EH :: Volume #7 神魔传说

#892: Two big Holy Son tragedy

Chen Yu, cuts to kill Half-Step Congealing Star Boundary......” 陈宇,斩杀半步凝星境……” After these words read, entire War Palace was peaceful. 这一句话念出来后,整个战殿都安静了。 White Robe Old Man of that readout these words, deeply inspired, stops here, stared in a big way the eye. 就连那宣读这句话的白袍老者,都深吸了一口气,停顿在此,瞪大了眼睛。 Suspected including him, these evidence forge, this possibly real? 连他都怀疑,这些证据是不是伪造的,这怎么可能是真的? Bang! 轰! After checks silent, clamoring sound Erupting. 寂静一刹后,喧哗声爆发 Cuts to kill Half-Step Congealing Star Boundary? You determined that hasn't read wrong?” “斩杀半步凝星境?你确定没念错?” „Is this impossible?” “这绝不可能?” „Has this person concealed real Cultivation?” “难道此人隐瞒了真实修为?” Many questions immediately Erupting. 诸多质疑顿时爆发 By Space Ocean Boundary Late Stage, cuts to kill Half-Step Congealing Star Boundary, this simply is fantasy story. 空海境后期,斩杀半步凝星境,这简直是天方夜谭。 Even if Profound Heavenly Palace or Nine Dragons Temple, most outstanding Genius, is very difficult to achieve. 就算是玄天宫或者九龙圣殿,最杰出的天才,也很难做到。 The luck is at most good, bumps into heavy injury Half-Step Congealing Star Boundary, may cut to kill it. 顶多运气好,碰到一名重创半步凝星境,才有可能将其斩杀。 At this time, there is the person of South Region called the Chen Yu status, but all by these question sounds submerging. 这个时候,有南域之人叫出陈宇的身份,但皆被那些质疑声给淹没。 Hall Master, Cultivation of this person, is Space Ocean Boundary Late Stage.” 堂主,此人的修为,是空海境后期。” Holy Son Long Yi that desolate complexion vanishes throughout does not see, his facial color stiff reminder. 圣子龙易那始终冷淡的脸色消失不见,他面色僵硬的提醒。 This Hall Master knows.” “本堂主知道。” Be responsible for recording the contribution White Robe Old Man, the brow micro wrinkle. 负责记录贡献的白袍老者,眉头微皱。 Others were suspecting whether he has made a mistake, this lets in the White Robe Old Man heart disgruntled. 别人都在怀疑他是否弄错了,这让白袍老者心中不悦。 Zhao Hall Master, if has not made a mistake, then read.” “赵堂主,如果没出错,就接着念吧。” Nine Dragons Temple Elder Bai sinking sound track. 九龙圣殿白长老沉声道。 His these words in fact are reminding Zhao Hall Master, making him examine again carefully. 他这句话实际上是在提醒赵堂主,让他再仔细审查一遍。 Yes.” “是。” White Robe Old Man Zhao Hall Master lowered the head to comply with one. 白袍老者“赵堂主”低头应了一声。 On the status and status, he is inferior to Elder Bai. 论身份和地位,他是远不如白长老 After careful Inspection, he confirmed unmistakably, shook the head slightly. 仔细检查一遍后,他确认无误,微微摇了摇头。 This Fighting Merit also calculates that determines! 这一件战功也算确定下来! Certainly is heavy injury Half-Step Congealing Star, was picked up a bargain by him.” “一定是重创半步凝星,被他捡了便宜。” Perhaps borders on Death Half-Step Congealing Star, or this person has the card in a hand that King level Elder gives.” “说不定是濒临死亡半步凝星,又或是此人有王者长辈给的底牌。” The people start reasonable explanation all these. 众人开始合理的解释这一切。 ? In fact, in the battlefield indeed has had such situation, some Genius depends upon the Elder donation the maintaining life card in a hand, strikes to kill the powerful enemy, that also calculates the contribution, but does not obtain depending on own skill. ?事实上,战场上的确出现过这样的情况,某一名天才依靠长辈赠予的保命底牌,击杀强敌,那也算贡献,只不过不是凭自己本事得到的。 