EH :: Volume #7 神魔传说

#888: Cuts Incomplete King continually

The battlefield slaughters Startling Heaven. 战场厮杀惊天 From Chen Yu activate Holy Object, displays three attacks to start, the entire war then reversed. 陈宇催动圣物,施展三次攻击开始,整个战局便逆转了。 Blood Race and Alien Race army suffers heavy injury, several King were injured. 血族异族军队遭受重创,就连几名王者都受了伤。 But Human Race and Monster Race instead kill from the hopeless situation, the morale surges upward successively, at this moment had the superiority completely. 人族妖族从绝境中反杀,士气节节高涨,此刻已完全占据优势。 This moment Killing are innumerable, explodes Startling Heaven. 此刻杀戮无数,爆炸惊天 Calls out is especially resounding: Saves me!” 一声嘶喊格外响亮:“救我!” Blood Human Race Half-Step King, yelled crazily. 血人族半步王者,疯狂大叫。 By his Cultivation, is unable to throw off Chen Yu unexpectedly, and was been near by little pursuing. 以他的修为,竟然无法甩掉陈宇,且被一点点的追近。 Shouted saves a life, was as a last resort. 喊救命,也是万不得已。 Chen Yu has killed including Young Ancestor Wei, the condition does not affect, kills him to be also a cinch. 陈宇魏少祖都杀了,状态毫无影响,杀他也是不在话下。 In this period, some people assisted, but was useless, the attack of Common Space Ocean Boundary, could not injure Chen Yu slightly. 期间,有人相助,但都毫无用处,普通空海境的攻击,都伤不了陈宇丝毫。 Depends is too near, was all cut to kill by Chen Yu Thunder. 靠的太近的,皆被陈宇雷霆斩杀。 At this moment, Blood Human Race Half-Step King, had not expected that the Venerable level character can rescue itself, therefore he rushes to these Half-Step Congealing Star Boundary Powerhouse. 此刻,血人族半步王者,已经不奢望尊者级人物能够救自己,于是他奔向那些半步凝星境强者 As for the battlefield of King level, his does not dare to go. 至于王者级的战场,他那是不敢去。 Now the Great Universe World North Region camp has the superiority, he crashes in the King level rashly the battlefield, only feared that will be killed by the bang at the scene. 如今大宇界北域阵营占据优势,他贸然冲进王者级的战场,只怕会被当场轰杀。 Which this child is Space Ocean Boundary Late Stage, any aspect, completely is Half-Step Congealing Star Boundary Level, is no exception the speed! ` “此子哪是空海境后期,无论是什么方面,都完全是半步凝星境层次,连速度都不例外啊!‘ Blood Human Race Half-Step King complained constantly. 血人族半步王者叫苦不迭。 May in fact, Chen Yu be somewhat discontented with own speed. 可实际上,陈宇对自己的速度有些不满。 By my present Cultivation, Golden Wing Pheonix to my speed amplification, was getting more and more weak.” “以我如今的修为,金翅凤对我的速度增幅,越来越微弱了。” Initially Chen Yu Absorbing azure shade Bloodline has exhausted, Hidden Night Winged Wolf Bloodline was not suitable exposes casually, this caused Chen Yu to overtake Half-Step Congealing Star Boundary, but also some difficulties. 当初陈宇汲取的“青影血脉”已经用尽,幽夜翼狼血脉也不宜随便展露,这导致陈宇想要追上半步凝星境,还有些难度。 Naturally, if had not encountered some hindrance in this period, perhaps this moment Chen Yu overtook the opposite party. 当然,若期间没有遇到一些阻碍,此刻陈宇说不定已经追上对方了。 However all are also only the Time issues! 不过一切也只是时间问题! Some moment, Chen Yu Mysterious Heart enters Erupting Method, causes his rapid rate promotion! 某一刻,陈宇神秘心脏进入爆发法门,使得他速度飞速提升! Chen Yu Erupting, approaches Blood Human Race Half-Step King suddenly rapidly. 陈宇骤然爆发,飞速逼近血人族半步王者 Damn!” “见鬼!” The opposite party facial color big change, the whole body sends coldly, combustion Bloodline, additional Fast. 对方面色大变,浑身发寒,燃烧血脉,加快速度。 But he is inferior to Chen Yu as before. 可他依旧不及陈宇 Seizes empty-handed! Sucking Blood Demon Hand! 擒空手!