EH :: Volume #7 神魔传说

#887: The battlefield assumes an awe-inspiring pose

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Fighting of Chen Yu and Young Ancestor Wei, in fact only then very short Time. ?陈宇魏少祖的交手,实际上只有很短时间 But in such short Time, Young Ancestor Wei defeated. 但就在这么短的时间内,魏少祖战败了。 From the beginning, many Blood Race and Alien Race believe that Young Ancestor Wei will extinguish surely kills Chen Yu. 一开始,诸多血族异族认为,魏少祖必定会灭杀陈宇 After all the opposite party is Blood Race Young Ancestor, Peak Powerhouse in Half-Step Congealing Star Boundary, Nemesis of Blood and Flesh life! 毕竟对方是血族少祖,半步凝星境中的顶尖强者,血肉生灵的克星 But their fight power and influence are somewhat fearful, many Space Ocean Boundary Venerable have not entered the war. 而两人的战斗威势有些可怕,不少空海境尊者都没有参战。 At this moment finally comes out, shocking other people. 此刻结果出来,震惊旁人。 Young Ancestor Wei was changed to the bone to be firm Nine Bone Demon Spirit sword, As well as the strength of Space Intent Domain gives the blockade. 魏少祖被化作骨牢的【九骨魔灵剑】,以及空间意境之力给封锁。 In his mouth sends out to roar to neigh, hits the Space barrier crazily, everyone can see his panic-stricken flurriedly. 他嘴中发出怒吼嘶叫,疯狂撞击空间屏障,谁都能看出他的惊恐慌乱。 Meanwhile. 与此同时。 Before was struck that Scarlet geode that flew by Chen Yu, changed to together Shooting Star, pounded to the Space barrier. 之前被陈宇击飞的那个血色晶球,化作一道流星,也砸向空间屏障。 This Scarlet geode, in fact is the eyeball of Devouring Blood Race descendant, is one of their attack Method, a Chen Yu fist, had not broken it a moment ago fully, obviously this Blood Bead is extraordinary. 这颗血色晶球,实际上是噬血族后裔的眼珠,也是他们的攻击手段之一,刚才陈宇全力一拳,都没有将其砸碎,可见这血珠非凡。 Moreover, all around Blood Race and Alien Race Powerhouse, runs out in abundance, encircles kills Chen Yu. 不仅如此,四周血族异族强者,也纷纷冲出,围杀陈宇 Just, by this moment Chen Yu Secret Mark Demon Body, Common Space Ocean Boundary basic being hard injures him slightly, even if Space Ocean Boundary Late Stage Peak Powerhouse starts Killing Move, has Middle Rank Inextinguishable Body Chen Yu, does not fear. 只不过,以此刻陈宇秘纹魔体,普通空海境根本难以伤他丝毫,就算是空海境后期巅峰强者发动杀招,拥有中等不灭体陈宇,也丝毫不惧。 Bang Bang! Rumble! 轰砰!隆隆! Falling that blood glow blade light Sword Qi blots out the sky on Chen Yu, raises storm and explosive continuously. 一阵血芒刀光剑气铺天盖地的落在陈宇身上,掀起连绵不断的风暴和爆响。 This boy damn!” “这小子该死了吧!” A Alien Race voice just fell. 一名异族话音刚落。 Bang! 轰! In that everywhere mist and dust, explodes projects thick thin two Blood Flame light beams, violent flame wave that raises, bang loose mist and dust. 那漫天烟尘内,爆射出一粗一细两道血焰光柱,掀起的猛烈炎浪,轰散烟尘。 Among sees only Chen Yu, from top to bottom, sends without the wound. 只见其内的陈宇,浑身上下,毫发无伤。 About ten Space Ocean Venerable, stand at the scene, feels the deep shame. 近十名空海尊者,愣立当场,感到深深的耻辱。 Bang! 咻嘭! Chen Yu Sun Sword Finger and Lesser Yang Sword Finger, Accumulating Space Intent Domain power, arrives before instantaneously the bone is firm, and penetrates the Space barrier, kills to Young Ancestor Wei. 陈宇阳明剑指少阳剑指,蕴含空间意境力量,瞬间降临骨牢之前,并穿透空间屏障,杀向魏少祖 In that narrow and small environment, Young Ancestor Wei is unable to dodge. 在那么狭小的环境中,魏少祖根本无法闪躲。 Defense Secret Skill that he displays, was disillusioned by Chen Yu two Finger Technique instantaneously. 他施展出的防御秘技,被陈宇的两道指法瞬间破灭。 „......” “啊……” Young Ancestor Wei calls out in alarm pitifully, resounds through a side. 魏少祖凄惨惊叫,响彻一方。 Now wants initially in Blood Race World, his three several provocation Chen Yu, and Chen Yu showdown that achieved wishes, is actually this result. 想当初在血族世界,他三番几次挑衅陈宇,如今如愿以偿的与陈宇对决,却是这种结果。 Now thinks that initial somewhat seemed to be laughable. 现在想想,当初的自己似乎有些可笑。 Moreover the Jin Yudong real status is Chen Yu. 而且金宇东的真实身份是陈宇 This point could be said as the fan the faces of all Blood Race, Human Race stayed that long Time in Blood Race, even also became Blood Race Young Ancestor, had not been realized by Blood Race. 这一点可说是扇了所有血族的脸,一个人族血族呆了那么长时间,甚至还成为血族少祖,都没有被血族察觉。 This makes Young Ancestor Wei think one are benighted. 这更让魏少祖觉得自己愚昧无知。 Suddenly. 忽然。 Not far away transmits one to shout angrily: Gets rid to Blood Race Young Ancestor, courts death!” 不远处传来一阵怒喝:“对血族少祖出手,找死!” Sees only Blood Person of big military might, comes, to grasp the great axe rapidly, chops to Chen Yu. 只见一名高大威武的血人,飞速而来,手持巨斧,劈向陈宇 The strength of this axe, Startling Heaven moves, the pressure terror is peerless, Half-Step Origin Power Aura, fluctuates eight sides. 这一斧之力,惊天动地,威压恐怖绝伦,半步元力气息,波动八方。 This is Half-Step Congealing Star Boundary! 这是一名半步凝星境 The battlefield is very big, Half-Step Congealing Star Boundary was considered as Peak Battle Strength, the quantity are not many, at this moment then kills Blood Race Half-Step Congealing Star Boundary! 战场很大,半步凝星境已经算得上顶尖战力,数量并不多,此刻便杀来一名血族半步凝星境 I must kill him, no one can block!” “我要杀他,谁也拦不住!” Chen Yu cold snort|hum, displays Moon Sword Finger! 陈宇冷哼一声,施展出太阴剑指 ! 咻! The quiet purple Yin Cold Flame light arc, flies to shoot together, does not have the bone to inter the body instantaneously firmly within. 一道幽紫阴冷火焰光弧,飞射而出,瞬间没入骨牢之内。 Young Ancestor Wei called out pitifully again, Purple flame seedling escape of Yin Cold. 魏少祖再次惨叫而起,阴冷紫色焰苗逸散而出。 Can be weaker the sensation to Young Ancestor Wei Aura, but had not died. The Devouring Blood Race descendant survivability, is really out of the ordinary. 可以感知到魏少祖气息更加微弱,但还未死去。噬血族后裔的生存力,果然非同凡响。 In this time, a Blood Human Race Half-Step King axe, fell, power and influence wild Startling Heaven! 就在此时,血人族半步王者的一斧,落了下来,威势狂暴惊天 Chen Yu activate body surface Demon Mark, body as if runs out of huge Black Dragon Ying immediately, surrounds around Chen Yu, changes to jet black shatter ring-like to protect the shield. 陈宇立即催动体表魔纹,身上仿佛冲出一条庞大的黑色龙影,环绕在陈宇四周,化作一片漆黑破碎的环形护盾。 This is Battle Skill Black Demon Protection Star of «Demonic Secret Mark Record» eighth Demon Mark correspondence! 这正是《天魔秘纹录》第八条魔纹对应的战技黑魔护罡 The Defense ability, far advanced several Defense Battle Skill. 防御能力,远超前几种防御战技 Bang Bang! 轰砰! That blood red great axe Shadow, chops to chop above Black Demon Protection Star, has a sad bang. 那血红的巨斧之影,劈砍在黑魔护罡之上,发出一阵沉闷巨响。 Two power encounter continually, Erupting leaves storm continuously crack. 两股力量持续交锋,爆发出连绵不断的风暴炸响。 Some moment. 某一刻。 ! 蓬! Black Demon Protection Star blasts open, that blood red great axe exploded smashing. 黑魔护罡炸裂开来,那血红巨斧被炸的粉碎。 In the explosion, Chen Yu flies, presses up to Young Ancestor Wei. 爆炸中,陈宇飞冲而出,直逼魏少祖 In a moment ago, Young Ancestor Wei Breakthrough the bone was firm, is returning to the Blood Race camp. 就在刚才,魏少祖突破了骨牢,正逃回血族阵营。 