EH :: Volume #7 神魔传说

#896: The strength enters greatly

Long Ming and Long Yi two Holy Son have smiled. 龙明龙易两位圣子不由笑了起来。 Obtains Eating God Feast opportunity Long Chen, is really unusual. 得到食神宴机遇的龙辰,果然非同一般。 Space Ocean Boundary Late Stage Peak, can cut to kill Half-Step Congealing Star Boundary, when his Breakthrough Half-Step Congealing Star Boundary, the strength will go to what situation? 空海境后期巅峰,就能斩杀半步凝星境,等他突破半步凝星境,实力又会达到何种地步? Thinks of here, two big Holy Son are startled on some hearts. 想到这里,两大圣子就有些心惊。 Although they envy Long Chen, but after is the consanguinity, compares Below, the Chen Yu beforehand slapping the face behavior, making them feel urgently the shame. 他们虽嫉妒龙辰,但毕竟是同族,相较之下,陈宇之前的打脸行为,令他们倍感羞辱。 Walks, with.” “走,跟上去。” „The Long Chen future is limitless, he now is only 58 years old, immediately must achieve Half-Step Congealing Star Boundary, is really fearful!” 龙辰前途不可限量啊,他如今才58岁吧,马上就要达到半步凝星境,实在是可怕!” Manner of two big Holy Son to Long Chen, from had the change at heart. 两大圣子龙辰的态度,从心里发生了变化。 What made their happy was, as if not need many instigations, Long Chen to look for the trouble of Chen Yu. 令他们高兴的是,似乎不用过多的挑拨,龙辰就会去找陈宇的麻烦。 Two Holy Son follow Long Chen, completely had forgotten before Elder Bai departs, urged them do not offend the advice of Chen Yu. 两位圣子跟上龙辰,全然忘记了白长老离去前,叮嘱他们不要得罪陈宇的忠告。 Long Chen in War Palace, has exchanged the huge contribution with Fighting Merit. 龙辰战殿,用战功兑换了庞大的贡献。 In order to attack Half-Step Congealing Star Boundary, he arrives at the Treasure palace, has exchanged several types of rare miracle cures and Rare Material. 为了冲击半步凝星境,他来到珍宝殿,兑换了几样稀有灵丹和珍材 Another side, in a garret. 另一边,一间阁楼内。 Yin Clan Three Great Half-Step Congealing Star Boundary, gets together in this place. 阴族三大半步凝星境,齐聚此地。 They already arrived here, but after hearing the Chen Yu merit, has not begun. 他们早就来到了这里,但听闻陈宇的功绩后,迟迟没有动手。 What to do now should?” “如今该怎么办?” Was inferior...... Goes back?” “不如……回去?” Two sounds resound. 两道声音响起。 No, cannot go back!” “不,不能回去!” Yin Changsan shouted to clear the way immediately. 阴常山立即喝道。 First he defeats in the Chen Yu hand twice, loses two big Half-Step Congealing Star Boundary Expert. 前两次他败在陈宇手中,损失两大半步凝星境高手 This time, their Three Great Half-Step Congealing Star Boundary far away catches up, if like this runs, to degenerate into other people's laughingstock. 这一次,他们三大半步凝星境大老远的赶来,如果就这样跑回去,岂不是沦为他人的笑柄。 „The Chen Yu success you have to hear, he has killed Half-Step Congealing Star Boundary, heard that he is also on good terms with Burning Sword King, perhaps here also has the Black Demon Valley high level, how should we cope with him?” 陈宇的战绩你又不是没听说过,他可是杀过半步凝星境,听说他还跟焚剑王交好,这里说不定也有黑魔谷的高层,我们该如何对付他?” Yin Clan female high-level [say / way]. 阴族女高层道。 Although Yin Clan buckle over two Half-Step Congealing Star Boundary in the Chen Yu hand, but looks like in Yin Changsan, that is not Chen Yu to kill, there are many other factors. 阴族虽在陈宇手中折损过两名半步凝星境,但在阴常山看来,那都算不上陈宇杀死的,有诸多其它因素。 But some people personally see Chen Yu to strike to kill Half-Step Congealing Star Boundary in the battlefield. 但这一次有人亲眼见陈宇在战场上击杀半步凝星境 In addition, Chen Yu makes the great merit, but also was granted War Command. 