EH :: Volume #7 神魔传说

#893: Contribution List praises

In a flash, on Contribution List, Chen Yu is third. 一瞬间,贡献榜上,陈宇位列第三名。 All people all raise head, staring stares at Contribution List Peak, expression is being startled one by one. 所有人全都仰着头,直勾勾的盯着贡献榜顶端,神色一个比一个吃惊。 With Elder Wei and several elite Bodyguard that Chen Yu comes, shocks incomparably. 就连跟着陈宇来的卫长老和几名精英护卫,也都震撼无比。 Although they come time, early is prepared. 虽说他们来的时候,就早有准备。 But discovered now that their beforehand preparations, are completely insufficient. 可如今才发现,他们之前的心理准备,完全不够用。 From zero contributes, does not have Ranking, direct ascent to Contribution List third! 从零贡献,无排名,直接上升至贡献榜第三! A impossible matter, like this happens at present. 一件不可能的事,就这样发生在眼前。 These many?” “这么多?” Chen Yu has also gawked. 陈宇也愣了一下。 Information that he steals, vertical the merit in the battlefield is unexpectedly higher than him. 他窃取到的情报,竟然比他在战场上立的功还要高。 This point goes beyond his expectation, but thinks that the War Palace person will definitely not miscalculate, Chen Yu satisfied acceptance, own contribution really so is perhaps big. 这一点超出他的预料,但想想战殿的人肯定不会算错,陈宇心安理得的接受,自己的贡献或许真有这么大。 This...... Is impossible!” “这……不可能!” Long Ming restores from the shock, immediately has roared. 龙明从震惊中恢复,立即吼了一声。 His expression is excited, the vision is ominous, is staring at Chen Yu stubbornly! 神色激动,目光凶冷,死死盯着陈宇 Contribution of Chen Yu, not only has surpassed him, but also flees to third directly, achieves one situation that makes Long Ming look up. 陈宇的贡献,不仅超过了他,还直接窜至第三位,达到一个让龙明仰望的地步。 You cheat, certainly cheats, this is impossible!” “你作弊,一定是作弊,这绝不可能!” Long Ming loudly exclaimed, the facial expression was angry. 龙明大吼道,神情愤怒。 Right, how does he possibly have these many contributions?” “没错,他怎么可能有这么多贡献?” Long Yi said. 龙易跟着道。 Their two big Nine Dragons Temple Holy Son, was stepped on by the Profound Heavenly Palace person stubbornly in the sole, how can swallow this tone. 他们两大九龙圣殿圣子,被玄天宫的人死死踩在脚底,怎能咽下这口气。 As for the bystander, mostly is also holding the manner of suspicion. 至于围观者,大多也抱着怀疑的态度。 After all the contribution of Chen Yu, was really too astonishing, fled all of a sudden Contribution List third. 毕竟陈宇的贡献,实在是太惊人了,一下子窜到了贡献榜第三。 When surprised, what are more is the envy. 惊讶之余,更多的是嫉妒。 A troop person gathers outside War Palace, denounced Zhao Hall Master. 一大群人聚集在战殿外,声讨赵堂主 This...... I......” “这……我……” Zhao Hall Master facial color is embarrassed, has bitter not being able to say. 堂主面色难堪,有苦说不出。 When he knew when Chen Yu Concealment Mission behavior, the whole person was also scared, therefore asked War Palace Elder to decide personally. 当他得知陈宇潜伏任务的所做所为时,整个人也傻眼了,于是请战殿长老亲自定夺。 To be honest, he also thought that the contribution of Chen Yu was too astonishing, but during the Chen Yu Concealment achievement is extraordinary, all are just. 说实话,他也觉得陈宇的贡献太惊人了,不过陈宇潜伏期间的成果非凡,一切都是公平合理的。 But War Palace Elder urged him not to want the to divulge to an outsider, therefore Zhao Hall Master has not read out Chen Yu Fighting Merit. 