EH :: Volume #7 神魔传说

#894: Awkward Burning Sword King

Great Universe Alliance as four big territories the place of Core, during now is War, the major territories including the endless dark green sea, some people communicated in this place unceasingly. 大宇联盟作为四大域的核心之地,如今又是战争期间,各大域包括无尽苍海,不断有人来往于此地。 Contribution List, is one of the many Powerhouse attention things. 贡献榜,也是诸多强者关注的事物之一。 Chen Yu, Contribution List third!” 陈宇,贡献榜第三!” Who is Chen Yu?” 陈宇是谁?” South Region «Heaven's Proud List» fourth Chen Yu?” 南域天骄榜》第四的陈宇?” This news travels rapidly. 这一消息迅速传开。 In fact, in Contribution List list, rising of some name, does not calculate many strange matters. 事实上,贡献榜单上,某个名字的崛起,也不算多稀奇的事。 The key is, speed that Chen Yu rises was too fast. 关键是,陈宇崛起的速度太快了。 Gradually, the related Chen Yu news, travels to four big territories as well as the endless dark green seas. 渐渐,有关陈宇的消息,向四大域以及无尽苍海传开。 East Region. 东域 Six Great Medieval Clan Yin Clan, but also is searching the Chen Yu trail, but effort getting smaller, because there is too long Time, does not have including Chen Yu a wee bit clues. 六大中古氏族阴族,还在搜查陈宇的踪迹,只不过力度越来越小,因为有太长时间,连陈宇的一丁点线索都没有。 But on this day, Chen Yu transmits in the news that Great Universe Alliance comes. 但就在这一日,陈宇大宇联盟现身的消息传来。 Yin Clan, in discussing official business hall. 阴族,议事大厅内。 Several high levels gather temporarily. 几名高层临时聚集在一起。 Chen Yu, you came finally!” 陈宇,你终于又现身了!” Plain Clothes Old Man drinks one coldly, both eyes twinkle turbulent severe glow. 一名布衣老者冷喝一声,双目闪烁汹涌厉芒。 This person Yin Changsan, initially led the Yin Clan audiences to arrest the Chen Yu leader. 此人正是阴常山,当初率领阴族众强抓捕陈宇的领头人。 First time encircles the Meng Family village, the appearance of Chen Yu, making his plan lose 100 percent. 第一次围剿孟家村,陈宇的出现,令他的计划满盘皆输。 Second time encircles Chen Yu, similarly flies back without any results, and loses Half-Step Congealing Star Boundary once more. 第二次围剿陈宇,同样是无功而返,且再次损失一名半步凝星境 Twice is in unfavorable situation, he also received in clan to punish. 两次失利,他也受到了族内严惩。 But this person hides in Great Universe Alliance......” “可此人躲在大宇联盟……” A high level slightly obviously hesitates. 一名高层略显迟疑。 In fact, is not entire Great Universe World, is looking around for Meng Clan Traitor. 事实上,并不是整个大宇界,都在四处搜寻孟族叛贼 Only then their Yin Clan, other two Medieval Clan, are doing this matter. 只有他们阴族,还有其他两个中古氏族,在做这件事。 Other influence, not necessarily treat as Traitor to treat Chen Yu. 其它势力,不一定把陈宇当作叛贼来对待。 How hides in Great Universe Alliance? Kills my Yin Clan person, uselessly which hides.” “躲在大宇联盟又如何?杀我阴族的人,躲到哪都没用。” A high-level anger of short temper shouted to clear the way. 一名脾气暴躁的高层怒喝道。 Old man must hold this surely personally!” “老夫定要亲手抓住此子!” Yin Changsan has stood, whole body ghost air/Qi steaming, just likes Malicious Spirit that the hell goes out. 阴常山站了起来,浑身鬼气腾腾,犹如地狱走出的厉鬼 Clearly, the Yin Clan person only inquired that Chen Yu in the news that Great Universe Alliance came , the concrete information did not know. 很明显,阴族的人只打听到,陈宇大宇联盟现身的消息,具体情报并不知晓。 Must know in Chen Yu Fighting Merit, but there are to cut to kill Half-Step Congealing Star Boundary this. 要知道陈宇战功中,可是有斩杀半步凝星境这一条。 