吸血魔手 Close Blood Human Race Half-Step King instant, Chen Yu simultaneously displays two Battle Skill! 接近血人族半步王者的刹那,陈宇同时施展两门战技 A dark silver Space big hand, with a blood red palm of dark Red, the condensation, has closed off the Blood Human Race Half-Step King escape route suddenly. 一只暗银色的空间大手,与一只暗红色的血红手掌,忽然凝聚而出,封锁了血人族半步王者的退路。 In instant, Chen Yu that the enemy is blocked approaches rapidly, a fist pounds, leaves behind a hole on the body of Blood Human Race Half-Step King. 在敌人受阻的刹那,陈宇飞速逼近,一拳砸出,在血人族半步王者的身上留下一个窟窿。 But Blood Race Physique is special, survivability, even if were breaks a hole not dead. 血族体质特殊,生存力强,就算是身上破了个窟窿也没有死去。 Not......” “不……” Must die in the Chen Yu hand shortly, Blood Human Race Half-Step King face upwards to whoosh, within the body True Origin sea seethes with excitement. 眼看就要死在陈宇手中,血人族半步王者仰天嘶吼,体内真元海沸腾而起。 He wants Exploding! 他要自爆 From such near, Chen Yu feels the opposite party intention immediately, Soul Strength condenses, changes to a handle quiet black quiet great fist, the bang enters opposite party Soul, breaks Blood Human Race Half-Step King Exploding. 距离如此之近,陈宇立即感受到对方的意图,魂力凝聚而出,化作一柄幽黑沉寂的巨拳,轰入对方的灵魂,打断血人族半步王者自爆 While this opportunity, Chen Yu brandishes fist, pounds fiercely. 趁此机会,陈宇抡起拳头,一阵猛砸。 Bang...... 嘭…… Only hears a series of explosives, the Blood Human Race Half-Step King body, by inadequate human form that Chen Yu pounds, changes to a beach to mount the thick blood putty. 只听见一连串的爆响,血人族半步王者的身躯,被陈宇砸的不成人形,化作一滩黏稠的血泥。 The nearby sees this player and enemy, is the shock. 附近看到这一幕的敌我双方,皆是震惊不已。 Damn, Chen Yu, Blood Race is unable to co-exist with you.” “该死,陈宇,血族与你势不两立。” When Blood Race seizes Great Universe World, wants you to live to might as well surely die!” “待血族占领大宇界时,定要你生不如死!” Blood Race responded intensely, the indignation was incomparable. 血族反应最为激烈,愤慨无比。 In them also some much witnessed the beforehand chasing down war, but own safety is hard to guarantee that did not discuss aids other people. 他们之中也有不少目睹了之前的追杀战,但自身安危都难以确保,更不谈援助他人。 Reviews the Great Universe World North Region camp, shocks incomparably, looked that is similar to the Chen Yu vision is looking at a monster. 反观大宇界北域阵营,震撼无比,看向陈宇的目光如同在看一个怪物。 Is this fierce person, turned around this situation.” “就是这一个猛人,扭转了这次战局。” Hears his also Infiltrator Blood Race.” “听说他还潜入血族。” Also Blood Race Young Ancestor, died a moment ago in his hands, who is this person?” “刚才还有一名血族少祖,死在他的手中,此人到底是谁?” Here is North Region, most people have not heard Chen Yu this name, therefore shocks. 这里是北域,大多数人都没听说过陈宇这个名字,因此更加震骇。 In North Region „the generation of Nameless, instantaneous startled exploded the eyeball, the actions has shocked the both sides several thousand armies. 一个在北域的“无名之辈”,瞬间惊爆眼球,所作所为震惊了双方数万大军。 Above when the North Region battlefield, many young generation of Genius, look to Chen Yu, reveals the color of respect. 北域战场之上,诸多年轻一辈的天才,看向陈宇之时,都不由露出敬仰之色。 Profound Heavenly Palace and Nine Dragons Temple some Genius, is grumbles was inferior. 就连玄天宫九龙圣殿的一些天才,也是自叹不如。 When does not know. 不知何时。 Blood Race and Alien Race, have chosen retreating. 血族异族,选择了撤退。 So the good opportunity, Human Race and Alien Race Naturally pursues to the end and hit hard, gives the enemy as far as possible the biggest wound. 如此良机,人族异族自然是穷追猛打,尽量给敌人最大的创伤。 Chen Yu also in army. 陈宇也在军队之中。 