EH :: Volume #7 神魔传说

#895: Long Chen war intent

Silver metal Commanding Plate, falls in the Chen Yu hand, Commanding Plate Center inscribes one war character. 一枚银色金属令牌,落在陈宇手中,令牌中心刻有一个“战”字。 Only is the person who Great Universe Alliance makes great merit, may be granted War Command, this is the symbol of status glory.” “只有为大宇联盟立下大功的人,才有可能被赏赐战令,这是身份荣耀的象征。” I hear so far, person who entire Great Universe World, King Below, has War Command, not over six.” “我听说目前为止,整个大宇界,王者之下,拥有战令的人,也不超过六个。” Ye Luofeng is also staring at War Command in Chen Yu hand. 叶珞凤也盯着陈宇手中的战令 Burning Sword King walked, here only remaining they. 焚剑王已走,这里只剩下他们二人。 Chen Yu hugged in the hand that Ye Luofeng carries on the back, slips into on the slender willow waist, embraces slightly to oneself, Ye Luofeng then takes advantage of opportunity by his shoulder. 陈宇原本搂在叶珞凤背上的手,滑到纤细的柳腰上,微微揽向自己,叶珞凤便顺势靠在他的肩膀上。 At present the scenery is beautiful, the smoke cloud winds around, the light rosy cloud is radiant, just likes the fairyland. 眼下景色秀丽,烟云缭绕,光霞璀璨,犹如仙境。 In this fairyland visionally, as if only then they, Time also seems the coagulation in this moment. 这片梦幻般的仙境中,仿佛只有他们二人,时间也好似凝固在这一刻。 However, this is only their fantasies. 不过,这只是他们的幻想。 Here is Great Universe Alliance, can enter here person not to be many, but is counted other entire Great Universe World and small World Plane, calculated ten points of many. 这里是大宇联盟,能进入这里的人不多,但算上整个大宇界和其他小界面,也算十分之多了。 Not far away, several sounds broke from out of the blue tranquilly. 不远处,几道破空声打破了宁静。 Well? Isn't that Ice Lotus Fairy in East Region battlefield?” “咦?那不是东域战场上的冰莲仙子?” Really is!” “果然是!” But Ice Lotus Fairy does Ye Luofeng depend on the shoulders of other Man? Is this at the appointment?” “可冰莲仙子叶珞凤怎么靠在其它男子的肩膀上?这是在约会?” Witnesses this person, immediately is brokenhearted place. 目睹此幕之人,顿时心碎一地。 „It is not good, who I must experience this person am, can obtain the favor of Ice Lotus Fairy unexpectedly.” “不行,我要见识一下此人是谁,竟能得到冰莲仙子的青睐。” Wears blue Armor, military might uncommon Man, enraged [say / way]. 一名身穿蓝色铠甲,威武不凡的男子,气冲冲的道。 Other how many people with, them are also also curious, with Ye Luofeng stays together actually Man is who? 其余几人也跟上来,他们也好奇,和叶珞凤呆在一起的男子究竟是谁? The Armor Man stride walks, wear a look of hostility, vision centralized on Chen Yu. 铠甲男子大步走去,面带敌意,目光集中在陈宇身上。 Along with nearness, he sees the Chen Yu profile gradually. 随着靠近,他渐渐看到陈宇的侧脸。 This person...... Somewhat familiar......” “这个人……有些熟悉……” In the Armor Man heart suddenly has uneasy. 铠甲男子心中忽然有种不安感。 When he approaches several steps, the Armor Man whole body fine hair starts, suddenly remembers Rumor that oneself heard recently, related Contribution List third Rumor. 当他又走近几步时,铠甲男子浑身汗毛乍起,忽然想起自己最近听说的一个传闻,有关贡献榜第三的传闻 Whiz! 嗖! Only hears the sound of gust eating delicacies, Armor Man to withdraw rapidly, hides distant. 只听见一阵风啸之声,铠甲男子飞速退后,躲的远远的。 This mouse sees the appearance of cat, making other people to be startled. 这副老鼠看见猫的样子,令其余人大为吃惊。 He is Chen Yu......” “他是陈宇……” Armor Man passes message tells several other people. 铠甲男子传音告诉另外几人。 Immediately, all people are fearful and apprehensive, fast withdrawal. 顿时,所有人心惊胆跳,飞快撤走。 