If Yin Changsan knows this, feared that will not say these words. 要是阴常山知道这点,怕是不会说出这句话。 To avoid accident, I with the Changshan brother together!” “为了避免意外,我跟常山兄一起!” Middle Age of that short temper has also stood. 那脾气暴躁的中年也站了起来。 After the Yin Clan part high-level discussion, makes three Half-Step King go finally personally! 经过阴族部分高层的商讨,最终让三名半步王者亲自前往! As soon as possible, in order to avoid that boy disappeared.” “尽快出发吧,以免那小子又消失了。” Yin Changsan proposed. 阴常山提议。 Wants initially, after Chen Yu to be enters loses Mountain Range, vanishes without the trace, as if from into thin air. 想当初,陈宇就是进入迷失山脉后,消失无踪,仿佛从人间蒸发。 Now walks!” “现在就走!” Another two Elder also approve. 另外两名长老也赞同。 Therefore, Three Great Half-Step Congealing Star Boundary headed by Yin Changsan, stepped went to the Great Universe Alliance distance. 于是,以阴常山为首的三大半步凝星境,踏上了前往大宇联盟的路程。 ...... …… Great Universe Alliance, Great Universe World the place of Core, absolute security, does not need to be worried about the Blood Race assassination. 大宇联盟,大宇界核心之地,绝对的安全,也不用担心血族暗杀。 Meanwhile, here is also Cultivation Holy Land. 同时,这里也是修行圣地 Chen Yu has spent 20,000 contributions, has exchanged High Rank Cave Mansion, but Cultivation one month. 陈宇花费了20000贡献,兑换了一处高等洞府,可在内修炼一个月之久。 In Cave Mansion, Chen Yu sits cross-legged to sit. 洞府内,陈宇盘膝而坐。 Here Cultivation environment, was similar to Noble Secret Place Cultivation Secret Room.” “这里的修炼环境,跟青云秘境修炼密室都差不多了。” Chen Yu observed the Cultivation environment. 陈宇观察了一下修炼环境。 After is Great Universe Alliance, moreover this Cultivation Cave Mansion uses for one month, needs 20,000 contributions. 毕竟是大宇联盟,而且这处修炼洞府使用一个月,需要20000贡献。 Chen Yu relieved Cultivation «Six Origin Returning to Heaven Technique», concise True Origin, expansion True Origin sea. 陈宇安心修炼六元归天功》,凝练真元,扩张真元海。 At present, his main direction , to promote Cultivation Boundary. 目前,他的主要方向,就是提升修为境界 During War, everyone was unforeseen that will then have anything. 战争期间,谁也无法预料,接下来会发生什么。 In brief , to promote the Cultivation strength as soon as possible, encounters the contingency, many safeguard. 总之,尽快提升修为实力,遇到意外情况,也多一份保障。 Shouted Hū ! 呼! In Cave Mansion, the fog winds around, tumbling is restless. 洞府内,云雾缭绕,翻滚不息。 The Chen Yu body surface is attaching to the thick light fog throughout, almost his form covering. 陈宇体表始终依附着浓稠的光雾,几乎将他的身影给掩盖。 Good astonishing Cultivation effect.” “好惊人的修炼效果。” Chen Yu innermost feelings exclamation. 陈宇内心惊叹。 Is this then the intelligence promotes the later effect? 这便是资质提升之后的效果吗? His Cultivation speed, has promoted a big truncation compared with past. 他的修炼速度,比以往提升了一大截。 Now the Chen Yu Spirit Body intelligence, almost meets the standard of Top Grade Spirit Body, stands in the Great Universe World Peak Genius ranks. 如今陈宇灵体资质,差不多达到极品灵体的水准,站在大宇界顶尖天才的行列。 Effect of intelligence on Cultivation was too big, exceed arrives at behind, this manifestation is obvious.” “资质对修行的影响太大了,越到后面,这种体现就越是明显。” The Chen Yu heart is sigh with emotion. 陈宇心头感慨。 Initial Stage of road of Cultivation, the Spirit Body intelligence is bad, can perhaps through the opportunity and diligently, overtakes the intelligence to be good. 修行之路的初期,灵体资质差的,兴许能通过机遇和努力,追上资质好的。 But to Late Stage, this disparity will be getting bigger and bigger. 