EH :: Volume #7 神魔传说

#890: Great Universe Alliance

«Murdering Heart Secret Art» can exchange in Blood Ocean World Blood Holy Island, but needs the Fighting Merit point, making one stop. 弑心诀》在血海界血圣岛可以兑换,但所需战功点,令人望而止步。 Devouring Blood Race descendant Young Ancestor Wei, so settles on this Blood Heart Clan Secret Method, thus it can be seen, this Secret Method is indeed unusual. 就连噬血族后裔魏少祖,都如此看中这门血心族秘法,由此可见,这门秘法的确非同一般。 Chen Yu concentrates on, all consciousness centralized in the Heart spot, revolution Method. 陈宇全神贯注,所有意识都集中在心脏部位,运转法门 «Murdering Heart Secret Art» First partially is an epicenter. 弑心诀第一部分是震心。 This is Blood Heart Clan Old Ancestor, beats this from Heart, on the one hand, studies diligently. 这是血心族老祖,从心脏跳动这一方面,钻研出来的。 This above writes, Heart constantly is beating, will never stand still, has the potential and power that is hard to estimate. 这上面写着,心脏无时无刻都在跳动,永不停歇,具备难以估测的潜力和力量 But the rare person can Heart power, the excavation use. 但罕有人能够将心脏力量,挖掘利用。 Because Heart is Life within the body, the frailest part, is the human body center, the average person does not dare to take risk, does the research on Heart. 因为心脏生命体内,最为脆弱的部分,是人体中枢,一般人不敢冒险,在心脏上做研究。 Also has Blood Heart Clan, dares to do this matter. 也只有血心族,敢干这种事。 Naturally, the «Murdering Heart Secret Art» that Blood Heart Clan Old Ancestor creates, more suitable Blood Heart Clan Cultivation. 当然,血心族老祖创造出的这门《弑心诀》,也更适合血心族修炼 Even if Blood Heart Clan, builds this Secret Method success ratio not to be high, other race were lower. 即便是血心族,修成此秘法的成功率也不高,其它种族就更低了。 Thump! Thump! Thump! 咚!咚!咚! Chen Yu Heart, enters the strong powerful beat condition, as if the strange vibration ripple, along with the beat, Heart is Center, transmits. 陈宇心脏,进入强劲有力的跳动状态,似乎有一股奇异的震动波纹,随着跳动,心脏中心,传递开来。 As if...... Not too difficult appearance.” “似乎……并没有太难的样子。” Chen Yu slightly feels the accident, Murmuring talked to oneself. 陈宇略感意外,呢喃自语。 The «Murdering Heart Secret Art» First level, his Entering Sect, so far, has not had quickly then any accident. 弑心诀第一层,他很快便入门,目前为止,没出现任何意外。 Meanwhile. 与此同时。 In the small boat, another six people feel a difference suddenly. 小舟内,另外六人忽然感到一丝异样。 A moment ago, as if had anything not to suit.” “刚才,似乎有什么不对劲。” A Human Race elite, looks to have doubts. 一名人族精英,面露疑惑。 That checked a moment ago, he had a very strange feeling, but concrete was anything actually does not talk clearly. 刚才那一刹,他有一种十分古怪的感觉,但具体是什么却说不清。 In fact, is his Heart beat, suddenly had the change. 实际上,是他的心脏跳动,忽然出现了变化。 But this change is very slight, he is unable to realize clearly that the feeling does not only suit. 只不过这个变化十分细微,他无法清晰察觉出来,只感觉不对劲。 If his Cultivation is higher than Chen Yu, could realize that are more. 如果他的修为陈宇高,或许能察觉到更多。 In another den, is sitting cross-legged Elder Wei that calmly cultivates, suddenly has opened the bright show pupil. 另一间小房内,正盘膝静修的卫长老,忽然张开了明亮的秀眸。 What's the matter? My rhythm and condition suddenly chaotic......” “怎么回事?我的节奏和状态忽然乱了……” Elder Wei calmly was repairing a moment ago, body and mind is tranquil, does not have him absorbed. 卫长老刚才正在静修,身心宁静,忘我无他。 May suddenly, her rhythm be disrupted, a whole body illness. 可忽然,她的节奏被打乱了,浑身一阵不适。 