只不过战殿长老叮嘱他不要外传,所以赵堂主没有宣读陈宇战功 Zhao Hall Master, your War Palace works, is unfair, is not serious with the contribution, loses 700,000 contributions casually?” “赵堂主,你们战殿做事,太不公正了吧,拿贡献不当回事,随随便便丢出700000贡献?” Elder Bai makes noise the question. 白长老出声质疑。 His innermost feelings thought that this matter not possibly real, has the ingredient of adulteration mostly. 他内心觉得此事不可能是真的,多半有掺假的成份。 Next involves the personal gratitude and grudges, how he can Profound Heavenly Palace in front of himself so rampant, hits his face. 其次就涉及私人恩怨,他怎么能让玄天宫的人在自己面前如此嚣张,打自己的脸。 This, our War Palace works, absolutely fair fair, Chen Yu can indeed obtain 700,000 contributions.” “这,我们战殿做事,绝对公平公正,陈宇的的确确可以得到700000贡献。” Zhao Hall Master is somewhat aggrieved. 堂主有些憋屈。 He works rigorously always rigorous, he thought that he is completely innocent, but actually received these many grievance today. 他做事严谨一向严谨,他觉得自己完全是无辜的,可今日却受了这么多委屈。 Thinks that this is the War Palace Elder instruction, he slightly righteous. 想到这是战殿长老吩咐的,他就稍微理直气壮了点。 Snort, fair fair? You his Fighting Merit has not read out, directly has given 700,000 contributions, if, is this, then the contributions of all people, how could it not be are you open mouth to decide?” “哼,公平公正?你连他的战功都没有宣读,就直接给了700000贡献,如果以后都是这样,那么所有人的贡献,岂不都是你一张嘴说了算?” Manner of Elder Bai to Zhao Hall Master is very discontented, cold snort|hum, the King dragon prestige disperses faintly, layer upon layer white light ripples spread to all around, hidden has Dragon Yinsheng to spread. 白长老对赵堂主的态度十分不满,冷哼一声,王者龙威隐隐散开,一层层白光涟漪向四周扩散,隐有龙吟声传出。 The King power and influence launches, the bystander retrocedes in abundance. 王者威势一展开,围观者纷纷后退。 A little energy Zhao Hall Master, instantaneously was a moment ago discouraged, smiles the face saying: Elder Bai, you said too has exaggerated, everybody's contribution, definitely is not my this blurts out decides.” 刚才还有点底气的赵堂主,瞬间泄了气,笑着脸道:“白长老,您说的太夸张了,大家的贡献,肯定不是我这张破嘴说了算。” Found the Zhao Hall Master present appearance, Elder Bai has restrained some imposing manners slightly. 瞧见赵堂主如今的样子,白长老稍微收敛了些气势。 Long Ming and Long Yi bolder interrogation: Zhao Hall Master, Chen Yu Fighting Merit explained that you in the presence of everyone read out, was worth 700,000 contributions, making everybody testify together!” 龙明龙易则更为大胆的质问:“赵堂主,陈宇战功说明,你还是当众宣读出来吧,值不值700000贡献,让大家一起作证!” Facing this, Zhao Hall Master was somewhat difficult to manage. 面对此幕,赵堂主有些难办了。 White Senior rather somewhat quibbled, I believe that Zhao Hall Master worked, definitely was upright fair and just.” “白前辈未免有些强词夺理了吧,我相信赵堂主做事,肯定是刚正公允。” Nearby, the Elder Wei delicate eyebrows are but actually vertical, is somewhat angry. 一旁,卫长老秀眉倒竖,有些恼怒。 Nine Dragons Temple was also too rampant, questioned War Palace unexpectedly here. 九龙圣殿的也太嚣张了,竟在这里质疑战殿 How many contributes, is War Palace has decided that is difficult to be inadequate Nine Dragons Temple to decide? 贡献多少,一直都是战殿说了算,难不成还是九龙圣殿说了算? However Elder Bai status is too high, Elder Wei does not dare to speak frankly the disaffection in heart. 