但到后期,这个差距会越来越大。 Even if Chen Yu has many opportunities, if the Cultivation intelligence has not raised, only feared that does not have achievement at this moment. 就算是陈宇有诸多机遇,若修行资质没有提起来,只怕也没有此刻的成就。 Trying Blood Spirit Body!” “试试‘血灵体’!” The Chen Yu innermost feelings are eager to try. 陈宇内心跃跃欲试。 Blood Spirit Body is variation Spirit Body, the combustion within the body Energy and Blood instance, the Spirit Body intelligence is promoted, thus increases the Cultivation speed. 血灵体是一种变异灵体,燃烧体内气血的瞬间,灵体资质会得到提升,从而增加修行速度。 In Blood Race, this is best Cultivation Spirit Body. 血族之中,这是最佳修行灵体 Has the Blood Spirit Body Blood Race life, its status far ultra common Blood Race. 拥有血灵体血族生灵,其地位远超寻常血族 Rumbles Hū ! 呼! The Chen Yu body surface bursts out one group of nihilities Red Flame. 陈宇体表迸发出一团虚无的红色火焰 His body splits bloodletting glow, the whole body becomes blood red insightful, just likes Crystal is ordinary, splendid. 紧接着,他身体绽放血芒,浑身变得血红通透,犹如水晶一般,熠熠生辉。 Meanwhile, gathers at superficial World Origin Energy, crazy floods into Chen Yu within the body. 与此同时,聚集在表面的天地元气,疯狂的涌入陈宇体内。 In entire Cave Mansion, the fog tumbling is restless. 整个洞府内,云雾翻滚不息。 After a while, Origin Energy in Cave Mansion wanted much thin compared with before. 一会儿之后,洞府内的元气比之前要稀薄了不少。 Special Cultivation Cave Mansion World Origin Energy, will supplement continuously, but Chen Yu absorbs the World Origin Energy speed to be too quick, Origin Energy in Cave Mansion cannot supplement. 特殊修炼洞府天地元气,都会源源不断的补充,但陈宇吸收天地元气的速度太快,洞府内的元气补充不过来。 However, Blood Spirit Body cannot continue. 不过,血灵体也不能一直持续。 After the moment, the phenomenon on Chen Yu body vanishes, the Spirit Body intelligence drops. 片刻后,陈宇身体上的异象消失,灵体资质跌落下来。 Worthily is Blood Spirit Body, a moment ago that meeting, before my Cultivation speed was about two times.” “不愧是血灵体,刚才那一会,我的修炼速度是之前的两倍左右。” The Chen Yu innermost feelings are pleasantly surprised. 陈宇内心惊喜。 The Blood Spirit Body particularity, is used to attack the Cultivation bottleneck, has certain impetus. 血灵体的特殊性,用来冲击修为瓶颈,有一定的推动作用。 So, Blood Race so takes seriously Blood Spirit Body, initially Young Ancestor Wei saw Chen Yu Blood Spirit Body, envy provocative Chen Yu at the scene. 正是如此,血族才如此重视血灵体,当初魏少祖见到陈宇血灵体,嫉妒的当场挑衅陈宇 Time passes, Chen Yu continuously in this Cultivation. 时间流逝,陈宇一直在此修行 Besides the promotion of Cultivation Boundary, Battle Skill Secret Method Cultivation has not fallen. 除了修为境界的提升之外,战技秘法修炼也没有落下。 «Six Flames Sword Finger», «Demon Face Six Layer Sky», as well as «Murdering Heart Secret Art», is might Powerful Method. 六炎剑指》,《魔临六重天》,以及《弑心诀》,都是威力强大手段 «Six Flames Sword Finger» Cultivation to Three Fingers, is heavy «Demon Face Six Layer Sky» Cultivation to Second, these two's progress, is quite slow. 六炎剑指修炼到第三指,《魔临六重天修炼第二重,这两者的进度,较为缓慢。 But «Murdering Heart Secret Art» Chen Yu just now starts Cultivation, progress Space is on the other hand big. 但《弑心诀陈宇才刚开始修炼,相对来说进步空间较大。 ...... …… On this day, Burning Sword King arrives in Great Universe Alliance, walks. 这一日,焚剑王抵达大宇联盟,找上门来。 Young fellow, the old man has not really misread you.” “好小子,老夫果然没看错你。” When Burning Sword King sees Chen Yu, beaming, laughter ringing. 