常山没有多说,以他对陈宇的了解,对方就是一个胆大包天的家伙,被半步凝星境登门挑战,怎么会拒绝。 Side, a solemn simple and elegant Blue Clothes woman, said with a smile indifferently: Has not thought really that the Yin Clan person will look for our Guang Clan to collaborate unexpectedly.” 旁边,一名端庄素雅的蓝衣妇人,淡然笑道:“真没想到,阴族的人竟会找我们广族联手。” By the Blue Clothes woman, several men and women, each are extraordinary. 蓝衣妇人旁边,还有几名男女,各个气质不凡。 In world also has the matter that you cannot think.” “世上还有很多你想不到的事。” Yin Changsan smiled, does not want to say in this regard that shifts the topic: Later Long Chen and Chen Yu fight a decisive battle, whoever wins whom to lose, which the Chen Yu final condition good to not to go, when the time comes we get rid again.” 阴常山笑了笑,不想在这点上多说,转移话题道:“待会龙辰陈宇决战,无论谁胜谁负,陈宇最后的状态都不会好到哪去,到时候我们再出手。” Sky over the martial arts contest stage, two huge Will Aura collide in together, the wind and cloud wells up crazily, has bang the bang. 比武台上空,两股庞大的意志气息碰撞在一起,风云狂涌,发出轰隆巨响。 Suddenly. 忽然间。 Roar! 吼! Dragon Hou, vibrates World, the instantaneous bang disperses eight side dark clouds. 一声龙吼,震动天地,瞬间轰散八方乌云。 The Long Chen whole body blooming white light rosy cloud, whole body huge white light Dragon Ying ascends. 龙辰浑身绽放白色光霞,周身一条庞大的白光龙影升腾而起。 Bang! 轰! As soon as he fights with the fists, the white light blooms, with the gigantic dragon shade, arrives instantaneously. 他一拳打出,白光绽放,伴随着硕大的龙影,瞬间降临而来。 „A fist of Strong.” 好强的一拳。” All around people shock. 四周众人震撼。 Sudden attack of Long Chen, really shocks, that fearful dragon prestige, frightens broken sufficiently the courage of Low Rank Venerable. 龙辰的突然出击,实在震撼,那可怕的龙威,足以吓破一些低阶尊者的胆子。 Is a powerful enemy.” “是个强敌。” Chen Yu puts out several characters, immediately revolution Secret Mark Demon Body, the whole body becomes quiet black incomparable, Inscription sparkle. 陈宇吐出几个字,顿时运转秘纹魔体,浑身变得幽黑无比,铭文闪耀。 Demon Mark surges, the Returning to Heaven True Origin reassignment, Chen Yu does not draw back does not let, makes a fist directly. 魔纹涌动,归天真元调动而出,陈宇不退不让,正面打出一拳。 pang Bang! 嗙砰! That fearful white dragon light, attacks Chen Yu surface -, sends out bang that enlightens the benighted. 那可怕的白龙光影,冲击到陈宇,发出振聋发聩的巨响。 After black and white Yaoguang diverges, Chen Yu stands same place, has not moved Half-Step. 黑白耀光散去后,陈宇站立原地,没挪动半步 This command Long Ming and Long Yi are startled, a fist that Long Chen that made a moment ago suddenly, even if they, under keeping off that is also hard to be safe and sound. 这一幕令龙明龙易大为吃惊,龙辰刚才那突然打出的一拳,就算是他们,也难以安然无恙的挡下。 A moment ago that was only the probe, can keep off this to strike with ease, you were worth me putting out the true strength.” “刚才那只是试探,能够轻松挡下这一击,你值得我拿出真正实力。” Long Chen is very surprised, instead is somewhat inspired. 龙辰好不惊讶,反而有些振奋。 Now his Saint Dragon Physique, has to level off hilltops but actually the strength of sea, many enemies extinguishing kill by his Strong incomparable power. 如今他的圣龙体魄,拥有劈山倒海之力,不少敌人都是被他强悍无匹的力量给灭杀的。 But Chen Yu blocks that move that he attacks, Long Chen feels is not pure True Origin power, a reserved huge strength. 