In their opinion, Chen Yu is Profound Heavenly Palace Heaven's Proud, definitely has this treatment. 在他们看来,陈宇身为玄天宫天骄,肯定是有这种待遇的。 Luck was good to kill Half-Step Congealing Star Boundary Nothing More, your following Fighting Merit should be some Common, was impossible to exceed me.” “运气好杀了一名半步凝星境而已,你接下来的战功应该都是些普通的,不可能超越我。” Long Yi Holy Son facial color solemn low snort|hum. 龙易圣子面色冷峻低哼一声。 In this time. 就在此时。 Zhao Hall Master read out Chen Yu Second strip Fighting Merit: Cuts to kill Blood Race Half-Step Congealing Star Boundary Young Ancestor!” 堂主宣读陈宇第二战功:“斩杀血族半步凝星境少祖!” Grass!” Some people explode at the scene thickly. “草!”有人当场爆粗。 Dang, Blood Race does Young Ancestor, cut to kill Blood Race Young Ancestor? Haven't I misunderstood?” 我去,血族少祖,斩杀血族少祖?我没听错吗?” This has killed Half-Step Congealing Star Boundary, and Devouring Blood Race descendant!” “这又是杀了一名半步凝星境,且还是噬血族后裔!” People were thoroughly scared. 一众人彻底傻眼了。 Blood Race Young Ancestor, the status is honored, generally little appears in the battlefield. 血族少祖,地位尊贵,一般都很少出现在战场。 Even if Blood Race Young Ancestor really on battlefield, there is a Powerhouse protection, will not be cut to kill easily. 就算血族少祖真的上战场,也有强者保护,不会轻易被斩杀。 It can be said that cuts to kill Blood Race Young Ancestor, compared with cutting to kill Common Half-Step Congealing Star Boundary, wanting difficult over four times! 可以说,斩杀血族少祖,比斩杀一名普通半步凝星境,要难四倍以上! Does the boy achieve? 那小子到底怎么做到的? It is not right, this is impossible, is absolutely false. 不对,这根本不可能,绝对是假的。 Person of vision all around all gathers on Zhao Hall Master, in the eye is having the deep question. 四周之人目光全都聚集在赵堂主身上,目中带着强烈的质疑。 Some relations of this Zhao Hall Master with Profound Heavenly Palace, will not be in cahoots Profound Heavenly Palace intentionally, forge false Fighting Merit.” “这位赵堂主玄天宫的有些关系,不会是故意串通玄天宫,伪造虚假战功吧。” I look to have the possibility, Zhao Hall Master affirmation and Profound Heavenly Palace join up to play us.” “我看有可能,赵堂主肯定和玄天宫联合起来玩我们。” Facing the suspicion of people, Zhao Hall Master facial color is very embarrassed, feels extremely the humiliation. 面对众人的怀疑,赵堂主面色十分难堪,感到万分屈辱。 One work conscientiously, absolute fair fair, at this moment was questioned by the people, he is very annoyed. 自己兢兢业业的工作,绝对的公平公正,此刻却遭到众人质疑,他心里十分恼火。 This matter is absolutely true, has Profound Heavenly Palace vice- Palace Lord, Ten Thousand Beast Sect Violent Wind King as well as Nine Dragons Temple Gold Claw King , etc. testified!” “此事千真万确,有玄天宫宫主,万兽门悍风王以及九龙圣殿金钳王等作证!” Zhao Hall Master dignified [say / way]. 堂主威严道。 Long Yi, Long Ming as well as the Elder Bai facial color sinks immediately. 龙易龙明以及白长老面色顿时一沉。 And Long Yi also questioned a moment ago Zhao Hall Master counterfeits, but currently, Chen Yu Fighting Merit has Nine Dragons Temple King to testify, this is not others has applied makeup, but hits own face with own hand. 其中龙易刚才还质疑赵堂主作假,可现在呢,陈宇战功九龙圣殿王者作证,这已经不是别人打脸了,而是用自己的手打自己的脸。 Meanwhile, the people also realized, all these, perhaps real. 同时,众人也意识到,这一切,恐怕都是真的。 Cuts to kill two Half-Step Congealing Star, one is Young Ancestor! 斩杀两名半步凝星,其中一名更是少祖 Which does this ruthless person is brave? 