Elder Wei can affirm, oneself not mistake, but is the nonego influence. 卫长老可以肯定,自己没有出差错,而是外物影响。 The beat of her Heart, at that moment, did not have the indication sped up several points a moment ago. 心脏的跳动,在刚才那一刻,毫无征兆的加快了几分。 This direction......” “这个方向……” Elder Wei forehead micro side, eye pupil sinks, flashes through together the bright pupil, as if penetrated has hindered at present, saw Chen Yu in another room. 卫长老头部微侧,眼眸微沉,闪过一道亮眸,仿佛穿透了眼前阻碍,看到了另一间屋子里的陈宇 Possibly is only an accident.” “可能只是个意外。” Elder Wei sighed lightly. 卫长老轻叹了一口气。 Does Chen Yu possibly affect her Heart beat? 陈宇怎么可能影响到她的心脏跳动呢? In the house, Chen Yu is also studying diligently «Murdering Heart Secret Art». 房屋内,陈宇还在钻研《弑心诀》。 Entering Sect that he opens access, but this Secret Method difficulty is big, following Cultivation, is quite slow, but has not presented any accident Nothing More. 他畅通无阻的入门了,但这门秘法难度较大,接下来的修行,较为缓慢,只是没出现任何意外而已 Quite a while passes. 半天过去。 Chen Yu remembers suddenly, on «Murdering Heart Secret Art» has the reminder, non- Blood Heart Clan cannot long Time Cultivation this Cultivation Technique, Cultivation should better not over two double-hour each time, otherwise is extremely easy to have the accident. 陈宇忽然想起,《弑心诀》上面有提醒,非血心族不可长时间修炼功法,每次修炼最好不要超过两个时辰,否则极容易出现意外。 The common Blood and Flesh life, cannot compare Blood Race, did not discuss that the main body is Heart Blood Heart Clan. 寻常血肉生灵,比不上血族,就更不谈本体就是心脏血心族 Cultivation this Cultivation Technique Time is too long, will make Heart exhausted, the condition drops, in this case displays this Secret Method, that is the wound enemy 1000 damages 800. 修炼功法时间过长,会令心脏疲惫,状态下降,在这种情况下施展此秘法,那是伤敌1000自损800。 Heart like other spots, in the event of the damage, compared with is not difficult to convalesce. 况且心脏不像其他部位,一旦出现损伤,较难痊愈。 How I felt, not tired appearance.” “我怎么感觉,并没有多累的样子。” Chen Yu is somewhat strange, so far, he does not have what illness. 陈宇有些奇怪,目前为止,他没有什么不适。 Heart with ordinary is also same, has not presented the difference. 心脏也跟平常一样,没出现异样。 Right...... This Secret Method is mainly Cultivation Heart, but my Heart...... It is estimated that also wants Monstrous Talent compared with Blood Heart Clan.” “对了……这门秘法主要就是修炼心脏,而我的心脏……估计比血心族还要妖孽。” Chen Yu suddenly. 陈宇恍然。 Own Heart, but invulnerability, Ten Thousand Poisons does not invade. 自己的心脏,可是刀枪不入,万毒不侵。 „, I perhaps compared with Blood Heart Clan, but must suit this Secret Method.” “如此说来,我或许比血心族,还要适合这门秘法。” He is overjoyed. 他喜出望外。 No wonder on «Murdering Heart Secret Art» has that many dangers and warnings, Chen Yu Cultivation gets up, is extremely smooth, has not met any major problem. 难怪《弑心诀》上面有那么多危险和警告,陈宇修炼起来,却太过顺畅,没遇上什么大问题。 Thinks of here, Chen Yu to this Secret Method, pays great attention. 想到这里,陈宇对这门秘法,更加注重。 After ten day. 十日后。 The small boat that Chen Yu is, arrives at the North Region boundary. 陈宇所在的小舟,来到北域边界。 Drew near.” “快到了。” Elder Wei arrives in the stern, looks out distant place. 卫长老走到船艄上,遥望远方。 There seemed to be that a giant fuzzy shadow, shines boundless Radiance. 那里似有一个巨大模糊的影子,照耀出无边光芒 In this time. 就在此时。 Chen Yu in house, the «Murdering Heart Secret Art» First level goes a step further again. 房屋内的陈宇,《弑心诀第一层再进一步。 Thump! Thump! Thump! Thump! 咚!