不过白长老身份地位太高,卫长老也不敢直说心中的不满。 Snort, is fair, is not your this Baby decides.” “哼,公不公正,可不是你这小娃娃说了算。” Elder Bai does not give the Elder Wei face, cold -ly snorted and said. 白长老丝毫不给卫长老面子,冷哼道。 The Saint Beast life is longer, at the Elder Bai age, Elder Wei in his eyes, indeed is considered as on Baby. 圣兽寿命更长,以白长老的年龄来说,卫长老在他眼里,的确算得上小娃娃 Chen Yu was also unable to continue watching, the contribution that other people obtain is fair, does the contribution that oneself obtain cheat? 陈宇也看不下去了,其他人得到的贡献就是公正的,自己得到的贡献就是作弊来的? Outside War Palace, a smell of gunpowder fills the air, more people were attracted. 战殿外,一股火药味弥漫,更多的人被吸引而来。 Zhao Hall Master advises immediately: Everybody, some words said well that the contribution of Chen Yu, is War Palace Jiang gives personally.” 堂主立马劝阻:“各位,有话好好说,陈宇的贡献,是战殿姜老亲自给的。” Such remarks, the scene silent checked. 此话一出,现场寂静了一刹。 Ginger always War Palace head, if the contributions of all people are Zhao Hall Master decide, that is talks nonsense, but if said that is Jiang decides, that also is really this. 姜老是战殿的负责人,如果说所有人的贡献是赵堂主说了算,那是瞎说,可若是说,都是姜老说了算,那还真是这样。 Jiang!” “姜老!” Nine Dragons Temple Supreme Elder Elder Bai, does not dare in front of Jiang dissolute. 就连九龙圣殿太上长老白长老,也不敢在姜老面前放肆。 However Elder Bai some do not believe. 不过白长老还是有些不信。 Perhaps this is only the excuse that Zhao Hall Master finds, will want to subside chaotic, perhaps Jiang root originally not in War Palace. 或许这只是赵堂主找的理由,想要将混乱平息下去,说不定姜老根本就不在战殿 In this Elder eye, Jiang is the fair rigorous person, how to make the so silly matter? Zhao Hall Master do not speak irresponsibly.” “本长老眼里,姜老一直是公正严谨的人,怎么会做出如此糊涂事?赵堂主可别乱说。” Elder Bai then interrogated, but the imposing manner was weaker. 白长老接着质问,但气势弱了些。 In this time. 就在此时。 What to quarrel to quarrel?” “吵什么吵?” Shouted angrily to spread, with the terror pressure, changed to a Fiend Energy storm, suddenly proliferated. 一声怒喝传出,伴随着恐怖的威压,化作一股煞气风浪,忽然扩散开来。 The next quarter, white hair Black Robe Old Man goes out slowly, his facial features are withered, wrinkle full Bu, a pair of jet black eye pupil, just likes the Ghost Fiend hell, Fiend Energy is dense. 下一刻,一名白发黑袍老头缓缓走出,他面容干枯,皱纹满布,一双漆黑的眼眸,犹如鬼煞地狱,煞气森森。 Jiang, you in this?” “姜老,你在这?” Elder Bai has gawked. 白长老愣了一下。 He has not thought of Jiang really, and comes on own initiative. 他没想到姜老真的在,且还主动现身。 Jiang let somebody cool off or calm down shot a look at Elder Bai one, at once looks to Chen Yu, this showed a happy expression, slight bow: Young people, you do is very good.” 姜老冷冷瞥了白长老一眼,旋即看向陈宇,这才露出一丝笑意,微微点头:“年轻人,你做的很不错。” He was glancing over the information that Chen Yu assumed a moment ago, otherwise already came to prevent this farce. 刚才他正在浏览陈宇呈上来的情报,否则早就现身阻止这场闹剧了。 Many thanks Senior praise.” “多谢前辈夸赞。” Chen Yu bends the waist does obeisance. 陈宇弯腰一拜。 This War Palace head, gives his feeling, is stronger than Nine Dragons Temple Elder Bai. 这位战殿的负责人,给他的感觉,比九龙圣殿白长老还要强。 „The contribution of Chen Yu, examines obsolete personally, will not have the mistake, dispersed.” 