除此之外,陈宇立下大功,还被赏赐了“战令”。 This child, if not for obtains the Eating God Feast opportunity, how to have such ability.” “此子若不是得到食神宴的机遇,怎会有如此能耐。” The high level of that short temper shouted to clear the way. 那脾气暴躁的高层喝道。 In this time, young Woman walked. 就在此时,一名年轻女子走了进来。 Three Elder, the younger generation obtains the news, Nine Dragons Temple Holy Son Long Chen, as if prepares and Chen Yu duel......” “三位长老,晚辈得到消息,九龙圣殿圣子龙辰,似乎准备与陈宇决斗……” Young Woman respectful [say / way]. 年轻女子恭敬道。 Three Elder looked, in secret exchange. 三位长老看了过来,暗中交流。 Holy Son Long Chen, Nine Dragons Temple Heaven's Proud, the crest of wave heyday, in the South Region battlefield, killed the enemy recently innumerably. 圣子龙辰,九龙圣殿天骄,最近风头极盛,在南域战场上,杀敌无数。 Long Chen on the battlefield less than two years, now Contribution List Ranking 14, can be inferred. 龙辰才上战场两年不到,如今贡献榜排名14,可见一斑。 Moreover, the younger generation contacted with the Guang Clan person.” “另外,晚辈联系到了广族的人。” Young Woman also said. 年轻女子又道。 Guang Clan, one of the Six Great Medieval Clan, just like their Yin Clan, presents the above order, exterminates Meng Clan Traitor. 广族,六大中古氏族之一,跟他们阴族一样,也是奉上面的命令,清剿孟族叛贼 Had known all of a sudden two good news, the Yin Changsan three people, the brow to stretch immediately. 一下子得知了两个好消息,阴常山三人,顿时眉头舒展。 ...... …… In Cave Mansion. 洞府内。 Chen Yu Secret Mark Demon Body, just Breakthrough small Level. 陈宇秘纹魔体,刚突破一个小层次 On he quiet black Demon Body, has covered entirely Inscription, seems somewhat fierce fearful, but gives people a neat feeling, as if has some marvelous Profound Essence. 他幽黑的魔体上,布满了铭文,看上去有些狰狞可怕,但又给人一种规整感,仿佛具备某种奇妙的奥理 By my present Physique power, shakes the attack of Space Ocean Boundary Late Stage Peak sufficiently hardly!” “以我如今的体魄力量,足以硬撼空海境后期巅峰的攻击!” The Chen Yu double fist grasps, is feeling within the body infinite power. 陈宇双拳一握,感受着体内无穷的力量 On Defense, his Physique, Middle Rank Inextinguishable Body , Space Ocean Boundary Late Stage Peak, being hard injures him in addition slightly. 防御,他的体魄,加上中等不灭体,空海境后期巅峰,难以伤他丝毫。 If counted other factors again, even if the attack of Half-Step Congealing Star Boundary, no longer has the threat to Chen Yu. 如果再算上其它因素,就算是半步凝星境的攻击,对陈宇来说也不再具备威胁。 After Secret Mark Demon Body Breakthrough. 秘纹魔体突破后。 Chen Yu focuses on other aspects. 陈宇将注意力放在其他方面。 Spirit Boundary aspect, Blood Star Holy Pill to my use, getting smaller......” 精神境界方面,血星圣丹对我的用处,越来越小……” Chen Yu from pale Silver Crystal Body Space, puts out Blood Star Holy Pill. 陈宇从淡银晶体空间,拿出血星圣丹 It is similar to glittering and translucent carving Stars, the static float midair, reflects the radiant blurred Scarlet brilliance. 它如同一颗晶莹剔透的星辰,静静悬浮半空,折射出璀璨迷离的血色光辉。 Person, how long could not want, you can take me, Breakthrough Boundary.” “人,要不了多久,您就可以服用我,突破境界了。” Pill Spirit excited [say / way]. 丹灵激动的道。 „......” “……” The Chen Yu forehead emits several heavy lines. 陈宇额头冒出几条黑线。 Must be eaten so was happy. 要被吃了还这么高兴。 However what Pill Spirit said is real, Blood Star Holy Pill affects to his Auxiliary, is getting more and more low, how long but could not want, he then can take this pill, increased the Breakthrough Congealing Star Boundary possibility. 