焚剑王见到陈宇时,春风满面,笑声朗朗。 By Burning Sword King, together White Clothes form. 焚剑王旁边,还有一道白衣身影。 That White Clothes Woman, is beautiful dust, the beautiful appearance, if the having no time beautiful jade, the fine jade nose willow eyebrows, cold Mouru the ice crystal, brings to be aloof beside cold intent. 白衣女子,绝美出尘,玉颜如无暇美玉,琼鼻柳眉,冷眸如冰晶,带着拒人千里之外的冷意。 However when sees Chen Yu, slighting in that is cold with the ice, is similar to the snow and ice melts, appears some dim mist. 不过看到陈宇之时,那眼中的冷淡与冰寒,如同冰雪消融,浮现出些许朦胧水雾。 Luofeng......” 洛凤……” The Chen Yu attention, shifts from Congealing Star King to that White Clothes beautiful figure on. 陈宇的注意力,从凝星王者转移到那白衣倩影身上。 When their vision Flowing Together, seemed to be that countless words want to say. 两人目光交汇时,似有千言万语想要说出。 But at this time silent wins the sound, the multi- spoken languages are unable to express emotion at this moment again. 但此时无声胜有声,再多言语也无法表达此刻的情感。 Chen Yu in a flash, the pleasantly warm Ruyu form then fast raids at present together near, grasps him, jade lip that digs, the willow eyebrows that is pressed, as well as the hidden bitterness in clear pupil, making the Chen Yu innermost feelings shiver. 陈宇眼前一晃,一道温软如玉的身影便飞快袭近,将他抱住,那撅起的玉唇,蹙起的柳眉,以及清眸之中的幽怨,让陈宇内心颤动。 Cannot help but, Chen Yu also put out a hand closely to grasp Ye Luofeng. 不由自主的,陈宇也伸手紧紧抱住了叶珞凤 Nearby, the Burning Sword King personal appearance stands rigidly same place, the facial color is also a stiffness. 一旁,焚剑王身形僵立原地,面色也是一片僵硬。 Own good and evil is also Congealing Star King, overlord level character who overawes a side, do you give a face to be good? Whether do not disregard This King? 自己好歹也是凝星王者,威震一方的霸主级人物,你们两个给点面子行不行?能否不要无视本王 He wants to shout one very much, here also has other people. 他很想喊一声,这里还有其他人。 But do this, can not be insincere. 但自己这样做,会不会太不厚道了。 The joy that Burning Sword King is filled with, by in a complete mess that the present love devastates. 焚剑王满心的喜悦,被眼前的恩爱摧残的一塌糊涂。 Yeah......” “哎……” Burning Sword King sighed one, is preparing to depart. 焚剑王叹了一声,正准备离去。 However this sighed, awakened Chen Yu. 不过他这一叹,也惊醒了陈宇 Senior, when did you come?” 前辈,你什么时候来了?” Chen Yu installs silly, a very surprised appearance. 陈宇装糊涂,一副很惊讶的样子。 Your boy......” “你小子……” Burning Sword King stared in a big way the eye, finally shook the head has not spoken, his innermost feelings very injured. 焚剑王瞪大了眼睛,最终摇摇头没有说话,他内心很受伤。 This King does not haggle over these minor matters with you.” 本王不跟你计较这些小事。” Burning Sword King low snort|hum, at once stern [say / way]: „, You such quickly came back, This King was very happy.” 焚剑王低哼了一声,旋即正色道:“咳咳,你这么快就回来了,本王很高兴。” After Chen Yu walks, Ye Luofeng also guesses correctly the clues, inquired Burning Sword King, therefore he confessed. 陈宇走后,叶珞凤也猜出蛛丝马迹,询问焚剑王,于是他坦白了。 If Chen Yu left an accident, he later was perhaps difficult to be peaceful. 要是陈宇真出了个三长两短,他以后恐怕难安宁了。 Burning Sword King Senior, the younger generation braves a narrow escape the danger, Concealment Blood Race, the experience numerous disasters, obtains the information......” 焚剑王前辈,晚辈可是冒着九死一生的危险,潜伏血族,经历重重劫难,才取得情报……” Chen Yu experienced the appearance of tremendous dangers and difficulties. 陈宇一副经历了刀山火海的样子。 