陈宇的贡献,老朽亲自审查,不会有错,都散了吧。” Jiang Old cold sound shouted to clear the way. 姜老冷声喝道。 All people quickly grasp the meaning of something, slowly retreat. 所有人不由一个激灵,慢慢退去。 Jiang, how does this child possibly obtain these many Fighting Merit?” “姜老,此子怎么可能得到这么多战功?” The Elder Bai face cannot pass, asked again. 白长老面子过不去,再次问道。 He has not questioned Jiang, but said Chen Yu is not. 他没有质疑姜老,而是说陈宇的不是。 Since Elder Bai does not believe that you take a look personally.” “既然白长老不信,那你亲自来瞧瞧吧。” After Jiang said that enters in War Palace, Elder Bai follows. 姜老说完后,走进战殿内,白长老紧随其后。 Chen Young Friend felt relieved that Jiang has acted, your contribution, one point will not be few.” “陈小友放心,姜老都出面了,你的贡献,一分都不会少。” [Say / Way] that Elder Wei is all smiles. 卫长老笑容满面的道。 Chen Yu Fighting Merit is big her anticipation, can see that Nine Dragons Temple Holy Son as well as Elder Bai admit defeat, she also is very comfortable. 陈宇战功大出她的意料,能够看到九龙圣殿圣子以及白长老吃瘪,她心里也十分舒服。 Or goes to the Treasure palace to take a look, can consume the contribution there, exchanges many treasures.” “要不去珍宝殿瞧瞧,在那里可以消耗贡献,兑换到许多宝物。” Elder Wei proposed. 卫长老提议。 Other elite Bodyguard, the manner to Chen Yu also greatly have the transformation. 其余精英护卫,对陈宇的态度也大有转变。 After all this mounts the Contribution List third Deity all of a sudden. 毕竟这可是一下子登上贡献榜第三的神人啊。 Must know that Contribution List first ten, may be invincible Half-Step Congealing Star of older generation. 要知道那贡献榜前十,可都是老一辈的无敌半步凝星 Chen Yu is in young one generation, First kills first ten. 陈宇是年轻一辈中,第一个杀进前十的。 Treasure palace. 珍宝殿。 Has not arrived, the distant place then has the radiant golden light to shine to come, to enter looks, that palace is resplendent in gold and jade green, unusual brightness sparkle. 还未抵达,远处便有璀璨金光照耀而来,走进一瞧,那宫殿金碧辉煌,宝光闪耀。 Treasure palace Internal, five giant steles, above records the goods that can exchange, as well as must contribute. 珍宝殿内部,有五块巨大的石碑,上面记录着可以兑换的物品,以及所需贡献。 Chen Yu sweeps probably, discovered that above anything has. 陈宇大概一扫,发现上面什么都有。 But he contributes 1 million now, vision Naturally is also very high. 但他如今贡献1000000,眼光自然也很高。 On the rightmost stele, is some extremely precious treasures, including Saint Beast Spirit Pet, is lost Secret Method, increases the Breakthrough Congealing Star Boundary probability Medicine Pill, most crown also has Profound Artifact to exchange. 最右侧的石碑上面,都是一些极其珍贵的宝物,包括圣兽灵宠,失传秘法,还有增加突破凝星境概率的丹药,最顶部还有玄器可以兑换。 These many contributions, can trade many treasure.” “这么多贡献,可以换不少宝贝啊。” Chen Yu Time does not know how to choose. 陈宇时间不知道如何选择。 Chen Young Friend does not use anxiously, you plan to stay a period of time in any case here, can consider first clearly, then comes to here to exchange.” “陈小友也不用急,反正你打算在这里停留一段时日,可以先考虑清楚了,再来这里兑换。” Moreover, you can also the treasure in hand, exchange Contribution Points here.” “另外,在这里你还可以将手中的宝物,兑换成贡献点。” Elder Wei says with a smile, treasure that on that stele records, even if she also very longs. 卫长老笑着道,那石碑上记录的宝物,就算是她也十分的渴望。 Good, first is not anxious.” “好,先不急。” Chen Yu goes out of the Treasure palace. 陈宇走出珍宝殿。 