不过丹灵说的是真,血星圣丹对他的辅助作用,越来越低,但要不了多久,他便可以服用此丹,增加突破凝星境的可能。 On the value, Blood Star Holy Pill may want high many compared with Meteor Pill. 论价值,血星圣丹可比飞星丹要高的多。 In the Treasure palace, the Meteor Pill value 1 million contributions, look like in Chen Yu, the Blood Star Holy Pill value, said the non- definite value 3 million contributions. 珍宝殿,飞星丹价值1000000贡献,在陈宇看来,血星圣丹的价值,说不定值3000000贡献。 Using Blood Star Holy Pill, after promoting Spirit Boundary, Chen Yu then starts Cultivation Battle Skill, both do alternately. 利用血星圣丹,提升精神境界后,陈宇便开始修行战技,两者交叉进行。 Thump! Thump! Thump! Thump! 咚!咚!咚!咚! Mysterious Heart enters strange beat condition, although the beat is slow, but each beat, as if beats a drum general, as if there is thunderous body to spread, is low and deep and intense. 神秘心脏进入奇怪的跳动状态,跳动虽缓慢,但每一次跳动,仿佛擂鼓一般,仿佛有雷鸣之身传出,低沉而强烈。 «Murdering Heart Secret Art» Cultivation, steady, has not had any problem. 弑心诀》的修炼,平平稳稳,没有出现什么问题。 Special solution of previous compound, does not have the use to Mysterious Heart. 上一次配制的特殊药液,对神秘心脏没有用处。 This proof, «Murdering Heart Secret Art» following Cultivation, Chen Yu did not need to prepare the Auxiliary solution. 这证明,《弑心诀》后面的修行,陈宇也不用去准备辅助药液了。 This is a good news, has saved large quantities of Cultivation resources. 这是一个好消息,节省了一大批修炼资源。 Cultivation «Murdering Heart Secret Art» Time, Murdering Heart Secret Art four, now Chen Yu has also been in First level Small Completion Boundary. 修炼弑心诀》也有一段时间了,弑心诀共四层,如今陈宇处于第一小成境界 How as for the might, currently not to have the actual combat, is unknown. 至于威力如何,目前还没有实战,不得而知。 ...... …… After Cultivation several day, Chen Yu leaves Cave Mansion. 修行几日后,陈宇离开洞府 Ye Luofeng comes, they enjoying the beauties of nature in Great Universe Alliance, Very Envious innumerable Man. 叶珞凤如约而至,两人在大宇联盟内“游山玩水”,羡煞无数男子 Is Chen Yu, has captured the Ice Lotus Fairy heart!” “就是陈宇,俘获了冰莲仙子的芳心!” Yeah, Chen Yu Contribution List Ranking third, has saying that they match certainly.” “哎,陈宇贡献榜排名第三,不得不说,两人是绝配。” I look not necessarily, Contribution List third, can say his strength, Ranking third under Congealing Star King?” “我看不一定,难道贡献榜第三,就能说他的实力,在凝星王者排名第三吗?” Nobody can affirm that the Great Universe World crouching tiger , hidden dragon, does not know many Genius, was stopped up in Congealing Star Boundary Below, some even stayed hundred years in Half-Step Congealing Star Boundary, its strength inside story, is not common Half-Step Congealing Star Boundary can compare. 没人敢肯定,大宇界卧虎藏龙,不知多少天才,被堵在凝星境之下,有的甚至在半步凝星境停留了百年之久,其实力底蕴,已不是寻常半步凝星境能够相比。 I listened to Nine Dragons Temple Holy Son saying that after Long Chen went out, will challenge Chen Yu, when the time comes you know, Contribution List third, did not have any Extraordinary.” “我听九龙圣殿圣子说,龙辰出关之后,就会挑战陈宇,到时候你们就会知道,贡献榜第三,也没什么了不起了。” Holy Son Long Chen, indeed is in Great Universe World this generation Innate Talent generation extremely.” 圣子龙辰,的确是大宇界这一代中天资绝顶之辈。” Although Chen Yu has not paid attention to other people's discussions, but the ear listened to many discussions. 陈宇虽没理会其他人的议论,但耳朵还是将诸多议论听了进去。 Long Chen?” 龙辰?” Chen Yu has impression to this person. 陈宇对这个人有印象。 Eating God Feast, the performance of Long Chen was very initially conspicuous, defeats Thunder Young Master Duan Xiao, sat the Top Rank seat. 