EFK :: Volume #6

#288 Part 1: Summon

Scoffing. 嗤。 The blade pulled out from the chest of Tsunade, opened Shiraishi of eyes, in the eye restored a pure brightness, on the face was not sadly not happy, as if anything has not happened generally. 刀刃从纲手的心口抽了出来,重新睁开双眼的白石,眼中恢复了一片清明,脸上更是无悲无喜,仿佛什么事都没有发生过一般。 Moved under the body, lets the Tsunade wrong body, staggers walking that toward the front, without walks two steps, Tsunade because the excessive injury passes one to fall down. 动了下身体,让纲手错身而过,向着前方踉跄的走去,没有多走两步,纲手就因为过重的伤势噗通一声倒在地上。 The blood flows following the wound, incarnadine the soil under body. 血液顺着伤口流淌而出,染红了身下的泥土。 Although has one remaining breath, but Chakra's stagnation, causes to be able self-recovery injury the techniques of hundred, falls into the bad situation that is unable to revolve, in addition damage of heart, even if vitality again how tenacious, can achieve at this time, waited for arrival of death slowly. 虽然还有一息尚存,但查克拉的停滞,导致原本能自愈伤势的百豪之术,也陷入了无法运转的糟糕地步,加上心脏的受损,哪怕生命力再怎么顽强,在这个时候能做到的,也只是慢慢等待死亡的降临罢了。 However, with the violently poisonous paralysis, Shiraishi believes firmly very much, the Tsunade sensation of pain could not feel. 不过,随着剧毒的麻痹,白石很确信,纲手就连痛觉都感受不到了。 Whole person's consciousness starts chaos, has not made anything on own initiative, can only use this final time, gives a cursory look and gains shallow understanding recalls itself lifetime bit by bit. 整个人的意识都开始混混沌沌,没有主动做什么,只能利用这最后的一点时间,走马观花般的回忆自己一生的点点滴滴吧。 From the birth Ninja Clan rich and powerful family, entered the shinobi school, studied under Third Hokage, contract Shikkotsu Forest, had the Sannin fate, loved one another with Katou Dan, trains medical shinobi, was Ninja World creates the complete medical system, later travelled for pleasure dejected Ninja World, finally could not give the native land to re-enter Konoha to become Hokage...... each matter, made her remember with eternal gratitude. 从出生忍族豪门,进入忍者学校,师从三代火影,契约湿骨林,结下三忍的缘分,与加藤断相恋,培养医疗忍者,为忍界缔造完整的医疗系统,之后心灰意冷游历忍界,最终割舍不下故土重回木叶成为火影……每一件事的发生,想必都让她刻骨铭心。 Shiraishi is only standing in the one side, calmly is staring at all these, has not approached to disturb. 白石只在站在一旁,静静凝望着这一切,没有主动上前打扰。 Sad? Actually some, but Shiraishi is not the sentimental person, like this moved, cancels from his innermost feelings quickly, is only left over the heart like the Shisui tranquility and calm. 哀伤吗?倒是有一些,但白石并不是多愁善感之人,这样的伤感,很快从他的内心抹去,只剩下心如止水般的平静与沉稳。 Perhaps such destiny, refuses to return to Land of Demons from that day Tsunade with him, has been doomed. 这样的命运,或许从那日纲手拒绝跟他返回鬼之国,就已经注定了吧。 Konoha successfully cultivated her, but also fettered her. 木叶成功培育了她,但同样束缚了她。 Then......” “接下来……” No longer pays attention to Tsunade, Shiraishi turns the head to look to earth general and Fourth Raikage there. 不再理会纲手,白石转头看向土将军和四代雷影那里。 Thundering of explosion is continuous, the intense flame, bursts out thunder light who four shoot, two people fights are also intense. 爆炸的轰鸣持续不断,激烈的火光,还有迸发四射的雷光,两人的战斗同样激烈。 