He prepares in the Great Universe Alliance dull period of time, nowadays particularly has not needed, therefore not anxiously exchange. 他准备在大宇联盟呆一段时日,现如今也没有特别需要的,所以不急着兑换。 At this time, Elder Wei and the others proposed turns in resignation, delivered to here Chen Yu safely, their Mission have achieved. 这个时候,卫长老等人提出请辞,将陈宇安然送到这里,他们的任务已经达到。 After packing off Elder Wei and the others, the Chen Yu expenditure contribution, has rented a dwelling in Great Universe Alliance. 送走卫长老等人后,陈宇花费贡献,在大宇联盟租了一个住处。 The Great Universe Alliance Cultivation environment is extremely good, Chen Yu does not have the specially anxious matter now, plans here Cultivation Time. 大宇联盟修炼环境极佳,陈宇现在也没有特别急的事情,打算在这里修行一段时间 Another side, War Palace Internal. 另一边,战殿内部 Elder Bai is looking at information in hand, both hands shivering. 白长老看着手中的一份份情报,双手不由的颤抖。 Chen Yu in the information that Blood Race obtains, has the huge influence to entire World Plane War. 陈宇血族得到的情报,对整个界面战争有着巨大的影响。 Now he understands finally why Zhao Hall Master did not announce in the presence of everyone, these military intelligence information, where can announce casually. 现在他终于明白,赵堂主为什么不当众宣布,这些军事情报信息,哪能随便公布出来。 Jiang, even if these information, is unworthy 700,000 contributions.” “姜老,就算是这些情报,也不值700000贡献吧。” The Elder Bai throat somewhat becomes dry. 白长老喉咙有些发干。 Although these information are precious, but the betrayal of Chen Yu, Blood Race affirmed that had realized the information drains, will make the corresponding measure to recover. 这些情报虽然珍贵,但陈宇的背叛,血族肯定已经察觉到情报流失,会做出相应的措施来补救。 You have a look at these again.” “你再看看这些。” Jiang puts out a success to show. 姜老又拿出一份战绩证明。 This is merit of Chen Yu in Blood Race, strikes to kill Blood Race Powerhouse including him, as well as becomes the Blood Wine master and Young Ancestor matter. 这是陈宇血族内的功绩,包括他击杀血族强者,以及成为血酿师、少祖的事情。 Elder Bai did not have the words instantaneously, eyeball stayed. 白长老瞬间没话了,眼珠子都呆了。 Outside War Palace, many people also gather here, other are attracted the person who comes. 战殿外,不少人还聚集在这里,还有其他被吸引而来的人。 Who this is Chen Yu? Arranged to third all of a sudden!” “这陈宇是谁?一下子排到第三名了!” This is Chen Yu Chen Yu on South Region «Heaven's Proud List»?” “这个陈宇南域天骄榜》上的陈宇吗?” In this time, Elder Bai walked from War Palace, he lowers the head, the vision is somewhat vacant. 就在此时,白长老战殿内走了出来,他低着头,目光有些茫然。 Elder Bai!” 白长老!” Long Ming and Long Yi half step walked, sees the Elder Bai appearance, in the heart had not the good premonition. 龙明龙易快步走了过去,看到白长老的样子,心中已有不好的预感。 Other people also almost know, the Chen Yu success, is the name will follow reality, not false. 其余人也差不多知晓,陈宇的战绩,是实至名归,没有虚假。 Elder, boy......” 长老,那小子……” The Long Ming preparation inquired. 龙明准备询问。 Elder Bai its interruption: This child Simple, later do not provoke him on own initiative, if there is an opportunity, makes up for this time error!” 白长老将其打断:“此子不简单,以后不要主动招惹他,若有机会,弥补这次的过失吧!” His a few words, making Long Ming and Long Yi same place. 他的一句话,让龙明龙易愣在原地。
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