You determined that is Chen Yu?” “你确定是陈宇?” This is a ruthless person, heard that he has exchanged 100 ten thousand Fighting Merit all of a sudden, crashes in Contribution List third.” “这可是个狠人啊,听说他一下子兑换了100多万战功,冲进贡献榜第三。” Not only that hears in his Fighting Merit, but also cuts to kill Half-Step Congealing Star Boundary...... Nine Dragons Temple two Holy Son, are overshadowed before this Human Face.” “不仅如此,听说他的战功里,还斩杀过半步凝星境啊……九龙圣殿的两位圣子,在此人面前都黯然失色。” Several people of low voice discussions. 几人小声议论。 In this time, Monster Race Man that two have an imposing appearance, the stride walks, the whole body imposing manner is threatening, making nearby life shiver. 就在此时,两名气宇轩昂的妖族男子,大步走来,浑身气势逼人,令附近生灵不由颤抖。 Holy Son!” 圣子!” Long Ming and Your Highness Long Yi!” 龙明龙易殿下!” That several people Long Ming and Long Yi that looks at presents suddenly, heavy that frightens. 那几人看着忽然出现的龙明龙易,吓的不轻。 Because they were speaking two Holy Son malicious remarks a moment ago. 因为刚才他们正说着两位圣子的坏话。 Go away!” “滚!” Long Yi drinks one coldly, at present several people disperse immediately. 龙易冷喝一声,眼前几人立即散开。 Scoundrel!” “混账!” Long Ming looks unwillingly. 龙明面露不甘。 Is Nine Dragons Temple Holy Son, he so has lost never face. 身为九龙圣殿圣子,他还从未如此丢人过。 Where in the past he arrived, was thought highly to extol, but actually hears others to discuss his defeat today. 以往他走到哪里,都是被人恭维赞颂,可今日却听见别人议论他的败绩。 Has a look at Chen Yu again, steps on to become famous, but also won the beautiful woman to turn over. 再看看陈宇,踩着自己扬名,还赢得美人归。 „The Long Ming brother, Supreme Elder makes us do not offend him.” 龙明兄,太上长老让我们不要得罪他。” Long Yi has sneered. 龙易冷笑了一声。 „Do you swallow under this tone?” Long Ming cold -ly snorted and said. “你咽得下这口气?”龙明冷哼道。 How can't swallow? If the success of this person real, your I perhaps am not his match.” “咽不下又如何?如果此人的战绩是真的,你我恐怕都不是他的对手。” Long Yi reveals one unwilling and hatred. 龙易露出一丝不甘和恨意。 He does not believe that Chen Yu can kill Half-Step Congealing Star Boundary, can accidentally real? 他不相信陈宇真能杀半步凝星境,可万一是真的呢? He He, shortly, Long Chen Holy Son will also come Great Universe Alliance, might as well make him get rid?” “呵呵,不久后,龙辰圣子也会来一趟大宇联盟,不如让他出手?” Long Ming remembers a matter, has raised. 龙明想起一件事,提了出来。 Long Chen?” 龙辰吗?” The Long Yi facial color is complex. 龙易面色复杂。 Wants initially, Ranking of Long Chen in Nine Dragons Temple Nine Big Holy Son, with them almost. 想当初,龙辰九龙圣殿九大圣子中的排名,与他们差不多。 But Long Chen obtained Eating God Feast this and other big opportunities, goes against heaven's will changes to assign, had already exceeded them, becomes in Nine Dragons Temple Nine Big Holy Son, one of the strongest Holy Son. 龙辰得到了食神宴这等大机遇,逆天改命,早已超越了他们,成为九龙圣殿九大圣子中,最为强势的圣子之一。 ...... …… Nine Dragons Temple two do Holy Son, as if have the hostility to you?” 九龙圣殿的两位圣子,似乎对你有敌意?” [Say / Way] that Ye Luofeng slightly somewhat worries about. 叶珞凤略有些担忧的道。 Does not have anything, just came Great Universe Alliance time, had an interesting matter......” “也没什么,刚来大宇联盟的时候,发生了一件有趣的事……” [Say / Way] that Chen Yu does not care about very much. 陈宇不是很在意的道。 Chen Yu the beforehand situation, narrated. 紧接着,陈宇将之前的情况,讲述了一遍。 They, had certainly a mortal hatred of you.” “他们两人,一定恨死你了。” Ye Luofeng tittering smiles, laughter like sounds of nature, beautiful moving, making all around marvelous sight be overshadowed. 叶珞凤“噗嗤”一笑,笑声如天籁,绝美动人,令四周奇景都黯然失色。 Then, Chen Yu the situation of tour of Blood Ocean World, slightly narrated greatly. 接下来,陈宇血海界之行的情况,也大略的讲述了一遍。 