这狠人到底是哪冒出来的? The focal point from Zhao Hall Master, shifts Chen Yu once more, looks to the Chen Yu vision, as if must dissect it, has a look at this is the person. 焦点从赵堂主身上,再次转移到陈宇,一个个看向陈宇的目光,仿佛要把它解剖开来,看看这到底是不是人。 Cuts to kill Space Ocean Boundary Late Stage Peak one, Space Ocean Boundary Late Stage two......” “斩杀空海境后期巅峰一名,空海境后期两名……” Zhao Hall Master relaxed , to continue to read out Fighting Merit. 堂主松了一口气,继续宣读着战功 Chen Yu following Fighting Merit, slightly...... Normal. 陈宇后面的战功,稍微……正常点。 This person decides by chance, has killed two Half-Step Congealing Star Boundary, his following success is normal. His contribution, is impossible to surpass me.” “此人定是碰巧,杀了两名半步凝星境,他后面的战绩还算正常。他的贡献,绝不可能超过我。” Long Yi is fixing the eyes on Chen Yu, clenches teeth to say. 龙易紧盯着陈宇,咬牙道。 Contribution List, carries on Ranking from battle. 贡献榜,是从开战之初就进行排名的。 On the Long Yi early then battlefield slaughters very much, before one -and-a-half years, enters in 1000, today Ranking 134. 龙易很早便上战场厮杀,一年半之前进入1000以内,今日排名134。 Damages Blood Race Holy Object, has the enormous influence to the entire war, the extra premium contributes 150,000!” “损坏血族圣物,对整个战局造成巨大影响,额外奖励贡献150000!” In this time, Zhao Hall Master a few words, making the Long Yi whole body tremble. 就在此时,赵堂主的一句话,令龙易浑身一颤。 Extra premium 150,000 contributions! 额外奖励150000贡献! Chen Yu, total Fighting Merit 680,000!” 陈宇,总战功680000!” As Zhao Hall Master voice falls. 随着赵堂主话音一落。 ! 唰! The Contribution List last position, presents a new name Chen Yu. 贡献榜最后一个位置,出现一个新的名字“陈宇”。 Is less than half breath, this name then upwardly sharply flees to go, making one is unable to see clearly. 不到半息,这个名字便向上急窜而去,令人无法看清。 ! 唰唰唰! The Chen Yu name, at the extremely quick speed, upward leaps up. 陈宇的名字,以极快的速度,直往上蹿。 The head of people, from lowering the head staring originally, becomes gains ground to look up to gradually. 众人的脑袋,从原本的低头凝视,渐渐变为抬头仰望。 132!” “132!” Finally, the Chen Yu name, stays in 132 positions! 最终,陈宇的名字,停留在132名的位置! From zero Fighting Merit, does not have Ranking, flees to 132 all of a sudden! 从零战功,无排名,一下子窜到132名! This is absolute unprecedented! 这是绝对的史无前例! The person of all around as if saw a miracle, in same place, for a very long time has not sobered. 四周之人仿佛看到了一个奇迹,愣在原地,久久没有清醒过来。 No...... Possibly!” “不……可能!” Holy Son Long Yi as if greatly was attacked, the whole body in a flash, the facial color is pale. 圣子龙易仿佛遭受巨大打击,浑身一晃,面色惨白。 Chen Yu Ranking, increases in the flash to 132, has surpassed his 134! 陈宇排名,在一瞬间攀升至132名,超过了他的134! He was inferior by Chen Yu thoroughly! 他被陈宇彻底比下去了! Your Highness Long Yi, I thought that you is a little uncomfortable, can rest?” 龙易殿下,我看你有点不舒服,要不要去休息一下?” Elder Wei says with a smile. 卫长老笑着道。 Long Yi ridiculed Chen Yu with similar words a moment ago, now Elder Wei helped Chen Yu. 刚才龙易用类似的话讥讽陈宇,现在卫长老陈宇还了回去。 132?” “132吗?” Chen Yu looked at Contribution List. 陈宇看了看贡献榜 Contribution List has then established at the beginning of battle. 贡献榜在开战之初便已经确立。 At that time, Great Universe World Genius did not have on the battlefield, in other words, had more older generation Powerhouse, already started to accumulate Fighting Merit. 