咚!咚!咚! His Heart, receives shrinks, the strong powerful beat, transmits strength of the strange vibration, the shuttle space and time, does not affect all, when contacts the life only, made their Heart, vibrated violently. 他的心脏,一收一缩,强劲有力的跳动,传递出一股奇异的震动之力,穿梭时空,不影响一切,唯独接触生灵之时,令他们的心脏,猛烈震动起来。 In the deck, a Human Race elite, the body trembles suddenly, the innermost feelings jump crazily. 甲板上,一名人族精英,身躯忽然一颤,内心狂跳不已。 His face is surprised, does not know that what happened. 他一脸惊疑不定,不知道发生了什么事。 He only felt a moment ago that as if has anything, maliciously hit on his Heart. 他刚才只感觉,仿佛有什么,狠狠撞击在他心脏上。 That flash, whole body blood coagulates, the body is stiff. 那一瞬间,浑身血液凝固,身躯僵硬。 Not only he, at this moment in the surrounding area hundred zhang (333m), all people are so. 不只是他,这一刻方圆百丈内,所有人都是如此。 Including Elder Wei, both hands in that moment fierce getting hold. 包括卫长老,双手在那一刻猛的握紧。 She turns around immediately, looks to boat, vision staring in the Chen Yu room. 她立即转身,看向小船内,目光凝视在陈宇的房间。 What's the matter?” “怎么回事?” What had a moment ago?” “刚才发生了什么?” Several elites run out from the boat, on the face hangs is being flurried and surprised. 几名精英从小船内冲出,脸上挂着慌乱和惊疑。 Chen Young Friend, Great Universe Alliance drew near.” “陈小友,大宇联盟快到了。” The Elder Wei tranquil interesting to listen to sound spreads. 卫长老平静动听的声音传出。 After the moment, Chen Yu walks from inside, saw outside people all are the facial color strange looks at itself. 片刻后,陈宇从里面走出来,看到外面众人皆是面色古怪的看着自己。 Front and that's the end?” “前面就是了吗?” Chen Yu feels great Aura to transmit from the front, the vision looks out to go. 陈宇感受到一股宏大气息从前方传来,目光遥望而去。 Does not know that Chen Young Friend did have to feel a moment ago doesn't suit?” “不知道刚才陈小友有没有感觉到不对劲?” Elder Wei sees Chen Yu to play the fool, inquiry that therefore comes straight to the point. 卫长老陈宇装傻,于是开门见山的询问。 I in Cultivation Secret Method, had not been feeling a moment ago has anything not to suit.” “刚才我正在修炼一门秘法,并没有感觉到有什么不对劲的。” A Chen Yu face is confident. 陈宇一脸坦然。 Elder Wei suddenly, guessed correctly, the people felt a moment ago does not suit, is Chen Yu Cultivation Secret Method causes. 卫长老恍然,已经猜出,刚才众人感觉到的不对劲,是陈宇修炼秘法引起的。 What Secret Method is, can in Invisible, affect their Heart unexpectedly? 到底是什么秘法,竟然能无形之中,影响他们的心脏 „? It seems like Young Friend has the big opportunity, obtained extraordinary Secret Method.” “哦?看来小友定有大机遇,得到了了不得的秘法。” Elder Wei smiled, excessively has not closely examined. 卫长老笑了笑,并没有过多追问。 White Clothes Middle Age sends her to escort Chen Yu, comes and Chen Yu maintains the relations. 白衣中年派她来护送陈宇,是来和陈宇搞好关系的。 Even if Elder Wei then inquired that it is estimated that Chen Yu will not say, instead will make the opposite party repugnant. 就算卫长老接着询问,估计陈宇也不会说,反而会令对方反感。 Suddenly. 忽然。 A wisp of dazzling brilliance, shines. 一缕耀眼的光辉,照耀而来。 Present World also bright several points. 眼前的世界也不由明亮几分。 The place of Great Universe World Center, is the intersection points of four big territories, there are steep great peaks of three straight peak clouds. 大宇界中心之地,也就是四大域的交界处,有三座直耸云霄的陡峭巨峰。 These three great peaks, are similar to a trident, all over the body quiet black, grand incomparable. 这三座巨峰,如同一个三叉戟,通体幽黑,雄伟无比。 