Different from the aura as before prosperous earth general, Fourth Raikage Chakra unceasing was consumed . Moreover the aura was more dispirited than it previously. Although has not reached the limit, but this way, sooner or later because of the rule of pure land, thus was consumed by earth general lethal. 不同于气息依旧鼎盛的土将军,四代雷影的查克拉正不断的被消耗,而且气息比之先前更要萎靡不振。虽未到极限,但这样下去,迟早会因为净土的规则,从而被土将军消耗致死。 After all here is extremely fearful regarding the suppressed strength of living person, Chakra speed of consumption, wants on quick many compared with the living world. 毕竟这里对于生人的压制力太过可怕,消耗的查克拉速度,也远比生者世界要快上许多。 If no this contract, even he is unable to be unconventional. 如果不是有这一层契约,即便是他也无法免俗。 Therefore, has the contract in the body, earth general such clone , can also dodge the disturbance of pure land rule. 因此,有着契约在身,连带着土将军这样的分身,也能规避净土规则的干扰。 Shiraishi is just about the family background, excludes Fourth Raikage this trouble as soon as possible. 白石正要过去出身,尽快将四代雷影这个麻烦剔除。 A soul Five Kage, although to present him, cannot the thing, but many is also has several points to affect, in the spirit of principle that does not want to waste, regarding the Fourth Raikage soul, he also exerts its utmost. 一份五影之一的灵魂,虽然对现在的他来说,已经不是必须之物,但多少也是有着几分作用,本着不想浪费的原则,对于四代雷影的灵魂,他也是势在必得。 The back air rocks slightly, the empty shadow of soul delays from the back slowly, toward back starts to infiltrate void. 背后的空气微微晃动,灵魂的虚影慢慢从背后延展,向着背后的虚空开始渗透。 Will attack- 正要出击- Suddenly the surrounding space had the mutation. 忽然周围的空间发生了异变。 The above fog is suddenly thick, the unceasing tumbling spout, all around space and time also had the unexpected distortion, the body of Shiraishi cannot help but one stiff. 上空的云雾忽然浓厚,不断的翻滚喷涌,四周的时空也发生了意想不到的扭曲,就连白石的身体都是不由得一僵。 Near the ear as if transmitted extreme unhappiness manic whispers, although cannot understand, the idea of but pursuing actually transmits in the Shiraishi mind very much clearly. 耳边似乎传来了一道道极度不满狂躁的耳语,虽然听不懂,但驱逐的想法却很清晰传递到白石的脑海中。 Has not waited for Shiraishi and pure land consciousness negotiates again, absent-minded , the huge opening splits from all around directly, makes Shiraishi at present one black directly. 还不等白石与净土意识重新进行交涉,一个恍惚之间,庞大的裂口直接从四周裂开,直接让白石眼前一黑。 The mysterious and desolated aura fills the air in the sky. 神秘与荒芜的气息弥漫在上空。 The circle such as Mangetsu of giant wheel, overhangs in the space, is sending out the bright limpid brilliance. 圆如巨轮的满月,高高挂在天上,散发着皎洁清澈的光辉。 The nighttime sky is sunny, blue sky, but actually gives people an extremely depressing aura. 夜空晴朗,万里无云,但却给人一种极为压抑的气息。 Under this wild ancient aura suppression, as Bijuu (Tailed Beast) eight with Kyūbi (Nine-Tails), most sensitive, can induce to the thing that some human are unable to induce. 在这股蛮荒古老的气息压制下,身为尾兽的八尾与九尾,最为敏感,能够从中感应到一些人类无法感应到的东西。 After all they are ten part, even if separated, but regarding ten fears, engraved probably in the bone is the same, is unable to put behind. 毕竟它们本来就是十尾的一部分,哪怕分离开来了,但对于十尾的恐惧,就好像是刻印在骨头里一样,无法让人忘却。 