那个时候,大宇界天才还没上战场,也就是说,有更多的老一辈强者,更早就开始积累了战功 Therefore, Long Yi such Genius, arranges to more than 100 now, but gives his enough Time, he may enter first 50. 因此,龙易这样的天才,如今也才排到100多名,但给他足够的时间,他是有可能进入前50。 But Talent strength stronger Long Ming, enters first 20 hopefully. 天赋实力更强的“龙明”,有希望进入前20。 Chen Yu slightly looked at one greatly, the Contribution List first 30 names, he almost did not know, but had also heard several, is Powerhouse of older generation. 陈宇大略看了一眼,贡献榜前30的名字,他几乎都不认识,但也听说过几个,都是老一辈的强者 Has not thought really that Profound Heavenly Palace really has such talented person.” “真没想到,玄天宫竟然有这样的人才。” Elder Bai has smiled one. 白长老不由笑了一声。 To the present, his also not clear Chen Yu is the South Region person. 到现在,他还不清楚陈宇南域的人。 This is also normal, Nine Dragons Temple establishes in the endless sea, are not many with four big territory exchanges. 这也正常,九龙圣殿建立在无尽海,与四大域交流不多。 Long Ming, has remembered, everything is modest, outside the person some people of Beyond Heaven have the day, do not obtain Small Completion to twist is arrogant and complacent, otherwise sooner or later will be surpassed.” 龙明,记住了,凡是要谦虚,人外有人天外有天,不要取得一点小成绩就骄傲自满,否则迟早会被人超过。” Afterward, Elder Bai has taught Long Ming one in turn. 随后,白长老反过来训了龙明一句。 But everyone could see that Elder Bai was stressing Nine Dragons Temple Genius Long Ming, is fiercer than Profound Heavenly Palace Genius. 可谁都看得出,白长老是在强调九龙圣殿天才龙明,比玄天宫天才厉害。 What Supreme Elder lesson is, Long Ming indeed was a little pleased with oneself a moment ago.” 太上长老教训的是,龙明刚才的确有点沾沾自喜了。” Long Ming lowers the head does obeisance. 龙明低头一拜。 Afterward, he looks to Chen Yu, says with a smile: Chen Brother, perhaps when my did not pay attention, was surmounted by Chen Brother.” 随后,他看向陈宇,笑着道:“陈兄果然了得,说不定什么时候我一个不注意,就被陈兄超越了。” The Long Ming manner changes for the better slightly, but is having the intense enmity as before, is in front of people to stress again, my Ranking in front of you. 龙明态度稍微好转,但依旧带着强烈敌意,当着众人的面再次强调,我的排名在你前面。 You said right.” “你说的没错。” Chen Yu nodded. 陈宇点了点头。 Was Long Ming stunned, says right? What meaning? 龙明愕然,说得没错?什么意思? Afterward, he then sees Chen Yu from Storage Space, takes out many goods. 随后,他便看见陈宇储物空间内,取出许多物品。 This is the success proof of Chen Yu Concealment Blood Race. 这是陈宇潜伏血族的战绩证明。 To front some Fighting Merit, Chen Yu regards as important this, after all this is he braves the huge danger, boils the achievement that one year obtained in Blood Race. 相对于前面的一些战功,陈宇更看重这个,毕竟这是他冒着巨大危险,在血族熬了一年才得到的成果。 This is......” “这是……” Holy Son Long Ming was shocked. 圣子龙明愣住了。 He thinks suddenly that Chen Yu said him before continuously in the Blood Race undercover. 他忽然想起来,陈宇之前说他一直在血族卧底。 Fighting Merit that may read out a moment ago, does not have this aspect. 可刚才宣读的战功,没有这方面的。 ...... 难道说…… The Long Ming complexion pulled down immediately, in eye twinkle ominous glow. 龙明脸色顿时拉了下来,目中闪烁凶芒。 Success proof?” “还有战绩证明?” Zhao Hall Master is also surprised, at once glances through carefully. 堂主也是大吃一惊,旋即仔细翻阅起来。 This also attracted other people. 这一幕也吸引了其余人。 