EH :: Volume #7 神魔传说

#889: «Murdering Heart Secret Art»

Chen Yu, I thought that you can also return to East Region safely?” 陈宇,我看你还能安然返回东域?” The hatred on Purple Face Old Man face, is similar to with Chen Yu has the Blood Ocean deep enmity to be ordinary. 紫面老者脸上的恨意,如同跟陈宇有着血海深仇一般。 He hates certainly Chen Yu, because he is Concealment in Blood Race of Human Race camp. 他当然恨陈宇,因为他是潜伏人族阵营的血族 Today a war, must win the bureau, even he prepares to expose the status, sneak attacks several Human Race and Alien Race high levels, makes the great merit. 今日一战,原本是必胜之局,甚至于他都准备暴露身份,偷袭几名人族异族高层,立下大功。 But the appearance of Chen Yu, changed all. 陈宇的出现,改变了一切。 Almost, Purple Face Old Man on suffer an unexpected failure. 差一点,紫面老者阴沟里翻了船 Afterward, he looks at Blood Race and Alien Race disastrous defeat helplessly, looks at the Blood Race new Holy Object damage, in the heart the anger is dreadful. 随后,他眼睁睁看着血族异族惨败,看着血族圣物损坏,心中怒火滔天。 Finally can revenge.” “终于可以报仇了。” Purple Face Old Man sighed. 紫面老者叹了口气。 By Extinguishing Heart attaching great importance to Level of Emperor Lord to Chen Yu, so long as held Chen Yu, may reduce this to fight the penalty of unfavorable situation. 灭心帝主陈宇的重视程度,只要抓住了陈宇,才有可能减轻这一战失利的惩罚。 May suddenly. 可忽然。 Constriction that suffocates depressing, arrives from the day, Purple Face Old Man was similar to carries a great mountain, the whole body has stood rigidly same place, was hard to move. 一股压抑窒息的压迫感,从天降临,紫面老者如同背了一座巨山,浑身僵立原地,难以动弹。 Bang Bang! 轰砰! The next quarter, entire palace Peak was lifted, radiant Golden Radiance shines. 下一刻,整个宫殿顶端被掀开了,璀璨的金色光芒照耀下来。 Cow Commander, did you have what Hua to say?” “牛统领,你还有何话要说?” The Violent Wind King standing erect sky, the whole body is revolving Golden storm. 悍风王屹立天空,周身旋转着一层金色暴风。 All in his whole body, several high levels as well as Chen Yu, look at Purple Face Old Man that lets somebody cool off or calm down. 在他周身,还有数名高层以及陈宇,全都冷冷的看着紫面老者 This......” “这……” Purple Face Old Man stands same place, a mind blank, does not know that said anything. 紫面老者愣立原地,脑海一片空白,不知道说些什么。 But he knows. 但他知道。 Own status exposed! 自己的身份暴露了! Was good that such but he hides, discovered how possibly? 可他隐藏的这么好,怎么可能被发现? At present, was stressed that the evidence is solid, he quibbled cannot achieve. 眼下,被抓了个正着,证据确凿,他连狡辩都做不到。 This Senior is speechless!” 本尊无话可说!” Purple Face Old Man lowered the head, closes both eyes, appearance that acknowledging that the punishment is deserved. 紫面老者低下头,闭上双眼,一副认栽的样子。 May suddenly. 可忽然。 Buzz bang! 嗡轰! All around blood light ripples, manic power fluctuates unceasingly. 四周血光荡漾,一股狂躁的力量不断波动开来。 Exploding, he wants Exploding!” 自爆,他要自爆!” Many high levels realize the situation, facial color are startled. 不少高层察觉到情况,面色微惊。 Half-Step Congealing Star Boundary Exploding, the might is unusual, even there is possibility heavy injury and even strikes to kill Congealing Star Boundary Initial Stage. 半步凝星境自爆,威力非同一般,甚至有可能重创乃至击杀凝星境初期 Whiz! 嗖! Purple Face Old Man flies to leap up, directly soars Chen Yu. 紫面老者飞蹿而起,直奔陈宇而来。 At the point of death before, he not only wants Exploding, but must kill Chen Yu. 临死前,他不仅要自爆,还一定要杀陈宇 Death!” “死!” Violent Wind King bellows, Golden sound wave sharply flees, passed over gently and swiftly the body of Purple Face Old Man. 