Especially Kyūbi (Nine-Tails), has it of ten some sources, it may be said that is in nine big Bijuu (Tailed Beast) most special existence, more is close to that rank, more understands ten terrifying places. 尤其是九尾,拥有十尾部分本源的它,可谓是九大尾兽中最为特殊的存在,越是接近那个级别,就越是明白十尾的恐怖之处。 If such demon is born thoroughly, the whole world will become the seedbed of its recklessly unseemly behavior. 这样的魔物若是彻底诞生,整个世界都会成为它肆意妄为的苗床。 Before volume simultaneous/uniform Ninja World top shinobi mostly, although suppressed it shortly, but actually could not put out slightly seal and extinguishes kills its method, can be inferred. 之前集齐了忍界大多的顶尖忍者,虽然短暂压制了它,但却拿不出丝毫封印和灭杀它的手段,可见一斑。 Nine Lama, are not this way good, what means do you have to cope with ten? I do not want to return to that swarthy place.” “九喇嘛,这样下去不行啊,你还有什么办法可以对付十尾没有?我可不想回到那种黑不溜秋的地方啊。” Eight Gyūki start to voice with the aid of the body of Killer B Bijuu (Tailed Beast) completely, exchanges with Kyūbi (Nine-Tails). 八尾牛鬼借助奇拉比完全尾兽化的身体开始发声,与九尾进行交流。 Not far away, Nagato is standing in ten top of the heads. 不远处,长门正站在十尾的头顶。 Demon of that bow heavy new recovery, aura compared with before it also wants profoundly fearful. 那头重新复苏的魔物,气息比之之前还要深邃可怕。 The skinny body, starting to be gradually full, starts to transform toward Stage 3. 原本干瘦的躯体,开始逐渐饱胀,朝着第三阶段开始蜕变。 Once the transformation is completed, Nagato can taking this opportunity, become Ten-Tailed Jinchūriki, obtains with the boundary that the Rikudō Sennin (Sage of Six Paths) heyday is equal. 一旦蜕变完成,长门就可以借此机会,成为十尾人柱力,得到与六道仙人全盛时期等同的境界。 Perhaps because of the Bijuu (Tailed Beast) defect, in the strength or was inferior, but regarding Ninja World, as before is the invincible symbol. 也许因为尾兽缺失,力量上或有不如,但对于忍界来说,依旧是无敌的象征。 When the opposite party becomes Ten-Tailed Jinchūriki, all late. 等到对方成为十尾人柱力,一切就都晚了。 How that matter possibly has, do you want, Gyūki?” “那种事怎么可能有,你想多了吧,牛鬼?” Kyūbi (Nine-Tails) laughed at one. 九尾嗤笑了一声。 Even if it has ten part of sources, becomes in nine big Bijuu (Tailed Beast) strongest, but has the limit eventually. 就算它拥有十尾一部分本源,成为了九大尾兽中的最强,但终究是存在极限的。 With absorbing compared with seven Bijuu (Tailed Beast) ten, life level of both sides, already not in a rank. If it really has this means that will not be the Kyūbi (Nine-Tails) monster fox, but was ten monster fox. 和吸收了七头尾兽的十尾相比,双方的生命层次,已经不在一个级别了。如果它真的有这个办法,就不会是九尾妖狐,而是十尾妖狐了。 Although knows this answer, but listened to Kyūbi (Nine-Tails) to say personally, eight could not bear the sigh. 虽然知道这个答案,但是听九尾亲口所说,八尾还是忍不住叹息。 In addition you and isn't Naruto strength good?” “加上你和鸣人的力量也不行吗?” Naruto inherited Asura part of strengths, can try.” 鸣人继承了阿修罗的一部分力量,可以一试。” With the Naruto perfect paragenesis, Kyūbi (Nine-Tails) also understands some secrets of Naruto within the body, for example asked a jade and Yin-Yang Release origin. 鸣人完美共生,九尾也明白了鸣人体内的一些隐秘,比如求道玉和阴阳遁的来历。 If Asura of joint heyday, in addition eight, Kyūbi (Nine-Tails) also some self-confident. 