陈宇挡住他攻击的那招,龙辰感受到的不是纯粹的真元力量,还有一股内敛的庞大劲力。 Other lives approach Long Chen, will receive the suppression of his Physique, only Chen Yu, seems not affected. 其余生灵靠近龙辰,都会受到他体魄的压制,唯独陈宇,好似不受影响。 This makes Long Chen affirm that Chen Yu Physique is extraordinary. 这更让龙辰肯定,陈宇体魄非凡。 Long Chen no longer said that body surface white light is more abundant, the whole person by one group of white flowing light packages, is similar to the Saint Dragon combat general. 龙辰不再多说,体表白光更盛,整个人被一团白色流光包裹,如同圣龙战将。 Whiz! 嗖! The Long Chen leap, fist claw is uneven, white light blasting open, Dragon recited intermittently, swept away to go to Chen Yu. 龙辰飞跃而起,拳爪齐出,白光炸裂,龙吟阵阵,向陈宇横扫而去。 Chen Yu also no longer keeps the hand, Secret Mark Demon Body comprehensive activate, Physique power and Defense strength increases. 陈宇也不再留手,秘纹魔体全面催动,体魄力量防御力大增。 Bang! Bang! 嘭!嘭! Explodes void once more, after fighting two moves, two spoken parts colored light marks, have delimited the body of Chen Yu, leaves behind two bloodstains. 虚空再次爆炸,交手两招后,两道白色光痕,划过陈宇的身体,留下两道血痕。 Worthily is Long Chen, this just started, gets the winning side!” “不愧是龙辰,这才刚开始,就占据上风!” I look in 20 moves, Chen Yu must defeat.” “我看20招内,陈宇必败。” All around bystander discussed says with a smile. 四周围观者谈笑道。 Some people ridicule Chen Yu only to talk big, facing Long Chen, collapses at the first blow. 更有人讥讽陈宇只会说大话,面对龙辰,不堪一击。 However next quarter, the wound of Chen Yu body surface, rapid cicatrization. 然而下一刻,陈宇体表的伤口,飞速愈合。 All around this made person stare the big eye immediately, suspected whether one misread. 这一幕令四周之人顿时瞪大眼睛,怀疑自己是否看错。 It seems like has underestimated you.” “看来低估了你。” Chen Yu grins to smile, the beforehand practicing acquiring a skill mentality vanishes, fights intent to light. 陈宇咧嘴笑了笑,之前的练手心态消失,一股战意点燃。 The Long Chen main body is White Jade Saint Dragon, Saint Dragon power is how fearful, easily levelling off hilltops crushed stone. 龙辰的本体是白玉圣龙,圣龙力量是多么可怕,轻易劈山碎石。 Is Dragon Race Genius, the Long Chen strength, very Powerful. 身为龙族天才,龙辰的实力,十分强大 Own finds the excuse by mistake!” “不要给自己的误找借口!” Long Chen expression is desolate, opens the mouth proudly. 龙辰神色冷淡,傲然开口。 In his hand, concentrates suddenly the present Dragon Wen bone spear|gun, bringing the sharp glow to sweep away. 他的手中,忽然凝现一根龙纹骨枪,带着锋利之芒横扫而出。 ! 嗤嗤! That huge white dragon light, has the fearful penetrating power, passes through void, kills to Chen Yu. 那庞大的白龙光影,具备可怕的穿透力,贯穿虚空,杀向陈宇 But Chen Yu does not draw back instead enters, overran. 陈宇不退反进,冲了过去。 This makes the audiences Human Face dew shock, secret passage Chen Yu not awfully? 这一幕让众人面露震骇,暗道陈宇难道不要命了? Suddenly, Chen Yu body surface Demon Mark surges, among flies to run out of fuzzy Black Dragon Shadow, surrounds around Chen Yu, changes to the force to protect the shield at the same time. 忽然,陈宇体表魔纹涌动而起,其内飞冲出一条模糊的黑龙之影,环绕在陈宇四周,化作一面强力护盾。 Black Demon Protection Star! 黑魔护罡 The eighth article Battle Skill of Demon Mark correspondence, the Defense strength is astonishing. 第八条魔纹对应的战技,防御力惊人。 ! 蓬! Chen Yu hits the attack of Long Chen, pair of claws wields, that white dragon spear|gun shade tearing, approaches Long Chen to go. 