悍风王大吼一声,一股金色音波急窜而出,掠过紫面老者的身体。 His whole body trembles, blood overflows, within the body power is chaotic, ahead of time Exploding. 他浑身震颤,血液溢出,体内力量混乱,提前自爆 Meanwhile, Violent Wind King with other high levels, Qi Qi gets rid, forms a ten zhang (3.33 m) thick giant wall. 与此同时,悍风王与其他高层,齐齐出手,形成一堵十丈厚的巨大墙壁。 Bang! 轰隆隆! One group of dim Scarlet light wave Exploding come, expands unceasingly, hits on the wall. 一团昏暗血色光波爆裂开来,不断扩大,撞击到墙壁上。 For a long time, this fearful Aura dissipation. 许久之后,这股可怕的气息消散。 Nearby all vanish into thin air, people in sky sends without the wound. 附近的一切化为乌有,天空中的众人毫发无伤。 Other nearby people also already evacuated, it may be said that is the zero casualty. 附近其他人也早已撤离,可谓是零伤亡。 Chen Young Friend worthily is the Infiltrator Blood Race capable person, just arrived here, finds out Blood Race Concealment.” “陈小友不愧是潜入血族的能人,刚到这里,就查出一名血族潜伏者。” Violent Wind King laughs, appreciates to Chen Yu. 悍风王大笑一声,对陈宇更加赞赏。 Great Universe World has established Murdering Blood Organization, searched Concealment specially in Great Universe World Blood Race, the Murdering Blood Organization person once had also come to here, but has not found out cow Commander is Blood Race Concealment. 大宇界成立了一个弑血组织,专门搜查潜伏大宇界血族,弑血组织的人也曾来过这里,但并未查出牛统领血族潜伏者。 But Chen Yu one, sees through the camouflage of opposite party. 陈宇一来,就识破对方的伪装。 Obtains some information in Blood Race, otherwise I also difficultly distinguish.” “只是在血族之中得到过一些情报,否则我也难分辨。” Chen Yu has arranged a rumor, a modest stance. 陈宇编了个谎言,一副谦虚姿态。 In fact, he is depends upon Mysterious Heart to distinguish Blood Race. 事实上,他全是依靠神秘心脏分辨血族 But where this point can say. 可这一点哪能说出。 Did not say that Mysterious Heart other go against heaven's will the ability, the light is this distinguishes the Blood Race ability, to present Great Universe World, is the priceless treasures. 不说神秘心脏的其它逆天能力,光是这分辨血族的能力,对如今的大宇界来说,都是无价之宝。 Once and exposes, Blood Race only feared that also not at any cost will massacre Chen Yu. 且一旦曝光,血族只怕也会不惜一切代价杀掉陈宇 Violent Wind King had not asked that compared with believing this reason, because he cannot think of other possibilities. 悍风王没有多问,比较相信这个理由,因为他也想不到其他可能性。 Returns to scarlet-red metal Main Hall once more, here only then several high levels including several King. 再次回到赤红金属大殿,这里只有几名高层包括几位王者 Cow Commander Exploding......” “牛统领自爆了……” Violent Wind King explained the situation. 悍风王将情况说明。 Finds out Blood Race Half-Step Congealing Star Boundary one, this is also great merit one.” “查出血族半步凝星境一名,这也是大功一件啊。” Half-Step Congealing Star Boundary on the scene somewhat envies Chen Yu. 在场一名半步凝星境都有些嫉妒陈宇 This Chen Yu just returned to Great Universe World, Contribution Points that obtains, even if some Half-Step Congealing Star Boundary, struggles for ten years in the battlefield, uncertain ratio has resulted. 陈宇刚返回大宇界,得到的贡献点,就算是一些半步凝星境,在战场上奋斗十年,都不一定比得过。 But, cow Commander has given the information, Chen Young Friend might as well hide a period of time here.” “不过,牛统领已经将信息传递出去了,陈小友不如在这里躲一段时日。” A Black Clothed woman knits the brows to say. 一名青衣妇人皱眉道。 In Great Universe World, is many Blood Race and Alien Race Concealment. 大宇界之中,还是有不少血族异族潜伏者。 