Mountain peak Peak, the piece shines the construction of infinite brilliance, just likes the temple, frightens the myriad things. 山峰顶端,有一片照耀出无穷光华的建筑,犹如神殿,震慑万物。 At this moment, Chen Yu and the others are approaching the construction of this piece of brilliance sparkle. 此刻,陈宇等人正接近着这一片光华闪耀的建筑。 Good style, just likes the fairyland!” “好气派,犹如仙境!” Chen Yu acclaimed one. 陈宇赞叹了一句。 At present World, Radiance is radiant, smoke cloud winds around, any building seems carves, among has the mountain to have the water, has the bird to have colored, boisterous, spiritual energy abundant. 眼前世界,光芒璀璨,烟云缭绕,任何一座建筑都仿佛是精雕细琢出来的,其内有山有水,有鸟有花,生机蓬勃,灵气盎然。 When the person approaches in the presence of everyone, white Light Screen sweeps suddenly, penetrates the bodies of all people, resembles in Inspection anything. 当众人靠近之时,一层白色光幕忽然扫来,穿透所有人的身体,似在检查什么。 Two wear the white Armor patrol team to fly. 紧接着,两只身穿白色铠甲的巡逻队伍飞来。 Profound Heavenly Palace, Wei Shufang!” 玄天宫,卫淑芳!” Elder Wei takes out together Commanding Plate. 卫长老取出一块令牌 Under the guard leads, the people approach Great Universe Alliance slowly. 在守卫带领下,众人缓缓靠近大宇联盟 Also passes through Inspection, Chen Yu one line of truly steps into Great Universe Alliance. 紧接着,又经过一层检查,陈宇一行人才真正踏进大宇联盟 „After entering Alliance, above Powerhouse except for Congealing Star Boundary, other people can only on foot.” “进入联盟后,除了凝星境之上的强者,其余人只能徒步。” Elder Wei knows that Chen Yu First time comes Saint territory Alliance, walks while introduced. 卫长老知道陈宇第一次来圣域联盟,边走边介绍。 In Alliance, systematic, anything is clear, as if Holy City. 联盟内,井然有序,什么都是一目了然,仿佛一座圣城 Here World Origin Energy, is pure and rich. 这里的天地元气,精纯而浓郁。 First goes to War Palace, this merit, exchanges the contribution.” “先去‘战殿’,将此次功劳,兑换成贡献。” Contribution is enough, can exchange many treasures here, including the Spirit Pet mount, Rare Material miracle cure, including increasing Meteor Pill of Breakthrough Congealing Star Boundary probability, even can exchange including Profound Artifact.” “贡献足够,可以在这里兑换到许多宝物,包括灵宠坐骑,珍材灵丹,包括增加突破凝星境概率的飞星丹,甚至连玄器都能兑换到。” Elder Wei then introduced. 卫长老接着介绍。 In this time, the rear area hears together the old laughter. 就在此时,后方传来一道苍老笑声。 „Isn't this Elder Wei? Has free time Great Universe Alliance?” “这不是卫长老吗?怎么有空来大宇联盟?” Sees only Old Man to fly slowly, his Dark Blue Hair floats recklessly, the body is vigorous and healthy, Spirit is full, the power and influence is uncommon. 只见一名老者缓缓飞来,他一头苍发肆意飘洒,身躯健壮,精神饱满,威势不凡。 In his, two big Man, the steps walk. 在他的下方,有两名高大男子,踏步行走。 These two numbers of people have Dragon Horn, in eye the twinkle radiant bright glow, the body scale picture is splendid, the threatening imposing manner of sending out, making other lives shiver. 这两人头有龙角,目中闪烁璀璨亮芒,身上鳞纹熠熠生辉,散发出的逼人气势,令其他生灵不由颤抖。 White Senior.” “白前辈。” The Elder Wei vision concentrates, slight bow, said at once: Delivers Genius to come Great Universe Alliance.” 卫长老目光一凝,微微点头,旋即道:“送一名天才大宇联盟。” Profound Heavenly Palace Genius! Is it possible that is Murong Guang? Lin Xuefei?” 玄天宫天才!莫非是慕容光?还是林雪菲?” That power and influence uncommon Elder Bai, vision sweeps to Elder Wei several people, is sending out a powerful dragon prestige, that several elites are the body tremble, withdraws 2-3 steps. 