However he at this moment experiences personally heavy injury, when the speed is less than Peak 60%. 不过此刻的他身受重创,速度不到巅峰时的六成。 Whiz! 嗖! Chen Yu in the Heart Erupting condition, has pounded just like Black Shooting Star. 陈宇心脏爆发的状态下,宛若一颗黑色流星砸了过去。 The strength of Space Intent Domain launches, Young Ancestor Wei is unable to fend, behind raids near Chen Yu shortly, reveals incomparably panic-stricken expression. 空间意境之力展开,魏少祖无法闪避,眼看着身后袭近的陈宇,露出无比惊恐的神色 Chen Yu, you dare to kill me, you die like a dog......” 陈宇,你敢杀我,你不得好死……” Young Ancestor Wei shouted this words instance, the Chen Yu hit. 魏少祖喊出此话的瞬间,陈宇撞击而来。 Bang Bang! 轰砰! A Startling Heaven explosive with the Black Blood storm, affects eight sides. 一声惊天爆响伴随着黑血风暴,波及八方。 All around Blood Race in this moment, can feel, Devouring Blood Race descendant Bloodline Aura, vanished! 四周血族在这一刻,都能感受到,一股噬血族后裔血脉气息,消失了! Young Ancestor Wei killed instance, his within the body Bloodline precise becomes a wisp of dark red crystal class by Mysterious Heart, emerges in Mysterious Heart, vanishes does not see. 魏少祖被杀死的瞬间,他体内血脉神秘心脏凝炼成一缕暗红晶流,涌入神秘心脏之内,消失不见。 Young Ancestor falls from the sky! 少祖陨落! Blood Race Young Ancestor, the status is extraordinary, but in the battlefield, Young Ancestor is cut to kill by Chen Yu now. 血族少祖,地位非凡,可如今在战场上,一名少祖陈宇斩杀。 In fact Young Ancestor Wei arranged to protect own personnel. 事实上魏少祖安排了许多保护自己的人员。 But Blood Race and Alien Race fall into weak trend now, battlefield of King level, is not very wonderful. 只不过如今血族异族陷入弱势,就连王者级的战场,也十分不妙。 But Young Ancestor Wei to chase down Chen Yu, is extremely thorough, these protect his personnel, is unable to support promptly. 魏少祖为了追杀陈宇,太过深入,那些保护他的人员,无法及时支援。 This Blood Human Race Half-Step King, was away from Young Ancestor Wei to be near, has caught up, actually also can only look helplessly Young Ancestor Wei was struck to kill by Chen Yu. 这名血人族半步王者,距离魏少祖较近,赶了过来,却也只能眼睁睁看着魏少祖陈宇击杀。 „...... You have killed Young Ancestor Wei unexpectedly!” “啊……你竟然杀了魏少祖!” Blood Human Race Half-Step King roared fiercely, all around started blood red tornado! 血人族半步王者狰狞咆哮,四周掀起一股血红旋风! Protects Young Ancestor to be disadvantageous, he is also responsible. 保护少祖不利,他也有责任。 On the other hand, Young Ancestor has the special significance in Blood Race, kills Blood Race Young Ancestor, quite in hitting the faces of all Blood Race. 另一方面,少祖血族有着特殊意义,杀血族少祖,就相当于打了所有血族的脸。 Roar! 吼! Blood Human Race Half-Step King roared, body surface blood tumbles, the body straight line raised, goes directly to 30-40 zhang (3.33 m), was similar to a Scarlet giant. 血人族半步王者咆哮一声,身体表面血液翻滚,身体直线拔高,直达三四十丈,如同一个血色巨人。 But the axe in his hand, becomes greatly. 而他手中的斧子,也变得更大。 Wind Demon blood axe!” 风魔血斧!” After Blood Human Race Half-Step King activate Secret Technique amplification own Battle Strength, displays Powerful Battle Skill, in the hand above the great axe the blood light is dreadful, chops crazily under. 血人族半步王者催动秘术增幅自身战力后,又施展强大战技,手中巨斧之上血光滔天,狂劈而下。 Extinguishes kills Young Ancestor Wei, Chen Yu does not have Time to be happy that he currently also has a powerful enemy. 灭杀魏少祖,陈宇时间高兴,他现在还有一个强敌。 This Blood Human Race Half-Step King strength is inferior to Young Ancestor Wei, but also misses to does not go. 这名血人族半步王者的实力不如魏少祖,但也差不到哪去。 Chen Yu Heart Erupting, had finished. 