EFK :: Volume #6

#288 Part 2: Summon

This scene, making it recall a not too wonderful recollection. 这个场面,让它回想起一段不太美妙的回忆。 Constructs the time in shinobi village initially, on its body, has had similar matter. 忍村初建时代,在它的身上,也发生过类似的事情。 Hidden Cloud golds horn silver corner/horn brothers eat the meat in its belly, then after that had its strength, can conduct Bijuu (Tailed Beast), rushed to the big reputation. 云隐角银角兄弟在它肚子里吃肉,然后在那之后,就拥有了它的力量,可以进行尾兽化,闯下了偌大的名头。 But compares the Kazuhime present behavior, as if gold/metal horn silver corner/horn brothers' magnificent feat, did not make people be hard to accept, felt dwarfed simply. 可是相比起一姬现在的行为,似乎金角银角兄弟的壮举,也不是那么让人难以接受了,简直是小巫见大巫。 It seems Kyūbi (Nine-Tails) to be the same with ten disparities. 就好像九尾和十尾的差距一样。 On her has the bloodlines of Uchiha Clan, can be the descendant of Rikudō (Six Path) that old man, possibly with this related.” “她身上拥有宇智波一族的血脉,可以算是六道那老头子的后裔,可能和这个有关。” Kyūbi (Nine-Tails) gave an ambiguous answer. 九尾给出了一个模棱两可的答案。 But the acceptability of this answer, Kyūbi (Nine-Tails), is eight, is well aware. 但这个答案的可接受性,无论是九尾,还是八尾,都是心知肚明。 The bloodlines pure Rikudō (Six Path) descendant, not necessarily can withstand the Bijuu (Tailed Beast) strength, let alone lifeform of ten this transcendence Bijuu (Tailed Beast). 就连血脉纯正的六道后裔,都不一定能承受尾兽的力量,更别说十尾这种超越尾兽的生物了。 Moreover dependence raw food flesh barbaric way, rather than uses the Jinchūriki way, the security gains. 而且还是依靠生食血肉这种野蛮的方式,而不是利用人柱力的方式,安全获取。 Monster! In their two brains can only think that this glossary described Kazuhime. 怪物!它们两个脑中只能想到这个词汇来形容一姬 Aiya, is really bad, the body became somewhat mounts......” “哎呀,真是糟糕,身上变得有些黏答答的了……” At this time, eats to switch hands last point ten flesh Kazuhime, quite somewhat worried looks to stick in the clothes and silk slippery liquid on knee sock. 此时,吃掉手中最后一点十尾血肉的一姬,颇有些苦恼的看着黏在衣服和过膝袜上的丝滑液体。 Although also breeds ten Chakra, can provide some energies to her, but she is impossible to lick directly. 虽然其中也孕育十尾的查克拉,可以给她提供一些能量,但她不可能直接舔掉。 Thinks, Senjutsu urges hot attribute Chakra who sends, makes the high temperature cover the body directly, evaporates these mucuses. 想了想,仙术催发的火属性查克拉,直接让高温笼罩身体,将这些黏液蒸发掉。 The body neatly was quickly cleaner. 身体很快清爽干净了许多。 Then, looks at empty both hands, Kazuhime sighed. 接着,看着空荡荡的双手,一姬叹息了一声。 Did not have, is good to be a pity......” “没有了,好可惜……” Saying, but also stretches out the fresh-faced tongue, licked to lick in the lip, revealed the color of having not given full expression. 说着,还伸出粉嫩的舌头,在唇边舔舐了一下,露出意犹未尽之色。 Said is the raw meat, actually has the difference from the meat of common cognition. 说是生肉,其实和寻常认知的肉有区别。 That type of thing, is completely one group of Chakra, entity shape that but plans to create the meat. 那种东西,完全就是一团查克拉,只不过拟造成肉的实体形态。 Although she does not know why this type of Chakra meat, does not have any roasting manufacture, the flavor then is quite naturally tasty, wants freshly and tenderly compared with the roast meat shop highest-quality meat delicious, moreover is full of tenacity, chews to have the feeling. 虽然她也不知道为什么这种查克拉肉,没有任何烘烤制作,味道天然便极为鲜美,比烤肉店最高级的肉还要鲜嫩可口,而且韧劲十足,嚼起来十分带感。 But inexplicable has an instinct, making her unable to bear with the greed vision, looked that to ten that calls out low and deep, the saliva almost flows. 但莫名的有一种本能,让她忍不住用贪欲的目光,看向低沉嚎叫的十尾,口水差点流了下来。 Very terrifying ten regarding the bystander, in her eyes, in probably this world, the most delicious delicious top food is common. 对于外人来说十分恐怖的十尾,在她眼里,好像是这个世界上,最为美味可口的顶级食材一般。 Has very fatal attraction to her. 对她有着十分致命的吸引力。 As if has anything to summon her, making her unable to bear want to be intimate with ten. 仿佛有什么东西在召唤着她,让她忍不住想要亲近十尾。 Is built on ten top of the heads, comforts ten mood Nagato, stabilizes next ten with great difficulty, making it peaceful, later then the coveting vision that notices Kazuhime that to not mince to concentrate on, turning round red Sharingan, is awaiting eagerly to ten bodies. 立于十尾头顶,安抚十尾情绪的长门,好不容易稳定下十尾,让其安静下来,随后便注意到了一姬那毫不掩饰投注过来的觊觎目光,滴溜溜的红色写轮眼,对着十尾的身体望眼欲穿。 Reveals this look Kazuhime, where Nagato has not understood the thoughts of opposite party. 露出这个眼神的一姬,长门哪里还不明白对方的心思。 The opposite party want to compete for ten with him! 对方想要和他争夺十尾! Thinks of here, the Nagato complexion is gloomy, in Rinnegan is murderous aura reveals completely. 想到这里,长门脸色阴沉,轮回眼中更是杀气毕露。 murderous aura?” 杀气吗?” Had look staring of murderous aura by Nagato, Kazuhime returned to getting back one's composure slightly, showing a faint smile that but has not cared about. 长门带有杀气的眼神凝视,一姬稍微回了回神,但没有在意的微微一笑。 Although she indeed is not Nagato and ten opponents, so long as then ate more ten meat, recruits many ten Chakra, when the time comes who who is weak, is uncertain. 虽然她的确不是长门和十尾的对手,但只要接下来吃了更多的十尾之肉,吸收更多的十尾查克拉,到时候谁强谁弱,就不一定了。 The beforehand that quantity, wants to fill her belly to be far from enough. 之前的那点量,想要填饱她的肚子可远远不够。 Sees only lower abdomen that she very draws out slightly, restored the original design, ten strengths digest. 只见她微微挺起的小腹,恢复了原样,十尾的力量消化完毕。 The blood acceleration of whole body, is flowing the warm aura, the heartbeat is more powerful, in the eye also has the boiling hot thing to flow rapidly, has what barrier, but wants to break through this barrier, Kazuhime always thought that also missed anything. 全身的血液加速,流淌着温热的气息,心跳更加有力,眼睛里也同样有滚热的东西奔流,有着什么屏障,但想要突破这层屏障,一姬总觉得还差了什么。 Perhaps swallows down entire ten, can perhaps know anything. 也许把整个十尾吞下去,说不定就可以知道些什么了。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完) Please remember this book first round domain name:. 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