Finally, Chen Yu and Ye Luofeng, arrive at the Treasure palace. 最后,陈宇叶珞凤,来到珍宝殿。 Here Treasure are innumerable, even can also exchange the contribution with the goods. 这里珍宝无数,甚至还能用物品兑换贡献。 „The «Murdering Heart Secret Art» First level, Prescription, is used to quenching Heart, does not know that I do need......” “《弑心诀第一层,有一张药方,用来淬炼心脏,不知道我需不需要……” In the Chen Yu heart is thinking. 陈宇心中思索着。 «Murdering Heart Secret Art» is difficulty enormous Secret Method, Cultivation gets up is very dangerous, is easy the mistake, therefore in Secret Method has corresponding Prescription, strengthens Heart, reduces presents the possibility of accident. 弑心诀》是难度极大的秘法,修炼起来也十分危险,容易出差错,因此秘法内有相应的药方,强化心脏,降低出现意外的可能性。 However, Chen Yu Heart is unusual, that is invulnerability, Ten Thousand Poisons does not invade. 不过,陈宇心脏非同一般,那是刀枪不入,万毒不侵。 Perhaps this Prescription is unnecessary. 或许这药方是多余的。 Chen Yu did not say certainly, all exchanges the raw material for medicine on Prescription, went back to try to say again. 陈宇也说不准,将药方上的药材全都兑换下来,回去试一试再说。 Then, Chen Yu must to attack Space Ocean Boundary Late Stage Peak prepares. 接下来,陈宇要为冲击空海境后期巅峰做准备了。 The Great Universe Alliance Cultivation environment is extremely good, in addition the Chen Yu present Spirit Body intelligence, he plans to close up Time here , to promote Cultivation to Space Ocean Boundary Late Stage Peak. 大宇联盟修炼环境极佳,再加上陈宇如今的灵体资质,他打算在这里闭关一段时间,将修为提升到空海境后期巅峰 Gives me to come two Top Level Space Origin Pill......” “给我来两颗顶级空元丹……” Space Origin Pill , to promote the Space Ocean Boundary Cultivation miracle cure, six thousand Contribution Points, but Top Level Space Origin Pill, three ten thousand Contribution Points. 空元丹,推动空海境修为的灵丹,一颗六千贡献点,但顶级空元丹,一颗三万贡献点 All of a sudden, Chen Yu spent 60,000 contributions. 一下子,陈宇花去了60000贡献。 Three purple spirit essence and blood pill.” “三颗紫灵精血丹。” This promotes Life Level, strengthens the Physique miracle cure, 26,000 contributions. 这是推动生命层次,强化体魄的灵丹,一颗26000贡献。 Ten Fierce Yang pill.” “十颗烈阳丹。” This pill Accumulating to just to positive Fire Dao power, Chen Yu planned that with this pill, comes Cultivation «Six Flames Sword Finger» Lesser Yang Sword Finger. 此丹蕴含至刚至阳的火道力量,陈宇打算用此丹,来修行六炎剑指少阳剑指 In people dumbfounded, Chen Yu puts out War Command, by the preferential price, has exchanged the treasures of several hundred thousand contributions. 在众人目瞪口呆中,陈宇拿出“战令”,以优惠价格,兑换了几十万贡献的宝物。 Except for Cultivation Rare Material, Chen Yu does not have other demands temporarily. 除了修炼珍材,陈宇暂时没有其他需求。 Afterward, Ye Luofeng also starts to exchange. 随后,叶珞凤也开始兑换。 She year to year in the battlefield, little returns to Great Universe Alliance. 她常年在战场上,很少回大宇联盟一趟。 This time she plans to accompany a Chen Yu period of time here, Cultivation definitely cannot fall. 这次她打算在这里陪陈宇一段时日,修行肯定也不能落下。 On Cultivation assiduous Level, Ye Luofeng is not weak in Chen Yu. 修行刻苦程度,叶珞凤丝毫不弱于陈宇 After returning to Cave Mansion, Chen Yu starts to close up. 回到洞府后,陈宇开始闭关。 After the half day, he compounds the solution in «Murdering Heart Secret Art», a oral administration uses under. 半日后,他将《弑心诀》中的药液配制出来,一口服用而下。 As if...... Anything had not felt.” “似乎……没什么感觉。” Chen Yu can feel that the solution condenses to go to Heart, actually such as likes a stone dropped into the sea, has not caused anything to respond. 陈宇能感觉到,药液向心脏凝聚而去,却如石沉大海,没有引起什么反应。 