如果是联合全盛时期的阿修罗,加上八尾,九尾还有一些自信。 But the present words, he does not say certainly. 但现在的话,他也说不准。 Naruto is very strong, but compares the heyday Asura, missed one section. 鸣人很强,但是相比起全盛时期的阿修罗,还是差了一截。 Was the time of cultivation was too eventually short, if had integer year again, perhaps will be finally different. 终究是修炼的时间太短了,如果再有个数年时间,说不定结果会不一样吧。 But pitifully, by ten of Nagato control, will not be given them several years of development time. 但可惜,被长门操控的十尾,绝不会给他们几年的发展时间。 Ten are also impossible, recovers to ten of this stage, even if no one controls, will follow the instinct, seeks for surplus Bijuu (Tailed Beast) to swallow , to promote arrives at the complete body. 十尾同样不可能,复苏到这个阶段的十尾,哪怕没有人操控,也会循着本能,寻找剩余的尾兽吞噬,晋升到完全体。 „Aren't the Senjutsu words good?” 仙术的话也不行吗?” Senjutsu can aim, but you know, displays that Sealing Technique, but also misses the strength of Indra. Naruto only then Yang strength.” 仙术可以针对,但你知道,施展那个封印术,还差因陀罗的力量。鸣人这边只有‘阳’的力量。” Kyūbi (Nine-Tails) in Naruto within the body humming sound the voice, seems very depressed. 九尾鸣人体内嗡嗡发声,显得很是郁闷。 Said, Naruto you from did not say a word a moment ago, how?” “说起来,鸣人你从刚才就一言不发,怎么了吗?” Noticed mood some unstable Naruto, Kyūbi (Nine-Tails) feels clearly, asked the words. 注意到情绪有些不稳定的鸣人,九尾清晰感受到了,问出了话。 Naruto was bound by the golden light, somewhat restlesses, the attention is not centralized. 鸣人被金色的光裹住,有些心神不宁,注意力也不集中。 Grandma Tsunade and Uncle Raikage their aura vanished suddenly. The triumphant teacher is also, Chakra grows suddenly, later quick quiet......” 纲手婆婆和雷影大叔他们的气息突然间消失了。凯老师也是,查克拉突然增长,随后很快沉寂……” As the Naruto somewhat moved words fall. 随着鸣人有些伤感的话语落下。 Eight also sink with the Kyūbi (Nine-Tails) thoughts. 八尾和九尾心思也是一沉。 It seems like not only them, another side tactical situation is also very bad. 看来不只是他们这边,另一边的战况也十分恶劣。 The alliance army definitely are at least in an inferior position. 至少联盟军肯定处于劣势之中。 Otherwise will not have so many alliance army shinobi aura to vanish. 不然不会有这么多联盟军忍者的气息消失。 Said, Raikage also......” “这么说,雷影也……” Eight sighed with regret. 八尾慨叹了一声。 Because of the relations of Killer B, it and Fourth Raikage relations are also good, can be the friend reluctantly. 因为奇拉比的关系,它和四代雷影关系也算是不错,勉强算得上朋友。 Cannot think Raikage that pays great attention to the action, can...... 想不到那个注重行动力的雷影,也会…… However thinks is very normal. 不过想想也十分正常。 The bad risk of this war, by far all previous Ninja World war. 这次战争的凶险,远胜历次忍界大战。 Half of Ninja World territories, were emptied, becomes location that shinobi battle. 一半的忍界领土,都被清空,成为忍者们作战的场地。 The boundary of some small countries, were hit to sink under the attack of shinobi directly. 一些小国的地界,直接在忍者的攻击下被打沉。 They pursued Nagato before, makes the mess the Land of Rain territory. 他们之前追击长门,也把雨之国的领土弄得一团糟。 Without deliberately does, many mountain tops, are under their fight complementary waves, changed into the flying ash. 哪怕没有刻意去做,不少山头,还是在他们的战斗余波下,化为了飞灰。 Some lands, lost the vigor, is unable to plant. 