Conceivable, goes to the East Region road from here, surely is the crisis on top of crisis. 可以想象,从这里前往东域的路上,必定是危机重重。 He He, and is not affected much.” “呵呵,并无大碍。” Chen Yu smiles one pale. 陈宇淡笑一声。 Presents other high levels, including Congealing Star King, looks to doubt the color. 在场其余高层,包括凝星王者,面露疑色。 And isn't affected much? 并无大碍? By the Chen Yu present actions, posting a reward of Extinguishing Heart Emperor Lord, definitely will have Congealing Star Boundary to get rid to Chen Yu, isn't this also and affected much? 陈宇如今的所作所为,还有灭心帝主的悬赏,绝对会有凝星境陈宇出手,这还并无大碍? Even if sends out King, escorts Chen Yu, may not ensure the security. 就算是派出一名王者,一路护送陈宇,都不一定能确保安全。 I will start tomorrow, go to Great Universe Alliance.” “我明天启程,前往‘大宇联盟’。” Chen Yu smiles one pale. 陈宇淡笑一声。 In Main Hall the people are suddenly enlighted immediately. 大殿内众人顿时恍然大悟。 Clearly, before Chen Yu said East Region, i.e. gave the cow the Commander hear. 很明显,之前陈宇说去东域,就是说给牛统领听的。 The opposite party spread the news, in other words when the time comes, all enemies will appear, goes to the East Region route. 对方已经传出了讯息,也就是说到时候,所有敌人都会出现在,前往东域的路线上。 But the Chen Yu genuine destination, is Great Universe Alliance. 陈宇的真正目的地,是大宇联盟 Conceivable, this should very be smooth. 可以想象,这一路应该会十分顺利。 Sits well above White Clothes Middle Age, eye of dew Strange Color, slight bow. 端坐上方的白衣中年,目露异色,微微点头。 Chen Yu this move, not only shifted troublesome, has given back to their opportunity, these Concealment in the Great Universe World enemy, opportunity of catching the whole lot in a dragnet. 陈宇这一招,不仅转移了麻烦,还给了他们一个机会,将那些潜伏大宇界的敌人,一网打尽的机会。 Tomorrow must hurry along, younger generation rested first.” “明日就得赶路,晚辈先去休息了。” Chen Yu proposed turns in resignation. 陈宇提出请辞。 Great Universe Alliance, in Center of four big territories. 大宇联盟,在四大域的中心 If Chen Yu goes to East Region first, then returns to South Region, was too troublesome. 陈宇如果先去东域,再回南域,太麻烦了。 Would rather directly goes to Great Universe Alliance, making Burning Sword King look for itself. 倒不如直接去大宇联盟,让焚剑王去找自己。 The secret intelligence in Chen Yu hand, gives Great Universe Alliance, is more appropriate, so as to avoid has the accident. 陈宇手中的机密情报,交给大宇联盟,更加妥当,免得出现意外。 Therefore from the beginning, he prepares Great Universe Alliance. 所以一开始,他就准备去大宇联盟的。 Elder Wei, you give Chen the Young Friend arrangement dwelling, tomorrow will also be escorted Chen Young Friend by you, goes to Great Universe Alliance.” 卫长老,你去给陈小友安排住处,明日也由你护送陈小友,前往‘大宇联盟’。” White Clothes Middle Age ordered. 白衣中年下令。 Yes.” “是。” Before that Black Clothed woman should say immediately. 之前那名青衣妇人立即应道。 She is Profound Heavenly Palace Elder, White Clothes Middle Age makes her make this matter, is gives her to create the opportunity very much obviously, pulls closer Chen Yu and Profound Heavenly Palace distance. 她是玄天宫长老,白衣中年让她来做此事,很明显是给她创造机会,拉近陈宇玄天宫的距离。 Under the leadership of Elder Wei, Chen Yu stayed in the military compound casually a evening. 卫长老的带领下,陈宇在军营内随便呆了一晚。 Second date. 第二日。 After Battleship departure on a grand scale, Elder Wei and several elites, board a small boat along with Chen Yu, departs quietly. 一艘战船大张旗鼓的离开后,卫长老和几名精英,随陈宇登上一艘小舟,悄然离去。 Escorts Chen Yu to go to Great Universe Alliance, six people, on the small boat live in completely below. 