This records with «Murdering Heart Secret Art» is completely different. 这跟《弑心诀》内记载的完全不一样啊。 It seems like my Heart, does not need any special Prescription Auxiliary Cultivation......” “看来我的心脏,不需要什么特殊药方辅助修炼……” After long time, Chen Yu draws a conclusion. 半晌后,陈宇得出一个结论。 Afterward, he has not then managed this, starts Cultivation. 随后,他便没管这个,开始修炼 By his present Spirit Body intelligence, Cultivation speed far ultra in the past, once for a while combustion Energy and Blood, the activate Blood Spirit Body ability, that Cultivation speed will rise suddenly immediately. 以他如今的灵体资质,修行速度远超往常,时不时的燃烧气血,催动血灵体的能力,那修行速度将顿时暴涨。 After three day. 三日之后。 Chen Yu takes First Space Origin Pill, and takes in the Blood Spirit Body condition. 陈宇服用第一空元丹,并且是在血灵体的状态下服用。 Mysterious Heart transmits a suction immediately, leaves behind miracle cure all drug efficacies, absorption fast. 神秘心脏顿时传来一股吸力,将灵丹所有药效留下,飞快的吸收。 Blood Spirit Body also plays the role, swallows World Origin Energy rapidly, making Chen Yu all around white light fog empty quickly. 血灵体也发挥作用,迅速吞噬天地元气,令陈宇四周的白色光雾很快就空了。 After the First Top Level Space Origin Pill drug efficacy exhausts, Chen Yu Cultivation grew much. 第一顶级空元丹的药效耗尽后,陈宇修为增长了不少。 But from Space Ocean Boundary Late Stage Peak, a distance. 但距离空海境后期巅峰,还有一段路程。 Chen Yu is not anxious, his Spirit Body intelligence promotion, in addition here Cultivation environment, Space Ocean Boundary Late Stage Peak leaves him not to be far. 陈宇也不急,他灵体资质提升,再加上这里的修炼环境,空海境后期巅峰离他并不远。 Naturally, he is not promotion Cultivation constantly. 当然,他并不是一味的提升修为 Refining Body has not fallen, on the one hand after all this he has advantageous Talent. 炼体从来没有落下,毕竟这一方面他有着得天独厚的天赋 It is not as expected Chen Yu. 不出陈宇预料。 After three purple spirit essence and blood pill takes, less than one month of Time, Secret Mark Demon Body then Breakthrough small Level, has met the standard of Space Ocean Boundary Late Stage Peak. 三颗“紫灵精血丹”服用之后,不到一个月的时间,秘纹魔体便突破了一个小层次,达到空海境后期巅峰的水准。 His Defense and power, rise again a section! 他的防御力量,再涨一截! And, Secret Mark Demon Body will soon achieve big Perfect Level. 并且,秘纹魔体即将达到大圆满层次 In other words, this Cultivation Technique quickly to going against. 也就是说,这门功法快到顶了。 When the time comes this Cultivation which Refining Body Cultivation Technique......” “到时候该修行哪门炼体功法……” Chen Yu more than once ponders this issue. 陈宇不止一次思考这个问题。 He has paid attention this kind of Cultivation Technique, but so far has not bumped into satisfied. 他留意过这类功法,但目前为止没有碰到称心如意的。 ...... …… Great Universe Alliance, War Palace. 大宇联盟,战殿 Long Chen came!” 龙辰来了!” Some people call out in alarm one. 有人惊呼一声。 Outside War Palace the people turn head to look that sees only big tall and straight Man, the steps comes, his has White Jade Dragon Horn, the whole body white scale picture, whole body brilliance glitters, dazzling. 战殿外众人回头看去,只见一名高大挺拔的男子,踏步而来,他头有白玉龙角,满身白色鳞纹,周身光华闪烁,璀璨夺目。 When Long Chen walks, the nearby people feel a Powerful inexplicable pressure, within the body Bloodline coagulation. 龙辰走上来时,附近众人感到一股强大莫名的压力,体内血脉凝固。 It seems like Rumor is not false, Holy Son Long Chen, after obtaining the Eating God Feast opportunity, within the body Bloodline further Returning Ancestor.” “看来传闻不假,圣子龙辰,得到食神宴机遇后,体内血脉进一步返祖。” Now he is in Nine Dragons Temple Nine Big Holy Son, one of the strongest Holy Son.” “如今他可是九龙圣殿九大圣子中,最强势的圣子之一。” The people draw back, resigns one to say to Long Chen. 