陈宇心脏爆发,也已经结束。 But this does not represent him not to have idea with the opposite party, even if not use Burning Heaven Demon Halberd, Chen Yu Method also has. 但这不代表他拿对方没辙,就算不动用【焚天魔戟】,陈宇手段也有许多。 Blood Transformation Demon Body! 血变魔体 Chen Yu activate Blood Race Secret Technique, the body surface outlined a strange Bloody design, his whole body leapt a rich air/Qi Blood strength. 陈宇催动血族秘术,体表勾勒出一副诡异血腥的图案,他浑身腾起一股浓郁的气血之力。 At this moment, Chen Yu Defense increases, power significant growth! 这一刻,陈宇防御微增,力量大幅度增长! Bang! Bang! Bang! 轰!轰!轰! Facing the Blood Human Race Half-Step King Strong offensive, Chen Yu does not make concessions, grasps the nettle, the fist palm is uneven! 面对血人族半步王者强悍攻势,陈宇毫不退让,迎难而上,拳掌齐出! At first, Chen Yu has not gotten the advantage, even is in certain inferiority. 起初,陈宇没占优势,甚至处于一定的劣势。 Because of that Blood Human Race Half-Step King, displayed has promoted own strength Secret Technique. 因为那名血人族半步王者,也施展了提升自身实力的秘术 But when Chen Yu Blood Stone Flame After power displays, situation is entirely different. 可当陈宇将【血琉焰】的力量发挥出来后,情况就截然不同。 Blood Human Race Half-Step King so huge body, extremely easy quilt Blood Stone Flame The Flame contamination, such Spirit Flame also has certain restraint strength to Blood Race. 血人族半步王者如此庞大的身躯,极容易被【血琉焰】的火焰沾染,此等灵焰血族也有一定的克制力。 Chen Yu in Blood Race, Blood Stone Flame The quality, is improved to extremely high Level, even if Half-Step King, will feel thorny! 陈宇血族的时候,将【血琉焰】的品质,提升到极高的程度,就算是半步王者,也会感到棘手! Moreover! 不仅如此! Some Chen Yu fist strokes , the Scarlet design of his body surface, changes suddenly, rich air/Qi Blood strength lingering all around, changes to a Blue light, seems some Powerful Saint Beast, sends out the Aura oppression of ancient overwhelming power. 陈宇某一拳击打而出时,他体表的血色图案,忽然发生变化,浓郁的气血之力萦绕四周,化作一层的青色光影,似乎是某种强大圣兽,散发出古老威猛的气息压迫。 Along with the production of this phenomenon, the imposing manner and might of Chen Yu this fist increase immediately, a fist crushes the attack of Blood Human Race Half-Step King, repels Half-Step it. 随着这股异象的产生,陈宇这一拳的气势、威力顿时攀升,一拳击碎血人族半步王者的攻击,将其击退半步 This is Blood Demon Void Shadow that Blood Transformation Demon Body stimulates ‚’.” “这是血变魔体激发出的‘血魔虚影’。” Chen Yu looks the happy expression. 陈宇面露喜色。 Cultivation Blood Transformation Demon Body, must consume massive precious blood. 修炼血变魔体,需消耗大量珍贵的血液 But Blood Demon Void Shadow, body Absorbing blood power, completely urges to send, has certain Bloodline phenomenon. 血魔虚影,也就是将身体汲取血液力量,完全催发出来,产生一定的血脉异象。 Said straightforwardly, produces Blood Demon Void Shadow, quite in the Chen Yu ultra long display, has made far ultra usual power. 说直白点,产生血魔虚影,就相当于陈宇超长发挥,打出了远超平时的力量 Damn, after this child and Young Ancestor Wei fights one, the condition so is unexpectedly good.” “见鬼,此子与魏少祖大战一场后,状态竟还这么好。” Blood Human Race Half-Step King looks to dread. 血人族半步王者面露忌惮。 He thinks that Chen Yu and Young Ancestor Wei Fierce Battle, definitely received the internal injury or the consumption is large. 他本以为陈宇魏少祖激战,肯定受了内伤或者消耗颇大。 In addition the sky-high price posts a reward, he gets rid with Chen Yu preying. 再加上天价悬赏,他才出手与陈宇搏杀。 But who knows that Chen Yu is so aggressive, after striking kills Young Ancestor Wei, the condition so is as before good, but also urges to send out the Blood Transformation Demon Body phenomenon, more hits simply is fiercer. 