Some first date and time in Blood Race, may harbor evil thoughts him, makes anything to have scruples, was provoked cannot get rid fully. 前些时日在血族,可把他憋坏了,做什么都得顾忌,被人挑衅也不能全力出手。 But at this moment, he above the battlefield, is similar to a Iron Blood deicide. 而此刻,他在战场之上,如同一尊铁血杀神。 Even if the Half-Step King incomparable heart startled, is not willing to touch with it hardly, because in his hand has been stained with the blood of two Half-Step King. 就算是半步王者都无比心惊,不愿与其硬碰,因为他手中已经沾了两名半步王者的血。 This pursues removes , to continue for a long time, returns to the supreme headquarters until Blood Race Alien Race, the Great Universe World North Region army, temporarily gives up. 这一追一撤,持续许久,直到血族异族回到大本营,大宇界北域军队,才暂时罢休。 Bastard!” “混蛋!” Returns to the instance of supreme headquarters, Blood Wave King to face upward to roar, the Scarlet dark clouds cover the surrounding area several thousand zhang (3.33 m), sends out the oppression myriad things the fearful pressure. 回到大本营的瞬间,血涛王仰天咆哮,血色阴云笼罩方圆数千丈,散发出压迫万物的可怕威压。 Scoundrel, unexpectedly is Chen Yu, he unexpectedly is Chen Yu!” “混账,竟然是陈宇,他竟然是陈宇!” Cold Blood King is similar to a dying wood, motionless. 冷血王如同一根死木,一动不动。 Above the battlefield, the performance of Chen Yu also has that Powerful Method, has proven his status. 战场之上,陈宇的表现还有那强大手段,已经证明了他的身份。 Wants initially, Cold Blood King brings back to Blood Ocean World Jin Yudong. 想当初,还是冷血王金宇东带回血海界 Also is Cold Blood King lets Chen Yu Guarding Holy Object. 也是冷血王陈宇看守圣物 Thinks of here, on the Cold Blood King face is hot, as if by person fan innumerable palms of the hand. 想到这里,冷血王脸上便是一阵火辣,仿佛被人扇了无数巴掌。 In the battlefield, he also wants to kill Chen Yu a moment ago, but the opposite party was smart, throughout was maintaining with enemy King the distance, or was approaching Great Universe World King. 刚才战场上,他也想杀陈宇,但对方机灵得很,与敌方王者始终保持着距离,或者靠近着大宇界王者 Your Blood Race was it possible that blind inadequately.” “你们血族莫非都瞎了眼不成。” Your sky-high price posts a reward Chen Yu, finally he in your Blood Race Internal, had not discovered.” “你们天价悬赏陈宇,结果他就在你们血族内部,都没有发现。” Alien Race King cold snort|hum, is quite disgruntled. 异族王者冷哼一声,极为不悦。 Before going to battle, Blood Race is rampant, has not paid attention to them completely. 出战之前,血族嚣张无比,完全没将他们放在眼里。 Alien Race also thinks that can fight a big successful battle. 异族也以为,可以打一场大胜仗。 But the result, was shamed by enemy completely maliciously repeatedly. 可结果,完全是被敌人给狠狠羞辱了一遍又一遍。 Always Blood Race of arrogant powerful, this nobody refuted, because they are unable to refute. 一向高傲强势的血族,这一次没人反驳,因为他们无法反驳。 They hate clenching jaws that Chen Yu hates, has no alternative. 他们恨陈宇恨的咬牙切齿,却无可奈何。 Cold Blood King, this matter you go back Report, informs Extinguishing Heart Emperor Lord the Chen Yu clue.” 冷血王,这件事你回去禀报吧,将陈宇的线索告知灭心帝主。” Blood Wave King opens the mouth to say. 血涛王开口道。 This sounds seems the good deed, informs Extinguishing Heart Emperor Lord the Chen Yu clue, definitely has to enjoy. 这听起来似乎是好事,将陈宇的线索告知灭心帝主,绝对是有赏的。 But the fact is not this. 但事实不是这样。 Must go to you to go!” “要去你去!” Cold Blood King rejects at the scene decisively. 冷血王当场果断拒绝。 Cracks a joke? 开什么玩笑? This time they are bringing Blood Race new Holy Object, once had complied with Extinguishing Heart Emperor Lord, seizes Ocean World. 这一次他们带着血族圣物,曾答应过灭心帝主,占领瀚沼界 But result? 