陈宇撞击上龙辰的攻击,双爪一挥,将那白龙枪影给撕裂开来,逼近龙辰而去。 With the generation in dares with this Holy Son close combat, your actually First person.” “同代中敢与本圣子近战的,你倒是第一人。” Long Chen smiles one pale, caters to the meaning of Chen Yu, approaches on own initiative. 龙辰淡笑一声,迎合陈宇的意思,主动接近而来。 ! 蓬! They to a bang fist, black and white air wave blasting open, attack Four Directions, void seems shaking. 两人对轰一拳,黑白气浪炸裂,冲击四方,虚空仿佛都在震荡。 !! 噌!噌! Long Chen withdraws dozens steps, on the face is hanging the surprise. 龙辰退后数十步,脸上挂着诧异。 Feels the numb and aching and ache of arm, he realized that this is not own misconception. 感受到手臂的酸麻和疼痛,他意识到这不是自己的错觉。 He unexpectedly by the fist of Chen Yu repelling. 他竟被陈宇的拳头给击退了。 Sees only another side, above Chen Yu jet black Demon Body, outlined a blood Red strange design. 只见另一边,陈宇漆黑的魔体之上,勾勒出一副血红色诡异图案。 This is Blood Race Secret Technique, Blood Transformation Demon Body. 这正是血族秘术,血变魔体 Outside martial arts contest stage. 比武台外。 Long Chen was repelled!” 龙辰被击退了!” Chen Yu has repelled Long Chen unexpectedly directly, making him be injured.” 陈宇竟然正面击退了龙辰,让他受伤了。” The screams get up. 惊呼声起。 Long Ming and Long Yi opening mouth, is unbelievable. 龙明龙易张大嘴巴,难以相信。 This person is any Monstrous Talent, mortal body power unexpectedly so is fearful, can encounter with the Long Chen close combat.” “此人到底是什么妖孽,肉身力量竟如此可怕,能与龙辰近战交锋。” He is not our Nine Dragons Temple Dragon Race descendant.” “他不会是我们九龙圣殿龙族后代吧。” In two Holy Son hearts exclaimed in surprise. 两名圣子心中惊叹。 Bang!! 嘭!蓬! The bang sound suddenly has, sky over the martial arts contest stage, Chen Yu and Long Chen form encounters unceasingly, the chaotic wild energy, surges Four Directions. 巨响声顿起,比武台上空,陈宇龙辰的身影不断交锋,混乱狂暴的能量,激荡四方 Their forms, are gradually fuzzy, can only hear the startling thunderclap bang of that sound shaking eardrum, this is their collisions and confrontation. 两人的身影,渐渐模糊,只能听到那一声声震动耳膜的惊雷巨响,这是两人的碰撞与交锋。 Observing as if dumbfounded. 观战者仿佛都呆住了。 No one has thought that this showdown can be evenly matched, is so intense, is close. 谁都没想到,这场对决会是势均力敌,如此激烈,难分胜负。 Comes again!” “再来!” Chen Yu is outspoken, each fist transfers power of whole body, falls in torrents. 陈宇毫无保留,每一拳都调动出全身的力量,倾泻而出。 But Long Chen also more hits the heart startled, by own Physique power, can't have slightly the superiority unexpectedly? Actually is he what freak? 龙辰也是越打越心惊,以自己的体魄力量,竟占不到丝毫优势?他究竟是什么怪胎? If before trading does not to have Breakthrough, Long Chen only feared that has defeated in the hand of Chen Yu. 若是换做没有突破之前,龙辰只怕已经败在陈宇的手里。 „It is not wonderful, his Physique is special, the body does not have many injuries unexpectedly.” “不妙,他的体质特殊,身上竟没多少伤势。” The Long Chen vision concentrates, thinks that one Physique in Legend, agrees with the Chen Yu situation. 龙辰目光一凝,想到传说中的一种体质,与陈宇的情况十分吻合。 Blood Transformation Demon Body is unendurable, must use other Method.” 血变魔体不能持久,需动用其它手段了。” Chen Yu is also observing Long Chen. 陈宇也在观察龙辰 The opposite party strength, can place on a par with Blood Race Young Ancestor. 