护送陈宇前往大宇联盟的,共有六人,小舟上完全住的下。 Is far away, the Chen Yu anything matter has not managed, Cultivation in own dwelling gets up. 路途遥远,陈宇什么事也没管,在自己的住处内修炼起来。 «Six Origin Returning to Heaven Technique» foundation, does not have what characteristics, is mainly fastidious about precise True Origin, the expansion True Origin sea. 六元归天功》基础篇,并没有什么特点,主要讲究凝炼真元,扩张真元海。 Thinks is also, common Cultivation Technique, Congealing Star Boundary Level altogether condenses three Origin Power Stars. 想想也是,寻常功法,凝星境层次共凝聚三颗元力星辰 But Cultivation this Cultivation Technique, altogether can condense six, therefore before not having Breakthrough Congealing Star Boundary, the nature and quantity of True Origin sea, want certainly the far supernormal person, otherwise «Six Origin Returning to Heaven Technique» is hard to bring about. 修炼功法,一共能凝聚六颗,所以在没有突破凝星境之前,真元海的质和量,肯定要远超常人,否则《六元归天功》难成。 Regarding this, Chen Yu is free from arrogance and rashness, conscientious, comes gradually. 对此,陈宇不骄不躁,脚踏实地,一步一步来。 So long as presses this Cultivation Technique Cultivation to get down, Congealing Star Boundary with Level, Chen Yu will occupy will have the enormous superiority. 只要按着这门功法修炼下去,凝星境层次中,陈宇占据将占据极大优势。 After three day, Chen Yu rests slightly. 三日后,陈宇略微休息一下。 He puts out several Storage Space, this strikes to kill the enemy to obtain in the battlefield. 他拿出几个储物空间,这都是在战场上击杀敌人得到的。 And is most precious, is a Scarlet bead, a blue bangle, separately is Young Ancestor Wei and Blood Human Race Half-Step King Storage Space. 其中最为珍贵的,是一个血色珠子,一个蓝色手镯,分别是魏少祖血人族半步王者储物空间 Blood Race Young Ancestor, the status is honored, the resources are rich, definitely is hiding many good things.” 血族少祖,身份尊贵,资源丰厚,肯定藏着不少好东西。” Chen Yu first then investigates Young Ancestor Wei Storage Space. 陈宇首先便探查魏少祖储物空间 Many precious Blood Wine!” “好多珍贵血酿!” Chen Yu at present one bright. 陈宇眼前不由一亮。 Young Ancestor Wei is also Blood Race, Naturally also likes drinking the blood, and his here Blood Wine, the quality is extremely high. 魏少祖也是血族,自然也喜欢饮血,且他这里的血酿,品质都极高。 These Blood Wine, are Chen Yu Cultivation «Blood Transformation Demon Body», the promotion Blood Stone Flame Quality resources. 这些血酿,都是陈宇修炼血变魔体》,提升【血琉焰】品质的资源。 Besides Blood Wine, here many Heavenly Material Earthly Treasure, the quantity are also many, many values are extremely high, but at will was lost by Young Ancestor Wei in the one side. 除了血酿之外,这里还有许多天材地宝,数量也很多,其中不乏一些价值极高的,但都被魏少祖随意丢在一旁。 On the contrary is these, the Chen Yu comparison regards as important, moves to own Storage Space. 反倒是这些,陈宇比较看重,搬到自己的储物空间里。 Besides these, many junks, Chen Yu quick cleaning up is clean. 除了这些,还有不少杂物,陈宇很快清理干净。 „Is this box?” “这个盒子是?” Chen Yu from Young Ancestor Wei Storage Space, takes out wooden box. 陈宇魏少祖储物空间内,取出一个木盒子。 This wooden box child outward appearance is fine, places by Blood Wine, can see that Young Ancestor Wei quite attaches great importance. 这个木盒子外观精美,摆放在血酿旁边,可以看出魏少祖对其较为重视。 Opens it, a book appears at present. 将其打开,一本册子出现在眼前。 «Murdering Heart Secret Art»!” “《弑心诀》!” Chen Yu has attracted an cold air/Qi. 陈宇不由吸了一口冷气。 He had entered Holy Blood Island before, has seen this Secret Method in inside. 