当初食神宴,龙辰的表现十分惹眼,击败雷霆公子段啸,坐上上等席位。 After using the Food God cooked food, the benefit that Long Chen obtains is bigger, far supernormal person. 使用食神菜肴后,龙辰获得的裨益更大,远超常人。 Now Long Chen grows to any situation, Chen Yu is not clear. 如今龙辰成长到什么地步,陈宇并不清楚。 Must challenge itself regarding Long Chen, he is not strange. 对于龙辰要挑战自己,他也并不奇怪。 Genius vies for supremacy to try to outdo others. 天才都争强好胜。 Initially on Eating God Feast, they had not encountered, now bumps into once more, is a fate. 当初食神宴上,两人没有交锋,如今再次碰上,也算是一种缘分。 „Will you accept his challenge?” “你会接受他的挑战吗?” Ye Luofeng asked that she believed the Chen Yu strength. 叶珞凤问道,她相信陈宇的实力。 However Holy Son Long Chen, is prestige broadcasts, becomes this Era, eminents in many Genius. 不过圣子龙辰,也是威名远播,成为这一个时代,诸多天才中的翘楚。 That must look at the Long Chen luck, if he goes out earlier, perhaps also has fights.” “那要看龙辰的运气了,他要是早点出关,或许还有得一战。” Chen Yu smiled. 陈宇笑了笑。 He stays in Great Universe Alliance, goal is Breakthrough Space Ocean Boundary Late Stage Peak. 他呆在大宇联盟,目的是突破空海境后期巅峰 Once succeeds, he will not be waiting in this. 一旦成功,他也不会在这干等着。 ...... …… Third Top Level Space Origin Pill!” “第三颗顶级空元丹!” Chen Yu takes out Medicine Pill, swallows under. 陈宇取出一枚丹药,吞服而下。 Two Top Level Space Origin Pill of previous purchase, Chen Yu took. 上次购买的两颗顶级空元丹,陈宇已经服用。 Three months pass by, in this period Chen Yu Cultivation had striven some, but the progress is slow, he has exchanged two grains of Top Level Space Origin Pill. 三个月过去,期间陈宇修为精进了些许,但进步缓慢,他才又兑换了两粒顶级空元丹 Top Level Space Origin Pill value 30,000 contributions, to common Space Ocean Boundary Late Stage, have calculated that was very precious. 一颗顶级空元丹价值30000贡献,对寻常空海境后期来说,已算十分珍贵了。 Takes the Medicine Pill instance, Chen Yu then revolution «Six Origin Returning to Heaven Technique» Heart Technique. 服用丹药的瞬间,陈宇便运转《六元归天功》的心法 Top Level Space Origin Pill under the function of Mysterious Heart, does not reveal was absorbed rapidly. 顶级空元丹神秘心脏的作用下,丝毫不露的被迅速吸收。 His True Origin sea, the tumbling, the whitecap is dreadful. 他的真元海,翻滚而起,白浪滔天。 In this period. 期间。 Chen Yu combustion Energy and Blood, displays the Blood Spirit Body special capability , to promote the Spirit Body intelligence, the increasing absorption World Origin Energy speed as well as the Cultivation speed. 陈宇燃烧气血,发挥血灵体的特殊能力,提升灵体资质,增加吸收天地元气的速度以及修炼速度。 Sees only in Cave Mansion, takes Chen Yu as Center, forms a huge Yun Qi vortex. 只见洞府内,以陈宇中心,形成一个庞大的云气漩涡。 World Origin Energy outside Cave Mansion was also affected, the accumulation goes inward. 洞府之外的天地元气也受到影响,向内聚集而去。 This caused that the bystander is shocked. 这一幕引得外人震惊。 But quick, the phenomenon then vanished. 但很快,异象便消失了。 The Blood Spirit Body characteristics, cannot continue for a long time, otherwise to Chen Yu itself harmful. 血灵体的特性,并不能长久持续,否则对陈宇本身有害。 , The Top Level Space Origin Pill drug efficacy also all was absorbed gradually. 渐渐的,顶级空元丹的药效也全被吸收。 After three day, Chen Yu has opened the bright double pupil. 三日后,陈宇睁开了明亮的双眸。 Also misses one step, Talent arrives in Late Stage Peak.” “还差一步,才能抵达后期巅峰。” Chen Yu sighed one, is not impatient. 陈宇叹了一声,并不心急。 His Cultivation speed, has sufficed quickly. 