可结果呢? New Holy Object is damaged once more! 圣物再次受创! Battlefield rout! The loss is serious! 战场大败!损失惨重! Related Chen Yu clue, even if there is a reward, Cold Blood King does not dare to go to Report. 有关陈宇的线索,就算有奖赏,冷血王也不敢去禀报 If Extinguishing Heart Emperor Lord knows, Chen Yu in Blood Race, but also becomes Young Ancestor, bluffs and blusters, the frank and upright blindness to leap up in Blood Race, will send Thunder absolutely greatly, even if there is a reward, Cold Blood King does not dare to take. 灭心帝主若是知道,陈宇就在血族,还成为少祖,在血族里耀武扬威、光明正大的瞎蹿,绝对会大发雷霆,就算有奖赏,冷血王也不敢拿啊。 ...... …… Another side, Human Race and Monster Race returned to the supreme headquarters. 另一边,人族妖族已经返回大本营。 In scarlet Red metal Main Hall. 一座赤红色的金属大殿内。 Presents each, is the Sir thing of Great Universe World North Region or endless sea, except for a person, that is Chen Yu. 在场每一位,都是大宇界北域或者无尽海的大人物,除了一个人,那就是陈宇 Originally Chen Young Friend is the person of South Region.” “原来陈小友南域之人。” This War, had been lucky Chen Young Friend gets rid, the strength pulls Raging Tide, reverses the aspect.” “这次战争,多亏了陈小友出手,力挽狂澜,扭转局面。” After Chen Yu explanation status, the numerous high levels unfold Yan to laugh heartily, to its appreciates. 陈宇说明身份后,众高层展颜欢笑,对其赞赏有加。 Performance in Chen Yu this battlefield, is obvious to all. 陈宇此次战场上的表现,有目共睹。 Said the exaggerating point, even if the big energy of King level, by the bright eye performance of Chen Yu being inferior. 说得夸张点,就算是王者级的大能,都被陈宇的亮眼表现给比了下去。 Naturally, there are some small high levels, has not believed the Chen Yu status thoroughly. 当然,还是有小部分高层,没有彻底相信陈宇的身份。 North Region and South Region great distance is really far, even if Black Demon Valley this Great Sect, perhaps they are also only heard. 北域南域相隔甚远,就算是黑魔谷这个大宗,他们或许也只是有所耳闻。 Chen Young Friend is really impressive, initially Eating God Feast left, this how long, has such strength.” “陈小友真是令人刮目相看,当初食神宴一别,这才多久,就拥有如此实力。” Violent Wind King laughs to say. 悍风王大笑道。 Before he somewhat bore a grudge Chen Yu, on Eating God Feast, has damaged the Ten Thousand Beast Sect face. 之前他有些记恨陈宇,在食神宴上,损了万兽门的面子。 But above the battlefield, the Chen Yu actions, making him admire, the impression to Chen Yu also greatly had a new look. 但战场之上,陈宇的所作所为,令他佩服,对陈宇的印象也大为改观。 By the Chen Yu present performance, can surmount Violent Wind King in the future surely, he why is calculating with a junior. 陈宇如今的表现,日后定能超越悍风王,他又何必与一个小辈斤斤计较。 A Violent Wind King start to talk, these doubted the Chen Yu identity the high level, believed thoroughly. 悍风王一开口,那些原本怀疑陈宇身份的高层,也彻底相信了。 They are very difficult to imagine, South Region has such Genius unexpectedly, compared with North Region «Heaven's Proud List» First, has no time to let. 只是他们很难想像,南域竟有如此天才,与北域天骄榜第一相比,都不遑多让。 Since North Region has been most strong in Great Universe World four territory, Genius on «Heaven's Proud List», similarly is so. 一直以来,北域都是大宇界四域之中的最强,《天骄榜》上的天才,同样是如此。 I remember for several years ago, South Region «Heaven's Proud List» First, is Falling Moon Venerable.” “我记得几年前,南域天骄榜第一,是陨月尊者吧。” I thought that after Eating God Feast, I have paid attention to South Region «Heaven's Proud List», above indeed had Chen Yu this name, but only arranged at fourth!” “我想起来了,食神宴过后,我注意过南域天骄榜》,上面的确有陈宇这个名字,但只排在第四!” The discussion are more, surprised more. 议论越多,惊讶越多。 