一些土地,更是失去了活力,无法种植。 Five Kage Rank other shinobi, has admission ticket that participates in this peak war. 影级别的忍者,也不过是堪堪拥有参与这场巅峰大战的门票而已。 Does not know, perhaps has not died, Grandma Tsunade and Uncle Raikage their aura vanishes very strange, perhaps is also living.” “不知道,也许还没死,纲手婆婆和雷影大叔他们气息消失的十分古怪,说不定还活着吧。” Naruto shakes the head, said own guess. 鸣人摇了摇头,把自己的猜测说出来。 Naturally, this is only the language of comfort, he himself is indefinite, these people died, comes across the accident/surprise that what he did not understand. 当然,这只是安慰之语,就连他自己也不确定,那些人是死了,还是遇到了什么他不了解的意外。 That side matter not to mention, focuses on now on ten. Now must put out a reasonable regulation, was inferior that it transformed completes, wants to prevent is not not possible again.” “那边的事情姑且不说,现在还是把注意力集中在十尾身上吧。现在必须拿出一个合理的章程,不如等它蜕变完成,再想去阻止就不可能了。” Kyūbi (Nine-Tails) is categorical. 九尾斩钉截铁。 The hostile thought that spurts from Naruto within the body comes out thinly, to ten this strange exists maliciously full. 敌对的意念,从鸣人体内喷薄出来,对十尾这个邪乎的存在恶意满满。 Right.” The words that eight are affirming Kyūbi (Nine-Tails), in brief, first come up to probe, the light stand same place will not be changing anything.” “没错。”八尾肯定着九尾的话,“总之,先上去试探一下,光是原地站着也不会改变什么。” That eight prepared for the fight. 八尾做好了战斗的准备。 The complete body stance of exposing, eight such as the tail of tentacle, starts to drag in the air, Chakra of whole body starts to agitate. 暴露出来的完全体姿态,八根如触手的尾巴,开始在空气中摇曳,全身的查克拉开始鼓动。 Although Chakra is astonishing, but on the scene, its strength seems to be weakest. 尽管查克拉惊人,但在场之中,它的力量似乎最弱。 Its Bijūdama (Tailed Beast Ball) is inferior to Kyūbi (Nine-Tails), can only disturb, is unable to play the damaging effect on ten. 它的尾兽玉不如九尾,只能干扰,无法对十尾起到杀伤作用。 By me and Naruto frontal attack, first cuts off that Nagato and ten relations, separates them. Other later said that in any case situation not possible compared with the present.” “由我和鸣人正面进攻,先切断那个长门和十尾的联系,把他们分开。其余的之后再说,反正情况不可能比现在更遭了。” Wraps Naruto huge golden Kyūbi (Nine-Tails), the body is filling the aura of danger, dark trace in golden body by specific rule distribution, a mysterious flavor. 包裹住鸣人的巨大金色九尾,身上弥漫着危险的气息,暗黑的纹路在金色的身躯上以特定的规律排布,给人一种神秘的韵味。 To the sustained combat capability, Kyūbi (Nine-Tails) not fear ten. 以持续作战能力,九尾并不惧怕十尾。 Although ten Chakra is too deep to see the bottom, so long as uses appropriately, its Chakra is also equal infinitely. In addition the Naruto immortal strength and Yin-Yang Release, sought jade and other methods, not necessarily cannot with a incomplete ten war. 虽然十尾的查克拉深不见底,但只要利用得当,它的查克拉同样等同于无限。再加上鸣人的仙力、阴阳遁、求道玉等手段,未必不能和不完整的十尾一战。 The opportunity of although winning is uncertain. 尽管胜利的机会渺茫。 But sits waiting for death, is not the Bijuu (Tailed Beast) style. 而坐以待毙,不是尾兽们的风格。 Detected that Naruto, Kyūbi (Nine-Tails), eight and Killer B aura changes, is situated in Nagato of ten top of the heads, in Rinnegan is also reveals to be vigilant the color. 