众人退开,给龙辰让出一条道。 Is the oppression that on Long Chen sends out is too strong, the average man does not dare to stand with him shoulder to shoulder. 实在是龙辰身上散发出的压迫太强,常人不敢与他并肩而立。 Long Chen, cuts to kill...... Half-Step Congealing Star Boundary......” 龙辰,斩杀……半步凝星境一名……” Fighting Merit read, the people were all startled. 战功念出,众人皆惊。 Meanwhile, on Contribution List, Long Chen name, fast upward flees. 与此同时,贡献榜上,龙辰的名字,飞快的往上窜。 Finally, the Long Chen two characters, stay in 14 positions. 最终,龙辰二字,停留在14的位置。 Congratulates Your Highness Long Chen.” “恭喜龙辰殿下。” Worthily is Your Highness Long Chen, such quickly on Ranking Contribution List 14.” “不愧是龙辰殿下,这么快就排名贡献榜14。” Long Yi and Long Ming have caught up. 龙易龙明赶了过来。 But the Long Chen vision is also staring at Contribution List, falls on the third position, in the mouth light nan: Chen Yu?” 龙辰的目光还盯着贡献榜,落在第三的位置,嘴中轻喃:“陈宇?” Sees Long Chen to be interested in Chen Yu, Long Ming said immediately: Your Highness Long Chen, this Chen Yu may be extraordinary, initially together exchanged the contribution with both of us, after exceeding me and Long Yi, threatened that Monster Race Genius is mediocre, Holy Son has unearned reputation completely......” 龙辰陈宇感兴趣,龙明立即道:“龙辰殿下,这陈宇可了不得啊,当初与我们二人一起兑换贡献,超越我和龙易后,扬言妖族天才不过如此,圣子完全浪得虚名……” The skill that Long Ming agitates, making nearby Long Yi vigilantly look at his several eyes. 龙明煽风点火的本事,令一旁的龙易都警惕的看了他几眼。 You are not no need saying that he still in Great Universe Alliance, this Holy Son already wants to fight with him.” “你不必多说,他还在大宇联盟吧,本圣子早就想与他一战。” Long Chen looks suddenly to Long Ming, in that Erupting leaves the white brilliance, the Accumulating fearful dragon prestige, draws back to the fear Long Ming unexpectedly. 龙辰忽然看向龙明,那眼中爆发出白色光辉,蕴含可怕龙威,竟一眼将龙明给慑退。 Initially Eating God Feast, Long Chen had the impression to Chen Yu, but too has not paid attention. 当初食神宴,龙辰陈宇有印象,但并未太关注。 Until before Eating God Feast finished, the phenomenon that the Chen Yu body has, alarms eight sides, has surpassed Long Chen, this brings to his attention. 直到食神宴结束前,陈宇身上发生的异象,惊动八方,超过了龙辰,这才引起他的注意。 This child decided has resulted in the opportunity on Eating God Feast, now reaches this situation.” “此子定是在食神宴上得了机遇,如今走到这种地步。” I want to take a look but actually, several years pass by, I and you, whose progress is bigger......” “我倒想看看,几年过去,我与你,谁的进步更大……” Long Chen low nan several, leave War Palace. 龙辰低喃几声,离开战殿 Long Ming and Long Yi look joyfully, follows in Long Chen behind. 龙明龙易面露喜悦,跟在龙辰身后。 Your Highness Long Chen, Chen Yu Cave Mansion here.” Long Yi said. 龙辰殿下,陈宇洞府在这边。”龙易道。 „It is not anxious, this Holy Son must attack Half-Step Congealing Star Boundary first, then measures strength with him!” “不急,本圣子要先冲击到半步凝星境,再与他一比高下!” Departure that Long Chen does not return. 龙辰头也不回的离开。 He is Space Ocean Boundary Late Stage Peak!” “他还是空海境后期巅峰!” But Long Chen success, homicide Half-Step Congealing Star Boundary......” “可龙辰刚才的战绩,他杀过半步凝星境了啊……” After two big Holy Son holding breath one breaths, instead has smiled happily, after Long Chen Breakthrough Half-Step Congealing Star Boundary, decides to be able Chen Yu to step on the under foot. 两大圣子倒吸一口气后,反而高兴的笑了起来,龙辰突破半步凝星境之后,定能将陈宇踩在脚下。
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