Once South Region «Heaven's Proud List», Ranking fourth Chen Yu, so was astonishing, that First was Second fiercer? 曾经的南域天骄榜》,排名第四的陈宇,就如此惊人,那第一第二是不是更厉害? „Haven't I defeated Falling Moon Venerable? Fourth?” “我不是击败过陨月尊者吗?还是第四?” The Chen Yu heart has the doubts, but does not have cares. 陈宇心有疑惑,但也没太在意。 After many years, this list already replaced, Falling Moon Venerable, Duan Xiao and many other people, were over 50-year-old, left the list. 时隔多年,这个榜单早已更换,陨月尊者段啸等很多人,都已年过五十,离开了榜单。 Although Chen Yu in list, but had not come in South Region, Ranking maintains in four. 陈宇虽在榜单上,但一直没在南域现身,排名一直保持在第四上。 Does not know that what Chen Young Friend then does have to plan?” “不知陈小友接下来有什么打算?” White Clothes Middle Age asked that he also very much appreciated to Chen Yu. 白衣中年问道,他对陈宇也很欣赏。 Initially the younger generation complied with East Region Burning Sword King, goes to the Blood Race undercover, comes out with great difficulty, must look for the advantage that the Burning Sword King Senior cash initially pledged.” “当初晚辈答应东域焚剑王,前往血族卧底,好不容易出来,得找焚剑王前辈兑现当初承诺的好处。” Chen Yu spoke frankly. 陈宇直言道。 People look at each other in blank dismay, Chen Yu is not only South Region Genius, but also has the relations with East Region First Sword Dao Holy Land King. 众人面面相觑,陈宇不仅是南域天才,还跟东域第一剑道圣地王者有关系。 Therefore, the younger generation wants to go to East Region.” “所以,晚辈想前往东域。” Actually, Chen Young Friend can definitely go to Great Universe Alliance first, met with Burning Sword King there, when the time comes returns to South Region to be also more convenient.” “其实,陈小友完全可以先去大宇联盟,在那里与焚剑王会合,到时候返回南域也更加便捷。” „The Fighting Merit contribution that today a war, Chen Young Friend accumulates should be very huge, goes to Great Universe Alliance more convenient, but can also exchange many rare and precious treasures directly.” “今日一战,陈小友积累的战功贡献应该十分庞大,去一趟大宇联盟更方便,还可以直接兑换到许多珍稀宝物。” Violent Wind King suggested. 悍风王建议道。 Other high levels also again and again nod. 其它高层也连连点头。 „, The younger generation also had other matters, first went to East Region.” “不了,晚辈还有其他事情,先前往东域。” Chen Yu persists in saying. 陈宇坚持道。 Such being the case, when you prepare to depart, This King sends for escorting you.” “既然如此,你何时准备离去,本王派人护送你。” White Clothes Middle Age start to talk. 白衣中年开口。 Tomorrow!” “明天!” After the conference diverges. 会议散去后。 The high level that leaves from scarlet-red Main Hall, fast departs. 一名从赤红大殿离开的高层,飞快离去。 After this Purple Face Old Man returns to the dwelling, enters close Formation Technique Space. 这名紫面老者回到住处后,进入一处封闭的阵法空间 He draws the complex blood mark to wind on the ground, and Commanding Plate will place above together. 他在地上画出复杂的血液纹络,并将一块令牌放在上面。 Tomorrow Chen Yu will return to East Region!” “明日陈宇将返回东域!” His light language several, pinch Technique Secret Art at once. 他轻语几声,旋即掐动法诀 Instantly, blood twinkle Radiance, changes to faint trace red light continuously, emerges in Commanding Plate. 霎时,血液闪烁光芒,化作丝丝缕缕的红光,涌入令牌之中。 Commanding Plate fierce after trembling, above brilliance vanishes, this place restores as usual. 令牌猛的一颤后,其上的光华消失,此地恢复如常。 Chen Yu, I thought that you can also return to East Region safely?” 陈宇,我看你还能安然返回东域?” Purple Face Old Man facial color Yin Cold is incomparable, in eye glitters wisp of Devouring Blood red light. 紫面老者面色阴冷无比,眼中闪烁一缕噬血红光。
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