察觉到鸣人九尾、八尾、奇拉比的气息有变,立于十尾头顶的长门,轮回眼中也是流露出警惕之色。 Even if runs ten such apexes to exist, he does not dare to be negligent. 纵然掌管十尾这样的顶尖存在,他也不敢大意。 His half of energy are regulating on ten, the other half of energy, can only protect oneself, can say that the attack is insufficient. 他的一半精力都在调控十尾身上,剩余的一半的精力,只能自保,可以说进攻不足。 If really presents the accident, opposite person will not give his second opportunity. 若是真的出现三长两短,对面的人可不会给他第二次机会。 Must ten conditions, adjust Stage 3 as soon as possible. 必须尽快将十尾的状态,调整到第三阶段。 Only then becomes Ten-Tailed Jinchūriki, this war, can according to his step action. 只有成为十尾人柱力,这场战争,才能按照他的步骤行动。 After all even Naruto and Kyūbi (Nine-Tails) can induce to the change of another battlefield, his sensation strength does not lose Naruto, naturally detects another battlefield, thoroughly by the person control of Land of Demons. 毕竟连鸣人九尾都能感应到另一处战场的变化,他的感知力不输鸣人,自然察觉到另一处战场,彻底被鬼之国的人掌控。 Why even if the doubts Shiraishi aura vanishes, but the time press, he cannot look personally, in brief cannot make that side Land of Demons set aside the hand, otherwise ten transformations likely can the coming up in great numbers and from all sides accident. 即使疑惑白石的气息为何消失,但时间紧迫,他也不能亲自去看一遍,总之不能让那边的鬼之国腾出手,否则十尾的蜕变很可能会横生变故。 Compares Naruto and Kyūbi (Nine-Tails), the Shiraishi method is stranger changeable, but also is skilled in soul Forbidden Technique, making him dread. 相比起鸣人九尾,白石的手段更加诡异多变,还精通灵魂禁术,让他忌惮。 Must pay attention to their Bijūdama (Tailed Beast Ball) also to ask a jade, in a short time cannot let their near body. Nagato talked over at heart silently. 要注意他们的尾兽玉还有求道玉,短时间内不能让他们近身。长门心里默默念叨。 Transfers Chakra secretly, the Shinra Tensei (Almighty Push) preparation compresses all around space momentarily, prevents Naruto, Kyūbi (Nine-Tails) and the others by this. 暗暗调动查克拉,神罗天征准备随时压缩四周的空间,以此来阻挡鸣人九尾等人。 Reassigns Chakra in him secretly, when gathers in all around space, fiercely, below ten sudden twitch. 就在他暗暗抽调查克拉,汇聚在四周的空间时,猛地,下方的十尾突然一阵抽动。 When Nagato has not responded, suddenly face upwards to call out pitifully. 长门没有反应过来之际,突然仰天惨叫起来。 Chirp chirp chirp chirp chirp chirp chirp-” “叽咿咿咿咿咿咿--” Chakra who the whole body aura hysterical/frenzy, stabilizes with great difficulty, had the accident/surprise again, was disrupted the step. 全身气息狂乱,好不容易稳定下来的查克拉,再次出现了意外,被打乱了步骤。 Nagato cannot help but complexion big change. 长门不由得脸色大变。 Before this situation, has happened. 这个情况之前发生过。 Was gobbling up Shiraishi clone Scarlet Child, ten have revealed similar manic mood, causes his communication and control, becomes exceptionally difficult. 在吞吃了白石分身赤子,十尾露出过类似的狂躁情绪,导致他的沟通与控制,变得异常艰难。 A thought produces, making him surprised. 一个念头产生,让他惊疑不定。 Now in ten bellies, without Scarlet Child, but is the Shiraishi daughter. Was she made what in inside? 现在十尾肚子里,没有赤子,而是白石的女儿。难道是她在里面做了什么? Ten did, eat the stomach ache? 十尾,难道又吃坏肚子了吗? The Nagato complexion is unpredictable, making one unable to guess his heart to think anything. 长门脸色变化莫测,让人猜不中他内心在想什么。 