那威势不凡的白长老,目光扫向卫长老旁边的几人,散发着一股强势龙威,那几名精英都是身躯微颤,不由退后两三步。 That is the pressure of King level, and this Old Man main body is the dragon, its Powerful power and influence is not the average person can resist. 那可是王者级的威压,且这名老者本体是龙,其强大威势不是一般人能够抵挡的。 Only Chen Yu, stands same place, with bystander. 唯独陈宇,站立原地,跟个没事人似的。 Well? How hadn't the old men seen this before?” “咦?老夫以前怎么没见过此子?” Elder Bai looks to Chen Yu. 白长老看向陈宇 Can under the Dragon Race King power and influence, be without turning a hair, the average person may unable to achieve. 能够在龙族王者的威势下,面不改色,一般人可做不到。 Chen Young Friend for Great Universe World, in Blood Race Concealment, some first date and time has come back.” “陈小友为了大宇界,一直在血族潜伏,前些时日才回来。” Elder Wei says with a smile. 卫长老笑着道。 Chen Yu looks at their dialogs, felt that some do not suit. 陈宇看着两人的对话,感觉有些不对劲。 Elder Wei had not explained that Chen Yu is not Profound Heavenly Palace Disciple, and meaning that these words, a little show off obviously. 卫长老没有解释陈宇不是玄天宫弟子,且这句话,明显有点炫耀的意味。 Thinks again carefully, that Elder Bai just old time, the speech expression does not suit. 再仔细想想,那白长老刚老的时候,说话语气也不对劲。 Concealment Blood Race?” 潜伏血族?” The Elder Bai facial color changes. 白长老面色微变。 This is not the Common person can achieve. 这可不是普通人能够做到的。 But changes mind thinks that perhaps Elder Wei intentionally said that raises Profound Heavenly Palace Disciple. 但转念一想,卫长老或许是故意这么说,来抬高玄天宫弟子 Ha Ha, it seems like that this young people, definitely were Great Universe World have performed the remarkable merit, will otherwise not make Elder Wei send Great Universe Alliance personally, exchange contribution.” “哈哈,看来这位年轻人,肯定为大宇界立下了卓越功绩,否则也不会让卫长老亲自送来大宇联盟,兑换贡献。” Elder Bai laughs, praises Chen Yu, holds high him. 白长老哈哈一笑,夸赞陈宇,将他捧得高高的。 Senior overpraised.” Chen Yu says with a smile. 前辈过奖了。”陈宇笑着道。 Happen, my Nine Dragons Temple two Genius, one of them has performed many merit in the battlefield, another person is the Infiltrator Alien Race territory, similarly renders meritorious service much, do the words that Elder Wei does not mind, go to War Palace to take a look with the old man together?” “正好,我九龙圣殿的两位天才,其中一人在战场上立下了不少功劳,另一人更是潜入异族领地,同样立功不少,卫长老不介意的话,与老夫一起去战殿瞧瞧?” Elder Bai says with a smile. 白长老笑着道。 He He, below Long Ming!” “呵呵,在下龙明!” Long Yi.” 龙易。” Two Nine Dragons Temple Genius, looks to Chen Yu, introduced oneself. 两名九龙圣殿天才,看向陈宇,自我介绍。 And a Human Face color is desolate, another person is hanging the smile, but in that smiling face hides some are disdaining. 其中一人面色冷淡,另一人挂着微笑,只不过那笑容中藏着些许不屑。 Profound Heavenly Palace as North Region Four Star influence, but North Region is four big territory strongest influence. 玄天宫作为北域四星势力,而北域更是四大域最强的势力 In Great Universe World, the people have taken Profound Heavenly Palace and Nine Dragons Temple do to compare, therefore between both sides, has not the small contradiction. 大宇界中,人们一直拿玄天宫九龙圣殿做比较,所以双方之间,有着不小的矛盾。 Just in time, Elder Bai and Profound Heavenly Palace Elder Wei ancestry, has the contradiction. 正巧,白长老玄天宫卫长老的祖辈,就有过矛盾。 Long Ming and Long Yi also looked, Elder Bai this lets them, steps on Profound Heavenly Palace Genius. 龙明龙易也看了出来,白长老这是让他们两个,去踩玄天宫天才
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