他的修炼速度,已经够快了。 Like Space Ocean Boundary Late Stage of this age, is basically difficult to discover Second. 像他这个年纪的空海境后期,基本上都难找出第二个。 It seems like I was too anxious.” “看来我还是太急了。” Chen Yu no longer thinks, Cultivation has «Murdering Heart Secret Art». 陈宇不再多想,又修炼起《弑心诀》。 The Cultivation aspect, has not achieved the expectation of Chen Yu. 修为方面,没达到陈宇的期望。 But «Murdering Heart Secret Art» has given the happiness of Chen Yu accident. 但《弑心诀》给了陈宇一个意外之喜。 Thump! Thump! 咚!咚! Slow beat Heart, suddenly fierce shakes, that beat is especially powerful, interval of ordinary resounding one time vibration. 缓慢跳动的心脏,忽然猛的一震,那跳动格外有力,震动之音比平常响亮一倍。 «Murdering Heart Secret Art» First level Great Completion!” “《弑心诀第一大成!” The Chen Yu innermost feelings are joyful. 陈宇内心欣喜。 At this moment, nearby Chen Yu Cave Mansion has person, within the body Heart fierce jumps. 这一刻,陈宇洞府附近有人,体内心脏猛的一跳。 What's the matter......” “怎么回事……” That person frightens in same place, whole body shivers. 那人惊吓在原地,浑身颤抖。 A moment ago at that moment, as if some people maliciously hammered his Heart to be ordinary with the fist. 刚才那一刻,仿佛有人用拳头狠狠锤击了他的心脏一般。 All around the discovery does not have other people, he felt that some gloomy terrors, fast depart. 发现四周没有其他人,他感到有些阴森恐怖,飞快离去。 In this time. 就在此时。 Nine Dragons Temple three Holy Son arrive. 九龙圣殿三名圣子到来。 Chen Yu, on Eating God Feast, your I have not fought, today meets in Great Universe Alliance, comes out to fight with me!” 陈宇,食神宴上,你我没有交手,今日在大宇联盟相遇,出来与我一战!” Long Chen bellows, airborne hidden has Dragon Yin to reverberate. 龙辰大吼一声,空中隐有龙吟回荡。 His body surface blooming white light, the whole person appears holy incomparable, actually sends out fearsome dragon prestige, along with every action and every movement dispersing, startled ghost other people. 他体表绽放白光,整个人显得圣洁无比,却又散发出可怖龙威,随着一举一动散开,惊煞旁人。 Chen Yu, has the skill to come out with a Holy Son war!” 陈宇,有本事出来与圣子一战!” Contribution List third, does not represent your strength, before Your Highness Long Chen, your anything is not.” 贡献榜第三,不代表你实力强,在龙辰殿下面前,你什么都不是。” Long Ming and Long Yi continually provoke. 龙明龙易不断挑衅。 Chen Yu does not accept a challenge, they do not have idea, therefore can only enrage Chen Yu, compelling him to go to battle. 陈宇不应战,他们也没辙,所以只能激怒陈宇,逼其出战。 Appearance of Three Great Holy Son, brings in some bystanders. 三大圣子的现身,引来一些围观者。 Several months ago, some people heard that Long Chen must challenge Chen Yu, knew the person who news also immediately catches up. 早在几个月前,就有人听说龙辰要挑战陈宇,得知消息的人也是立即赶来。 Looks at the Long Chen appearance, it seems like it was Breakthrough Half-Step Congealing Star Boundary!” “看龙辰的样子,看来是突破半步凝星境!” „Before Long Chen does not have Breakthrough, then cuts to kill Half-Step Congealing Star Boundary Monster Race, now Cultivation Breakthrough, his strength does not know that goes to any situation!” 龙辰没有突破之前,便斩杀过半步凝星境妖族,如今修为突破,他的实力不知达到什么地步!” „Will Chen Yu accept a challenge?” 陈宇会应战吗?” In people opinion, Chen Yu has no reason to accept a challenge, especially Long Chen Breakthrough Half-Step Congealing Star Boundary, the strength increases! 在众人看来,陈宇没有理由应战,特别是龙辰突破半步凝星境,实力大增!
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