他之前进入过圣血岛,在里面看到过这门秘法 «Murdering Heart Secret Art» is Blood Heart Clan Core Secret Method, must extremely high Fighting Merit point, the Talent exchange. 弑心诀》是血心族核心秘法,需极高的战功点,才能兑换。 At that time Chen Yu also settled on this Secret Method, but saw on that day the article digit general Fighting Merit point, gave up. 当时陈宇也看中了这门秘法,但看到那天文数字一般的战功点,就放弃了。 Has not thought that in Young Ancestor Wei Storage Space really has. 只是没想到,魏少祖储物空间内竟然有。 Very obviously, Core Secret Method of Young Ancestor Wei to Blood Heart Clan, dares the interest very much. 很显然,魏少祖血心族核心秘法,也很敢兴趣。 This time goes out informed and experienced, Young Ancestor Wei thinks of every means that the expenditure huge price, obtains this Secret Method, prepares to discipline outside Cultivation. 此次外出历练,魏少祖费尽心机,花费巨大代价,才得到这门秘法,准备在外磨练修行 Was only a pity that just arrived at the battlefield, he did not have Cultivation this Cultivation Technique with enough time, then dies in Chen Yu. 只可惜刚来到战场,他还没来得及修炼功法,便死在陈宇手里。 Buzz! 嗡! The Chen Yu Spirit Knowledge spread, seeps in this book. 陈宇灵识蔓延而出,渗透这本册子之内。 «Murdering Heart Secret Art» content ten points, even if Chen Yu, has spent very long Time, inside content, completely in mind. 弑心诀》的内容十分之多,就算是陈宇,也花费了很长时间,才将里面的内容,全部记在脑海。 «Murdering Heart Secret Art»: Blood Heart Clan Core Secret Method, is mainly divided into two parts. 弑心诀》:血心族核心秘法,主要分为两个部分。 First part: The epicenter, made the enemy Heart uncontrolled violent vibration, thus caused the whole body disorder. 第一部分:震心,令敌人心脏不受控制的猛烈震动,从而导致浑身紊乱。 Heart is human body center, Heart presents the difference suddenly, the entire body will be affected. 心脏是人体中枢,心脏忽然出现异样,整个身体都会受到影响。 In the fight, the tiny bit error, may cause Death, did not discuss that directly affects Heart of enemy. 战斗中,一丝一毫的误差,都有可能导致死亡,就不谈直接影响敌人的心脏 Second part: Splitting Heart, in fact epicenter Cultivation to higher Level, Heart of direct shattering enemy! 第二部分:裂心,实际上就是将震心修炼到更高层次,直接震裂敌人的心脏 Heart of direct shattering enemy!” “直接震裂敌人的心脏!” Chen Yu breath shortness several points. 陈宇呼吸急促了几分。 The murder does not need to begin, gives to shatter Heart of enemy directly, this is what kind Method. 杀人无需动手,直接将敌人的心脏给震裂,这是何等手段 Chen Yu in Blood Ocean World, has heard Rumor. 陈宇血海界内,听到过一个传闻 Blood Heart Clan descendant Extinguishing Heart Emperor Lord, then this Secret Method, Cultivation to Perfect Boundary. 血心族后裔灭心帝主,便将这门秘法,修炼圆满境界 Heard that is Profound Deep Boundary Emperor Lord in Humanity, very dreads Extinguishing Heart Emperor Lord the Method. 听说就算是人类中的玄冥境帝主,都十分忌惮灭心帝主的这门手段 After «Murdering Heart Secret Art» glances over, Chen Yu also starts Cultivation. 将《弑心诀》浏览一遍之后,陈宇也开始修行 This Secret Method difficulty is enormous, rarely has person Cultivation to succeed, even if Blood Heart Clan descendant, may not practice. 秘法难度极大,鲜有人修炼成功,就算是血心族后裔,都不一定能练成。 «Murdering Heart Secret Art» main Cultivation Heart, regarding the average man, Heart can be said as the frailest part, is not good, the life will lose Underworld. 弑心诀》主要修炼心脏,对于常人来说,心脏可以说是身上最为脆弱的部分,一个不好,就会命丧黄泉 So, this Secret Method, once builds, the might is also very fearful. 正是如此,这门秘法一旦修成,威力也十分可怕。 Chen Yu is holding the mentality of trying, slowly revolution Heart Technique...... 陈宇抱着试一试的心态,缓缓运转心法……
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