对方的实力,能与血族少祖相提并论。 Chen Yu Mysterious Heart, has the restraint to Blood Race, but has not restrained to Long Chen. 陈宇神秘心脏,对血族有克制,但对龙辰没有克制。 Sun Sword Finger! Lesser Yang Sword Finger! 阳明剑指少阳剑指 The Chen Yu offensive changes suddenly, two direct. 陈宇攻势突变,两指点出。 Void, blood light blasting open, changes to thick thin two Blood Flame light beams, explodes to shoot. 虚空中,血光炸裂,化作一粗一细两道血焰光柱,爆射而出。 Whiz! 嗖! Long Chen flies to draw back, was abraded by two Sword Finger as before, burns down two Blood and Flesh. 龙辰飞退,依旧被两道剑指擦伤,烧掉两块血肉 Meanwhile, Long Chen fought back, his forehead changes to the True Dragon appearance, on two Dragon Horn, the white light is radiant, bursts out intense Spirit power. 但同时,龙辰发起了反击,他的头部化作真龙模样,两根龙角上,白光璀璨,迸发出强烈的精神力量 ! 咻! The pure white light beam flies to shoot together, changes to an illusory white dragon, brings to absorb person heart and soul Dragon to recite, direct impact Chen Yu. 一道洁白光柱飞射而出,化作一条虚幻的白龙,带着摄人心魄的龙吟,直冲陈宇而来。 Spirit attack! 精神攻击! Long Chen Cultivation Half-Step Congealing Star, this Spirit attack, the Accumulating Powerful dragon prestige, approaches the Spirit attack of King Level together, even if Fixing Soul Bead May not keep off safely. 龙辰修为半步凝星,这一道精神攻击,蕴含强大龙威,逼近王者层次精神攻击,就算是【定魂珠】也不一定能安然挡下。 Buzz! 嗡! Half Jade Pendant that Chen Yu wears along, releases one group of pure white holy Halo, covers him. 陈宇随身佩戴的半边玉佩,释放出一团洁白圣洁的光晕,将他笼罩。 When the illusory white dragon impact comes, by that pure white Halo, was counter-balanced 30%-40% might. 虚幻白龙冲击而来时,被那洁白的光晕,抵消三四成的威力。 In addition Fixing Soul Bead Defense ability, Spirit attack of Long Chen fermentation, already difficult wound to Chen Yu. 再加上【定魂珠】的防御能力,龙辰酝酿的精神攻击,已经难伤到陈宇 That Jade Pendant......” “那块玉佩……” Yin Changsan that the one side observes, the vision stares suddenly, is out of sorts short. 一旁观战的阴常山,目光忽然一愣,短暂失神。 In this time, Chen Yu fought back, drives a black and white Dragon's Tail, approaches Long Chen. 就在此时,陈宇发起了反击,拖动一条黑白龙尾,逼近龙辰 Before both shake hardly strike. 就在两者硬撼一击之前。 Murdering Heart Secret Art epicenter! 弑心诀・震心! Thump! Thump! Thump! Thump! 咚!咚!咚!咚! The Chen Yu Heart beat rhythm changes suddenly, sends out just likes beats a drum the deafening sound, transmits strength of the strange and intense vibration, covers on the body of Long Chen. 陈宇心脏的跳动节奏忽然改变,发出犹如擂鼓般的震响,传递出一股奇异而强烈的震动之力,笼罩在龙辰的身上。 How......” “怎么……” Long Chen facial color changing suddenly, Heart as if suddenly had been pounded by the hammer, the whole body trembles, Energy and Blood and Half-Step Origin Power disorder. 龙辰面色陡变,心脏仿佛忽然被锤子砸了,浑身一颤,气血半步元力紊乱。 originally injured he, the corners of the mouth splash immediately several blood. 本就受伤的他,嘴角顿时溅出几丝血液 In this time, a Chen Yu fist arrives. 就在此时,陈宇一拳降临而来。 Long Chen transfers Half-Step Origin Power and Physique power once again, eventually was late Half-Step. 龙辰再度调动半步元力体魄力量,终究是晚了半步 ! 蓬! The Exploding sound gets up, the blood wind splashes together, the Long Chen form, flying upside down goes backward. 爆裂声响起,一道血液飙溅而出,龙辰的身影,向后倒飞而去。
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