Will restrain by force ten manic mood, ten first step Chakra who erupts the terrifying such as the deep pool, interrupted contacted with Nagato Rinnegan. 正要强压十尾的狂躁情绪,十尾先一步爆发出恐怖如渊的查克拉,中断了与长门轮回眼联系。 „!” “咳!” Encounters Nagato that ten Chakra to/clashes randomly, complexion one white. 遭到十尾查克拉乱冲的长门,脸色一白。 Ten of under foot seem like one to be compelled the anxious wild dog, jumps madly everywhere. 脚下的十尾像是一只被逼急的野狗,四处乱跳。 Bang! 轰! Did not sink a land carefully. 不小心撞沉了一块陆地。 The tail sweeps away everywhere, starts the hurricane directly, blows to fly the surrounding vegetation rock. 尾巴四处横扫,直接掀起飓风,将周围的草木岩石吹飞。 In the throat is to tumble out the low and deep sounds of many unclear significances, but also along with intermittent pain with suffering the echo, seems to be bearing any enormous pain to be the same. 喉咙里更是滚出许多不明意义的低沉声响,还伴随着阵阵痛苦与折磨的回音,似乎在忍受什么极大的痛苦一般。 Can settle on to prepare Naruto that and the others the plan attacks, a dumbfoundedness, does not know that ten are doing. 看得准备打算进攻的鸣人等人,一阵目瞪口呆,不知道十尾在干什么。 This situation, lets Nagato this control with amazement. 这个情况,让长门这个操控者更加骇然。 What did that small girl make in ten bellies? Make ten so painful? 那个小丫头在十尾肚子里做了什么?让十尾这般痛苦? Isn't able to digest her including ten? 难道连十尾都无法消化掉她吗? Inexplicable, Nagato innermost feelings one nervous. 莫名的,长门内心一慌。 Rinnegan releases the pupil strength again, many Chakra explodes from within the body wells up, drives the Rinnegan supernatural power, forcefully suppressed hysterical/frenzy pain ten. 轮回眼再次释放瞳力,更多的查克拉从体内爆涌,带动轮回眼的神力,强行压制狂乱痛苦的十尾。 Ten stabilize reluctantly, the opens the mouth spits, the form looks like a sharp sword together, was sprayed from the mouth by ten, hits in the remote land, raises big dust, pounds an endocrater instantaneously. 十尾勉强稳定下来,张口一吐,一道身影像一口利剑,被十尾从口中喷射出去,撞击在遥远的大地上,掀起一大片尘土,瞬间砸出一个巨坑。 But by that person that ten emit, is Kazuhime, actually like the bystander, stood from the ground. 但被十尾喷吐出来的那人,也就是一姬,却像个没事人一样,从地上站了起来。 Her body also wants anti- to hit compared with Bijuu (Tailed Beast), the flesh of outer layer, the internal organs bottom of one's heart, has strong resilience, even if forcefully with body mountain Zhuangta, to her, possibly also superficial. 她的身体比尾兽还要耐打,无论是外层的血肉,还有内脏肺腑,都拥有十分强大的抗打击能力,哪怕硬生生用身体把一座山撞塌,对她来说,可能也不痛不痒。 This degree, is giving her flexure to be itchy completely. 这点程度,完全是在给她挠痒痒。 Ten sounds subside slowly, Nagato that withstand/top Yin clear uncertain, looks to Kazuhime. 十尾的声音慢慢平息下来,顶上的长门阴晴不定,看向一姬 The whole body returns safe and sound, but on the face, clothes, the black of package thigh crosses on the knee sock, has the silk slippery mucus contamination. 全身毫发无伤,只不过脸上、衣服,还有包裹大腿的黑色过膝袜上,有着丝滑的黏液沾染。 These mucuses, even if one, is breeding weight/quantity full Chakra, has ten aura. 那些黏液,哪怕是一丝,也孕育着分量十足的查克拉,带着十尾的气息。 Obviously in ten bellies, she has not received anything to harm. 可见在十尾的肚子里,她并没有受到什么损害。 Incessantly so, in her hand also grabs breeds ten Chakra's bulk raw meat together. 