Success proof?” “还有战绩证明?” Heavens, what has this person made? Can he all of a sudden, enter Contribution List first 100?” 天呐,此人到底做了什么?难道他要一下子,进入贡献榜前100?” The bystander attention was attracted again, dumbfounded, somewhat anticipates Chen Yu following Fighting Merit. 围观者注意力再次被吸引,一个个目瞪口呆,有些期待陈宇接下来的战功 They want to take a look, which step Chen Yu can arrive. 他们都想看看,陈宇到底能走到哪一步。 This...... This......” “这……这……” Zhao Hall Master is glancing through the proof, the related information, both hands tremble, the whole person some are not normal. 堂主翻阅着证明,还有相关资料,双手微颤,整个人都有些不正常了。 Wait a bit, I need to ask for instructions am in charge of War Palace Elder.” “稍等,我需要请示主管战殿长老。” Zhao Hall Master throws down a few words, then vanishes without the trace. 堂主丢下一句话,便消失无踪。 All around people were shocked, what situation? 四周众人一个个愣住了,到底什么情况? Some examination Fighting Merit can Nothing More, why also alarm is in charge of the War Palace Elder character? 只是审查一些战功而已,为什么还要惊动主管战殿长老人物? Must know here, but Great Universe Alliance, is in charge of War Palace Elder, its status, wants to be higher than general Congealing Star King. 要知道这里可是大宇联盟,主管战殿长老,其身份地位,比一般的凝星王者还要高许多。 It seems like Chen Young Friend this Concealment Mission, harvest is far from ordinary.” “看来陈小友此次潜伏任务,收获绝非一般啊。” Elder Wei shows the compatible smiling face. 卫长老露出亲和笑容。 She is not clear, Chen Yu in Blood Race Concealment, actually rendering meritorious service work. 她也不清楚,陈宇血族潜伏,究竟立了什么功劳。 Chen Yu smiled, had not said. 陈宇笑了笑,没有多说。 He obtains in Blood Race, that is very important secret intelligence, before had not taken, is feared that has the contingency. 他在血族得到的,那可是十分重要的机密情报,之前并没拿出来,就是怕出现意外情况。 The present to Great Universe Alliance, Naturally did not have anything to be good to worry. 如今到了大宇联盟,自然就没什么好担忧的了。 The people all waited for in this. 众人全都在此等待。 Was tranquil a moment ago, throughout was bringing Long Ming of smiling face, this moment innermost feelings full were disturbed. 刚才平静无比,始终带着笑容的龙明,此刻内心满是忐忑。 Can see from the Zhao Hall Master behavior that Chen Yu has definitely contributed to the great merit! 从赵堂主刚才的行为便可看出,陈宇肯定立了大功! Damn, this person of real Concealment Blood Race, and enters First Ring Core, obtained very important information?” “该死,难道此人真的潜伏血族,且进入一环核心,得到了十分重要的情报?” The Long Ming innermost feelings are in great confusion. 龙明内心乱成一团。 He has contributed to great merit, wants to enter first 50, wants to surpass me, should be impossible!” “不过就算他立了大功,想要进入前50,想要超过我,应该是不可能!” Long Ming comforts own innermost feelings. 龙明安抚自己的内心。 In this time. 就在此时。 ! 唰! Zhao Hall Master appears before audiences Human Face, on the face is bringing at a loss, said one: Chen Yu, Blood Race Concealment Mission, altogether obtains 700,000 contributions!” 堂主出现在众人面前,脸上带着茫然,道了一句:“陈宇,血族潜伏任务,共得到700000贡献!” 700,000! 700000! All people opened the mouth, cold wind have filled toward inside. 所有人张大了嘴巴,冷风直往里面灌。 On Contribution List. 贡献榜上。 Chen Yu name, whiz, upward flies to leap up. 陈宇的名字,“嗖”的一声,往上飞蹿。 Finally, Radiance dissipates slowly. 最终,光芒缓缓消散。 Chen Yu two characters are clear, is third! 陈宇”二字清晰起来,位列第三!
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