可谁知道,陈宇这么生猛,击杀魏少祖后,状态依旧这么好,还催发出血变魔体的异象,简直是越打越猛。 !! 蓬!蓬! Does not pay attention, the Chen Yu two fist bombardments on him, leave behind two giant pits, the Scarlet Flame crazy combustion, swallows Devouring Life machine blood. 一个不留神,陈宇两拳轰击在他身上,留下两个巨大的凹坑,血色火焰疯狂燃烧,吞噬生血液 Blood Human Race Half-Step King draws back continually dozens steps, yelled. 血人族半步王者连退数十步,嗷嗷大叫。 Suddenly, his Secret Technique Time finished, the body reduces gradually, changes to the average man size. 忽然,他的秘术时间结束,身躯逐渐缩小,化作常人大小。 Eats my fist again!” “再吃我一拳!” Chen Yu is similar to peerless Vicious Beast, the impact comes, on the fist the black and white flowing light twinkle, is having the serious oppression, pounds to Blood Human Race Half-Step King. 陈宇如同绝世凶兽,冲击而来,拳头上黑白流光闪烁,带着沉重的压迫,砸向血人族半步王者 Blood Human Race Half-Step King looks to dread that has not actually flinched, his both eyes open the eyes greatly, wield the great axe to divide to chop. 血人族半步王者面露忌惮,却没有退缩,他双目大睁,挥动巨斧劈砍而出。 At this moment. 就在此刻。 Thump! Thump! 咚咚!咚咚咚! Chen Yu Mysterious Heart, enters the Erupting condition, rushing vitality power wells up the whole body. 陈宇神秘心脏,进入爆发状态,一股澎湃生机力量涌遍全身。 His speed power suddenly to increase, a fist falls. 他速度力量暴增,一拳落下。 Bang Bang! 轰砰! In the midair blasts open one group to destroy storm, sees only together the Scarlet person's shadow, pounds to fly like a shell, rumbles into underground, forms a hundred zhang (333m) big hole, many Blood Race and Alien Race, tragic death at the scene. 半空中炸裂一团毁灭风暴,只见一道血色人影,像一颗炮弹般砸飞,轰入地下,形成一个百丈大坑,不少血族异族,惨死当场。 ! 噗! Blood Human Race Half-Step King crawled, in the mouth spouts a big blood. 血人族半步王者爬了起来,嘴中喷出一大口鲜血。 Takes a quick look around, his entire arm was pounded not to have by Chen Yu. 一眼看去,他整条手臂都被陈宇砸没了。 Kills!” “杀!” The Chen Yu imposing manner is fierce, pursuit. 陈宇气势凶猛,追击而出。 At this moment, the Great Universe World North Region camp has the big superiority, is pressing Blood Race and Alien Race completely hits, so long as is not King gets rid, Chen Yu did not fear. 此时此刻,大宇界北域阵营占据大优势,完全压着血族异族打,只要不是王者出手,陈宇都不怕。 Not......” “不……” Blood Human Race Half-Step King flees hastily, runs away to walk. 血人族半步王者连忙窜起,逃遁而走。 In his heart angry incomparable, oneself solemn Half-Step King, was defeated by Space Ocean Boundary Late Stage. 他心中愤怒无比,自己堂堂半步王者,被一个空海境后期击败。 And this Space Ocean Boundary Late Stage, in fights before him, counterattacks to kill Half-Step Congealing Star Boundary! 且这名空海境后期在与他战斗之前,还击杀过一名半步凝星境 This did not have the natural justice simply, Space Ocean Boundary Late Stage possibly so Monstrous Talent? 这简直没天理了,空海境后期怎么可能如此妖孽 Above the battlefield, pursues runs away. 战场之上,一追一逃。 The former yelled panic-stricken that the appearance is distressed, latter Demon Intent is agitated, the imposing manner is dreadful. 前者惊恐大叫,模样狼狈,后者魔意汹汹,气势滔天。 This chasing down, attracts the attention of many person. 这场追杀,吸引不少人的注意。 I have not misread, this person had just not killed Blood Race Young Ancestor, how to be pursuing another Blood Race Half-Step King?” “我没看错吧,此人刚不是杀了血族少祖,怎么又追着另一名血族半步王者?” He is Space Ocean Boundary Late Stage, can be so fierce?” “他才是空海境后期啊,要不要这么凶猛?”
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