Burning Sword King turned a supercilious look, is somewhat speechless. 焚剑王翻了一个白眼,有些无语。 Before he arrived here, definitely first went to War Palace, knew Chen Yu in the Blood Race situation. 他来到这里前,肯定是先去了战殿,知道了陈宇血族的情况。 A narrow escape? Numerous disasters? 九死一生?重重劫难? Your boy obviously in Blood Race comfortable, the Blood Wine master status is honored, the Young Ancestor status is the status is more unusual, above person of Below ten thousand people. 你小子明明在血族过的舒舒服服,血酿师身份尊贵,少祖身份更是地位超凡,一人之下万人之上。 Thinks that here Burning Sword King wondered, others are the undercover, that is really gingerly, is much lower-key, does not dare to have slightly negligently. 想到这里焚剑王就纳闷了,别人做卧底,那是真的战战兢兢,低调得不得了,不敢有丝毫大意。 But Chen Yu is the undercover, not only does is so rampant, but also sat the Young Ancestor position. 陈宇做卧底,不仅做的那么嚣张,还坐上了少祖的位置。 Relax, this time you make the great merit, did not say value of information that you steal, the light is you passes on the Blood Race fact, can Blood Race air/Qi half dead...... This King will not treat unjustly your.” “放心,此次你立下大功,不说你偷来的情报价值,光是你在血族的事迹传出去,都能将血族气个半死……本王不会亏待你的。” Appearance that Burning Sword King restores to be elated with success. 焚剑王又恢复春风得意的样子。 Then, he then ejects a colored glaze jade bottle, among thinks of snow white insightful Medicine Pill. 说完,他便抛出一个琉璃玉瓶,其内装着一颗雪白通透的丹药 This is grain of Meteor Pill!” “这是一粒飞星丹!” Meteor Pill! 飞星丹 Increases the Breakthrough Congealing Star Boundary probability Medicine Pill, the value 1 million contributions! 增加突破凝星境概率的丹药,价值1000000贡献! Previous Chen Yu goes to the Treasure palace time, noted this Medicine Pill. 上次陈宇珍宝殿的时候,就注意到这枚丹药了。 The common time, the Meteor Pill value so will not be perhaps big, but at this moment is the World Plane war, King level Battle Strength is important. 寻常时期,飞星丹的价值或许不会这么大,但此刻是界面大战,王者战力至关重要。 Many thanks Senior.” “多谢前辈。” Chen Yu is joyful. 陈宇欣喜无比。 The goods that in the Treasure palace on the Wukuai tablet records, this Meteor Pill calculated most expensive one kind. 珍宝殿内五块石碑上记录的物品,这飞星丹算最贵的一类了。 Naturally, is similar to the Meteor Pill value. 当然,与飞星丹价值差不多的,还有一些。 Not anything, this is old man uses the privilege to help you demand that half booklet, 50 ten thousand Fighting Merit, have screwed from your contribution.” “没什么,这是老夫动用特权帮你索要的,半折,50万战功,已经从你的贡献上扣了。” The Chen Yu complexion pulled down, the look that despises shot a look at Burning Sword King one. 陈宇脸色拉了下来,略带鄙夷的眼神瞥了焚剑王一眼。 Also thinks is free. 还以为是免费的呢。 „, Meteor Pill this kind of Strange Pill, but does not have the city valuably, even if half booklet, that has also saved 50 ten thousand Fighting Merit.” “咳咳,飞星丹这类奇丹,可是有价无市,就算是半折,那也节省了50万战功。” Burning Sword King coughs, emphasized the Meteor Pill importance. 焚剑王干咳一声,强调飞星丹的重要性。 Moreover, your this performance is outstanding, Great Universe Alliance rewards your one War Command, has many privileges, for example in Treasure palace exchange treasure, same 10% discount.” “另外,你此次表现突出,大宇联盟奖励你一枚‘战令’,拥有诸多特权,就例如在珍宝殿兑换宝物,一律九折。” Confesses all, Burning Sword King are not many stays, so as to avoid disturbs others young couple. 交代完一切,焚剑王也不多停留,免得打扰别人小两口。
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