不止如此,她的手中还抓着一块孕育十尾查克拉的大块生肉。 After coming out, but also places the mouth, the opening mouth bit one ruthlessly, chews in the mouth, then in witnessing of Nagato, swallows into to the belly in directly. 出来之后,还放在嘴边,张大嘴巴狠狠咬了一口,在口中嘴嚼,然后在长门的亲眼目睹中,直接吞入到肚子里。 Is nipping ten meat, while shows the smile of provocation to Nagato. 一边咬着十尾的肉,一边对长门露出挑衅的笑容。 Pair of bright red Sharingan, obviously bright bright, the body overflows Chakra who disperses, after Senjutsu mixes, is releasing extremely strange aura. 一双鲜红的写轮眼,更显剔透明亮,身上溢散出来的查克拉,与仙术混合之后,更是释放着一股极为怪异的气息。 Ten evil and wild, indistinctness of Senjutsu. 十尾的邪恶与狂暴,仙术的缥缈。 Two types of entirely different things, in a veil of mystery, throws over probably above. 两种截然不同东西,像是一层神秘的面纱,披在其上。 Especially saw the meat that in the Kazuhime mouth tearing and biting, the Nagato corners of the mouth twitched. 尤其是看到一姬口中撕咬的肉,长门嘴角更是抽搐了一番。 The raw food Bijuu (Tailed Beast) flesh, obtains the strength of Bijuu (Tailed Beast), this method, originated from the Hidden Cloud gold/metal horn silver corner/horn brothers. They are the earliest raw food Bijuu (Tailed Beast) flesh, obtains the Bijuu (Tailed Beast) strength shinobi. 生食尾兽血肉,获得尾兽之力,这种方法,最早起源于云隐的金角银角兄弟。他们是最早生食尾兽血肉,获得尾兽力量的忍者 Then Hidden Cloud for lot manufacturing such shinobi, conducted the related experiment in secret, breeds by eight flesh, finally died a violent death without exception completely died. 而后云隐为了批量制造这样的忍者,暗中进行了相关实验,以八尾的血肉来孕育,结果无一例外全部暴毙身亡。 This method is cruel and dangerous, the success ratio is extremely low, if succeeds, can let the military power large scale rise of shinobi village inevitably. 这个方法残暴而危险,成功率极低,但一旦成功,必然可以让忍村的军事力量大幅度上升。 But with these people, what Kazuhime raw food is ten flesh. 只不过和那些人,一姬生食的是十尾的血肉。 Is breeding nine Bijuu (Tailed Beast) Chakra's ten meat. 孕育着九种尾兽查克拉的十尾之肉。 This type of thing, can eat uncooked? 这种东西,是可以生吃的吗? In the Nagato heart was also startled by the Kazuhime bold action. 长门心中也被一姬大胆的举动惊到了。 Looks the lower abdomen that Kazuhime that very draws out slightly, it is estimated that the opposite party in ten bellies, ate many ten raw meat a moment ago. 看着一姬那微微挺起的小腹,估计对方刚才在十尾肚子里,吃了不少十尾的生肉吧。 Spat, but also from ten within the body, lived to rip a bulk meat, the belt/bring came out together. 就连被吐出来的时候,还从十尾体内,生撕了一大块肉,一同带出来。 No wonder ten so painful, probably the mad dog same jumps madly. 难怪十尾这般痛苦,像是疯狗一样乱跳。 Nine Lama, that little miss eat...... should not be ten meat?” “九喇嘛,那个小姑娘吃的……该不会是十尾的肉吧?” Eight expressions are indefinite. 八尾语气不确定。 Although it feels on these meat, is breeding ten Chakra aura, but cannot believe, a human, can unexpectedly the raw food ten meat, but has not died a violent death. 尽管它感受到那些肉上,孕育着十尾的查克拉气息,但是还是不敢相信,一个人类,竟然可以生食十尾的肉,而没有暴毙。 In the past these raw food Hidden Cloud Shinobi of its flesh, 100% lethal. 过去那些生食它血肉的云隐忍者,百分之百致死。 Mostly yes.” “多半是。” Kyūbi (Nine-Tails) silent. 九尾沉默了一下。
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